|ijnltbay d>tft S>ttogpotimto § fs A SUITABLE AND APPRECIATED GIFT FOR ALL § jf For Father or For Mother or Daughter, Sister Son, Brother or t| B|J Husband Wife or Best Girl Sweetheart [j! §3 A Watch. A Ring, A Toilet Set. A Watch. 5 SWatch Chain, Brooch, Manicure Set. Chain or Fob/ Watch Fob, Lavalliere, Locket and Chain, Ring, S Umbrella. Bar Pin. Ring. Stick Pin. J'tick Pin. Cuff Pins. ' Biooch. Tie ClasD, L? Tie Clasp, ' Toilet Set. Lavalliere, Cuff Links, SCuff Links. Manicure Set, Bracelet. Clothes Brush. J3i Military Set. Cut Glass, Bracelet Watch, Military Set, § Clothes brush Handpainted China an Umbrella Cigar Case EsJ or Ring. or an Umbrella. or Mesh Bag. or Umbrella. gjj These and Many Other Articles of the Very Best Quality Would be Appreciated as a By Christmas Cift. Your Patronage Will be Appreciated. JS| a - El § Always Gives T T? tJ C! Always Gives Satisfaction * Vy # IA.BI\ WI J B Vlw Satisfaction *gg Of HICKORY CASH STORE Xdj j SALE 1 | 50 cent. Discount on All Dry Goods & Notions | !| Our Mr. Buchanan hks just returned from New York where he purchased a lot || of Bargains and they must be sold at once. of goods that we are going to sell. || I SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL CHRISTMAS I |P All goods will be sold regardless of cost cr anything else. The first that come & will be the firstjserved. ''" V ' ' I Ladies' coat sui ; s worth 820.00 we will sell for $1 gQO 8 pi Ladies long c.ats worth 5.00 for 00 \fk Ladies long coats worth 7.50 for 5,00 /jfr K* Big lot men's lothing just received. r c have some ex! rajobs Blue serge suits worih 12.50 for Big lot m-n's wool flan»el «■»«—En |1 Big lot sample hats worth 8.00 for .98 Lot of ladies 15c hose f»r ,08 f| Big sample lot n.en's ties 25c value .10 . Lot of wool blankets worth 5.00 for 3.00 || Jg Lot heavy undershirts for men worth 50vj 35c Lot of glassware at half prbe 1| Big !otß day alarm clocks w.>rth 3.50 2.00 j ot ru g 3 j ust rec eived and at prices far be- || H Big lot all wo -1 pants worth 300 for 2.00 low anything yet. Druggets 9X12 for 2-98 IS 1 s g !' t T n 'r ii !"irrr, , muMcm worth 5.00 1 1:9 °' ° ! a | ,1" Fat hack at 11 for 3.50. Big lot ladies ail wool sweaters p i&j Compoun 1 lard al 11c. Fat back at .11 n ' J Children's good hose worth 10c for ,05 worth 1.75 for 1.00 jg kl Big lot of guarai.te* d children's lmse • Big lot of men's caps worth 75c for i-25 worth 25.: for 15c Big lot of boys' caps worth 50c for .25 || P| We are £Gtng to offer our entire stock of goods at prices that will save you money n P and will be well worth your attention. Come and see for yourself. We have just had our j| jra Mr. Buchanan in in New York where at this season we have picked up a lot of merclian- jl fc, dise that the prices are lowar than we have ever bought before. We have the goods and p H they 111 ust be sold regardless of cost or price, so cotne and see. i Hickory Cash StoreJ Opposite Hotel Huffry Hickory, N. C. HEAD THE DEMOCRAT. READ THE DEMOCRAT -tt+ + + Ttt + Tt + + +tt"> + ♦ ♦ LOCIL AND PERSONAL. v + + + + + -«' + + -r + + + + J. + + 4. + 4.^. Meet Sheriff lsenhour at the City Manager's cffice Saturday, December 18 and jiet your tax receipt, he will be there from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. ady. We are requested to say any one whu uetsireb to secure one oi the little books given away by Dr. John R n ertson at tne meet ing juti». clo ?su at ioe P r estyler _ laii Lhuicn Can get same ;ur ten cents Ly allying tj He v. J, G. uarth. Mrs. W. F. King has returned to her home in Richmond, Va., alter spending tome tune here with her &i&u»r, Mrs. J. R. Ma gill. Mr. J. A. Martin left Tuesday for New 1 oik on a business trip. Mr. Martin wiil be gone for se\- eral days. Last Monday night at a meet ing of the firemen Messrs. Z. T. and Hubert Setzer were elected to till the vacancy of two of the firemen who resigned. The graded schools of the city will close tor the holidays Decem ber 22 and wiil reopen January 6. Mr. Roy Lawrence, who has been working in Burlington for several weeks, was forced to re turn home Monday afternoon on account of being indisposed. Sheriff Jno. A. lsenhour will be at Hickory at the City Manag j er's office Saturday, December 18 from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., for the purpose of collecting tax2s. adv. Three young boys, Claude Cri der, Bruz Teacue and E-jgene Burns, were arrested here Sun day morning on a charge of breaking into Boatrigrit's 5 and 10 cent store Saturday night. Thev were given a hearing m recorder's court Monday and bound over to court in the sum of S3OO each. The youngsters gained entrance to the rear of ! the store by breaking a glass and j unlocking the sash. Mr. Tom. I Boatright, who sleeps in the store, heard them and when he turned on the lights the boys ran. Mr. C. D. Lide, who built the cotton picker here last summer, informs us that the machine | proved a success in a series of • tests held this fall in the cotton belt of S>uth Carolina. It re ! moved 70 per cent of the cotton lon going over the field the first t:me, and on upon going over it ; the second time the percentage |of removal was brought up to 90 ! p ,j r cent. Ten and a half inches of snow I fell here Saturday afternoon and night, making probably a record for this time of the year. The snow began falling at noon and continued well into the night. Mr, J. F. Ciick of this city was one of the invited guests at the banquet of the National Repub lican League at the New Willard Hotel in Washington, D. C., Mon day night of this week. How ever, Mr. Click was unable to at tend. is I U" t I ( BOOKS $ iAiook is an ideal Christmas gift—that is acknowledged jfs by everybody. The choice is left wiih you, and there's lots of • pleasure in picking out books for one's friends. \K PICTURES U Next to a book as a gift comes a picture. A beautiful pic- ti ture is not necessarily expensive, and, rightly chosen for a friend, W | it always carries with it a suggestion of refinement and culture. sT . STATIONERY j I To the one who corresponds, nothing can be more ac- M I ceptable than a dainty box of paper and envelopes. FOUNTAIN PENS J % For the one who writes much or little choose a Fountain N i Pen. We have just received four dozen of the latest improved \k I Self-filling Waterman pens. No pen better than this. V ( CALENDARS, % ( BOOKLETS, | I POST CARDS jj 3 There are so manv, many friends to be {remembered —the Christmas card, the Calendar, or the Post Card must be chosen JL' [s for some of them. Often, too, these'are more highly prized than «T V the expensive gifts jre t GIFT " 8 5 .DRESSINGS * Holly Boxes, Christmas seals, tags, stamps and ribbon add the finishing touch to any gift, however small it may be. The El Dcnnison and Gibson lines are prettier than ever this year. We {T W have both, the best to be had. (Nothing too good for Hickory W fx Folks.) N 4/ When Christmas shopping, don't forget to visit. K 15h© Van Dyke Book Shop \ I X Most Powerful and Penetrating Therefore Gowaas relieves pe_ quickly. Goes straight ct-OC to the spot Break* rri SOc log op congestion and \ jSp®T"fS Li o reducing the tever. \ Rub.Gowana oyer the throat and chest, \fit- \ It promptly absorbs ugysS"~?«uC\\ through the skin, re- \J \ PfX*! "\\ llevliig rapidly soro- o\» u A ness, tightness or con- Hi \\ gestlon. For sale by t\\ Js&f&Efr'A all dealers. Sample and V-.' \ a \ testimonials on request. VN i \\ "Demand Go wans because YlY\ \\ Gowans is more penetrating-' Mi The Gowan Medical Co., Concord, N. C. aBBHSa^J Itching, bleeding, protruding °r blind piles have yielded to Ecan's Ointment. 50c at all stores. OCX J OOCHKH3 00000 OOOOTHSOO-C-DOO I Want Ads. | SOUTH WORTH'S Shoe Sto'ie can save you money en Shoes. Get them at cost. NICE ROOMS and board ore block from the square. Modern conveniencps, reasonable rates. Apply to Mr-*. E. L. Grady, 12ih St. Pncne 73 or 71. FOUND—SmaII black female pig. Owr.pr can get same by calling aJ. Lewis Bolick's and peying for this ad., etc. pd. SOME Special Bargains in ladies' and men's Phoenix hose at South worth's Shoe Store. FOR A SQUARE DEAL and the protection of ail honest buyers and sellers —The Biue List. Sub scribers Drotected against Beats. We want a young man ti repre sent us in this locality. Will pay him* well for his spare time. Ad dress: The Blue List, Crisfield. Md. 11-13-6t, FOR SALE—Thre* and one-half acres on 15th street, good" house, barn, outbuildings, poultry lot, etc., located on lot. For terms write or call on J. S Starnes. Granite Falls, N, C, Phone 3702. CHILDREN'S Dixie Girl Hose at cost. South worth's Shoe Store. WANTED—To buy farm 3 and country homes near Hickory. Any size, improved or unimprov ed. Write us whst you l ava to iffer. Blue Ridge Realty Ex change, Asheville, N. C. 12-9-tf. LOST—A dark Jersey Heiftr Calf about nine months old. If and one has seen such a calf please phone 37, or 3SL. WANTED—An experienced wo man canvasser to solicit orders from house to house in Hickory for local grocers for a leading food product. Salary $9,00 per week. Give experience and ref erences. Address P. O. Box 1276, Richmond, Va. It | The Man Who Wants jj to Borrow Money u Lf and the man who wants a safe place to keep his money, a \jk l" ace where he can leave it with the certainty of {jetting all or ¥} I» any part of it at any time, are both appreciated patrons at this #7 Ai bank. 51 :IK We do a general commercial binking business—we co oper- SS ' Tl ate with and assist our customers in the upbuilding of their | U business. h (I JK We are constantly gaining new patrons and shall be pleased VI to number \ OL among them. PS START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. tJ _lf you have not made all the headway during the past vear \L V\ Srv U r° U i Av t e ' I ne%v start wi,h New Year— TO VI OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT. PAY YOUR 111 II s RY N jj CHECK, AND KEEP DOWN EXPENSES , (I QL We welcome the beginner with a small deposit, and give to Y& VI his account the same careful attention accorded the man of biir N A# business. 5! $ National Bank )fe HICKORY, N. C. U {Capital and Surplus - $300,000.00 U Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings Deposits, Compounded Jy Quarterly. * C= * ! "——— X——■—. I A Large Line of Fountain Pens I Ladies' Hand Bags, Parisian Ivory Toilet Articles, Cut Glass and other articles suitable for Xmas Gifts now on display at Menzies Drug Company • " . - . ■—— mrrt-^ I Our Complete Lines of' | Dolls, Toys and |j 1 Christmas Novelties |i i ARE NOW ON DISPLAY |j | Shop Early at the 5 & 10c Store 1 H MORNING HOURS THE BEST H I SEE OUR CANDY CORNER I I W. L. & T. W. Boatright 1 II Everything in 5, 10 and 25c Goods || j Dairymen, Farmers J and Housekeepers !! need each day better equipments with which to do your work \ more efficiently and at the same time more economically. The El Flo I Generally Utility Outfit is just what you should have. It is the one Com bination without the Complications. Its individual uses arc many. Name- ' lv, washing, cooking, canning'and all purposes for which hot water is I needed. Made in many sizes, The price is right and within the reach of ? all. Call in and let us explain the fuel and labor saving advantages. DO NOT BUY ANY SEPARATORS \ unless it is equipped with an EL FLO AUTOMATIC BEARING. It is | supplied with ona pint of oil only once each yea'. As with other Bearings, j the oiling is to be done twice each day or 730 times per year with a waste \ of oil, time and efficiency Specify EI Flo Bearings in your Separator. If you have a separator S equip it with an El Flo Bearing and enjoy the peace, pleasure and com- I fort to be gotten only by the use of same. Come and see them in operation. Home Canner Mfg. Company Hickory, N. C. Get Your Shoes I Practically at Cost | I In order to close out our entire stock S of shoes all the season's styles are go ing at cost and all the rest of our Stock at and below cost. - If you are going to need a pair of shoes Within the next year it will pay you to come to our store and buy them before lan 1 8 Our stock consists of shoes for the whole family from bahy up, heavy work shoes and dress shoes included fc Everybody knows Selz Shoes. Thev 8 are guaranteed to give satisfaction. 1 Buy Your Shoes Here and Save Money I | Southworth's j | Selz "Royal Blue" Shoe Store j

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