/ft - f, £ W* h l i£ma \V - t more cutl we do to convince you that you positively can r: ' jKrlect health and relief from your suffering by usin." ' world V'ows of the wonderful cures which have been made by ly 1 l - Vegetable Compound, yet some wo men v. 1 -^ ; t \el i call/a. all that is claimed for it is true. It Vjring women could be made to believe that this .. °' c ' l -ncdicine will do all that is claimed for it, \ :o w \ -y tlioir suffering would end! y\\ pubi is lied in the newspapers of the United States more v ' > testimonial letters than have ever been pub- : ■- m tercet of any other medicine for women in the v : 1 every year we publish many new testimo nial-- genuine and true. ■ • .- f * v-.'eed What These Women Say! Pv • - o: : \ — k I wish to one what your remedies have ih;'• : e a } denvea done for me."—Mrs RHODA YVin iivin I ■ v s > ogeta- GATE, Box 395, Bluff ton, Ohio^ " - sun.;>:mie ago. I cntiViv-i ■■■.v.mrh mi .-h agony Pentwater, Mich.—"A year ago T h.: I in-i'lv eudur-, and I was very weak and the doctor p»; •: ]. - ' ;> boitlos of l.vdia said I had a serious displacement, if I'mk'. > Vegetable Com- i I had backache and bearing down -oon*id I w - -ntirely cured. pains so bad that I could not sit .•'i'a- u i ■;n ottr.cl~ of organic !in a chair or walk across the floor -v \ n*ok Lyditi E. ' and I was in severe pain all the !■ «.\mjvumd • time. I felt discouraged as I had It/ v: y.iii for : taken everything I could think of v; II - tTie for j and was no better. I began tak r .. !V ; . 1 wither ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta •t'..' sin, for ble Compound and now I am i vivme- strong and healthy."—Mrs. ALICE dies. V uv tostinio- DARLING, K. F. D. No. 2, Box 77, r j .l i icli every Pentwater, Mich. For " : ■ i-v : n E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Cotnpo-i" -en the standard remedy for fe mr.U 1 wdiuan's ailments /// i,»a«'-. --eli if she does not try this fa- S / L J i !u u nacuir. made from roots and herbs, it // has restored so many suffering women to health. 11 lv- v J I s^gfc-Writ'-to LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. fA IS ■ o>TS PENTIAH LYX.N, 31 ASS., for advice. \\| ' You: i it-.-: •' ho oponed, read and answered by a worn;.,. ...ui lielu in strict conlidence. # I Saved Girl's Life I I "i want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re- J ? ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes J® ? Mrs. Sy!var. : a Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, ? liver r v;: s. ; ch troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught J J saved n:y i : girl's life. When she had the measles, on her, but one good dose of Thedford's jp; made them break out, and she has had no S] i J more trouble, i shail never be without Bi, „ THEDFORD'S IL ? in my home." For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi | ncss, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar | ailments. Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, § reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. 9 if you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- © «® Dra. :rt. It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five ® year? of splendid success proves its value. Good for jjj^ y: g anj old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. A MASTER-MODEL OF THE D VA 1 STANDARD S i %XJ 1 I\Lj TYPEWRITER One Standard Model for all Purposes H COLOR RIBBON, RACK-SMCER, TABULATOR w : in cl valuable patented features that other typewriters do not PRICE, $75 for - T'.: V.-y :i1 Pook," or send for a "Royal man" ' / L TYPEWRITER COMPANY R°v . V >! r[ JiLM.niNG - * NEW YORK f L ur:d LEONARD. Local Representatives Hid. . . . : North Carolina | ' ' ' PHONE 293 I c y FEED COMPANY 1 FOR GOOD FEED j n seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe- ; C; - -y. We also carry a full line of seed ... I , clover and grass seeds. A Get our prices g t- •'>rc buying. ' t : 1 [ PHONE NO. 271 ■ " __J I J HER LAOKjIF SYSTEM | 11 E>- Fr?ANK WIN GET. isSSSSSSSGSSSSSS&ft 'tt'rttttttffS i ' Where's the ice pick?" inquired the ordinary nun, coming upstairs from the basemeat and hunting lan- Quidly in the, tool drawer. "Isn't it in the drawer?" Mis wife came across the room to him hunt. "Not there? Isn't that strange? I was sure it wan there!" "Strange!" Tie ordinary man's tone was scornful. "Strange!" He shut the drawer vith a bang. "If I've bought one ice pijk, I've bought fifty! If I want to have a thing in this house where I can find it when I want it I've got to keep it chained in my pocket with my keys! I never heard of another house like it!" He put his hards into his pockets and strode up and down the as he talked. "Here's the ice melting and nothing to chip it with —and hot ter than fury! I suppose you never dreamed that we'd need iced drinks this "weather. An ordinary woman would have seen to it that that ice pick was somewhere where it would be handy! But your mind is wander ing off somev/heie. "It's the same way with every tor mented thing around this ranch!" stormed the ordinary man. "Last win ter could I ever find the hatchet when I~ wanted it? No! Hatchet after hatchet I brought home, and yet ai soon as I needed one there was not one-to be fouud! You let the children play \yijh them or sell them for brooms, I suppose! Cut as far as put ting them away iu any regular place and remembering the spot over night —why,. I'd drop t cad if you ever sug gested such a m irvel! ""•Coula I find the garden rake this spring? No! I lad to go down and buy out the hare ware store after I'd laid in a whole new outfit last sum mer!" "Why." interrupted his wife, "you know yourself tint you lent your gar den outfit to Mr. Daniels and he car ried them away when he moved and —" "Yes. and you expected me to come from the office ard hang around when Daniels moved, to see that he didn't "You Fixed Up a Bench." carry off my property! Hang it! Why don't you watch out fsr a few things!. Why can't you keep your eyes open! You. seem to think I am solely responsible for things about this place! I don't know who is responsi ble if it isn't you! You ought to see the place father had at home. There was the tool shed and if —" "Yes, a big tool shed —and who took care of.it? I heard your father say that he passed ?!1 his leisure time in that.-£hc*i. Ard jour mother said she never had' to think of repairs— your father w;:s so good about remember ing everything. He kept all her knives sharpened and —•*' '"I suppose you think I ought to hang around home sharpening knives, when I can get a man for half a dol lar to sharpen all we ever owned! It shows how much you think of my bus iness ability. You can't appreciate my work." "I never said I diun't appreciate anything. But you said your father —" "Now,..we'll leave my father quite out of the discusjion," exclaimed the ordinary man. warmly. "He had noth ing to do with the ice pick being gone. Here- it is Sunday and no ice pick! 1 tell you it's the same with the ham mer—and with the screw driver that I got last Christmas. I've never Been them —" "Oh!" exclaimed his wife. "Don't you remember that you fixed up a bench in the attic with your new tools Christmas week and 111 bet your things are up there!" v "Jiminy! That's what I did!" He took the stairs two at a time. "Yup, here they all aic! Lucky I had the good sense to put them away or they'd been all »'o3t by this time. Shows.what a good housekeeper you are not to know they're here!" —Chl» cago Daily News. Forewarnsc? Is Forearmed. "I'm not in business for my health." "Neither am I." "Good! -Now that I know you'll skin me if you get a chance and you know I'll skin you if I get a chance, lets* get down to business." .Just the Opening for Them. "Are you for or against the efficien cy experts?" "For 'era strong. I notice the gas company is going io hire a whole lot of 'em to go around each month an 4 read the gas mctojs." , Saved His Foot ' D. Ki". of B mtam, 0., svffered from ho'tibie"V ,(>cr on his Lot for four vesisCtk'&f aisv's.':d imputation, but • hetcfW> £s>>•*-■' ! reluctantly tiisd Buck !en's 'Ars^e'a j? a ' v e as a lost resort. He ' I U e l your salve and ! ; rp'y scon completely cured icT .burns, cuts, bfuises J and *fezem:\ Get a box to day Only 25c. A1l druggists or by mail. H. E. Buckleu & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. * dv « " Neuralgia sufferers find instant relief in Sloan's Liniment. It pene- Itrates to the painful part— soothes and quiets the nerves. No rubbing—merely lay it on. SLOANS LINIMENT Kills Pain | For Neuralgia u I would not be without your Lini-1 nent and praise it to all who suffer H with neuralgia or rheumatiam or paiu of I any kind,"— Mrs. Henry Quhop, JJeUna, I Mimouri. Pain All GOB* " I suffered with quite a severe neu- 8 ralgic headache for 4 months without ■ any relief. 1 -tsed your Liniment for I tw\> >r three nichts and I haven't suf-1 fered with my bead since."— Mr. J. R. ft Smimgtr, Louuulle, Ky. Triatetsb for Cold and Croup 'My littla girl, *welve years old, caufbt • serere cold, and I gave her three drops of Sloan's Liniment on sugar on going to bed, and she got up in the morning with no signs of » cold. A lit tle boy neit door had croup and I cave the mother the Liniment. She gave him three drops on going to bed. and he got up without the croup in the morning." w7a. Strange, Chicago. IU. AtaßDsakra. Fries 23c., 58c. aad ILM Sleep's Beok on Horses sent free. A ddrsss H. EMI S. SlO**, lie, Baston, lass. YouH Receive Many Offers To accept office employment if you are graduate of the Asheville Business College Enroll now and secure a cash-paying education that starts you far above the f »ot of the ladder where tlie untrained are obliged to begin. We are offering special Summer Courses in Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, Touch-Typewriting and Penmanship NOTE —We teach by mail. If you can not attend the college, write us about our Mail Courses. Address, HENRY S. SHOCKLEY, 3rd floor No.B, North Pack Sauare. Asheville. N. C. freckled Girl It is an absolute fact, that one 50 ci r of WILSON'S FRECKLE CRE/ ill either remove your freckles or cz ■em to fade and that two jars will e tha most severe cases completely ci '.em. We are willing to persona, larantee this and to return your mon. ithout argument if your complexion .it fully restored to its natural /ILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM isfii -agrant and absolutely harmless. W at make hair grow but will positive emove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECI -«ES Come in today and try it. Tboja ire large and results absolutely certai; Sent by mail if desired. Price 50 Mammoth jars SI.OO. WILSON'S FA SKIN SOAP 25c, For oale by Moser and Lutz Seaboard Air Line Rail way TRAINS LEAVE CHARLOTTE, EF , FECTIVE APRIL 27, 1913. EAST AND NORTH BOUND. No. 14—$:00 A. M.—Through train for Wilmington, with parlor car at tached. Connecting at Hamlet with train for Portsmouth, Nor folk, Raleigh and all points north- Dining car service, ves tibule coaches and sleeping cars to Washington and New York, connecting at Maxton for A. C. ; L. points north. No. 34—10:10 A. M.—For Raleigh and all local points. Parlor car Char lotte to Raleigh. No. 20—4:50 P. M.—For Wilmington, sleeping car passengers can stay in all night at Wilmington. This train c6nnects at Hamlet for Savannah, Jacksonville and all points south and north and connecting at Maxton with A. C. L. for points nortbt No. 16—8:00 P. M.—Handles local sleep er Portsmouth-Norfolk, connect ing it Monroe for Atlanta and all points west and southwest; al „ so connects at Monroe with fast train for Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York, through vestibule coaches, Pull man electric lighted Bleeping' cars to New York, dining cars Rich mond to New York. WEST BOUND. "No. 15 - 9:10 A. M.—Local for Ruther fordton, connecting at Bostic with C. C. & O. for all points on that line to Johnson City, Tenn. Connects at Lincolnton with C A N. W. for all uoints. No. 31—3:00 P. M.—Local for Ruther fordton, from Raleigh, connect ing at Bostic with C. C. a O. for Marion, Mt. Mitchell and Alta Pass; connecting at Lincolnton with C. * N. W. for points on that line. Connects at Lincoln ton with C. & N. W. for Newton, Hickory and Lenoir. TRAINS A RRiVEIN CHARLOTTE. No. 15—9:10 A. M.—From East. No. 34—10:05 A. M.—From West. >fo. 19—12:10 P.M. —From Wilmington. No. 31—2:40 P. M.—From Raleigh and all local points. No. 16—7:50 P. M.—From West. No. 13-^-11:00 P: M.—From Wilming ington and all local points North and East. James Ker, Jr., T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. • H. T. Orr. Ticket Agent, Charlotte, N. C. J. T. West, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. C. B. Ryan, G. P. A. Norfolk, \ T a. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson Vl.—Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 9, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Rom. xiv, 7-21. Memory Verses 7, B—Golden Text, Rom. xiv, 2t—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. In our recent lessons in Exodus and Numbers we have had a grand illus tration of forgetting self and living for Hhers in the story of Moses, who so patiently bore with and interceded for that complaining, rebellious people for forty years, and yet they so vexed him that the time came when even he fail ed. All mere ineirhave failed at some time, in some way. There has only been one who always and in all tilings pleased tire J-'ather and never sought to Himself !{Jpl»n vlii. '25): Kom. xv. 3; >latt.;iif. if; xrii. 5K He who gave the ten commandment? to Israel out of the, midst of the filv and afterward wrote them twice on the tables of stone, providing an ark in which to keep the unbroken tables, came Himself as a man and lived on earth over thirty-three years. fuUillinp perfectly His perfect law in .every de tail, lb thought, word and deel. for He was the true tabernacle, and ark. and mercy seat, and bet-omes the end of the law for righteousness to every one that: belle veth. Apart from Him there is none right eous. no. not one. but all are under the curse and wrath of God (Horn. iii. 10. 11; Gal. Hi. 10; John IU, 3si. God did not ask Israel to do anything for Him until He had redeemed them from the bondage of Egypt, and he does not ask the unsaved now to do anything for Him. because they cannot please God (Rom. vill. 7. 81. In the first eight chapters of this epistle the way of salvation for sin uers is very plainly set forth. Then follows the special Israel portion {chap ters 9 to 111. and then from chapter lli we have the life that should bo lived by the redeemed, the life of love which worketh no ill to his neighbor, a life not conformed to this evil age. but transfigured by the renewing of our minds, proving the good and accept able and perfect will of God (Rom. xii. 1, 2; xiii, 10). a life making manifest the Lord Jesus Christ and making no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts (Rom. xiii, 14). It must ever be. as His redeemed. "Not I. but Christ." (Lesson verses 7-9; Gal. ii. 20: I Cor. xv. 10; II Cor. iv. 10. 11; v. 15). A great difficulty with believers gen erally Is the judging of others: the de sire and attempt to put others right while we are not right ourselves: the fancied beam in another's eye with only a mote in our own. It would l>e well for us if we would determine not to judge one another any more (verse 13). but to search and try ourselves until we get more right with God: more self emptied and spirit till ed : more occupied with Him with whom we have to }o. to whom alone we must give account and at whose judgment seat we must stand as Ilis redeemed ones to give account of our selves as His stewards (verses 10-12; I Pet- iv. 10; I Cor. iv, 1). This brings up the whole question of salvation and service. We are justi fied freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Rut we are saved to serve the living and true God. while we wait f»r Ilis Son from heaveu. and for the kingdom of God. which is not meat aud drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, manifesting in our lives day by day something of that right eousness and peace aud joy (verses 17. 18; Rom. iii. 24; I Thess i. 9-10). There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, and we shall not come Into judgment for our sins, because the.v are blotted oat and shall not be remembered (Rom. vlli, 1; John Iv, 24; Isa. xlliL 25); but the judg ment seat of Christ, mentioned only in verse 10 and II Cor. v. 10. is for be lievers. saved people, to give account of their service, their stewardship and to receive their appointments in His kingdom, that they may come with Him to judge the nations and to reign with Him while He shall subdue all things unto Himself (I Cor. vi, 2; xv. 23-28). We must distinguish between the three judgments yet future: that for believers only when w® meet our Lord in the air; then the Judgment of the nations with reference to their treatment of Israel, when He shall come in His glory, bringing His saints with Him, at which time Israel shall be saved as a nation, and the devil shall be bound for a thousand years (Matt xxv, 31; Rev. xx). both of these judgments at the beginning of the thousand years; then at the end of the thousand years, the great white throne for the rest of the dead who took no part in the first resurrection (Rev. xx>. Not- seeing the difference between these three judgments, we are con stantly hearing and reading of the great white throne before which all must appear, which is most unscrip tural and misleading and confusing. The Judgment of our lesson (verse 10) is the Srst of these, for judgment be gins at the house of God (I ret. iv, 17>. the redeemed will be there. siiere is much light upon this judgjnen&vin. I Cor. Hi. IH-15. and the thoftgh't eff the possibility of a wasted life. works to be burned, even though we ourselves be saved, should lead us to try everything by the ques tion. Will It please the Lord? Forevermore beside us on our way The unseen Christ doth move. That we may lean upon His arm and say, "Dost thou, dear T-ord. approve?" Diarrhoea When you wmnt a quick cur* wthoat any loss of time, and one that ia followed feqr ao bad rsaults, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy ll mn Ua aad li aiaaiant to take |l || equally ▼aiaabls mt aftrildien. It b tm www mwm • kuw fTrt •* The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought, and which sias been in use for over GO years, has bonis the signature of and Las beenmade un 'er liis per ' Soßst * supervision since its Infancy. - Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations, and iC Just-as-good "are but .Experiments tl. t triile with and endanger the health of In rant;, and Children—-Experience against Experiment*' What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless sufc.-tiiTSlo for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feveriiahness. Ii cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, •cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving l healthy and natural Sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM* CCNTAUR COMPANY. TT UUHRAY BTHrrT, KCW »OHK C-TY. Before You Buy Your Fall Goods we want you to look over our stock • MENS SUITS at the best bargain you ever had. SHOES | of all description that will please any one. L LADIES DRESS GOODS and COAT SUITS that you can save money on by buying from us. SETZER & RUSSELL .!■—III. I I •»««»»». . 1 ?g£T. MWMM Hickory Manufacturing Co. I HICKORY, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mantes, Moulding, Lumber, Etc. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY SEND US YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES Write for Catalogue and Prices PHONE No. 16. I We Will Renew I burned out lamps free of charge I for our consumers. This is more than your dealer will do for your oil lamps—so get wise. Use electric lights Thornton Light & Power Co. CORTRIGHT METAL last as long as the building and never need repairs. Just the thing for town or country buildings, because they : "i every condhion' For Sale by F. B. INGOLD, Hickory, N. C.

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