1 , Btatt UUmj v: PROTEOTIOXI INDUSTRY ! ENTERPRISE ! PROSPERITY ! VOIDHE 30. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY i3t 1898. HUIIBER 2 r , L f I II I 111 i WASHINGTON LETTER. - - i - , (Regular Correspondent.) Washixotqn', Jan. 10. Help tis modify the civil service law', or we will r join hands with the Democrats and repeal the entire law. That, in effect, is the notice that the hundred odd Republican members of the House who favor modification of this law hive served upon the other Republi can member of the Hou.se during the debate, which is not yet over. There" . has baen much plain talk on the sub ject, and there will be more.1 A sam ple Is' the following from .Representa tive Hepburn, of Iowa: "In some things, the , old system at j its wors t, was superior to the i new. My col- ' leagues in this House know, the; quali fications of their constituents, and in the selection of candidates for office have everything, at steak. ;I believe that there, is greater probability of wisdom in selection arid beneticience in results in the old system than in this darkened, subterranean, irre sponsible method we 'have fallen info i in this latter time." Representative Clark,: of N, H., said that he favored modification of the taw ado! was wil ling to leave it toJ.be wisdom of the Civil Service Committee as to how far. but that "any old thing" was bet ter than tiie present law. That coin uiittce U now considering the bill introduced last week which confines the operat ion of the civil service law i to )Ohitions paying from $000 to $1, K) inclusive, and to localities where the employes exceed. 23 in number. The treaty for tho annexation 6f Hawaii was today taken up by the Senate, and the intention is to hold ilaily 'executive tessioru for its consid erafioji until it is disposed of. The policy of the friends "of: annexation is to allow its opponents i to do most of the talking, bo as to. get the debate over as toon as p6Mok, in order that there may be no excuse for delayinga vote. It is now tlic general belief that the treaty will' be ratified, owing to tli niintitiiirpint-tit of .thfc, ivauxbor of Senators who were .hp doubt of their Int ention to vote for rat ification. . - The last 'European na,tioii to take a place in the line of applicants for a reciprocity treaty with the TJ. S. is ' 4iermany. the country '.vbich made a bluff when" the Dingleyj tariff bill was pending 'that: was promptly called by Cuiigret-s and President MeKiidey The elaueTj( the taritt that" brought Germany's pride down to asking for reciprocity is that whih imposes ad ditional duty upon iu'gar brought from countries "that pay an export bounty on sugar. Yhbi the German ambassador requested that reciprocity in- postmasters accounts, because ofdia- covered fraud. This system was adopted during the Cleveland admin istration as the result of an investiga tion by. & committee headed by Repre sentative Dockery cf Missouri, and it was pointed ont at the time that it was full of opportunities for fraud. No less than nine ways In which a dishonest postmaster could rob the government have been discovered by Sixth Auditor Castle, who has thrown out the system and introduced a new one. The new, system was specially intended to detect the frauds made possible by the Dockery system"; and although it has only been in opera tion a week it has done. so in a num ber of cases. ! The government was ANDREWS IN CONTEUPT. Kefased to Tell About Judge Sim on ton's Case, DID S. OTflO HAVE SPECIAL, RATES. ROGUES IN THE POSTOFE1CES. j A Mew Form 5teIlof nwj Order Fad WASHisGToy, Jan. 7. Auditor Cas tle of the P. a Dep'tVhas discovered J REPcbucan on the cmicaoo platform, irregularities in money order accounts. HANNA IS ELECTED. Democrats VlcL 4 Man ! Tbs New CenaUsiosers Want to Take Up a Test case te Try the Uw-N CrtmlaaJ Preretdiase Xa " i . .-'" tended. ,:, Raleigh, N. C Jan. 8. Special The session of the railway commis sion today was very Interesting. Vice which may possibly result in a loss to the government of a considerable sum. They were brought to light as the oat come of a new system of checking ac counts by postmasters, iwhicti went in to effect on Che first of the year. Tit rUyer el CUtU4 Selected Ur tW Ve te ef tli Oaiblee N Other Mas WmU De The VeU Tedey EleU Iteaaa. Columbus, O., Jan. 11. After be ing in conference all night the Demo cratic caucusses agreed on iMayor R. rl McKlsson; of Cleveland, as the only 'whom - they 'C - - -1 auditing post office money, order ac counts, f Auditor Castle will aSk Con gress to authorize the employment of a special foree to go over and check up the old accounts, believing that the stolen money can be recovered and the thieves punished; by securing proofs of the thefts. Several cases have 'already been de tected as orders issued for us high as I Republican proposed f80 and f 100, were reported by the is- would support for Senator. President Andrews of the Southern I sning postmasters as one and two dol-1 . The uame of Mm or McKisson was was subpoenaed to appear and pro-1 lars each. How many such frauds ( then suggested. The Democrats de duce the stubs of pass books. He ap- I were -perpetrated during the three tuanded to, know whether j McKIssoa man, and not content ranee of Meyers and but none except as permitted by the I examination -j of the 100,000,000 money 1 other leaders of fusion, they sent for railway commissiom act, and his com-1 orders issued during that time could be McKisson. When that gentleman ap pany was determined not to issue any I made, the auditor belie Ves, by 100 men peared he made a speech to the caucus probably robbed of many thousand peared and was asked if be had issued years in whieh the old system, was in was a free sliver dollars under the Dockery system of aay free passes this year. He said yes, operation con only be guessed at. An with the assur in Violation of that aet. ' I in a year, and if the rate of fraudulent Charman Caldwell asked Andrews I order just discovered continues he the direct question if he did not ten-1 thinks it might be well to do this, der Judge Simontou a palace car, to I How much the government has lost " i Overpowered by Rats, Wilkesbarrf, I'a., Dicpath. , Attacked; by several hundred fierce rats, which swarmed upon him while he Was -imprisoned hi a narrow space irom wliich he could not escape, Robt. Crook, of Jairyiew, a vill?e near this city, fought them until his strength failed, and, unable to beat them off, fell enseles. He had been terribly mutilated when he was - rescued and his sight had been destroyed. Mr. Crook, who is a wealthy farmer, constructed a moriester rat trap in the loft of one, of his barns. This trap was like a big box, Mr. Crook com pleted it a week ago,; baited it and be deadheaded over North Carolina. Andrews declined to answer the charge. Caldwell then told him he was in contempt. This examination was followed by will. not oe determined examination is made. unless such an Penelope-Vhtre .aod What It Is. I have waited for some one to ; write one of John Munson, division frieght ifc UP but as no ono has done so I will the long and the short term- in .which he raid in substance: "Publicly and before the people, I am aud must be a Republican, but I assure you and pledge you that If elected to the United States; Senate by this fusion, 1 will start upon the Chi cago' platform.? i This pledge was satisfactory and the caucus declared for McKisson for both agent of Southern. He, also, declined to answer the question whether the Southern bed given Railway l Commis- Oiho Wilson special rates from Rrdeigh to Round Knob. Munson's declina tion was upon the ground that the an swer might be used in criminal pro- endeavor to tell where it is and s what Both branches of the Legislature met at 10 a, 111. The name of Marctfs A. Hanna was presented by Ilepresen- ; , tative Lelland and secouded by T. R, 1 smith cf Delaware. The name of then left it to do its work, lie found several hundred rats in the trap yes-. terday morning, and thrust his terrier test the "'validity of the railway com- Spot, into the cage to kill them. The rats made short work of the dog, kill; Then Mr. Crook entered the cage with two cl ubs1, ' but scon tried to get out. He found himeelf loeked in, ow ing to t!)et?losiug of a;door.with a spring lock, lie fougit until he fell senseless,, 'and was rescued later by fanti hands. II is injuries may proye fatal.' . .. . "1 tho people in! and around it hare done and are doing. I ' I i This little village is situated on the W. N. C Railroad, about three west 01 uicKory. lt.nas a post omce, Mayor Robort E. McKifeson of Cleve- one small store, an academy, a Hap iami nresented bv Representative ceedings. He was thereupon attached tt ureu uot et coinp.ieieu, aiso a Bramley. AVhen the result of the bal- for contempt, Metnouisc cnurcii . witnin a re nun-1 j0t was announced as Hanna 50, Mc- Chairman Caldwell says he expects area varuf , uie Pos oniQe. n nas Kisson 4D, scattering 3, Speaker Mason Munson to apply for a writ of habeas 1 ?vi uiuc uyveumg nouses. 1 announced that Marcus A. . Hanna, - - - , II J "I 1 . A'l X I . . ' muus are- n auapieu , 10 growing bavin? received a majority of the crops of anything that can be grown votc8 Gf the House, was the choice of anywhere in the State. The health that body for the short t?rm. A bal of our comumnity is good. We i have lot was then taken for the! lonr term me uesu 01 water; plenty or wood for ani resulted: Hauna 50, McKisfeOn 49. lumDer auu ruel. 1 1 The moralsof the above the average, i room anywhere near seldom see a klruk. m m. of our section arenotedj for their piety and good fellowship. have preach corpus. -.Caldwell says tne testimony sscued by the commission would noi be used in criminal prosecution of An drews or Munson as agents, but is to mission act as to tho acts of agents of the railway companies. . Agents R. L. Pott.and Henry-Mil ler; were examined also and gave the same answer as Munson. . The com mission cites Andrews, Miller, Munson arid Potts to appear next Thursday and show cause why they shouln not attached for contempt. community are e have no bar us, hence we The -people In the Senate the vote ttood 10 for McKisson and 17 for Hauna, This gives Hanna the requisite 73 vote's for his election. ' 1 PASSENGER TRAIN HOCKED. i KOflANCO OF THE ULONDYKE. Shipped h 15aby In a Box. The express and baggage car forces 011 the Missouri, ..Kansas & Texas day train froin Dallas to (iainsvilie had a surprise that frightened them when they reached the end of their run at A Hco of tho DIgsins Hiirries a Pretty News paper Woman. 'digger Jim," a white Southerner, is the hero of the hour at IDawson. Last Nov. lie; acquired "fame I by com- agreeing to 're. neg)tiation lt opend lie .was fornied that' his government take the first stop by mve the restrictions'1 ntw imposed xiImhi American cattle and beef iin 'iHrted into Germany, J I " .... ! .. . . 1 '! .j J 1 lie aumini.-iraiion h uong every thing :. possible i expulite the sending of fo'id tu the Klondike region. 1; the President ami all the members ot the Cabinet iK-liove that 'relief will be Eeeded by the gold seekers before reg ular tralll'c. is resumed j on the Yukon liver. Aceuts of the Government are now bringing a number! of reindeer from-Norway to tirry the lood which i-wjll .btreadv and on tlw ground when the' reindeer getTo Alaf kat-.-. There is probably no ! proviMon ol noon today. As the train pulled out pelling Barkeeper Lord to divulge, at of Lewiaville a man. 30 years old, the Constitution! of. lu? U. S. that fumitdies uiure proof of the wisdom of its makers, or that i Hiore reverred by our.peopie, thanthat- which -.pro vides for our i judiciary system. Hut nothing suits the lVpulistsv except jpvranai liotoriety nn.i gain for them selves, and Senator Hurler, of North Carolina, who aiu:s at being the Pop ulist hoMy want an jeutirely new' ju diefary hystem," the judires to he elec t V for ter.nsJ uft eight! years, arid has o;Tori.:a joint rUolutiioh proposing to it to thy express messenger, taid;: "ilcre's a delayed Christmas preV ent torthe station agent at Gaines ville. Handle it carefullv so tis not to1 break or injure itt" I i Placing the box on., the- express car lloor, the stranger hurried away. The! box, a common cracker box. was care fully nailed up, with a number of holes in the. top end. It v, as placed. in a safe spot to - go on H journey of about 103 miles. Just be x ore reav'hipg Gainesville the car forces were startkd"' by a cry iMuerging from the box. It bounded like the distressed " voic. of a Child. The box yran ojjaed-r-aiTor iHrHttyi pretty girl baby, a few days old jouly. The child was com fortablv dressed and packed in the box so cun'fully as to be protected from harm if the bix should be dam a get! The city oftieiaU plactsi th t'hiliPiu tlie orphan's home.-Dallas Dbpa'ch, Dee. 26ii. the pistol's pointy the hiding place of $25,000, which Lord was accused of stealing. Of this amount $8,000 be longed to "Jim.,v A patty just arrived at Juneau re ports that "Jim"' celebrated the r.e covory of his wealth by marrying an accomjilished young newspaper wo mau, who arrived 111 September repre senting St. Louis aud Kansas City pa-, pers. Iate arrivals do not remember her name, but say she attracted atten tion by her style and the werring of a very hcAvy fur coat. She will be one of the richest wouien in the Klondike, as ai 1 01 '-Nigger Jims ciamisare- ducers". - --rr'-: t bile many coast-bound miners mjr aud Kaooat 11 school everv sab bath whichare well attended by; both old and young, and alliseem to eniov our S. School and .chdrch sei-vice. The Me hodist have' ad orcan but no select cl.oir, but all participate in the singing. ; !''. Any person wishing ,good country home will doj well to purchase ope in or near our little village. In; this place is a good qualiiy of clay for brick making. There are two public roads leading to this place. . There is,' within two miles, a good shoal oh the South Fork Hver with VulTicient water power to run a large mill. We would gladly welcome any j one who:will come and settle in our community and help us build up our section mor ally and financially. I j WToulddike to h'aveisome consicien ctous physic an come j and make .his home with tw. We could EQt pirom ise him much cash, but , fcuch a we have we would give hiiu. Mr; Two of the Kbbi s OeJ. Two Of! tht rabbits Inoculated by Drs. Crooks and Turner at Astly-Coo per hospital. Greensboro, with the spinal column of the deg sniectevl of having rabies dievl on last Friday night ameiyd.the constitution in accrdance One of them died with pyania, a spe- wltn bis ideas. -'Thercj .jsnt the slight- c;es of blooP poisoning. Abcesses ' i prooiiimuy ol auyf luu ciiange, were fcund to havexormeu onus hver. Lut jtivat it should be even proposed 1 lungs and Hanks. 7 Pre other du-d of a-warning To the country of what pnnrmoii;i. It is well known to the in. gut be extectta?kuld. the people, m 1! .d. f .4r.teniity' th-aimernugitls And fVt-r allow the Brvati'. . .During tii- tinte nate a imrv-Mi' '1?: i- . . -d kK to 011 ton. during th'? week ths s? Charlotte Cbf-TTer. "j" AsakvillK Jan. s p.r The cjrand jury of the Circuit Court returned! a treet frtc i t 11. ii- , true bill Fgamst the Afcheyule Piiss m the teeth of a blinding blizzard, V ... 4 . . . w ltaiiwar Company for uia a - . . . . I Tiss. 1 he bill charges that the com. snow came inuuuenng uown xne , i . . . , . . 1 nan y irave undue wreferenc 1 ndi ad- mountain suie aoove narrow jenie, ; A r . . , , , it . , . , - J i il I vantage to W. A. llilaebrand, report- through iwhieh the miners passed. It l 1 . . . j, 1 - rn -Hi ... cr on th Citizen, bj- giving him free covered lJurns Tramway and eight . . .. - v." W, . j4 . j. transportatio 1 over -ilis hue . The . . . .1 irrani jury iJenored the bill against i uic cutuiuilrt HCKI utuaii. untlji me pneumonia are causevl by micro 5;rgni.im.' ";-;Th c-n.' Is. that in'ione rase it. attack "'."the lungs difTerencif j and i Th H in ;be oth-r 'it b spina c olumn. ii erefore, that one of the while the storm was raging, pury in sleds and outfits of teve'ral. parties. The McDonald brothers lost an outfit worth 81,000.'" ' - : .:- Kio's Mouatain CcI. King's Mountain, Jan. 5; Our peo ple are somewhat agitated over the re cent dis covery of coal neir thi lac? an 1 uules4 experts are veryuuch nis taken, we Will be: inttepeiiJent of! the ccal ofiothrr tat An ira!ysi of samples sent to the government fchows &5 jicr e?it, rrbcu. Its pronounces it a tine 6amp f attbraciteeca!.. From investigations already made La. ck-.l o ta 1 l : t t 1 . j seems tliat it rropii out a i timber cf e"12!-1 nS.i v:hWi "w. 1.1 intVnia tlit it a i .r .i . is; laat ; would be found in quaiititie. Char- tuat tue uog may navj? usej, ol memn- lott. Cbserver. ' .-i:rpr.-e 1 ; us ra t! an rabie. Tl.- case a;- j cannot !e ttled until lb rah;tliave J The grand lotlge o! I!aon tzvzta fa Oxford thi week. ' :dl:.g j been obirved further. the b'outherri Itailway Company in which J. P. Kerr, of tne Citizen Com- in was a witness The contract betweca the newspaper and thejrail ro6d wa$ explainal to the tbd whtch ttortly after returned xiot a true bill." i '. - I ' ':'.) ' ' " ' .i . ! Glass SmachcJ and a YonoLady Rclvcd ". Injuries. i- ULar!ott New. . . ." i ; .. ' : ". : - -1 " Rock throwers got in some good; work on the C. C. & A. road last night s yo.' 33, the north bound passenger train that reached Charlotte at 8:20 o'lock was rocked at a point a few miles below Chester. The train was running about 40 miles an hour when the passe n gees in the first class car were : ftartled by the smashing of a window pane. A young lady, a Miss -Ellison, of Winnsboro, was sitting in thereat near the glas whenthcv misils was hurled. Several pieces 'of the shattered pane struck her in the face, cutting several gashes. j ,v . 1, When the train reached Chester, the exvrH messenger informed the con ductor that the exprearhad been" struck anITrout his statement it was clearly evident ! that the same person threw both stones. Heretofore, the Southern in their" investigation of uc!i act hare found that i hildrerr are usually the guiltjr - ones in i-5ch crues. Iist night ex-" Ierience will convince the railroad jxo ple that ethers are guilty of this crime. The ston that tr sck tli-sexpretji car made ade?d indention, showing' that it was thrown "-with more force than a child conld command. j The e vs rejxirter " karns that, this Is not the fjrst exierienc of this kind at the ilacf name tL' Several times of lit rock have, been thrown at pa senr tralmvbat up to last no dam age had been done. , - i " ," .' The largest mule in tbe worldarriv ed in Chicago last Saturday, .and Is staying at -tne slock yams tor a snort time The animal Is bound for lUm don, where it is to bem the star at traction in ;a inenaKe, and. it will doubtless be plasanlcil "an av r ' American mule. Th? male ii !!.; f Special to the Oberver. i , Gatonia, Jan. 6.Mr. Henry liaker, who lives near the All Healing school, lost his hoofce and most all cf his fur niture br fire Tuesday night last. .There was insurance. X t mall store and stock of goodj' n-erby were also burn ed.' ;V:"' ' , v" .j' ' ' SHsbury V6rU: ItawAji county lias a rc usarkable cj tilt n In the, in6a of Dr. G. W.. Jonf: ""Tor thepw 3 2? old. int he . high, and we jxunl. It ii nine ynri animal was found on 'liVttve iafcoathwetern MbsOri. ' uilly rit:r. ..t ) o -. Trn at ... .-. . &