THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursds y E. V. MORTON, • Editor and Proprietor W. M. REESE, City Editor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ I -°° Bix Months, " " - 5 ° fhree Months " " Advertising Rates on Application Entered at the Post Office at Hickory second class matter. THURSDAY. MAR. 12, 1914. HItiKORY ASSURED OF CA TAWBA FAIR. The president of the Catawba Fair informs us that Hickory will get the fair. The business men of Hickory are ready to con tribute a liberal amount to get the fair here, not onlv for the benefit of Hickory, but for the farmers of the surrounding country. We see no reason why we should not have the best ex hibits here we have ever had, and as good as can be seen at any fair in the state. We hear the fair will be some time in October and the people of Hick ory will put forth every effort to make it a success. The exact date will be published later and we want to invite every one in reach of here to be present at that time and see what the farm ers of Catawba and adjacent counties are doing in the way of farming and dairying. We want to call special attention to the poultry that will be on exhibition here. The Democrat will ask the neighboring papers to aid us on this occasion in giving publicity to their readers, so they can be present on this occasion, as it will be of interest to every busi ness man and farmer in the State to see what will be to see at the fair in Hickory. We es pecially want to ask the farmers to take an interest in this great educational work that will be of so much benefit to the farmers, who are behind the times in their way of farming. It is the intention of the citizens to have the biggest crowd here at the fair ever seen in Hickory. We are writing this to urge and insist on Gen. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, to enter the race for Governor of North Carolina. We felt that it will be onlv a few years that we will have one of the Confederate Soldiers in the State left to fill an office, and we owe this honor to Gen. Carr and urge and insist that he be a candidate in the coming election. No man in North Carolina is more capable of filling the office than Gen. Carr and it is the duty of the citizens of the State to offer to him this honor that he so deserves. We hope Mr, Carr will consider the matter and come out and let his friends who are so anxious to see him gov ernor of this grand old state know that he is a candidate and give them the pleasure of voting for him in the coming election. No man has been more loyal to his state and people than Gen. Carr, and we want the privilege ofjsupporting him in the coming election for Governor. In our opinion, in eight years from now we will never have the privilege to cast a ballot for an old Confederate soldier. There fore we ask that the citizens of the state insist upon Gen. Carr being a candidate. Annual Reunion to be in Raleigh. The North Carolina Confed erate Veterans Reunion this year will be held in Raleigh and the date is June 10 when the monument to the Women of the Confederacy will be unveiled on Capitol Square. President John C. Drewry in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and city of Raleigh extended the invita tion for the reunion in this city and the acceptance from Maj. Henry A. London was received a few days ago. In accepting the invitation Maj. London states that on ac count of the occasion the largest crowd of Confederates who ever attended an annual gathering will be~ present in Raleigh on June 10. Preparations are now under way to make the reuion one of the best of the past sev eral years.—News & Observer. The Mothers' Favorite. A cough medicine for children should be harmless. * It should be pleasant to take. It should be effect ual. Chamberlain's Couph Remedy is all of this and is the mothers' fav- ! orite everywhere. For sale by Grimes Drrg Co. and Moser & Lqtz. adv' i Old Relics. Shelby Star. Recently there was a sate at the Wright homestead near Fall ston and some of the oldest relics in the state were unearth ed and disposed of. Two years ago, Hicks Wright died and re cently his two maiden sisters died, one on one day and the other on the following day. It became necessary to settle up the estate and W. D. Lackey was appointed administrator. The Wright family had been remark able in many respects. It is said their rule in life was never to spend any money. The present day argument to raise the neces sities of life at home was noth ing new to them, for they prac ticed it all their lives, and these three lived at the old home place a mile east of Fallston for four score vears. It is said that Mr, Wright never spent a dollar ex cept to pay taxes. They would sell produce at the stores and if they were not in the market for anything just then, they would take a due bill to be used when they did need merchandise. On one occasion they had enough due bills to pay for a nice buggy and were such misers that some time ago SBOO was discovered in a guano horn in one of the out buildings. Even at the sale after it was thought that all money had been found, an old kettle was about to be auctioned off when it was discovered that therein was $97.50 in gold. A big crowd attended the sale and the things brought far mo re than their physical value becau se of their age. Mrs. E. H. Houser bought a pewter plate which she after ward learned was in possession of her ancestors, Charlie Young of Shelby has an exhibition at Lackey's store a flax spinning wheel which was brought from Ireland by the grandfather of the Wrights 150 years ago. This has been the subject of much comment to passers by on the streets of Shelby. On it is some flax which was grown perhaps a century ago. Mr. Young also purchased a crack reel on which these old people at one time made their own clothing. The Star will soon comment on some copies of "The Spirit of the Age'', a newspaper published in Raleigh in 1851 and devoted to the cause of temperance. Another relic worthy of men tion was an old wooden auger which was used in boring holes in shingles to peg on the roof be fore nails were made. A number of other things of historic interest were sold but suffice it to say for the present, these old people whose luleof life was to save everything, is a lesson for the present-day spend thrift. He Kissed White Girl; Thirty Years in Jail. Los Angeles, March s.—Pro tests, threats of recall and de nunciation poured in today on Judge Willis, of the criminal de partment of the superior court, oecause he sentenced to thirty years imprisonment Charles Guyton, a young negro, convict ed of highway robbery, although he stole only a white girl's kiss. Deputations of white women visited the judge today to de mand that action be taken to save Guyton from such severe punishment. Telephone mes sages informed him that peti tions were being prepared for his recall. Other women called in person to say that steps would be taken to procure a pardon from the governor, Judge Willis explained thai the negro had been convicted oi highway robbery. He had taken a dime from the white girl, al though he gave it back after he kissed her and he had subjected six other young white women to similar treatment, besides crim inally attacking two negro girls. The deputation of women visited the district attorney to learn what was necessary to im peach the judge or otherwise re move him from office. AGE NO BAR. Everybody in Hickory is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffering, Middle age, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiensly; Children, unable to explain; All in misery from their kidneys. Perhaps a little backache first. Urinary disorders, dropsy may uuick ly follow. Doan's Kidney Pills are for sick kid neys. Are endorsed by thousands. Here's Hickory testimony. Mrs. L S. Sherrill, 1346- Twelfth Aye., Hickory, N. C., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills permanently cured my boy of kidney complaint. The child could not control the passages of the kidney secretions and this caused great annoyance. Although we tried almost everything, nothing did any good unr til we procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Moser & Lutz's Drug Store. They greatly strengthened his kidneys." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the and take no other, R dv, BURKE ITEMS. Hickory Couple Married—New County Judge. Morganton Messenger. Saturday evening Mr. Roy Spencer, of Hickory, was a Mor ganton visitor and he came on very important business. His af fiance, Miss Anna Killian, of the same town* was visiting rela rives in Morganton. No sooner had he arrived than he hied him self to the office of the register of deeds and secured license to marry the young lady in ques tion. That night they marched to the Methodist parsonage and Rev. 11. H. Jordan soon had a knot tied that even the object ing parents could not untie. At their regular meeting Mon day the board of county com missioners accepted the resigna tion of R. L. Huffman as jud^e * of the county court to take effect f April ltt. and elected as his suc r cesssor, C. F. McKesson, who is 3 scheduled to retire as Morgan n ton's postmaster some time ri during the present month. It is h needless to say that McKesson y will wear his new "entitle e ments" with honor and distinc -11 tion, both to the credit of him - self and his friends. He knows e the law and his natural judicial ■1 turn of mind should make him * an ideal judge of the county * court. t RETIRED GEORGIA * PLANTER'S ADVICE 10 KIDNEY SUFFERERS. Regarding the wonderful curative 5 merits of your Swamp-Root, I cannot t say too much. After suffering severe ? ly for three years or more with severe 3 pains caused by weak kidneys, I was f finally induced to try Ssvamp-Root through a testimonial I read in one s of the newspapers. I was in such a condition that 1 was obliged to arise from my bed six or eight times every night. I purchased a fifty-cent bottle and before it was used I felt so much relief that I purchased a one-dollar bottle and by the time this was taken the old pains had left my back and I could sleep the whole night through. I am a retired planter, 70 years of age, and owing to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, I am in the best of health and feel like a boy. lam always glad to recommend Swamp-Root to those who are in need of it. Sincerely yours, C. E. USSERY, Bowersville, Ga. Personally appeared before me, this Bth of September, 1909, C. E. Ussery. who subscribed the above statemeßit and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. T. 11. MCLANE, l Notary Public. t Letter to ► Dr. Kilmer & Co., [ Binghamton, N. Y. I Prove What Swatnp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co - , Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable 5 information, telling all about the kid eysand bladder. When writing, besure. and mention the Hickory Democrat. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores, (adv) WANTED EVIDENCE. A Yankee attorney was address ing a jurv on behalf of a prisoner. "Gentlemen," he said, "witnesses have sworn that they saw the accused fire his gun; they have sworn they saw the flash and heard the Teport: they have sworn they saw Pete Jack son fall flat; they have sworn that this bullet was extracted from Pete Jackson's body; but, gentlemen, in the name of justice, I ask you, where is the evidence that the bul let hit Pete Jackson?" SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leas! one dreaded disease that science ha? been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Not Paint With linseed oil at 50c to sl, what sort of oil do you think they use in "paint" and $1.25? That stuff is counterfeit paint You can cheat yourself; you can't cheat Time or weather. Paint is a rubbery coat over wood and iron to keep-out water. Counterfeit paint may look like t: counterfeit money looks like money. What are all counterfeits for? They are all alike, adv t. DEVOE i . To Prevent Blood Poisoning \ ! PP'y once the wonderful old reliable DR I SORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL, a sur I gical dressing that relieves cain and heals at the tame time. Not a liniment, 25c, Soc. SI,OO. Editor's Sayings. An editor who started about twentv vears ago with omy 5o cents is now worth SIOO,OOO His accumulation of wealth is to his frugality, good habits, strict attention to business, and the fact that an uncle died and left him $99,999.-Editor and Fu ilisher. _________ Suffered with Throat Trouble. Peruna . h claims that MR. B. W. D. BARNES, he was en- M cMinnvilU, T*nn. tire 1 y restored to health. Catarrh of the throat 1s not only an annoying disease of itself, but it ex poses the victim to many other dis eases. We are constantly breathing into our throats numerous atmos pheric germs. Disease germs of all sorts. This cannot be avaiied. If the throat is healthy tha systaai is protected from these paisonous germs. But if the throat is raw and punctured with numerous little ul cers, by catarrh, then the dlieaae germs have easy access to the systam. Keep the throat well and oleaa. This is the way to protect yoursalf against contagious diseases. Gargle the throat as explained in the new ' "Ills of Life," sent free by the Peruna ' Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Barnes says: '1 Bad throat trouble and had three doctors treat ing me. All failed to do me any good, and pronounced my health gone. I concluded to try Peruna, and after using four bottles can say I was en-, tirely cured." I COME rp INTO THE i Northern Pacific Country This northern tier of states offers a -healthful and invigor ating. climate; the best crop records and, in all respects, the best opportunities in the west. Low One Way Colonist Tickets On sale, daily, March 15 to - April IS to many points in the Northwest.; Round Trip - Homeseekers Fares _ First and third Tuesdays One Way Settlers Fares St. Paul •Minneapolis dT* to many Eastern Mon- I *3 tana points every Tues- day, March 10-April 28 Daily trains from Chicago, St. Paul- Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City and Omaha to the North Pacific Coast and Puget Sound Country. Write for literature. w. w. NEAL, T.P.X. 4, LUJJ 16 North Pryor St., ATLANTA, GA, Wood's Maine-grown Seed Potatoes are specially grown for seed purposes. We offer superior stocks of all the best and most productive varieties: i Wood's Earliest, Irish Gobbler, . Improved Early Ohio, . Extra Early Sunlight/ Bliss Triumph, J and all other standard kinds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog for 1914, give's full descriptions ana information, and also tells about all the best Farm and Garden Seeds. Catalog mailed free. . Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS. - Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. iii— L - Takes Off Freckles, Removes Tan. Beautify your complexion. Get rid of those freckles. You can invest SOc in a jar of WIL SON'S FREJCKLE CREAM and they'll disappear. Severe cases may require two jars— W j .no more. We positively guar- - arrtee this, and if your com.. plexion isn't fully restored to WILSON'S FRECKLE ? dd,t ' on > Moser and Lutz OZOL That's it, OZOL. The great remedy for Consumption and all lung troubles and wasting diseases. Contains no al cohol, opium, morphine, codeine, OJ " other habit forming stimulants or nar cotics. Every bottle of OZOL is guar anteed to give immediate relief and a permanent cure is guaranteed if the treatment is kept up. No benefits no. i pay. That is the way OZOL is For a limited time OZOL will be sold in quart bottle sizes. To be had at all re liable dealers or where dealers do not handle will be sent express prepaid up on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. If you have any of the troubles men tioned write us and we will be glad to advise you. Don't delay, time is valua : ble. THE OZOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, MURPHY. N.C. 2-26.4t pd. IN COMPLIANCE with the re'qu'rt> ments and n filiations prescribed iij the charter of the City of Hickory, a primary for the purpose of selecting candidates for the varisus elective of* tices of the City will be held on the last Monday in March, the same being the 30Hi day of March. 1914, and tht! tirst Monday \ receeding the general election, which will oe held on the tirst Monday in April 1914. , For the purpose of holding the above primai\ arid the general mun icipal election, which will be held on the first Monday in April, 1914. The City Council at it's regular meeting held Februaiy 24, 1914, appointed L. S. Slier rill, legistrar, W. L. CUnard and B. F. Campbell juf'gjs of election. Registration books will open March 6th and ren ain open for thirty days. JOHN MITCHELL, City' Manager. February 13, 1914. 2-19-14 4t. Notice! " Notice! Notice! Sale of Valuable Business Lot. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Catawba Coun ty, made at the February Term, 1914; in the cause entitled "Columbia Iron ! Works, and Claude A. Cochran, Re ceiver of the Edwards Construction ; Company, vs R. Lee Hewitt, sheriff, Z, B. Buchai an, A. A. Whitenerand 1 others", tlie undersigned commis sioner will, on the 21st day of March, ' 1914, at twelve o'clock —noon —, at the steps of the First National Bank of • Hickory, at Hickory, No;tli Carolina, ' otter for sale to tlie highest bidder for ' cash that certain tract or lot of land • lying and being in the City of Hick ory, Catawba County, North Caro lina, adjoining tlie lant s of C. L. Ilawn and others, and more partic ularly described as follows, to-wft: Beginning at the South-east corner I of C. L. Hawn's storehouse lot, which j is generally known as the old Dr. R. | B. Baker lot, and running thence I with said Hawn's line North 166 Feet to a stake; thence East twenty-five feet to a stake, a new corner; thence South, a new line, 166 feet to a stake on Tenth Avenne; thence West with said avenue twenty-five feet to the be ginning. This is the lot known as the office building lot of the Edwards Construction Company. This the 18th day of February, 1914. R. L. Hewitt, 2-26-4t. ■' Commissioner. SEALED BiDS WILL be received by the City of Hickory, N. C., until 12 o'clock noon Tuesday Marcli 24, 1914 for the purchase of a Franchise with in the City for the construction, oper ation and maintenance of a Gas Plant. The life of the above Franchise snail not exceed 35 years and the purchase price of same shall be based a percentage of the annual gross>evenue receipts therefrom. Each bid under the terms of this advertisement shall be accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check in the amoont of *2OOO, which deposit or check will be return ed to all unsuccessful bidders. After the awarding of the Franchise the successful bidder will be required to give bond to the City in the sum of $5 >OO.OO and upon filing of said bond and approval of same by the City Coun cil the cash deposit of said bidder will be returned less the expense incurred by the City in connection with the application and granting of said Franchise. Detailed conditions and provisions annexed to the granting of above _ Franchise may be obtained by appli • cation to the office of the City Man ager. The City of Hickory reserves the right to reject any and all bids ' submitted under this advertisement. JOHN MITCHELL, . City Manager. Hickory, N. C., February 19, 1914. -19-14 5i Carolina & North-Western Ry. Schedule Effective Nov.' 9th, 1913. Daily Daily Mixed Northbound Pass. Pass. No. 50 No. 8 No. 10 Ex.Sun Chester..,.. Lv. 3 40 p m 7 50am Yorkville...... 426 836 . ........ Gastonia 5 15 9 30 | Gastonia ........ Lincolnton. 6 30 10 30 New r ton / 10 1105 .. ...... Hickory.. "10 11 45 7 00am Lenoir 8 js_ 1 10pm 8 10 Mortimer. .. .'. 235 ........ Edgemont-,Ar. ........ 245 ........ Southbound No. 7 No. 9 No. 51 Edgemont.. Lv. 7 1 Oam Mortimer 717 ................ Lenoir... 830 1 35pm 230pm Hickory.. 9 30 2 35 3 47 Newton 10 15 3 05 .. .. Lincolnton ...: 10 56 343 .... .... Gastonia... Ar. 11 55 450 Gastonia. ...Lv. Yorkville 12 44 536 ..!!!!.! Chester .. Ar. 1 30pm 625 ...: * Leave 1" Arrive CONNECTIONS. Chester—Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yorkville—Southern Railway. . Gastonia—Southern Ry., Piedmont &. Northern Ry. ... j Lincolnton—S. A. L. Newton and Hickory—Southern Rail way. • ! E. F. REID, G. P. A., • . - _ Chester, S. C. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executors of the last .Will and Testament of A. J. Payne, deceased.-notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to said estate to make immediate settlement, and all persons having claims against said estate to present them on or before the 19 day of January, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . This the 19th day of January, 1914. MRS. A. J. PAYNE, MRS. H. L. CLEMENT, Executrices. i Service and Satisfaction The place where your interests are always ! looked after in a way that will gi /e you plea- ! sure and satisfaction. You get the benefit of j our experience without extra co& and we are | glad to lend our assistance in making purchas- I es in our line. Our Stock is always full and £our service the beSt. You are always welcome. * | GEO. E. BISANAR Jeweler and Registered Optometrist '' | l| NEW LINE OF SPRING $| OXFORDS NOW ON | : § DISPLAY! | i § & ALL the latent lasts, & ; including the Eng- x In mmHsh, rubber sole, &c. e K Our shoes are the well |ij o known Crosset make, that 11 8- cannot be beat for &yle and k j h wear.' h © It Pays to Trade With Us." h SETZER :& RUSSELL | ak kl - Sooso&sso^so^sooo^seod 1 | JM >•»»»»»» mn>Mimwiiww»www9wwM«^ (Tires! Tires! Tires!j Buy Vour Tires j ' I Direct at Lowest Prices jj • I By buying and contracting direct from the factories for tires in large 9 , j 2 quantities for spot cash, we are able to offer them at a great money saving § ■| a price direct to the consumer. A saving of 35 to 60 per cent. ! ® When you buy tires from us you get full, value, you don't have to pay J ! I 2 the dealer's profit, the distributor's profit, salesman's commission and oth- g 's er high selling and everhead expenses. We sell tires direct to consumer 9 g at jobbers prices and YOU GET BIG VALUE AND EXACTLY WHAT S §' a TOU PAY FOR. "-Shrewd auto owners compose our customers among them are bankers, § 8 merchants, lawyers, doctors, planters and men in all lines who know va!- 9 ues and realize the advantages of buying direct. „ § During the past dull winter automobile months we secured some ex- 9 - a cellent deals from the factories and now offer our purchases at the follow- f , ing prices: Among our tires are Diamond, Goodyear, Quaker, Nassau, a Empire, Fisfe and others of equal quality. ■ ■, I All Tires Guaranteed Fully 1 t Note These Prices Caiefully 8 • TUBES 9 gV, , g 1 SIZE TIRE GREY RED RKLIXKR 0 g 28x3 $ 7.20 $1.65 $1.90 $1.35 * 5 39x3 7.80 1.95 2.20 1.40 9 A 30x3 1-2 1 0.80 2.80 3.10 1.90 9 6 31x3 1-2 11.00 2.90 3.20 1.95 « fi . 32x3 1-2 11.90 2,95 3.25 2.00 g A 34x3 1-2 12.40 3.00 - 3.30 2.05 9 £ 30x4 ~ 13.10. 3.10 - 3.40 2.3(1 « ■■2- 31x4 13.45 3.20 3.60 2.35 * * '32x4 ; 13.70 3.35 3.80 2.40 9 G 33x4;.. 14.80 3.50 3.90 2.45 « 521 34x4 16.80 3.60 4.00 2.60 0 | , 35x4 17.25 3.75 4.20 2.70 9 " 36x4 17.85 3.90 4.25 ' 2.Bi J 5 -34x4 1-2 18.00 4.80 5.10 3.10 0 h 35x4 1-2 18.75 4.85 5.20 3.45 0 O 36x4 1-2 19.45 4.90 5.30 3.60 2 g 37x4 1-2 21.50 510 5.40 3.70 3 W 36x5 • 23.00 5.80 6.20 4.00 f f 37x5 24.40 5.90 6.35 4.20 ® 6 WE CAN FURNISH ALL OTHER SIZES—NON-SKID 10 PER CENT 8 2 ..... HIGHER. e 2 Our supply of these tires is limited, so we advise early ordering. Re- .j fc member, they are new, clean, fresh, fully guaranteed goods. All high y © grade goods that will give best seivice. | - TERMS—S PER CENT DISCOUNT if full amount accompanies order. 0 6 C. O. D. upon receipt of 10 per cent of cost. Prompt shipments. Money * ® returned if unable to fill order. Send us trial order now. 3 S 9 I | Tire Factories Sales Company? L : 7 DAYTON, OHIO. j Hickory Manufacturing Co. HICKORY, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF •; SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, I Mantels, Moulding, Lumber, Etc. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY | I- SEND US YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES Write for Catalogue and Prices ;; PHONE No. 16. j

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