fiiGFORY IRE8S: JANUARY 21,-1897. 8 HOME DYEING 31ADE EASY. HANDSOflE COLOK5 FADE. THAT .NENER tb Sala of Di Cotton, Wool and Crock Make Old 5utts Look Uk Hard Time Increased mood Dye Black for 5ilk That Does Not Cloaks. Oowbi, and New. "It is really marvelous," said a Main street druggist, "how the hard times have increased the sale of diamond dyes. Ladies buy one package as an experiment, and find the dye so easy to use that they, color all their old clothing and come out with new gowns, cloaks, ond suits for the whole family. The diamond dye blacks seem especially popular, I often sell half a dozen packajres'to one customer." Diamond dyes are put up for every color, with special dyes for cotton and are so simple and easy to "use that even a child can dye a perfect color with them, one that will not' fade, crock, or wash out, equal to the handsomest shade made by the professional dyer. rapere and notice in the contest by A. J. Field0, of Granville for the teat now held by W.J. Crews. Mr. Cunning ham tiled the papers and notice in the ca of contest by X. B. Brougbton for the seat from Wake now held by Jas. H. Young. MORE COnFORT FOR CUBA, Another Expedition is Landed on The Island. Havana, Jau. 17. A sensation in the palace and in the office of Admiral Navarro was created this morning by Another bill introduced was by Mr. the nws that another filibustering ex Hancock, of Craven, to repeal chap, i pedition has landed safely in Cuba. 29, acts 1893. . The fact was made known first by a A bill passed giving Montgomery ' telegram from Matanzas, in which it county another term of court, so there was aij that confidential information THE LAW-MAKERS AT RALEIQH. The Cuban Resolution Modified Bills Intro duced, Etc. Reported for Charlotte Obserrer. SENATE. Ralkioh, Jan. 14. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment at 12 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor Reynolds presid ing. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hoover. Reports of standing committees were received, among them a 'substitute by the judiciary committee for the "reso lution in regard to the independence of Cuba." Bills and resolutions were then in troduced and referred: Mr. Walker A bill to prohibit the sale of liquor near Missionary church in Rockingham county. . Mr. Robertson A bill regulating proceedings in justices1 courts. Mr. Sharp, of Wilson A bill to abolish the office of cotton weigher in Edgecombe county. Mr. Butler A bill to license foreign associations and other corporations. Mr. Barker A resolution looking to the regulating of the public printing. Mr. Smathers A bill to amend the law prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors; also a bill relating to hunting in Haywood county. Mr. A bell A bill to amend sec 1246 of the Code, in relation to probate of deeds. Mr. Parker A bill relating to cor porations or creating the same. The calendar was then taken up and the following bills passed third read ing: To incorporate the town of Millbank, in Wilson county The resolution relating to bribery will be terms in January, April and September; also a bill to make the unlawful taking of a legislative bill or other paper a felony. A bill passed third reading to incor porate the Cabarrus Savings Bank, (The amendment adopted yesterday making stockholders liable individu ally for all sums due depositors was withdrawn by Mr. Lusk, who had off ered it.) A bill passed in regard to suits or actions quo warranto, providing that in trial of title to any county office or 1 other local office it shall be sufficient for the person desiring to bring such action to give bond to save the State costs; and such suits shall be ' placed by the clerk at the head of the docket or calendar. The bill to incorporate the Moore County & Western Railroad was read. Mr. Schulken said he thought the bill should be printed, as he thought there might be danger in it, as ic appeared to provide for a road paralleling the North Carolina Railroad. It was re ferred and 125 copies ordered printed, and it is made special order for Friday of next week. Bills passed providing that terms of justices of the peace elected last No vember shall end the first Monday of December 1898. Also bill to levy 25 cents on $100 in Robeson county to Iy floating debt. A resolution was adopted giving to each legislator a set of the Colonial Records. It was stated that there were 1,200 copies of the record now on hand. A bill passed providing for new jury lists next July in all counties of the State. There was some discussion of this bill. It was stated by Messrs. Schul ken and Alexander, of Tyrrell, that many names had been improperly ta ken from the lists. Amendments were offered excepting Rowan, Transylva nia, Stanley, Anson, Macon, Yancey, Johnson, but the Speaker ruled all of these out of order, as Mr. Alexander of Tyrrell, had demanded the previous question. Mr. McKenzie spoke against this ruling, saying he was responsible for his county, (Rowan) and said the attempt of the bill was to cast a slur upon Democratic officials. When the bill came up on third reading amendments were offered ex cepting Rowan; Haywood, Caldwell, Person, Stanly, Onslow, Alexander. has been received by the authorities announcing that on the northern coast i of that province and some miles east of the city of Matanzas itself an un known steamer had been seen landing l a cargo and some men. No cruiser or gunboat was near at hand or could be sent to the place. A strong column was sent in pursuit of the, landing party, but it is sup posed that the pursuers were too late. This affair has contributed much fuel to increase the irritation of the army against the navy. The fact that not a single expedition, except that of the Competitor, has been captured by Spanish war vessels, augment the un popularity of the navy here, and Wey ler and the Marquis of Ahumada avail themselves of this feeling in their per sonal quarrels with Admiral Navarro which have become more bitter since the latter exploded the story of Maceo passing the t roc ha in boats, as- told by Dr. Zertucha. New York Sun. Leave Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret ofhealth is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it s part. Doyou know this ? Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys rfrQin cnnr;tnm.ich. malnrm 1 44 Hickory r r T . . . ' .. " 8tateville constipation, torpid liver, piles, Arrive Salisbury jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Sold by Menzies & Hams SOUTHERN RAILWAY OHPAKT. (PIEDUO.VT AIR UNCI THIRD DIVISION. CoadeajM) Scbadale la afar Jaae IS Tbla Coadad Scbadale It paMlshed aa ta foraatJoa oaly aad U rorjtet to cfcaafe vlth oat notice to tba pmtCa, Saliifcnrj AsMe ui Paint RjcL OOINUWEST. 5o.ll Xo.1 Salisbury Statesville Hickory 44 Morganton 41 Marion Arrive A&heviUe Leave OOI5U Atbeville Marion Morganton 8 7 M rv.rn. 9 41 8 39 " 10 47 9 M 14 11 23 44 1010 44 12 12p.rn.10 45 44 2 55 44 12 20 a.m. east. Xo.u xolia 1 25 p.m. 1 46a.m. 3 12 44 3 17 44 3 5 44 3 51 44 433 545 6 40 425 3 IS 600 . LA GRIPPE AGAIN. and corruption was passed, ratified, Alleghany, Cleveland, Anson, Moore, and the following committee appoint- Macon, Yancey, Johnston, Gaston, ed on the part of the Senate; Messrs. Mecklenburg. Atwater and Smathers. The following bills were taken up under suspension of the rules and ta bled: - To allow physicians until Marth 10th to register; to define misdemeanor and the punishment for the same. The following were referred: A bill to amend the constitution of the Uni ted States In regard to the right of suffrage, and to prevent delay in crim inal actions. The Senate adjourned until 12 o'clock tomorrow. The following is the Cuban resolu tion substion of the committee on Fed eral relations: "Resolved, By the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring, that we are in sympathy with the people of Mr. Alexander moved and it was so ordered that the vote" On all these amendments be taken at once. To this Mr. McKenzie agreed, saying the amendments were offered in good faith. He demanded a yea and nay vote, which was yeas 24, noes 58. Mr. Mc Kenzie demanded the roll call on the passage of the bill. The vote was yeas 71, nays 24. The Democrats voted nay. The resolution to create a committee to investigate charges in the Senatori al contest was ratified. . Mr. Lusk asked if the expression in the original was not "charges of fraud." The following committees were announced: Agriculture, Mechanics and Mining: Sweeping Across the Country from Ocean to Ocean. La grippe is again among us, spread ing its devastation far and wide. Since its first arrival in this country, about eight years ago, it has never ceased to afflict, in some degree, a large number of people; but never before have the numbers been so great as at present. Nearly every one has la grippe and the rest are fearing they will have it. About the treatment: all sorts of con tradictory opinions are afloat among the medical profession. Scarcely any two doctors agree exactly in their treatment, except those who use Pe ruana. Peihaps no drug is given more oftener by the medical profession for la grippe than quinine, but at theery best, the results are unsatisfactory. After a course of, quinine the patient is left weak, nervous, with ringing sounds in the head. But with Pe-ru na the case is different. It is not only a perfect remedy tor la grippe, in all its stages and complications, but it leaves no unpleasant effects. Pe ru-na very much shortens the duration of la grippe, and after the acute stage is over, the patient is well with no long stage of weakness and lassitude fol lowing. Pe-ru na is also a remedy for the after affects of la grippe. Those who have been treated in the ordinary way find themselves slow in recovering from la grippe. This is nearly always the case unless the patient has taken Pe-nina during the acute stage. There will be months of long, tedious conva lescence. For such people Pe-ru-na is a prompt relief. It never falls to res tore them to perfect health. A A. 11.1- 11 a at tula time oi me year every one should have a copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on climatic diseases, which includes catarrh, la grippe, coughs, colds, bronchitus, consumption and many other diseases. This book is in structively illustrated, contains 64 J pages, and will be sent free to any ad dress lor a snort time by The jfe-ru-na Drag Manufacturing Company, Col umbus, Ohio. Mr. Win. Smithdeal, of Salisbury, was a loser to the amount of (33.000 by the recent failure of tbe Yadkin Falls Manufacturing company, and a few days ago he confessed judgment for a member of personal debts. At the meeting of the grand lodge of Masons in Raleigh Walter E. Moore of Jackson was elected grand master. R. J. Noble, deputy grand master; William Simpson, grand treasurer; John C. D re wry, grand secretary. BLfiEPINO CAR. SKXIVIC. j' No- t? aod W. Waahlactoa aad Soatfcwastrm, Limited, eompoaad of Pullnaa Car; attaU4 nam PvUmu rat $1X0. o extra farm. TaroBica SJeeptaa; Car btwwi 5aw. lark aad Nw Orieaaa. New Tork aad Memphis.' 4 xvw Tork and Tampa asd WaaaJ,noa. Aahertlle aad Hot iFprtir- Also earrwa Crat-dase coaeh. n bif Wuhlwtoi tad JitkMiTlllt. Dia Ib Car betaaea Oreenaboro aad U oaajrosaary. V Koa. S3 aad 88. Cat tad BtatM rut v.n laataaad afoataomsrr. aad Saw Alao baa BWpta- Tort. aw Tork aadr Car bimm Hall 7T fT, r. W. A. Sklk. A. A. Whitkskr. SELF & WHITENER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Hickory, N. C. GTOfflce In Opera Building. JacksoDYlUe. Charlotte aad ABsraaLa. Tbroajrh tlckrta oa aale at principal staUva to all point. Far rate or laformatloa apply to aay ajrent ol tba Conpaajr. W A TURK. SHHARDWICK. Ora'l Paaa Ajrt Aait Oaa'l Paaa. Art, WaablBrtoa. D. C. AUataTua. P I W EL.I.EM. Sopt, Coiambla, 8. 0. J U CULP. Traffle U$rr., Waablairtoa. D. C. W H OKEEN. Gan 8apt. WaabJaxtoa. D. O. . T. J. OREEN. AjrU Hickory. X.C. ' CHESTER & LENOIR RAILROAD CVt PcbdBl la Toct from aad after if area. t. lm. Central TUnt StAaJarJ. Oolag Nortb. Ha. i a. Na.oa. Laara Cbaatar. ft. C. J0 a m a wa Lowrjirliu. R. c. ft.44 a m a n " McCoaBailflTlltoAO. a.16 a m aJO a aa - OitbrtTtlW, 8. Cm Din fcxo a m " TorkTlUa. B. C. 917 a aa 1V a aa CloTtr. 8, C HUM am llOSaaa - Oaatoala, J. C. 10.43 a n 1.20 p n DaJIaa. N. C. lixaaat 1.10 p ta " Liaeolatoa. M. C. HAS am tilpa Nrwtoa.N.C 1UO p m i.43 p m " Hickory. K. C. IJU p m a.ts p m Arrtra Laaolr. N. C. L90 p m too p aa OoJaz5t. Na. at. Na. m We Send it FREE -to-WEAK MEN YOUNG AND OLD Rejoice With Us in The Discovery. Cuba who are strugling for liberty Rawls Allen Soiners, Rey acainst such overwhelrnlng odds, and n?ld8 XountTe, Purrason, Ferrell, we assure our Senators and Represen- i.unningnam, ncillano. xiouse was aaaea co penal lnsututloni and Duffy to Judiciary. tatives in Congress that any action that they may take looking to the in dependance of Cuba will meet with our hearty approTaL" . HOUSE. The House session began at 11 o'clock and Rev. Levi Branson offered prayer. The bill to incorporate the Moore County & Western Railroad was fa vorably reported, as was also the bill making the improper taking of a legis lative bill a felony. The bill to make new iury lists in February was re committed so as to make the tune July. 15 ills were uiiroaucea as iouowt: Mr. Sutton, of Cumberland To car ry out the true intent of grantors and testators and to abolish the rule in Shelley's case, by providing that when ever an estate in land is conveyed to one for life it shall not be constructed to confer a fee simple estate upon the life tenant. Mr. Sutton, of New Hanover To prevent the spread of catageous di easjes among the live stock in North Carolina. It provides for three com missioners, forming the North Caro lina live stock sanitary board. Mr. Dixon, of Cleveland, filed tu Wm. Latimore was hanged last Wednesday at Ocala, Fla,, for the murder of Pullman car porter Greenlee on August 8th, 1896. He died game. Latimore was a negro about S3 yean old and a native of Sparta. Qa. When a man has suffered for years with a weakness that blights his life and robs him of all that really makes life worth living, if he can avail him self of a complete cure, why not possess the moral courage to stop his down ward course. We will send you by mail, ABSO LUTELY FREE, in plain package the AliPowkrkul DR. HOFFMAN'S VITAL RESTORATIVE TABLETS, with a legal guarantee to permanently cure Lost Mashood, Sklk A busk. Sexual Wkakskss, Vkricocklk Stops forever Night Emissions and all unnatural drains. Returns to for mer apperanoes emancipated organs. No C. O. C. fraud nor receipt decep tion. If we could not cure we would not send our medicine FREE to try, and pay when satisfied. Write today. Lm yb Laaotr. N. C. t JO a p ta - Hickory. M. C. 7J4 M4pa Kawtoa. N. C. 8.10 ft.14 p m - Llaeolato. V. C. 1OS0 COO p m DaUaa. W . C. 1L10 6.U p m - Oaatoala. X. C LOO L?pm - Clorar. 8, a ft. a 1S7 p m - TortYiJW. B.C. S.10 m UM p aa - OatbrbMriria. M.a lUpa &JB p m - U eCoaaatUrUWJWl. SUM p m IMpai " LovryrrUla. 8 C. 4 J5 p m tJOO p aa ArrlTt CbUr. a. C SOS pa tSSpm Trala Koa. t aad 10 ara flnt.elaaa. aad raa dally axerpt Hasday. Traiaa Koa. SO aad 41 carry paaarairara aad alao raa daily axorpt Baa- Tom i day. vita la jrood eoaaactloa at Caaatar tba C. C. . a b, aad tba CCA A4 alao at OastoaJa Hh tba A. A O. A. L at Uaeolatoa with tba U. ud at Hickory aad Krvtoa wttb tba W. If . C. L. T. Nicboib. HopX O. W.F. Ultra. Rc Cbaatar. 8. C. LaaoU. 9. C. HO MORE EYE-GLASSES, Uore v. - lTei Ejesf IHTCHELL'S EYE-SALVE ACartala taia aad CBacflrfl tmUj Iff SORE, VEAK and I1IFLAI1ED EYES. JPrWaWaaT Lone- Iff htednmm, ainat JUmtmrina thm Sight mfthm avtat. Cores Tear Dreoa. flrasalalim. ftrr as this may not appear again. Address Tumors, Red Ejes, Halted Eje La&lies, WESTERN MEDICINE CO. DA?S2SilSjry KALAMAZOO, MICH. miZSuSZ Incorrjoratd. I T"at-a, swut - mm WVTT BBi I VJanted-An Idea QoiaeS roar Mat tWr amay art aarvWaftatacto. !. Cfo caaar sLba tota it au otuccms at ia ccrrt. cG SO YCAJtS A MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl VARIABLE FRICnori FEED SAW MILLS, PUIHEBS MP MATCHERS AMD SHINGLE MACHIKES. DcLoach Corn and Rour Mills, Turbine Water Wheels. Hungry Elephant' BaJInr Press. Cane Mills, Engines and Boilers. OUR ADVCRT18CR GRINDING MILLS. SULL ttUOUXEUr AND geajunq OP aM, KINDS. SAW REPAXXttNO a apadalty. WORK GUARANTEED. CDPXin?l cboss nearly all the trouble In life, and triors c t pciiiaallv lUlUl KJtt in machinery. Our VARIABLE FRICTION as applied to Saw Mill and Planers enable tbe operator to take fast what he needs and no more. Warraatad to yield a capacity twenty per cent, greater than tbe old style with same power. 97 Saw Mills sold la aae aaoatk proves its wonderful popularity and they goto all pans of the world. TUB DeLOACrt VARIABLE FRICTION FEED PLANER. MATCHER AND MOULDER beats then alL Wnte at once for Urge Clostrated catalofcme. DeLoach Mill Mfg. Co., Atlanta, a. riw Yorfc City, mmd in S. nth SL. St. Lasns. Ma. - I L 1 - . - 9 a ,j - TRAD OKSJOataV, oornticMTs a skate aa tai Aayoaa aastdtaar easeaiy aaeartaia. fraa. waacaaa ""-tT flwTcm. TaaaTis paaial aoUaa ta taa 8CIEJ(TIFI0 AUERICAII, aw MIT tula at JtOQI OX a iArxvsrrs MUNN A CO., Ml Bra4way. Xrw Tar. J. L. GRAHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JS'EWTOK, K. C. fnctioi in tbe court of CavUwbti and sarroonaing coontiea, the Feder al court at Statea-Tilie and the SnpmM Court of the Bute. Tbe attention of claims a specialty. .nJvJffle on Court oanare.