'Vv| to ! ffle ■ FARMERS BRIN; IN.' YOUR WOOH This is to correct- a FALSE that has been circulated throughout Hick ory Township in regard to'SALE OF WOOD. The City does not impose any license tax on persons selling their own wood to any one in Hickory. There is a eood demand for wood at present and th£'/ CITY OFFJCIALS REQUEST ALL FARMERS who; have any to bring same in and sell to whom they wish. v. This the 11th day of November, 1913. C. M. SHERRILL, City Manager. , ... 1 STOP SHIVERING WITH THE COLD - » Come to Our Store and; Oct That | Up-to-Date Suit or Overcoat. I ." It's Here For You. 1 Also a Full and Complete Line of Underwear, | I Shoes, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Etc., at Prices Lower Than Can Be Found Anywhere in the City. Don't forget to save your receipts from our 1 | Cashßegister, as they will be of value to you. Give Us A Trial and Be Convinced I ZtRDEN'S UNDERSELLING STORE 1 L. E. ZERDEN, Prop. Hickory, - - - North Carolina 1 | Rcduccdj Prices On all Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Shapes in Our Stock CALL AND SEE OUR LINE We are Sure We can Save You Money Beckley & Brown OVER THOMPSON-WEST CO, Those Fatigued Can Find Cheer in a Bottle of YOU ENJOY EVERY SIP In Bottles, 5c J Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company j Nervous aod Sick Headache Torpid liver, consisted bowels and disordered stomach are the cause of these headaches. Take. Dr. King's New Life Pills, you will be surprised how quickly you will get relief Thev stimulate the different organs tn do their work properly. No better reg ulator for the bowels. Take 25c. and invest in a box todsy. At all druggists or by mail. H. £. Buck'en & Co. Philadelphia and St. Louis. adv. When you know an item of news caW37. North Carolina, 1 [■ NOTICE. Catawba County, J The undersigned having been ap po'nted and duly qualified as admin istratrix of .the estate of John Rine hardt, deceased, all persons having claims against the estate are notified to exhibit the same before the said adminlstratiix or her attorney on or before the 30ih day of October, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All.persons indebted to said estate Will please make imme diate payment This tiw 30th dav of October. 1913. JULIA RINEHARDT, Admr'x of the Estate of John _ „ " . Rinehardt, deceased. D. L. RUSSELL, A ty. " ++ ++++++ + + + + + + + + + LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * + 4.4. + + + + 4. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Mr. J. Henry Hill, of States ville spent Sunday in the city. Mr H, L. Yoder spent Sunday in Leaoir. - Mr. Russell McElwee, of Rock Hill, S; C., was in the city Sun day. '' . Mr. R. D. Brittain of Route 5 was a pleasant caller at the Dem ocrat office Friday. The Abel A, Shu ford Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy will mees with Mrs. S. L White ner on Monday, November 17,. at 4 o'clock. i Beware of Ointments for Ca tarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell ami completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the da nage they will do is ten fold to the g od you can possibly derive frpm them. flail's Catarrh Cure, manUfactu ed by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Olio., contains no mer cury and, is taken internally, acting directly upon thfc blood and mucoU* surfaces of the system. In ouying ' Hall's Catarrh Cure l>e sure you get the genuine. It is taken internalh and made in ToieJo, C.. by F. J. Che ney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bottle. Take Hail's Family Pills for consti pation. Do you know that equal parts of turpentine and ammonia will remove paint from clothing, no matter how hard it may be? Saturate the paint two or three times, and wasn the spot with warm water and soap. k MESSAGE TO WOMEN Who Are "Just Ready to Drop." When you are "just ready to drop," when you feel so weak that you can hardly drag yourself about— and be* cause you have not 6lept well, you get up aB tired-cut next morning a* when you went to bed, you need help, Miss Lea Dumas writes from Ma* lone, N. Y. t saying: "1 was in a bad* ly run-down condition for several weeks but two bottles of Vinol put me on my feet again and made me strong and well Vinol has done me more good than all the other medi cines I ever took." If the careworn, run-down women, the pale, sickly children and feeble old folks around here would follow Miss Dumas' example, they, too, would soon be able to say that Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron remedy, had built them up and made them strong. It is a wonderful, strength creator and body-builder, and we sell it un* der a guarantee of satisfaction. You get your money back if Vinol doe« not help you. P. S. For any skin trouble try our Saxo Salve. Wo guarantee it •' —Moser & Lutz, Hickory, N. C. ' First Presbyterian Church Rev. J. G. Garth, Pastor. Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Men's and Women's Bible classes Young-Peoples' meetings 3 p. m. West Hickory S. S. 3 p. m. Prayermeeting, Wednesday 7:30 p. m. The pastor will preach on "The Priesthood of Fathers" next Sabbath morning. Regular service at 7p. m.". Service at West Hickory 4 p. m. con ducted by the pastor. Junior Covenanters debate on Fri day night at 7 o'clock. Question: Resolved, That it was right to drive the Indians out of this country. The Servant Problem 'Vea^Evef* Aluminum Utensils help to solve it In three ways a careless cook de stroys cooking utensils. 1. She allows them to rust; 2. She strikes them against the stove and they chip and scale; and 3. She ruins them by burning food in them. Now, a "Wear-Ever" utensil cannot rust, it cannot chip or scale, and burning.food in it—which does not happen as readily as in other uten sils—has so effect whatever upon the Qtensil. How, then, can a servant destroy _ itT She may burn it or pound it with a hammer, but even then it can be restored to its original shape, and worth. , . Since "Wear-Ever" utensils are bright and cleanly, are made without seams, and because food cooked in WEAR-EVER them requires less stir ring than when cooked in other utensils, they AUTWINTJH ar ® favorites with the \HSW cook. Don't blame the XjSUX servant for the fault of' TRADEMARK the utensiU Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever" Abemethy Hdwe. Co. : IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Nov. 6 the Travellers' Club met ' with Mrs. Royster. Mrs. Carl Marshall, an ex-member.'Mrs. Ne>l Clark and Mrs.'Geo. Yoder were welcomed ac guests. Quotations wer» from Swin burne. Miss Geitner told the story ol "Lorenzo, the magnificent and the Humanities," that Medici, who held Florence spell-bound under his sway, Mrs. E. B. Cline described ' The Laureniian Library," noted for its rare treasures of art and of original manuscripts. The two gifieM mem bers invested these topics with un usual interest since bv their stay in Florence they could add the personal note. Mrs. Chadwick read Mrs. Oli- Ehant's acconnt of the deith-bedof orenzo, in 1492, whan Savonorolo, and the Medici sepaiated after their one interview, a scene "which is the. most striking and remarkable of thai or any time " Current events and refreshments ended a delightful eve ning. The next meeting will be with Mrs. GwaltneyJ Nov. 13. The Thnrsday Study Club held a most-delightful meeting November 0 Willi Mrs. E. A. Smith. Eleven mem bers--present. and items of current news wer&given at roll-call. Mrs. L. i R. ;Whitener described the "Summer ] HastureiV Mrs. Herbert Little gave biographical sketciies of Calvin, Saussure and others. Mrs. Bost told of St. Moritzdorf, Si. Moritzbad. The reading was given by Mrs. C. Hender son. Mrs. -Harte sang an Indian Love sonff, accompanied by Mrs- Bisanar. 1 A delightful luncheon in courses was servd in the- dining room. Autumn leaves,- fed chrysanthemums and red caqdles jvere used with much effect as de&ocations. The next meeting will be with'-Mrs. Little. Th'e Quatre Maine Progressive Club met with Miss Mattie May Thomason last Thursday evening. A prize was given to the one who could eat the most apples. The prize w.is won by Miss Delia Bumgarner who ate nine big red apples. Miss Bumgarner was run a close race by Mr. Burgan Wither spoon, who eat eight red apples. After ihis, refreshments were served, dainty and abundant. All present reported an enjoyable evening. The next meet ing will be with Miss Delia Bumgar ner. YOUR HAIR MAY BE YOUR FORTUNE Beautiful hair has made the fortune of many a woman, by adding charm and tovliness to an otherwise plain face. Nothing means more to good looks than beautiful hair. It adds to the attractiveness of every feature. Without it you can't be beautiful; with it you will be at least pretty. To have beautiful hair, use Harmony Hair Beautifier. It will im prove the beauty of your hair, taking away the dull harshness aud stringi ness, softening and polishing every hair in your head arid making it soft, silky, glossy, easier to put up and keep in place, and at the same time giving it a rich and lasting rose fragrance that will delight both you and those around you. Very easy to apply—simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. It contains no oil. and I will not change the color of the hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep your hair and scalp dan druff-free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous rich lather that immediately penetrates lo every part of hair and scalp, insuiing a quick and thorough cleansing. Wash ed off just as qu ckiy, the entire op eration; takes oniy a few moments Both preparations come in odd shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beauti fier, SI.OO. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every w ay, or your money back. Sold in thfe community only at our store— The Rexall Store—one of the more than 7,000 leading drug stores of the United States, Canada and Great Britain, which own the big Harmony laboratories in Boston, where the many celebrated Harmony Pel fumes and Toilet Preparations are made.— Grimes Drug Co., Hickory, N. C. (adv) Ctraoc mark ntamnito) *nPHE most remarkable . • remedy ever dis -v covered for Indigestion, > • Dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach Distress front. any co.ise. Relieves haroediately Creates appetite, re stores vitality and re .. moyes ins tantaneo us ly * depression due to alco . # holje and other excesses. 6rutA.il foolc ind Bracer Known . Absolutely no harmful ingredients. Guaranteed under Pure Food and Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents, or send 10 cents for trial bott.'o direct to The Digestoneine Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. For Sale by All Druggists. kctrsfMt RUBBER JHF H EELS "Hie Cafs Paw i Prevents Slipping - -Insist on Cats Paw Hiils TM NAMC is EASY TO RE- ISHfffflTfflfjgil hCMSCA. ALU SCALERS UsSSS9t!]| SO CEfITS ATTACHED Thesear thae kind of Rubber Hee ou get when we put them on, and we put 'em on to stay, too. We have them in black and tan rubber. All work called for and delivered. F. M. Thompson Phone 106 Pur Sale -Saturday and Monday ' ■* 1 t . • • Knox 5 and 10c. Store y •*> ■ ■ i These Furs came direct to us. Some high class pieces to select from, all priced reasonable. Here is your chance to select nice Fur Set or seperate piece iinderpriced. Almost anything in the line you will want. Remem ber the sale only lasts two days— Saturday and Monday KNOX 5 AND life. STORE K | NEW THIS WEEK I ■S' / OVERCOATS I v ' ■HHV if For MEN and BOYS || ' ——KII M—■ 111 Mill —w——W—M Chinchillas in Blues, Browns and Greys for ■BgPllßrf boys in all sizes. Also the new wfit Chinchilla Auto Coat. II If Yoder-Clark W Clothing Company, f -Hickory, N. C. Ladies Ready-To-Wear i Our stock of Ladies Suits, Long Coats and Wool Dresses are •'more complete than ever. New garments received daily. As the season advances the price decreases. The styles this year j are more beautiful, conservative, more graceful than you have ever seen. o o o o o Suits range in price from $7.50 to $22.50 Dresses range in price from 1.00 to 13.50 Coats range in price from 3.00 to 20.00 'Furs Notions Our stock of Furs is new ami the . This department covers many styles that we are caxtying are BK [ items that you need every day. .very select. M fc «\ II has been our purpose to keep Prices $3.00 to $35.00 | f J 1 the very best at the same price : I | I' P f° r inferior goods. We carry the famous "Centeme- | ARISTOCRATIC types of su- I Jewelry rf kid gloves. All colors 111 1] footwear for Fall and § . a,. __ Winter, admired by experts, and P Tk. T 1. • dress and cape, SI.OO to $3 50. bound to meet your desire for g JNOV6ItI6S .Full line of cashmere and child- correctness, are found in UTZ&DUNNCO SI A brand new stock of novelties, 10c. to 50c. per pair. , c , , ... [1 ; __ , onoes tor Women if consisting of beauty Dins, sash •' 1 Onr distinctive models show the If . . , . . , V>lOrSeTS f towch of careful desiffnin* for an easy, P lns » brooches, beads, mesh pnclical fit. The absolute comfort of ! I •. _ t our shoes also makes them the choice bags, vanity cases, hat pins and We have just received six new multitude of discrimi- j : models in the "Bon Ton" and "tinewomen. !: many other items, ?. D ,„ r „ ~ , ? cr Klore thirty years our one | Koyal Worcester corsets. "Im has b:cn to make «hoes that look \ 10c. tO SIOO 50c. to $5.00; > well, feel well, fit well, and wear well. \\ | Ft: r women with sensitive feet," we u«ci a «r : . '' J Umbrellas H-OSlory I Dr. Edison Cushion Shoe j| "The easiest shoe for women"— New shipment of silk and cotton We carry a select line of ladies ij which passes style in addition to the II 'and childrens hosiery. • Al' eftl- 1 Mm /° rta s We "' built in,> Wt sole. } umbrellas with latest imported ... t • I ttz & Dunn Co. shoes are sold at \ .ors, silk, cotton. | s3.so to $5.00. Dr. Edison cushion shoe* !j handles, fully guaranteed, to $1.50.' ' I, ] I*'. -.' .. x . - . :, ft SI.OO to $5.00 ' SILKS, WOOL GOODS AND VELVETS uymg these >ines direct from the mills and are prepared to give you. newer and better values for your money ™ ri" r^rr? o,h " lines that we have +*> »" « «, sh o * yo u.» Pay you , 0 lpok our stock over whether you are ready to buy or not. f - Save your cash checks. Thompson - West Company, , ' "The Ladies Store.'' l—P—Pßj— —MM—

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