Sft'eifigthen Your System l^^v*^^Xs» , -> : >' •.;• — ; •*■ ■- - ii ■ ■ to Resist \ :::^ : 'rsvV?:•. '• \-V : :\ *.Vfc Cold Weaflieip Diseases i*S Put yourself in shape, now, to successfully com- and k .° ep from hav * n £ cc^s » & ri ppe> bronchitis, JP neum °uia, catarrh, typhoid fever, rheumatism, etc. nerves—your entire system are in perfect condition. Olive 011 Emulsion FYHS*JBSBR ■ WM~- (WITIS HYPOI> KOSPHITES) ;^W r ' - s designed to prevent as well as to relieve disease, whether - c ; au^ s 4 by cold weather, overwork or worry. Vaccination *£• *' S fe , v t ntS . sm f} n P° x > inoculation with antitoxin prevents JJEMBBL f-* Ciphtiieria. Rexall Oliv« Oil Emulsion strengthens the ' ■■•]* beay to resist the growth of disease germs in the blood, and .. £v« tiius fortifies the system and puts it into a proper healthy S;":.* Every person not in perfect health has incipient germs some distressing ailment in his or her system, j Ycu who are weak and run-down, from whatever *s** ' * You who .are apparently well now, but whom past experience has taught are liable to catch ccld easily and W : > & W iliU " 11L J®. Take home a bottle of RericSl Olive 013 Essaulslon 8& SAV« V Iff I' « " i - ii '' l fM today and use it as a means to get mil and keep well & w\ JkJai%|M W 'lt Is an Meal Nerve Food Tonic B a .'Jsf | I ||||i| The Hypophosphites it contains arc recommended by leading physi *3*> A 1 ! lijl'iiij cians everywhere as extremely valuable in all cases of debility and .s/ &j3t j MNi v/eakness. The pure Olive Oil is one of the most nutritious and most r*r il if " | 1 easily-digested foods known to science. It helps to rebuild wasting I >£* lal fITF* /\ff 11 v i tissues and restore health and strength in convalescence and | JV I!/ldVJti OILAE-JL * n conditions of feebleness, debility, wasting, emaciation, * j£ | - malnutrition, and particularly in throat and lung affections. Zjg Jr I' EMULSION ? It is equally suitable for the child, the adult and the aged. It SGR /.F' - I WRR » HYPOPHOSPMITZS S T| L ilVj contains no alcohol or dangerous or habit-forming drugs. , "* A * j jj:i jljjj It is very pleasant to take, ' jif ill! Enough for full two weeks' treatment, SI.OO. Ifi *AL Sold only at The Rexall Stores —the World's Greatest Drug Stores and always with a full guarantee of satisfaction, or your money back. gb Vl| Sold in tSsls community only lit * | n lOLIVE OILI \\ - • 1 fi f) _ UW» DRUG cij Ml 3h*ett i=3* i Grimes Drug Co. |p VMBHHI com P . 8 ,/V mm *— * Means "King of All" HICKORY, N. C. p'lilT"*!* *" ''i 'i" From the To the Largest Smallest * Mansion |f^fjT) Cottage •' TSprP ic q1- is alwa y s ready just iic. L c A a >|jp| ' touch a match, and it W ays SO m G is aglow in a minute. Cold. COrilCr \if No smoke —no smell; where extra W burns nine hours on a heat is needed. „ single gallon of oil. The Perfection Oil JrJpNickel trimmings; Heater gives you heat, 11 ' •' , " l plain steel or enameled where you want it, and Solid ComfoTtC turquoise blue drum. when you want it; STANDARD OIL COMPANY A t Dealers Everv- Wa»binjtoD, D. C. (New Jer»ey) Cfcarlotte, N. C. The Perfection Heater rff^SXv^ 8 ' *** L ™"? RE ctaHeston! s.c. where. CITY FEED COMPANY I FOR GOOD FEED Cotton seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe cialty. We also carry a full line of seed oats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271 Read The Democrat. SI.OO Freckled Girls It is an absolute fact, that one 60 cert Jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM will either remove your freckles or causa Ihem to fade and that two jars will even in the roost severe cases completely cur J them. We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion is not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will not make hair grow but will positive'y Temove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK LES. Come in today and try it. The jar? dre large and results absolutely certain. hv mail if desired. Price 50c. Mammoth iara SI.OO. WILSON'S FAIP 6KIN SOAP 25c, For Bale by Moser and Lutz SflgE HONEY ON ROOFjfc \ S- Why pay three profits —Jobbers', Drunimers', Retailers' ? We sellto uacrs at lower prices tlaan dealers pay. Spotless Rubber Hoofing, strictly first quality, not seconds ncr millends, 108 sq. feet to roll, with nails and ce- BE*p!jSS ment. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1-Ply, Weight 35 Lbs., Roll 78c. 2-Ply, Weight 45 Lbs., Roll 5108 RH e3 J(S 3-Ply, Weight 55 Lbs., Roll $1.34 from Richmond; little freight. 3 fagjuM for Some. SBOCKOE LAME |2GGJJJJJ To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIV E BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, W, GROVE'S signature OP each box. 25c. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson Xl.—Fouiih Quarter, For Dec. 14, ISI 3. I I THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ~ " Ts :t of the Lesson,. Josh, vii, 6-15. I Memory Verse, 13 Golden Text, Numbers xxxii, 23 —Commentary by Rev. D. M. Stearns. ' Although our lesson is in chapter vii. ' we Jit"** asked to read t» chapter xi. eiKliii.ii wiili the words. "So Joshua j tool; the whole laud, according to all that the J„ord staid unto .Muses * * ♦ ! iu«l the land vested from war (xl. 23i. I rite section tolls of the conquering and ; :lestniction of many cities after the j taking of Jericho, but begins with the j defeat at Ai and the reason of it. Defeat seems-strange after the word of the Lord to Joshua. "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life" (1-5). but the fulfillment of the Lord's promises sometimes depends upon conditions to be fulfilled on our part, as when lie said. "If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.'' (John xv. 7). We have seen that Israel had been forbidden to appropriate anything of the goods of Jericho, and unknown to Joshua, there had been transgression We do not wonder that he In his igno rance of this rent his clothes and fell i pon his face before the ark and that l a ami the elders of Israel put dust i non- their heads and that he said: • () Lord, whnt'shall I say when Israel irneth their backs before their ene- ; i lies? Wh.it wilt Thou do unto Thy :eat name?" (Verses (>. 8.) We do well to consider whether our name or Elis name is most in our es timation. Joshua was Jealous for the honor of Jehovah. The Lord explain ed the cause of the defeat by the sad nui-nimreuieiit that Israel had sinned ''.ill stolen and dissembled, and lie s iid that He would not be with them any more until the sin was confessed and put away (verses 10-12). AI- ! though only one man Irad sinned, note I that the Lord said that the nation was | guilty. "Israel hath sinned: they have j transgressed: they have taken" (verse 11). Consider how the welfare of a family or a ehurch may be affected by the wrongdoing of one person. On the morrow Joshua"began to search for the guilty one. and. proba bly by lot. the guilt was. found to be in the tribe of Judah.- Then the fami ly was found and then the household and finally the individual, and- Achan began to realize that his sin had found him out (xiii. IS. ami Golden Text). Joshua then urged Achan to make confession, which he did. and. the stolen tilings being found in his tent, he and all his were stoned and burned nd the sin put away (xtx, 'Jtii. The valley of Achor is therefore spoken of as a door of hope tHos. ii. !"•!. for where there are confession and putiing away, of sin there will always lie blessing. Achan's confession. "1 -•aw. I coveted. 1 took" (verse 21). tak s us back to Eden, where Eve -;iw an i desired and took the forbid den fruit. Our eyes affect our hearts for good >r evil (Sam. iii. .11). ami we are |u\>»e to follow our inclinations: therefore we need to pray. "Turn away miue ••yes from ■ beholdrng vanity" (Ps xix. 37). When wo heboid the beauty of the I.ord and follow Him fully, as Caleb and Joshua did and as Simon i'ett** was exhorted to do. all will be well (l\s. xxvii. 4; Num. xxxii, 12; John xxi. 22). There was a secondary cause of Is r.iel's defeat at Ai. and that was un derestimating the enemy and thinking that 2.x:o or 3.0U!) men were sufficient io conquer such a city (Verses 2-si. When the sin of Achan was put awa.\ ami the Lord encouraged Joshua to go up and take Ai.saying. "Fear not: nei Mter be thou dismayed." He also said. Take all the people of war with thee" ichapter viii, 1. 2>. This time liie eity was taken and de stroyed. as fully recorded in viii. 3-2P Tien Joshua .offered burnt offering and peace offerings unto the Lord wrote a copy of the Law of Moses ami read every word before aii the congre gation «viii. :;o ; :{ro. Chapter :» tells of Joshua forgetting his instructions from the other cap tain to louse liis shoe from off his foot (v. I.'Moi. for he made a league with i ! ie lying (Jibeonites without consult ing his captain: he asked not counsel at the mouth of the Lord (ix, 14). We cannot expect that He will direct us if we fail to acknowledge Him (I'rov. lii, (>i. . In chapter x. 7-43. we learn that Gil fral continued to be Joshua's headquar ters. from which he set forth and to which he returned. Gibeon was a great city, and because of her submission to Israel five kings made war with her (x. 1-;"). The (Jibeonites appealed to Joshua, and he took a)l the people of war and all the mighty men of valor and went to their relief, for the Lord had said to him: "Fear them not * * * Not a man of them shall stand before thee'" (x. 0-S). After an all night march the men of Israel came suddenly upon the armies of the five kings and slew them with a great slaughter, and the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them and slew more with hall stones than Israel slew with the sword (x. 9-11). In some miraculous way the daylight was prolonged till the battle was fully won. for the Lord fought for Israel (x. J4-42). As the Lord commanded Moses and Moses Joshua, so did Joshua and left nothing undone (xi. 13. 14). Diarrhoea When you want a quick car* whhasj any lou of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ft fells and »■ jrfeasam »» taka It ■ equally valuaMs mt sMldren. It Iv taMiN tor h» sotao M« a large part • ! OSSTORIA j— ; For Infants and Children. fc •>' 1 0» L - Plte iisi The Kind Yog Dm J 1 :t. v.l" •! m-'- S S ■ fpfl.fcsfidl Always Bought I Bears the /, Signature /Am gfev PromotesD^estaUQieJd-1 « X Jf*lr ' (£?£ !;!• ncssnndßest.ContaLnsriCiiner! Oj> #IV AIT • fmM OpiimuMorpliiiie norMiassL 1 fl\ If , ; Si P NOT NARCOTIC. J |L\| IT Mca'pecfOldH:£'J%J£LT!i JEll 1 A JT SSilif! • Iteria Sad " . A % KiPi'i ; i JixSam * 1 I I MP&if: MMeMs- I 1/1 B §i|B]: aSS! \ s ft jf\» I n ?&!* SS**' ( f\ l/V k I'l SH& Cl'iiiOtdStaar• I II I a**! / Jgftk f IV if'u'lcS.! Aperfectßemedy forConsf&a #\F 11 Q P «PCH tion,SourStowad\.Diarrtej I 11 If VWU Worms,Couvulsioitslcverisli ; 3 I PfioSi' Hess and LOSS CFSLEI-P. j \ m [av flu a m an t*feirs£s? v 1 for uver j eras I mm Vs l THE Centals Compaig, : !I] j TIV 168 X S B||i; NEW YORK. J iSIfiBIJ IUUI W Jitii ' l iTi J "i*'i"iir" :, 'fl'i l i'ii' : i~ • .-I f--"*^3 jjS all jSk*,' ExactCcry of V/rapper, cr;;rAL , n cov , ANV Ncw VORK CITT H mi" - Nesd a j^® 1 ! There are times in every -woman's life when she PBl needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. pjy When that time comes to you, you know what tonic WSM M to take—Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act BOb F gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them brick to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. Wfjm You can't make siake in taking P®j The Woman's Tonic BSI |Q| Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., Ka says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, |*sgt for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was „ L^J poi so weak and nervous, a;id had such awful dizzy * pQI El spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything." Ififl Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Tlio^^d^ ( c TJie Essentials c-r Perfect Service Fast Electrically Lighted Trains. Smooth Rock-3ai!asted Roadbed. Through Sleeping Car Lines. Adequate Block Signal Protection. These features denote the high standard of service maintained via ! affording direct, through and comfortable travel to and from CHATTANOOGA Bl RM I MGHAM NEW ORLEANS SHREVEPORT VICKSBURG MOBILE CINCINNATI LOUiSx/ILLE CHICAGO AND INTERM EDIATE POINTS ROUTE OF NEW YORK-NSW ORLEANS SHORT LINE NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON, KNOXVILLE, CHATTANOOGA, BIRMINGHAM, NEW ORLEANS. Faros, srheHles, and porr.-uito information on request, f Apt>ly to neare.- f : k-ket Agr-nt ')r write ]J. C. CON'N, Division Pcsssea?-."* O. H. CHANDLER, {'raveling Passenger r 100 I !• Ct Trust Bldg,, Knoxvwe, Tcaa. [Before You Buy Your Fall Goods we want you to look over our stock MENS SUITS at the best bargain you ever had. [SHOES of all description thatjwill please'any one.^C' LADIES fDRESS GOODS and COAT SUITS that you can save money on by buying from us. SETZER I & RUSSELL Let US Print (or YOU-We Print for Others.

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