;THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Kvcrv Tlmr>df y 6. V. MORTON. - Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance f i.uo Six Months, " " ** three Months " a 5 Advertising Rates on Application Mitereo at the Post Office at Hickory mcond class matter. THURSDAY. DEC. 11. 3913 The address of the President of the United States to Congress which was delivered last week was a gem in brevity and bril liancy. Instead of the old stereo typed form of an annual mes sage, it was delivered in persoi ats a joint session of the twr houses! at the opening of th aecond'session of the sixty-thin congress. The address is not only short and toj the point, but is also t classic in diction, and should b* read by every citizen of th United States. Heretofore pres idents have reviewed the annua' report of cabinet, and other of ficers|at length, urging legisla tion, appropriations and othe; actions, but President Wilso? suggests that these reports m*\ receive the thoughtful attention of all congressmen, as their ob vious importance to the govern ment makes comment and em phasis on his part unnecessary. There, was nothing in his ad dress about what has beei done, but everything is looking forward to the future, and foi more progressiveness. He says there is but one cloud upon out horizon, and that hangs over Mexico, and that there can be no certain prospect of peace in America until Huerta has sur rendered his authority in Mexico. He is very emphatic for social justice and advocates public ownership of the railroads in Alaska, and urges that the gov ernment build, own and operate them. He advocates the nomination? for the presidency by popular Vote, with such legislation as would retain party conventions, and formulate platforms. Will some one explain why it is so many of the buyers of Hickory purchase their goods from other points, and have them shipped in here when they can buy the same grade of goods right here at home, at. the same prices, and thus save freight? Hickory has a number of man ufacturing plants, and they de serve the patronage cf the busi ness men of the city. Among these are the overall factory, hosiery mills, wagon factory, flour mills, the glove factory, the furniture factories, chair factory, the cotton mills, and many oth ers. They would be glad to havf your business, and would give you as good prices as you car get elsewhere, and guarantee thf goods bought of them, also you have the advantage of seeing thf goods before you .buy. Patroniz home industries and| help Hick orv to grew to be the leading cities in North Carolina, General Missionary Society Organ ized. The Evangelical Lutheran Ten nessee Synod at its last genera! session held in ' Hickory drew up ft constitution for a general mis sionary organization of the wo men. In accordance with tha work tng basis outlined by tna synod, tne Woman's Missionary Society of St. Andrews congregation call ed for a representative from all the missionary societies of the eynod to meet in St, Andrews church in this city Saturday nwrning, November 29, to organ ize into a Womans Synodica body. On Friday night previous to organization the Womans' Mis sionary Society of the church held a public mission service. Rev. L. L. Lohr, president of the Synod, championed the cause of the wo men with an address. The visit ing ladies and congregation were then invited to Highland Hall of Lenoir College for an hour of ac quaintance in the dining room around the table. The meeting was opened Sat urday morning with devotional service conducted by Mrs. W. J. itoper, of Monroe. Mis 3E. B. Shirey read an interesting paper outlining and presenting the sphere of woman's work in courch service. The convention then organized itself, adopted a Synodical constitution and elect ad the following officers: Mrs. W. J. Boger, president; Mr?, R. A. Yoder. vice piesident North Car olina Conference; Mrs. Wm. J. Mnk, vice president Virginia Conference; Mrs. Pretti. vice president South Carolina Confer ence; Miss E. B. Shirey, record ing secretary; Miss Bettie Coon, (prresponding secretary; Mrs. Ivnnball, treasurer. The convention will meet an nually. A number of standing committees were appointed. It *s believed by many that this or ganization will be an added im 99tus to the cause of fissions. Condemns Virginia's Action. The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Just Freight Association of North Caro i" a at Greensboro Tuesday, Decm.ber 2na : "Whereas, Richmord, Norfolk, Pr»tfishurg and ftoam ke, Vir ginia, through respective Chamieis of Commerce have ap peared before the Interstate Commerce Commission in an at temnt to prevent the establish ment o reduce 1 r'r. >, ht frotii Cu.cinnatiand other West ern points of origin to North Caroiina leeis'ature, and "WhereaF, the petition of these Virginia cities prays that the carriers be denied the right to establish the proposed rates, because proposed rates are in a few ins r ances lower to North Carolina destinations than to destinations in Tennessee be tween Cincinrati and points ir North Carolina via same routes, and because proposed rates.are higher to some points in Western North Carolina tlian to some other points in Eastern North Carolina, while they make no mention of the fact that all rates to all point -- in North Carolina are much higher than to Rich mond, iNorfotk, Petersburg and Roanoke, and chat hundreds of these North Carolina points are between points of origin in the Virginia cities named, and "Whereas, If these Virginia cities believe as they charge that present rates discriminate in favor of North Carolina points against these Virginia cities, their remedy lies in a straight forward, dignified complaint covering that point, and not in an ignoble attempt to prevent this readjustment by hiding be hind the alleged injustice which be done some unimportant points in Tennessee, and "Whereas, the petition of these Virginia cities is not made in good faith, but is cleverly de vised to mislead the Commis sion in the hope that present rates which are outrageously dis criminatory in favor of U;i_h mond, Norfolk, Petersburg and Roanoke, Virginia against the entire state of NjiihCaro ! Una, may be continued in effect to the end that the c mmerce of North Carolina shall continue to pay unjust tribute to these Vir ginia cities, "Resolved, that we heartily condemn the Chambeis of Com merce of Richmond, Norfolk. Petersburg and Roanoke, Vir ginia, for their quibbling peti tion in an early attempt to de feat an adjustment that grant* North Carolina only partial re lief from unjust conditions, we commend the manly positions s.. far taken by Lynchburg and oth er Virginia cities who have not become p irties to this insincere petition, and we cali on-every loyal citizen of North Carolina t show iheir righteous indignation against Richmond, Norfolk, Petersburg and Roanoke foi their attempt through the state mentor half truths to retard the development of the entire atite of Norta Carolina in the interest i of a few jobbers in Richmon , Norfolk, Petersburg and R>* oke." IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of H onr>ess \\ ould Bring to Hickory Homes. He rd to do housework with an ach ing back. Brirgs you hours of n.iserv at lei sure or at work. If wemen only knew the cause that Backache pains often come iron: *?eak kidneys, 'Twuulrl save :vch needless woe. Doan's xudne Hils are for wea kidneys. Read what a Hickory citizen says: Mrs. Fannie Propst, iwelfth and Second Ave., Hickory, N. C. says: "I suffered a great deal fro: nervors and dizzy spoils and my hea and back ach.-d . he kinney actio was irregular. I did n t sleep -• and got up in the morning, t reu. procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Most & Lutz's Drug Store and used them They made me strong and wcii Isi pleased to confirm the endorsement have given Doan's Kidney Pills be fore." For sale by all dealers. Price 5 1 . cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the Unite- States. Remember the name — Doan's snt take no other. adv Misses Hattie and Rebecca Mi - Coy, of Charlotte, spent Thanks giving in this city with thei cousins, Misses Myrtle and Lu | cile Little. Croup and Cough Remedy. Croup is a terrible disease, it at tacks children so suddenly they are very apt to choke unless given the pioper remedy at once. There i nothing better in the word than Dr King's New Discovery. Lewis Chain berlain, of Manchester, Ohio, write? about his children: "Sometimes in severe attacks we were afraid they wouli die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Dis covery is. we have no fear. We rely on it for croup, coughs and colds." So can you. 50c. and SI.OO. A bot tle should be in every home. At all Druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Co; Pkila. St. Louis. a d v . i iBIC FINES WIS! OH now I SELLERS The Ashevillo Hotel «len Agree to Compromise Judgi ents. Cases Are Closed. Asheville, Dec. 2- -The invest igation of the al j ged illegal traffic in whiskey which has been conducted by :'udge Frank Carter here for the *?ast several weeks came to an :brupt close • ? is morning when f :e presiding fficer announced that the de fendarts ir« the various cases have apreec to pay the heaviest fines ever imposed in a North Carolina coi rt for a similar of fense, dom thei intoxicants to the Missi' n Hospi al for use in the charity wards, lestroy bar room fixture sin thei • possession and refrain from the sale oi whiskey for the nex" three years. Under the terms of the com promise, a ine of $4,G00 is im posed on . ohn H Lange, and Gay Green, the fo mer paying $2,666.67 an \ the later being as sessed with U,333.3 5. James L. Alexander r *ys a f ie of $2,000. J, Baylis hector reads guilty and judgment is su pended for three years. D. Ma -.key forfeits his liquor license and agrees never to apt ly for i nother and a similar entry is j iade in the case of F. P. McMu The costs of the i vestigation, amounting to a .'proximately $1,500, ar-i divi ed equally among Mes: rs. Alex mder. Green and Lange. Row's Thir? We offer Oi e Hundrt i Dollars Re ward for any i ase of Ca irrh fbat can not be cured by Hall's utarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY &C( , Toledo, O. We, the undersignec have known F. J. Cheney or the la> 15 years, and believe birn perfectly h norable In all business transactions : ;id financially able to carry c ut any obligations made by his firm. Nation il Bank c f Commerce, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrl Cure is laken internal ly, acting dir ctly on be blood and mucous surfaces of the ;ystem. Tes timonial* sen- free. 'rice 75 cents per bottle. &Id by all lru^gists. Take flail's Family P. lis for consti pation. - adv't Dr. B. B. flowe Elected State Vet erinarian. Last Thursday the State Board of Agriculture at Rf 'eitrh elected Dr. B. B. Flowe a.s State Vet erinarian and his bn ther, Dr. H. P. Flowe, a:, assists; t. Eoth thene youn j men are Hickory boys, and we are glad to see them naking n success in their chosen professi >n. INDIGESTION OVERCOME Overcome by Simple Remedy. Hurried and careless habits of eat ing, irregular meals and foods that do not harmonize, tend to weaken the digestive organs and result in different forms of stomach trouble. If you are one of the unfortunates Who have drifted into this condition, eat simple foids only, slowly, regu larly and taka Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic. Mrs. H. J. Smith, Thomaßvllle, Ga., says: "I Buffered from a stomach trouble, was tired, worn out asd ner vous. A friend advise 1 me to take VlnoL My stomach trouble soon dis appeared and now I eat heartily and have a perfect digeetloa and I wish every tired, weak wom.Ji could have Vinol, for I B9ver spei t any money In my life that did me so much good." The recover,' of Mr:-. Smith was due to the combined j ction of the medicinal elements of tl cods' livers —aided by the blood making and strength creating prope ties of tonio iron, which are contained in VlnoL We will return the pu: chase meney ivery time Vtaol falls it) benefit P■ S. Onr Saxo Sal 9 stops lteh 'ng and borine healing: a once. ii $ i Q .XVv- k f : N&J *r u«S - y theJ; New Double Daily Service VIA Piedmont & North n Lines AND Carolina & North-Western Railway Comp inv. Lv. HICKORY Ar 9.30 a.m. 11.45 a.m 2 35 p.m. ' 7.40 p. m Between Gastonia and Charlotte. Effective Sunday Sept. 28th 1913. Lv. Qastonia - Ar. Gastonia No. 2 7.00 a. m. No. 7.55 a. m 44 4 8.15 " " •, 9.15 '» •' 6 9.30 •« 14 : i 0.15 •« «• 8 10.20 41 « 4 • 11.50 44 " 10 11.55 44 44 1 12.45 p.m. 44 j2 12.50 p.m. "It 1.55 44 "16 200 41 44 15 2.55 44 j 44 f8 3.10 4 4 44 1 7 4.40 44 J 44 20 sOO 4 4 44 1 9 5.35 41 44 22 6.45 4 4 4 * 21 7.45 14 44 24 9.30 44 44 23 10.30 44 "2611.00 44 "ab 11.59 44 The above schedule. figure* and connection pub lished only as information and are not,guaranteed. C. V. PALMER. Gen. Pas. Agent. Charlotte, N. C. E. O. JENNINGS, Com. Agent. Gastonia, N. C. The D. A. Society of the Methodist Church postponed their entertainment to next Sua-1 day, because of bad weather. I HAD CATARRH FIVE YEARS. were suited and a. MR. S. S. JOHNSON catarrh St. Elmo, Illinois. Specialist In St. Louis was tried. He got so weak and thoroughly run down that he de clares he could not walk more than & hundred yards without resting. Pew people understand that catarrh Is a constant drain on the system. The discharge of mucus which is going on in such cases Is largely com posed of blood serum, and Is a great waste. Sooner or later It will weaken the strongest man. According to reports received from Mr. Johnson, he was In a desperate condition, but he found relief from his trouble. We will let him aay how ha found It. His own words aay: «*My friends told me to take Pe runa, and I did so. I now feel that Peruna has saved my life. It Is the beat medicine on earth, and I would not be without It" This seems almost too good to ha true. No doubt there are some read ers that will think so. The above statements, however, can be verified by writing Mr. Johnson. • Every home should be provided with the last edition of "The Ills of Life,** sent free by the Peruna Co., Colum bus, Ohio. Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Lucky Day Almanac for 1914 Cost of Living Re duced by TOLEDO SCALES When buying groceries and meats look on the scales (or these signs— "Toledo," "No Springs" "Honest Weight." Write for illustrated catalogue, free. TOLEDO SCALE CO. Makers of Honest Scales. Toledo, Ohio You'il Receive Many Offers To accept oflice-emplin ment if you are graduate of the Asheville Business College Enroll now and secure a cash-paying education that starts you far above the f »ot of the ladder where the untrained are obliged to begin. We are offering special Summer Courses in Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, Touch-Typewriting and Penmanship NOTE—We teach by mail. If you can not attend tho college, write us abo'.t our Mail Courses. Address, HENRY S. SHOCKLEY. 3rd floor No.B, North Pack Sauare. Asheville N. C. The Man In The Moon Regrets that we can't reach him with a bottle of GOWANS KING »f EXTERNALS Because he suffers with colds and is threatened with Pneumonia. We have used Gowans Preparation repeatedly jn oar home for congestion of the threat and lunge with gratifying results. We have fre quently recommended its use to our friends and acquaintances and never heard of ita failing to doallthatis claimed for it. I unhesitatingly re comm»d it as a reliable remedy. FRANCIS W. KENNEDY. Tiffln. Ohio. Professer Hist, and Soc.. Heidelberg Univ. All Druggists Sell Gowans 3 SIZES 25c, SOc AND SI.OO GOWAN MEDICAL CO. CONCORD. N. C. r ii I Are You a Woman ? I »Cardui The Woman's Tonic I ?0» SALE AT ALL DPJS6ISTS 8 - 94 A MASTER-MODEL OF THE T> r\V \T STAND ARD I\U I TYPEWRITER One Standard Model for all Purposes HAS TWO-COLOR RIBBON, BACK-SPACER, TABULATOR and many new and valuable patented features that other typewriters do not have PRICE, $75 Write for "The Royal Book," or send for a "Royal man'* ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY ROYAL TYPEWRITER BUILDING • • NEW YORK DEAL and LEONARD, Local Representatives Hickory, : : ; i : North Carolina PHONE 327 J. PHONE 293 '*" 4 Hickory Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, . Mantels, Moulding, Lumber, Etc. FINE HARDWOOt) WORK A SPECIALTY 1 SEND US YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES Write for Catalogue and Prices PHONE No. 16. I L. L~ Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furuish building material for any kind of a job all iirst class work and will save you money. See L. L. Moss before you close your bids. Phone 173 L. k The Best Light 4 £ On Any Subject W 0 RAYO Lamps give the softest steadiest m m light for work or play, for young or old. k J JZ&yb J J No straining of the eyes. A constant com- 1 k fort to a& the family. k il Solid brass, nickel-plated. Handsome. m Strong. Easy to clean and rewick. Lighted 1 without removing chimney or shade. k k At dealer* everywhere, or * 1 write for descriptive circular. k STANDARD OIL COMPANY * W WaiMnytow, D. C. (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. C. ■ BALTIMORE Charleston, W. Va. P Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. SHOE SHOP Want to do your repair work. Best work manship. Rear end SOUTH WORTH'S SHOE STORE S. M. MURPHY California Woman Seriously Alarmed "A abort time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on my longs and caused me a great deal of annoy ance. I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were sp sore and i iflam« d I began to be seriously alarm ed. A. frier d recommended Chamber 'ain's Cough Remedy, saying she had used it for vears. I bought a bottlt and it relieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the ct Id and soreness of my lungs/' writes Miss Marie Gerbtr, Sawtelle, Cal. For sale b$ Grim-1 Drug Co., and £oser& Lutt, ai,. Stomach Troubles Disaooear Stomach, liver and kidney troubles weak nerves, lame back and female ills disappear When Electri c Bitters are used. Thousand s rf wcmen would not be without a bottle in their heme. Elixa Pool of Depew, Okla. writer: Electric Bitters raised me from a bed of sickness and suffexing and has done me a world of good. I wish every suffering: woman could use this ex cellent remedy and find out, as I did, just how good it is." As it has help ed thousands of others, it surely will do the same for vou. Every bottle guaranteed, 50c. and SI.OO. At all druggists. H. E. Buck!en & Co Philadelphia or St. Louis. adv. [Tow FARES! Homeseekers tickets are sold at greatly reduced fares on the Ist and 3rd i uesdays j of each montli; stopovers free and 25 days time, via Cotton Belt Route,—to Arkansas and Texas Winter tourist tickets (round trip) from southeast points to many points in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico, will be on sale daily Nov. Ist, 1913 to April 30, 1914; with exceedingly In tig return limit of June Ist, 1914. Stopover 3. All year tourist tickets on sale daily to certain points in Texas —9O day limit. Th« Cotton Belt Route is the #r«/lin»fromMemphi3toTexas, through Arkansa#—two splendid trains daily, with •lectric lighted •quipaMnt •( through sleepers, parlarears BnddiniMcars.Trair.3 from ail part# »f Southeast make di«ijgj connection at Memphii wiwPCotton Belt Route train# 1 to th* Sauthwest. \ For full Information about Home- I Mekeri Fares, Winter Tourist Fur i I or All Year Tourist Tickets, address , ■ Ike undersigned. Books about farm- J I int In Southwest, rent free. Write! 1 ft H.H. SUTTON, District Pasj'r A £ e* | B M.B. HOLTSFORD, Passenger Ajeat ? PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence ;nd Difficult Re modeling a Specialty. HICKORY ... IS" C. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. J. HICKS DEN 11ST Will be in my office Fridays and S&t irdays Up Stairs in Club P.ld'g., next door to Sbuford Hardware Co. Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. C. eJODiX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY, N. c. THAT NEAT HAIR-CUT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING 1 OR -IS AT Diet's Barber Shop TRY US NONE BETTER R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9.h St. I Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Storr. Hickory, N. C. j L Palace Barber Shop Try us once and you will come again D. F. CLING. Proprietor I Mrs. D. M. \ Trained Nurse Will be glad to serve Physicians in adjacrn (owns and country as well as in Hickory PHONE 80 HICKORY, N. C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS-TO R I A

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