A 4I V$ HILLSBOROUG-H PLAIjNTDEALER. Jlc-.-Mi.-tnirti'in is t.ilkel ab.'it, ere dissolution is complete. For the r -i-nt, we have enough to do i.i pr'p..iu;g .tirselv.-s l.,r tlio fight, whi- h is not oniy inevitable. l,l;t n ruy judgi unt. de-lrable. t e.'y by a, nutii r of .'' 1. hard-iought buttles win a. ,-.rr get rid of t.ie i.U.k. l V.ood i;, the Id .-tidiis. Th- north -.,i. tci:!i-i h V; N". rlh. A f-iir light u III give us .. -i of each other. Wi- will i v.t 1m- sati-le-d !. r ! each other until we do right. l l,:..d .-;. n.- ; h-.t h is ti.,- ! the fiuht !- n, ., v. ti-., w.: .,!,- fri-. friends in-1 -it, ;u1(i ti, f w;i u w.u oe , .,1;;t.i.s. ,, lh, jU, j(. respect ltu. v.). !-,.. iUc f,..,r ,;f .,n(. a; , -a s to it to r ar. a I M - I . Me. '.th. When s. ' M-iiJ be la.-tii. : : fur that"re?u on Southern .i'iAeSf I ?5ilteb OtOUOfa fSllUtttlf ltl. irginia's best and greatest n. is rescued fromJ the polluting grasp of the Abolition invader when this has come to pass, then indeed may I, 'with some confidence, do what I cannot do now, wish tin- readers of the Messenger, and the whole united South, a Merry Christmas and a Hapy Vr Year. WASHINGTON PF.ACK CONFERENCE. The f -Mowing is a !is,t of delegates to the Con ference which t-c mbl -d at Washington on the 4th HILLsBOROi;n: In , : ci 1 . i instant: Havid Dudley Field, W in. Curiis Noyes. Jame- S. V.'adsworth, James C. -'-- I hn-.e b.:t i .:n"lo (suggestion to offer. f...-..r,i,r' off N-w Kt --1 ,.,e Mt answer. N-w Kii-hti,. i-j ,r-- ti.-.noSi., and i,.,i-h of th.- N-..:-.-.-v.-.-,t. ft i not a, ',:id as' New H ,-ity. with (.r-e!v and Uo-.-U. r -i, -t as i danjrcroiiv '- ,-.,r,ti,,t unit- win, u:- Mat that f cont-iin :h dia!.. .!;.! I.r.u'n ,,( ew:,i ! and the nr-i c"rK"l h'-o.-H f J..t:-. '!r.wn. N.-w .),-r-; v ha-! beon t!,c trn-i t., a)j the .,,r;h. I',-, .vi- I vania wotil I he ! i . -I - - a.s a harrier li it I-I ing fr.-e s.f-i-ty a - i tiii-d inevital.!v to agrarian ism and armr.-hy, we MtiHt-detn'-h -mr-elvo' at any -wt from eoiita t with every eotnrininif v inf.-cted with this s.)cial poioii. The I'n'ion hnvi::- proved fty ; we o-e it to humanitv. and mon- nartimlar- V ,', , ,1J ly to thos. who are to eorn'e aftw ns in the South, topive the two forms of todety a nil! ami fair trial in w-pante and distiu.-t ll.-pul'li.-s : wirh hiving its speci.il line of .-pansion ami m own m..d.- ..f de velopimuts. It .-eeins to tnu tXat I'r-.vidu.'-c lia.s ordaiucl ttuit ;, .T..rid ep rin,. i-t .' f I vu iillereiit dviliz.it ions, drained to widc-'v dirf-re-it results, shr uld he made lef-.re t!i ryes of t':e wie-'e vvorid' .Side by side, t..-y will p.v', tio.ni -h, a, 1 .l.- a-. a wn. in thvir pro-n-s, ,K-.-!;:ic v'. "; fdl. w'nu h will ,-erve to -lide inan'riitd arir'nt Un-r.ii.dtoat 'he unknown cy;!e :.'.. !t. d to the human iti,-- on i-arth. I h.-ve tho.t-ht tlr.t ,-::it in th;., .-. ..: .m 1 thi- a'ola the jrrett ,i .'de,:i -f ft : - ; i an l't!.e -till -o ,.:,tfr i iliiJi. ..ahot- ai:d eaoita! vi?l b-' r.nv not ! F-I'.F.K STATCS. NI.W VoKk. Addison Girdner, tii eene t.'. Bronson, W'ru. F DiH'tre, Sruitli, Amaziah li. James, Erativ Corning. NEW JERSEY. t'hirle S. Olden, iWr D. Vroom, 1 '"crt F. Mockton, lienjamin Wilhamson, .Iom ,'o K, llandoiph, red. T. Frelinghuysen, UodniAO M. I'rieu, Thouias J. Slryker," iUiam C Alexander. OHIO. Thomas Rwing, Win. (Jroesheck, ulen Hitdicoc-k, F. T. Haekus. PENNSYLVANIA. 'ITmrnas White, David Wilmot. 1hoiaas. Franklin, Andrew . Loomis, Wiliiain MeKetinau. KilOUK ISLAM). Chief Ju-tie- Ann-, .ander I)uncan, t--tioVcrnor Ik'ppin, 'Je-rge 11. Urowne, .S. S. An.ojd. SLAV K sTAlKr. Salmon P. V, Harlom Wm. M. Meredith Jame-t Pollock, prmi.-:n ,i solved. F the fni ure. at Mhatfvi chiMiT'i a ft. vire vhidi a prove fttal t" men no .v eoi r u'c r . ne '1 i.tri.-! o' li for u- if f ,yay d i f.ur iiari. Ceor-o- H. Rodnev. Ollil V, James B. ('lav, t.v vt "I i I) El. a w ai:e. haniel M. Bates, Hou-to, H. Kidirtky, W illiam t ',-inrion. KENTICK v. Joshua F. Bell, Wm. (). Butler, Charles A. Wiekliffr. MAliVLAMI. Augustus W. Bradford. Goldshnronjrh, John W. (Jviesfield. ! J. I'ixon Ilomaine. MlSSOlKt. VVal lo Johnson, John Ilonh, Col. l)oniphan, . Judire Buekner, John T. Coulter. But t! w 1 MlKTH ( AKOI.INA. nwilj;-- to avoid it, I 1 "m'' Kuflin, ieorge Davis, "I -. I - I I. .11 l r4 II 'I.-. . . ., is a -a- .uuii.-iiciiH, i;avn . lieid ' gi:, .,!., ,t iiutamti.l lv that xp' i ii-nce and !! loic " onui.im; to 1 James Guthrie, m-. .i- i r .... i-i 'i . ' :l- 0:1 the .-to rt- of S utliern life anil ivenlv Johnson, i m. UTIliiII ovv-i. it f I !,,,. . ..I,-,. ... .1 l r .... in(,Mi ri iri!i;i '1 li IK i n i arc shaping the de-tiny of our -omniv, t. --a them a purr .-laveiiddiug JJcpi.' ir. Th. v :h,.i,ld make the d -in ui'i imi'-r;onlv. Tl"-v shonld foive ll.S to .sc-iirc. them a-ainst tile poMhihtv of a 'Vf i nism All government, and (-.ai v lonn of son, tv ave i.ieu- cvus. hey are imavoid-.Lt vu wc ran avoid. If we an- i; frftd- K'lenia 'I'lty "iii' ii ;vt- ct to oo.t-Titv and I). M. Ban-inger. i know .s.-nli h0 censured tor what T have said I Roh?rt J- MfKinnev, about war hetnven the l,o.-ti!e s.,-iions. 1 ahll0r ' Samud MilUgan, the sliedd.n- uf Llo0,i a JJ1U(.h ,v :U1V ,nn , ,,. T ! J. N. Anderson, IWL- I know that oftentimes t!.,. i Bohert L. Caruthers, J, ut "thw y-' , j ,-. Thomas Martin, rreFi civil war. act, i , , ivil war. with all itti V,' ,, . i. . 1 James A. s-eddon i ntir iilinll'll lO lliv; lliuiin, ill Horrors, is a.s ii"umi, t tlie nearer aiuj' iutinitely mon :.. i, nj if we suhinit to ty. Have the Vouthern people (orgottcu that Moor ish U-gend which relates how a hand " knights, cloelv bcseigcl in a great ca.-tle f..U ot treasure, and having -xhausted their stofc of iron and lea.L. wen- torced to mould the precious nictal into bullets ami balls wherewith to light the be BicK"VsV Then says the clironider, twho.-c words "1 do not now remember exactly, thou-h 1 quote his am no sentim rtLLnmr lever tl.c 1'ie.in. will nrre k i .... n,!n.l civil war with all its a cvi-rv eo islUiTH' o""--. .- . . ' .' . . 1 . . i.... 1 1 . nir 1 hn coiupaieu io nit uoaii.i. mi. de.-pi rate strife Lincoln's authori- A. 0. W. Pi.tton, Alvin S. Cullom, Wm. . Hickerson, (reore W. Jones. F. K. Zollicotfer, -Tm'. Kjvnn - John W. BrOCK-ennrougu. IT1F. PROPOSED SOUTHEHN CONFEDERACY. A correspondent of the Charleston Courier sug-'.-sts the following as the outlines of the govern ment of the Southern Confederacy : '1 he Congress should consist of delegates chosen b- the L.-islatures of the several States. The lumber of deli-nates should depend upon the ,,,, ,.f ,.l..t;..n oi-ovidcil that no Slate shall I to correct. 1 Hat IS ad '.ve Lave VEHNBcH-W, FKBRCARV fi. isr.i. Fair Warning. Will pay a year's riptiol P!ainilc!lk.rt vid.d it rea. i u Ldore the adi,lnw., ,,, , Usn Letters. LOCAL SD STAf SEWS. The Raleigh Standard attempts to whip us over ! : - n -r-r r the S'au? Journal's shoulders. We i. rot est acainst ! Corpobatios F.i.mox. Aft tleclion was held 1 this We stand in ocr own shcs, and hold o-ar- j in this place, on Saturday Ustt, for M agist rat e-of; ! sv!ts rs:..,nsih!e f -r all ve say. If the Standanl ! lolicc, Cnirrti.s.sioj.ers, and Town Constable, for : "wishes to a.ail us let him do so !n a d'ret and ; the wrporation of ILilisb-iroush. manly way." He should define his i-oiti,,n Ufore ; A. C. Munux k, Es.j , , unanimously re- he rcsons to persorjiiiucs. j elected Magistrate-of-Policy' rwivirui 66 vote. I Some two or tbrte wcks ago wc stated our Ik-- j As " I'ncie Audy." was indispose! and at home, no I lief tlt otiedia'.f of the commendatory -tiers of, oi,c-W wa roofer. Mr. M. should fed prbud j the Standard's courae, pubUshc-d in tost paper, 1 0f thU voce. Mar Uc be a terror to evil doers. I were manufactured ty Uie eujtor or cauie from the j every time," i Opposition. c stul believe it, and are strength en! d in that belitf by tbo concurrence of every Democrat in thi section with whom we have con vercd The Opposition bolieve it too. It is very generally believed and ofteri remarkd in Orange. If the standard were to deny it, with its reputa- ;rt. -71T10-nf ill t if. Iiivl i i' . I...... 1 - . .... . We li. cd moneT lid i su:rmg our pcupie in uic yu-, we UO not think . .urn in u i u.l i- .i iii ii- i r l.nsine.-s. We w , i t ne reverse wwild le lelievel. ". e owt. v:m- rvi-r-iiiaktr ; Our people hav less confidence in the Standard nvr- tlian at any r i 1 Knott,,-!- ,Uo. lonner penoa. 's some of p vliiH we h.iil eflitcrlit trie MaiKlard ....1 .... -i - - - - - - - - . ...IV. .1 senitions, Sav so vet. Every reader of that paper w this l"S. Have We tat.-d Count v ( ' it to carry perf'ornii 1 in .air 1 tl his bill mu.-t ! pa'd :---f-'re we can ol.ta; ply. We arc w -rly out ot pt,,cr Uft, ourfriend- i-aihc t'orw in! and pay.tlu ir si ...Ml ....MiM.li...! t,i ,ti imii.Ii.i ..li i- in in: i j.i. -. . v I ui OI uiir rcu . .1.1:. . 'H ... i ... loancu mis jm'i i uno;.i """in v, ami iL-u . l i,..r..-. ,. ti t.m A .i .1 n,l .'lit . . i oeioiv. ' on advance onvnicn's to earn- it on -. 1 ut v .- have "Hi-eted hut lit 1 1.- m..r.- t'l-n hie-long Democrat of Orange," as the se ntiments I enomrti to v u- m fwu " i.ue vr j,.lvc ,,.,. it. In onh r to !.- pur friends see ,Ht (j,PV -I'l lOIIl lOI , J'! i ' ii.ii.i:v nil tc T, ,r,. I, lull two dollars until w.- ta.-n. ta.ir warniii-. v.. I Un''ar,l's description eacl!y U'ive tin-in fair notice t!i .t after the adjournment af Kt.- ; Wl i,t' 11 "-evcral years ago, and that he does not en-, ruary court oi,- ten:.- - i'd be ri-idly adLvn d t ..,! i dor.-e the course of that naiier now. ! after that f.ne no fu'.-cription will be considered hi'. HltUHWliOtBO ;MlLlTAKT AvADKHT.-TUlS CXCtl- advance unk tw . d..;iars aeeonn.anv the order, and ! A. Jist Tkiuvte. Recently when the House of . , . . -lom , - - - ........... '"iiiv in v n have seen no estnnate of the number of present at Ibtye-opening, but should the number oTgtvy uniform.- on oof most of the'old sthohiru had fetumetl. said lie was not in yt- c i ,-,.. . f'Kr,ii . r. i.;..k the House w.ien this subject came up yesterday. ; lea), us tn that Coj; TewV pro.Hpe.-t. for .ut ne nao learneu irom memoirs that the name . county believes that its editar did try to paliT0ff j the extract from a "Chri-tian jrentleman and t '"'i print hiL' i oi ( ,en. Jo.-tdi Allison. e were authoned t3 i w--re sui,. i sav fjiat jc tiat .-nieinan. and he answers the . 1 did write it. it was The following rt4tleften were voted for as Com-1 niissioners ; none Vf Uiem taf candieLttes : Tijoraas VPAij, - ? - - 61 (corge. 149, - - ; - 61 Imtiei Lvch, ' '58 Y. Whitte.l, - - -ftT H. C. S4rr, - 5.1 Robert hi!eft, - - - S3 Jatnos C. Torrentine, - - 38 Wm. V. Steavhwn, - - - 3,1 A. W. Hlptpetb, - - - IS Josiab TurutTi Jr., - . - - 8 John Cliek - ' . . ,- 3 John M.'V.lfe( -i Wm. J. Strudick, - - 1 1 Israel Turner, 1 i 1). 1). Phillips, - - -N - 1 The first-named seven were elected. Mesar. Tiifrcntine and Stroud were members of the re' til inu KiartL Mr. li. Cheek was elected Town Constable with out oppositicmT furthermoie. t.. i!..h.ir- and a h.ilf will be demaudrd j -omm.lls n cre engaged in selecting Commissioners' (j - j ' for all saliseiiptioL- i numiin.: unpaid atrtac above i to AVashi:.SvMl, the name of 1 Ion. E. 0. Reade i ! t, lft l.i.-ntioiicdtmi.-. - ' y-'isce, frien.p, it N to vour itite-! was si-ie',en o a i i . . i ... .1 , - ' , , A whereupon, a motion to striae i :,,.i,r t rest to e.lit.lv wit.i ;!; l.-asoua! le and m-t demand.! . ,, ,, . ' ijiulge rrom .t and we hope yci will ..it.-nd to , inim-diat, lv. Ut Uil l,H? nai1' made, and Mr. "ilkers"H, I streets, tliat t a representative tro.n Pirson. Slljj . editor. S.!p;.y ! The indi-no-ition of . th late hour at whieii we procured : will, we hope, he r. sufficient apology for our in Til il .1 ilmi" .irnl lor foe scivcitv of ...1 matter in this number. ml tli p-l-er lelav 1 uf 'Ir' Reado' uf 1,is C(,uilt". bad been vtri.-ken a large school a?e brighter than at the opening of anv t.n-viofis seisnon a sursin that both be anl ollt and ns the Ihiiisc hail tlio:iVo ..." . V . .V ' . .... editorial ' - his a-sistants at popular wtSu the radt-ts, amJ tnai out ins name, tie nopeii t.ne motio-n to strike out ! ali the names would prevail. lie sai-1 he would The Stuiilsirii Corropondoiit, "Or. aiiure," Col. El. 15. fiuthiic, Ac. i take this occasion to say, there wr.s no man in the Mate, in whose hands he would be more wiilin" to trut the honor and welfare of Nortli i In, u il.-.n As a general tiling we cannot afford to .-pare time j H,m. K. 1. Reade. of Person. There was no bct and spai-e to ci erect the misrepresentations of anon- t ter man or truer patriot in the State, in the South, ymous scribbK rs, who cionse to attack us in that : "r m t'lt' cowardly maimer, but our readers must pardon us this time, ami hereafter we will answer such i their efforts ta' impart tbeif ytem "f education ; art- known ami ajipreiia.ed y pareijs and guar dians, i I Ci AnnKviNc-As siw as ;l'c winter breaks up our cuiM-ns nr cmncncellieir gardens. And i when they ks to procure Seeds, they can find 1 them fresh fttfl "-jfenumc at Messrs. Welth 4 Dick- VinoiNiA Ei.kctions. The Petersburg Express son's Drtiir Jtofe. They obtained their scoi 4 of yesterday gives partial returns from a dozen or I,radroth, and by pun hartg at the Drvy Store, far, t'ne U men largely prepo derate. The contemptible bipeds in another way. It is not ex- , ino;e counlk, ;uu, savs h win le SCcn. that so vou may rely on gntiag th lst in therket acuy rigni, we -Know, to cnarge a man witn being 1 in a public newspaper, but to do so and withhold -"'s real name, is, to sav the least, dishonest and ! State is a very large one, and the greater portion ays: ' i see ii'oiit vtm-t-iMmmvfHmr'. rected one of the Plaindealer's falsehood- of it is vet to hear from. It is impossible to say upon ; of tlie Kepublrc of South Carolina. Ve publisheil i J-f IUd the Law Card Of Georpe M. Dntkin, K-p, in at'iot her column. Mr D.' ls peifedly reli- a,U. is vmw successful and ouiiCtual, and will ished A-tamv. yourself. If you will allow me I will correct that a description of this flag la at week, copied from the this place,) fcis been dilntinuwl " plain editor in another of his plain falsehoods j Mercury, we believe. It must be leautiful, and! -T- - mi ' sincere prayer is that it may long wave over' Forf'HiIlborcm: i Plaindralcr. upon Col. Outline. Y e falsehood concerning the and therefore that editor ha have never written a our tandard or its editor, j an independent arid free people never been troubled ! to precise idea-.) then ensued a woclul. sli.melul bight. The balls of silver and of goto, as they p!ou"hcd up the LToimd, were sought for amain by the brave irmv, which left the ranks of battle and ran i:i ha-b- ." scramble for the precious hail-, and to tight over iiem unto the death ol their own hl lows Yen i; ot--c than thi-. The gohi.-u balls 1- . : 1..- cul lIli'V piercing tlie luall- oi men louo.oo.-, .- fulling dead, their companions and brother.- in arm- : set upon their poorodic- with sv. and cruelly cut them o-.en. to e.-t the deadly bauble-. Thus; what -hou. i s of in, n and b ad could not eflect, was done ' a few ounce- of shining dross. The le a-. . army of besiegers were corrupted in its own midst, and destroyed not their elielov but them-Ives. Let the Sotub.-rn people apply thi- story to the golden othYcs which Liu -..In will bc-tow upon our submissioiiists. il" w e permit him ; :ue into pow er, and the moral is too .biius. ' i Virginia is tardy in her imo eineiits. not because she has lost her olden spirit, her well tried valor. ; but because .-he lias been it.fc.-te 1 a : d -tupitW by thew pestilence -f free soil pi in. in'.e-. other Mate have exhibited prompter action and .pm K. r re-eiit-j ment, Ollly because tmy were be;, omi the reaeii of this social malaria. Virginia is awakim: from her stupor. The mists are clearing Ir.-m her eye.-. Me' is beginning to see that the lope .1 peace m the Union was but the die.m. an unhealthy slumber, which would have pn . d fatal if she had not been r..-..;i.lv ..-,.U-ened. She will .--!! t.'UHK h r Solltli- ,eicl I The than five nor more than twelve delegates. leleg-a'o - should be .-hnscn for five years, the manner of choice should be so arranged as ..... t. !:.!.. -boo 1,1 .-hose at b-ast one deleirate 1 .y at pre- -ot about the first clause of the charge made by "Or- nofre " or should we notice the second, cr anv i otb. r -har"e s.) cowiii'dlv made, ti.at ct'.rrie.: t a-lvantages of handwriting of a for every year. Tht.s secunt.g a perpetually running l o.lv. 'I'-, the Congress s. mid begra:.ted the same sub- i . .. ..... ... h.iu cii.,l ' tl.e federal stair.iai "in-. -ov - : ,,. . , , -e lllllCS 1 laoiot.. ,- lack C uard so v . .. i iiii ... i .i face but tor t.'.e noi l l anu r ne tnrows c us in his coiichiding .ar:ejraph. namely : r.,i. .-i ev.-etit that the rutlt to lcYT sho ;ld be limited to an ad valorem tax of five per , informed him that ' '-l- cent, in the time of peace ; in the time of war un- j tle mL.m,,rial which he : h"..:ed ,,,,,, r , 'pardon him.'' Ac. The President should be chosen from among the i 1 members of Conzre-.s f-.r the term of the years. The j "iduees us t- nonce v-.... t..s.. ,1. le u.-'.:ill thus be elected should , anv i.erson t. . -: .1 li. o- '.-v r- . . ..l..ct -oiiil.er to serve out his unexpired term p.le Upon its 1.,.,-n to f the name of any 'citizen who uhrie had anv interest in intro.p . . i. w e will readily bis. and ti.i- otdy i- what Orange." We do not wi-h ! ORANGE L'jfo.V ME.V . 7, , n,ra nn say that JlotS Wuuax A Gmrnn .e are mdebted to Edward Cantwell. Ksa, ! a-M CPt. J,sMHtlY CMn knl t0 for the Kepoi-t of the Finance Committee, together; Grange County Uie uciLu with the Revenue Bill, now under consideration in " i r(,v vi.ti-ii'w i .1 '1 . r -ii- , . . ' " '''' uie House oi commons. K jBav perhaps speak ' ' ! of iii.-m next week 'I'be- ..n-ive.i' io.t ,-.. ..- ... . ""IKK. lVA 1'ing to press. We ake tiiis occasion to call the reader's atten- " little '.own in thi? Hum l IV-omasville, tion to the advertisemcit. in mother column, of a . '"'l"is of several txten.,jv ftablihmenti wh IVi.sident should not be re-elig.bie until after the ; . The President ol t 1 i . 1. i uthrie w ith ex- tiij.t from t.iviti'n - l ci . idarilv ii.t'T"st- tir-t seemed rude haste. he u. v main th. laws of the States in and care should 1 should ;ieer be regarded by any the light of inimical powers. Policy of Lincoln. -The W ashmton corres-, nt.ri sav si: l.wcoui ern si-tel'S for wll.it lit rough treatment, and unfriendly pre.-ipit.iti will be L'lad that they "dragged nei q strength out of the rpus-;uU'.v ot dcstn.ct.on. The moment she is convinced, all is sate - the South ern Confederaev is a fixed fact. Let us bv all means have this glorious t onfede racy. Let'us achieve a Keoluti n worthy t.t our painoi lau.eis. ,.,i ,s -- -, , this morning. Bitely more bub. -is than that ol i.vr-c toe . ,i m to lA't us tear from t'ie n.i'.ima. i.az "t . ..",....- y Henld's Snrindieli corre- 1 . t 1 . . i .,, . ...-t , vu c 'iM.dii'i I'M i) WUIcn tlie ue-poi- o. i... o , - - - I ,t.,.--,im,..r sn lv w llti t be unnuiaiioii ... .u i . I k o from .v . . . , .. . .... . .. : i -in.-., ' irm.li ' i ' till; UilM M.ie .Ul'i'.l 'li "in.,...' ' .- i .tht rn Gr..s- eio' iem ot lt;:u e sii-t a c'lj 1 for cm- fault, and ihere- Tbe ' r..rf, .. .. t,.M him that we chit". i '..: .. . introducing a resoimion i .. '1!.. I'....-. I.... M.ua'.l I1 o live Years. 1 ne i lesi'iviit n un i . pi..i.i . . U hverv stable ,n whica he i lie Te -s to oe i ( o . e v i .-. .... s the Congre-s'con-ists of but one House, the ed," fpos -i k own i.f -i-.-n- lm.ity. and f;rth-r-Presi-.letU should have an unqualified veto upon more, for the f:n ts ia the e-i-e m- are p-rtsally iti anv act of Congress, and no bill ti.us vetoed should 1c)Km1 tf( m a ors, ,. i ti;ll, ; (iutfir!' be"ir.trodueed into Congre--during that session. - niu-h for ti.. s.-end clause of the Ti- Pre-idet.t, vt'.tn the deb-sates bom (ach."""1 State who stands first on the r-lf, should consti-, charge made by the Standards cowardly corres tute a-i executive council, to which .should be re- j pondent lined all appointments to offices, and removals, all , s-ow 1(jt u ma);c a , harge against Orange: trialies. and other functions whicli usually occupy yAu0nr ieruT c..ic, ted a tax from vXeCltl.M' coiuicus i.i .oov. . It is nut expedient that the Congre cv.bi'ive i.;ri-ihetioii over ever. new book entitled '' C.-mtwt il's Law i'nictice." From tiie reputation of the authcr, trnd judging also from another work he h.-is publish. -d, we -h: uhl stsppose tiiat it was a most excellent and useful bo-.k. Price Address Ed. Cantwell, Esrp, Raleigh, N. C. hoes ,,f n oii.il;c. ;., ..r. . J.. . I , . "'-de .North, are nlct,l in W, ouantiti!" sfatcs that wo Axtinet ihe Jrcvb-Jl Kir.re 1 i nocks (. an earUioo-il ... . .,. r. t. . v reo-ntiv. 1 tie citmns wet mud, thmvl The Tlnnks to Hou. L.O-B Branch for pamphlet Hon. f.W, y yu,,,.r 9n , copy ol toe . eet o t wo... wv.gv ... t ugu, oi wiq.h ttl.. W, Holden. Evp are tm,n Ohio, on the State of the Puion. iS cn,hjates tfec tWw'ili.' prorxl n in skr oiunti- j . II in. A hut ii ' r St ff.?,fr,jt. IVashivutoS. Feb. i .Vi.ators W igfall and A lar; VIH1.U: HEKTIXiJ x CASWELI. He Mr 1 h..r Vt it .ciii.vc coimcus i.i .....v. . -. .... . sboKei nave ; Ji.-nop nni'i ..,-.... , 1 . . - . . . i i , . l . .. : . territory wliatSO- , and we are iucIuk-u to mum. wran, suew u Forts, arsenals, Ac. should be governed by , was felse WU0II he penned it. If be M.-hcd to do anv .... . o -'.i ii irn n nun. ..f '-.o others ha-e telegraph to .yontgomery urg, ty. assem'oled jn the rtMirt&Z v " "' " Alexander Ilamilt-tr 'Phe.is for Pn-Kident of ti,e ' Tuesday the 22d of jZlt f ) mncc'e. PfoWsior,,! Souths Confederacy, in order to co-lwmr re...l. fJT. U.M; Furl- "f A I'v '" r. N',-w OCEAN'S, Feb, i.--riiere is a fi tb ,t ti-'Kmir has commenced at I'ensacoLa. c .... r for his friend Coi IK' - 'airs now i- Mtatir. . iv r ' i i i ii -I'm i"iir. . .. . Vr. JA' -(port OraA ? terl Thomw W .. .... port y appotijtciV bftir-t-sri Tb. r. .; ou. :i. con-: unamin. , f? ',. I'"""ti"n, c . n i?..,-..., . .-ii. fl.ci..:- - i s. -i ii onves in talrin. ,nif "I me J'f""'yn a ui-iiiui w. MSI uooos ov v iij.r . t . , , at i't rickens, but it needs confirmation. , few happv a. , '..'V V 1 meetin- m . C;,t. I WiHU .nd T.,,p ,'nk: Me,r. Anderson WmvoTov Feb. 4 SecreUrv Black, late At- ScreWs, ? "' ww "'l"l to art a. . . r 1 which tnc are lo.m.i, , , t ,e taken that the federal forces J . (h , . ... '.., 1 th, of the States in uuuirie, ne sniuo .sn, . - , Jjt -a -" - -r ' I .r.,i ;.b b; wor.is. i i vi .fi -w...., frtrnev ueami. wii oe iwiumavoj u nietTPSigem " "-nvm me lorn . . e have be appoaieu o, - t - , Juvtice of the Supreme C.urcu sup-' ed a con.m,ut to orer tnUe,nn app-t- nresume. t t Col. Oofe foro the rn.ated bv the death of the ial Jlee "" Y....L .1 Lr I be tieine. pondelitottl.eKicliinonnnspau..su;-i. " We K ,;R,!, and w . again, e na- pcUr V. Daniel. has wr.ttoi concniaiorv icuyi- ....v. . " , .. ... j , ...je t tub ., or any -V . ,.- I l-t...i.r III Ill I A II I HtMIHMllHR influence the Virginia election. vf.T,n living 1 ndeiu m um..- -!1 i 1 . in n iiiiinv : i . - e,-. haticallvtliattberetstobcno - j twio . , !,v ir..Mt i"-" im.- 1 jr iel:e . M yt j rvs.iine we hav do po we p. -.11 che. r lone r We jh.'Lid have pure and holy rd...: -i v.hi.-h ha- b. en : e .led. ; tramph d and spit up-m in ti.-- int-re-t -t Ab. hli.-ii-ism. I u.b-r this -aei. d banner, uml. r tin- oulh ern t 'i"o-, w iiieii - m'- ,.;.-- toe te i.iA-- oi our cau-e. and p .-'.'.its way oU: mai.h of impne ten Is -und. rthi- s-.ibh-.ue b.un- r. b-t u- tight f-r our honor, for our right-, t-r o.ir h.'im - : let u tiftht for our wie-. u;r -'.h. her. and our ag.-d -ire-, whom the rn.ercui.uy h i.':. -: the N. t.tti would fain deliver over to the -wmd 'the ina.hr and the ike of the negro in-umcti .i.i-t. And since the tun.-. ibe.au-e, the soil, dem.i:..! an inUet.i l and saga. i. u- leader ; a man tr.ed ami i i - . .'. . ' . l .1 . ,.1 1 t... 1...'! proven ai.K" on u,e to... .n ..au ,... of legtslatio.. -, 1 t Us give our i .a: OUr cause to the h:-.i.d- t Uiat V the best author 1 ' . . ..:. i e.Jt. him. .-1 ...... f o uivr ( ii " iw - . i' ini iir . ).. r . r itv, Ui.it tionn nonnana vmjvvi v v rc ;.ni"u oi ' 'ir ruupts w 1 .1 V V..t llil I'll Al'ililVJll , 1 Av''"-'' V i "'('if UiO Ut'UKi . uuv.- .... - - i in r Cniou and then to ,.-,: the Oulf States in. Pr.si.ler.t il..-iil vlir4. .....'1 tt .. 1 le t t!i.c sight- We .-hall not L oli 'e real r.ame is knowc to aggrieved bv am tb:rg he -Ovs l.im -ati-factioi's !(i;:1Un;vadd:!.atw. Lav A J"1 . t ' T'.r.i and Xed were telling over their travels wnen . wfc , Tir, Tom a-k. d Nd l'the f.'.o'.; again 'ir.lv a- vou ever in t.reece . Jh . r . . v- , . i n : .u...i.., i- tub of A - us : but if be fecfc a ; ....... v.;- K.. Pla ndeilef.c w..t g ot-.-e. it Vni ran inai anv mo.-. ... ... , f u ...- . j , whenever called V. pr-.video be can -a..- u. Why Don't Von Advert. J tiinit)g lo i1k hu,lian fanlilv- :U;d iia- n . ear hu.-ine.-s nun could do much towarV that be 11 wp , ,,:-,per by en.,mragmg it -itu their adve ffl. ars upon hia . . j: :.. . ill rav. Ask tbos . . :t . .. i"--' . . , . . , ..-!i sut.icr.nvs; at oramge r au. 1 , ' J .. 1 I A . 1111. I s- - Hmett tA IL K XdkiVv S. Ur, Phillip Thf rr.hr St,,!, Cnrnt;.,. "'VitU- api"'''11" 'l' Wamiimitox, Feb. 4 -The IWder Sutc Con- W. .ravrs ,d.ireA.m1'' rUt'l1 J'','n venti.n met here to-day and sat with clo-ed U-s. us hi- vievi - y. ar.d pn It is -tuted that Kx President Tvi. r will be- cbo-en ! tun.el vmgjf ;r,V42jrl. ''.mitlee re- Uimo lHithItt7e-L;i2 Zi Ukios -trot.g ft,u -lbn, ne -lid uity .pj '""I'mpt- 'i.!." and In- plau.se oi ine auijf-ft. v,- V- ..nit will-1 1 ' ;w re wrv.;",.:i p.v ; .Un.l;ng I'" remark .f ,, ; 'kwiid- .1 P.rrfuut ' -itUr S'trrrh.i.. 4 , y J. Brown, one of tbb veCTef! "ing it, 'il Mi.mi r Feb 4 The Revenue Cutter, t I Oraves bavins ti.-rislhid t'W abll r'T' i been sgrremkrcl to the Alaba:i aut r.ies. Ifvrf S,-rtf,-r With.lrntcn. w ivniv.ss. : :.: . II -VU."" ....rrv , . r lii.ireH i. tuned rciuarK; 4 M- s-rs. - the St-:.te t' H i Oraves having ti.:nA al utbo. i rnitUe. through Uieir ain :atnua I l-rtcl the following rtr B-JtiOB! I t.rtin of the ,"rtiiM f4.M rrtnt)' Lr-yUl.ttur'. ' believing r.a a, trobles ne .tuU itmpA P - ,Tbp lwngi-laoire of Ic a,. .u. w,d tiat t-rful dai:r aui-Sy fcccAi' lot Uk . , . . ...n.. . 3 i -i ge. ei iiirw Btatesman word for it. cause and racv. An wi dcr ol .-rs..u l.4i.-. "f Mis-i:ppi. My ;il ov.iM. a leader wortnv i. tli . , .... p-iaium ,tu i i. t ii'-i t-'fiu ... i real s. l lier ami f, n,.rie ami o-t -rs urr-' ir. win..!! ii ue- i Hi.l not aid niuj c,b T enroll, r ia- xv-. ivju inn a. . in rev .vcrinsj bis orf Mb i ... tli ll...rt4.in tricltU- l'Uiud. ... ! ii ..u. .U.-1..- u d make . .r. f,,.u u it that thej.do mi reah their Ue--utvertLsert The r!.,i,uU-.ir .uutmu ViU M ; Whoe fault t J- . . . . 4 Ve know we mail tem .-arefully. ... will niiiNc a a-auei vv.'iiuv v v- . .. . ... . . ..,i.i...i liu . ;,f ev.ry part of the Southern C .ufede-! h tion : If d whel, tin- i-i.li-illiiaiati.ill. so oe-.ouuv ..in,.t find ftn! ' lor an u .t-. ly cause "A the r.ventn-n un ier th. rw 0?.i.r.v. have le-gah.-l the ca. Bio of b''- . . Tl. N T .o . FK.IL' v .- i i , , r ,"V, . ' l etcher of Krnt.i.Vv ,.,sw'if5y unuer.u.-e.r-to.ily y .4- of the taie - i.Uh un- muUtiiiit KulUrnhuin-jtiv more fntous d immit.elil every' lty. dVi, ft to et'kiatT b express our vii 0,,r ..,L riuiv bo 1 j .-.' 1 : 1 I, ...I ..I,..- tb.- tour 1, Id thull- . ,.r,.iM, .,1- the d.iirv. when ritte boww. ,-lsnea, is .u.o,....,.-.e-. . .. -- - 1 ' T i ) ; t,o t er of the trump -f Virgimus Lgton is heard on ( munuf. to .u.. lo-i-a. ----- swer this queuon red will help s to am .urtied and pai itcea.-c-l and were He cnariivc. - a1. 1 the Ual tribute 01 ij-v t. Theref.jre it rc-olod- 1 -H Tliat we are .'tOt prr(rel or f' any menn willing u, submit, ao4bv - rulei. contlcl nwi jjv- enit-i. by 4 Bhk K:ubiicii iruiirti.jO ; tti- t o.f the vvrtaicUt u:ieT Uic LOsUUIUU iu; . A S .' 0 Q t