8 If WITHOUT A EWAL! No Remedy to Compare With Paine's Celery Compound. Read the Really Wonderful Exper ience of Rev. Dr. Bailey and His Good Wife, and the Indorse ments of Other Here is a letter from the pastor of the most influential church in South Baltimore, that every truth seeker should read carefully. Every disheartened sick person and every man br woman who has lost faith in the remedies' be or she has tried be cause none of them has done an' good every one who is sick ought to be cheered up and filled with new hope and determination by the letter writ ten by Rev. William T. tfailej , pastor of the Curtis Bay Church, the most ( influential church in South Baltimore. On March 31, 1896, the Baltimore Sun under display headlines, pub lished the following news of Rev. Mr. Bailey's affliction: "Rev. Wm. T. Bailey, pastor of the Curtis Bay Baptist.cnurch, was para lyzed in the tongue while preaching Sunday night, and lost the power of speech. The congregation . was at once dismissed, and Dr.. - was called. He said Mr. Bailey was suffering from a severe attack of nervous prostration , caused by hard study and overwork, and that he must have rest and quiet." The whole city was shocked. The papers soon began to record an iui proveuient. , On April 13, 1806, the following open letter was addressed to the proprietprs of Paine's celery compound: South Baltimore, Md., April 13, 1806. Messrr. Wells, Richardson & Co., Gentlemen: I was taken very ill while preaching Easter Sunday night. My doctor could not help liie, so I dis charged him and began to use Paine's celery compound wich crushing effect 1 will not hesitateito say that it is the best medicine in the world. 1 a , Fraternally, William T. Bailey. Later in the year the proprietors of this wonderful remedy received still another letter from Dr. Bailey as fol lows: Gentllmen.'l propose to do what I can to let people Know of your Paine's celerycoinpound, the medicine that has done me so much good. I shall in my own way, in speaking of my rapid and great improvement from the pul pit, give as is justly due, tribute to Paine's celery compound. I married, six years ago. Miss Liilie B. Dunna vant, a lady well known in social life, the niece of Cap L Robert F. Lewis, U. . 8. navy. During the whole six years she has been an Invalid, suffering from hysteria, laughing, crying and scream ing, so that she could be heard for squares. I have had a great deal of trouble and expense. Eighteen doc tors have, first and last, attended her, and one bottle of Paine's celery com- Eminent Divines. Dound has done her more good than all of the other medicine. She and I are together using Paine's celery com- Dound. and I will with pleasure let you know the result. Fraternally, William T. Bailey. Baltimore, May 18, 1896. Wells, Richardson & Co., Gentlemen: It is impossibly for mo to express the emotions of my heart on the great good Mrs. Bailey and I have derived from the use of Paine's celery compound. I am a new man. We have taken together eight bottles, and I wish to continue its use. The peo ple of my church are very kind to the poor, and I have given to some of the poor money with which to purchase the medicine. You may use my name if you wish and I will with pleasure answer all communications sent me. I believe the remedy is the best in the world. Yours very truly, William T. Bailey, Pastor Curtis Bay Baptist Church. A few weeks ago there was published a tesiimonial of the great virtue of Paine's celery compound from Rev. Charles L. Thompson, D. D., LL, D.. the eminent Presbyterian preacher of New York City. Rev. Dr. Meek, edi tor of the Central Methodist, recently wrote an open letter, telling that Paine's celery compound had worked a re markable cure in his case. And last month the great temperance evange list, Francis Murphy, told the public how Paine's celery compound had been a blessing in bis family. These are a tew among thousands. Every one knows conscientious. charitable persons who are too busy. more often too procrastinating, to save their health from going to pieces, and find it easier to help others than them selves. Such persons fill up the army of broken down business men and sickly women. Every one in this spring time needs to purify the blood and regulate the nerves. Carry home today not by and by a bottle of Paine's celery compound. Cure nervousness, neu ralgia, and rheumatism this spring. iuu uuw aw put your neaitn on a sound basis by means of Paine's celery compound. Charity should now begin at home. Attend to your own health and that of your family. Paine's celery compound is within the reach of every family where there is a member amicted by any stomach. liver or kidney trouble. It cures per manently and rapidly. It must be distinguished from all other remedies. HICKORY PRESS: APrllL 8, i Whri Doctors OUafT There haa been a great deal of di-. areeiuent from time to time about the therapeutic value of sarsaparilla. In the main authorities deny. any par ticular medical value to the plant. "It's just an old wire's remedy," they say. And in the main tney are ngni. There are about a dozen varieties of . - . . A. sarsaparilla, scattered through vari ous couu tries, and of this dozen only one has any real curative power. So a man whose experience might be eon- fined to the eleven other varieties might honestly say there was little value in them. The one valuable sarsaparilla is found in Honduras, C. A. Monardes. a physician of Seville, records the introduction of sarsapar illa Into Spain as a result of the Span ish discoveries of the New World, be tween 1536. and 1545. But the root did not accomplish much. But he adds, "a better sort soon . after came from Honduras." It is this "better sort" that Is used exclusively in Ayer's Sarsaparilla. And it is the use of this "better sort" that has given Ayer's Sarsaparilla prominence over all other varieties by reason of its wonderful cures of blood diseases. Send for the Cure book, a story of cures told by the cured w Free. Address J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Mass CUTTINO RAILWOAO RATES. Gov. Raaaell Favor II. Raleigh, N. C. April 4. Special. J Governor Russell will now ask the railroad commission to reduce railroad and telegraph rates. This is following up only one Hue of bis inaugural ad dress. He will atk that the rate of two cents per mile for first class fare be given on all roads In the State whose gross earnings are $5000 per mile. This would reach only the Southern railroad, the Raleigh & Gaston, and the Pittsburg roads, first class fare on these being now 3 cents. The rate for telegraph messages of 10 words he wants reduced from 25 to 15 cents over lines over 100 miles in length in the State. This of course toucher the Western Union and Postal telegraph companies. Both Dr. Abbott and Mr. Otbo Wilson favor these reductions and the matter will come up before the next meeting. An application has been made to the city for penniion . to be granted the Agricultural and Mechanical col lege to erect its hospital on part of Pollen park, and give the college, con trol of the ground.. which they would beautify. This n will scarcely be granted. ' Governor Russell and staff, it is said, wil! probably.attend the dedica tion ceremonies of Grant's modnment In New York April 30. If he does he can hardly start the machinery at the opening of the Tennessee centennial in Nashville as he is booked to do. A 8IMPLE TIRE REPAIR. Punctures In the well known Mor gan & Wright tire are mended about as easily as a man would close a hole In his finger with a bit of court plas ter. Inside of the inner tube of the tire lies a long strip of patching rub ber, like this: By Injecting M. & W. quick-repair cement through the puncture into this inner tube, and then pressing down on the tire with the thumb, like this. the repair strip inside is picked up by the cement, thus closing the puncture, like this: Very simple, but now every rider should remember these two "but," or he will fail: Before injecting cement, pump up the tire. If you don't, the loner tube will be flabby, like this, and the cement will not get Inside of it, where the repair atrip lies. When you hare a puncture, get right off. Riding a tire flat, when it has a tack or nail In It, may damage It coa-tiderably. 1897. Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutts Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness constipation and kin- absolute cure UIV.U u-wf TUTTS Liver PILLS 8old by Memlet L Ham. DunnTnion: June Mison a white man who lives in Grove township this county, came to Dunn last Tuesday was a week ago, and carried some whUkev home with him. The next morning he gave his little boy about A years old. some whiskey. Not long afterward the little fellow commenced having spasms and continued to have them until he died. E. G. Lineberry, bookkeeper for the Morehead banking company and trus tee of Durham's sinking fund, is short in his accounts. The bank books show the shortage to be $0,000. He is also short in his account with the town $2,500. The bank and the town are th secured against loss, and Line- berry is at home facing tne music like a man. He f peculated and lost. how t. Fld Owl. Fill a bottle or common water glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling Indicates a diseased condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen It is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent desire to ursnate or pain In the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects Inability to hold urine and tmlditig pain lu passing It, or bad ef fects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up fi.any timet during the night to uri nate. Tii mild and tin extraordinary effect of Swamp ltf i on realized. It stand tU- liilitut for It wonderful cures of the iuot distressing cases. If you need a medicine you hoti1d have the est. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and one dollar. Eor a aaiuple bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mall, mention the Hickory Prkas and send your full pout-office address to Dr. Kilmer tCo.. Binghampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guaran tee the genuineness of this offer. TBADK-MAtK BKaiTCatO. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CURE FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLKASAST A3 1I05RY AXD SURR CUflK VOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. 8 to mac h Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diseaaes, Irrejrularity, Kidney Troubles, Headache. Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorders, Thick and Sallow Complexion, AlDTtlT M1IT OTItt UI1IU ai courueartoaa arc to ai ta active vats or TBK aoa-BL. PRUNELINE Is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses without griping. purines the blood and removes all waste from the system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass and all other nan aeons purgatives. It tones and energizes all the great or gans of the system. It is fre from all harshly acting drags, and is always safe, always ready, always reliable. KEEP TNE HEAD COOL. TNE FEET WAIN AfcD TNE BOWELS OrtK. ta I'RU.XEUNE r. 8 TBS LATTSS rTBro.. PRUNLUNE is the natrrcT fa milt medicixe. ")L A Li. acALcaa. or aratoa rrrlpt ofSOcvata to aaj addrvaa. ST Winkelmsnn & Brcwn Drug Corapasy aou raorairrosa. IXAXT1M OUT, MIX, C. ft. A. FRUmilE SCDIHERH RAILWAY. OHPAHT- THIRD DIVISION. 9 TfcU CoadMl Sctadclall fttUw4 aa in. fonaaUoa air aaa to taaa llk- oat aoUc to It. patCi. saliitnry Afternic Hi 'Faint EccL OOI5U WEST. 5o.ll Xo.1 53 p. ra SS 54 10 4 20 a.m. Xo.lt Leave Salisbury 8 55 a.m. ? 0 41 8 10 47 " 9 11 28 " 10 12 12p.tn.10 2 55 " 12 Statesville Hickory Morgan too Marion' Arrive AshevIUe OOIKQ EAST. Ko.lt Leave AsheviUe 1 25 p.m. 1 46 a.m. 17 -51 25 18 00 Marion 113 Morgan ton Hickory Statesville 1M 433 i45 J 40 Arrive Salisbury BLESPIKO CAR. SERVICE. oa. 17 aad 38. Waaalatrtoa aad Soatbvwtrra. Llaltrd. roBDOMO of PiDMaltn; mtaW laaa Pallauta rt MOO. ao itra laa. Throara SWp1ft Car. btm Nrw York aad N. Ortoaaa. N.w York Md M.apbJa. ud . York aad Tsar aad WaaMaaioa. Aaaa-rOa- aad Iloto'prlaav AUo carrtoa SraWiaaa coaca- twtwa ttaahtoftioa aad JaoaUa. Ola. la Car bftvm Orraooro sad Moatjroofrrrr. No. 13 aad 36. Calld Stat, la Man. Ha B aaa Wttajr Car brtva Nrw York. At- laataaad Moatjcoia.rr. aad '.w York aV Jackaonrllla. AUo baa EWplajr Car batawa Caarlott. aad Asjraata. Taroajcb ticket, oa aala at prlaclpaj .taUoaa to all polata. Ft rmta or taforfaattoa applj to aar acratol taaOoaipaay. W A TUIIK. B U IIAKDWICK. lira') ftM Afti- AmI Oral rat. At. Washlaatoa. D. C. AUaata, Ua. PI K .E.SDt.CoJambla. ft. O. J M CULT. TrB UrrK Waaktajrtoa. D. C. W II OK EE. Ural Sapt. Waaklajrtoa. D. C. T. J. GREEN. AaU Ilkkorj. X. C CHESTER & LENOIR RAILROAD CQv aada. la rOct from aad artrr Ttbj. Urn 1IS7. Oolaf North. Na. I a. N.aa. Lmn cvtf. a. c. ClO a - LuwrjraTtlta. a. C. JM a - McoaaU.TtUOt.O. SJM a - UtitvlU.S.C. ?j0ta " YorkTlUa.a.C. 7.Z4 a - CloTtr. a, C. 7 .Si a i UmUmU. N. C 8-? a i - UaHaa. 5. O. ail a - l-aaaotatoa, M. C. .) a Mwtoa. H. C, 0JX a i - Hkkorr. K. C. ll.1t a 9 Jam m SJMa ta kcsa to, lJOm ta 111 a m USOp ia t.10 p m lllpb CASp ca .is p m UOQp aa Arrlr. Laaolr. N. C. 12.17 p QMmg 3aath. No. si. Na.a Laara Laaolr. W.C. tM a tMp ta 4Mp ca, S.l4p aa tin p aa tMp aa SJ7p aa. 4 TXT p a aa Sjp p aa a &J3p aa aa SOp aa aa ftxj p aa JU p aa - uutarj, . c, ait - KSoa. . C. ft.10 - UMoUtM. H. O. 10.4S - Dailaa.X. IS. IS - Oaatoala, N. C 1 00 - rvjTr. a, c, t.at - YorkTtOa. S.C, S.10 " UaUrtaaTSM. K.C LAS p M MeroaarilatUJMl. AjM p Arrlr. Ckalrr, S. C .! p Trala !ta.Saa4 10 mrm Irat-daM. aad raa Trala. Koa. 60 aad 1 raa dUr irvpt Baa meom at CWaur artta v. C. r. a Aj alo a 1. A. L; ml Liarotat. ctrj ad K.atoa aith i W, r. Qttm. C Laaott. . C. daMv Mitvt aaadaj. rrrT iimirwi a4 tfa. TWar U rood e- tWT.c.X a Nwaa4 .Ual. lik taa A. vttk ta C Oj aad af tk. W. 5.1. L. X, Kicaoi . fpt. Claur.t rartUa dlr1aa tkk4a tn all aolata Vortk. KMt aoatk aail Wmt anil Sad It aiatk to tb.tr advaata to caJl at or rorrMpoad aitfc tba 0arraJ otka of tba VbmUr A. Laaolr R. ft. at LttOW, 1. i. We Send it FIIEE -TO- WEAKMEN YOUNG AND OLD Rejoice With Us in The Discovery. When a man has suffered for years with a weaknt-sa that bllghta his life and robs him of all that really makes life worth living, if be can avail him self of a complete cure, why not possess the moral courage to stop his down ward coarse. We will send yoa by mall. ABSO LUTELY FREE, in plain package the ALiPowKRtt'L DR. H0FFMA2TS VITAL RESTORATIVE TABLETS, with a legal guarantee to permanently .cure Lost Maxhood. Srxf Asrsx, 8KXCAL WftAKSSSS, VKIUCOCKJT, 8tops forever Nxoht Emimxoss aod all unnatural drains. Returns to for mer apprrtnees emancipated organs. Jo C. O. C. fraud nor receipt decep tloo. If we could not care w would not send our medicine FREE to try, nd pay when satisfied. Write todav aa this may not appear again. Address WESTERN MEDICINE CO KALAMAZOO, illCU. Iiicorporatedv V7. B. BOLTON Maaataiafwr FRICTION FEED SAW MILLS Dollars aa Eatf Hrpmiri SatrtJIUd, Irued tip and put in flrtU cass order. BpeLmf?,oe w?rk of r"T descrip. tion. 13 years' experience. HICKORY, K.C '

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