MOTTO: DEVELOPMENT Buildmgcontractors should watch this spice tnd see our house plans. riomeseekers should watch this space and see our blue prints and house plans. 1 hose having lots or farms for sale would do well to see us. Call at our office and see a map of KEN WORTH. It's a beauty and well worth seeing. A nice 2-story house on 9th Ave., west for sale, 2 lots in W. Hickory and 1 in E. Hickory. - ■ ' ■ A farm on New Bridge Road for sale. See W. H. NICHOLSON, Secretary and Treasurer HICKORY LAND & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OFFICE IN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING It's Worth |— — MONEY to you A COMPLETE LINE OF THE MOST RELIABLE MOVEMENTS CASES Elgin Boss Waltham Crown Hamilton Wads worth Illinois A Duebei Hampden | Royal Rockford Nickle Equity Comp'ete Watches What You Save In Buying Here Is That Much Made J. O. RHODES —^ LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. J.- E. Hosley has been added to the city police force. l)i\ H. F..Long, of Statesville, was in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elliott went to Charlotte Tuesday. Mr, Charles Stevenson has gene to Wadesboro this week. Mr. E. E v gi§ndfey spent Sun day in the city with 'his family. Miss Adele Kirkpatrick spent the week-end with her sister in Charlotte. Mrs. R,- K. Harris, of Forest City, was in the city a few days last weelf. Miss Brown, one of our graded school teac'nr-rs, spent Sunday at her home in Landis. Miss Bonnie Cook went to Charlotte yesterday where she has taken a position. Dr, W. H. Everhart of New ton was a Hickory visitor last week. Mr. Herman Payne returned Sunday evening after spending several days in Claremont. We are giad to see editor J. F. Click out after being confined to his room for several days. The Democrat would like to have several more live corres pondents. Write for instructions. Recorder C. W. Bagby has as sociated himself in the practice of law with Attorney W. A. Self, Mrs. Abernethy and sis ter, Miss Sonrbeer, will -spend the holidays with parents in Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. D. L. Martin has pur chased the fire insurance busi ness of the Mutual Building & Loan Association. Mrs. Jno. W. Bailey, wife of a prominent machinist at Hilde bran, died Saturday and was buried Sunday. The ladies of the Episcopal church will have their annual supper and sale of fancy work on December 12. - Mrs. C. If. Whitener went to Statestfillfi' yesterday to enter Dr. Long's sanitorium for treat ment, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Morrison are in- Cherryville, where Mr. Morrison is conducting a land sale tiday. Capt. Geo. L. Lyerly and Mr. Lawrence Cline went to Bridge water Sunday, where they spent a day orrtwo bird hunting. The many friends of Miss Hettie Hosley arc glad to Fee her on . the. streets again, after a slight operation at the Richard Baker Hospital. j The Democrat is in receipt of a ( copy of the catalogue edition of ' "Dew Drop", a quarterly publi cation of the Appalachian Train ing School. \ Mr. J, H. Aiken, of this city, illjbe deputy revenue collector t in charge of the fourth division, c which composed of the counties r of Avery, Burke, Caldwell, Ca- a tawba, McDowell, Mitchell, e Butherfordton and Yancey. v Born to Mr. and Mrs. C'iv. nre Keever, a girl. I Born to Mr. and M.s, Loyd Whitener, a boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Loya Poovey, a girl. i Mr. D, M. Boyd was a business visitor to Maiden last week. Misses Edna Stroup and Lois Hanna went to Newton Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Magi!* spent the week-end in Caester, S. C. Miss Blanche Bailey of Wins ton-Salem, is visiting Mrs. F. A, Henderson. Mr. W. H. Allison and children of Statesville, were Hickory visit ors last week. Mr. Ben Weaver, of Atlanta, Ga., was the guest of Mr. J. A Martin iast week. Dr. and Mrs. Whiteside of Maiden, visited their sister, Mrs. D. M, McComb last week. Mi«s Jo Moore spent a few days with her sister, Mrs, Dr. C. L. Hunsucker. at Drexel last »veek. Dr. 0. L. Holler, of Taylors viile, has moved his family to this city and will make theii home here. Mr. Geo. Starnes, of Lenoir, will take the place of Henry Lonr as driver at fire station effective December 1. Mrs. J. L. Murphy and Miss Mary were the guests of Mr. ant- Mrs. John Murphy of Tayiors ville last week. Misses Minta Abernethy and Ruth Moser went to Charlotte Monday evening to attend "Ben Hur." Tney returned Tuesda> moaning. Mrs Bourbonnais has returned home after an extended visit to relatives in Michigan and other Northern States. Her nunierou friends gladly welcome her home. Rev. J. H. Wannemacher wen to Lincolntcn Monday in the in-' terest of Home Missions, while there he attended a meeting oi the Lutheran Pastoral Associa | tion. The Association at presei.t has 8 pastors. Mrs. F. B. Ingold and Master j Bernard have returned from an i extended visit to Baltimore. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Ingold's mother, Mrs, Alice Su per. who will spend the winter here, to the delight of her many friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Menzies, Mrs. W. B. Menzies, Miss Katherine Gwaltr.ey, Dr. and j Mrs. H. C. Menzies. Miss Frances Lentz, Mrs. C. C. Bost, Miss Margaret Bost, and Mrs. Carrie Gamble were among those who went to Charlotte Tuesday to see I "Ben Hur." 1 An automobile, fitted wit'i wheels to run on a railroad track, created considerable interest at the passenger station here Fri- i day. The machine is the property c if officials of the C. & N. W., r ind is a regular automobile in ivery way except the flanged C vheels. e The KENWORTH News. I Harvest Ingathering at B ker's Moun tain. Sunday at lx o'clock the Har vest Ingatheriig servi> e at the Baker Mounta n churc washeld. A goodly number of jieople as sembled and vere plea antiy and profitably envertainec by the | splendid prog am rent red. The Harves* Ingath ;ing is an annual event i 1 ths S' venth-day Adventist denominatio i, and all funds raised on that day sr> given to missions. Th • amount raised at th 3 Baker Mountain church was $19.17. Local street car service was in augurated in Gastonif: last Fri day by the Piet mont & Northern railway. The oars wi 1 be run from the Lo: ay Mill in West Gastonia to t le flint Mill just east of the city The excavation work for the foundation for the new post of fice buildihg has bee i completed and the concrete foundation is now being put in, The work is progressing radidly and with favorable we ather th« a contractors will be able 1.0 make a consider able showing above the ground in a few wet ks. The ladies of the Methodist church will have as* ie at Shu ford's Furni ure Stc'e Tuesday afternoon Njv. 25tii, A large assortmentcf bakec goods in cluding fiie cakes, doughnuts, etc., will be offered, also homi made candy and canned fruit. There will abo bi on jale a tale of fancy -work and a number oi potted plant. ferns tc. The Seaboard A: r Line Rail way will gi re greecly reduced round trip rates to Uichmond on account of the Annu il Foot Ball Game between the I University of North Carolina and the Univer sity of Virginia on 1 nanksgiving day. Tickets will oe good re turning on any tain leaving Richmond tie 27th and 28 th. For further information call on your ticket ; :gent o:' write Jno. T, West, Raiaigh, N. C. The Seaboard Air Line will give greatly reduced round-trip rates to Nor folk, Va., on account of the foot ball ga ne between Washington and Let University and the A. vl. Collt Thanks giving day. Ticket; are good leaving Pctsmouti on No vember 27th and 28ih. For fur ther inform ition ci .1 on your ticket agen or wi ;te John T. West, D. P. A., R; leigh, N. C. Resolutions of Respect. At the me ting: of the fourth quarterly conference of the Methodist church N vember 19, the following resol tions were adopted: Whereas t has pleased our Heavenly Father tc take from our midst ou * friend *nd brot'her, Or. W. L. Abernethv, who for many years oas beea an official member of t is church, and Whereas this quarterly con ference desires to place on record its appreciation of his faithful service, therefore Resolved, that in the death of Dr. W. L. Ahernethj the Metho dist church has lost a most de voted, faithfpl and consecrated member. That the Board o' Stewards keenly feel the loss of his able and brotherly couns las well as his cheerful and prom »t co-opera tion in every enterp ise of the church. That the quarterly conference extends to his widow it« deepest sympathy and comnat ads her, in her great sor *ow, to Hirn whom Dr. Abernetby so lonr and faith fully served. A District Luther League. Today, at Statesvlle in St. John's Luthe' church a district Luther Leagje was organized. This will give a new impetus to our various Luther L.-agues and young people societie. in the N, C. Conference of the Tennessee Synod. Messrs. Perry Deitz and Walter Carpenter represented the Senior L ither League and Mr. Samuel Hawn an Miss Mary Huffman represented the Junior Luther League of Ho y Trinity. Rev. J. H. Wannemtcher, the pastor accompanied them. IH SOCIAL cm Th« Round Dozen Book Club met November 12 with Mrs. W. B Ram say. Every member was present. Af ter the usual quotations from the bock and the comments thereon, the host ess gave criticisms of her book, "He roines of Modern Progress," and read a most interesting sketch of the two authors, Adams and Foster. Several selections from Carcso and others, giv en by the Victrola, were very much enjoyed. Items of current news were discussed. In the dining room a deli cious supper in courses was served by Miss Adele Kirkpatric's. The next meeting will be with Miss Lizzie Mc- Comb. Mrs. E. E. Hendley entertained the Embroideiy Club November 13, four teen members being present and Mrs. Robert Fester and Mrs. Henry Elliott visitors. During the wcrk hour Mrs. L R. Whitener finished reading the story of 4 'The Simple Lifers," begun at the last meeting, and Mrs. Alfred Moretz read an interesting article on the present fashions in dress as com pared with those of former years. Dain ty refreshments in courses were served by Mrs. Everett Johmon and Miss Margaret Bost. TheiClub will not meet on Thanksgiving Day and the meeting December 11 will be with Mrs. Joe Abernethy. Miss Katherine Shuford was the charming hostess of the Smart Six Club November 11. After a pleasant social hour delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. They adjourned to meet November 18 with Miss Doris Hutton An interesting event of recent oc curence was the 6 o'clock course din ner given November 16 by Mr. Frank McComb in celebration of his twenty first birthday. The decorations were green and yellow. Those present were Messrs. Orin Sigmon, Charles Clonin ger, Oliver Li taker, Harold S'luford, Connelly Gamble, Hugh Williams, George Kirkpatrick, Joe Aiken, Horace Lutz, Robert Martin and William Rob ertson. November 12 the Hickoiy Book Club met with Mrs. H. D Abernethy. Quotations were given on love, the keynote of the hostess' book. An an imated discussion of books read pre ceeded a very interesting article on the book of the day, "The Road of Living Men." by one of our new writers of the romantic school, W. L. Comfort. After current events all were welcomed into the diring room by kewpies in the candle light and by sentimental greet ings from small figures absoibed-in "loves young dream." Fun thus started, mirth and hilarity increased as all enjoyed the dinner in courses The club will meet next with Mrs. Chad wick, November 26. November 13 Mrs. Gvaltney enter tained the Traveleis' Club. Quota tions were from Ruskin. Mrs. Roys ter, in Mrs. J L. Cilley's absence, read her interesting paper on "The Duomo and its Builds, Arnolfi and Brunelleschi " Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. then sang an old Tuscan oik song, "Nearest and Dearest." Mr?. G. N. Hutton showed in a com prehensive account of one of the very oldest of the Italian painters of note, Cimabue, born in 1240, that despite crudities his genius still lives as may be seen now in Florence. Mrs. G. N. Hutton then played with technical skill an arrangement of one of Donizet ti's favorite operas, "Linda di Chamoi nix " Mrs. J. H. Shuford ended the program with reading "Old Pictures in Florence," by Browning. Current events with refreshments were enjoyed at the close of this pleasant meeting, The Smart Six Club met with Miss Doris Hutton Tuesday, Nov. 18th. After a pleasant social hour the voung hostess served delicious refreshments. The next meeting will be with Mifs Vera Gibbs, Dec. 2nd. Just five weeks until Christ mas. Things now uppermost in the minds of the people is the matter of suitable Christmas presents. In the advertising colunms of the Democrat ttill be found the ads of the most up-tc date merchants in our city, who will take pit asure in helping to make your Christmas shopping a pleasure as weir as a source cf profit to you by trading with them. W. 0. Saunders, editor of the Independent at Elizabeth City, has instituted suit against E. F. Aydlett to recover $25,000 dam ages caused by the criminal prosecutions waged against Saun ders this summer by Aydlett. Under section 4779 of the Re visal of 1905 life insurance com p inies are required to have ex a nined by a registered medical Dractitioner all parties applying for life insurance before issuing a policy where the amount ap 9 ied for exceeds $lOO. STOP SHIVERING WITH THE COLD Come to Our Store and Get That Up-to-Date Suit or Overcoat.. It's Here For You. Also a Full and Complete Line of Underwear, Shoes, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Etc., at Prices Lower Than Can Be Found Anywhere in the City. Don't forget to save your receipts from our Cash Register, as they will be of value to you. Give Us A Trial and Be Convinced ZERDEN'S UNDERSELLING STORE ~ L. E. ZERDEN, Prop. Hickory, - - . North Carolina ———— — mmmm—mm—Jmmmm——-— —— I WHAT IS IT? I We have made a special effort to sup- I ply the wants of every shopper coming I into our store. Best values in ladies, misses and children's underwear that money can buy. A Real $2.00 Sweater for $1.50 : I One case of heavy fleeced mens shirts and pants . . 39c MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND PIECES OF IMITATION CUT GLASS. It will astonish you to see the 10c value. * Newest and latest in ladies neckwear . 25c & 50c \ t I All ladies long coats reduced. Our store is being crow Goods. - - They a Granulated Sugar . . sc* Good Rice 5c Octagon Soap . . . ; . 4c ~ . /; jf.^ KNOX 5 AND 10c; STORE ' - \ FOR S.\LE—-Grape vine sprouts, Concord variety. each. T. Y. Yates, Hickory, R-4 2t pd Mr«. J. D. Fletcher, wife of U. S. Farm Demonstrator, was fcore i to desith by an infuri ated cop- at her home six miles, east of Durham last Thursday. Spontaneous comoustion is a gum-shoe thief. It laughs at locksmiths and will rob you of >our life and property if you permit material to accumulate that creates it. MODEL HOMES THANKSGIVING YOU'LL BE THANKFUL For some real good things this Thanksgiving if you' 1 have us supply the bread, mince and pumpkin pies, cakes, etc., you are going to eat on the National Feast Day. For everything in bread, cakes, pies, rolls, etc., at all seasons you'll find it to go to the CITY BAKERY C. W. ELLINGTON, Prop. Phone 235. Motto: "QUALITY" Agency NUNNALLY'S Fine Candies. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bought Bears lh. Signature of