fistic whirr fill It I III PROTECTION ! INDUSTRY ! ENTERPRISE ! PROSPERITY ! VOLUME 29. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, X897. HTJUBEH 45 WASHINGTON LETTER. (Regular Correspondent.) WasiiiXGTOX, Nov. 15 Senators and Representatives already in Wash ington are discussing with much in terest the probable length of the com ing session of Congress. The hope is general that the session may not ex- conruittees and notified the members to import for work on the appropria tion bills in their charge on the 27th Inst., more than a eek ahead of the assembling of Congress. As President McKinley has never had a doubt that the Senate would ratify the treaty for the annexation of QFCIOEO IN CALOWELL'5 FAVOR SAM WRIQITT PAYS TT1C PENALTY. NEWBOLD FOUND. Jadza Coble Dfcl4 tb Kallraaa1 aioa Act Caitttotinl. Statesville, Nov. 10. After the ex ceedingly able arguments of the dis tinguished counsel employed in the Ham la ttUtef Nae Rack Last ThmndMj. tUti Urn tim Wat PmttKtl 0m4 la EJfal MiMUi. Goldsboro, Nov. 10, Sam Wright, whoM real name was Wiley Vaughn, I Charlotte News. the negro wno murdered Mr. W. A. I The News learns this morning that Carr, was privately hanged in the jail I Newbolb, the South Carolina eonstav- ceed six months, but tne opinion is publication of a trustworthy poll of case of Caldwell vs. Wilson. Monday yaru Her today. 1D drop if a at I ble woo killed Kir. J. 21. Turner near Hawaii, he was not surprised at the and yesterday. Judge Coble rendered I 12.03 p. m., and eight minutes later be I Spartanburg last Wednesday, Is under also general tlvt it will depend entire y upon circumstances. If no financial legislation is .tempted, it will be comparatively easy to complete the business of th session by the first of Jane, possibly as early as the first of Hay, as no time will have to be lost in oranizin and selecting the House Committees, rs is usual at the begin ning of the !oog session; but if finan cial legislii-m of importance is to be put through fh House and to be at tempted in Ti o Senate, everybody may as well ma' e u their minds to an ex tended sie;:n, with probable failure in the end. Knowing the situation in the Senate, many Republicans favor letting financial legislation alone until it is certain that something can be accomplished. They argue that the agitation that would necessarily ac company an attempt to legislate on the subject would hurt business and could do no good. It is thought by those who ought to know that the President's action in issuing a proclamation exempting Mexican vessels in ballast and steam vessels from the payment of tonnage duties usually imposed upon foreign vessels in our ports, will give Ameri can coal compete control of the Mexi the Senate showing that more than the required two thirds of the Senate had stated their intention of voting for ratification. The only thing that oan make trouble in this connection will be for the handfuli of Senators who are opposed to ratification to take advantage of the absence of a cloture rule in the Senate and stave off a vote indefinitely by talking against time whenever the treaty is taken up. his decision this morning In favor of the plaintiff, I. C. CaldwelL The Judgment of the court was embraced under three heads, viz. 1st, That the act of the Legislature creating the railway commission and giving the Governor nower to remove, etc.. was constitutional; 2nd. Tho court re fused to submit the Issues presented was pronounce! UeaU, ileal n Delng caused by strangulation. II was a bad man, according to his last confes sion, he killed two men one In South Carolina and the other in Georgia before committing the hut crime in Fork township on Saturday night, October 2nd. The crime for which Wright paid the to a jury for trial; 3rd, The court finds death penalty was one of the foulest in favor of the xnuxuers ever committeu in wayne Cn the night of the 2nd of Indigestion is often taken for con sumption. The word consumption means wasting away, and dyspeptics often waste away as badly as consump tives. The reason people waste away i because either they don't get enough to eat, or they don't digest what they do eat. If the latter is your trouble, take Shaker Digestive Cordial. This will help you to digest your food and stop you' loss of flesh. Shaker Digestive Cordial is made from herbs, barks and juices of fruit by the well known Shakers at Mount Lebanon, It possesses great tonic and digestive powers. Shaker Digestive Cordial has cured many supposed cousumptives (who were really dyspeptics), Dy simpiy on the issue presented plaintiff, L. C. Caldwell, as above sta ted. Maj. Wilson's counsel made a mo tion for a new trial, which being over ruled, they appealed to the Supreme Court. Mr. Caldwell naturally feels gratified at his first victory In this case. The opinion here is that the whole matter rests on the constitu tionality of the railroad commission act. 5CH00L WrUPPlNQ. county. October Wright went to the store of Mr. Lon Carr, in which Mr. Carr was asleep, and gaining admission on the pretext of wishing to buy something, knocked his victim down and then cut his throat with a knife previously sharpened for the purpose. In his confession Wright states that his true name is Wiley Vaughn and that he was born In Pleasant Hill, Lancaster county, S. C. Hw's Tnlil We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that ean The occasional occurrence of severe flnceincr in nubho schools calls only temporary attention to a system that not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. is not only wrong, but positively con-1 x . w k-.$ trary to the spirit of our fundamental Iedo, O. We undtrsigned, have known . mx . n.ii. n.tii t.u I V T Ptianav frr tha lxt 15 TMT1. and law 8. i. lie u e uiscipuuary uuunu i - - . . . rvnT . ...... j t,t.iKrtr,ftrWA In all bn.In I idea In going to Columbia menta inmciea on scnooicnnureu pro- . , ,7 7" " thl RLatA the t2M tiiAt was offered for rtinnpd to children, and as a who e transactions ana unciauy aoio scarry " the protecting wing of Governor Eller- bee In Colambla. He arrived there but nigh J at about 11 o'clock. New bold went to WInsboro Friday night and It sooms that he had been In hid ing in that town unlil yesterday morn ing when In company with Ex State Constable Stevenson, be started for Columbia A telegram yesterday morning to Chief of Police Daly of Columbia from the chief of police of WInsboro, stated that New bold was known to have left WInsboro at an early hour yesterday in a buggy. As soon as this dl patch was received Chief Daly sent several of his men to watch the roads leading; Into Columbia. Newbold, however, evaded the officers and arrived In the city at 11 o'clock last night. Up to an early hour this morning the police had not located Newbold but were satl3ed that he was In hiding and that bis whereabouts was known to the Gov ernor. Ex-Constable Stevenson was see a last night In Columbia. He partially admitted that he and a York county officer accompanied Newbold Into Co lumbia. He ttates that ewbold'a to save can .mjivv - I were iccllljr ujropc-pmoy, jj oiujjjij i poruOUCU IU CUllUiCUt auu aa a nuuio I - I hlMntnnL market. It was an act of reci- helping their stomachs to digest their accepted by them as inevitable and out any obligations made by their firm. I Dls capture, and ne? strength. Sold by drugpists. Triai bottles 10c. procity, as Mexico makes the same ex- food, thus giving them nourishment proper, are accepted by the public as einption in favor ol our vessels. The probable choice of the Republi can majority of the Maryland legisla ture of a successor to Senator Gorman continues to figure largely in political conversation at Washington. Owing beneficial. Few persons object to them; for at home and abroad, it Is well known that children must obey within the bounds of reason. But rnnUhmpnt Amonntinc to torture of and mucous surface of the system. Ak:M n,n,on i. nrvorhpr Annmvbv I Price 73c, per bottle. Sold by Bucklen'A Arnica Salye. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum to the large number of eligibles, there Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, bUc 8entIment nor authorized by Druggists. Testimonials free, are wide differences of opinion as to uuuams, v.uru, auu DviU law According to the law or this who will be chosen. The legislature tU8itic tu.CT x State, a convict on the street or hick- pay required. It is guarantees to ory may not be shipped for the vlola give perfect satisfaction or money re Uon of the ruiesof the keepers except funded. Price 2o cents per box. Hot sale by Shuford Drug Co. meets on the first Wednesday in Jan uarv. but it is nrobable that the Re m publican caucus will nominate a Sena tor a day or two before. As thirty four votes will be a majority of the caucus, and Baltimore will have 21 of them, it would seem that Baltimore can easily name the man if its votes CAUSES OF DEATH. The latest vital statistics of England bv consent of a committee. Here, dis cipline Is more imperative than in a public school. The child may be sent home if incorrigible; the convent can not. The convict may -be a man.hard- ened and hardv. the child cannot. a a a . m r rvvv a il S snow mac out 01 iu.wu ueatus lu u- C as accomplished, too. with the same proclamation offering gland 2,500 are caused by bronchitis The convict may deliberately defy dis-1 . P IntbJ 17A . . can be kept- together, but that "if" has already assumed formidable pro- am consumption; that is to say, over cipline, confident of physical ability to portions. one-fifth of the deaths that occur in endure what he well knows will be a It is not thought likely that the England are due to beonchitis and cruel test of hs powers of endurance; mnforonnpa nnw I'mnf on betwefiQ AnnonmntiAn Thfl nmnnrtinn 1a a I a school cnild never win. inese Deat West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, I From passengers coming Into Char Toledo O., Walding, Kinnaa & Marvin, lotte this morning from Columbia, the Wholesale Druggists Toledo, Ohio. News learns that after the killing oa Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- Wednesday last,. Newbold hired & nally. acting directly upon the blood team In Spartanburg and drove acros w to a point near itocic inn. m xor. ill I county. He remained there until Fn- day afternoon when he left by private conveyance for Wlnnsboro, arrivls "In spite of less active trade during I there early Saturday morning. October io most sections of the coun- Ue claims that the shooting was en try and the virtual stoppage of busl- tirely accidental and professee to bo net at the South as a result of the exceedingly sorry for 1U yellow fever scare and the quarantines The Columbia State of this morning the aggregate total for that month ex- gays that Newbold Is reputed to hare ceeded even September's Immense to- told Mr. Stevenson that be, being aa tai and marks the heaviest month's officer of the State, preferred I to sar total since January 1803. This result I render to the governor and wished the reward aa- did not wUh to month of September." Bradstreet's. surrender until the grand Jury la Spartanburg had been discharged for this term of court. He claimed that Hon. John A. Kasson, Special Com missioner representing the United States and Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the The old man who looks out at the A.lil with r1iir ami haltv evea ran- In Germany; but in Russia 3,400 deaths happily so seldom shock public feeling, Innerited irom him no weakness nor out of every 10,000 are caused by con- must be laid to passing Impulses In the tendency to disease. The healthy old Premier of the Canadian government, sumption and bronchitis; or, In other tyrants In whose power for the pres- man is the man who has tbrougnout will result in the speedy negotiation words, over one-third of the deaths en t the child is, without strength or his JjP u yne in Vthous- of a treaty of reciprocity between the are due to these causes. In the United discretion to resist. Ih the name of an(j doen Qerin, through TT SI ortrl Hnnriflrifl. nlthonch that flfotaa tha staf Satins nrf nnt SO eloselv diseinline. without jury, counsel, ad- the healthv bodv wltbout effect. Let uua m - - o i vJm uu w w v w - j a - - m . a . may be the ultimate result. The pres- I kept; but It is certain that it does not ent conferences are expected to define fall verv much short of Russia in this - i i . . . . ... the positions of each government, and particular. It may be putting It a of justice for breacd or some one oi nis ol tnem lnttead of giTlng strength a a a ami &a trifle too high little rules. A manner tning wouia oe to the tissues it will lorce upon mem r ma xt t Vi a f rtriA. I a . .t . 1 U t.. 1 Innntrttlrtm tnttP anil I M man W i 1 1 w oj I io reisgu auu leave iu uvucia uciici i - 7, . t , I v- u t. (m third of the ...... losa flesh and the more susceptible he New lork, engaging In the practice deaths occuring 8Qliea lDe l ieacuiUK auu I is to dliase. Dr. PlercV Ooldeii ' Gf law. according to reports today. discipline, wunout jury, counsel, aa- the healthy body wiiuoui e u ecu ue vice, or hearing, the despot wreaks up- them once find lodgment or let them on the he.p.ef child bU pl Ide. of course, each will wish to get the most it can for its citizens, regardless of the interests of the other. Later negotiation with Great Britain repre sentatives Canada cannot negotiate a treaty will determine whether the give and take spirit is mutual enough to result in a reciprocity treaty. Sec retary Wilson will oppose any reduc tion in the duties on any.Canadian ag ricultural products which compete with those of our own farmers. The Canadian officials and the ladies who are with them are receiving many so cial courtesies. Dinners have been given them by the President, Secreta ry Sherman and ex-Secretary Foster. Postmaster General Gary has been highly "commended for his action in issuing a fraud order against John Wedderburn, John Wedderbum & Co., and the National Recorder, their laper, but he regards it as having been merely the performance of duty, to protect the public from frauds who make use of the mails. Evidence even stronger than that which brought about the recent disbarment from practice before the Patent Office, hear ing. All mail matter for either of the above addresses "fraudulent" and dental. It appears that with tbt views uppermost Newbold went to Columbla. Mr. Stevenson has seen the governor, and the attorney gener al, from what can be ascertained, has conferred with the governor. it4 TanvTHw Yarft. Washington. Nov. 17. Speaker Thomas B. Reed will retire after th present session of Congress and settle- in tne umtea States are caused by bron chitis and con sumption; but certain it is that it is not very much out of the way. Now what i s bronchitis? Bronchitis is catarrh of the bronchial tubes. What is consumption? Con sumption is catarrh of the lungs. What is catarrh? Catarrh is an old cold. A cold which at last becomes settled and for which no cure can be found. People are frightened at the appearance of an epidemic. The pa pers are full cf it. Houses are quar antined. A thrill of fear and excite ment pervades the country and yet all epidemics combined do not cause so mauy deaths as catarrhal diseases. One reason lor this is tnat many peo ple have catarrh, and another reason that there are so few remedies that have any lasting curative effect in chronic catarrh. Indeed, it would al most seem as if Pe ru-na was the only will be stamped I reliable internal remedy tor this mala returned to the I dy. Pe-ru-na cures catarrh by remov suited the task or teacmng and con troling. No fact is better known that schools are s access full v tangbt without bru tality in the discipline. This proves that there are persons so happily con stituted as to be fitted to fill the posi tion of teachers. We read of more murders than we do of these shocking outrages. Usually the victim is an orphan or otherwise without personal protection; always a child of tender age. and frequently Inoffensive, even timid. To have control of the children of a community with power to inflict the torture of beating with a ,lub or a Medical Discovery Istbeooly median- I that absolutely aud infallibly cures all ! blood diseases, and almost all dieaM- are blood diseases. It Unt a tuodi'riiM for some one particular dlfA. It a medicine for the whole body. It forces out all the genu of dien m-.l It U Intimated that eminent and wealthy citizens will endeavor to make hWu leader of the party In New York Slate to succeed Piatt, the preaent Republican boss. replaces blood. Impurities with rih. r. ! I RICMAPO FOtOM CLEVELAND. 5knfl Baavarjr RJr. Information from Marshall, where Mi. Tk Ex.pri4al' So Nam AU CIUa4 FitWf. Charlotte Observer. Princetou.N. J., Nov. 10, The n-tue of G rover Cleveland s son is to l Richard Folsom Cleveland, In honor of Mrs. Cleveland's father. The student. 1 t .1 - v T.tnMtnn xm?m rf txm 1 ui.i- I auu irsmcuu ui . . norse wnip or a "m infant rained O rover Cleveland. Jr. lice 10 parents or incuus, ui iu vm-Ai-a tt th law withrmt witnesses, and v..a - ' I . ... .. . 1 1 . purely at the discretion of the discr- .Int-roPj, . 1 Hiiii niuriiui. iiiv aa v ews . w tion of the person wno 1 anne ame shkker medicines are used by suffering time proecutor, judge, jnry, ana exe-1 humanity for the cure of sickness ana writers. Newspapers which continue to Drint Wedderburn & Co's. adver- tisemeut may find themseves called to book bj the Post Office authorities. Chairman Cannon, of the House ap propriations committee, doesn't in tend that the work of his committee ing the cause. Pe ru na cures catarrh wherever located, whether of the bron chial tubes, lungs, stomach, kidneys or any other organ. Dr. Hart man's latest book on chron ic catarrh seat free to any address by The Pe ru na Drug Manufacturing .hall furnish anv excuse for lengthen- Company, Columbus, Ohio. ing the coming session of Congress. Ask your druggist for a free Pe-ru-na cutioner, is too much iower and priv ilege to entrust to any man. In deal- in' with ferocious animals the law delegate no such powers, and cer tain lv no community ever knowingly delegated such to any person in con trol of their children. There Is a well nnderstool limit, that children shall be treated like children. Were It oth erwise narents would be in continual Never was there such universal de mand, never such wonderful results. Shaker Digestive Cordial, a cure lor Indigestion, is prepared from aerbs and roots, and is a natural remedy, which cures by aiding nature and not by fighting her. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes those fat who have become thin by not digesting their food. It restore the spirit and tne appe tite of those who are dejected and the Circuit court is in session, is to the effect that Sheriff Ramsey of Madison county liss resigned because of the probability of ectlon being taken suraJnt hiiu. at the Instance of Jodge l Ewart. alleging neglect of oGcial da- tie. Whiskey is said to be the cause of the trouble. Several days ao Ramsey visited this city and was found on West College street in an Intoxicated condi tion. Hensley, who was charted with taor. der, was acquitted. The speech which was made by Senator Pritchxrd la be half of the defense. Is spoken of as a. great effort. Asbevllle Citizen. dread, and children would co in terror fafrJjJj oat from the wearing effects of to the slaughter nous wnere screams 1 indigestion. of nlAvmates kent them In daily re- membrance of possible tortures Im pending over themselves. GEO. P. SXJLBOCU. It relieve the symptoms of dyspep sia and after using for a reasonable time, finally euros the complaint. Sold br drurrUta. Trial bottle 10 Mr. George IL Moeer, who llrtt lr Clines township, this county, had the misfortune to lose his house, barn and crib by fire yesterday. Mr. Moser U. the father of our townsman, Mr. F. P. Moser and U a good cltlxcn. His many friends will learn ol his lose with mueh regret. The gin and calling establishment of G. W. Bailey, In Union connty, were burned hut wesek. Two white men have been arretted charged, with He has announced all of the sub- I Almanac tor 1S0S, the offence cents.

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