HICK OB Y PR-ESS: JANUARY. 28, 1897. fjicliora I ress A NOBLE GIFT. Mr. nrjrrt Hood' Endowment for the Woman's Collet at Frederick, nd. The Directors of the Woman's Col lege of this city met in special session yesterday at the college for the pur pose of effecting an incorporation un der the laws of the state of Maryland, and of taking steps toward securing the endowment of $20,000 authorized bv Potomac Svnod at its session last fall. After thedetails of the ineorpora- tion were attended 'to Mrs. Margaret ,Hood, accompanied by her attorney, Mr. Jacab Rohrbach, Esq., appeared before the board and announced her intention of giving the entire amount as a memorial to her late husband. Invested securities to the extent of $20,00) were thereupon assigned to the -iJoaru oi Directors to oe Know as me i. as tne James Mifflin Hood Endowent Fund, the Interest of which is to be used perpetually in prosecuting the work of the college. To say that trie Directors were over whelmed expresses it but midly. Mrs. Hood's generous impulses and gifts in the past were well-known to many of them, yet no one present was prepared for such a noble gift as that just' an nounced. As soon as words were found an appropriate motion was passed accepting the gift and tender ing the thanks of the Board to the generous donor. Various expression of appreciation were made by all present and Mrs. Hood on her part expressed her in- terest and confidence in the college in its present relations to the Reformed church, and especially her love for it as her Alma Mater, the Frederick Female Seminary. After consumating the transfer the board adjourned to January 2Gth, when its next meeting will be held. The announcement of this gift by Mrs. Hood will bring joy to every citizen of Frederick who looks for and loves the true advancement of the city to all who feel any degree of interest in the education of woman, and es pecially to the many aluinnre, old students and friends of the Frederick Female Seminary. Looking back to that early day when Mrs. Hood was a student of the Semi nary, proof is most conclusively drawn of the abiding nature of the impression made upon her heart and life; and looking toward the future a new era is opened in the work of the college and in the general cause of woman's educa tion. Mrs. Hood lias erected a per petual memorial to her husband and has at the same time given a noble gift which shall be more enduring than brass or marble. Frederick News January 13, 1897. A Butcher's Experience. Mr. J. W. Herring, a butcher of Phoe nix City, Ala., says. May 14th, 1895 'For five years I had indigestion: which continued to get worse till my, suffering was intense. I spent hundreds of dollars trying to get relief, but grew worse until the fall of 1893, when I commenced to use Kincr's Roval Germetuer. I took onlv three bottfes. but began to improve from the first use of it. I bought it of Dr. D. E. Morgan, and he can tell about my case. I cheerfully recommend Germe tuer as the best medicine for Indiges tion and Dyspepsia.' New package, large bottle," 108 doses, $1. For sale by Shuford Drug Co. - We knew him for many years During that whole time he was a bur-ded-bearer. His own loads were heavy, and he also carried the loads of other people. Very few material sat isfactions came into his life. To meet imperative claims it was necessary for him to struggle day and night, sum mer and winter. Such a thing as a vacation was not included in the circle of his thoughts. He was even denied the blessing of appreciation. Those who reaped the fruit of his toil and self-denial looked upon him as a sort of commonplace drudge, and never dreamed of thanking him. But in spite of all these things he maintained a cheerful spirit, aud carried about with him a bright and happy face At times a strange light burned in his eyes, and. an almost heavenly radj auce spread over his countenance. The secret of it was that he had ac cepted the situation, not doggedly and Millenly, but cheerfully; and was con tent, for Christ's sake, to spend and be spent for others. Advocate. Hall's Hair Renewer contains the natural food and color-matter for the hair, and medical herbs for the scalp, curing gray, baldness, dandruff and scalp sores. , Safe, sweet, and satisfactory, Oyer's Pills are the best family physic. Harp on the Willow. From Corinthian. V hen the Jews were captives in Ba bvlon they hanged their harps uion the willows and sat down by the streams and wept, yea, they wept when thev remembered Zion. They were sad. Dear reader, how often have you had the same experience. You sat down and wept when you re- .inpfiitprpl voiir former condition of happiness and prosperity. You think of the time when the family circle was unbroken. How hap py you were then. How pleasant home was. "Home is not what it was before mother died," says the weeping heart broken daughter. "Then we had some one to guide us and sympa thize with us. We miss her so much. Tfae sonKg &he uged to gin tne le890ns she used to read bring to me sad mem- pries and I sit down and weep when I remember mother." Your harp is hanged on the willows. ' Sitting with a gentleman and talk ing he asked me to come into the par- lor. He nointed to a nicture unon the I wall - a picture of a bright eyed curly headed little boy. , , ,.ff, . tw. Mhri h picture of our little boy that died. He was such a bright boy. These are his little shoes and stockings and these his little toys and playthings. Home is not like it was before he left us. And then the strong man took his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped away the big tears which rolled down his cheeks. Harps upon the willows. Talking with an aged gentleman who is near the end of the journey of life, the conversation turned upon the condition of the South before the late war. He had been intimate with the wealthy and influential citizen of that time, and he, himself a favored son had enjoyed all the luxuries of our ideal antebellum Southern home. Those noble men whom he admired ara now dead. Customs and manners changed; new institutions have arisen and the glory of the old fading away. He standing upon the brink of the grave and looking backward sad mem ories rushed to his mind and as the tears'stole down his cheeks he said, "oh, that I could see those days once more." His harp was hanging upon the willows. Seasons of spiritual depression in our individual experience are times when the harp is upon the willows. The chrfstian journey is not always along still waters and through green pastures. He is not always on Ta bor's heights nor enjoying Beulah's rhapsodies. He is often in the low plain of hard toil and trial and passing through the valley of Achas, and ly ing under the juniper tree of despon dency. You remember the time when the joy of the Lord flowed into your soul so full and free that you sat down and sang "I can read my titles clear to mansion in thesky,' but just at that moment when you defied the prophets of Baal, you were overcomed by the Jezebel of temptation and doubt. Your life seems a failure, and the good you thought you had done seems to have come to naught. You sigh for the "Happy hours I onced enjoyed. How sweet their memory still." Your harp was hanging upon the willows. God tells in his word that we are to have harps in heaven. "I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps; trad they sung as it were a new song," Rev. 14: 2 3. Dear reader, these harps will not be idle in heaven. Let us therefore rejoice and be glad be cause there are no harps upon the wil lows in heaven. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restor ing the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, arid is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or $L00 per bot tle at Shuford Drug Co. 2 Don't Qivo Up. It takes a "rar man to bear up under the difficulties and vicissitudes of life. We mean a Christian man, and all that that implies. Hence the apostfc? says: "Quit ye like men." He well knew what the battle of life meant. 2so man ever had a greater degree of what the world calls trouble than he had. He was shipwrecked, imprisoned often, beaten with many stripes, stoned and left for dead, and finally led out from his Roman dungeon and execu ted. And yet his voice ever had the ring of a conqueror in it. In summing up all of his troubles, he called them but "light afflictions.' We think that no one has ever gone through the trouble that we have; afflictions in our bodies and in ' our homes; harrassing business cares that are so depressing. Much in Little U especially tree of Flood's nils, for no medi cine erer contained so great curatlr rower ta o small space. They are a whole medicine chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat isfactory; prevent a cold or f erer. cure all lirer Ills. Pi II Is sick headache, Jiandice. cons tlpation, etc 2sc The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. We feel like giving up,' cease strug gling, and become morose and har dened under the chastening. Don't give up, troubled ones. At th hAttl of Marencro the French iines fen back, completely routed, and the officers said to the commander, "The battle is lost." "Yes," exclaimed the general, "the battle is lost, but there is time to win another." In spired by his faith and courage, the officers hurried back, turned the head rxt hn rotrootinr nnlnmn. and when the last gun was fired Marengo had been won. Twi r latino, of "lost" battles and becoming disheart ened and crivintr ut the fieht. let us t7 V - ! remember that there is yet time to win another. Many a man has walked over and above his seeming failures into a glorious success. Let us not despair, then, but raise the standard once more, put on "the whole armor of God," and he will surely give give rs a great and glorious victory. The Evangel. The Or and eat Remedy. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chil howie, Va.. certifies that he hail con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough reme dies that he could hear of, but got no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. Kiug's New Discovery, and was cured bv the use of two bottles. For past three years has been attending to business, and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's new Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. Trial bottles free at Shuford Drug Co. The Dr. Welker nonument. Written for Corinthian. To the pastors and members of the Reformed church of the North Caro lina Classis: For some time we have had under consideration plans for raising funds to erect a monument at the grave of the late Rev. Geo. W. Welker, D. D., who was pastor of the Guilford charge of the N. C. Classis for more than fifty years and who died on the 9th of July 1894. Dr. Welker was the leader of the N. C. Classis for a number of years. His body now lies in Mt. Hope graveyard. The annual meeting of the Classis takes place at Mt. Hope on the 5th day of May of this year. We have thought that during the week of meet ing of Classis will be the most suitable time to unveil this contemplated monument. At the request of Mrs. E. J. Welker,relict of Dr. Welker, I have agreed to agitate this matter and re ceive any funds contributed for this purpose. I have received thirty five BOTANIC A thoroughly tested Remedy BLOOD and SHlf DISEASES. Tfci standard rnrdr baa trn trisd and not funl wanting, for forty 7ara, bv aa n-:p nt ph iriao. who l.r.m jt with cer tic a.4 unvryir. eufci tor all diss for wairh it ia mnimnl"i It never fails t U-Dfrtt from ths nri J qsicklv and fWtuallr drlTinc oat sli dtas farms iter., tin- Ttrj without ny nr.rl' aaant or r;un..u fT t. It i nut tbs reaiilt of If nrancr or tuprrttttirn. hit it ia fandM upon common arnaa and a thoroagh know, rdf of a.virn nii 1 Kimr. It afVct uslir purines an J ennchea tba blood and trior health to tha nPrr. Aa a yeaaral t--uldic-up touic it ia without a rival, and in ita auljis of haltb-ri!D propartlea it i ti.x'luttlr rTunl com ponton with any remly ever offered to the public. It la a rno-a f. r itupaired vitality and all ilia ra- ultinf from lm per and impoverished Mc.; the rnrrent of life; quickly cure M-verl. I'leetm. ftkla Ia. -- mm k:raiptlaia. atjarrl. Iva RheBMUaam.Ur, KMr aaJ Itlmwev tatma,raanjaa)Wamk Mervaa Piacaaaa, ate. INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF. Snd for oar rrwBaak mt TaJ &! InTurnamt loaa. together with a wonderfol array of certificates cf remarkat-le rure, from t) aimi4rt to the n.oat virulent dia. e. after all known n-m-1)e had failed. TL?-e ceTtif.tea teetify with u .n-ertajn eon1. that Botanic l':.ovi Halts is tr.s tet, cfcr"t. ao;;kr!, freatevt urd nest pow. erfel Blo-4 Pnnfter an 1 t-mlth citnr rerw- ly eer knew n to ths world. It baateflia frowm liwm first 4 me-. rajca-f.. per U.tils ; 3.0D for Lotties. IX. B. R. Pllla are a tnilj axd effective prrativa&l Cier IWtlator. Od a 1111 la aJ. Pnc. 3 eta. per tot. n. n. R. Kalve ta a tnprnr resrfrf an 1 enre lor ail kinds of acres, haixa. sraa v; t: r.a. c:e l r.ee. ! cU. W R. B. R. ataaifr. ei r ii.-u.tu. I'ri.e ) m. i A l.outi t: r.a. c:e l r.ee. cU. per U. x. rMent frr ool4a, ca per box. Tbe n. y xn. with KotAnie Ar vmU . i i;i . aals It dmjrlu; if not, aend ta ma iirtct. EL0C3 ElLw CO, ACieU. Ca. trw fftvTf fvr rrnrtumj For Sale by Shuford Brag Co aw - . 1 bir 5 tiLS- BLOOD BALM dollars in cash with a pledge of twenty live more, up to date of this writing. I am sure there are a number of people in the N. C. Classis who will cheerfully contribute to this fund when they know of its existence. Will the pastors please speak to their congregations and let them know that a monument U to be erected to the memory of Dr. Welker and in this way aid us in ac complishing this noble deed! Money for this fund should be sent in by the first of March in .order to give the sculptor time to do his work. Send contributions to lie v. J. D. Andrew. Jan. Tth 180?. Danville, N. C. ExpoMira to DLaemaa Does not necessarily mean the con traction of disease provided the sys tem is in a vigorous condition, with the blood pure and all the organs in healthy action. When in such a con dition contagion is readily resisted and the disease germs can find no lodg ment. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine to build up the system be cause it makes pure, rich blood, and pure blood is the basis of good health. In cold weather it is especially neces sary to keep up the health tone be cause the txxly is subject to greater exposure and more liable to disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the safeguard of health. J A BeauUrul City. Far away there's a Ueautlfal city. ttritrbt mansion are covered with rol() The wall ar all shining and Jeweled. ' lta Krandeur haa never bn told, lint whore la that beautiful city? And who built thoaa mannlonn mo fair4 Wan It the hnnd of mortal that did It, Or that band of Omnipotence there? I It the bom of a King or Frlareaa? And the dwelling of noblemen rare; Or one that in told of In fables. To lw nothing out coatles of air? Ah. thla in no fairy lice atory. That city la shining today: It has shone for ajfea and aire. And will shine forever and aye. Yet it la not a city for mortals. Dut a home for the jure and blast; Who have passed through the heavenly portals. .And are now with their Savior at rest. Tlx the city of Uod In the highest Of the heavens so starry above; Where no hatred nor malice can enter. But there, all ta happiness and love. It is there in the homeland of heaven. Across on eternity's shore; That beautiful dty la ahlning As brightly as ever before. And a father or mother la waiting. In the soul's happy land of the bleat; And a brother or sister will greet a a. When we enter that heaven of rest. Caaa. W. Wabucx. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.'Chknky & Co., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially aole to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price. ?5c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. nia Mitchell Dead. The death of Mis Ruth Agnes Mitchell, which occurred at Skyland Institute, Blowing Rock, on the 14th of December, has caused a cloud of sorrow to settle over the school and the entire Blowing Rock community. Miss Mitchell was a native of New Hampshire and was educated at Kim ball Union Academy from which she was graduated in June, 1 803. In the fall of that year she came to North Carolina and took work in Skyland Institute. That she was a faithful, conscientious teacher her pupils will testify. It waa the privilege of the writer to have met Miss Mitchell sev eral times and had learned to esteem her as a refined, cultured Udy. With true devotion a sister writes: "She was me oldest child and was always a blSr.lS . . ....... .w a J U aVAKT. IUT1I ahe was ready to help and give to all around. " She died away from home, but not away from friends for she had made many in North Carolina. 8he was buried in the church yard at Mt. Beth el, and there her body awaits the res urrection morning. From the, south land our sympathies go to the friends and bereaved ones in the North. May the Lord bless them. CrilkldafyM Bl44r Trwab4ew Thousands of such cases have been cured by the use of Botanic Blood Balm ("B. B. B.) If you doubt it, call or send to the Companv whose advertisement appears in this paper, and they will, for a one-cent stamp, send you a book of wonderful cures, not only of the above diseases, but of all manner of ailments arising from impure blxL It is the itandard rem edy of the age for the cure of all blood bottle. lseae ti-00 per large For sale by Shuford "Drag Co. ' nertrrtmEy kaowstbe acaninr of happlne and content txnta the Is th mother of a nt2thr. happy child. &h never rtacbe the fall dog-re of womanly de rclotrment en til the has felt the pieaiinr responsibilities of maternity. AH this happiness may b marred or mar be turned Into in Wry if the child Is not a healthy child. The health of the child depends era the health of the mother, both before and after birth. Heredity Is stronr. and it is every woman's duty to rire her children the best possible chance in Ufa. Nothing that she conld pos sibly rive them can be as valuable aa health. Wealth cannot be enjoyed without health. Nothing can be enjoyed without health. Health U life. People who are not healthy are only half alive.- The child who stam out with a robtrat bdy and rirorous, virile health, has everything to be thankful for and nothing to be afraid of. You cannot expect such a child to sprier from a weak and sickly mother. Most all of woman's weakness and particularly the weakness that most strtmfly influences the health of children, comes from some derangement or disease of the distinctly feminrne organ. All such trouble is aa unnecessary as it U terribly distressing. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure all troubles of tnis nature. There is no gueaa-work about this statement, and there is no qualification The Favorite Prescription should be used promptly and persistently until the symptoms entirely disappear. In every case, it restores perfect health and strength and assists in the healthful and regular per fbnnancesof all the natural functions. The 'Favorite Prescription " should be taken regularly by every woman during the entire period of gestation. It gives strength to all the organs involved, lessens the pains and yUntrer of childbirth and insures the health of both mother and child. If row care to kaow all a boot the Favorite Prescription." sod to read the taatlmoay of nn dr4s of grateful women. anJ si oe-erot atata pa to cover cost of naaUUr o-v. and rtedw fraw a rJ n Mmt9 Com no Arose Medical Ajfrivrr o pages, drofuaely Illustrated. A.ddrea. World a D&peoaary Medical Am tjoo. No. 64 j Main Street, IVirfaln, N. Y. A. P. T. L. The American Protective Tariff League it a national organization advocating Protection to American Labor and Industry " aa explained by its constitu tion, as follows : "THa abr sf tfcia Lsagva efcal be to poWe4 Amerisaw las by a tariff imports, waica aaS Msqwatsfy Mwr American twvtal proc There am no personal or private profits in connection rrjth the organiza tion and his sustained bymembershipt, contributions and the dlftrfbdSon of its publications. FIRST: Cartas pa advsa la saCetWd rsrapsVff M erabeeshia) aa1 OffleiaJ Carrasaaaa. 'tCCOND: Ws raW a4 mioo a aawsribMUf arWiKae amaS a awya a aanaa. THIRD: Ws sbAs a larf Sae af do ar tre all eaaaaa mf ta Tariff anMstio. jarteasi wil saaflee asawy aadeaaa foe 60 FOURTH: Sand portal mr4 rausrt a amp aey a asmhsm I Aderssa WW F. Wakeeaan, OaareJ! ISO Wast 234 8 Wat. New York. OF COURSE YOU WANT OF COUESE YOU WANT Well, When You W&nt THE BEST GRADE or Job Printing AT LOVEOT PRICES Send us jour order It per i Daps Will 8HV0 JTOU ZDODej, and we guarantee to farnisb you as FINE WORK as is done anywhere Call and see samp les, or send us your orders by mail. This is no idle tale we mean what we eaywo will furnish you THE BEST VORK ATI-HE LOVEOT PHICEa Address HICKORY PRINTING CO Hickory, K 0.