- - - . t a. i ' a. m ' - : 1 -i. PROTECTION! INDUSTRY I ENTERPRISE ! PROSPERITY ! HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1808. VOTERS BEWARE KKKP THE PKACE. Gov. K u&s'eU's Proclamation. We want to say to the Republicans and Populists nortant that the voterp of the precincts ME HAKES Pt'BUC, A MANIFESTO. mm 30. Chairman Simmon's Unsworn Statement Flatly Contradicted by the Sworn Testimony 1 of .Some of the Best . ' Citizens of WilkesC- r , 1 . , w. ; that it is very imj (MmirtTVun SimiiinnK in an interview I I 1 n;iMislied in the News anil Observer of-, meet a night or twobefore the election and thoroughly u-tober '20th, gave out the following . , ! -, . . . lnf,MIient. organize, and see that eyery one or our voters go to the i:iMirrnan8immons ,nid a re- aijd vbte thfe f Usion ticket. See every doubtful YOter .. ra -1 , I . I TT!.J O-. . i. i,,i i.,. wi 1,;.,. t,t i.:r. L. 1.1 ,1 r i. ! i . j i I' viuuru secure to every v,i..iauj-r.vu ... .v.v mjU tiic ua.y uj uiejcieciiuii aiiu secure ins suijpun, ior me ihrthisU ciiiur, n?iii outiiie fproaumeu, uy ue I'-.isionist, for it is not signed by any charging that he, Chairman Sjm morn, said iu a speech at the Con-K'ri'-sional convention in Wilkesboro, August lBth: "The Democrats favor the primage of an election law similar to the one in Missippi anil South 'ttroliua, and would pass it if they se--ureii the Leglslaturei" 1 Mr. Simmons said he had never seen or heard of tho circular before yester .iay, and that the charge that he made kijv Riicn statement as mat atinouieu to him in ttie circular -was in r. very ' re N'tHBtitt Enfolns Kfim tha and Obeying the Law. Ralkioii, Oct. .25 Governor Ru sell has issued the following proclauin tion: J "Whereas, The constitution of the State nion a reimbhcRu form government, protection from invasion and freedom (rom domestic, violence, and "Whereas. The constitution of All kinds Of reports Will doubtless be "orth Carolina guarantees to all peo- I pie of the State the inherent n.ht in 1.1. I l , 1. ,1 11 "I I " .v. circulated to create triction between tne .ropuiists ana fusion ticket. Our success day of election. thU S e wlmsi vewr. und I do fur ther c :amatul aud require tlmt Imu hio u.fiy h.-tre entered t!U SMte Uom otl rr Stfi-, jn puruat r itt miiU W'ii! iiir-. JtisTfttitlv tm di-s;ere and tJd Stite. u(& .nu ol Oein um-:cU aud dealt uLk. Hcvordiut; to Uw,- "Done at ourcity of Kaleich, tk'w the 25th day of ctoerf in the yssr of our Ixinl on tliouand it hundred and tiinety-eij;ht and ta the one hundred and twenjy-tlxiTd year of our American Indefwu?hi (Sfffneil) "DANIEL L. KUSni.L "By the Governor: Dalu Cade, Private Sfcrttarv,"" argely depends upon our efforts on the Republicans. Itjis all done for the purpose of defeating our ticket. Don't trade. fully regulate theia own internal rov- ernment, to peacefully assemble for purposes of consulting for their com mon good, to hold traceable and quiet alections, and to discharge and We wish to impress upon the minds of every Populist IZ'tlll -nnd q"iet ,Uftn" 1 A A x nea their manifold duties and privile- . and Kepublican the necessity of their going to the polls ses ofi citizenship, and, T j - I W hereas Th onnct..t;nn i. Vctft rtficulT,se' r with?;f early and voting the full fusion ticket. Don't scratch a state and laws made in pursuance the slightest foundation in fact. He . thereof forbid that any citizen shall .aid he not only did not make any single name. Get the right ticket. Read yOUr ticket be deprived or restrained of his liber -j 1 1 luuiv-uucui ior ana con viction of crimp nml he did not in that speech even mention ' , . U . . , -r. , ,. -Whou w ' thosubiwt of suffrage or in anywise hkely have them iWlth SOme IOpullStS and republicans ;.'f " ts a ueu in me . ' J .L, J ' ! same constitution and laws of this orth fWniinR MisHiinTti or South mixea in' witn tneir own canaiaates. in oraer to control r proiecuon or cm- . . . v 1 I 7nu 'lllH n.. . . f j , w . 1 j'iulwbcb 01 conns ;or ine the next Legislature, they will oner to swap nominees for protection of society shall never be V ! .1 .0 .t Ny -r. u . upended, nejther by usurping exec- COlinty OmCeS TO!' tile JUeglSiaiUI C. JLyuu I SWUp. UlU I utlves nor by turbulent mobs, using the ticket straight. Don't be deceived. Democrats will J" of tot,m,aUon and Tio'ence- DmKo lUf 11 oniitJJnQnc oro n-nino- fn cnraffW "ereas. It haa been made known LCii 1 uiiuiiuai pxxxo c.- to jne by the public press, by numer- tlip Pnmilits. Thev will tell Renublicans that the PoduV ous ,etters by statements ofdi- s 1 , T " . 1 I vers citizens oi the State, and by for- Kts ure croi-n'cr to '.scratch KeDublican nominees. JJon t Inal wntteni statements, that th I political canyass now going forward has been made the occasion and T ,r ,L. 1 -n t . 1 r 1 1 . Pretext for bringing about conditions ll llltj-'ivupuuuuaiis ttuu x oyuuaio .aic iujai iu uiv, iu i or lawlessness in certain counties In Rich- Carol i nii.n resent, nast or contemplated This is contradicted by the following aflldavits: I , Affidavit of Sheriff Call NUTH ('AHOLINA,Wi!kefiCoupty: C la retire Call, of Witkesboro, C, being tluly swOra says, that he wat pHihent at the courthouse in WT i Ikes bo ro, N. C., on the 18th of August v when V. M. Simmons made a Kptfe.ch before the" Democratic- Con gressional Convention. That aruontf other thing he said, was the following iik sum and substance, as he now recol leirts,. and he wa. particular to. chkrge -n fJhot will win rhp ficrlit' hv a larffPr maioritv than thU tate; tor aluP J y with it, to wit: The negro -i "v " - - - monu ana Uobeson counties, and, THANKSGIVING PROCLAMA TION; IS5LED BY PRESIDENT' MrViv? rv wash imqton. at his inrmory on the south of us is disfranchised in South Carolina and Mississippi; and on the North of us, in t Virgina, is virtually disfranchised, on account of the "Australian Ballot Sv8tom,', land North Carolina wll become the home ot the negro; they Ntill flock here from these other States', in, order to be allowed their freedom ot ballot, if we white men do not rise in our might and elect a Legislature that will enact smiiliar election laws to the. State of South (aroljtva and MississippiiM . 1Signcl.) V CLAUKNCK CALL. Swtrn to and subscribed before me this October 21th, lSttS. A. M. VAN NOV, C. S. C; , Mr. Call is the iresent Sheriff of Wilkrs county and the affidavit is vorn to before Mr. Vannoy, a Deiuor erat, and Clerk of the Beperior Coart of Wilkes county. , The following is the aflUlavit of M J. - W. Davis, a well known and highly respected citizen of Wilkes county. ' The following is the affidavit of Mr, I. W. Davif. a well know and highly respected citizen of Wilkes county : NORTH CAROLINA, Wilkes County: This day personally appeared J. W, fUavisof (illteath, N. C, who', after leing tluly sworn, says that he wag lr!H'nt in Wilkesboro N. C, on the 1Mb day of August, lb99, and heard V. M. Simmons make his speech. That among other things he said was, "That when the Democrats got control of the State, they would pass an election ' law MiniUr to 'the South Carolina and Missif?ppi ejection laws so as to dis- ! franchise the negroet, in this Stae," or w'onU to that etTect amounting tci the kame in sum aud mil-stance. . (Signed) J. W. DAVtS. Sworn to and Mibcribed before me this October 2:iul. , A! M. VANNOY. C.S.C. Mr. A. C. liryan. Deputy Marshal in Wi!kt county, makes aflidavit to the ame state of facts. Hon. Thou. .1. Duly a prominent . lawyer of Wilkfhboro, N. C, certitk-s to the truth of the -affidavits.- Nov; let the peopiV troth.- Tlie declaration of Chairman Sim mori, which he now denies was pub liidiird in over 150,000 circulars and sent broadcast over the State for more than thirty days before his deniaL at any time in the past. We have the Democrats in a hole as sure as we unitedly support the" fusion ticket. Don t pay any attention to false alarms of riots and race "Whereas, It has been made known to me In such direct and reliable way that I cannot doubt its truthfulness, that certain counties lying along the Southern border of this State have been actuallv invndeil lv Artin Wars, etc, which may be circulated JUSt before and Oil armed and lawless men from another ' . I .1 . ..... ' 1 . , ,. M XA ,r , . ' , n i , i oiaie; tuat several political meetings the day or election, uon c pay any attention to laise iei- egrams which may be sent out on election day to deceive voters. ; Do not be deceived or frightened by the cry of iu Richmond and 'Halifax connUes have been broken up and dispei-sed by using threats, intimidation and in some cases actual violence; that in other cases property has been actually uniooer, uniffdr7,,:by the little two-by-four Democrats Proved and citizens fired on frcm 11 i ' " 1 - ; ambush; that several citizens have We all believe 111 White Supremacy and gOOd govern- been taken from their homes at night i , ' , ' and whipped; that in several counties ment. . Let your watchword be work, work, work. A. Y. SIGMOX. , L. M.TOTTEN, J. II. SIIERRILL, 'anwer who told he The Kn6ck-Down Policy In North Carolina. The New York Sun, says: Senator Tillmans :issertion that the only way j for the Democrats to carry North Carolina is to carry itjwith shot-guns is being verified by. the Tar Heel Democrats, with the :assistance of a number of zealous Democrats, irorn Senator Tillman's State. The purpose of the gentlemen with1 shotguns is to frighten the negroes from attempting to vote the Republicah ticket and by producing a! condition of lawlessness and a race war to force white Republi cans into voting the rjeinoeratie ticket as tl'ie sol!e defeuce against the negroes. Tle programme ha.4 hau, been well carreil out. Armed parties of whites and armevl parties of negroes have taken the field or fortified themselves. We haves noticed thatfiu little martial divisions! of this kind 'it is not tho Caucasian, however great his atarm for the future of Caucasian civilization who gets shot. The white vote will not great iv. suiier oy ?ne. present may I found hoot troubles, although it necessary, as a war mfaure, Republicans to Russell, Gover- a few obstinate wnite encourage the others. The ijou. Daniel I nor of North Carolina, has Issued a pfoclamation in which he declare that the political canvas 'has been made the joccasion and pretext for ness in certain counties, such, T for example, as Richmond and Robersoc," and that "certain counties lying along the southern border of the State have been actually invaded by certain armed and lawless men from another State," viz.. the Hon. Ben Tillman's. Governor Russell a&ks good citizens to obey the law, orders the visitors from South Carolina to leave North Carolina, and generally discourages the present exuberance of Democratic enthusiasm, tinder the influence of which Republican meetings have been broken up, Republicans whipped or shot, and other convincing methods of inducing Republican voters to neglect to register adopted. Russell is a Republican, and there is no probability that his suggestions or orders wiij be respected, by vigerous partisans aruied with shotguns. Such proud-spirited citizens despise govern ment by proclamation almost as much as they despise government by injunc tion, or government by majority, in case the majority is not th:-irs. The Hon. Henjair.in Ryan Tillman of South Carolina temto be conduct ing a succe.ifu I campaign in North Carolina, Ha the Hon. Richard Croker con gratulated him on this application of the knock-down argument? To be entirely relieved of the aches and pains of rheumatism means a great deal, and Hood's S&xsaparilid does peaceful citizens have been intimida ted and terrorized by threats of Violence to their persons and their property until they are afraid to reg ister themselves, preparatory to eier ising that highest duty of freedmen castiog of one free vote at the ballot box, for men of their own choice, in the coming election. lucreiure, i, uamei la. UUS- sell, Governer of the State ot North Carolina, in pursuance of the consti tution and laws of the said State, and by virtue of authority vested hi uk by the said constitution and laws, do issue this iiiy proclamation, command ing all ill-disposed persons, whether of this or that political party, or of no political party, to immediately desist from all unlawful practices and all turbulent conduct and to use al lawful efforts to preserve the ieace and to secure to all ieople the quiet enjoyment of ;all their rghts of free citizenship; and I do further command and enjoin it upon all good and law- abiding citizens not to allow them selves to become excited by any appeals that may be made to their IasAions ana prejudices uy represen tatives of any political party whatso ever, bat to keep cool head and us their good office to preserve the put lie peace and to protect the humblest citUen in all his rights, political ani personal, ana l uo xartuer eou.mutKl aiid enjoin it upon all judges and other civil magistrate, and upon ail solicitors, s herifT and other Nof3c-rj of the law, to use their beat efforts, ncder the ' constitution and laws of the State, to apprehend and bring to speedy trial nil ofTocders aairnt per son and property and political and Calls the American Nation to Prayer, N.. Washington. Oct. 'JS. The President after the cabinet meeting today, issued the following Thanksviviug proclama tion: By. the President of the United State A PROCLAMATION. -The approaching November brings - to mind the custom of our ancestors;. hallowed by time and rooted in our most sacred traditions, of giving thanks to Almighty God for the bless ings He has vouchsafed to us during the past year. Few years in- our history have' afforded such cause for Thanksgiving, We have been blessed by abundant harvests, our trade and commerce have been wonderflilly increased, ourpublie 1 credit, has beeu improved ami'4 strengthened,. all section f our com mon country have been brought together and knitted into closer bonds of national purpotH and dnity. The skies have been for a- tim darkened by the cloud of war, but as we were compelled to take tip the sword in the cause of humanity, we are permitted to rejoice that the cou. lict has beeu of brief duration and . the losses we have liad to mourn.. hough grievous and im(ortaUt have been so fw, considering tlie great re sult accomplished as to inspire ns with gratitude and praise to the Lord of Hots. We tuav laud and magnify His holy name that the cessation o lostilities came m soon as to FfKire both sitles the countless sorrows and dasters that attend protracted war; I do, therefore, invite all my fellow. citizens, ns well those at home, as weJl as those who may be at -a,or sojourning in foreign land, ,to set -apart and observe Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of November, as a day cf national thanksgiving, to come- together in their several places of worship, for a service of praise an 1 thanks to Almighty iod for all the biasings of the year; for the milduess of the reasons and lor fruitfulnesa of the soil, for the continued prcierity of the people, for the devotion and valor.of our countrymen, for the glory of our victory and the hope of a righteous peace, and to pray thai the divine guidance which has brought uj heretofore to uatety and honor may be graciously coutiuued iu tne years to, eotne. In witness whereof, etc. WILLIAM McKINLEY. . By. the Prescient. JOHN HAY, Secretary of Stat.-. Ollvar locfcry, Jr.f C'-Opcratlira , daU for Solicitor la th Fourth Jdi1a Olfltrlet, Bombard aud Captures Morro CaJtl'. Oliver Jiockers, Jr., wa mlvived to fpeaK at fioldboro on the night of ; October 25th.. The Democratic heelers ' notified the Republican and Populists tliat they could not have vspeklug there; that "if " Dockery. sKakt . he would leave iu a txjx." Dockery ar-. riveil in GoMboro aUut the hour "fur fjn-aking and found that hita Iverti iuent hai bn" torn lowu and hit crowd scattert-d- H at otce r4ined them to prepare their Ikx, that IvtS would fpeak there on the night of the th, struck olT hi patters, couttnnel hi canvas aid 'etcrtM to me hi appointment. Jle po!e to a goo! crowd without iiiolriatifin; i;o "iiov" appeared, and is still in (h lxu-1 of the-living. This U a laiaple cf Democratic bull dozing. A. EHOLTON-

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