It's Worth | MONEY . to you A COMPLETE LINE OF THE MOST RELIABLE MOVEMENTS I CASES Flgin I Boss Waltham I Crowti Wsdß «,. Rockford x R Nic'kle Equity Complete Watcfiefc What You Save In Buying Here Is That Much Made —J. o. RHODES -aa LOCAL AND PERSONAL plMrs. H. C. Menzies went i Charlotte last week. Mr. I. B. Keene.of KnoxviHe, Tenn., left Monday after spend ing a few days jn the city. Miss Gertrude and Mr. Roger Hail, of Lenoir, visited their brother, Mr, W. A. Hall Sunday. Miss Ruth Abernethy spent several days as the puest of her sister, Mrs. Walker Lyerly, of Bridgewater. Mr, and Mrs. W, T. Sledge have gone to Baltimore to pur chase an additional supply of Winter Goods. Mr. E. V. Morton left today for a visit to his mother, in Leas bur?. and to other relatives in Caswell and Person counties. Mr. J. H. Aiken has received a permanent appointment as deputy revenue collector under Collector A. D. Watts. Miss Mary Munroe and Mrs. Clarke visi.ed their sisters, Mrs. J. M. Douglass and Miss Colinp Munroe, at Davidson last week. Mr. Billie McComb spent Sun day and Monda.v with his father Mr. H. E. McComb. We are al ways glad to see him 011 our streets. Judge W. B. Councill of Hick ory, was among the prominent out of town attorneys who came in yesterdav to attend court in Lenoir this week. Lenoir News. The new bell for the graded school building in Kenworth hae been nut up, and is quite an ad dition, as it will be of great bene fit to teachers and pupils. Rev. R. G. Mace was ordained to the Baptist ministry in West Hickory Baptist church last Tuesday night. Rev. M. A. Adams, of Newton, preached the ordination sermon. Miss Annie Furman has ro turned to her home in Agusta Ga., after spending the summe» here with relatives. She was at* companied home by her aunt. Mrs. M. Furman. The Ladies Aid and Society of the Reformed church will hold their annual bazaar and serve lefreshments in the S. S rooms of the church, afternoon and evening, Dec. 2. Effective Sunday, Novembp* ■K important changes in the C. & N. W, schedule were niade. No 8, north-bound, now arrives herr at 7:40 p. m, instead of 5:35, and No. 7, south-bound, is du* here at 9:30 a.m., instead ot :43. See corrected schedule ir this issue. AN INCESSANT COM. Continued Dropping of Mucus into my Tkroat. A severe cough is always a grave symptom. It may not indicate or ganic dißease of the lungs. Even though the cough Is a functional dis turbance it is of sufficient gravity to 'i-mand prompt attention. The dropping of mucus from the back part of the nose into the throat indicates nasal catarrh. Sometimes this goes on a long time before the patient pays any attention to it. It is stated on good authority that mu °us dropping into the throat In this ay is apt to excite catarrh of the stomach. At any rate, the condition "iKht to be corrected as Soon as pos sible. iMrs. Bourland, of Frankston, Texas, f'>und after using Peruna that not "fly did the incessant cough disap pear, but the dropping of mucus into 'he throat had also ceased. Bead v.'hat she says: "For twenty-three years I was a constant sufferer from chronic ca tarrh. I had a severe misery and ♦'urning in the top of my head. There was almost a continual dropping 1 of mucus into my throat, which caused 'rvrjuent expectoration. My entire system gradually became Involved, £r 'd my condition grew worse. I had an incessant cough and frequent at tacks of bilious colic, from which it wemed I could not recover. My bowels also became affected, causing alarming attacks of hemorrhages. *1 tried many remedies, which gave only temporary relief, or no relief at I at last tried Peruna, and in ''iree days I was relieved of the bowel ' l " r angement After using five bottles 1 v -'as entirely cured. "I most cheerfully recommend the use of Peruna to any one similarly afflicted." People who object to liquid m#ft* cin«« c»n now obtain Perun* Tabltt*. Mr. Hugh Williams has pur chased a hupmobile. Mr. Joe Aiken spent the Week end in Cheraw, S. C. Mr. Hitt was a business visitor to Charlotte this week. Mr. J. S. Jones was a business visitor to High Point this w«ek. Mr. R. B. Stappj of Asheville, was a Hickory visitor Monday. Mr. George Huffman went tc Morganton Tuesdav. Mr. Wesley Martin is a busi* ness visitor in Lenoir this week. Mrs. A. A, Fry, of Route 4, was a pleasant caller at th Democrat office Wednesday. Mr. H. C. Martin of the Lenoir News was a business yisitor t« our city Friday. We are glad to see Mr. Law rence Frye out after a long pro tracted spell of ryphoid fever. Miss Irene Martih of Lenoir was a guest of Miss Margaret Bost last week. Mrs. E. H. Cilley. Mr;. J. £,. Ciilev and Master Torn 'eft Moh day for Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Johnsor, of Baltimore are the guests of Dr. arid Mrs. J. C. Biddix. Rev. and Mr«. J. P. Horn buckle are visiting the latter's mother in Reidsville. We welcome the family of Mr. G. A. Robinson, formerly of Black Mountain, to our city. Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Reicbard have retrned from a visit to Greenville, S. C. Mr. W. C. Feimster of New ton was in the city Tuesday on business. Mrs. J. S. Jones left Tuesday for Statesville to spend some time with relatives. Mr. Robert Bonner spent Sun day with his parents, Rev. and Mrs, Bonner. - The council purchased a larg* safe iur the City Manager's of fice which was badly needed for the saf ety of the records. Mrs. J. C. Biddix and little (ton a rived in the city last Thursday a? d will make their home in Hickory in thp future. We glad ly welcome them to our city. The receipts at the Hickory po-t office show a gain of $1,127 - 22 for the past year. The re ceipts in 1912 were $16,547.19 and for 1913, $17,674.41. Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Hoyle who were married at their home ir Asheville a few weeks ago, stop ped over with Mrs. Hoyle's sis ters. L. W. Poov*»> fcnd E. M. Brawley on their re turn from a wedding trip Florida. , 1 The well recently made for th» city has proven a success arid the mayor and city council have decided to have another whicf will furnish all the water needed and reduce the cost at least half what it has cost prior to this time. Mr. L Flagler and son. F. J. Flakier have purchased The Times-Mercury, our focal con temporary. Oar best wishes go; with these gentlemen in their undertaking. In Superior Court test week Judge Cline released the 15-year old Huffman bey who hrd berif) sentenced to three years in the Jackson Training School. He was released under bond and allowed to go home to helD his mother. His father is the man whom Jake Heavener shot and killed about two wetks age. Eighteen answered to roll call at the last meeting of the Dixie Gray Children's Chapter after the usual programme of reading of minutes, catechism etc. Mary Rogers Shu ford read us an in teres ting sketch of Geii. Matt Ransom's life. Then the leader read a story of one of Tenn essee's young heroes, Sam Davi% to whom a monument his been recently erected. Clarissa Aber nethy gave the 1 i tory of the Confederate flags, which was very interesting and msfcructivei Mary Btount Martin was appoint ed treasurer. Light tefPlfehmghts were served, and the meeting, adjourned to meet Saturday in December. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W» F, Fogle have returned to their tome in Bis tow.Va., gfter a visit to Mrs. gbgle's parents, Mr, and Mrs. s?troup. a The ffietids of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Shuford, of Oonover, will be interestel to kno v they have moved ihto their hindsom6 new residence at Con over. The ladies of ti e Methodist church willytave a saW of baked on Thursday before Thanksgiving at Mr. J. W. bhuford's store. Wuit and buy your Thanksgiving supplies from them, a variety of choice '•ooking will be oh sale. TAXES! J"}» l penalty will beMded td.31l daptfid ttxet, which amounts to 12 per cent fit year. I am amuag this exlnrttfund »t my own «• pense to save .Ee people of my coiiiiiy ° &£ a *l m % ntfi interesL rlfeasfe itieet iaeat tbfc fmttrtHtlgt&ctt and gel your receipt: *. u( * t fccftrfctogfti* His Jake Hefner's store, half fcte* 9 a i °?l ,d 12 " 17 Wateiu, Hill ci?, a t Work triad's stoffc 1 lb' 4p. m. " 17 Pearly Mull's store half J?.® . " 18 Foard & WfiLenanl's *tor€, half day, Itc4. dm. " it Conoteti hal! daft 9* mtO 12 Isenhottf's st jre : • " |9 Maiden, half «lay, 1 to 4 p m at Rtidisill's store • " i 9 JohnSUiHftn'* stor* bill da* 9a. in: io 12 ja. . , " 20 M. L. Keistler's store half day, Ito4 pu. ** 20 , Al, fy' s store, hal. day, 9»mto 12 it, « 2l A. C. Summit's (Bani'vs X Roads) half taylto 4; m " 21 .. 8, Withers (Olivers X • Roads) oofe "ay -9 io 2 " i% Mofrays Mill, halfdiy 9t012 * 2« J J Ratchford's StOrfe, half _day one to 4 p m "24 EVERY DAI DURING THE MONTH OFDECEA BER, fsJEXf DOOR TO THE i'.US? BEI CAFE. For thfe con venience >f t(t£ T&tMfcers of Hickory T >wnship 1 will tow* Dept. J. P. Barns tc coliectja ; tvety da jr. dur ing the f nlon h of Be?etot>&b SfEXT DOOR TO THE BUfcY BEE fcAFE, from 2 o'clock p. m. to "p. in;, EXCEPT SATURDAY. »(ild> will & ALU DAY. Mr. r>drttawlll ; Isd taifcet you at the following places to jolttet ytour tax —meet hint and get yot.r receipt Noah Deal's store, half day 9amio 12 ni. 44 17 0 M Smith's store, half day» Ito4 p m 51 17 John Holler's store, hit? 9 a m to 13 m "IS Claremont, h ;lf 1 to 4pm, at He,vitt's store " 18 Catawba, one day 9am to 4p m J.- U, l ong fc Go's " 19 Long Island half day, 9 afm to 12 m '« 20 Monbo, half day, Ito4 p m " 20 Sherrill's Ford, one daj-j u 21 Terrell, half dayj 9 a nl to 2 p m "22 Respectfully, R. LEE HEWITT, Sheriff. .OOOOOOOOOOOOC© JOOOOOOOOOQ j BUSINESS LOCALS lj xxxxxxxxroOobdo xxxxxxxxxx VEAL CALVES WANTED-1 am still buying calves and pay highest market price all the tiffin. J. L. Miller, Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L. WANTED —Veal calves weigh ing from 76 to 209 pounds oh foot. WiH pay sets. p# pound. H. W, Harris. MR. POULTRY MAN: When you see ybur chickens moping, swollen headed ihd sneezing we reeomn end Con key'ft Roup Remedy. For i ale and guar anteed by. Motor ft Lutfc. 4t pd. FOR SALE—Carru ge and auio mobile cheap. / pply to this office. YOU CAK try Con ey's Laying Tonic free and r ceiVe a 50c Poultry Bo k that /oil wouldn't sell for SI.OO if you call at our store quick. The - are jfoi&jt fast Mo*er & Lutz 4t pd. THEY WENT like hot cakes^- those ftee pack a es ConkeyV Laying Tonic and big poultry books. We have a fi w left. Don't wait, get yours tod; y. Moser & LUtz. 4t pd tfX)R SALE—Two good bfooci mares ami thorot h rbek Jersey . and 1' iland Chins Pigs. D. W. Aderl oldt, Henry RiVer, N. C. 3t i)d. WANTEI)—A feme e goat, two or three months • Id. Call at democrat office. LARGE residence 1 t for sate oft East 12th A venu. Apply. to Mrs. George A. Li lk, 802 9tn Avenue. FOR excellent Roor a or Board. Close in, modern c onveniences. Apply to Mr 3, H. L A„ Phone 72,1403 12tFi Aveni/\ ■ ■ i i ■ - » ii r - ■ ' "" . TWO cottages anrf k?t on Stfci Street, lot 100x3»'0 feet. Cot* tage on each enc of this lot. Will sell che&p to tjulck buyer. Call at the. Democrat Office and get particulars. LOSr--Between town and Mn. . E. A., Smith's residence, a nook fen titled, "Roihfcnce Tea tome Switzerland.'* rteward if returned to M? s. Roy Aber nethy, 1335 Thirteenth Ave., City. | 7" ' "V" 5 - Ladies newest ideas . th_neck wear, kid & velve belts,2s and 50c, at Knox 5 & 10c Store. 33NTMI ¥odfik ***& close in. W. B. Ycder, Cost of Living Re duced by TOLEDO SCALES When buying groceries and meats look on the scales for these signs— "Toledo," "No Springs" "Hon** Weight."*' Write for illustrated catalogue, free. TOLEDO SCALE CO. Mikera of Honest Scales. Toledo, Ohio NOTICE! Sale of Valuable Real Estate ta the City of HitkOry. WHEREAS on the.Xfith day of April, 11909, K. A. Price and Ressie F. Poise, his wife, executed tlitt certain dt&d of trust to d. ft. WOotteri, Trusts, regfeteffcd hi Booft 77, pAge 488, in tli6 office of the Registfer of Defcds fot Cfc tawba Couhty,. to secure tha bkffn6tti I of the principal artd interest of i «fer tain bofid or note thit dav gifeii bt said parties to the First Buildih| k Loan Association of Hicfcorfr: AND WHEREAS on the 30t!t *ft* of Novembfef, 19tt, K. A. PHe* sie Price, his wilt, eH»cut*a Witt* e*K tain deM W trust to 6 R; Woott6fc trustee, registered in Boo* 84, p**f 575, in this office of the RegUtif of Deeds for Catawba County, to retire the payment of the principal and terest of a certain bbnd or note th«t day given by said parties to the Fihrt Building Building & Loan Association Of Hickonrj AND WHEREAS default has been made in the payment of the weekly in terest for the space of thirty days, and in keeping various other icontained in said two deeds of trust: NOW, THEREFORE, the undesign ed trustee, by virtue of ihe powers contained in the deeds of trust here tofore described, -will sell at public auction for cash at the steps of The First National Hank of Hickory, the place designated bv the trustee, on SATURDAY. THE 13TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1913,. at twelva o'clock* noon, the following described property, to-wit: Situate near the center of the City of Hickory on the North side of Elev enth Avenue, adjoining the Baptist Parsonage property. Dr. J. H. Moore and others,—beginning at a stake in the Northern margin of said Avenue* which was formerly Atwood Street; at the Southeast corner of thS Old Clinard lotj which is now the Baptist Parsonage property, and runs North with the Ola Clitiird line 200 feet to a stake; thence East 100 feet to the old Samuel Tate line, which is now the property of Dr. J. H. Moore: thence South with said line 200 feet to Elev enth Avenue; thence West with the Northern margin of said Avenue 100 feet to the point of beginning. Being what is commonly known as the Old Presbyterian Manse property* This the 11th day of November, 1913. O. R. WOOTTEN, Truate*. Bagby fc Black welder, Attorney*. M UWXXWI« V Reading Sewing SS Take care of your eyes don't strain them with harsh glaring ' 2 light—Whea you tart have the soft m \ clear light of the Rayo Lamp. The V Rayo costs little but better can't be N J bought \ S The Rayo Lattpfcihadfe of solid brass— V Ah nickel plated. Sunpie, durable, economical. il Can bfe lighted without removing chim- \ 5 or shade. Easy to Bewick. il The Rayo saves ybtir eyes. % J For *t *X dealers M Ta STANDAkD OIL COMPANY V D. C Charlotte, N. C. k* • 1 Bargains In Ladies Hats We are now selling our line of Hats at 3 *' * \ greatly reduced prices. Come and look over our line before you buy and save money. ; 1 Miss Mary Rosebrougtk | Are Still Selling Hie Goods | | You who have not looked over our line, come in, IFs fi j! very probable yon wfll find what you need and due Mm ipHce will pfeasfe. Yours for service, A 4 Bowles Furniture Company, a iO6OQOOOQQOeQOOSOBQQO^m WOMEN SUBJECT TO K DNEY TROUBLES I beg to say that I have been a con stant sufferer with severe pains lit my bac-K and was on the vergt* of nervous prostration resulting from kidhey tro uble and other complications. A friend of mine recommended Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root as a sure cure for these troubles. Acting upon her advict I bejgan taking Swamp-Root and began to improve before 1 had finished the bottle. I continued its use until ! Lhad taken several bottles and con tinued to improve until 1 was com pletely cured. I am happy to say that i am as well as any woman on earth and have been so for the past nine years, ttouikstoDr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and I cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from kidney trdtibies. Very truly yours, MRS ALVA HAXTIB, 407 Cypress St. Orange, Texaf . Subscribed and sworn to befoH me this 2lst day of March, 1912. JOHN J. BALL, Letter to J>f. Kilmer & Co.. ' Btafchamton, N. Y. j ftoVe Whit Swamp-Root Will Do For Yd* &hd ten cents to. Dr. Kilmer & Co.; Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone, You Will dso.receive a booklet, of Suable Woraaation. telling all about the kid neysind bladder. Wiien writing, he sure and mention the Hickory Democrat. Regular nTty -cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drugstores, (adv. NOTICE. Proposals For Bored Wei!. •. On Thursday afternoon, November 20th at sp. m. sealed bids will be re ceived nt the office of City Manager covering proposals for bored well to be drilled at such a point within the City Limits as may hereafter be determined. Specifications are now on file for the inspection of the bidden. The City of Hickory reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This the 7th day of November, 1913. C. M. SHERRILL, 21- City Mannger. CASTOR) A For Infants and Children. The KM You Have Always Bosgirt DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that thfe partnership heretofore existing and doing business under t tie firm name of Morrison & Smith lias thisday been dissolved by mutual consent, H. S, Bmith Withdrawing from the firm and 8. R. Morrison wPI hereafter havfc full charge of the business. Thfe the 23th dav of Oeiofcfen 1913 H.S.SMITH 10-ftMt. 6. 11. MORRISON BOYS WINTER SUITS t # / t *mJjl 'JwwJSSSm * Moretz * Whitener Clothing Co., "The Quality Shop." JUST I RETURNED tsA \- "" 1 x- ===== _ I I Our buyer, Mr/ W. T. Sledge, has been on the Northern mar kets for several days picking up bargains in Millinery, Coat Suits and Coats, and many other good things in connection with his line, and also his Holiday goods. f They will be sold at bargain prices to his customers on Friday and Saturday. v o \ Respectfully, W T. Skdge . \ The Foundation I * i i Of i • • FORTUNE The habit of saving, formed early in life, Is the foundation of many a fortune. Thrifty people patronize die Savings Bank and prosper. The Department ofSavings is a special feature with this bank. It has many large deposits. It has v many small ones, and all draw 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. Moftey To Loan At AM Times | FM I H National Bank J HICKORY, N. C. | Capkaf and Surplus, $270,000 K J. D. EiUOTT. President K. G. MENZIES, l x Vke-Prea. and Cashier J. L. CILLLY, Assistant Cashier * K

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