QUU Library i " -;- - . v J . ' 1 .": ' 1 ' '' W ;- : : ! -; 1 I 4 -i PROTECTION 1 INDUSTRY ! ENTERPRISE ! ' PROSPERITY ! VOLUME 30. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1898. HUUBER9 WASHINGTON LETTER. PRESIDENT GOES TO PHILADELPHIA DELIVER AN ADDRESS. TO HE WAS TAKEN NEAR nORNLNQ. ARDEN THIS The Oflkert Appointed ts Invettlgate the nln Disaster Will Da Their Duty, Sy Senator Woleott, !i - (Regular Correspondent.) v WASHlXOTOy, Feb. 21st, 1898. Prudence, patience and patriotism have characterized every act of Presi dent McKintey and every member of the Cabinet since the awful news was received of the blowing up and sink ing of the battleship Maine, in Havana harbor, and the death of 250 of its crew. In the midst of the excitement 1 i consequent upon the sensational ru If it was an accident which destroyed THE CAPTURE OF LAMBERT. the Maine, then let us provide, so far as human foresight can against a re currence. If it was treachery, then the righteous wrath of the American people will take a signal vengeance for the treachery which sent that ship to the bottcm. And let no one think to stay it." Congress showed its good sense by confining its action on this nCRDEB IN Q ASTON. AN0TK231 DEATH AT PEST HOUSE. Arretted by a Pesje as He Opened a Door- Had Not Been More Then Three Miles j From Home Since the Shooting. : The Asheville Citizen of Saturday Ferry wnusxu. the Depty Sheriff Who Old Man RaUed Such a Dast In Charlotte riardera a Man at Baker's Mill, j Persons coming in from Bessemer rUrrey Ptrklas Died YUniy i ArteraoiNU Harvey Perkins, the old negro man who was found on the road-side about City this morning bring 'the news of three miles from town some days ao, tne capture or Perry illiams who suffering jrem a severe type of ;imall Saturday evening murdered Samuel I pox, died at the peit house to lha subject to making an appropriation of says: Osborne Lambert, who shot 200,000 to be used in trying to save as j Engineer L. M. Bumgardner on the much of the costly equipments of the Maine as possible. The House, by a vote of 159 to 124. passed the Bankruptcy Bill which was reported from the Committee as a substitute for the Nelson bill, which was passed by; the Senate at the extra session. The Southern cotton mill owners Tate at the Baker cotton mill, two and a half miles from " Bessemer and near Crowders Mountain. I Williams is a reckless fellow and it was a surprise when he was made a He is the 26th of November last, from the effects of which wound the engineer died on the 28th, was captured this morning I deputy sheriff in Gfaston. in the vicinity of his home near Arden. Sheriff Worley and" other officers have made efforts to capture Lambert since the shooting, ; but all without success. Last f evening about dark Sheriff Worley, Jesse M. Morgan and south of the city yesterday afternoon shortly before 4 o'clock.1 News read era will remember that Perkins hailed twe young men who were out blcyelo riding and told them of his malady. They at once came to town and re same man who a few Sundays ago, ported the fact to the board of health, was recklessly firing his pistol around Dr. F. O. Hawley went out and ex one of the cotton mills in this city, and- amined Perkins and pronounced tho was chased five miles by the police be- disease . small-pox. H is j diagnosis ot fore he was captured. j. the case was subsequently confirmed He had been shooting around pro I by Dr. Wertenbaker, the Marine Hoa- mors of Spanish treachery they have I have been drotesting against the pro- Deputy Sheriff Greenwood left the I mlscuously Saturday before he went pital expert. net for a minute lost their, heads. A naval uourt oi inquiry was at once appointed to ascertain whether the loss of tho Maine was caused by acci dent or by design, and by the time this is read it will be at work. Until it succeeds in getting at the truth, the administration joins with j brave Cap . tain Sigsbee, of the Maine, in asking for a suspension of public : judgment. not a scrap of. news- concerning the 'catastrophe received by the administ tration, or an order issued by it has been concealed, and notUinir will be concfaled. That the President is fullv alive to our every interest s fhown by his promptly refusing the; request ..of the SpaniMi authorities at; Havana to 'participate in the Investigation, and that he is calmly performing his usual duties was shown by. his departure for Philadelphia, to deliver an address be fore the faculty and students ot the University of Pennsylvania, on the jim inst., in accoruance wivii uii en- 'gagement made mouths ago. His ex- ample hhu.uld be followed by good cit izens everywhere. j t a V .i. m L ! iseuaior .woicott, or Uoj.j lias more man .once, siiowu, inmseiii to possess jtho aeultv ot calm judgment in times of public excitement, and Id be a real, Hot u buncomb , patriot but never jnore strikingly than in the short Ieeeh ho made against.' the'.inisguideil attempt to publish to thulSvorld a dis trust of our Navy. Depjirtment, by providing for a C)iigres,sipnal investi gatiun of the.wre'ek-of thu ilaine. Mr, v oieon sani: i uesiro 10 ; recent . as utterly unfounded the suggestion that there, is a jvatriotic citizen; iu the broad routines ofjhis land .who j has not jit he fullest .and nust splendid jatui glorioirs eonlidenee in every .department of this g(vemment, and in the department of the Navy in particular,! and it has iH'en true iu every adiiunistration Miice tluv time of Washington. The people of the U. S. ' haVe never Vet been called uiKti to distrust one of tin co ordinate branches of ; this gov- : eminent, and they J nevejr Vvill while the Hag lloats. Th'e ollieers appointed to investigate this tmgic Idisaster will do their luty. 1 do not underrate the importance of he legislative branch 1 of the government; 1 believe in its dignity and in its wisdom, and iu the oiH-nuess pf its dis?UKoi0n ;of public posed constitutional amendment giv- iog Congress authority to regulate the hours of labor in all the states. A resolution providing therefor is now being considered by the House 'Ju diciary Committee. ciiy to renew tne eearcn, arriving at to the Baker mill. There he I had a I ! As soon as Chief Orr learned of Per- Arden about 10:30 where they were ouarrel with Tate over th rlnsinn'of VI - I 4k ' n I mmmM A.W U.MfV UU As if a brick" were lying in my sto mach'' is the description bj a dyspep tic of his feeling after eating. This is one of the cpmmoneet symp toms of indigestion. If you have it, take Shal er Digestive Cordial. Not only this symptom, but all the symptoms of indigestion are cured by Shaker D'itrestive Oordial. So many medicines to cure this one disorder. ; Only one that can be called successful, because only one that acts in a simple, natural, and yet scientific way. Shaker Digestive Cordial. joined by J. R. Reagan and M. A; Rickman of Arden. The searchers at once set about work and arrived this morning about day light at the home of Lambert's moth er, about half a mile from Arden. The searchers surrounded this house and a small house occupied by Mrs. Butler, about half a mile from Mrs. Lambert's. Keeping close watch upon the premi ses, the . searchers about daylight heard a noise in the Butler house as though made by some one arising. A little later Lambert came to the door and opened it as if intending to go into the yard. As Lambert appeared the party sprang to the door to make the arrest. Lambert put his hand behind him as though to draw a revolver, but the a door and told him he would fight it woods beyond the pest house whew out if he (Tate) would come out of the tha body, was buried late yesterday mill. In the tussle Tate got the best afternoon. j of it. As he turned to go back Into The other cases at the pest honso tne mill, Williams drew his pistol and are getting along as well as could bo shot him five times. Tate died almost I expected and the Tthvsicians think . . -mm instantly. i I Williams was immediately captured and has been placed in jail at Dallas. Public feeling runs high against him. He is a deputy sheriff. -Charlotte News. , I that they will all recover. Charlotte Kews. i . . ! . SENATOR MANNA ILL. Till fx& ti&ila cf OASTOIUA. ; ill n Penelope New. Purely vegetable; and containing no dangerous ingredients, Shaker Diges- captors were too quick for him and he tive Cordial tones up, strengthens, and J was quietly subdued. Soon after the arrest was made the captors started to the city with their restores to health all the digestive or-. gans. I - v - fc'o'.d by druggists, price 10 cents to $1,00 a bottle. prisoner, and when they arrived he was placed in the county, jail. This So much news from our mother town, Hickory, hasjbeen coming, to us for the past few days that we hjwi for gotten our own dull little items.. We have about decided to accord to Hick ory the rights of belligerents, j- ! Our telephone people 6eem to be slow in getting their poles and wires up. An Acute Attack from Which He Had Per j tlally Recovered Lest Night. Senator Maak A. Hanna, of Ohio, became seriously ill yesterday, as a re sult of derangement wnich. had been growing cn him for4 several weeks. For awhile he suffered intensely, and Dr. W. W. Johnston was in constant attendance. He was much better last njght, however, and his physician stated that he would be able to be up to day. , For several days Senator Hanna had been suffering with pains in his back. which, although intense at times, did Col Tom Anderson. J'oct. afternoon he was takn to Henderson- We had loped to be rising the line be- t compel him to give up his work. Col. Thomas tho Seaboard Adonis, has just poems laudatory hues and -town?. Johnathan Anderson, Air Line's pcet and issued a book of Of the Seaboard's It is in the shape of an alphabet and is entitled ' "Study and Learn." Its redundant title gives no idea of the lofty sentiment and beautiful diction of the contents. For instance, in the course of his canto, the pott's Pegassus: canters thusly: i-L la lor LUtlftan and Uncolnton. N, Cf Tlue towns fire prrtty as pretty can be. Thi fr n.In-ral .waters are kntwn to be ooti For rhnnic djsppf ia and diseases of blood. That s the stuff! TheXiivineaMatus permeates the whole and lives t.nd breathes in every syllable. Bully for this new luminary in Poesy's sky! (irindout some kuore, do. Only in frequent thinkers can fail to be warmed by theie Byronic ebullitions. Keep it .a-b'lin Tom, "Lincoln Journal." ville by Messrs. Morgan and Regan to be delivered to Sheriff Williams, of Henderson, in which county the crime was committed. f 7. The capture of Lambert was largely due to Messrs. Morgan and Regan, who have been for some time at work on the case and quietly, but persis tently prosecuting the search. Lambert, who is only about 19 years of age, told his captors that he had not been more than three miles from his home since the shooting. A reward of $100, offered by Gov einor Russell,' was outstanding for the capture of Lambert. About 3 this afternoon Lambert was taken to the passenger depot. A great many people were attracted, to tne room, principally employes of the road. A strong guard kept watch over the prisoner. Patrolmen Jordan and Jarvis accompanied the party to Biltmore. Asheville Citizen. i The Danjer of Sprlnjc. Which arise from impurities in the blood and a depleted condition of this vital fiuid may be entirely averted by Hood's Sarasparilla. This great med icuie cures all spring humors, boils. eruptions and sores, and by enriching FLATLY RECEIVED HERE: vigor. The Press Saszetted It. queMion; put wnat we nctl now. ,n nud vitalizing the blood, it overcomes my opinion, i? a decent and dinilled tuat' tired feeling and gives vitally and Mlence m the face of the appalling calamity which has fallen ujon our people. There are times! for speaking amd there are times for science, and at this time, whn we face the awful event that has overtaken us we should rttraiu any expression jof opinion or fXpressioti our of belief as to thei causes of this terrible disaster until iu a projKT, regular, and formal wa an investigation may Ih had by the Navy department, which we know will be conducted with the utmost upriht nes and the utmost iutegrity." Sen ator Ixnlge of Mass., said out the same subject: MDocs any one suppose that the Captniu of that fehip, who, wouud xl and stunned by the explosion re inaineil the last on the sinking vessel, and who, iu the midst of that awful excitement, sent a dispatch showing a cooluess which is an honor to the Americau name, is going to lie about Ijis ship? The Secretary of ! the Navy is a. man of distinguishei! ability, of honor and itridtism. If anyone Imagines that Secretary Long will not tell the truth and insist- upon the whole of it, he little knows! the char acter of the man. I think i these, who know Theodore Roosevelt! would be slow to believe he would. ;eek to con ceal the truth iu regard to this disas ter. We want ' to know the truth. We .understand that preparations are being made to give an enhibi tion of two locomotives colliding some where near Wilmington during the coming summer. The affair is to be modeled after the famous oue in Texas some years ago, "iuxcusion trains will be run from all railroad joints in the State. . I In this connection Col. Thornton tells us that thtf Phkss was the fiirst newsjvqer to suggest the idea of a prearrange! collision as a spectacle which would excite extraordinary- in teret aid give the spectator a unique sensation, r I t i ' i ' - Those who puffer from impaired di gestion and weak stomachs, and on ac count of this have a peculiar dread of chilis and fever, will be glad to learn that a cure for chills and fever is now mauufacturevl and universally sold which does not injaie the stomach but actually benefits it. It is RamonV Pe psln Chill,Toniv Tasteless and guar anteed. 50 c O V RTOI? T A. Project for Fusion of 5ilver; Democrat. Popu lists and Republicans.. The addresses on behalf of the Demo cratic, Populist and Silver Republican parties, signed respectfully by Messrs. Joue. Butler and lowne, advising a union of forces on the financial isue, have not been received with much cor diality here. " r Few Democrats endorse the project, comparatively few Populists do and there is absolutely no Republicans here who favor the scheme.' A prominent fusionist said last night that the project was impracticable and could not be carried out.. Congressionl al fusion on thei lines projected, he said, would be out of the question with the. existing conditions In North Caro lina. '. :' - -,-' fore this time. They should get a move on themselves. 1 - Last Sunday was such an inclement day that Little, pastor of the Metho dist chureh, met rather a small 1 con gregation. He seems to be very ac ceptable as a preacher to his people. We commend one trait of his ministry he preaches on time and surmises when he is through. Foolishnsss does not appear to have any place in his services. ' i There has been some ' excitement over the Ephriam Abee estate. It ap pears that his son 4 Waitsel concluded that after his fathers death everything reverted to him, regardless of the wid ow's existence. The strong arm of the law has been invoked in her behalf and she is now in possession. There has been talk of a lawsuit over some laud between this same man Abee and several of bis .neighbors.. We trust that it will be adjusted without more ado concerntng it. i Mr, Rockett tells us that he is meet ing with very good success with; his store which ho has been running here for a few months. j - February, if it keeps up its record a few more days, will prove to be the severest month of cold weather during the year. ! Quietus. r . j Hood's Pills cure neusea, j Mch head ache, biliousness audi all liver ills. Price 25 cents ' j Thursday ho suffered an ecu te attack, but refused to permit his friends to 1 summon a physician. Yesterday morning, however, he had a repetition of the attack, and Dr. Johnston was called in. Senator Hanna i suffered In tensely for awhile, but -secured some relief during the day and last night ho was much better. His physician states thafwhile he is in no danger, h will probably be confined to tho hotel for everal days, although ho wjll bo able to leave Jfils bed and trans act business in his room. ,Dr. John ston spent the greater part of last night with his distinguished patient. Washington Post. ! A MOTH Lit 'S GHATITUDE. llow Chronic Catarrh Affects the Little Ones: I Mrs. O. W. Heard, Howth.Tex., In a recent letter to Dr. II art man, writes: 'l ehd you by to day's mail a photo of years old We are glad to chronicle ih f.nct that there is not, and i ot at all Irkcly to be, a case of email pox iu Marion. The nearest cae are in the Charlctte think r the The need of a good Spring Medicine is almost universal and Hood's Saras pari! la exactly mcts this need. Be sure to get Hood's. f; nest house. We do not contagion will reach Marion. It if, however, the proper thing to do to avoid it as much as possible by being vaccinated. In that there is security rubied ray baby and it ought not to be delayed.- Me- l a jrreat deal at - ! j t " Dowell Democrat.; I my sou. Carl, who was five January ICth, and who was affected wth chronic suppuration of the mid dle ear, of which La cu pi a cured him, I also tend a photo of my baby girl. Ruby, who was two years old in Janu ary and hail onie derangement of tho bqweU. fche was a mere skeleton and we did not think stm won Id ever get well. She had been sick three or four mouth- and Pe ru-ua has made her ound and wl ! I rr v tr les than one bottle. I find the V TA rn.fiii im rl x.. colic which tro- nC-: S V Si V -W 46 Csliifiii The contract has been let for the building of a new .academy at Boon- vtll a1 kin conntv. i I xras my great aSHcticn for a hct ber of years. Doctors did not help rae. By a friend's advice I began nsiag your medicines, and was perfectly cured after taking three bottles cf OABTOHZA. fJF? sty v s Ua M . . $9 LI.A. NEWLAND, 1 ATT0RXEY-A1-LAW. Newton, X. C. I Practices in the State courts and In the U. S. Courts of the Western Dis trict of X. C, and before the Commis sioner of Internal ReTenue, Wasbing- J. lITET,lT3HaIrrjSt,:-warlc,NJ. D- C- night, when f he began to improve in strength and ap petite. I cannot praise Pe-ru-n and La-cu-p-a too much. You are wel come to ue any extracts from my let ters if it will help the suffering in any way.". ' - ' j. AjTery instructive book entitled tho "Ills of Life," written by D. Hart man, Is a complete little book on family medicine. It will be tent free by ad dressing The Pe-ru-ca Drug Manufac turins Company, Columbus, Ohio. A fpecial to the Aheville Citiren says there U a reported case ! of ssiail pox In Clay county, la the extremo western portion of the State. Tho s aspect has been quarantined.

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