. - - - V - - - :! . . - " - N . ' -. ' - : . . . , , ::i::;;,:;Suutilriirr:;' ''"' "'' :A V. 7 7, j" : A. ' .VSv" V.ir.;--.. -v. ;;:jv. ! v;:;- - i. ' - -j' - V : i ' . :"'!---- ' ! ,. ,' . : :r ;,-". c..'--.: :' r-.r?v;r 1... " - - .. -..- . I 1 J J PROTECTION I INDUSTRY ! ENTERPRISE i PROSPERITY ! VOLUME 30. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY io, i8q8. HU1IBERJ' j WASHINGTON LETTER. (Regular Correspondent.) ; WAsiiisroTpx, Feb. 7, 1896. Repre sentative Babcock, of Wisconsin, whose able management was a potent factor in the Republican Congressional victories of "ifi and 06,s is again to be .chairman of the Republican Congres sional Campaign Committee, and rep resent.tive Mercer, of Nebraska, who Was his able lieutenant in the last campaign, is to bo reelected secretary of the committee. It is complimen tary to these gentlemen that in the reorganization of the, committee for, this year's campaign, no other names have been mentioned for i their posi tion. Notwithstanding the hoodoo which has bo often resulted in the "de feat of the party in power nt the first Congressional election after the in stallation of the nev administration, the members of the Republican com mittee are preparing to enter the com ing campaign with a determination to win, and the full expectation that the intelligent sentiment of the country is IbehlmMlie Republican policy that is giving back prosperity tq the country. Not a single Senator who has spoken against the ratification off the treaty for the annexation of Hawaii has pre sented a convincing argument against annexation; eon.-eqnently those Sena tors who were for a time in doubt lrve nearly all annouueed their inten tion to vote for annexation, and the ratification of the treaty j is now as sured wlieri 'it vote is taken. Knowing this, .Senator Davi.s, who as chairman of tiie committee on foreign relations ' has charge of the treaty,! is patiently waiting until its opponents have been "given an opportunity t siay, their say before taking any steps; t) force a vote. Prendent Dole has started for home, butlhe will make several stops on his Bemus, by favorably reporting the; nomination of the iattor to the Senate.! Representative Boutell, of III., has the distinguished honor of being the first member of the present House to be renominated. Hi nomination was by acclamation, too. Pretty good fori a man who is serving his first term, j Senator Lindsay's declaring of inde pendence of the 8ilverites of the Ken tucky legislature, and denial of their right to ask him to resign, would have impressed more people than it did, had he not preceded it by a vote for the Teller resolution, thus indicating a desire on his part to throw a sop to the silver element of his state. The man who voted for the Teller resolu tion need not expect to be believed when he says he is honestly opposed to the free coinage of silver. OHIO BRIBERY CHARGES, chairman, aDd then blithely hopes to have its investigation trtated with re spect. Albany; Journal. i It seems to us that, if the' men who have been abusing and persecuting Senator II anna for months, Jiad any decency or bame, they won Id ceaie their miserable work. They may an noy the Senator a little but they can- The bribery-fake bubble at Colum-1 not injure him among those whose bus bids fair to explode at an early I opinions are worth havinir. Norwalk CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS THERE SEEMS VERY LITTLE IN THEM. What U Said la RKrd to The Lbarges " j : by MAr Exchanges. 1 The female stenographer destroyed her notes. Hamilton News. from which or about the o tret .nun to annexation for publication,1 failed, owing propriety. way to b.m irrancisco, port; he expects to sail on nd iiiht. Every elTort t talk about the pending itrimK f i r fill 1 illnii trti I to hi correct ideas .of During his Mtay in Washington, Mr. Dole proved himself to be a gentle man, a scholar, and a statesman, whom every patriotic j.A'nierjcan will be glatl to welcome as a fellow citizen. The President '.ami piembers 'of the cabinet are loth to ae(ept the general idea that 'Germany, in 'shutting out American fruits, even partially, ana in J ly approved." 8pecial to the Observer. : Washington, Feb. 5. 4There is hard ly the shadow of a foundation," said Mr. Clarence Call, chairman of the eighth Republican congressional dis trict of jNorth Carolina, "for the state ments made by Mr. Mott, discrediting Senator Pritchard's leadership in the Senate. I know eomething about Re publican sentiment in the western part of th State, and I know that exactly the contrary is true. Senator Prit ch ard is stronger to day with both Re publicans and Populists; than at any time since the fusion movement start ed in the State. Tho effort to get him out of the Senate and on the Disjtrict Court bench was simply an attempt to destroy the party organization by put ting Russell and Butler in charge of it. Had it succeeded, the next campaign would have been a fajree, and it is the same way about the alleged opposition of Judge Ewart's confirmation. It "is all in the air and has been manufac tured in Washington and in Raleigh. There is. hardly a Republican ot any standinir in the western district who does not heartily approve of his ap Doiutmeut. Our people r.dmit .Tudere Ewart's ability courage and metal, and we all believe, without regard to party,! -that his success oir the bench in the! westeni district will save both the gov- eminent and individuals thousands; date. Geange Republican. Really, we gave Allen O. Myers cred it for being a more skillful plotter than the Gibson House affair shows him to be. Hamilton News. The whole charge of vote buying by Senator Hanna is too transparent to require argument for its refutation. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. The wonder and the humiliation of it is that such creatures as this fellow Myers find it possible to secure politi eal preferment. Kansas City Journal. Allen O. Myers " seems disturbed about his character. Allen shouldn't let a little thing like that bother his serenety. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. The people'of Ohio believe that the so-called investigation at Columbus is a iarce, hence they are taking very little interest in it. Toledo Commer cial. x Reflector. The desperate efforts to beat Mark Hanna for the Senate, and at any cost to get a silver man into the Senate to fiili the seat John Sherman so Ion? honored, was a part of this silver cru sade, and it was carried on with mon ey and malice and every evidence in policy and performance of criminal in tention. Brooklyn Standard-Union.: Mr. H anna's Ohio enemies failed in their eftprt to make Senator Jones, of Arki, chairman of; the i Democratic National Conxmittee, ther agent on the floor of tne U. S. Senate to the ex-; tent of offering and pressing, a resolu- PtmnCuolMdUtt tMMtrcret U0 Wb Marks Papra. WaaUactoa PcmU Editor Post: In the discussion oC the civil service law, both pro and eon, 1 have read with much Interest what ever what The Post has said In the matter, and am pleased with its entire fairnetl In my opinion the main and only real objection to the system, at la now in force, leaving oat of the matter all of its political bearings, has not been sufficiently discussed. Indeed scarcely mentioned. I refer to the system of marking, or ascertaining by the examination pa pers the real fitness of the applicant for the place he seeks. The applicant answers, in writing, the fixed questions submitted to him by the examiners, ofteu under the most embarrassing and unfavorable, conditions, and under cast-iron .rules and regulations, loaded down with red tape, which were apparently' devised by the veriest tuartinet who ever dis- tion against Mr. 1 1 anna's right to his I graced tho government service, seat. When Senator Jones i asked for These questious and answers are evidence to support such a resolution submitted to the proper officials, who- and none was .pioduced he declined mark on each the value or merit, by a having anything to do with ,& Ash- prescribed system, and so determine land Gazette. 'tThat investigation of Senator Han na's method of getting into the United The fact is Myers and his gang knew I States Senate,?' said Mr. R. J. Flick, of Cleveland, at the Wellington, "makes most people in Ohio a little bit weary. Nobody I am speaking of those not Mr. H anna's sworn enemies believes that the thing was started .for any purpose other; than spite and I guess they hope to see it fall flat, if they take any interest in it at all.1 Washington Post. ! " i they were guilty of attempted bribery and hoped by bringing counter char- ges to avert suspicion. Middletown Journal. The Ohio enemies of Mr. Hanna, not content with making themselves odi i ous, are now engaged in making them-i selves ridiculous. Kansas City Jour: nal. Nothing will come of the reported charges of bribery against Senator Hanna. No one believes for a minute that there was anything in the charge in the first place Columbus Grove Vidette. Of all the farces ever enacted at Co lumbus, the so-called Senatorial in vestigation is entitled- jto the prize. The committee is a packed one, and as such cammands no respect. It as sumes inquisitorial powers, claiming the right to! drag in witnesses and the candidate's fitness or unfitness for a positiou in the government service These officials, who grade the examin ation papers, are supposed to be schol arly persons, and on their dictum the fate of the applicant hangs, during the lingering eternity it requires them to reach'aud look over them. There are usually many facts bear in z on one's fitness for an appoint ment not ascertained or apparently cared Tor by tho civil service law in their 'school-boy " style of examina tion. Of such facts the examiners have no knowledge, or, if they have,, are not allowed to, give them weight in their verdiet. They have before them the cold statement of cpicstion and answer, and from theui alone they must grade the applicant. In man instances, indeed, in tnost such men as those who undertook to defeat II anna, are unworthy of serious and thousands of'dollars in the dispos- J consideration unle&s they are backed ition of a long accumlated business,! owing to the sickness of Judge Dick. His appointment is not only satisfac tory to the Republicans, but it ia high- threatening.: to hut out .' American hor's, is acting upon a general plan of taritT retaliation, but if tho onicial invvtigatiou now boinig inaile- s-lia.ll 'show, that such is the case, .action will be taken that will b Mire to cause 'deep regret on the part of Germany. Nu 'country on.earth.is'so well lixed to play th game of eommereial retallia tiou a the llniteil. States. Our am ba.ailor to GerinAny has already given the Herman government a ' 'hint of our willing to play the game with any country that make! iie .first uioa-o against us, and the indications an that the hint will be siifiieient to con vince the Kaiser of the wisdom bf prmlence. , The changing of Hon. Etlian Allen Hitchcock, of Mo., frcm U. S. minister to 1T. S. ambassador j to Russia, bv President McKinley liAs no particular significance, political; or otherwise. "It was done at the request qf Russia, and was in accordance! with tlie policy adopttnl by the U. S. a few years ago. to rpise our ministers to the rank of ambassadors, in all countries that de si red to send' am bassail prs to the United States. The presence of an ambassador lit a foreign capital, gives the U. S more piee!lence Uian can xssibly be gotton by a minister, ow ing to the strict observance of diplo matic ietiquette iti those countries, f which enables an ambassalor from any lit tie ten cent country to outrank a minister from the U. S or any other large and powerful country, and.con sequently to have precedence of him everywhere. J It having been, shown to the satis faction of the Senate Post Office Com mittee, that the chartre airainst Mr. E. 11. 'Hetuus, noininatevl to be postmas ter at Jamestown,- N.; Y., and Repre sentative Hooker, whose recommenda tion brough about the nomination, of having used !uoney and a position on the House pay roil to secure the re tirement pf a rival: candidate, were nothing more then an attempt to keep the democratic! postmaster of that town, in office, the committee exoner ated Representative Hooker and Mr. Speakingigenerally of the political situation ii the western section of the State, 'Chaifman Call said: "Tha civil service la wjis the greatest peril that .will rtAlifiiirifb llAk l?i-tllltrtrt- .ArtX and unless something is done about it so that Republicans can cret the offices 1 X 1 1 .An lrrfT . n 1 1 r l3 i lllClu niii io uuuuit, . anil ivjwn -k iik Tho' feeling on the subject in the mountain counties is so bitter and in It txmlers on maciness. are tne internal revenue laws to our people, tne civil service law is ten fold more otlious. "Tliefe is a good deal, of wild talk,' he sr.id, "about Mr. Linnev's re-nomina tion for Congress, but if Mr. wants the nomination he will get it without serious opposition. The Re publicans in the eighth district thoro ughly endorse his posjtion on the civil service law. and his vote for the Teller resolution.'' -Charlotte Observer. j tensu that Hateful as Cupid breaks his bow at the sight of a face full of pimples. Hollow cheeks!, sunken eyes, and a sallow complexion will defy bis best intentions. Beauty is more than.skin deep. The skin b; merely tlie surfaca on wbich is writ ten iti plain characters the condition of the body Dr. PiereeV Golden Medi cal Discovery Is gooil for the complex ion bacause it makes the whole boiy healthy it clears and purifies the blood. makes the digestion strong And clears out impurities of all kinds.- Hy in- hcreasing ine acuity to assimiuite nu tritious food, afid by the infusion of its owningredients it enriches the I ... blood andNso makes solid, healthy flesh. It curediseases of th lungs. liver, stomach, bowels, skin and scalp. simply because all these diseases spring from the same cause a disordered digr estion and consequent impulreblood. Charges of bribery, coining from I compelling them to answer questions 1 of them, the questions have no pout-- ble bearing on the special matter and should le allowed to grade the general intelligence of tho applicant only. The fact that an applicant has been for years practically engaged In doing the identical style of work he seeks to do for the government, and has dem onstrated his ability under the keen est sort of commercial competion, and cau offer the highest testimonials from former employers, ''cuts no ice," as the boys say,. in the civil rvlce. He may be able to demonstrate hi ability to do the reqnlretl work - in a way ejual to the most expert man in theservlc. but unless he can show In his examination papers why II Y - in equal to (j, or state the height of one of the Himalaya mountains, be will be turned down as ineligible." Many of the best and fittest of the applicants Tail to get the eligible n tt'k, simply iHTause they have allowed their school boy recolh ctian of almost useless thiusrs to lapse into a condition of Innocuous desuetude. Indeed, it Is a fact, patent to almost every one who has h.-d occasion to investigate, that a fright boy of fifteen or sixteen, fresh from his high school studies, can past with flying colors almost any examin ation In the eiril fervlce, while the oldest and mot experienced of the government employe would lose their plar. If inquired to hold or loe them by taking the required examination. . I do not believe tliat any of our Cabinet officers could pas muster fox a f 000 Herkthip If required to run the gauntlet of the civil service. I mean n disrearwet to 'bese gentlemen, only the Impracticable method of Trading applicants justifies the statement. No business house or commercial corpor ation would think of choosing its em ployes by such a method. . One government officer himself a. by evidence: Kansas City Star. It now remains fo." the Kurtz-Myers conspirators to cease disgusting the people .with an attempt to prolong the programme after the audience is dis missed. Winton County Republican. Senator Hanna hf.s been the object of a vast amount of wholly unwarrant ed abuse and villiflcation, but he has routed his enemies and he will justify the confidence of his friends. Omaha Bee. The investigation going on at Col umbus is verily like fishing. It is easy to fish, but fishing does not land the fish. This investigation is all right, but it will not prove , anything, Ma rion Transcript. ' 'The bribery investigation can never Liuuey command respect. The committee is packed four enemies of Hanna to one friend. It is almost prima facie evi dence 'that the charge is a fake. Mc- ConnellsVille Herald. Some of the people who are engaged in tne attempt to convict Jsenaior Hanna of bribery will do well to keep the way open between themselves and the smoothest road leading from the penitentiary. Caldwell Republican. Whatever , one may think of Mr. Hanna and his political methods, one can have no sympathy with the con duct of the Republican members :of the Ohio Legislature that sought.to the Seekers after gold are often '.disap pointed Seekers after health take Hood's Sarsaparilia and find it meeU every expectation. defeat him by combining with Democrats. Indianapolis News. i . ! i. :. . ' I , The committee which is to Investi gate the bribery ctiarges consist ; of seven member unfriendly to Senator iia-nna ana jnree wno taKe oniya languid interest in the proceedin'js. Mr. Hanna has been sworn in, howev- er.--Dayton Press. . 4 '' . Allen O. Myers became real angry when Senator Jim Garfield insinuated that he had been doing crooked work. But,, strange as it may seem, Allen loss of temper has not convinced any one that he is not the dirtiest politi cian in the State. Nile News. The Ohio legislature packs the com tuittee It charges with the duty of in vestigating Senator. Uanna's election with enemies of the - Senator, makes one of the traitorous Republicans the pertinent and impertinent, without' the advice of attorney.. That such committees can and do assume to ;act is a disgrace to the State. Mt. Vernon Republican. j- - - ' : ! ' It is to- bo expected .that the Dem ocrats will say that Senator. Hanna bribed hisiway through the legislature. According to . Democratic testimony that is the way Democratic Senators and aspirants have done for years, and they desire to reduce the Republican Senators to their own1 level. It will take. harder lying than they practiced against Mr. Hanna throughout! the last two campaigns, in which they were iguomiuiously exposed. Conti nental News, . j . That it is a set-up job by the allied conspirators is- quite ! probable, and bears the earmarks of Allen O. Myers, whose son is a clerk at the Oibson House, Cincinnati, where thecharged attempt at bribery is said to have ta ken place. It in not a j difficult matter for unprincipled men to falsely person ate other parties, either by "phone or telegraph, and there ii rround to sus pt-ct that that is what was done in tnis instance, ine aesperate game will not win. Warren Chronicle, i - ' ' . - I 1 Disgusting as is the conceit of the breed of McKissons, it is not their dar kest offene. In an -hour ihev will change their political ,viewa, as did the mayor of Cleveland by hi own pub lished confession." To set the office he turns his back upon his past pro fessions and goes into the Democratic! conference- and practically indorses the. Chicago platform. He is not abashed. He is after the senatorship and there could be no sort of political chicanery he would not practice to obtain it. Indianapolis Journal. : Th mmrnittf i malcim? out. a fine case about H anna's attempted bribery trusted employe of over twenty years of Representative Otis, through the agency of one Mr. Boyce has got away from them, although they had him shadowed by two detectives, and they ay they don't know where to find him. This Mr. Boyce is unknown to Mr. Hanna, Mr. Dick, and the others who were at Hanna headquarters, and they deny that bej was their agent. They also are trying to find him; with experience, and whose record shows him second to none In the knowledge of hit work, happen to be one of the board of local examiners In another State. He tells the writer that be would not be rated as an "eligible" If he was required to pass the school boy examination, but that hit fifteen-year- old son could klss for almost any or dinary place. I believe In civil tervlce reform on Vnf flrt finn-c nf mrmL ltlcckkji& f tU M - KnrM mkm mnWid to da geoemi principics, o crrwuuiy . rt xj ! I needi a lot of alterations In its ineth- IUO U1U9UU UUUW Ofc UU MCM U I . il mm irA..n wmw, X7.nnv.itMfi I oas 1 i a. xi. turab. t )