J. I. HOBEBIS SUFFER-, ED FeRTWEKTVYEARS Declares He is Now as Strong as He Ever Was in His Life. "For twenty years I have suf fered with catarrh in head and stomach, every body who knows me, and I know a great many 1 people, knows this to be a fact, said Mr. A. M. Roberts residing at 24 Seigle Street, Charlotte. "Every night my head would be so stopped up I could hardly breathe, and I would have a choking feeling and a shortness of breath that nearly drove me wild, I had catarrh of the stomach too, because I had indi gestion most of the time. In fact I have not had a well dsy in years and have been s> ner vous and restless I simply dread ed to see night come because I could not sleep, and to tell the truth I was so weak and run down, I have not been able to do any work since I don't know how long. No kind of medicine, and I took nearlv everything, seemed to help me a particle un til I heard of this Tanlac. I have taken four bottles of the medicine and ara proud to iav I am as well and stronar as I ever was. My appetite and digestion has improved, and 1 am gaining weight right along. I sleep good at nights and can breathe fine. I no longer have those choking, smothering sansation s like I used to have. Every body certainly ought to know about this medicine for it surely has done wonders for me. The only thing I regret is that I did not hear of it years ago, as I believe it would have saved me lots of suffering." Tanlac can be obtained in Hickory from Menzies Drug Store and in Newton at Freeze's Drug Store , exclusive Tanlac represenatives. Price SI.OO a bottle or six for $5.00. Aiy other dealers in the county desiring Tanlac agencies are requested to write E. H. Drum, Charlotte, N C., for full particu lars. adv't DOCTOR BROWN HAVING TIME, ETC. (Concluded From Page One.) lake. A larre cross marks this spot were they were when a snow storm commenced. A few rods away a monu ment marks the place where the whole party are buried. They lost the trail in the seven foot of snow. They drew lots who should be eaten to save the rest, but they all perished with their leader whose name was Bonner and all of them lie buried where the monument marks the place where they lost the trail. I saw the exposition yesterday aid if I can ever stop wondering I will try to write something about the Panama-Pa cific International Expositions to my rood friends in Hickory. DR. R. WOOD BROWN. San Francisco, Sept. 18, 1915, A Thought. The privileged classes of man kind have no conscience on the subject of their privilege. His torp which is nobility or even a monopoly, intrenched in preced ent and custom, has eyer volun tarily made restitution to society of the rights of which she had been despoiled, The iron jaws which clasp the marrow bone of privilege never relax until they are broken, —Ridpath's History of the World. Wood's Special Crass and Clover Seed Mixtures sown early In the fall yield full crops of hay or graz ing the following year. There is no question but what our Special Grass and Clover Mixtures yield much better crops of hay, and the meadows or pastures will keep in good, productive condition very much longer than where only two or three varieties of grass or clover are sown. Our Descriptive Fall Cataloc gives full information In regard to thesemiitures and all other Grass Oat« Bw* r I**?*' S##d Wh "t, ° j? ar, * y » ® tc * for FaU free on W- WOQO to SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. The Mirage. In the Red River valley of Min nesota may be seen some of the magical effects of the mirage that forms so striking a feature of an arid or semiarid region. Warren Upham describes it as follows: "The mirage, typical of plains country or the ocean, may be seen in the Red River valley al most any sunshiny day in spring, 6ummer or autumn. This queer phenomenon makes the high land at the sides of the valley and the tops of the distant trees and houses appear to be raised a lit tle above the horizor, with a nar row strip of sky between. The more complex and astonishing effect of mirage may be seen from the highland on either side of the lake-bed floor. There, in looking across the valley from one and one-half to two hours after sunrise on a hot morning following a cool night, the groves and houses, villages, and grain elevators loom up to two or three times their true height and places ordinarily hidden by the curva ture of the earth are brought into view. Oftentimes, too, these ob jects are seen double, being re peated in an inverted image close above their real positions an 3 separated from it by a foglike belt. In its most perfect deve lopment the mirage shows the upper and topsy-turvy portion of the view quite as distinctly as the lower and true Dortion." These appearances are due to refraction and reflection from layers of air of different density, such as are often formed above a wide expanse of level country in warm weather. —(Northern Pacific Guidebook, U. S. Geolog ical Survey.) Can't look well, or eat well, or feel well with impure blood. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, rake exercise, keep clean, and good health is pretty sure to follow. SI.OO a bottle. 40 Haitiens Killed; 10 U. S. Troop- ers Hurt. Cape Haitien, Sept. 26,—1n an attack by Haitien rebels on an American force, about two miles from Cape Haitien, 40 Haitiens were killed. Ten Americans were wounded. The rebels have refused to disarm and the Americans are marching on Haut Du Cap, in the plain of the north. HOUSEHOLD CARES. Tax the Women ct Hickory the Same as Elsewhere. Hard to attend to household duties. With a constantly aching back. A woman should not have a bad back. And she seldom would if the kid neys were well. Doan's Kidney Pills are endorsed by thousands. Have been use.i in kidney trouDle over 50 years. Read what this Hickory woman siys: Mrs. J, Z. Alexander, 948 Sixth St., Hickory, says: "I sufiered from dull pains in the small of my back and it was hard for me to do my house work, especially washing and sweep ing which necessitated bending. I read of Doan's Kidney Pills and got a supply at Lutz'i Drug Store. One box removed the pain ii my back and made me feel bet ter." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills —the same that Mrs. Alex ander had. I'oster-Milbarn Co., Props., Buffalo. N, Y. Jacob Summey. Jacob Summey was a son of Peter Summey of Lincoln coun ty. The pioneer Summey farm is found on the west side of South Fork river not far from the Catawba county line. John Martin Shuford died in 1780. In 1784 his Vidow, Eve CatherineWarlick Shuford, mar ried Jacob Summey. £The chil dren of this marriage were George, Peter and Barbara. Eve Summey is buried in the grave yard in the town of Lincolnton. She died January 24, 1822 after a short illness of not more than two hours. After her death Jacob Summey married a Miss Avery of Burke county, 3he was an aunt of Judge A. C. Avery of Burke county. I received this information from Judge Avery about a year before she died. I suppose Jacob Summey is buried in Burke county in the Avery grave-yard. J. H. SHUFORD. U. S. Foreign Trade Breaks All Records The foreign trade of the Unit ed States broke all records dur ing the first year of the Euro- , pean war. according to figures by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic commerce covering the period from August 1914, to August 1915. "Statistics show that for the first time in the nation's history exports exceeded $3,000,000,000 in value for a twelve months period. For the twelve months ending with August 31, 1915. exports from the United States aggregated $3,035,033,280 against i 52,280.185,791 in a like period one year ago. Tweive months imports of merchandise totalled $1,669,698,934, compared with $1,906,657,515 last year." When Pennies Count. One mother who has to count her pennies and dislikes cheap things buys the very bfist mate rials for her son who is oldest. When they are outgrown they fit the oldest daughter. Of course, when buying, the mother must remember their ultimate fate and buy patterns that will be suitable for a girl too. Blouses are let clown and turned into middies. The sleeves are cut short and the ties are used to bind them, and also serve as a piece to run down the sides. A certain wealthy woman always buys her daughter's outing coats and hats in the boy's department, and it was from her that the poorer mother got the idea. Another mother turns the ironing board into a play table for her baby. She made a cover of checked gingham, which easily slips off when the board is needed—and placed it upon two soay boxes, which she stained to match the kitchen woodwork. In these are kept the toys, She claims it was a great discovery. —New York Tribune. Bell Watch on His Wrist. The doctor who left instruc tion that a bell watch should be fixed to his wrist after death as a precaution against premature burial may have heard of the similar safeguards prescribed by Meyerbeer. Two men were to watch over him night and day for five days, he directed, and beiis were to be hung from his 1 a::ds and feet to give warning of the slightest movement. Fi nally, incisions were to be made in his throat, Harriet Marineau also had a • fear burial alive, and left direc tions for her body to be decapita ted, while Lady Burton stipuated for a postmortem examination of her remains. Which, we may ask, is greater, the fear of death or the fear of life?— Lo ndon Chronicle. Grim Reaper Busy. Death decreased the goyern wnenl's civil war pension roll nearly ten per cent, during the ast fiscal year according to the mnual report of Commissioner )f Pensions Saltzaaber. A total of 396,370 union yeterans re mained on the roll July 1, 33,255 less than a year ago. Payments to Civil war pentioners during the year totalled, $156,669,771, compared with $172,417,546 in 1914, Pension office, records show the total death toll since the close of the war has been 1,816,- 995, In that perioi t v ie Federal government has paid to veteranp, their widows anl children $4,- 614.643,267. Don't use harsh physics. The re action weakens the bowels, leads to chronic constioation. Get Doan's Reg ulcts. They operate easily, all stores. No Inspccters "Blinks says that when he was younjr he was the architect of his own fortune.'' "Didn't they have any building inspectors in thote days?" Biliousness and Constipation. It is certainly surprising, that any woman will endure the miserable ftel ines caused by biliousntss and consti pation, when relief is so easily had and at so little expense. Mrs. Chas. Peck, Gates, N. Y., writes: "About a ycara go I used two bottles of Chambeilain's Tablets and they cured me of bilious ness and constipation." For sale by Menzies Drag Co. & Lutz's Drug Co. The Hector—What would be your idea of tne best way to spread the Gospel to the utter most parts of the earth ? Fair and Frivolous Parishion er.—How would it do to put a Bible in every Ford car, doctor? —Puck. For any pain, bilrn. scald or bruises apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. Two sizes 25c and SOc at all drusr stores. A French monument which is being built to commemorate the battle of the Marne will mark the exact sDOt at which Von Kluck's army, advanced on Paris, was stopped and turned back. arret Old sores, oiner Remedies waa't co% The worst casts, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain aud Hm'- =* the same tim% 25c. 60c ; The Village Grocer (peevishly) —Look here, Aaron. What makes you put the big apples on the top of the bar'l? The Honest Farmer (cheerily) —What makes you comb that long scalplock over your bald SDot?— Puch. CHICHESTER S FILLS THE IHAMOND BRAND. A. r'i'vX l>al!cit Atl> your Vrucrl.t for /A > Is Clil-tkM-ter'J l>iama»d Ilriin J/A\ fills in Rtd and Uold "j-v - ho,ei ' sealed vith Blue Ribbon. \/ TW Take no other. RUT of yovr rJ - flf AslrforClll-CIIKB-TER*S {L. Jf WIAJJONR HRAND I'ILLK, for 85 v 0» fj yearsknowr.asßest,Safest,Alwajrs Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Hickory Banking & Trust Co. AT Hickory, in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business Sept. 2, 1 9 15. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $161,471.73 Overdrafts secured and unsecured ► 556.83 All other stocks, bonds and mortgages 4,330.00 Banking houses, S6OOO, Furni ture and Fixtures $2300 8,500.00 Demand loans 4,425.10 Due from National Banks 1,022.66 Cash items 4,246.92 Gold coin 730.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 1,291.75 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 4,020.00 Total £190^59^99 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 35,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 8,390.97 Dividends unpaid 20.00 Bills Payable 35,000.00 Deposits subject to check 65,944.36 Demand Ceriificates of Deposit 34,307.96 Savings Deposits 10,724.49 Cashier's Checks outstanding 1.210 21 Total 1190,597.99 State of North Carolina, County of Catawba, ss: 1, W. X. Reid, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the aboye statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. \V. X. Reid, Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of Sept. 1915. C. W.CLONTNCER, Nota;y Public. Correct —Attest: S. E. Killian, M. H. Yount, J. F. Abernethy, Adv Directors. ((S| Piedmont Northern Rail way Company 'The Electric Way" Between Char lotte and "Gaston ia. Effective Sunday, August 29th 1915. Leave Charlotte Lv. Gastouia 8:00 A. M. 7:00 A. M, 10:00 " 9:00 " 12:00 " 11:00 " 2:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 4:00 " 3:00 " 6:00 " 5:00 " 8:00 " 7:00 " 11:00 " 9:00 •• Connects atGastonia withC. &N.-W Ry., for Chester, Yorkville, Lincoln ton, Newton, Hickory and Lenoir. Also Southern Railway North and .Southbound trains. C. S. ALLEN, Traffic Manager. Greenville, S. C. ■ TEXAS-CALIFORNIA HI POINTS WEST Double Daily Through Service BETWEEN CHATTANOOGA, BIRMINGHAM and HEW ORLEANS Through Service BETWEEN CHATTANOOGA, BIRMINGHAM and SRREVEPORT DIRECT CONNECTION AT NEW ORLEANS AND SHREVEPORTJ WITH TRAINS FOR ALL POINTS WEST. FOR SCHEDULES, FARES AND COMPLETE INFORMATION, APPLY TO NEAREST TICKET AGENT, OR WRITE O.&CMDLBR. WPass'r Atfent,4oo BantßTrot Bid*, - Knoxrille, Tenn. J. Q. COHfl, Dlrlilon Paaaenger Agent, Read House, • ■ Chattanooga, Tenn. fob Printing' That's Different-Phone 37 let's 6o! Ga&on County Fair GASTONIA October 12-15 Battle Between Monoplane and Forts Two Aeroplane Flights Daily Other Big Free Ads BABY SHOW POULTRY SHOW Open to North and South Carolina Live Stock Show. Agriculture Exhibit Other Exhibits MIDWAY Good Glean Shows includ ing Wild West, Wild Ani mal, Motordrome, Etc. ADULTS - - 25c CHILDREN - 15c Special Rates All Roads LefsGo! NOTICE Sale of Valuable Real Estate Whereas M. M. Flangan, late of Ca tawba county and State of Noith Caroli na, named the undersigned as the exe cutor of her last will and testament; and whereas the undersigned has duly quali fied as such executor under said will and testament; and whereas the undersigned is authorized, empowered and directed by said will to sell certain real estate: Now, therefore, the undersigned will, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the Ist day of October, 1915, sell at public auction, for cash the following described real estate: One-half interest in that certain lot in the City of Hickory, Catawba County, North Carolina, located north of the Southern Railway, and known as the M. M. Flanagan and A. R. Flanagan home place, which lo? begins at a stake 10J feet from the beginning corner of lot No. 48, Robinson plat, and runs north 200 feet to a stake; thence west 100 feet to a stake; thence south 200 feet to a stake; thence east 100 feet to the begin ning. The same being the lot conveyed to M. M. Flanagan and A. R. Flanagan by M. L. Flanagan by deed of date De cember 7, 1902. All that certain lot beginning at a stake the north-west corner of the Flanagan lot, and runs thence, cast \\ Ith the line of said lot 100 feet to a stake; thence north 100 feet to a stake in the south margin of the street formerly called Martin Street; thence with southern mar gin of Martin Street west 100 feet to a stake; thence south 100 feet to a stake, the point of the beginning. The same being that certain lot conveyed to Mary M. Flanagan by Bettie R. Holdcn and others by deed of date August 6, 1891. The personal property, including house-hold and and kitchen furniture, ol the late M. M. Flanagan will be sold at the same time. The place of sale will be on the side walk in front of the First National Bank of Hickory. This the 31st day of August, 1915. J. L. CILLEY, Executor. sep-3-10-17-24 Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment is fine for skin itcing.h All druggists sel it, 50c. a box. PAY BILLS WITHOUT MONEY Don't put temptation In the way of burglaw by keeping money i n your home or in your pockets, with which to pay hills. Daily, the news papers of the country contain accounts of thousands of robberios. Put your money in this strong bank—beyond the reach of the most clever crook— and pay all of your bills by check. Paying by check also has the advantage of furnishing a receipt auto matically, for cancelled checks which the bank returns to you bear the signature of the party in whose favor they were drawn; and your stubs in the check book give a record of all payments. Let Us Start a Checking Account Vor You Today Hickory Banking & Truft Co. HICKORY, N. C. Mr. L E. Zerdeni Has just returned from the Northern markets where he made very successful purchases in Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies' Coats and Ladies' Hats and a full line of Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings. We in vite the public for inspection to look over our stock of merchandise. We can assure you that it will be worth while. We are the originators of price cutting ZERDEN'S Underselling Store HICKORY, N. C. 1 Coffins and Caste | Bowles Furniture Co. i "DESIGNER" PATTERNS We have just added a full line of these patterns to our stock, which we think will prove a veiy interesting department. Every worn in j desires and must have the correct design for her wearing apparel and these patterns will J «ivc you just what you have been looking for, as they are strictly up-to-date j in eve«y respect. Price 10c and 15c I You Will Want the "DESIGNER", a Magazine Devoted J to Women's Styles. j We can give you a whole year's subscription (12 copies) to this naga sine and a copy of the STANDARD FASHION BOOK, together wHb * rertffi- j cate good for one pattern of your choice, all for 50 cents. This offer good only during the month of September. {GIVE US YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY AND BUY YOUR PATTERNS HERE SETZER & RUSSELL) Hickory p 1 5,10 & 25c Goods $ I ALL KINDS 1 g AT THE X | 5 & ioc $ IW. L. and T. W. Boatright Successors to X v Knox 5 & 10c Store g xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

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