§ Something',, (To.riiticj to s?ou - % $ Xrnas csi ii % " i from our store, i liat's where your particu- 5} lar friends ■ c.oct their drifts and that is where 4ft ® you can now get beautiful Watches, Clocks/® Rings, Brace cis, Watch Chains, Fobs, Lockets, © ® Neck Chains, f a Va&ieres, Stick Pins, Bar Pins, Cuff ® Jg Pins, Hat Pins. Belt Pins, Brooches, Cuff Links, 9 ! Mesh Bags, T-';et and Manicure Sets, Cut Glass, Jg Jgj Silverware, 11 id Painted China, UmbreUas, and $ many other a. i les at prices that have not been (ft Ira boosted for the holiday trade. tThis means © ® a considerable saving over what you would © ® have to pay elsewhere. And such superb ® gifts, too! . W I 7. 0. tfAodest Holiday Suggestions The Chvistn 3 idea of giving has changed. The great majority c > now buying useful, practical gifts, -s the only kind th-: is appreciated. f I Our stock i? j m full of that kind. the following pa .al l:sx, packed in beautiful holly and poinsetta bous. T-ailios N-mm- 25.* to $2.00 Laciiep Silk i s-; 50c to $1.50 Ladies S?"k • !'- 50* to $5:00 Ladles Si:k i u-oats $1.98t053.50 Ladies Sliit ' . -tc $1 f0 to $2.50 Ladies Cunts »d Sv.its $7,50 to S2O 00 G: ZATLV REDUCED Ladies I'm!", lis SI.OO to $5.00 Ladies Fur 8 $2-00 to $25.00 Lailies Han '-ptvhiefs s* t> 50 -a. Ladies Ha: ->i:s 50r to $3.50 Ladies Ladies Kid G vps SI.OO to $3.50 Ladies Suii c and Hag'' . $8. r M) to $10«^K) Latest Jp\V(-'r X vrl ie's - 100 to SI.OO Latest Ril'l • N"ve!ti? 10c to 25c Latest Ceilii' ! ! N■ v«-lii«^s 10?. to 25c Latest Rue! 25c to 50c »• Latest Imp t S ks $1.50 to $2.50 Latest Si 1! T •> (Men- ) 25c to 50c Children? (. • s $1.50 to $7.50 _ I GPEATLY REDUCED Ladies Bed 1! oir. Slipprrs 50c to $1.75 Children- B ! I' Slippor? 50e to SI.OO Latest Boat! r;-1 B j !ts 10c tn 50*- We have many « • I ij.ii tl bp rai not mention for lack of room. ')■• v«»ur *?!tii" m»»s shopping early. Yoo get better selecti' ; :i: i l>et'f»r service. Save your caah I checks, THOMPSON-WEST CO. "The LADIES STOPE" Establish Your Credit It doc; :Oi require a big capital to establish your credit here. Honesty and the cap city to handle yourself and your busiiv ;;s satisfactorily, count for a great de?\ « Open an ac«' .-.nit at this bank, maintain your repu tation as a r : of character and your credit will soon be est ' bed as firmly a.s the Rock of Gib raltar. You, men are especially invited to open :• accounts. Se d while you can ' 'tomorrow may be ioo late. Have money in Xaq bank when misfortune or old age . vertakes you. Start an ac count here today—a dollar will do it. Four per ce : i. interest paid on Savings Ac count, compounded quarterly. First J National Bank I HICKORY, N. C. I Capita' end Surplus, $270,000 - J. D. ELLIOTT, Pi sidont K. C. MENZIES, Vice-Pres. and Ctsbler J. L. CILLEY, A'sis'ant Cashier 1 I Money To Loan At All Times t ** • • ▼ •§• «§• *§» t§» A «|i A AAA AA 1 * # + LOC*L AND PERSONAL. + + - ++++ ++ + +•!+ ++ +- +++ ++ + Prof. C. M. Staley was a bus ness visitor tc New tor Monday Mrs. J. E. Se-lers is visiting her daughtei, Mrs. A. E. Fun derburk, ac C ieraw, S. C. Miss Claire Sellers has return ed from a visi to her: ster, Mrs Funderburk, i.t Chera -% S. C, Miss Louise Allen has return ed home after a lens chy visit to Chrfriotte. Mrs. D. M. Litakar and Mr. Henry Litaker left today for. their new home in Ttnmasville The many friends >f Mrs S R. Morrison will reg et to learn that she has been «")nfined at her home witii diphtb -ria. Mr. and M»*s. Dondd Apple- I gate, of Phil'ipsburg, N. J., are r he guests of Mrs. Applegate's mother, Mrs. T. C. Mc ser. Mrs. Lippa 'd of Tn utman was in the to attend the debate at L»er oir College Monday night. Her son was in the de bate. Mr, and Mrsl Wllla) '1 Souther land -have mo *ed to clock - Hill, S, C.% where Mr. Sout'^rland has a position with the So ithern Ry. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. omith gave a Stag dinner to a number of their friends^-on Th'trsday, De cember 4. A:l present enjoyed the delicious J inner. Rev. D. M. Litaksr left last Saturday ior Cabarri s county to visit bis parents. Frcm there he will go to. Thomasvillt?, where he becomes pastor of Main Street Methoidist church. Mr. and Mi s. F. C. Board and -Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Demund, of Ridgewood, N. J,, entertained at dinner at the Hotel Huffry the oilowing guests: * Mr: and Mrs. E: Av Smith, Hon. Geo. B. Hiss and wife, Dr. Clar'c. of Char lotte, and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Whitener of this city. Dr. De mund is a leading physician of N. J. , and Mr. Board is a promi ent banker. OCXXXXXXJCKXXXXXX: 00000000 2 > BUSINESS LOCALS f 0000000000000000000000000 VEAL CALVES WANTED-1 am still buying calves and pay igheat market price all the time, f. L. Miller, Hickory, N. C. °hone 122 L. VE have a complete Ine of un brakable steel ' doll carriages, p r»ce« the lowest. Umstead's. *TGS, currents, rsi; ins, dates all ingredients for X nas cakes. Wintener & Martin. IF it-Is china and gh&s and vari ety goods. * leaders in "his line. Quality Better. Price noJiiaher. Umstead's. LARGE residence lot for sale on East 12th Avenue. Addl.v to •Sirs.-George A. Link, 802 9th \venue. OUR doll line is unaproached as to variety and v;ilue. Um stead's. TU&HEST cash pric* naid for fnrs of all kinds Zerden's U»4erselling Store. mar 1 QUICK'-see D. L. t 'artin and get your house and ontents in ured befare it burns »o and your avings of a lifetime : re prone, tf R3R SALE— A. No. me second hand piano in iroor condition a bargain to qi ick buyer. Aoply to Mrs. W. L. Vbernethv, WANTED—I arsrest turkey in countv for sa'esp -ople, also country sausTsre every week. P. M. Knox, °AN-A-CE-A guar nteed to make your lay it Whitene & Martin. shoes f»v>m AMr»n, if you want better shoes for the same ir I**» money. "CABBAGE plants, per hun dred. One dollar pr thousand delivered anywhere n Hickory; Hickory Seed To. v Hickory. N. C. WE-toave a good line of wheel barrows, wagons, velocipedes, rocking and swinging horses, and. shoo fly.etc. Umstead's. PLUMB pud:ling, m nee meat*- fruit cakes **t Whitene • & Martin J UMSTEAD'S has the freest an} best selected line of -tolls, toy* ->nd holiday goods, beter quality for the price, look -.nd make comparison. EVERYTHING that the other maii-hasn't in -food products; we have Whitene & Martin. A Big Fire Insurance business bought out by IX LrJMart in. our health and acdident man. froftißeid & Yount,! connected with Mutuel B. & L. Association at ; Hickory Banking & Trust Co. See D. L. Martin at his office in front of Dost office or phone him. No. 228 L, and get your house and contents insured before it burns up, anr l you have lost all your savings o- a lifetime in about twenty minutes. I rijjjjmj* Christmas (wIR R emem br a n ces i Make Your Selection Now Beautiful Gifts of Jewels—Gold and Silver. .The most appropriate remembrance. For the Holidays weare showing an unusually attractive collection. | - - DIAMONDS o FINE GOLD JEWELRY HAND PAINTED CHINA GOLD FILLED JEWELRY RICH CUT GLASS STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES UMBRELLAS SILVER TABLEWARE CLOCKS o WATCHES o We have added to our already large stock for Christmas. We have them in all the different grades andaizes —from the plain nickel case to the purest gold. It is a pleasure to give such articles as we sell and more than pleasure to receive them. They make useful and lasting remembrances. Geo. E. Bisanar I Jeweler and Optometrist Hickory, - North Carolina \ ■■■■■ «M«I * ' ' North Carolina • Notice of Lot Catawba Gounty. > Sale. Notice 1s nereby given to the public that the undersigned executor of the last will and testament of Amanda Pope, deceased, under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Catawba county, in a certain special proceeding, entitled, Chas. Pope exe cutor, vs Clarence Pope, Lee Pope and others, for the purpose of securing as sets with which to pay debts, and which order and decree was signed by the clerk of the Superior Court of Ca tawba county, on the 29th day of Sep tember, 1913, authorizing the sale of the said premises for the purposes set out in the complaint. Therefore in persuance to said order I. Chas. Pope, executor, will on the 20th day of December. 1913, in front of the Post Office in the city of Hick ory, at two o'clock, p. m., sell at pub ic outcry to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate containing a nice modern residence: It being a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the city of Hickory, Before Christmas, Christmas, & After Chritmas First, Last and All the Time! Goods Worth Buying at Allen's Great stock best 5, 10. 15 and 252 Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Table and Bureau Scarfs, 25; and 50c, Pillow Tops and Cases, Tow els, Table Linen. Sheets, Q lilts, Blankets, Comforts, Underwear, Corsets, Gloves, Stockings—the B'ack Cat —best eve-* soli in the town, Belts, Collars, Hand Bigs, Fancy Underskirts—s ; lk and knit LADIES AND CHILDREN'S COATS AND SWEATERS-CHEAP SPECIAL CUT PRICBS on Dress Goods, now. Great stock of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Linings, etc. Bigstocklof good shoes for men, women and children. Men and boy's hats, shirts, gloves, ties sox, etc. etc. This ie only a few of the many good things that would make your friends happy. Something useful is the thing most appreciated before Xmas, at Xmas and after Xmas. GOODS OF VALUE AND WORTH BUYING £ J. F. ALLEN'S The Biggest Reductions in 1 Ladies, Misses and Child ren's Coats Hickory Has Ever Known We have a large assortment of ladies coats t that we can sell you at from $2.95 to $6.90, an assortment of childrens coats at from $1.45 to £ $3.98. Allthese coats are nicely tailored and are of the latest styles. SUITS AND OVERCOATS I Eli Our entire stockof mens and boys' clothing 1 will be sold at reduced prices. We have the -i best stock of clothing to be found anywhere ii and we can save you money on winter clothing. ' Save your receipts ficrm our cash register v. as they will be valuable to you. ZERDEN'S I Underseling Store L,. E. ZERO BIN, Prop. Catawba county, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of J. D. Elliott, P. A. Setzer, and Huffman heirs, (part of Max Cline estate) and others, bounded and described as follows, viz: Lying on the west side of anewstreat, known as Shell street, beginning at a stone in the middle of said street, and running south 3% west 102 feet to a stone: Thence north Bwest 335 1 3 Teet to a stone; Thence, north 3J£ east 102 5-6 feet to a stone in Huffman's line; Thence south 86 east feet to the beginning, containing % acres, more or less. This to be final sale of the premises above named property first sale of Nov. Bth having been left open 20 days for bid to be raised. This the 27th davof November, 1913. CHAS. PO E, Commissioner. D. L. Russell, Attv. FOR SALE CHEAP—If you are looking for a srr.all farm near Hickory, here is your chance to buy. 16 acres of land cheap. Apply to 1028 Bth Avenue. tf. r Christmas Suggestions F ______________ ) ■ Our store is filled as never beforfe * with large varieties of Xmas novel ties in every line. The idea of giving things of practical value, articles that will be of service, is grow ing with each Yuletide season, and our store offers endless opportunities for variety of i selection. Some Suggestions: . Hosiery Gloves Neckwear Jt Handkerchiefs Collar Bags Laundry Bags Combination Sets Bags SuitCases ; Bath Robes Umbrellas Rain Coats Fancy Vests House Slippers s Overcoats ;£i i Make use of our stock- in supplying • your Xmas wants and your purchases will be most satisfactory.* Moretz-Whitener Clo. Go. I "THE QUALITY SHOP" 1 I IT DOESN'T MATTER what yoa want in v the grocery line, for breakfast, dinner-or tea, we can supply yoa with it. 'And what is more, our groceries, are fresh and we five full weight and good value for your money, just try trading with as mtm : ™r ■ ' * ■■ ■ | f CELERY, cranberries, oysters, and best nuts at Whitener & Martin. BLACK and' '982. ' Best OIF earth. At Allen's only.

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