Al)s olutels^Pure ROYAL — the most celebrated of all the bakkg powders in the world —celebrated for Its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc,, healthful, it insures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the low priced brands* I! stor7wSTmoraTl By HAYDEN CARRUTH. It was the dominie's turn to tell a story. "Or you can sing a song if ycu prefer," suggested | the judge with a r suave air. "Or I dare say you would accept a cake-walk," re-" (I 1 ' turned the domi-. I " We prefer it '" I I BR the colonel j • 1/ \mm P rom P tl y- " I' ll : ' touch up the pi- | // |;|p ano with a little i II 'WEI rag-time." j ill jfflml'jitia "I refuse % to II llimliill.'li gratify your scan- II I ffflffifNi dalous wishes," re- J 111 Hf ;j| plied the dominie i Jf I IBM stoutly. "I'll not J MII llllwlNim only tel ' a story, Mall II lHwiw V|> 'M *> ut see there is a moral tacked on as be comes one of my cloth." "Can't you give us the moral first, then we won't have to be dreading it?" asked the judge. "Yes, I'm willing to do that. The moral is: Beware of selfishness, !c:t you be hoist with your own lyddite Bhell. It all happened up at my town last fall. There's a widow living there who has three daughters, very esti mable young ladies, but, alas, the two older are exceedingly selfish. They are both somewhat farther along in life than the average unmarried wom an —I don't know how old they are— I hope I'm too much of a gentleman to know anything about a lady's age— but just for the sake of the story we'll oall one of them slightly over thirty and the other slightly under. The third daughter I'm willing to come out boldly and call twenty—we're on safer ground when we get down in that neighborhood, you know. And, better yet, this girl is one of the most un selfish creatures in the world. She is, In fact, a most charming girl in every way, with a pretty face and a quiet, unassuming manner which never fail 3 to win with its simple charm. If she has any failing It is that of too great humility and an inclination to allow herself to be imposed upon. There is. I believe, a sort of unwritten law among women that daughters must marry in rotation according to age. "Dorothy was very closely looked after by her mother and older sis ters, and little opportunity was ever given her even remotely to contem plate the idea of marriage. It was not until last fall that anything in the guise of a man was allowed to ap proach within hailing distance. Then she was given the privilege of re ceiving some circumspect calls form a neighboring young man named Harry Lambert. "You must not gather that the older girls had no attention —far from it. Mr. Edward Edeewatcir has been meu- Now to Use Peruna for Coughs and Colds If Peruna were used at the begin ning of every cold, coughs would gen erally be prevented. After the cough begins Peruna will generally stop it just as quickly as it ought to be stopped. To stop a cough before all of the expectoration has been removed is to do great injury. After the expectoration has been properly removed the cough will stop itself. That is the only proper way to stop a cough. Occasionally a cougH depends upon an irritable condition of the larynx or bronchia! tubes, in which there is little or no expectoration^ The problem of stopping such a cough is a slightly different one. Even in those cases Peruna ought to be taken, but sometimes it is neces sary that local treatment be added. Every one who has a troublesome cough or a lingering cold should write the Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a free copy of the "Ills of Life." There is no free pamphlet dis tributed to-day of mors real value to the sick and afflicted than the new "Ills of Life." It is filled from cover to cover with actual cases of cough, colds and other climatic diseases in all stages and complications. You could scarcely fail to find your case exactly described In this book. To neglect to do everything possible to get rid of a stubborn cold or ehronic cough is very unwise indeed. Peruna has enjoyed a great reputa tion as a remedy in such case 3 for thirty or forty years. As a rule, a person who uses one bottle of it is always afterwards an enthusiastic advocate of Peruna. Peruna itself is a means of selling more Peruna than all advertisements put together. Those who object to liquid medi can now obtain Peruna Tablets. larly paying court to Elizabeth, the oldest, for a number of years. Mr. William Jackson has been doing the same by Ruth, the second daughter. "So during the fall thii'gs ran on ss I have indicated, each of the young men finding happiness in the company of the lady of his choice every Sunday evening. But with the approach of cold weather the prospect for Doro thy changed. The porch or the lawn were all very well under the soft in fluence of the harvest moon —perhaps preferable to any other place—but the austere November moon is another thing. Right here I ought to mention that the widow's house, though com fortable. is far from large. It accommo- - dated Elizabeth and Ruth very pleas antly for courting purposes, but there was really no place for another. So there was nothing for Dorothy but to throw herself on the generosity of the others, and beg them to share with her, since Sunday evening waß the only time that Harry could conveni ently call. She went to Elizabeth first and laid the case before her. She re plied in effect that sh • was in the habit of entertaining Mr. 12dgewater in the parlor each Sunday evening and that she had no intention of giving It up. "Poor Dorothy wiped her eyes and sought Ruth. This lady was dumfound ed. The idea! Sh> was accustomed to see Mr. Jackson in the dining room each Sunday evenir g, and she thought she saw herself giving it up to a minx who ought to be wearing her hair in a long braid. "That evening Harry came. He had feared the worst, and was provided with his winter o\v.:coat and a pair of heavy goloshes. Dorothy put on her winter cloak and took her muff and together they spent an hour tramping briskly up and down the path beside the house. At the end of the hour Harry said goodnight at the front steps, passed out the gate, sneezed furiously three times and hurried home. "The next afternoon Dorothy and Harry called at my house. Harry ask ed me to marry them then and there. Dorothy told their story. So I mar ried them." Explained. "I did business with that man over yonder once, and found afterwards It was a regular frame-up." "Did you expose him?" "Nothing to expose. I wanted the framing up for a picture I had." Inconsistency. 'You say your wife is an antisuf fragist?" "Yes; she spends her time gadding around the country asserting that woman's place is the home." DON'TS9PEAPUHY CHILL Parents —don't- give that puny, an ing, under-weight child any of thos ' tonics - 'containing alchol (. dangerous drugs; such stuff won't giv relief and health to grown people, le alone children. Its purpose is to stiin uUte for a short time after each dose just as whiskey or morphine does tnus making you believe it Is doint. real good. Give that child something that wil really build it up—replenish the wast ed ti-sues—feed the stunted, dwarfed, puny mufCles— it lively, strong, well—full ol" the animal spirits child ren are meant by nature to have. Give it Rexall Olive Oil Errrtilsion. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is whole some, nourishing, free from alcohol and dangerous drugs. It's the ideal nerve, blood and body builder. It does the work it is planned to do bet ter than any other medicine we know of, and our faith in it is so great that we not only urge you to use it and give it to your children—but we guarantee ♦hat it will do all we say it will, oi cost you nothing. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion should be given to children who catch cold easily. Begin right now, and use it to build up the child's system to such strong heal til that it can resist colds, croup,grippe, bronchitis, catarrh, pneu monia and other cold weather diseases. You who are weak and run-down, and you who are apparently well now, but are liable to suffer from various cold weather ailments, use Rexall Olivo Oil Emulsion to get and keep well and strong. For tha tired-out, run-down, nervous, emaciated or de bilitated—the convalescing—growing children —aged people—it isasensible aid to renewed strength, better spirits glowing health. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion— king of the celebrated Rexall Remedies — is for freedom from sickness of you and your family. Pleasant-tasting, contain ing no alcohol or dangerous drugs, you'll be as enthusiastic about it as we are when you have noted its strengthening, invigorating, building up, disease-preventing effects. If it does not help you, your money will be given back to you without argument. Sold in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store—one of more than 7,000 leading drug stores in the United States, Canada and Great Brit ain.—Grimes Drug Co., Hickory, N. adv'f What Trouble is With old Mexico. An expression from the point of view of the Constitutionalists opposing President Huerta in Mexico was given at the Clark University conferer ce on Latin- America by Luis C? brera, form er leader of the M xican House of Represen ative. Mr. Cabrera's address was the first of a sei ies which made this "Mexico Day" at th > conference. Mr. Cabrtra said: "The reason fortl e instability of Mexican conditions is the absence of a middle cla&s. With out the middle class there is no real social equilibriu n, no peace, and no democratic orm of gov ernment. The Coi stitutionalist movement t?nds to* ard the for mation of a middle c lass through the creation of fa-orable con ditions of li e for th masses. "The colonial pol -ies of Spain in Mexico c«>ntribut« d largely to the creation of privi iged classes. Large tracts of land were grant ed to soldiers, conqc and to the church. The incependenceof Mexico in 1310 did i ot material ly change ehe con ition of the masses. Th*- great 1; nded estates owned by wealty families still remain in heir pc ssession and are responsible f'-r Mexico's economic ci -sis. "Owing .0 the iictorial per sonal powf "S exer *ed by Gen arai Disz fom 181 •to 1910 t! e ueople or Mexico ) ive not been tfiven an opportui ty to test their coneti ion." Opposite views ol the influence of Porfir o')iaz on Mexican life and national devel pment were expressed N y S. V, Reynolds, former president of the Mexican Central Re Iroad ( mpany. and Professor L. C. W -lis. of Clark College, wf o have traveled ex tensively i i Mexi o. Mr, Rey nolds exto led Du : for his ac complishmc nts in re toring neace to the coui try an interesting foreign cap tal in i .dusirial and economic d nt. Professor Wells 'eclared that Diaz, although he -lccomplished much, gave a "lops led adminis tration," tha deveh mont of the country um er hi 3 epimebeinp simostentii 3ly ecoi: mic in chai acter witn little .itention t social uplift. A of Terror. Few night* are mc-e terrible than that of a mo.her lock ng on her child choking and iasping f . breath during an attack of croup, ant. nothing in the house to re ieve its Many mothers have passed nights c" terror in this situation. A little f -etbought wil enable you tt avoid all .his. Chamber lain's Cough "Remedy i a certain cure 'or croup and has neve been known to fail. Keep i at har 1 For sale by Moser & LutJ and Grir. es Drug Co. adv —^ ou would understand why M ; • U ls P ossl bSe for them to guarantee their shoes the way they do and I jNjll^ ou wou ld quite likely agree with us that jj There'd Be But One Shoe If Everyone Knew—Selz I Come to our store and see how easy it is to enthuse over this y real footwear. A " 4 ~ l ' Family SOUTHWORTH'S For Men, Women and Children _ 4, Selz Royal Blue" Store Another Precedent Has Been Smashed. Washington, Nov. 21.-There will be no new year's reception at the White House next January. President Wilson announced to day that during the holiday re cess of Congress he would take a ten days' vacation. Exactly when or where he will go WFS not announced and probably will net be until his departure. The White House New Year's reception is a historic institution in Washington beside being one of the milestones in the capital's social season. It has _ been the custom for the President to re ceive congressmen, army and navy officers, the diplomatic corps and all official Washington according to rank and then shake hands with citizens. More than 5,000 have shaken hands with the President on such occasions. The reception is always followed by rounds of official calls. MD STOMACH? ONE DOSE of Maur's Wonderful Stomach Remedy Should Convince You That Your Suffering Is Unnecessary Recommended forChronlc Indiges tion and Stomach, Livor and Intestinal Ailments. Thousands of people, some right in your own locality, have taken Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Krmrily for Stomach. Liver ur.d InttHtinul Ailments, Dyppepwiu, Pressure of Can Aroun.l the Heart, Sour Stomach, Distress After Eat ing, Nervousness, Dizziness, I'uiuting' Spell*. Sick Headaches, Constipation, Torpid Liver, etc., and are praising and recommending it highly to others so that they may also know the joys of living. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is the best and most widely known Remedy for the above ailments. Ask your drug gist for a bottle today. Put it to a test—one dosa should convince. It is marvelous in its healing properties and its effects are quite natural as it acts on the source and foundation of stomach ailments and in most cases brings quick relief and permanent results. This highly successful Remedy has been taken by the most prominent people." and those in al! walks of life, among them Members of Congress, Justice of the Supreme Court, Educators, Lawyers, Mer chants, Rmkers, Doctors, Druggists, Nurse», Manufacturers, Priests. Ministers Farmers, with lasting benefit and k should be equally successful in your case. Send for free valu able booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr. Mfg. Chemist, 151-136 Whiting Street, Chicago, 111. —For sale in Hickory by C. M. Shu ford and druggists everywhere. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, CKOVE'S TASTELESS chili TONIC, driv*s out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonio and sure A'/retiier. For adults and children. 60c. Subscribe for The Democrat. | WHAT IS IT? We have made a special effort to sup ply the wants of every shopper coming into our store. Best values in ladies, misses and children's underwear that money can buy. A Real $2.00 Sweater for $1.50 One case of heavy fleeced mens shirts and pants . . ggc I MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND PIECES OF IMITATION I CUT GLASS. It will astonish you to see the 10c value. I Newest and latest in ladies neckwear . 25c & 50c I All ladies long coats reduced. I Our store is being crowded with Holiday I Goods. - - They 1 Granulated Sugar .... 5c Good Rice 5c Octagon Soap 4c KNOX 5 AND 10c. STORE ! ADVERTISE IN THE DEMOCRAT

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