2 licltorj fjresg Published every Thursday by, the Hlckoiy Irintlnfr Company. SUBSCRIPTION 1 year One Dollar " C mo. Fifty Cents. 3 mo. 25 Cents. KO REDRESS IN COURT. Opinion in Civil Service Case. WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH EXECU TIVE RIQHT OF REMOVAL. The Supreme Court Reverse the Opinion of the Circuit Court in the West Virginia Litigation. Justice Harlan yesterday hand ed down the opinion of the United States Supreme Court in the cases of A. B. White, collector of inter nal revenue for the District ol West Virginia, against Berry, Butler and Iiuckmau, appealed from the Circait United States for Cdurt of I West Virginia. The appelles were guagers and storekeepers at the Hannis dis-j tillory,; in West Virginia, and Mr. Wrhite, who was appointed to the; office of internal revenue collector by Mr. McKinley, announced his purpose to remove them and ap point Republicans to their places. Thev resisted removal on the s .... ground that as they were em- -plovod under the civil service law they could not be removed except, for cause shown and proved. ..j In the West Virgina Circuit Court an Order was issued sus- taining the appelles -and- "res- ' training: and inhibiting AVnite f from in any wise interfering with, the plaintiffs in the possession of their offices and the discharge of their duties." . j It was contended on behalf of tho government that the Circuit Court, sitting in equity, as it did in the case, was 'without jurisdicH tion to entertain the suit. The opinion yesterday accepts this view of the matter, reverses the Circuit Court, and does not there- foro enter upon tho merits of thq ciate with your wives and daugh various questions involved. Jus- ters, and you wi!l bring them to tico Harlan said: "If tho assign- their senses." This we heard him ment of some one to duty as- guager at tho Hannis distillery - : in tho place of the plaintiff did not work his removal frjm office ft court of equity ought not to assumo to control the ' discretion which tho 4 executive department has in all matters. Interference by tho judicial department would lead to tho utmost confusion in tho management of executive af fairs." Washington Post Juno 1 A. nig Judgment Attlrmed. At tho September term of ' Da vidson Superior Court J. C. Kerii ney, an engineer who was hor- ribly scalded in the Harrisburg wreck of a year ago was given every subscriber to know, and judgment for $20,000 damages read the following carefully: against tho North Carolina Rail- A postmaster is required to road Company. This is the sec- cive notice . by letter (returning ond largest judgment for damages the paper does not answer the ever rendered in North Carolinai law) when a subscriber does not Tho railroad company appealed take his paper from the office and to tho Supremo Court, and last slate the reason (for its not being week tho judgment of the Snpe- taken out. j rior court for $20,000 and interest Any person who takes a paper from September, 1897, was af J regularly from the ' postoffice, firmed. The company will now whether it be directed to his name pAy the money. B. F. Lng, of or another or whether he has btatcsyille, A. C. Avery, of Mor-j subscribed for it or not, isres-ganton,-. and F. C. Bobbins, of ponsible for payment ; Lexington, were counsel for the Ii a person orders! his paper plaintiff in this case.-StatesYUe disconUnued, he must pay all Mascot ' arrears or the publisher may con- f I ' " ' tinuo to send the same until pay- Th coontry's Resources j ment is made, and collect the 'While the wealth of a country whole amount j ought not to make its people .The courts hare decided that proud, it haturally makes them refusing to take a newspapers glad, if there be enough of it to put up a highly favorable com- parison with other nations. This country does not occupy the lead- ing place in actua cash, or its equivalent, on hand; but in its resources its acreage of roduc tive soil, its minerals, its general capacity to supply Itself and the outside world with indispensables it defies competition. The post has recently shown that a single State, imperial Texas, could easily feed all the people of the United States; it has reported our great increase of exports during the last fiscal year and our decreasing dependence on foreign sources for the products of skilled labor. These are cheering evidences of increasing wealth. , But there are pother quite as impressive. evidences The Engi- neering and' Mining Journal's annual publication called "The Mineral Industry," makes a splen did showing for the past year. The value of the total mineral productions of the country for the year 1897 exceeds the mineral output of any other country in tho world, nearly double that of Great Britain for 189C, the last year for which figures are availa ble, and surpassing that of all continental Eurore. including the mineral producing countries of rormnn T?Tnnna Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and Russia. Washington Post. "Trtat Them ah fejjroee." ' '. By reading the following taken from the Progressive Parmer of last week, our Populist friends will learn something about the "hearty; welcome" the Democrats propose to give them into their fold. It sounds very Democratic indeed, and comes from a dele- gate to their State convention: The ex-honorable, a lawyer; from Northampton county, after stating that he came to the Dem- ocratic convention instructed, but tne action ot ine cony ention was not in accord with his instruction but was right then proceeded to tell the convention how to treat the Populists. "Ask them to come back, and if they do not come," said he, "then treat them just as you treat tho negro. When they come to your liouse require them to come in at the back door with hat off. Show same courtesy you'd them the show ; the negro. Don't allow them to asso- say an(i we are sure the sentiment was this and expressed in as near lit 1. o language we use as we can repeat it from memory. And of course wo don't forget such in- suits. We wish to inform the Honorable (?) gentleman that the men of North Carolina are too brave, too honest, to be driven by any such means into serving the plutocratic gang tha,t the convention and means captured him. controlled by some Newspaper Decisions, The following legal decisions in relation to newspapers, from ke highest authorities, we wish from the postoffice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intention to defraud the publisher and 1 there is a penalty attached. To Car Conattpatloo rrTr. The other day a New Yorker started across Broad may. He Iwas 4 " 3 " in the hevday oi am mucus, vigorous ' r- oi wina Diew I V an insignifi t . cant, almost invisible atom of dust in one of his eyes. It blinded him. He clasped his hands over his eyes and staggered on, only to be run down and killed by a cable car. That man's death was due to an insignificant trifle, an atom of dust that was barely t visible under the microscope. It is thus with -health. Men find that they are suffering from a trifling disorder of the digestion. It doesn't amount tp anything, they think, and time is' precious.. They don't .stop to correct it, but stagger blindly on ana are run down in the heyday of ambitious youth by death; " i I Neglected indigestion is the first cause of all manner of wasting diseases and all forms of nervous disorders. ; Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures all disorders of the digestion. It invigorates the liver, imparts a keen, hearty appetite and causes thejife-giving elements of the food to be perfectly as similated. It .purifies the blood j and builils healthy tissue. It is the great !)lood-mak-, flesh-builder,- and nerve tonic. It cures consumption, wasting diseases and all disorders of the nerves. I was a sufferer five or six years from Indiges tion," writes B. F. Holmes, of Gaffney, Spartan burg Co... S. C, "also from sore stomach and constant headache. I then ued Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellets, which in a few days gave me permanent relief." The People's Common Sense Adviser" explains. symptoms Of ailments common to every family, and suggests remeuies. n has several chapters on woman s atseases and weaknesses. An edition in heavy paper covers will he distributed absolutely free. Send the World's Dispensary Med ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., 2i one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only. Cloth binding may be had for 31 stamps. Caldwell Republican Convention. In response to a call made by Dr. H. Mc. D. Little, Chairman of the executive committee, the Republicans of Alexander county met in convention Jiay lor the I a r An . 1 I purpose of electing delegates to at the reports of his feeble con the judicial convention. Cohven- dition. He spoke of -being op tion was called to order by Chair- man untie at .du p. m. s. x. ampoeii -was appointed Uhair- man of the convention and E. W. juocse secretary. According to the plan of organization the con- ventiou proceeded to elect dele- gates as toiiws: tiomulous Iver- 1'-- t "ttt -rv ttv i in f "i aey. auu u . u. Jjemi. Alternates, F. A. Linney and E. W. M6ose. Tl "1 -: . 1 . I was movea . anci seconded, that credentials should be drawn and signed by the chairman and ! sec- retary and given to delegateswith me instruction that they should cast the vote of the county for xj-uu. jju.. j. ior solicitor. "7 uvcu vuat mecuon oi county cummutee ue postponed until - - A. A I "iwctiu-. xuo lonowiujr res- olution -was. read and adopted: Resolved, That the Republicans of Alexander county feel a just pride in the high position our ' TT -r rr -i- xcuuxuve, xion. x. n. Finney uivss lUKeu in congress, and we i i i - -t hereby request the delegates, Sacrificed to Blood Poison Those who have never had Blood Pel son can not know what a desperate con- anion it can produce. This tervtblf aisease which the doctors are totally unable to- cure, if communicated from one feneration to another, inflicting its taint upon countless innocent ones. 8omycj ago I wa inoculated with doIjm try a nnra who Infected bit babe with blood tailliue DDI WM unequal to the atrun le, and 1U Hie was yielded up to the tearful potaoo. Jot tlx lona yean Buf fered untold miatry. 1 waa eorered with aorea and ulcers from head to foot, and no Ua triage an express my feellsgs of woe during taoae long years. I had the beat madfeal treatnent. Sev- aral physlelana saece- to no purpoaa. Tb roer- curr ana potaah aeemed to add fuel to tha awful Came which waa derourtng me. I was adrlsed by friends who had aeen wonderful cures made by It. to trr Swift's pacific. We got two bottles, and I felt hope again retire la my hreaet hooe for health &d hamneM again. I im pro red from the start, and a com p-te and perfect cure wm he result. 8.8. a. i Ui onjy tdood remedy whieh reucbea des perate caaes. Mas. T. w. Montgomery. Ala. Or the many blood remedies, 8J S. S. is the only one which can reach deep seated, violent cases. It neTer fails to cure perfectly and permanently the most desperate cases which are beyond me reach or other remedies. : r , Fnis TTM 1 Wood remedy iMrantecd to contain no sTr UXSll't mercarv. rtah. or ether mlr.pral ztA bi'i.? iJirY -'-P4ioa ..tr..:A:. t, . LJTT.. I gf'htZ-Tr-Z? as try a box S-A- V -bi By taking advantage of our Sale which begins MAY 1st and will last for THREE WEEKS.; Beautiful Bed-Room Suites in Solid Oak, at ?12.50 to ?75,each. j Parlor Suites at 20 to $100. Everything in the House Fursishing Line Carpets, RuGS Pictures, Curtains, Mattings. We carry the largest stock of Pianos and Organs in the State and can save you money. We give the best of at tention; to mail orders.: Write for prices. E fiVfl'. Andr CHARLOTTE, when appointed from this county to the congressional convention of this dsitrict, to present his name for renomination and cast tho vote of tho county for him. Weekly Visitor. Taking a Trip to Alaska. Ex-Secretary of State! John Sherman, was in the city of Chi cago on Memorial Day, and from ftA uftl nf tlA ViVfnria TTntfll watched tho parade. The next flay he started oc a pleasure trip for Alaska. Mr. Sherman denied the story that he would bo a can- didate for Congress and laughed Lposed either to the annexation of Hawaii or taking permanent pos- session of the Philippines. The former Secretary of State declared that he resetted tho war. but hoped for a speedy and triumphal conclusion.--Chicago Dispatch. .jot Wltli Mexican Dollars. Pncf Ar fipnoml Riw nf the army authorizes a specific Li nf the renortd nentinl. fl-ftne ior tim nnnmcHinn harge number of Mexican dollars for the payment of the troops to be sent to the Phillippines. The i tij louuii tuut iiita nua uuuiumuiuiuu probably arose from the fact that sucb a sugsestion had been made frt fi, a master eenerai asserts that' there is no desire on tLe part ;o tbe vflmmBnl tn its nl,i; ;n jji:.,i : uUi nUt n, I ' J wiU be paid in ro!d and mlver nf the United States. Before You Ride Your Wheel Be sure to shake into your shoes Al len's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It keeps your feet cool and comforta ble, prevents sweating feet, and makes your endurance ten-fold creater; Orer 100,000 wheel people are using Allen's Foot-Ease. , They all praise it. Ladies, insist on having it It gives rest and comfort to' smarting, hot, swollen, aching nervous feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, Soc. Sample FREE by maiL Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, X. Y. - A KEW PATRIOTIC MARCH. We have received from J. Fischer Bro., 7 Bible House, Ne w York, a copy of a new and spirited March (Two-step),, entitled, C The Patriotic American," ' Composed by George H. Fischer. This is undoubtedly one of the most effective marches published this sea son. The melody throughout is bright and catchy, and combined with a good A. i a . . zoaniai rnyinm, wnich makes this composition excellently adanuri either dancing ;or marching purposes. Aiso, arranged ior band and orchestra. Ever? body Say So. f " XVVtTii 1 . JU. ZAt rT Mr.'A k - mm T 11 iimAM Grand Reduction Corner Htoiie taylajr at the Mate D. nnd TJ. School. The corner stone of tho laro recitation hall at the state school for the deaf and dumb at Mpr panton was laid on May 31. special communication from tho Grand Lodge of Masons was called for that purpose and tho corner stone was laid by Grand Master W. E. Moore, of Webster. A Ion? procession of Masons, Knights of Pythias and Junior Oruer United American Mechan ics was led from the court house to the grounds of tho institution by Manly McDowell, marshal of the day. After the laying of the corner stone speeches in the chapel of the school for the deaf was. made by Edward M. ' Gallaudet, presi dent of the famous Gallaudet college for the deaf in Washing ton, D. C., and by Justice Walter Clark. Dr. Gallaudet said ho had vis ited all tno principal schools in Europe and America and he had never seen so meritorious an ex hibition of the methods land re sults of teaching - the deaf as at tho entertainment given bj' the pupils of the Morganton institu tion on Monday night. Boars t!te Signature of Jh8 Kind Yea Haw Always Bci K fPv no K ft? S? ftT tc ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? ft? Mldrenl They do not complain of j anything in particular. They J cat enough, but keep thin and j Cale. They appear fairly well, ut have no strength. You j Mnnnf o r Vi im. rmi 11.. g -sick, and so ycu call them ft? delicate'. J S What can be done for them ? jj g Our answer is the same that ft? the best physicians have been g giving for a quarter of a cen- 5 g turyk Give them. K of CodLivcr Oil with Hypo- g phosphites. It has most re- 5 markable nourishing power. h It gives color to the blood. It ft? bnncrs strenrrth tr ih mus- t? des. It adds power to the g nerves. It means robust J g health and viVor. Even deli- & cate infants rapidly gain in g flesh if given a small amount J ft? three or four times each day. J ? SCOTT & SOWKE, CMBbU, Srm York- Men and medicines are jadr1 W what they do. The cures by Hoof Sarsaparilla give it a good nacie ere r where. ill I mi rla-IkofPS wuwu 1 li..WOOlXXT. ews, . . . N.C. 4 If Subscribe for the Pres and & u newt. 1 y V.,

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