ui iJbrtrj i 1 - : j .1 ; t i - - ( c : '..,-'.- i t 11 iii i a i ft sv. i m i & PROTECTION- ! INDUSTRY ! ENTERPRISE ! PROSPERITY I VULUME 30. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1898. HTOIBEB9 WASHINGTON i LETTER. The President Busy The New Spaalsh'Mlnls ter Presented Saturday. (IlepuIaT Carres ponrlent.) Washington, March 14th, 1898. President McKInley b one of the came prevalent that England was try ing to make use of the probability of a war with. Spain to inveigle the IJ. S. into an alliance offensive and defensive with her. It is all very pretty to talk about an alliance between the Eng lish-speaking people being strong en- BUSINESS .REVIVAL. THE SITUATION CRITICAL. A WORD IN 3CAS0N. XsvsJ Officers rerbUdea te FuraUtT Any U loraUa tt ta Press. WAsnxsQTOs, March 14. Evidence that the Administration is anticipate ough to dominate the world but the Statistics StooW Hany Proofs Ot ing hostilities in a very short time was hardest worked men in the countr? f.t in the dominating business. Prosperity ill Past Year. just now. He has not abandoned hope tliat peace maybe preserved with hon or, but he is working night and day to place the country in a position to wage a successful war against Spain just as though he were certain thai and has no idea of going Into it Be- sides, it has many and growing com mercial interests that are necessarily directly opposed to those of EnglandT and other European nations. Having successfully played a lone hand for Chsrlette Obssrver Calls tke TtsMS-Mercary a Fal aa4 a Liar. The following editorial appeared in the Charlotte Observer of March 15th, aud speaks for its self: given to-day in the isiaance of an or- t uv der by Socretary Long forbidding offl- Mercury, a paper which we never see: war is to come. His head has not been : fc" i J, . .1 . ... I make more progress than auv other nation on earth, it lih't likely that the cers on duty at the Navy Department TALUE OF - XI YE STOCK arnih any information to the press without hit consent. In explanation of this order, a prominent officer said: 'Matters are now so critical that it GREATLY ENHANCED. turned even a little bit by the extra ordinary confidence reposed in him by Congress, in putting by unanimous vote $50,000,000 in his hands to be us ed jor national defense. He is cool ami deliberate, just as he has been fronijiie first. Ire calmly ignores the sensational reports of this or that Eu ropean nation being about to form an alliance with Spaiji, and is as fully de termined as ever to maintain National honor at afl hazards. I Notwithstanding various contrary assert jons, it is a fact tliat neither the President nor the Secretary of the Na vy lias received from any member of the Maine Court of Inquiry, a single ucird intimating what the report of the Court will be. They have, of course, like all other intelligent men, funned an opinion from the evidence that has appeared in the columns of respectable newspapers, of what the probable nature of the report as far as it concerns the explosion, will be, but tHey have no inside knowledge of what the court ha done or will dd, and ex pect none, anyone than they would peel advance intitnatiou of what a de cision of the U. S, Supreme Court would be in any iven cast; it might have under consideration. There will b. no (l !ay in acting asi seou as the report, which the President will ac cept linul, i.i made, ami' Spain will ' not be allowed to delay responding to : the deina ids of this government, if it be bhown that, the Maine ., was blown tip from the outside, and of that there is now very little doubt. While the I're.-idont is keeping hi. si own counsel .. . .u to the '.demand that will bo made upitii Spain, it can 'be M.t down as cer tain that it will be one that will be in- ' dorj-ed by the entire 'American people, jut as the lresidents policy has been up to the present time, and it is gener ally believed that it will include a pro- i. portion for a delinite 'Settlement of " the trouble in Cuba. There are al- -ready j-trong indications 'that Spain has adopted a policy of delay, which ! will .eek t( carry out, -but it. will seek iti vaiii. -It will. -either '.'have.'" to meet i our detuands promptly or fight. ...(" No Quaker cou!d profess greater ; brotherly iove for the United States than doolthe new Spaniel Minister, ;. who va presented President Mclvinley r Saturday. He talked af though peace wer a--iirel aud that his greatest au- xiety s "to complete a rec "procity trea ! ty with us: That talk isn't throwing any sand in anvbodv's eves. The contUlvMiee felt by' tngres in ' the President- is "du plicated by that i reweit wy. the President in his Secre ; taries trf War aiul Navvj and bv that "t placed In tlu!r Bureau Cliiefs bv those Secretaries. Aa istanct f this conn- ; denco in the ca-e of ienFIagler, Chief : of Ordnance..- who has bven authorixed r by Secretary Alger to place; orders for, .ius iJucl'i war. material as he may deem :. ." iieettss.ry under x'i.isting circumstau ; ivs, C en. Flagler h directesl all makers of both gutis and ammunition to run their estaOlishments to thrir IMPROVED TRAFFIC BU5LNES5 PR0VE5 RETURN OP GOOD TIMES. The Semi-Weekly Chat lotta Obser ver is being sent out to men who hav not subscribed for It. Some belleva It is a trick of the goldbugs and railroads to send out literature that will edu cate the people to oppose any co oper- UJS. would care to hamper itself with a partnernow. The building of three new battle ships, to be us good as the best now afloat, and one of them to be named Moine, is authorized by the saval Ap propriation Bill. A Good Day's Work. "My brother was in such a condition: that he could not walk but a short dis tanco witnout resting. tie naa no strerigh and his blood was very poor. He has been taking Hood's SarsaDar- ..... . i'. ' . . .4 ilia ana can now uo a gooa day s work on the farm. We feel he owes, his health to this medicine." Miss Eva Moss, Whitehall, Ya GOOD BUSINESS IN THE SOUTH. Brdt"eet Reports Activity In. Nearly All Lines of Distributive Trade. ' : I ' - - . r- ? ' ' NkwYork, March 11. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Continued activ ity in-nearly all lines ofl distributive trade, but more particularly at the larger cities of the West, South; and far Nor t Invest, is the most favorable i feature coiiiing under notice. Other favorable features include the heavier foreign demand for wheat and Hour, as indicated by increased exports over last week and last year, and bank Clearing heavily exceeding correspond ing periods of previous years, though smaller than ;" in receut weeks. Less fayorable features are few. The vol ume of busjness in the iron arid steel trade is reported very large, with rela; tively best reports coming from the Wet. Pig iron production shows a further gain and stocks a slight in crease. Large sales of copper are a feature, and rices are rexorted higher for the week, as arj also quotations for Iudian corn, and wheat Hour. The industrial .) - situation sejems likely to be improved by the ending of the New Englaud National Bank Reports IodlcaU Restoration f ConOdeuce and Flow of Honey Into Trade Bemarkable FaUlaff Ofl In Number of Failures and Amount ' ot UabilltUs. Special Dispatch to the Globe-Dsmocrat. Washington, D. C, March 8. In reply to the question how far the im provement which has taken place dur ing the last twelve months in trade and agriculture was capable of statis tical demonstration. Statistician Hyde, of the Department of Agricul ture, stated to day that nothing could be more significant than the official statistics bearing on this subject which had recently become available. It could not be questioned, he said, that the farmers of the United States have received for their cereal crops of 187 something like $1SO,000,000 more than for those of 180G, and 80,000,000 more than for those of any preceding year since 1802. The hay crop, not withstanding that it was the largest with one exception ever raised, com manded an increased price, per ton; wool is higher.and considerably high er, than at any time sidcc 18S3, and cotton is the only important product with regard to which there is not a substantial i improvement over the conditions, pre v(U Mng. 3rea ago; A X1 .1 i!. Dim more signincaut are tue nans- tics of farm animals, which show that during the veaf 1807 the. farm' horses would be unwise to allow any of our I atlon on silver as marked out by plans to be made public Heretofore I Bryan and endorsed by Jones, and to we went ahead in preparation for any keen tne PP18 1 rom - ... . lin the 8tate airainst the railroad 00- emergency. ow we are araid that l ,M . . , the emergency may not be avoided, passenger rates. If this is a trick of and are determined that bur prepara- the goldbug Democrats a ud it looks tions shall be kept as ble. New York Sun. secret as possi- I tnat wa Nvm have the same ten- dency we warn . the ieop.e against this trap into which they are being SOTTVTi lUlKTNFRSi STTTT1TTAV t ,et, purposely. j.imuK.ui mo vniz.eu tor uie ivinuiy NO RESTRICTIONS OR HINDRANCES. cotton mill Business strikes. is generally active at the West. Southern and ' Southwestern buyers are nore active at St. Louis. i Kansas' City jiacking houses report de mand one tiiird larger than last year. A perceptible improvement in distri bution is iioted.in Chicago in many lines of trade. An order for 10,i.KK tons of steel rails is a feature of the weeks' business at that citv. Trade is of a satisfactory volume at the 3North west. Export biisiness in flour and Avheat fr)m theacitic coast shows a cousid- . Boat, building inactive account. A good business is doihg at the South. The business failures in the United States this Week number 247, against 232 last week, and 227 in the corres IH'mding wH-k of 1807. The business failures in .'tilie Canadian Dominion for erable!' gaii on.'" Alaskan t h is week n(i m oer 31, ag:ii ns t 27 last week, and 35 in lt?t7. . 1 larger wheat and flour, but smaller full caiMcitv untt. further orders, iiut corn bipunts are a featuJe of export iu wate or citravdgaiice is . to be trade this week. The total exports of countenanced in e,i'therj the War or heat, flout included, from the United Naw Department; everv dollar spent States and Cianada this week aggre- will be uixn estimates, lapprovM not CTte 4.41,71 bushels against 3,22,002 onlvliv tbe sWretjirvl but bv th bushels last week, 1.01,4S2 bushels in of the country increased in value oyer $23,000,000, the mules oyer. $0,000,000, the milk cows over f 03,000,000, other cattle over $104,000,000, sheep over 23,000,000 and swine over 8,000,000 a total increpse of value daring the vear of over -23. UOO.WU. Tins re markable increase in value is well dis tributed, there Jbciiig 'not a state or, territory in the" union that does not report an increased average farm price per head of cattle .and sheep, and but few where an equally satisfactory re port is' not made as regards all other farm animals. There is scarcely abetter index to business conditions, he continued, than is afforded" by transportation re- lceqts. A recently imbltshed state ment of the traffic through the canals at Sault Ste. Marie showed an in crease of no less; than 17, per cent in freight tonnage over . the ireceding year. This was not due to the large wheat erbp. for the '.shipments of wheat by way of the great lakes were omewhat less than in the ireceti(ng year, it was msae up largely .ox an increase of 31 jv?r cent in the tonnage of iron ore. and there was also an lu cre ise of 33 iKr cent in the amount of hard coal and of 18 ier cent in the amount of lumber transported, the total tonrcaga transported being great ly; in excess of that of any previous year. ' While Mr. Hyde was not in posses sion of recent statistics of railroad earnings, a comparison of the, prices Tlio Country Assured That Its Resource Are Beyond the Reach of Any Foreign Power. Kkw York, March li. It. G. Dun & Co. 's Weekly Revie of Trade will say in its hsue tomorrow: It is most gratifying that no industry or branch of business shows any I restriction or hindrance, but some have been r.trud- iy gniniug for the past week and month. The railways are gaining, even while speculators are selling their stocks, and tbe demand for products for all the.gre'at industries is increas ing. More gold is coining from Eu rope than is needed, $10,808,000 having been ordered during the past week, and imoney markets ! are nowhere alarmed or stringent, though reasona bly more cautious. 'The- country rests assured th&t its industries, almost all of its business, the foreign demand for its products, and especially all its re sources are beyond the j reach of any foreign xiower and that its lionor and foreign interests are inj mfe hands. The greatest of all industries is send- roijeut. and in writing at that. P Congress is very decidedly opposed to auythlug that might be coustrued by the world as an alliance between the U. S. andCireat Brit iani The feel In; against ''entaugling; foreign com- 127,000 bushels in 1815 Corn exjvorts are ! sniaher. amounting to 3,- 25,000 bushels, against 5,054,000 bush els last week. S. B. Moore, of Greensbcrg, Ky.t savs: i was very omous lor a loner pUc:itions" is quite as strong now as it tiule. bad fiea off and getting in bad was iu the days of George Washington, health. I had dyspepsia and tpit up I began uirg Uomon's LIv- of railroad stocks on March 1 with those of the correjonding date last year showed a most remarkable in crease, not only In the granger ro ids, but in the most ktable railroad prop erties of the Eastern state. ing grain forward as if it there were uo limit to the supply. . Wheat ex port3 have been 4,17i,497 bushels, flour included, ' against l,2C8,171 last year from Atlantic and Pacific ports. and for two. weeks 7,402,7.10 bushels, against 3,010,540 jlast velar. - Exports of corn, in spite of smaller yield, have been 7,700.404 bushels in 'two weeks, against 9,330,095 last year, when they far surpassed all records. Wheat de clined 4f j;ents. but j corn did not change during the week Cotton de clined an eignth" sales of I fertilizers in dicating less retluction Of acreage this year than was expected. Exiort of principal products in February were S'Jl, 034,001 in value, with an increase over last year of 50 per cent, fn bread stulTs, iu cotton 2.3 per ccfit and 2-5 per cent in the aggregate. ' The weekly output of pig iron was 228.333 tons, February Ut!, but 234,,0 March 1, and the increase of unsold stocks in February was onlj 5,852 tone weekly for export or; consumption against 218,457 in Januarv and 215.349 in November 1805. the month of great est consumption for railroad cars, for vessels on the lak, for, levators and oil pipe lines, for agricultural hcpl xnent worhs and lor sheets, i beyond precedent, and structural and rail works are crowded j vrith ordrj", though now receiving few. '" The min or metals are generally stronger in de mand.. - ' '; j" Sales for wool for this iweek hare been the smallest since the wek of greatest alarm in Augutj 106. but We do pot need any help from Eng land to tight our battles, and we do nt iuteud.to help Er gland to 'fight ht-r battles This feeling has been ttrougly expressed sine the Idea be- T. OADTOlt tTt .'f my food. er Pills k Tosnc Fellets according to the Doctor's Book, and a a tesult I increased in ve?gUt 13 poan ls, and feel like a new persoi. . nill.os Given Away It Is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and .suffering. The proprie tor? of Dr. Kinv New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten millions trial bot tles of this gri ; medicine and have the satisfaction f knowing It has abso lutely cured thousand f hopeless cases, Asthoja, Brt nchitis, Hoar- ne&and all diM?as of the Throat Chest and Lung are surelv cured by it. iaii on Miuloril Drug Co. Drag- Hood's Pill are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and get a trial bottle f rfe. regulir 1 "ixe5 V. and 1. Ercrlbott!e gnaraa- .uui j j teeu, or price riunOea. spirit of its comment upon the above, we have to add that the statement that "eome believe that the sending of copies of the Semi-Weekly Obser ver to men who have not subscribed for it is a trick of the goldbugs and railroads,v is a lie. Nobody believes it, not even the ioor fool who wrote the above paragraph In the Hickory Merciry. Latterly, sample copies of the Semi-Weekly Observer have been sent to a great many people In western North Carolina7 though noue have so goxie out for perhaps two months past. It is a gratification to say, parenthet ically, thai as a result of this direct advertising, coupled with whatever merit the paper may have, the Semi Weekly Observer has increased its clr fculatioti by about 750 subscribers In about tix months, while the cixcula tion of the dally, paid .for by the peo ple fo whom it is going, is larger by hundreds than ever before in the his tory, of the. paper. At the present ti; c the Semi-Weekly Observer has a . certain contract from a Charlotte house, calling for . a page advertise ment once a month for six. mouths, and for 18,000 copies of each pajer in which this .advertisement appears. These papers are being distributed far ,tnd wide by the firm doing the adver tising referred to, and this statement will explain to a good many eople " why it is that they are receiving once A month a copy of a semi-weekly i per for which they have not sub scribed. It is the work of the firm ia question. . u The quotation above Is of a piece; with suggestions which appear every now and then iu the blackguard press, Qlited by fellows. who are themselves purchaseable, to the effect that this p:ier is subsidized by, under obliga tion to. -or in some way influenced by the goldbugs, the money iower, the corporations and monojolists. It Is as gd u time as any to say and this a blanket statement, intended to cover whoever is guilty, that the man or paper bringing such accusa tion aral oflVring such Intimation is a coiicious liar. Since nobody con nected with it wants any of the peo ple's offices or anv public favors of any kind whatever, this pajK-r can afford to look the people straight In the eye, and tell them the truth as it ee it. The detraction of tlme-erver? weath-er-vnne and demagogues, together with that of a few of the honest Ignor ant, is the penalty tliat it ia for IU iucerity and Its refatal to change with every wind that b'.ows; but it rest is undisturbed by the traduction of the vicious, since it has demon strated that it can call iu soul (U own. not because any mills have stopped ilH1 Jy a living, and not only a -worj j living but a busings which Is steadily Cotton goods have a large distribu- increasing in each of its several de- tion and prices are generally steady, partmenU. Thank God there remain though in ooUide dealings, print in rta Carolina enough people to clotns are a shade low. PrinU are support It counting those bo agree in better demand. I I with it, and those who. disagreeing The failurea for the week have been wib vaIue it for IU news, and are broad enough to give It ground to stand on. I Tell, then, with IU enemies, perse raters and slanderers. It asks none of them, tor the entire aggregation, any odds. 24 in the United States against 256 last year, and 26 In CanadaJ against 61 last year. .'!:'!.' GASTORIA Pot Infaatx ard ChTrta -EL SIX ' yC'yr . vr itei jlfyoa are not feeling well, why don't you take Hood's Sarsanarilla? It 27ja. j will purify and enrich your blood and do yoa Tondtrfol coed.