No Substitutes RETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak * ing Powder. There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes aM made from alum. Signion-Huffman. Mr. Eugene Signmn and Mi s i£dna Huffman, both of this city, •syere married in Newton la>t Wednesday by Rev. W. W. ROWP, pastor of the Reformed church at that place. Mr. Sigmon is shipping clerk at the Piedmont Wagon and Manufacturing Company and Miss Huffman was stenographer for the same firm. The Demo crat extends congratulations. for Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drires out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic and cure For adults and children. 5Cc- Freckled Girlr It is an absolute fact, that one 50 ce: jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAI. will either remove your freckles or cau:. them to fade and that two jars will even in the most severe cases completely curs them. We are willing to guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion is not folly restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will not make hair grow but will positively remove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK LES Come in today and try it. The jars are Urge and results absolutely certain. Sent by mall if desired. Price 50c. Mammoth jars SI.OO. WILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP 25c. For Bale by Moser and Lutz The Hunting Season Is New In Full Blast Our Stock of Guns and Ammunition is complete and prices to please all L. C. Smith Hamraerless, 12 gauge $30.00 Baker Gun Co., 16 guage . . 25.00 Ithica, 12 guage . . . . . 20.00 Ithica, 20 guage .... 20.00 • Utica, 12 guage .... 17.50 Stevens, 12 guage . . . 17.50 Springfield 12 guage Hammerless 15.00 Double Hammer Guns at $ 10, sl2, sl4 and $17,50. Winchester 12 ga. Auto Shotgun S3(XOO Winchester 20 ga. Pump Gun 25.00 25 Single Guns . . 4.00 Nitro Hunter Single guns, 12. 16, 20 7,00 22 Rifles . . , $1,50 to $15.00 50,000 Shells U. M. C., Winchester, Western and Peters High Gun Shells. Abernethy Hardware Co. £~z HICKORY, N. C. Newton Finishes Stree*. Newton, Nov. 30.--Specif»*. The bitulithic street leading fr m the depot to the main part «f town is completed. Previous k its building, the old roadway had worn in holes so as to make tra veling very uncomfortable. Ir the past it always took the hack.- at least 20 or 25 minutes to makt the drive from the station to th* square, now it is only a matter of how fast the horses can tra vel. NEW DEPARTURE Selling Medicines at Half Price Under Guarantee of Cure. After two months of remarkable sales, Moser & Lutz. the enterprising druggists, say that their plan of selling at half price the regular 50 cent size of Dr. Howard's specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia, and guaranteeing to refund the money if it does not cure, has been the greatest they have ever known Anyone suffering with dyspepsia, constipation, liver troubles, headache, dizziness, coated tongue, or the gener al tired feeling, caused by inactive liver and disordered digestion, should take advantajieof Moser & Lutz's new departure and buy a bottle of I">r Howard's.specific at half price, with their personal guarantee to refund money if it does not cure, (..vlv't. Subscribe for The Dtm crat. A Thanksgiving Dinner. On Thanksgiving dsy, the hos pitable oJd colonial hme of John W. Rooinson threw o »en ite doors and welcome i most heartily jthe local Farmers Union ;ind United Farm women to a bai quet. Three loni tables, each seating twelve, were provj ied. These were decorated with pumpkins, apples," popejrn ant ferns, all from the farm. Tfc? good old fashioned menu cons sted mostlv of things fr m the arm which the ladies donated and equalec any found an hotels So, at ? very slight cost tie farmers 3 , their wives and the young people of the Killicn dUtr ct spent a most enjoyable day socially with each other. The toaat J were especially fine. Many good suggestions along the line of neighborhood betterment- Co* operation being given, ; and loads of fur. # . , , It was the unanimous wish 01 each one present that we hold one annually at some place in the neighborhood. Thousands of Pleased People Have bought and are buying Gowans,.K:ag of Ext rnals. Gowansi; an exten il preparation that always scatters congestion and inflamation which are the agencies producing tolds, crouD, pneumonia. You just rub Gow ins on. No dangerous fumes to inhale. No dangerous crugs to grt in your sys tem. Ge?rans does i's work so well that ethtea! physiciaas freely re ccamend its use. Croup >co.nes in thf night. Pneu monia develops sudd- nly. A bot tle of Gowans in the home makes you feel safe. Buy £ bottle today. All druggists. Three sixes, 25c, 50c and SI.OO. Go wan Medical Co, Concord, N. C. A VALUABLE SUGGESTION IMPORTANT TO EVERYONE It is now conceded by physicians that the kidneys should have more atten tion as they control the other organs Ito a remarkable degree and do a tre i mendous amount of work in removing the poisons and waste matter from the system bv filtering the blood. During the* winter months especia - lv, when we live an indoor life, tue kidneys should receive some assistance when needed, as we take less exercise drink less water and often eat more rich heavy food, thereby forcing the 1 kidneys to do more work than .Nature ! intended. Evidence of kidney trou i ble such as lame back, annoying blad ' I der troubles, smarting or burning, | brick-dust or sediment, sallow com -1 plexionj rheumatism, may be weak oi ) irregular heart action, warns you that your kidneys require help immediate ly to avoid more serious trouble. Many physicians claim that an herbal - medicine containing no minerals or r opiates has the most healing influence j An ideal herbal compound that has had most remarkable success as a kid r ney and bladder remedy is Dr. Kilmer \ Swamp-Root. * • . , j You may receive a sample bottle o » Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address " Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N Y., and enclose ten cents; also • mention - the Hickory Democrat.. adv t Inconsistency. "'You say your wife is an antlsuf fragist?" "Yea; she spends her time gadding around the country asserting that woman's plaoe Is the home/' SIIIEIICIII FOR OLD PEOPLE Old people, to overcome the weak ening, debilitating effects of increa - imr old age, often make a very sad rnisUke in using so-called "remedies" that contain alcohol and dangerous or habit-forming drugs. Often thisstufi because it livens and brighter them up a little just after taking a dose, leads them to imagine tnat it is doinj? them good, when it isn't. Remedies that rely for their sale on such deceit, do harm, because the false excitemeni of the nerves and heart leaves them worse than they were before. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a rea' medicine —a splendid, body and strength-builder, especially good for old people, because it furnishes to the system ingredients necessary to re build wasted tissues, strengthen the nerves, give new energy and a younger and livelier felling to the body. 1 dosen't contain a drop of alcohol noi any dangerous drug. It may not make you feel belter after the first dose, nor perhaps for several days But if you don't feel much better and stronger before you have taken a quarter as much as you have of other medicines tiiat didn't help you, we will gladly give you back .\ That's certainly a square deal The lour Hypophosphites it contain are used by leading physicians every where in debility, weakness and liabil ity to disease, to tone and strengthen the nerves. Purest Olive Oil, one of the most nutritous, most-easily-di gested foods known, being taken with the hypophosphites, gives rich tissue nourishment to the entire system. You who are weak and. rundown, and you who are apparently well nov but are liable to suffer from various cold weather ailments, use Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to get and keep well and strong. For the tired-out run-down, nervous, emaciated or de bili ated—the convalescing—growing children —aged people —it is a sensible pleasant-tasting aid to renewed strength, better spirits,glowing health If it uoes not help you, your money will be given bacfc to you without ar gument. Sold in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store—one of more than 7,000 leading drug stores in the United States, Canada and Great Britain.—Grimes Drug Co., Hickory, N. C. adv't Kale-Hewitt. Miss Fannie Kale and Mr, John Hewitt, both of Newton, were married in this city last Friday afternoon by Rev. J no. D. Mau ney. They returned to Newton, where they will make their homt immediately after the ceremony. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of Ha Mness Would Bring to Hickory Homes. - Hard to do housework with an ach ing back. Brings you hours of misery at lei sure or at work. If women only knew the cause that Backache pains often come from weak kidneys, 'Twould save much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Read what a Hickory citizen says: Mrs. Fannie Propst, 'iwelfth St. and Second Ave., Hickory, N. C., says: "I suffered a great deal from nervous and dizzy spells and my head and back ached. The kidney action was irregular. I did not sleep well and got up in the morning, tired. I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store and used them They made me strong and well. lam pleased to confirm the endorsement I have given Doan's Kidney Pills be fore." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doan's end take no other, adv Explained. "I did business with that man over yonder once, and found afterwards it was a regular frame-up." "Did you expose him?" "Nothing to expose. I wanted the framing up for a picture I had." Constipation Poisons You. If you are constipated your entir* system is poisoned by the waste mat ter kept in the body —serious results often Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and you will soon get rid of constipation, and other troubles 25c. at Driggists or by mail H. E. Bucklen & Co. Phila. & St. Louis. How's This? • We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh fhat can not be cured by flail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bus ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his tirm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, Ohio. | ITrli's Cat3rrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly on the blood ana mU'*ous surfaces of the system. Tes timonials sent free. Price 75 cents pel bjtt'e. Sold by all druggists. Take Hail's Family Pills for consti pation. adv't. 159 Turkeys Used. Morffsnton, N w. 30 —Thanks giving day was fittingly observed at the State Hospital, the usual Thanksgiving-dinner being pre pared. The preparation of this dinner is an enormous undertak ing. About 150 turkeys are re q lired, which will give some idea as to the proportion in which other things are n q tired to bur nish the special diunar for 1,600 people. Sprains, Bruises Stiff Muscles are quickly relieved by Sloan's Liniment. Lay it on—no rub bing. Try it. Aakla Sprain and Dislocated Hip. " I sprained my ankle and dislocated my hip by falling out of a third story window. Went on crutches for four months. Then I started to use your Liniment, according to directions. I must »ay it is helping me wonderfully. We will never be without Sloan's Lini ment anymore."— CMat. Jok MM, hmmttm Station, N. Y. SLOANS LINIMENT Kills Pain Splendid for Sprains. " I fell and sprained my arm a week ago and was in terrible pain. 1 could not use my hand or arm unUl I applied your Liniment. I shall never be with out a bottle of Sloan's Linipent,"-*»» H B. Springer, Eluabth, N. I. Fin* for Stiffns—i "Sloan's Liniment has dona more good than anything I have evar tried for stiff joints. I got my haad hurt ao badly that 1 had to atop work right in the busiest time of the yaar. I tkmgkt at first that 1 would have to have my hand taken off. but I got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand." —Wilton Wheeler, Morris, Ala. At all Dealers. 25c* 60c. and SI.OO (jflH Send for Sloan's T. Cf free, instructive book on horses, f cattle, hogs and poultry. Address I # Dr. EARL S. SIOAI^Ik. MSTON, MASS. | I I I I I Do You | | Want the | | Same Shoe? | H H |§ g| §= % Philadelphia - Boston |f = = = = in fact all the style centers are raving over the men's new fall (11(1 "Selz | II 11 1 Waukenphast" j of Royal Blue Fame E and why not? It's undoubtedly going to be the most popular shoe H this fall. It's really a common. H = S §5 s sense shoe and seems strange its M M H M H manufacture has not been thought H H = H of by other makers. p H S H Feels just like a glove. Ought to H • H sell for twice the amount asked = f IS for them. = j We have them for women and §| M v children, too. Just as aristocratic. W- Val^^^^^ing! Value is not determined by the original cost, but by the satisfactory service. The last six months of service is the best test of satisfaction. OUR CLOTHES will give entire satisfac tion thru the last six months of wear as well as the first. OUR PRICES are no higher, if fact we think we are slightly under the market. ALL WOOL Suits, hand tailored, sls and up. Other grades in all wool suits, $7.50 and up. COME IN now, today, and select your suit or overcoat. Moretz-Whitener Clo. Co. "THE QUALITY SHOP" fob Printing That's Different—Phone 37