Houck & Frevette's Beginning Saturday, December 13, Continuing Until December 24th. The greatest opportunity ever offered in the history of Hickory to buy up-to-date high-grade Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Gents' Furnishings at almost 1-2 off. MEN'S SUITS ! BOYS' SUITS S2O suits *or $13.00 j SB.OO Suits for $5.50 $lB 44 44 12.50 7.50 Suits for -- 5.00 sl6 44 44 / 10.50 »2 6.00 Suits for 4.C0 sl2 44 44 - 9.00 \\ 4.00 Suits for 3.00 $lO 44 44 8.00 j 300 Suits for __ 1.50 $ 8 44 44 5.00 2.00 Suirs for 1.25 SHOES OVERCOATS *2™ l nglish ci ast ; * r $ on S ls 00 Overcoats for SIO.OO 4.W Brown Shoes -2 25 12.50 Overcoats for ... 9.00 Ven » i* -------- - -- • 10.00 Overcoats for 7.00 8.00 Oven oats for 5.00 HATS »„« UNDERWEAR $3.00 Hats for $2.00 \ $2,50 Hats for_._l 51.50 M 50c Grade Underwear for _ 40c $2.00 Hats for $1.25 jj 25c Grade Underwear ior 20c A lot of samples worth S3 for .98 j! SI.OO Grade Underwear __ __ 75c Remember we will save you almost 1-2 of your money for Xmas. Look for the Red Star We Sell for Less Houek & Frevette HICKORY, - - NORTH CAROLINA On The Way. ■ Yes, Christmas will soon be here. Coming fast. Better make your selections now. We have the most j .complete line we have ever had. SUITABLE PRESENTS FOR ALL TOILET CASES, MANICURE SETS, BRUSHES, all kinds for everybody, TO! LET OUT FITS, Comb, Brush, bile, Scissors, Emery Boards. Combine them yourself in a pretty Xtnax box.! MUSIC ROLLS, Candlt holders, Stationery Casrs, Shaving 1 Sets, Hand Bags, Card Cases, Cigarette and Cigar Cases \ Cigars tn Xmas boxes, 2 5, 50, ICO to the box, and many things too numerous to mention. MOiSER. ®, LUTE, ' On The Corner." STOCK HOLDERS MEETING. J The annual Stock-holders meeting *of the First National Bank, Hickory, N. C.. will be held at this office, Tuois •day, January 13, 1914, at 3 O'CIOIK, for tthe purpose of electing Directors for rthe ensusing year, and the transacting of any other, business that may he brought before them. K. C. MENZIES, Cashier, it. . adv't, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith en tertained Sur.davthe following true ts: Mr/ and Mrs F. Z. Board arid Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Demund. of Ridgewjod, N. J.. Mr. W. J. Fnllertcn, a prjmi l*ent business n aiof iNf-w York. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. His and Dr. Chrke, of Charlot'e, Mr •nd Mrs. Walter Ta ,r,/ M\ of Rhodhiss, an! M-. and Mr j. A. A. W hilener, of- Hickory. • IfoJy Tri»itv Lutheran Charch. I Rev. .J. 11. Wannemacher, pastor Sundav School, 9:45 a. m. Chief Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7 p m. Morning Subject: Prepare ye the Way of the Lord. At the evening service, th« pistor will deliver a second ad dress on the Tnird Command ment. Immediately aftir the mg service the annual meeting of the congregation will be held. Tn > will read his ais n .a : report and officers will he eiected. Jt is hoped that every member of the congregation will be present. A cordiil invitation to all, es pecially are the strangers invit ed. Married. In tl'i» city list Wednesday evening at the h« me of the brije, Mrs. Fannie Morris to Mr. P. A. Barringer, of Troutman. Kev. J. H. Warremachet performed the ceremony. There will be a meeting of the ! Stockholders am 1 patrons of ihf 1 t atawb* Creamtry Company at the Chamber of Commerce, (December 13, at 11 o'clock. Lieut.-Gov. will make a talk on Rural Credits. Gov Daughtridge spent several months in Europe last year, and we believe wili trive us some val uable information, i I Christmas! Christmas!! I |, CHRISTMAS"! \ IS 'llcilo I-riciKi! \\ here are you going to buy your Christmas candies tj j|g and fruits?" y J H ''Oh, I have just bought mine from the California Fruit Co. They 3 ifl have the largest, treshest and nicest stock of candies and fruits in Hick j|j "VV'ell, Friend, how arc their prices?" ijp "Oh, they ha .e got their prices right. You see, John, they make all g of tneir candies r id buy bananas and other fruits by the .car load." H , " VVc j ! .» i hut is the place where lam going. Thanks. I will I take my friends along too." ip Let Us Fill Your Xmas Wants. j|j We have the very choicest in all kinds of Fruits, Nuts, and Cand s 1 i that has ever been shown in Hickory. I 1 I | id The Original Santa Claus House. I \\ e are glad ;o Inve you call in an 1 inspect our stock. Your order f left wit a us either by phone or in person will be gived prompt attcn- S tion. s 1 ¥ , i y Some of Oi r Popular Leaders. fj The handson.es! boxes of candy e »r shown, suitable for choicest § vj> Christ mss gifis. | Home Made Candies. All flavors of taffy, peanut candy, rtc., hard or soft Ift cents per pound, f • ruit candies, bonbons, nugatina, c hocolate cream, 20 cents per pound, p ? rancy chocolates, 40 and 50 cents per pound in boxes m *1 J Oranges, Grapes, Tangerines, Cocoanuts, Raisins and all kinds of nuts. I $ ISananas a specialty. Fancy fruit baskets. ' ! CALIFORNIA FRUIT Co7~ S JAMES LAZO S, Manager j! Th? Weight and Price is Right. Presbyterian Church Notes. The pastor will preach at both services on Sunday. The younp 1 people's meetings at 3 p. m. The younp people's missionary society will meet on MDnday afternoon. Trie preparations for the orphans' Christmas box are in order for packing of the box will take place on Monday be fore Christmas. Our Christmas entertainme: '• for the children will be held on the night before Christmas. GREAT bargains in mens hals at Allen's. i"Yiii'g • 'Attk. *. *^Oat..ii.. .'.-/ a. • *•■ fIKQHHHHHBHMHHHHKGjI j ".. % ? ea^Uar^ r Our big store is crowded with Holiday goods. We have searched the markets carefully and tried hard to secure part the i-ems you have in mind for Holiday shopping. Our large and varied stock is now open and on | display. Store will remain open at night until after Xmas until 9:30. MUSIC Will ha .e music every Saturday and including the entire week before Xmas. Meet your friends here and enjoy the music. Feel sure you will find the time well spent looking through our large and varied display. EXTRA SPECIALS Over three thousand pieces of plain and decorated ware including almost , anything you could call for displayed on gallery at j 5, 10, 15 and 25c Some of these items are worth double the money. Be sure and look this department over and tell your friends. Norhing li!:e it ever on display in this part of the State. All rare bargains. Ali Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats one-half price. ALL SWEATERS REDUCED I Big line Mens, Women and Children's Underwear. See our Mens heavy fleece shirts 39c each. Same as some merchants sell for 50c. Granulated Sugar 5c Good Rice 5c Octagon Soap 4c Arbuckle Coffee j 20c 25c Broom 18c 40c Broom 25c Remember, music Saturday and including the entire week before Xmas, . Respectfully, KNOX 5 and 10c Store, Hickory, - - - North Carolina I hi —i muni mm n inm 1 1 i i i*w iiiii———T I ' I j i I How About The I Gift Problem ? Have You Solved Yours With Strict Re gard To Fine Service As Well As Beauty? I Among the numerous articles embracing both, we suggest: : Aluminum Wear Grates and Heating Stoves (Wear ever) Xf Hunting Coats Automobile Foot Warmers JV A u , , , rvanidiers ana Hatchets j Auto Robes Irons Auto Tires, Tool Sets, etc I i Knives and Forks j Axes | (Handled) LegginS Bicycles O'Cedar Mops Buggies ut Crackers and Picks (Robes and Blankets) Oil Heaters Base Burners Pocket Knives Base Balls, Gloves and Supplies Percolators Roasters Chafing D.shes Ranges i Casseroles Revolvers Community Silver P.azors and Strops i (Chests and Sets) Safety Razors Carving Sets Sewing Machines Deitz Lanterns Scissors Electiic Chafing Dishes I , | Perculators, Candles, Lamps Saws > Food Choppers Tennis Rackets Flashlights Tools Of AU Kinds Foot Balls Vices Guns Wagons for Boys (shot and Rifle) Washing Machines I Xmas Gifts for you all Abernethy Hardware Co., HICKORY, N. C. |r t * . "> R • • .waaaHnManraHMKvcnHorniiiMHUßHßHßH AMERICA'S Leading Cjrsets,, the W. B, At Allen's, IF you wane Eye glasses and spectacles fitted right make your date with Hight. BEFORE Xmas, at Xmas and after Xmas is the kind to give Buy them at Alien's. FRUIT cakes and all kind=?. at Whitener & Martin. HIGHEST cash price paid fw wild game. Batter, chicken and eggs. Dressed rabbits 12£ to 15cts. with head and feet left on. J. Morgan Hawn, Hickory, N. C.