| Something's Coming to % fa Xmas X3imc * ___ , i - | [ ToO ™ om A sto f • Th «'s where your particu- t & lar friends select their gifts and that is where 7 W >' ou can now get beautiful Watches, Clocks to t v n fV^ RraCe i etS ;, ! Va,Ch Ghains ' Fobs ' Lockets', 4 ft) Necx Chains, La Vallieres, Stick Pins, Bar Pins, Cuff Cv @ Ptas, Hat Pins, Belt Pins, Brooches, Cuff Links, *'* ' Mesh Bags, Toilet and Man'cure Sets, Cut Glass' Silverware, Hand Paintel China, Umbrellas, and \s\ niany other articles at prices that have not been to boosted for the holiday trade. This means to f 'J a considerable saving over what you would © have to pay elsewhere. And such superb ® gifts, too! ft 1 ' •- J. 0. M s?S rjA UNPAID City Taxes! December is the last month during which city taxes may be paid without a penalty. After the 31st of the present month I am by law compelled to add and collect the penalty as fixed by statute. There will be no exceptions made, and I, therefore request a!! tax payers who have not already settled their taxes to give this matter attention. _ j; t This the 2nd day of December, 1913. C. M. SHERRILL, City Manager. OF LAND IN LONG VIEW Saturday, Deo. 6, 1:30 Will sell one 12 room new, modern res idence with about a four acre lot; one store building and lot, also 25 vacant residence or business Jots. This prop erty will be sold for the high dollar rain or shine. Y our price is mine. Remember date of sale, Saturday Dec. 6,1:30 p. m. Terms to suit pur chaser. Property of S. D. Cambell and Z. B. Buchanon. Z. B, Buchanon, Auc tioneer, ILiis property is located ccar the Ivey Mill and Pickorstick • 1 ' ! ++ + *5» ++ + 'l* ++ + +•> ++++ ++ + ♦ + LOC4.L AND PERSONAL. + ♦+++++++++++A+++++++ Misses Rene Marti 1 an 1 Gladys Reid, who are in sch >ol at Fassi fern, spent Thanksgiving at home. $ Miss Adel vide Job ison attend ed the senio • debate at Dav idson lan week. Miss Beatrice Col b, of Mor ganton, spe it Than; sgivingwith Miss Frances Lentz. Dr. and Mrs. Ch »8. L. Hun sucker returned to t leir home in Drexel Morday aft t spending several days in thi -i city with Mrs. Hunsu :ker's } arents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mo re. Dr. Hun sucker is preparii.g to locate here for the pract ce of medi cine about January 1. Miss Margaret Crowell, of Cjncord.wea the g lest of Miss 63 Barringer and £.chnebley at Claremont College Thanksgiving day. Miss Rosalie Dixon spent Tuanksgivii,g with her mother, Mrs. H. C. Dixon. Miss Heltn Long, of Catawba, sp?nt seve al day; with Miss Ve a Gibbs last week. M-s. T. F. Steveason and two children, spjnt seve al days with Mrs. Stevenson's fa her, Mr. A. H. Muhesn, at Taylorsville, last we^k, Mr. B. B. Blackv elder was a business vuitor to Newton last week. Mrs. J. H. Patrick has return ed Irom a v sit to her daughter, Gra.e, at Elizabeth Colieg-, Charlotte. Miss Annie Belle Wenting is visiting her grandf ither, Mr. A. C. Link. Mr. J. W. Burns has the con tract to furnish sand for the con struction of the government building of this city Mr. Burns has a quantity ol sand of the best quality on his farm, and will furnish to aly one who wants sand for buikiing. The first case in Hickory for violating the comj: jlsory school law was tried her« last week. The man was finert $25.00 and cost. Judg-ement wis suspended by the court, provided the chil dren attend school regularly for the next four months. Any vio lation of this law wi'l be brought before the court, and summarily dealt with. aivd Miss Mat' tie Whitener were married at the home of Mr. Noah Whitener last week, Mr. Whitener was the of ficiating magistrate. Mrs. J, E. Sellers has return ed home from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Funder burk, in Cheraw, S. C. Mr. H. K, Foster has moved his family to Hickcry, and will make his home h in the fu ture. We are glad to have Mr. Foster and family with us. Rev. J. H. West, of Weaver ville, spent several days in this citv this week with his son, Mr. A. M. West. He wis appointee financial ag'int of t «e childrens nome at YVmston-S; itm by th Methodist C'onferej (re at Chai lotte this w j ek. Frof. W. il. Wes . of Weave C -lege, We ivervillt. spent a fe\ dijs in this city wit i nis broth e , Mr. A. &L. West, this week. Rev. W. A. Pco\ ;y, of Noit» Asheville, visiting relatives in this city. , The editor has re ived a beau tiful booklet of the Vhanksgiving menu of Botel W rwick, New nort, News, Va. Te front is a lovely wati.r color picture en titled "In T ie Pilgr m Fathers." It is a veri work. Mr. A. F1 nt Ke \ er, foi merly of our city, is clerk" at this hotel, and kindly prei-tnted us with this bookl-1, w. ch s greatly ap prec ated. The ladies of the Episcopal Church will have a sale of fancj articles for Christmas presents aud salad and coffee on the after noon of December 12 at 3 o'clock over Whitener & M artin's store. Mr. George Stara'P, of Lenoir, has accepted the position as driyer of the new tire truck for Hickory. It is supposed that it will arrive here abot.t December 20, In the Jake and George will be used. Mr. Starnes comes highlv recom nended; ana the city is to be c >ngratulated in securing his services. Little Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Knox, had a narrow escape Wedr esdav morn ing. She was stam.:ng near an open fiie when her outing night dress caught fire, *nd was in a blaze in a moment. Fortunately Mr. Kr ox was in the room, and with great presen e of mind succeeded in puttii git out be fore she was serio'isly burned. We cannot • be toe particular about open fires whe: c there are children, and if ued, a wire screen should be placed in front of it. Tuesday night tho W. 0. W. Lodge served oysters, at the De pot Cafe. It was a most enjoy able time and a large crowd was present. \ i .. Schedule of Closing Mails at thefx>- cal Post Office for the Various Dispatches: VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY: Train No. 11 West 11:05 K. M. Train No. 12 East 5:05 P.M. Trail No, 35 West 9:00 P. M. Train No. 36 East 9:30 A. M. VIA 0. & N.-W. RAILWAY; Train No. 9 South 2:05 P. M. Train No. 10 North 11:20 A. M. CLOSED POUCHES FOR DIRECT DISPATCH TO: Ashetille, N. C. (Including Asheville connection* and all points west) 4:00 P. M. - • Greensboro & Atlanta R. P. o. Including Salisbu ry connections and all Doints north, east a d southeast) 9:00 P. M. Lenoir. N. C.. 9:00 P. M. NOTE: Mail in considerable quantities should be deposited in the post office at least tan minute* before the time of closing. All mail, when possible, thould be disatched through through the post office. It is intended that persons should avail themselves of the privilege of mailing let tsrs on traias only when necessary to mail a few late letters. Respectfully. A. C. LINK, Pastakt«r 11l Slim CIRCLES Master James Boyd entertained a large number of his little friends No vember 26 in honor of his eighth birth day at his home on Twelfth Avenue. After play ng th# numerous games that are ever dear to the childish heart, the guests repaired to the dining room, where elegant refreshments that belong to the Thanksgiving season were served, As each little guest departed with a delightful souvenir of the occasion they spoke of what a delightful time they had had. Miss Vera Gibbs was the charming hostess of the Smift Six Club Tuesday, November 25. After a pleasant social hcur dtlcious refreshments were served by the hostess. The Quatre Main Progressive C -ib met with Miss Delia B mgarner last Wednesday night. A delightful even ing was enjoyed by all. After adjourn ment the hostess served elaborate re freshments in courses On last Thurs day night Miss Matt Thomason en tertained the Quatre Main Progressive Club with an oyster supper. A num ber of invited guests were present. The evening was spent in progressive games. All present praised Miss Thomason for the fine oysters which she served. The next meeting will be December the 3rd. Miss Nina Hickman entertained Saturday evening in honor of her cousins from Granite Falls. The evening was delightfully spent. Miss Hickman served refreshments in her most charming manner. The beautiful country homa of Mrs. J. D. Rowe three miles North of Con over was the scene of a pretty social gathering Friday evening when Misses Mary and Anna Rowe entertained a f«w friends in honor of their guests from Hickory and Statesville. Partners for the evening were formed by match ing quotations. „ "A Shelf, of Cans", was engaged in Each guest was given a list of sentences, the answer to each question beginning with "can". The prize, a can of de licious homemade candy, was won by Miss Jessie Massey and Mr. A. W. Cline. Part of the time was pleasantly spent in playing "rook", "42" and "dominoes". Those presen: were Misses Gertrude Finger, Margaret McComb and Lina Norris, of Hickory; Misses Kate Finley ana Jessie Massey, of Statesviile; Miss Claudia Yount, of Hickoiy Route 3; Messrs. Edgar, Loy and Rolland Bolick. of Conover; A. R. Tosh and A W. Cline, of Newton; Russell Yount, Harry Herman and Mr. Becker. Homemade candy, peanuts ana l ot chocoUte were served November 26. Mrs. Chart wick wel comed the Hickory B.ok Club to her heme. Alter discussion ot books the hosier spoke in detail of her book. "The Bear's Claws'* by Mrs. Mason and Mr. Milliard. The Occident and Orient meet in th.s fanciful but enter taining story when the hero and her oine, New-Yorkers unite in the strug gle of Persia against the aggressions of Russia It is a decorated book of travels, the adornings being a human love story, thrilling adventuies, and an original way of describing the country people and environments. Under candle light, a Thanksgiving dinner was served. The place-cards, ac companied with conundrums on an "Old Fashioned Dinner," illustrated varied phases of Thanksgiving Day. Turkey with his train filied the table. A seven-branched candlelabra emerged from the fruit centre-piece. Jokes, ap propriate to the hotu, increased the jollity. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Royster, December 10. The Round Dozen Book Club met November 26 with Miss Lizzie Mc- Comb. Prominence was given to "The Judgement House" by Gilbert Parker, The hostess told interesting facts about the book and its author. She also read a story which was en joyed. After discussion of current news, dairty refreshments were served. The next meeting December 10 will be with Mrs. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs Joe Abernethy entertained a number of their relatives at dinner on Thanksgiving day These who enjoyed the beautiful dinner so beautifully served were: Mr P W, Whitener, Mr. and Mrs L. R. White ner, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Whitener, Hairy M. Whitener, Mrs. W. L, Abernethy, Mrs. J. F. Abernethy and two children, Julius Abernethy and Miss Pinkie Forney. The Dixie Grey Chapter will meet with the president Satur day K December 6. at 3.30 o'c lock. The 1. 0. 0. F. Lodge gave en oyster Fupper in the Baptist Sunday School loom last Thurs day night which wa* largely at tended and much enj )yed by all who were present. New Goods! Our new goods are now arriving and will soon be on display. We will have the largest and most complete assort ment we have ever shown in Solid Gold, Diamond, Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Fine Hand-Painted China, c#r. Many new designs this season that are especially attractive. Gifts from this store have a character that appeals to those of the best taste. Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Optometrist Hickory, N. C. (l^PriceTl | 65 Ladies, Misses and Childrens | | Coats —— | 0 Go on Sale Saturday and remain until sold at one-half their real Q V value. Just think of buying a $12.50 coat for $6.25, a $7.50 coat v 8 for $3.25, a $6.00 coat for $3.00, a $3.00 coat for $1.50, a $2.00 coat s 8 for SI.OO. This is the story. They must go, we need the room and time it will take for Holiday shopping. All Sweaters Reduced t| b One line of $2.50 Sweaters $1.50 li SOne line of $1.50 Sweaters SI.OO & f ...SEE THEM... O h See our Ginghams at 5c and Bc, worth 8c to 10c yard.. k Granulated Sugar, 5c lb. ; 1 Knox 5 & lOc Store I AfNOTE TO YOU | HICKORY, N. C., Nov. 6,1913. We figure that we will never lose any trade or I make any enemies > foes or antagonists, by selling the I ™best of Pure Drugs and Reliable Remedies at right I Don't you think we figure correctly? MOSER & LUTZ "On the Corner" Two Phones: 17&317 FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE! Three houses and five lots on paved street two blocks from depot W. B. YODER Anniversary. The anniversary of the Minerviai. I it®rary Society of Claremont College will be held in the college auditorium Monday evening, December 8, at 8:15 o'clock. No admission will be charged ana the public is cordially invited to be present The first part o' the program will be a pl-iy in one act, "Young Dr. Devine.'* The remainaer of the program will be as follows: Pi .no Geibel. Viola Leonard, Janie Leonard. "Grandma" De Kopey. Emma Bonner. Piano Solo Quartette from Rigolettc. Elizabeth Holbiook. Vjcal Solo "When the Day Breaks." Heloise de Grange. "Japanese Love Song" Thomas Beulah Propst, Vera Pritchitt, Vir ginia Sellers. Piano Selected. Constance Bost, Heloise de Grange, The Christmas Entertainment. Ruhy Kale, Maud Darr, Virginia Sellers. Constance Bost, Mae Liven good. Holiday Goods! Every year people are using more common sense in making their selections for Chriamas presents. They have found out that the truly appreciated gift must be useful and practical. We are show ing very attractive line of that kind packed in beautiful holly box es. We will be pleased to help you pack and wrap your Holiday packages for mailing. We offer a few suggestions for useful gifts: Handkerchiefs, many kinds 30c dz. to 50c each Ladies neckwear, 10c to $2.00 Mens Ties&Hose .Jsc to 50c Ladies Silk Hose, all colors 50c tQ $1.50 Ladies and Childrens gloves. 10c to $2.00 Jewelry Novelties 10c to SI.OO Mesh Bags and Vanities... _2sc to $5.00 Ladies Handbags.. 50c to $3.50 Automobile Silk Scarfs 50c to $5.00 Silk Ribbon Novelties ...25c each , Table Linens. 50c to $1.50 yd Napkins to match .. .00 to $4.00 dz Umbrellas, imported handles s'.oo to $5.00 " Silk and Crepj Shirt Waist SI.OO to $2.50 Furs, Sets and Separate pieces $1.50 to $25.00 Suits and Coats (greatly reduced) $5.0() to $20.00 It will te our pleasure to show you. Save your Cash Checks. Thompson-West Co. "THE LADIES STORE."