Grave Situation Confronts Allies in the Balkan States Serbia Attacked on Two Sides by Central Powers and Bulgaria. Quarter of a Million Troops Battling With Three Times That Number. Yesterday's review of the war situation says: Serbia is being attacked from the north and the east. Tne Austro-Germans, after their capture of Belgrade and Semendria, are advancing south ward, while the Bulgarians have sent forces to endeavor to inter rupt communications north and south of Nisb, the war time cap ital of Serbia, and attack the Serbs on the flank if they are driven back by the German Field Marshal von Mackensen. The situation is admitted to be a very serious one, not only for Serbia, but for the whole allied cause. It is asserted that the Serbians are inflicting very heavy losses, both on the Austro-Germans and Bulgarians, but with their army of about a quarter of a million men they are believed to have little chance of making any pro longed resistance against 300,000 or 400,000 Austro-Germans and probably 200.000 Bulgarians. They are arranging for the trans fer of the capital to Monastir in the extreme southwestern corner of the kingdom. Greece apparently has decided to ignore the treaty under which she is supposed to go to the as sistance of her Serbian ally in case of an attack. Premier Zai mis having said when officially notified of the Bulgarian attack that Greece ' 'remains in a posi tion of armed neutrality." The followers of the quadruple entente, however, have decided to takelenergetic action. As soon as the news of the Bulgarian at tack on Serbia w|£ received in London the Bulgarian minister was handed his passports and M. Viviani, the French prime minis ter, in the chamber of deputies declared that France, Great Bri tain and Russia had decided to take joint action and that "Rus sian troops will be fighting by the side of ours." An Anglo-French force is known to be landing in Saloniki, but there is considerabls specula tion as to where Russia will en ter the Balkan conflict. It is re ported that Grand Duke Nicholas is to command the Russian Balk an army, which it is believed in military circles at London would make the Bulgarian people less willing to fight against Russia, there being a deep veneration among the Bulgarian peasants & At the Central Cafe k New, Clean and Up-to-Date. Now open and V a doing business at the Express Office Building k X SETZER & FOX, RROPRIETORS g a Your Patronage Appreciated. Give Us a Trial, a Yoder-Clark Clothing Co. ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF THEIR New Winter Underwear Manhattan Union Suits SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Full Line Hole-Proof Hosiery Yoder-Clark Clo. Co. THE MEN'S STORE for the emperor of Russia and his family. It is understood that Italy has decided not to cooperate with the allies in the Balkans, the Italian govei nment being of the opinion that troops cannot be spared for any campaign other than that in Trentino and Triest. New that Austria and Germany have entered on their Balkan en terprise, which is interpreted as the first step towardjan endeavor to secure a German empire in the near east, there can be no draw ing back, but the allies hope that with a vigorous offensive both on the east and the west they will be able at least to prevent the sending of any large reinforce ments to Field Marshal von Mack ensen. The French in both the Cham pagne and Artois regions of France continue their offensive, but not on the scale of the recent attacks. The British after their success in repelling the big Ger man attack are preparing for an other move, but at what point only the commanding generals know. Now that they have start ed. it is believed in London that the British and French on the western line will give the Ger mans no rest. It is much the same on the eastern front. The Austro-Ger mans having brought their offen sive to an end, except in the re gion of Dvinsk, the Russians have recuperated wonderfully and are striking back in their familiar way. The Germans claim another success west of Dvinsk, but they are still fight ing to the west of Illoukst. J FOR SALE—Six room house on 7th, ave. No. 1015. for further information write. C. E. Kale, Citawba, N. C. v 2t. pd. FOR KENT—A large store on Union Square, one of the brsl locations in Hickory, well tuited for any line of mercnandise. This is a good stand for a Hard ware store, no better anywhere. Address H. K. care Democrat, Hijkory. N. C. FOR SALE—A good gentle horse cheap, Apply to Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. 10 14-2t. FOR RENT—Two nice furnished rooms two blocks from square. Apply at Democrat office, tf. FOR SALE—Pure-bred Berkshire pigs. Address G. H. Sherer, Hbkory, N C, 10-14-2t. pc'. TIMELY RESCUE 0F WELL KNOWN CHARLOHE MAN Says Tanlac Has Done Wonders Acts More Like Magic Than Medicine. GAINS 131-2 POUNDS IK THREE WEEKS. I have suffered from stomach and bowel trouble for twenty years and in that time have tried all kinds of remedies said to be good for that trouble. Five weeks ago last Monday I started to take the one medicine that has been every thing to me (Tanlac). Since that time I have srained in weight thirteen and half pounds. And I want to cay right now that I have never in my life to my knowledge felt so well. lam not sulfering in any way and have a splendid appetite and enjoy my food. Nothing seems to hurt me and for the first time in years I can eat fruit and vegetables in fact most anythinc. I am also enjoying my rest at night sleeping sound and resting. My strength is completely re stored. When I becan taking this wonderful medicine my head was stopped up and my nose was crusted and full of scabs. I had drippings in my throat and I suf fered from bronchitis, Now mv head is clear and there is no droppings and lam not having any nausea from catarrhal effects from which I have suffered for years. I have been greatly benefited by this wonderful medicine. And take great pleasure in recommen ding it to fellow sufferers, L. T. ROBINSON. Charlotte, N. C. 1704 Cleveland Avenue. Tanlac the "Master Medicine" that is accomplishing such re markable results in Charlotte and surrounding towns is sold in Hickory exclusively by the Men zies Drug Company. Price SI.OO a bottle or six for $5.00. adv't Ivev Dots. West Hickory, Oct. 12.—The West Hickory school boys and the Ivey Mill beys played a ball game here Saturday evening on the Graded School grounds. The score was 9 ;o 12 in favor of the school. The Graded School opened Monday morning with Prof. J. C. Sherrill as nrincipal. About 200 scholars were enrolled the first day and the number is still increasing. Mr. Gentry Lawter of New York, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. G. W. Branch and Miss Ola lawter. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw preached an interesting sermon at the West Hicko ry Baptist Chu.-ch Sunday night. Rev. W. N. Cook will spend this week and next preaching in Tennes see. Mr. Sidney Spencer has returned from Canton. Mr Eli Chiiders has returned from Danville, Va. » Prof. G. C. Cook spent last week with his parents at Mortimer. Mr. Dock Spencer has returned from West Virginia where he has been at work for some time. Mr. G. C. Miller has leturned after spending several weeks in Fiorida. Misses Fannie and Myrtle Smith spent Saturday and Sunday at Rhod hiss. Mr. Hampton Chester and family visited relatives here Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lowman spent Sunday at Brookford. Mr. Hyatt and family of Rhodhiss, moved here one day last week, Mr. H. P. Hayes of Granite Falls, was a West Hickory visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mr; A. P. Heavener and family and Miss Minnie Berry motored to Granite Falls Sunday. Rev. Heller to Preach. Rev. C. B. Heller of Spencer, Will fill the pulpit at the Presbyterian church Sunday, Rev. J. G. Garth, who is in Spencer aiding Mr. Jieller in a meet ing. will remain and preach there Sun day. AGED TAX COLLECTOR Bestored To Health By Vinol Corinth, Miss. —"I am a city tax col lector and seventy-four years of age. I was in a weak, run-down condition. My druggist told me about Vinol. I tried it and in a week noticed consider able improvement; I continued its use and now I have gained twenty pounds in weight, and feel much stronger. I con sider Vinol afine tonic to create strength for old people."— J. A. PRICE. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. —Lutz's Drug Store, Hickory, N. C. Southern and C. &N. W. Make Im provements Here. Two pleasant calleis at The Demo crat office Monday were Messrs. F. S. Collins and C- E. Crosby, superintend ents of the Southern and C. &. N. W., railways respectively. While here these gentlemen informed us that the two roads jointly had placed a shifting crew on the local yards to look after placing cars, etc., the work heretofore done by the crew of the local freight between Connelly Springs and Ashe ville. A road engine is here now and will do the work until the regular shifter comes out of the Spencer shops. Mr. Collins also said that the com pany was thinkihg of building a con crete sidewalk from the west end of the passenger station to Fourteenth street, with conciete steps leading down the embankment to the park and walk. In view of the fact that all trains clear the passenger depot crossing now it was not thought that at present it was necessary to place a watchman or gates at the crossing. Messrs. Collins and Crosby are cleyer gentlemen and Hickory people can rest assured that they will do all for our town that they can do consis tent with the policies of the roads they represent. New Law Office. Mr. Thomas Pruitt has opened a law office up in the Bank block, over Miss Fosebrough's Millinery Store. We welcome Mr. Pruitt to our city and wish him much success. He has had considerable practice in his pro fession in the state of Florida and im presses all as being a gentleman of pleasant address. Long Steps in Right Direction. Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oct. 10. —The opinion is expressed by La Nacion that recognition of General Carranza's government will not bring about a final solution of the Mexican question, but that it will be a long step in that direction. When Croup Treat The old method of dosing delicate little stomachs with nauseous drugs is wrong and harmful. Try the external treatment —Vick's "Vap-O-Rub" Salve. Just rub a little over the throat and chest. The va pors, released by the body heat, loosen the choking phlegm and ease the difficult breathing. A bedtime application insures sound sleep. 25c, 50c, or SI.OO. ZUZ-O£NU/NE HAS TWS TRADE MARK] VICK'S SSM! SALVE LUTZ'S Peroxide Cream [ ! COOLING REFRESHING SOOTHING 25c a Jar. Lutz's Drugstore "On the Corner" PHONES - 17 and 317 | B. E. Peas I I Wanted any quantity from twen- I | ty to two thousand bushels black I B eyed peas. Write us staring I I quantity you can furnish and price I WINBORNE & CO. I NORFOLK, VA. Great N. C, State Fair, Ra leigh, N. C. Odober 18th to 23rd Special Round Trip Rates via Seaboard Air Line Railway. Special trains from Laurinburg to Raleigh, and Louisburg to Raleigh, Wednesday and Thursday, October 20th and 21st, extra coaches on all regular trains. Bigger and better than ever before. See your local Agent as to rates, etc. Tickets on sale October 19th to 23rd inclusive. Final return limit October 25th JOHN T, WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. | FALL SEASON SHOE SAL | Beginning Saturday A. M. Oct 1| 8 we will put oiir $5000.00 stock of Selz Shoes o Q sale at prices never before heard of in Hickory , © this season of the year. k ' MEN 'S SHOES b $3.50 Selz p $3.00 Selz «2.1S and \2l O $2.50 Selz $1.85 and $2 ( b SHOES 8M& $4.00 Roval Blue $3.15 and $3 J $3.50 Royal 81ue.... $2.65 ands2.B $2.50 Selz $1,85 and $2.0 V - $1.75 Selz 5 $1.50 Selz sl.' 3 8 Boys' Misses' and Children's $3.00 Shoes at : $2.15 and $2.2 Q " " $2.50 Shoes at $1.85 and $2.1 n " •• 41 $2.00 Shoes at sl.l Q - " 44 $1.75 Shoes at sl,- U " " 44 $1.50 Shoes at sl. Q 44 44 *• $1.25 Shoes at $L 0 44 44 44 SI.OO Shoes at k Every Pair Marked in Plain Figures—Come in an a Look at the Goods. 1 SOUTH WORTH'S | Selz "Royal Blue" Stori There will be a PARAMOUNT feature picture! the HUB THEATRE each WEDNESDAY, begimj October 13th. These features are among the very ll to be secured in motion pictures. I 1 Ashcraft & Lockhart ij I We are Offering Extra Specials I This Week and Next I 1 2000 Yds. Yard Wide Bleach Domestic at . . '. 4c j® 1000 Yds. Yard Wide Sheeting, worth 7c, at . . 5c 1000 Yds. 10c Outing at .8c 2000 Yds, Blue Chambray at . . ... .5c 1000 Yds. Apron Ginghams . . . . .5c (Men's fir& quality double sole Bregan shoes, any size 51.75 B 2 cases Women's Patent Leather Shoes, worth $2.00, while they la£t for , . . . $1.48 I 2 [cases Women's Gunmetal Button Shoes, worth $2.00, I yours while they for. $1.48 I 2 cases Women's Button Patent Leather cloth top, medium heel shoes, worth $2.50, yours for . . $1.98 A large lot of odds and ends and sample shoes in men's, women's and children's sizes at price. 8 Only Ladies' Shepherd Check Rain Coats, worth SB.OO, yours while they la St for S3. ( )S I " Your Money Back If You Want It." I Ashcraft & Lockhart I I LOWE & CO'S OLD STAND I

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