HICKORY PRESS: A.P&IL 1888 . j Published every Thurjsday by the Hickory Printing Company. SUBSCRIPTION" 1 year One Dollar. Giuo. Fifty Cent. " 44 3 mo. ! 23 Cents. na. ClVELADS , PROPHETIC SOUL. claimed that Mr. Cleveland, ! nmnrnliic Atliar t rf n p i n fl ftP- -!z -1 or a prophet. Even the most maudlin cuckoo in the land has not ventured to declare that Mr. Cleveland foresaw the present complications and benevolently accumulated money so that his successor might be able to meet them comfortably. To say that would be, to, assert one of two propositions, both of them idiotic and offensive either his admi- There is no than that of the orphan - child bereft of the loving cere of a mother. If wo nea would but learn the vital importance of taking proper care of their health, and al- ways look after the health and vior of tne organs aisunctiy lemmine, ine pmim Sabbath day procession of motherless children that goes to thtj cemetery to . put flowers on ma-ma's graye would be ma terially reduced in numbers. Too many women bring a child into the world at the sacriSce of their own life. This sad trae- rers regard Mr. Cleveland as the edy may be avoided by any wmcn no Only President who COUld borrow The usual dangers of maternity are ban money in thd market of the world ished by the use of Dr Fierce s l-avome, Or they calm y tell US that he has imoortant and delicate organs 1 It I " Al U J r I mntia.VlAv1 ' Tt three Or four years interest On and elastic It does awav with the dis- $2G2,0OOf000 for the sole benefit comforts of the expectant period, insures . r n . , , .. the health of the newcomer, and makes oi au street ana ; its .nuropeu n allies. The cuekoos may take whichever horn of the dilemma they wish. If the money now on hand in the United States Treas- ury is theisame money that Mr. loca,11w"rss n art! i J I could hardly endure the p (; ATfllflnM Tfiaorl Mxr Bfdlincr hnnda I low down, and had such 7 . h. J o ihoulders I could not sleep at night IsHlli E. M. ANDREWS, THE LARGEST STOCK OF FURMITURE Od or Two Eruption of Ecstscy by .Way m I of Illustrmtlonti Bomt of our Southern contem poraries have discovered in the present emergency a warrant lor fresh outbreaks of panegyric oyer the financial policy ofj Mr. Cleve land dnrinc his second term as President of the United States. 4 . : i We shall give one or two eruo tions of.cuckoo ccstacy by way of illustration. Here is the Ashe ; Villa Daily Citizen, to begin with: "What dazzles us is the brass nerve of even a Republican editor lm roL1 Jnr mftffi thfltt 1A S.r)0.- o ihoulders I could not sleeoi at niehU Was just as I nnnntr rliAl loot ttHminictrftfinn I tired in the moraine as at iniffht- At times there 000 000 Of War money CriVen rreS- I , . , , , , . I was a very sharp pain around my heart. When UUVWU Jl U J b . flion Mr C. Avolonrl UnA no rifrVif. 1 would stooo over there was a dull achine just ldent McKinleV Uy tlie VOte OI , . " . , , ,. under the heart. My heald ached and was con- 7. to borrow fh fit mnnAXT n.f all I tinuallv sore to the touch. I took ten bottles of DomOCratS aS Well aS Republicans . . . J. , , the ' Favorite Prescription' and one bottle of the TO SELECT FROM IN THE STATE AND PRICES LOWI . .... ...... . Pianos and Organs Prescription. It acts directly and only on xf , fl . Tw prices and OQ Easv Trmn mat i ji ice iXLOafc ivciiuuio uuvw - . - Write mo if you want anything in my line and you will sav& . i i l-i i r l i.: i monev bv it. Goods exchanged or taen oac n uui sansiaciory. v its advent free from danger ,and almost free from pain. Overt 90,000 j nave testi fied to its virtues. Druggists who offer substitutes are untrustworthy. 1 Mrs. William Vincent, of Sidnaw, Houghton Ox. Mich., (care Birgland's Camp. Box B). writes: When I first began to take your ' Favorite Pre teription.' four years ago.l I was suffering with irouDie. ai nines x pain in ray siaes, quue and had such a pain between my Andre CHARLOTTE, ws, . N. C. r I A a o mnf fr rt nnnn I r1r!r Xfial rifYvrv I ran most tnilv (thlCO KepubllCanS, and Only . . . 4. V . say that as a result I uevet; felt better in ray life v 1 : I co Inc Hnririrr rlu I I nro Innn ro m .n a I -r mnr? lite a vnun? irirl than a mother 01 t "thOSe. ObiectinSr) WaaWOVlded t)V , T , . . . I family. Thepain ail left me, so I know that your thO KepubllCail administration. wilL'i'.jn-.. 1 l:V-: A headache is a symptom of constipation. m.L ,oQ niaA lroc;. f " lir,uu iawu W,ULU ,cSl8ia Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa- t r. .J . .. ted the COnntrv into solvency. I tion, promptly and permanently. They do dent L-ieveianu, ana -mo way u , . , not gripe. Druggists sen tnem. was raised by selling' bonds . . T ,1, t n l.nu hann nnl r I ATil TlA 1 n T rl fill I " luus pruviueu ior. as auqiner 1 - i SPANIARDS IN NEW YORK. sand Republican spellbinders and editors. Thiuk of it. Contem- plate this dazzling nerve! "Moreover, and stronger, if President Cleveland had not sold bonds, the Republicans -would not havo a cent of available cash in tho Trcasury now, and it would 1 A ..11 1 1 - nave ueen necessary 10 sen uouus to provido that $50,000,000 war fund. Yes, think of it!" AH right, we'll think of it later on. Meanwhile let us hear from tho esteeiiied New Orleans Pica "Kven as it is, when no actual htate of War exists, but only time ly preparations for possible dan jr are beings made, iUappears that this country is spending 'money at thy rate of $2,000,000 ptr day, and the. .receipts average only about $l,000,OtSO per day. If this pact) is kt'pt up for three month longer thoie will not bo much more than $100,000,000 in cluding the gold reserve in the Treasury July 1. Tho fact that tho ; ireasury today is able to btand the drain on it is due to the fihaucering for which President Cleveland was so ; bitterly- -de . iiounceu. i . ior inai uio gov- cruuiem wouui now oj uorrowing money. . . : . ; "These incidents are important object lessons to. teach the peo pie how absolutely necessary it is .'.that' the national finances shall be fixed upon a sound ' arid solid ba- ' Kts, with a money standard that is acknowledged arid accepted as the best in every market in the world ; Just a few thought's in this ec static connection and we close the incident. ' j. If Mr. Cleveland was justified at all in selling boiiJs and incur ring a national debt of $2G2,000. 000 three or- four! years ago it . could only havo been ori the ground of immediate and impera tive necessity. Ho cannot be de fended if heTwrroweil more mon , ey than thi Treasury actually needed at that mdrneut. Hence, if tho transaction were legitimate and statesmanlike,! the mouev ko acquired must have been expend cd for strictly lawful purposes and vuuju uui; ueta leit as a legacy to tho present administra tion. If these millions were not neetled for use at the time, ; then luo sale of bonds to procure them k was a censurable act. fit benefit ted nobody but the speculators, who bought the bonds and sad dled a huge debt upon the Amer ican peoplo to no good end. Wchavo not so fax heard it matter of fact, Mr. McKinley could raise'8500,000,000, or even a larger sum, if it were needed now, quite as readily as Mr. Cleveland and doubtless on much more iavorauie terms, n alt. Cleveland borrowed that money merely for the purpose of prepar- ing a iuture administration tor a financial emergency, history will regard 'hi id1- with an amazement which it were difficult to call res pectfulWashington Post. i - -1 flany Individuals of All Classes, but No "Colony." LOOKING. FOR HEIRS. The Statesville Landmark savs: L. M. Otts an attorney of Greens boro, Ala. ''was in town this week looking for heirs to an estate left by a Mr. 1McI-ry, of Alabama, who died-recentl3T. Tlie estate is estimated to be worth $ 10,000 or more, and tho heirs in this section are the grandchildren of Mrs., Vina Shefrill, who was a sister of the deceased McEary. Mrs. Sher rill had tliree daughters who will I. ' . 3 heir their; grandmothers share of tho estate i estimated to amount to from seven to ten- thousand. xuo juiuusi laiuresteii are tlie heirs of Mrs. Chas. Harwell. Mrs Martha Kobinou and Mrs. Mar garet Maybew, who were the daughters of ilrs. Sherrill. There are quite a number of them and somo of them live in Davidson township, this county; and some in Latawba county. Messrs. Arm held and 1 1 urner were emn'oved by. Mr. Otts, who is the attorney for the administrator of the Mc Rary estate, to look hp the heirs in this section. r r:ir t : l i , .ur. .uciiury was reiaieu to tue late T. Fl McKary, of Davidson township, and also to Mrs. J, S.! Troutman, of Fallston township; this county, but it seems that onlv "What will the of XeV York do in batween the United S a'es and 5Spain?,J a citizen of New York asked one of the leaders in Span ish society recently. The Spaniard smiled and said: 'Find the Spanish c;ol .ny, and I will jret an answer from those who ccmoose it.'! Ho explained that, although there are a number of Snanlsh merchants, Home professional men, and a few-manufacturers in New York, there is no such New York together at stated times. The founder of the club was Mr. Balnasano, and the first board of officers was composed as follows: President, Dr. Navarro, Consul General of Mexico; Vice President, Arturo Baldasano . y Topete; Treasui er, Anton Gonza- laz; Secretary, A. Cuyos; board of goverrors,7 Nicholas Equeria, Severo Mettee-Provost, Adrian Martinez. The club held its meetings in rooms at Fifth avenue and Nineteenth street, and the Soanish eolonv . l-phice soon became the congre- case, of war were in Chili, Pern, Brazil, Col ombia, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Central America and Argentina, Two years later the club moved to another house, in Lexington avenue, and last year it took pos- session of the house at Fifty eighth street and Lexington avenue, where it now has its home. The club is known as the Spanishclub; but of its 150 mem bers only twenty wer born in Spain, and the rest are natives of the various South American countries, Cuba, Mexico, kc. A thing as a Span turo Baldasano S nanish Consul Ar- sh colony. y Topete, the General, cou- ating place of the better C:ass of list of the recently elecied officers c tizmi of the city .wLo-e homes j ot tlie club siiows mat 110 place was favored to the exclusion of others, and that a Cuban who is j in sympathy with tho insurgents is the President and leading spir it of the organization. New York Tribune. firmed tills statement, and said that, although there were about two thousand Sbaniards in and near New York City, thev repre sented all classed of society, and were i, ot like the foreigners who drift toward one part of the eity and form a "coionv" there. The Spaniards in New York do not lose their identity, and they maintain friendship with their Spanish fellow-citizens through social and benevolent societies: and a number of restaurants are the recognized conr e at i n r places of New JYork Si aniardsi These range from the quiet, well- It is impossible, for tho system to withstand the demands made upon it just at this season, with out the assistance of s. good -purifying and strengthening tonic. The changes which Nature decrees shall take plsce each spring are so severe mat- a breakdown is 4 almost sure to come. It is wiso that all possible assistance bo A Little Boy' Trouble "My little boy has been troubled, every priii;? for the past four or five years by an "eruption covering his bodv and limbs. It was to bad he could not et on his M.oes and Mock-" ings. Ijistprin I head of Hood's Sarsaparilla, ami by takinp bfs medi- cine he was entirely cured." kttie Kya, Winchetter, Va. given during this period, as upon j this purifying process depends the ! 1 General Debility appointed place women iinirer ally punctuated tlie place which most aristocratic where men and for an hour or more over a gobd dinner liber- with cigarettes to anvertises 'the table d'hote in health for the entire umnor. 3110 IlAPN& III rieSil T 1-1. . i rveryooay just now should tao a Scott's Emulsion has been the standard remedy for nearly a quarter of a century. Physicians readily admit that they obtain re sults from it that they cannot get from any other flesh-forming: food, i Therc are many other prepara "tions on the market that pretend to do what ass I a thorough course of Swift's Specific TneiLPiyyei whiqh thoroughly cleanse the blood of all tlie accumulated im putities, tones up and strensjthens th entire system, and fids Nature iu renovating and renewing the IxkIv so as to render it healthv and strong. Those who purifv "their blood '-with S. Si S. at this spason tire well fortifiwl against the manv forms of disaso so pnvaleut dur iup; the dreaded heated term, for the city with wine for oO cents. ' In most of these places the pro prietors ive strong hints to their quests that diicussions on the subject of politics will not be tol- tfrnt a1 rt nil f the heirs of Mrs. ina Sherrill are ufl vr Lu- ; i c . , , . . , ,1 uearb iittie varlalk in tlie Snan- ncluded in the division of the ;u c . 1 estateStatesvillo Landmark, j .T .LtL.M,l" c..,:...,. uvj;un.ui-jyakliti J AlAi il I is the name applied to the exclti- w York, and of more than fifty. i.milio Pinrr. i Mvt i?ei m i e these thero are Anion jr them are If our .Democratic brethren mean business, they will either make Jas. K. Jones resign a.4 ...w.,t.. vMU.iiuau, Kfl AU.AAVU lilUA D '..1' I 1 T- ,- r fork over some evidence of hii I 1t t , I, . ' T,. . r conversion since he introduced f Flons, Mer- the bill to issue .-500,000,000 in , "f, bonds and retire the greenbacks! lJfT JL a. Why does not Bryan kick? i.nd T "uu uoso L ' T vhy do Chairman Towne, of the National Silver Republican par ty, and National Chairman But- kV number ot these Spaniards. some Spanish- toircther with ler. of tho Populist party confer i T.T, c T V v 7 i' ith such a man uutil hi record e SPC ltU SU is cleared up? Progressive Far- . . . , ""J puicij jsvci, UUU IUOS6 WHO we mr. ifii f rtTI ril llAnA.1 iU.i Zl I . UUCA . Jfc x t ar cwtiiuMi rortm. I jii?ht 'bo th . means of brinih u c:c.c.isacunt,Ainwrfiij i all the Spaniih-Airencans of docs, but they fatt to perform it The pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil t has been demonstrated that th j made into a delightful cream, skill- vstem that is thorough K &ca in the 6prmg. ls pnarcd to resist disease ijll summer. Kb other rcmedv on the market is equal to Swift's Specific as a spring medicino, because it is tho only purely vegetable blood rem edy and is guaranteed absolutely free from potah, mercury and aU other minerals. It cleanse puri nes. UU1I.1! Tir Orl -A- it ( - i ' a. mi tTM'i rick r a 1 ing hall as good. " ' A -: V' fully blended with the Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda, which are such valuable tonics, makes this preparation an laeai one and checks tne wasting tendency, and the patient almost hnrned Late ly commence to put oa flesh and gain a strength which surprises them. a Th wracr. - SCOTT i EOWNE, aku. NVw York. ) it, . 5iSvy Jjthroush.the i trntt lor Gatarh tfcat a- Lain rittxmrj. aiuerrnry Mill Vurrlv ileitroy tl Mnce of ixaell ana nupletelvderaLr mucous iurfacr. article chould never be oel except oa prescription from reputable phi cian, at the datuaze they- will ! o ten fold to the pood you can jo--i ' derive from them. Hair Catarrh Cure. manufictur-d by F. J. Clwf Men acd tatdicint are jutlj i,v wluat tney do. The cure! hv iik 1 Co- Toledo. Ohio, contains no v-- .. . ; . "VA 9 ; Srarari!U give it a good name every ! cuy, RnJ U takrw internally, neuiZ where, M directly uion the blool idJ niucva -' tf. ' be mtin.hD bui--' a"tATTh Carel e ure vou I tD nnine. It is tken iDtem!. and rn&do in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J Cheney & Co. TetimonLal free. QZo9 X ii. fnj'tt 6t Sold by Drurht. nri r rr botUe "T r - ' i - i 3

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