THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA CALOMEL HORROR TOLD BY DO 1 You Don't Need to Sicken, Gripe or Salivate Yourself to Start Liver. IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OF THIS AND OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN DAYS GIVEN THE NEWS OF THE SOUTH What Is Taking Place in The South land Will Be Found In Brief Paragraphs Foreign- You're bilious, sluggish, constipated. You feel headachy, your stomach may be sour, your breath bad, your skin sallow and you believe you need vile dangerous calomel to start liver and bowels. Here's my guarantee ! Ask your drug gist for a bottle of Dodson's Llvei m a a i jt i : .v, T-P (4 .rone auu iae a spooiixui luiuguu x ., T?eAoTAtc.r nf Tihor of doesn't start your liver ana straignten haa h nrlArAri dissnivprt hv you ngnt up oetter man caiomei auu the courts witnout griping or masmg yuu chi M , Yin Mei and Mei Ling want you to go dqck to me store auu Shanghai chlneSe girls who are ex get your money. tiert silk workers, are coins to Amer Take calomel today and tomorrow , t - ilk , d , you will feel weak and sick and nan- Chinese futures at the International seated. Don't lose a day. laKe a Si1lr pnnsitinn that is to onen in spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dod- N York in Februarv. savs a dis- son's Liver Tone tonight and wake up pat(Jn from Snangnai. Tne giris are feeling splendid. It is perfectly harm- to demonstrate how the silk is un less, so give It to your children any reeled from tne cocoon and reeled into time. It can't salivate. Adv. oirmnn TVio rnirift of Prftmier Tevernes at uivmg xne cnecx. . sfffirA4 rtpfftat in the cham A real light is rarely hidden under . nf atmtMaL ThA ahinet resigned the proverbial bushel, but ome keen I ft ft dft The action had been men keep a bushel to create the belief expected since Leygues' policies have uiai it eouireais a ngm. aioiujj Journal. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. A few cents buys "Danderine," Af ter a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brlght ness, more color and abundance. Adv. Oh, Fudge. He seized my hand." "Yes, girlie." "I thought it was love at first sight" "Well?" "He merely wished to consult my wrist watch. been considered as affronting England and unsettled internal affairs. A Tokio dispatch received said newspaper dispaches from Vladivos tok reported that the chief engineer of the Albany was shot by a Japan ese soldier while he was returning to his vessel and who died shortly after ward. 1 The young women who in several Irish districts have had their hair cut off by Sinn Feiners for asociating with the police and soldiers have lodg ed claims for compensation for mali cious injury. The price placed on their lost hair varies from $1,500 to $2,500. When Geneva saw the last of the delegates of the first assembly of the League of Nations leave, it breathed a sigh of relief. For no one had mur mured a suggestion that the seat of the league should be moved away from here. It is taken as definitely settled that Geneva will be the capi tal city of the league. Greek forces, says a dispatch from London Times, from Smyrna, are ad vancing in three columns nineteen miles of Banza. A military alliance between Germa ny and the entente to crush Bolshe vism was urged by General Luden- dorff, former quartermaster, general of the German army. Ludendorff de clared that sooner or later western Europe must face the "Soviets in arm ed combat." A defensive policy is use less, he delcared. An American radical arriving in Ber lin says that the Russian Soviet gov ernment is worse than the czaristic government. He states that he had lived under both regimes, and knows whereof he speaks. A dispatch from El Paso, Texas, says Gen. Francisco Murguia, com mander of the northern zone of Mex ico, under the Carranza reghme, has taken the field in opposition to the Obregon government of Mexico. A Vera Cruz dispatch to the state department says definite program for a new revolution in Mexico to be headed by Candido Aguilar, son-in-law of the late Carranza, is disclosed in letters forwarded to President Obre gon. Indorsement by nineteen national or ganizations of a comprehensive code of principles for regualtion of high way traffic has been announced in Washington. Chairman Benson of the shipping board announces that the board has recently taken the position that all ships will be disposed of in an order ly and businesslike manner in accord: ance with the provisions of the new shipping act. Anbandonment of the plans for the inaugural ball is reflected by the big drop in the price of ball and party gowns in the leading stores of Wash ington. Further delay in reaching a vote in the senate on the bill for federal op eration of the nitrate plant has been offset, and the bill will be passed at this session undoubtedly. A former president of the Chicago board of trade told the house agricul tural committee recently that if the United States wanted to do business like Russia, his country could get along without exchanges. Ex-service men and women will be permitted , to compete in all civil ser vice examinations from now on. For the first time in the history of the country the majority of the population is in the. cities. It is shown that 51.4 per cent of the coun try's population is now in the cities. Guy F. Allen of Somerset, Md., has been nominated by the president to be treasurer of the United States. Lieutenant Farrell and Lieutenant Hinton of the lost balloon, after their arrival at Mattice, Ontario, seemed inseparable until Farrell was shown copies of a news dispatch, which he interpreted to reflect on his stamina. Hinton, it seems, had sent the dis patch to his wife, and in some man ner the letter found its way into the newspapers. Tne scrap resulted, and they are returning to the United States in an ugly frame of mind to ward each other. SHOT DOWN, IK CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH OF GOODS WAREHOUSED ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. ONLY FACTORY FORCE IS OUT The Stock on Hand Must be Disposed of Before the Plant Is Again Put Into Operation. Greensboro. The plant of the Vick Chemical company here will shut down for an indefinite period, according to a statement by President H. Smith Richardson, president of the company. One million dollars worth of goods, stored in 30 different warehouses all over the country, is the reason given for the Shutdown. Only the force employed in the fac tory itself will be tnrown out of work, the office force, the sales force and the shipping department keeping on at work. Mr. Richardson said that the wave of deflation is not the pri mary cause of the shutdown, but that further production with warehouses full, is not considered wise. He said that the factory was run at capacity "production all last summer and fall in anticipation of a railroad strike and that since the strike did not materialize there is no necessity of manufacturing now with ware houses full. The stock on hand will be disposed of before the plant is again put in operation. A STEP LOOKING pitto TO DISARMAMENT rVing- RESOLUTION REPORTED WOULD AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT TO TAKE ACTION. MATTER FOR NEXT PRESIDENT Author of the Resolution Says That Efforts Will be Made to Expedite Its Passage in the House. To get your DRUGS and TOILET ARTICLES NONE but Registered Phar macisft to fill your prescriptions Your wants will have our Prompt Attention Domestic- WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT Washington- Details of the United States policy toward Soviet Russia have been made public. The gist of the details is that the United States has no intention Por many years druggists have watched restoring the former boundaries of with much interest the remarkable record the Russian empire, nor to impose on maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, any non-Russian territories the rule the great kidney, liver and bladder medi- of the great Russias cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Jud Tunkins. Jud Tunkins says many a man thinks he is giving advice when he is merely being encouraged to loosen up his conversation and get his measure taken. Sure Relief Bl 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION OXIDINE IN HOT WATER Get a bottle of OXIDINE today and when yon feel atablespoonfulof this wonderful remedy in a half glass of hot water Stir well and drink just as yon would a hot todi y Its enervating effect is immediately noticeable and a similar dose every three or four hours will give wonderful results. OXIDINE purifies your blood and tones np the entire system. (We at your druggist s. Adv. VDEM(l I flAKES lHE SJ,N BEAUTIFUL. KnkfflULfi gaiiSas- sms , Co.. 2975 Michigan Avenue, Chicago Deep-Seated Coughs develop serious complications if neglected. Use an old and time-tried remedy that has given satisfaction for more than fifty years Admiral Gleaves, commander of the Asiatic fleet, has abandoned his in tention of proceeding to, Vladivostok to conduct an inquiry into the killing of a united States naval lieutenant by a Japanese sentry, the navy depart ment has been notified. American passenger steamship offi cials, appealing to the house judiciary committee for modification of the Vol stead act, frankly declared they would be unable to compete with ships of foreign registry for the trade of the world unless permitted to handle li quors for use by patrons beyond the three-mile American limit. Reduction of the American forces of occupation in Germany from fifteen thousand to eight thousand has been ordered by the war department. Five witnesses recently testified be fore the senate immigration commit tee that the United States was in no danger of a "flood" of undesirable aliens and that no "emergency" ex isted to justify the suspension of the present laws and adoption of the John son bill prohibiting immigration for one year. A bill proposing federal regulation for the coal industry and empowering the president to fix prices and profits in case of emergency or shortage has been introduced in the senate. Secretary Danniels, of the navy, on receiving word of the safe return to Mattice of the navil balloonists, ad dressed to them the following mes sage: Warmest congratulations. News of your safety received with immense relief. The navy is proud of its in trepid air force which you and ypur companions represent. Dr. Frahcis X. Dercum, the Philadel phia neurologist, who was called into consultation during the early stages of the illness of the president, recently visited the white house for the first time in. two months, and spent some time with the president's personal physician. A plea for consideration for the ul timate consumer was made by Sena tor Thomas of Colorado, who is a Democrat, before the senate finance committee recently, whic his holding hearings on the house emergenc tar iff bill designed to protect the farm- Surgeons despair of saving the life of John Orlander, latest victim, with his wife and two children, of a fiend who, the authorities believe, is the same that seven years ago claimed forty-five persons as his victims ift a trail of terror that reached from La ayette, La., to Houston, Texas. The Southern Swine Growers' As sociation met in Columbia, S. C, dis cussed important matters and elected officers for the ensuing year. The next place of meeting will be decided by the new executive committee. Joseph Grichvich, five years old, committed suicide in Detroit, Mich., Dy snooting nimseif m the head. . The boy had been punished for coming home with wet feet ahd sent into the kitchen to dry them. A moment later the family was startled by a pistol shot and found the boy dying on the kitchen floor. There is such a thing as being too impetuous in the choice of a mate, but to court a girl for twenty years and then marry some one else is car rying precaution much too far for Miss Lillian Boyle, daughter of a contrac tor at Hammonton, N. J. She is su ing James E. Baker for $40,000, not so much for the money, but to teach him a much-needed lesson. A repetition of the nation-wide stage strike of the actors may ensue as a result of the breach of relations between the Actors' Euity Association and the Producing Managers' Associ ation. Merriment along the gay white way of New York City received a severe jolt recently when police made the rounds of all cabarets and dance halls with orders to rigidly enforce the state excise law forbidding them to remain open after one o'clock. The planters' warehouse at Crow ley, La., containing 25,000 bags of rice was recently destroyed by tire, the loss being $250,000, covered par tially by insurance. Charles Evans Hughes of New York, some time candidate for the presiden cy, is in the limelight as being the probable choice for secretary of state in the Harding administration. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., re cently called on President-elect Hard ing seeking the appointment of Gen eral Wood as secretary of war. Mary Garden, celebrated actress, has been elected head of the Chicago Op era Association. She is the first woman in the history of the world to head such a large institution. William Beard, a miner held in con nection with the killing of James Mor ris, a guardsman at Jasper. Ala., was recently taken from the Walker coun ty jail and lynched. The convention of the American Bar Association will be held in Cin cinnati August 30-September 1 and 2. John Wagner, a moulder of the West Milwaukee (Wis.) shops, said he cer tainly would refuse a fortune of five hundred thousand dollars willed to him by Otto Burlingame of Buffalo, N. Y., whom he was reported to have saved from 'drowning 30 years ago. Resolutions adopted at a meeting in New Orleans of Louisiana bankers merchants, cotton farmers and own: ers of cotton growing land favored de nial of credit to planters who refused to curtail 1921 cotton acreage 50f;l. Wilson. A big tow sack containing $70,000 in coin was recently deposit ed in a bank here by S. G. Newbern, who has been appointed by the court as guardian for Henry Morris, a Wil son recluse, who is said to he the old est and wealthiest citizen of the town. It represents the savings of many years and was taken from a safe in his home to be transferred. It required several days for the bank employees to get the coin counted as it was in all sorts of denominations, ranging from pennies to ten dollar bills. Asheville. D. L. Jenkins, defeated candidate for congress during the last election, who has just purchased a $100,000 home in Washington, where he will keep "open house" during the Harding administration, is back in the city. While he has not made a for mal announcement, it is generally un derstood that Mr. Jenkins will be a candidate for congress in 1922 and that he intends to capture the much coveted prize on that trip. Washmgton.Definite steps looking toward disarmament were taken by tihe ihouse foreign affairs committee whioh reported a resolution author izing President Wilson to invite the nations of the world to send dele gates to an international convention to consider ways and means of bring ing it about. Although all members of the com mittee voted for the proposal, demo crats objected to this adoption at this time on the ground that it might em barrass the president. They contend ed it was a question wttiich more properly should be considered by President-elect Harding. Chairman Porter, a warm advocate of the move ment, insisted, however, that it wa The Cigar That Leaves No tne desire to nave tne resolution ready for Mr. Harding in event Mr. Wilson did not act on it. Representative Brooks, republican, Illinois, author of the resolution, an nounced that efforts would be made to expedite its consideration by the house. There was no indication of any movement to get together with the senate, which has pending a res olution by 'Senator Borah, Idaho, pro viding for armament reduction by the United States, Great Britain and Japan. R I N G DRUG COMPANY The Rexall Store General f rente Regrets, only Pleasure The combination of Finest Porto Rican and America tobaccos that is the culmina. Hon of 30 years of experience Living Costs Still High. New York. The cost of living de creased 5.6 per cent in the four months from last July to November. ever, left the cost of living higher tn C18 making, I IT Otit I than July, 1914, immediately before the war, by the following percentages: Clothing 128, fuel and light 100, food 93, sundries 92 and shelter 66. Manufactured and Distributee by Dunn. A movement Is being start ed here to petition the present session of the legislature to abolish all county treasurer's and auditors offices and create a state auditing bureau. This: the petitioners believe, will not only save a large sum of money now going for useless salaries, but will also as sure more efficient business methods in handling public funds. Charlotte With receipts three times as large as they were ten years ago, and passed the last lap on the striv ing for half a million dollars a year, the Charlotte post office receipts for 1920 were almost a hundred thousand dollars ahead or 1919, totaling $417, 501.08, according to the report fur nished by Postmaster J. H. Wedding-ton. Chapel Hill. Two hundred and twenty-four high schools in North Car olina, ranging all the way across the state and up and down, have joined the high school debating union thus far and will participate in the state wide debate conducted by the bureau of extension of the University of North Carolina, according to an an nouncement by E. R. Rankin, secre tary of the union. New Light on Hell. Zion, 111. Residents of Zion were given new light on the terrors of the infernal regions when Overseer Wil bur Glenn VIiva issued advance sheets on a "Handbook and Guide to Hell," based on what he termed Helligrams he said he had received. "Every sinner is going to be pun ished with an overdose of his own sln,M Voliva declared. Cotton for Jewish Relief. New York. South Carolina cotton growers have offered to contribute $250,000 worth of cotton to the Ameri can Jewish relief committee and the Near East relief and have called upon western grain growers to contribute a like amount of their product. Bandits Kill and Rob. Bay City, Mich. Six armed men robbed the Broadway branch of the Saginaw County Savings bank, shot and killed L. M. Persons, an insurance man, and Martin L. Debats, president of the Valley Home Telephone Com pany, and escaped with loot estimated by bank officials at $5,000. P. CLEGG CIGAR COMPANY Greensboro, N. C. MATTON DRUG CO. Fresh Drugs and! Toilet Articles Fayetteville. The transportation of the Seventeenth Field Artillery regi ment from Camp Travis, Texas, to Camp Bragg was completed with the arrival of the last of the units com posing the regiment. Large Qolf Field. Pinehurst. One hundred and thirty members of the Winter Golf league of advertising interests took part in two qualifying rounds at Pinehurst, 108 men players qualifying in 33 twos and a fourth sixteen on the championship course, whiTe 22 women players qualified in three eights over course number one. R. Murray Purves of the Woodland GolfchrB led the mens field by a mar gin of three srcStes and won the qualifying medal with a round of 81, played in a lively rain. Prescriptions compounded bjr Registered nharmacists It Is "Seaman" O'Callaahan. Washington. Ignoring the state de- Fnll line Of Eastman Kodaki partment's order of deportation, Sec- atl j cnnn1ip rotary of Labor Wilson has granted T1U SUFF"B Lord Mayor O'Callaghan, of Cork, who All the Leading drinks Served arrived in Newport News without a U;A 1 V:- ifw 1V svc yuui luvunit vigtui and 1 obaccos passport, permission to land as a "sea man.' MATTON Drug Company To Discuss Naval Rjolicie. London. The question of the naval policies of the United States and Great Britain will be one of the princi- coming conference here between Sir PnOne 21 North Main 5t Auckland Geddes, British ambassador to the United States, the prime min ister, David Lloyd George, and Earl Curzon, the foreign secretary, it was stated in authoritative quarters. CO Navy Recruiting Office Closed. Charlotte. Chief Quartermaster Wilson, in charge of the navy recruit ing station here, announced that the office, after an existence of 10 years had been ordered closed. Navy men here believe the order is a part of the new government pro gram to curtail expenses. The Charlotte office, during its long existence, ranked with the most sue cessful in the country In the securing of recruits. On more than one occi sion it led the entire United States in the number of men enlisted. Death Penalty Recommended. Washington. Death penalty for per sons convicted of committing crimes by the use of weapons was proposed by Representative Sumners, of Texas, as a means of checking the present day crime wave. Tariff Bill Broadened. Washington. The Fordney emer gency tariff bill, broadened to include practically all farm products instead of the limited number of the measure as it passed the house, was approved by the senate finance committee. ti I CO 6. H War Corporation Functioning. Washington. The war finan-oe cor poration, revived by an act of Con gress, which was passed over Presi dent Wilson's veto, is now functioning. Bryan on Stock Gambling. Miami, Fla. Trading in grain fu tures was vigorously denounced by William Jennings Bryan in an addres here. Mr. Bryan also declared that h expected during the rest of his lif to oppose with all his influence stoc market trading as now conducted. W P. C3 8 to V to ft ft Aft ft AAA A