Select Your Christmas -*-Gifts Now-*- Holiday buying is easy at our store. The question of "what to give" is solved when you see our stock. A study of our offerings is a pleasure rich in Holiday inspiration and sug gestion. We have the gifts for everybody at prices that p'.ease. Come and see. Our 1915 Holiday display of Dolls, Toys and Fancy Goods are now on display and we will be glad to have you make our store headquaiters for >our Christmas shopping. We have a good stock of Ladies' Coats and Millinery wLIA we will give special prices to close out by Christmas. Respectfully, W. T. SLEDGE HICKORY, N. C. For pain in the stoma M try i little essence of peppemint ir hot water. If given to children sweeten a little. JACKSON, MISS., MAN Tells How To Cure Chronic Cough Jackson, Miss.—"l am a carpenter, and the grippe left me with a chronic cough, run-down, worn out and weak. I took all kinds of cough syrups without help. I read about Vinol and decided to try it. Before I had taken a bottle I felt better, and after taking two bottles my cough is entirely cured, and 1 have gained new vim and energy."— JOHN L. DENNIS. , . Vinol is a delicious cod liver ana iron tonic, guaranteed for coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, run-down conditions. —Lutz's Drug Store, Hickory, N. C. The Rayo Lights Like a Gas Jet TO light the Rayo lamp you don't have to remove the shade or the chim ney. Just lift the gal lery and touch a match. It is just as easy to light as a gas burner and it requires little effort to keep it clean. Rstyb Lamps are the modern lamps for the farm. Simple in design yet an ornament to any room in the house. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil / obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only one of our many products that are known in the household and on the farm for their quality and economy. Ask for them by name and you are sure of satisfaction. Standard Household Lubricant Matchless Liquid Gloss * \ Standard Hand Sepa rator Oil Parowax Eureka Harness Oil Mioa Axle Grease If your dealer does not have them, write to our nearest station. S'ANDARD Oil. COMPANY (Naw Jersayj BALTIMORE Washington, D. C. Charlotte. N. C. Norfolk, W.Va. Charleston, W.Va. Richmond. Va. Charleston, S. C. * NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of George W. Harrison, de ceased, late of Catawba county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Asheville, N. C., or C. L. Whitener, Atty,, Hickory, N. C., on or before the 2nd day of December, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imm'ediate payment. This the Ist day of December, 1915. Mose Harrison, Admr. of Geo. Harrison deceased. C. L. Whitener, Atty. dec-2-9-16-23-jan-t-13. Reward if You Don't Laugh. Exchange. Wanted —A furnished room by ac old lady with electric lights. Wanted—A room by a young gen tleman with both kinds of gases. Wanted--A room by a young gen tleman with double doors. Wanted —A man to take care of horses who C3n speak German. Wanted- -Saleslady in corsets and underflannels. Wanted—Lady to sew on buttons on the second story of Smith & Brown building: Wanted—A dog by a little boy with pointed e;rs. Wanted— A nice young man to run x pool room out of town. Wanted—A boy who can open oysters with a reference. Wanted —Experienced nuise for oottkd baby. Wanted-—An organist and DOV to blow »he same. Wanted —A bov to be inside and partly outside the counter. Wanted —A room for two young gentlemen about thirty feet long and twenty feet broad. Wanted-—A cow by an old lady with crumpled horns. For Sale —A farm by an old gentle man with outbuildings. For Sale—A nice mattress by an old lady full of feathers. For Sale—A piano by a young lady with mahogany legs who is going abroad in a strong iron frame. For Sale—A large, nice dog, will eat anything, very fond of children. For Sale —A parlor suite by an old lady stuffed with hair. For Sale —A cottage Dy a gentleman with a bay window. Why You Should Use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Because it has an established repu tation won by its good works. Because it is most esteemed by those who have used it for many years, as occasion requited, and are best ac quainted with its gcod qualities. Because it loosens and relieves z cold and aids nature in restoring the system to a heslthy condition. Because it does not contain opium or any other narcotic. Because it is in reach of all. It oolv costs a quarter. For sale by Menzies Drug Co., and Lutz's Drug Store. —adv. Christmas Holiday Round Trip Excursion Fares Via Southern Railway "The Southern Serves the South." Southern Railway will sell low round trip Christmas Holiday tickets on De cember 17, 18, 23, 24 and 25 t> all points, tickets limited until midnight of January 10, 1916. Round trip tickets r>ill also be„|sold to points in II inois, lowa, Minnessota and other Northwestern States. Speed your holiday vacation with friends and loved ones. Travel via Southern Railway. Fast through trains, through sleeping cars and dining cars to all points. Let us route you by the best and quickest schedules. For full information, schedules, Pull man reservations and fares to any point ask any Agent Southern Railway, or write. R. H. DeBUTTS, D. P. A., 12-9-3t. Charlotte, itf. C. War Upon Pain! Pain is a visitor to every home and usually it comes quite unexpectedly But }ou are prepared for every emergency if you keep a small bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy. It is the greatest pain killer ever discovered Simply laid on the skin—no rubbing required—it drives the pain away, It is really wondeiful. Mervin H. Soister, Berkley, Cal., writes: "Last Saturday, after tramping around the Panama Exposition with wet feet, I came home with my neck so stiff that I couldn't turn. I applied Sloan's Liniment freely and went to bed. To my surprise, next morning he stiS 123S had almost disapoaired, four hours after th: second applica tion I was as good a s new," March, 1915. At Druggists, 25c. Celebrates Re-Enthronement. King Cotton is manifesting art inclination to join in the spirit of the r.oliday season and the coun try in in a mood to encourge him in his merriment. Doan's Regulets are recommended by many who say they operate easily, without griping and without bad after (fiecti. 25c at all drvg stores. S Why those Pains? 5 MI ' 5 Hero is a testimonial unsolicited J "If I had my will it would M be advertised on every street BIIH * W corner. The man or woman Bffijfl M 2 that has rheumatism and fails "plf I'l'lfjii to keep and use Sloan's Lini "HT ment is like a drowning man w' refusing a rope."—A. J, Van jy~| UJfLj! JQ Dyke, Lakenjood, N. J. BjlKHulglfgji g Sloan's |jy g |||, I Liniment yj Sprains l| A ticklir g in t~e t) roat m; y ften he relieved if cne garglts hot water. Chew^^H^^^obs' ' sc. the packet or two "Bobs" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. HAVE a heart for "Bobs"— "Bobs" has a heart for you. The pepperminty candy heart with gum inside —chewy and delicious. Join ttie "Bobs" happy crowd K f» h jk ' I s^ssipim SPEED UPr> I minutes an hour Vyy/ by taking the "grind** WMk/./ out of typewriting ! I /'/ AND smile ! For here at last is the master E machine that makes it easy for any stenog- I rapher to turn out MORE letters with LESS i effort in the ordinary working day. The new J Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's || work and sets the pace that pays! Built tor ü ßig Business" and its Great Army of Expert Operators These new features of the Royal add to the B 1 sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing B I that the old-style typewriter subtracts — speed! g The speed with brains behind it the all-day jj speed of the expert typist in the day's work. 1 8 Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. H |l Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the 8 gg other kind. Get the Facts / ji 1 T> , ? ** TYPEWRITER COMPANY |g Leal & Leonard, Dealers, Hicko v, N. C. M Try hot dry flannel oad9 for neuralgis. Renew often. Do not allow to become cooi. Popular Coach Excursion To Washington, D. C., and Re turn Thursday, December 16, 1915. Southern Railway will operate last excursion of the season to Washington on Thursday, December 16, at very low round trip fares from all points Morganton, Salisbury and intermediate points. Fares from some of the principal points shown below. Morganton $6 50 HICKORY 6 50 Statesville 6 00 Taylorsville 6 00 Newioa 6 00 Fares from all intermediate points on same low basis. Special train leave Salisbury 8:15 p. m , Thutsday, December 16, arriving Washington 7:00 a. m., December 17. Tickets gcod going only on special train, but returning will be good for any train carrying day coache sup to and including train 43 leaving Wash ington 9:00 a. m., Monday, December 20. Three days in the National Cap ital. Ample time to visit Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and other points. Tickets not good in sleeping cars on either going or return trips. Not good on train 37 leaving Washington. Educate yourself. See the National Public Buildings, Museums, Parks and the best theatres. See Congress in session. For further information ask nearest ticket agent Southern Railway or write, R. H. DeBUTTF, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, gcod health and purify the blood, use Bur dock Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price SI.OO. Professional Cards. THOS. P. PRUITT BLVERY T. SUSTARE PRUITT & SUSTARE LAWYERS Office Next Door to First Nation*! Bank HICKORY, - - N. C. D. F, CLINE'S Palace Barber Shop and Pressing Club —Phone 96 ALL FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN HOT AND COLD BATHS We Are Prepared to Do Your Tonsorial Woikand Make Your Clothes Look New. Club Membership Tickets 4 Suits SI.OO. All Work Guaranteed. D. F. CLINE, ■ PROPRIETOR | Q. TE. I'fcrmart | ARCHITECT I Stevenson Bldg .HICKORY, N. CA R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. DR. PAUL W. TROUTMAN Sucessor to Dr. J. C. Biddix DENTJST Office over Singing Sewing M ichine Office. HICKORY. N. C. Clines' Barber Shop 9TH AVENUE NEAR POST OFFICE Modern, Sanitary, Convenient HOT and COLD BATHS EITHER SHOWER OR TUB Polite Barbers, Splendid Service Courteous Treatment. HICKS & HICKS DEMISTS Office in Masonic Building ARTIFICIAL TEETH A SPECIALTY Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Dr. Charles L. Hunsucker PHYSICIAN Office Over Shuford's Drug Stored Calls Answered Promptly at all Hours. Phones: Residence 92; office 26. Office Hours: 3:30 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.u.. DR. W. B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Shuford Drug Store F. S. Steele, M. D. Office Over Menzies' Drug Store PHONES Residence 221-L. ,o. Office 37C THAT NEAT HAIR-CUT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING;FOR IS AT Dietz's Barb r Shop TRY US NONE BETTER I H For Chilly Nights | H and Frosty Mornings 1 A SMOKELESS, odorless l\ PERFECTION OIL HEATER | is just what you need In the morning it warms up the bed room and bathroom in five minutes. In the evening it lets you read and smoke in comfort —and saves start ing a costly coal fire or furnace. SI , The Perfection burns 10 hours on a gallon of kerosene. Clean—quick—convenient. Look for the Triangle Sold in many styles and sizes at hardware, general §ll and department stores 1 Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond B White Oil to obtain best results in Oil j§| Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. (8 H OIL COMPANY 1 TH Washington, D. C N. C. Richmond, V*. ICbarleiton, S. C. B*| ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l IIII—I —— ■ 11^—— —— Mil— ■■ I 111 Now is the Time to Order Your Fruit Cake FRUIT CAKES. POUND CAKES, CUP CAKES BAKED IN SANITARY FRESH BREAD. CAKES AND PIES. FINE CANDIES AT POPULAR PRICES—2Oc and 30c lb. SBrfer*'" ORANGES, APPLES AND NUTS j PHONE 235 CITY BAKERY The "Only" I Southern Public Utilities Com'y. I Si TEX*S-C*MFOMIU lllMil ALL POINTS WEST | Double Daily Through Service BETWEEN CHATTANOOGA, BIRMINGHAM and NEW ORLEANS Through Service BETWEEN CHATTANOOGA, BIRMINGHAM and SHREVEPORT DtRECT CONNECTION AT NEW ORLEANS AND SHREVEPORT ] WITH TRAINS FOR ALL POINTS WEST. FOn SCHEDULES, FARES AND COMPLETE INFORMATION. APPLY TO NEAREST TICKET AGENT, OR WRITE 0.0, CHANDLER, Tray. Pass'r Atfent, 400 Bank 8 Trait Bid*. . RnoxviHe, Tenn. J. C. COSS, Division Passenger Agent, Read House, • • Chattanooga Tenn.

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