THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA WOMAN AVOIDS Flatterirg Coat Dresses Kill That' Cold With AN OPERATION JIHIIIIilllUlllllillllfillUililllllllllllllllHL !. . i. mm i r r . iiiiiiuniiiu i en j I m ' ! i ii i ii i si sxehws niiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiisn (, 1921. Western Newspaper Union.) Truth and honesty, like precious tones, are perhaps most easily imi tated at a distance. Dickens. BiiffiiMira mat m mmmmmsm ram. A GROUP OF SWEET BREADS. Hope Nearly Gone, but Lydia mmm . aw mm fc.. rinkham s Vegetable Compound Saved Her Star. N. C. "Mv monthlv snella save me bo mucn trouoie, sometimes i.i j 1 x. a uiey wumiu iujl tww weeks. I was treated by two doc tors without relief and they both said I would have to have an operation. I had m v trouble four vears and was unfit to do anvthinc. and had given up ail nope ox ever ere t tin or an? better. I read about Ivonr medirine in the . ... . . j m m irnminve Baptist paper ana aeciaea to try it. I have usedXydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. months and now I am able to do my ing to suit the taste, raav be added MAlU T i-.Va"ll WA"rA "PiV r- 4 TTMIH MSaA - vraway oaf. Take one-half cuo ful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of Hursey, Star, N. C. Here is another woman who adds her testimony, to the m --my whose letters we have already published, proving that Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Com pound often restores health to suffering women even after they have gone so far that an operation is deemed advisable. Therefore it will surely pay any woman whe suffers from ailments peculiar to her sex to give this good old: fashioned remedy a fair trial. This Is the time of year when cake of various kinds may be made and kept for weeks, improv ing with age. A store of good things is as much a source of com fort as a bank account for a rainy day. The fol lowing recipes are some old and some new, but are all, worth keeping in reserve. For an ordi nary loaf two cupfuls of sponge and any variety of fruit, spice and flavor- To abort a cold and prevent com plications take The purified and refined calomel tablets that are aausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain. id and improved. Sold nly in sealed packages Price 35c. tablespoonful of caraway seeds, 'one egg and two cupfuls of sponge. Mx the sponge with the ingredients, add ing as little flour as can be handled to knead ; make into a loaf, and when double its bulk bake in a moderate oven. The flour may be stirred in without kneading, and if well" mixed so that the yeast plant is distributed in all parts of the dough, the bread will be even grained, light and ten der. When a rolled dough is desired more flour will be needed. The fruit and spices may be added to the loaf as It is ready for the oven, or spread over the top, rolled and baked either in a ring when very light, or cut in small slices. Fig Loaf. Is prepared as above, us ing one-half cupful of figs finely chopped, one-half cupful of walnut meats and one-half teasnoonful of grated nutmeg. The figs take the place of the raisins. Seed Loaf. For this the same foundation with one-half cupful of rais ins, two tablespoonfuls of poony seeds and two tablespoonfuls of thinly sliced citron. If the poppy seeds are not agreeable, try cardamon seeds. Ginger Fruit Loaf Tnlrp ful of mixed, dried, chopped fruit, one- rourth of a cupful of candied ginger. Marmalade Loaf.Use one-half cud- ful each of raisins and orange mar malade with the other imrredients ns above. Coconut Date Loaf. Take one cup- CASCARA E QUININE CoIdiCongli. M AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Talc no chances, Keep this standard remedy handy for the first Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS IT a vu iiiuoi ixcpiGLC Lilt; WW Cell ana i ear on me Human vstm $ y t good health. Many people have found S. S. S. a great aid in keeping their system in good condition. Being such a fine blood tonic and system-builder S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the blood supply, and gives new vigor and vitality to the whole ooay. S. S. S. is sold by all druggists. Write for free literature and full information to Chief Medical Ad viser, 162 'Swift Laboratory, At lanta, Ga. Did you ever stop to consider what a tremendous task is placed upon your human system every day? Your heart is constantly pump ing life and vitality to every part oi your body. This is bemg rap idly consumed after being turned into energy and strength that keeps your system performing its various functions. . Every day there is a certain amount of wear and tear that must be replaced, if you are to enjoy O VER the horizon those attractive and sometimes confusing coat-dresses are emergiug In a way that promises them a grow ing vogue. At first it seemed that they were designed to please women who long for slender lines when na ture has decreed them opulent curves, but the slender women have seized upon the coat dress also, finding it just the thing in which to reveal their fashionable litheness. It does much for both types of figure and therefore Is being developed into afternoon as well as street models, although its career began in the strictly tailored nss. The mnripl h Owl! Of flirt inl,. Jl A. wbw t-ucii . x use one cup- I - '"c ngm ui i n' ful of chopped dates, one-half cunful Picture above belongs to the -Ialner. of coconut, and a teaspconful of al- tailored cIass and is convincingly be- mond extract. Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 sad 50c,Talcun 25c. "The world is too much with us late and soon Getting and spending we lay waste our powers." -roimng to a full figure. It depends upon handsome embroidery on the collar and deep cuffs and about the three-quarter length sleeves to give It a rich flavor and has a narrow double belt of the material fastened with a small buckle at the front. The skirt portion is redeemed from plainness by simulated panels at the sides having round, cloth-covered buttons set in them. J At the left a dressier model appears in a cloth coat, worn over a satin un derslip having satin sleeves. A folded collar of metal-brocade ribbon and pointed cuffs of the same lift It into the class of afternoon frocks and the slit at the sides of the skirt portion. outlined with fancy braid, gives addi tional interest. The belt is of the cloth. Not Unanimous, "Do you pay your servant well?" "I can't say. Everybody except the servant seems to think so." Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and itching with hot kni l, - J5 s -m . . The combination of two materials or uncur soap and touches of in these coat dresses is worth consld- 7 lntment- Also make use ering by women who have the remod- ITW? f that exquisitely scent- eling of frocks in mind. Like the tunic 51 Powder, Cuticura Talcum, dress wnm nv.r nnfWstirt in L the indispensable Cuticura ' I ":,. :: . -rr : , " . xonet tho. Adv. I'uier maieriai, tne coat aress lenas it self to combinations. How He Got It. Pa had the last word in an argu ment with ma last night." "That so?" "Yep. Ma was arguing that she simply had to have a new gown for a dinner party that is coming soon." "Well, how did your father get the -last word in that sort of a battle?" 'He finally said 'yes.' " A Feeling of Security Ton naturally feel secure whn vtn know that the medicine you are about to taxe is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. Th ma mo afanJavJ i x and excellence is maintained in every Mix together two cupfuls of soft bottle of Swamp-Root. crumbs, one cupful of minced raisins It is scientifically compounded from nalf a cup of molasses, one cupful of WINTER GOOD THINGS. A salad which is most attractive and is not common may be prepared as follows: Take small sized and uniform beets v; uwu canneu. Hollow the center and fill with diced celery and minced onion mixed with mayonnaise. The beet Is served on a heart leaf of lettuce and the rwpnt -a will be as good to eat as its contents. vanilla Bavarian Cream Soften one-third of a package of celatlne in one-third of a cup of cold milk. Mhp a soft custard of one cupful of milk, three egg yolks and two-thirds of cup of sugar; add the softened gela tine and stir over ice water until be ginning to thicken, then fold in one cupful and a half of beaten pwam teaspoonful of vanilla and a ninrh of salt, dissolve the gelatine and sugar in the hot milk. Steamed Pudding Without Eggs Rompers Wr the Tiny Girl ROSE UP IN THEIR WRATH Entire Body of "Plain People" of Crimson Gulch Tired of the Part They Played. vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for evervthinr. is nature's great helper in relieving overcoming kidney, liver and blad- troubles. milk, one-half teaspoonful each nf clove and cinnamon, and if a dark pud ding Is desired, two tablesDoonfuls of cocoa. Turn Into a buttered mold and steam two hours. Serve with a hard sauce. A sworn statement of purity is with K-w r!LCU7 .Bitoe a buttered every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamn- . "6 WIUl Pieces of buttered , oread. (,nvpr fha w.f u. Root. If yon need a medicine, yon should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Surely a Star. Young Author (reading from manu script) He flung her an imploring glance, fell on his knees, seized her hands, threw prejudice to the winds, and, grappling with fate, rushed for ward to his destiny, determined to win or die! Little Brother (admiringly) Gee, wouldn't he a-made a grand football player? S u re Relief RE 6 BCLMNS Hot water Sure Relief LL-ANfi ron indigestion Cover the bottom of thp riieh with a thick layer of grated cheese. Cut up a few ripe olives, a green or red sweet pepper, and sprinkle over the top of the cheese. Add salt, pep per and onion salt. Cover with a slice of buttered bread. Another lay er may be placed, If desired, having the buttered bread on top. Cover with leftover cream of tomato soup, or milk and tomato, adding two eggs for each cupful of liquid. Pour over the bread and bake in a moderate oven wu covered the first of the baking Test to see If it Is well done, as one , Kmre tnrust I rorenanded seamstress tht aio me center should come out clean. Keeps her needle busy doing spring This should be served at once as a sewing to the heart of winters con Seen luneon with a crisp eerned with new styles for the little cLrJ U f0lks 3ust 80W' Everything for them win? F-tters. These may be made my be made up for the coming spring fl ' TSL ZITJ chPPa !Dd be -ay when thf2 2? oyfcornfha 7 2E2L J S 3 salt and nnnH JTr1" Tn OI T n to tne specialists who "Going for a little holiday?" in quired the member of a surveying party. "No," replied Pin'te Pete. "These suitcases represent all our worldly pos sessions and the departure whirh ir t your historic privilee3 to witness f n two-handed play on which me an' Cac tus Joe here intends to stand pat for ever." "But Crimson Gulch is lust heirin ning to be the fine town which you nave so long hoped for." "It is. All the boys except us has prospered one way or another, so that every one of them is an assessor or a stockholder or somethin' that makes him some kind of a rate booster. So me an' Cactus Joe is eraigratin'. We're willin' to do our duty as citi zens, with any kind of an even break But we're tired of bein' the en-tire plain people." Send us your name today and those of your friends interested in gardening ar.d we will send you absolutely fret a copy of our 56 Page Valuable Information BOOK ON GARDENING 1921 EDITION WILLIAMS SEED COMPANY 69-71 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. WmTERSKlTHs l Uli-LlONIC SOLD FOR 30 YEARS FOR WAT ARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER. AIM F1m Gntnl Strtsttfeealax Aft All Draf Starts. Artkar Pattr ft U LmSmO I. Improved Gunnery in the Naw Analysis of the gunnery exercises of the American navy during th year shows that the greatest progressH Luwaru emciency was made by vessels of the battleship class, due to the large number of men aboard such ships and the comparative stability of the personnel. The Navy department considers that battleship irnnnerv i -a . ' - iiimisirpr a tn i h n . . at present aoout equal to that nf J 1U uia son-in-iaw foreign battleships. It i weU given' for the unknown WISEACRES WERE ALL WRONG Wife Could Afford to Smile in Later Years at Those Who Opposed Her Marriage. October 26, 1764, there were united in marriage a pretty girl of twenty, Abigail Smith, daughter of a minis ter, to John Adams, a young lawyer without a pactice, himself the son of a rather poor farmer. The lady's friends were not enthusiastic over the match, as the girl's forefathers were all of literary or professional nnstP while the young lawyer could boast of no connection but with the soil. The parishioners were outspoken in their disapproval of the match it tun ing based largely on their suspicion of lawyers in general. The fiery old minister-father of Abi gail promptly took exception to the remarks, and the very next Sunday announced his text as "For John came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and ye say he hath a devil." The minister's faith in his Lyivigu Dattiesnips. it is be nevea that next year vessels of other classes will be brought up as re gards gunnery to the level of our battleships. Scientific American. Arrived There. "I wrote a poem once, an Ode to Ob livion." "What became of it?" "It reacnea its destination." and clientless lawyer became the sec ond resident of the United States. What, Indeed. Alabam They tell me that up no'th the Yankees put signs on their cemeteries, "No autos allowed." MississippiHuh! Then tell me what they do when their engine dies un tnem t exchange. shown in the picture above. Colored cotton goods and coarse linens mi sturdy and pretty garments in which the small folks can run and tumble uuouc to tneir hearts' content, and de signers give rompers much of their awention. Most of the models turned out are suited to either sex, but oc casionally one comes across some thing that has a distinctly feminine imvur use tne amusing example in salt and nanrika nna . I , . . peciaii , " -uyiui oil tuttKe cnuuren 8 CiOthes thprp nra nlfln . , , "iyic m r .i. :Z, r J ' ,x we" then fold wear and plenty of eood n.itm . , J2y """" oesPeaK a feminine : " u'"cu Drop by tofhhrr l"e nome which will brown i ZZ ZLJ 7 5.ores . attrac- 60 seconds. Drain on soft oh n. T IaDrlQS aod fashion keep hot until served! and ?aperS abound with rePrts and pic- Rompers are steadily gaining ia fa vor for tiny girls; the emancipation of their sex from any hindrance an- to droU affairs a are jrvea. 7w mtiL scallops. A little simple fancy stitch ing outlines a simulated yoke and calls unemmn to the exaggerated hip lines. iiiiiinii.iiiiiiii.iiiim H s A Ready-Cooked Food 1 For Breakfast or Lunch I GrapeNuts I Crisp granules of wheat and malt- I ed barley sweet as a nut" f torn 1 special processing and loqg baking. 1 No need to sprinkle sugar on your I cereal when you use 6rapeNuts I T1 mere 9 s a Reason ft iiiorniHuiiiuijiiiinuunBiiiufiuuiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiintHiiiiiuihil

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