State Library mitt mwrnmm w i w V i 'ip, 30. PROTECTION 1 INDUSTRY. I ENTERPRISE I PROSPERITY ! rtiCrCORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER io, 1898. NIIKBEH REPUBLICANS GAIN MANY STATES. ROOSVLT ELECTED IN NEW iORK. CAPITOL ? AT WASHINGTON BLO WN UP. -SUPREME COURT ! BOOM DESTROYED. NEW ERA HAS COHE IN RAILROAD nANAGEMENT .AND VE5TflENT. IN- . DEAWCKATS CARKY NORTH CAROLINA. the Explosion Believed to be Due to a Leaking Gas Meter Loss is Over j a Hillion Dollars Including: Many Valuable Books. The Southern Republicans Carry Oyer Thirty of Forty-three States Which Held E'ec t ion Tuesday. Railway's Mtnajtemtnt. Writing: from Pittsburg, Pa., a cor respondent of the Dalith, Minn. Eve niikr Herald, sneaks as follows in a re- TTT 1- 1 ttx w I ' vvasniugion, V. U., JNqv. b cent issue of that paper: (Special Telegram to the TIMES- A new era in . railroad management Mekcuby.) Like the eruption of a and railroad investment has come in . X t ? A j . L X A m - i. wrt fU U r w. wUnA rr Q ; u mis country 1 me investment age ine JJf , 0 ullu0 . auW3lUu1U4U running of railroads for dividends for elec tion in the States named: Capitol building this evening and thir stockholders. You may say that Robsyelt, Republican, Elected until extras were issjed by the is no new era; that has always: been Governor of New York by 20,000. leading morning papers, few pao- the reason for running railroads. ll,nhlifiTiRfrnin fcwn firmer, pie would believe tho rnmnr -that May be, but the railroad history in , i . , i ., , . I , .. , this country doesn't Show it. The men ana oiecc vine legislature in me uapitoi was on are. nfti,r PPa Pennsylvania Exposition at Pitthunf JtAIUA TEBE3A LOST JLT SEA nas oeen an established succes. Year after Year it lm rnn .iti ox.-..,. iui WW. , i M . . . . cordiallv ennnorl hv th. ..un.l cscuea iiagtuup at ?ot- doing the cities of Pittsbutg and AlJe- torn of tho Ocaan. ghanymuch good. The crowds thU Iwrh s:ou, S C , Nov. 5 The- vear would do ciedit to the more pre- former Soauisti cruiser iUris. icuuoub exmotuon at umitna. tor three years the Southern Railway has been making exhibits here. It owo pies a space of ab.ut 4 COO rquare feet. Their display is attracting great at tention. Th Grandest Reidj. MrR. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chil- howie, Va. certifies that he had con sumption, was given a p to die, 'sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies . he TVresa, flagship of Cevera's fleets which was raised by Hobson, was lost in a storm which raged off the Bahamas Tuesday afternoon.. The cruiser was abandoned by her crew a short while before she went to thj9 bottom. Everything was lost, bat the crew was rescued without, the loss of a single nan and brought bre- MissourL ; The Supreme Court room and hW era. Tha rwr of J. Piemont Tho Republicans carry the leg- the rooms immediately adjoining Morgan in the financial world is to a TTnitftrl ShntAs iun ( t t t:i great extent putting the railroads of - , v i -e. v u 4u au uuui J s uv v ui vvl miry uoesu miow 11. x ue ... . . . . has been largely a stock' Job- ? "ff of. " 'Pt ,0!f onmthe w:kine taK MemtU Senator in West Virginia. Nebraska 'elects; two Republi can Congressmen and the entire Republican State ticket. Connecticut is Republ ican, state ticket, legislature and all four Congressmen. . The Republicans gain the leg islature and a United States Sen ator in Delaware. Michigan goes Republican by 40,000. wci iuiuuy wreceu uy uru mis thfl WflV for thip fnp dividpnd many nights sitting up in a chair; was The Teresa left Gnantanamo induced to try Dr. King's New Dicov- last Saturday, and had been towed ery, and was cured by use of two bot- lrtaf f tha au 4i1A v.,i... For past three years has been ... J- and avs Dr. I -xierriii. uuen iue Storm to take ties. attending to business, and savs Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandett I arose the Teresa began I . ' I romxlr svar tnoo an if Vino 1ai a bs I 4 1 A I 1 1 1 extensive, but far. more lfa.p that Ran represents Investors more than ; -- -" " "1 Z T . ' ?ou. lu! "ew' "veieu p.nRH stocic dealers and f peculators, and . ' " , . X" L 1Q tne cruiser 8 hull began to cive ...u:i.i..4-.i. .u j . I his community. ; Dr. Kinc's New Dis-I - al Law Library, This Library the best practical railroad men in the .7JJ is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds UL ?. af , C1mmanr wflB lnoatpd Hirprtlv hpnPAth thp J Qr,a' u.M and Consumption. It don's faiU Trial Hams was the last to leave the bottles free at Shuford Drug Co.s I ship, and his coolness contributed much to the work of rescue. He the I country for managers and gives the Supreme Court Room. It con- road careful management. He is not D ' st L;nA on nm WAinmAa ri a railroad wrecker and does not run . g otore. tamed 20,000 volumes, and its value was estimated at over $1,000, 000. A great many of the volumes were destroyed by fire or the floods railroads for the sake of milking them. .Jim Hill has always managed the ureat JNortnern in a way to make it a dividend prayer. Low fixed charges, small cost oer mile for construction. Georgia Claims Land. Atlanta, Ga., November 3. State's Attorney Wimbish has tiled his report with Governor had first tried every available means of saving the ship. The Teresa . went down head foremost where the water was 300. to si on, blocks from the Capitol, took rilace. and immediatelv afterwards es for the road's sake, and a firm ad he- sse and Xorth Carolina belong flames burst from the windows of reDce to the broad Principle that the the.first named State. the Congressional Law Library in to develoD the agricultural and indus- Mn Wimbuh goes into the case the basement, and a few moments trial resources aloncr it these are th I as far back as 1832 and Savs the later from the Su i i Court i I i. ... i: i.jL rt -r- mi oi.j. .I oi waitr uuureu iuiu mo uuuiiu ivepuuucans carry iue oiaie oi Vi w - , , , . the lowest uractical trrades. the best .i .i.: f-u a s At 0:ZO O ClOCK a neavy expiO- . . . "... A, , . QUUltli uu Miami bc iuau lamumoucoytucto Lb UO W8. I ralmtnnl fanlliMto nnoeihlji tnith Vinci. I .1 which was heard several M;A.hinru, r-. by Georgia that 1,500 square sibility of raising her again. country through which the road Dass- mMes f territory lying in Tenne " . I . - an v . . ine newspaper -t ieio. t The newspaper 6eld is a ; wide field and full of roses, and thorns. When you roast the preacher, the things which characterize. Mr. HllVs question is still an open one and I ungodly smiles; when you roast railroad management, which consti- i3 a matter for the courts to decide I the ungodly the preacher smiles. An alarm of fire was turned in , -"SZ JZZZ -rnere issuu some aouDt as to r " ."' i i tii j u A , , 7 ,7 . , whether Chattanootra is in Geor-- teetotaler smiles,. ween you roat VJV.V.J w..y.Vr .. J " -jw . ..v-. alarm, and the entire fire depart- 1C-V is. what makes cities like Duluth g or .Tennessee, .iteiernng to ments responded. willing ana anxious to ao mm Honor, the matter the State's Attorney .11. i j. i I vue ui iue uiuigau oj Bicuis ui , i an- i Rftifi . flho ItTCk -i a haiart.r tr havo ro. I - . Zi ... OttlU. roads is the Southern Ka Iwav. wh eh ouucu uuui a.Lttociuiusiuu.touocu i was orerauizea in lou ana Duiit ud v Voorhees, Eepublican, elected by a leakage of the meter, right by out of many bankrupt connecting Governor by 1U,UUU plurality in 0lovntnr hnff in fh nnrrirlnr ilnes- It's management shows, per w w - . 1 A t - naps, tne uest iaea in rauroaa run ninn it is like the Hill idea. At the head of the company is Samuel Spen cer, a Southerner, and as nearly J. J. Hill's equal as any man in the coun try. Many think him the greatest railroad president in the countrj. The work done in four years in build Washington by very large major ity. ' ; :V Kansas goes Republican. Republicans carry Wyo wiusr during a snow storm. , Stone, Republican, of Pensyl vania, elected Governor by 143, 000 plurality. v .. , Indiana goes Republican by I room. a largo majority. ' Iowa is Republican by 50,000. Wisconsin is Republican by 40,000 majority. Illinois goes Republican by 50,000. "Chattanooga is within the an-. the teetotaler the saloon man sets 'em up. If you swear you are a wicked man, and if you pray you area hypocrite. If you have an Now Jersey. New Hampshire goes Republi can by 9,000 plurality. . The Republicans carry South Dakota by L.200. The Democrats carry Tennes soo by a reduced majority. Colorado was carried . byy the fusionists. . Minnesota goes Republican and f world. sends a solid Republican delega tion to Congress. leading to the law library from the rotunda. ' No life was lost, but the govern ment is the loser to the amount of more than a million dollars, be sides the invaluable LaW Library cient boundary of Georgia. If the I opinion you get cussed, and if yon question is re-dpened and the donH have you are a nonenity. boundary is established, Chatta- Thft nrrhpr Vnntra nn ihi nooga will, of course, be in this I t . h ' I flirt OAIAn V M 1. M M ta. State I oaiu uiau ui auiuici &uuno another, but the journalist is ex- Qeorgla'i Claim To Territory. I lected to knOW evervthintr. Be Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 3. State's At-1 damned if you do, and be damned torney Wimbish his filed, has report if you don't. Greenville Times. with Governor Candler on the claim of the Supreme Court, the equal ng up and improving the Southern of which is not to be found in the system is . simply wonderful. There has not been its like in the history of railroading. Now the system has nearly G,000 miles of single track, it penetrates eight Southern States, pll What Paul Said. The Republicans carry North Guests hsd arrived unexpectedly east of the Mississippi and south of nA ni ennd ft-Rhnntnr At hft rn nntrv tiarfionace oil oun- luo vuw uu A oa,c "CJ" ufcWauuW.:Bw- - r 7 " ' rV. ginia and Florida. In 1804 the road- to; succeed Roach. day morning. The weekly supply bed wa9 the track8 in msrab,e The Republicans carry Califor- I 0f butter had run out, so the hos-1 condition, the train service wretched. set forth by Georgia that 1,500 square miles of territory lying in Tennessee and North Carolina belongs to the first-named State. Mr. Wimbish goes over the case- as far back as ' 1832 and says the question is still an open ques tion and is a matter for the courts to decide. There is still some doubt as to whet her Chattanooga is in Georgia or Ten nessee. 'i nia and gain two Congressmen. The State of Washington re verses its fusion majority of over 1 12,000 and goes Republican. South Carolina went Demo- pitable host dispatched old Joe, All this has been changed. There are tate Attorney said: Chattanooga the colored man. to his neighbor, now ooa 8moofn roaaoea, neavy j :r ' ""v- J J" I oollonf corvina TUo Annnfrr olnnr. boasted a surplus. The parson the road. has witnessed a great im Droceeded to church with hio well- provment in business, following and cratic as usual without opposi- I ' nronororl oprmnn nn Rome of this I 'l accompanying a great develop- :nn ; 7 4. - .t n . ' ment. The Southern Railway has no tl Snver Dick Bland ind Champ S:S"S-U SpU Ttt . , . . ana was, wen unuer wap wu ik roads, and so no reason that they vywiivu, ui .uiwuuii, io ui""""'.lwnen OIQ doe. returning t-uipvy- have to maintain a land deoartment. handed, concluded he would quiet- I But one of the first things done after i. j: ;n onrl Vioar Viia m n of pr I l he reonranization in 1894 was (the It may be worth something to know J P f i A establishment of an industrial deriart- that the very best medicine for restor- preacn. , uosv a ue - look developinent ong ins the tired out nervous, system to a preacher stretched forth his band theroad That department is presi healthy y'igor is Electric Bitters. This in a mo8t impressive interrogation ded over by a Northwestern man' M. Somcthtns to Know. meilicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the neive centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneyes, and aids these? organs in throwing oft impurities in the blood. Electrfe Bitters improves the appetite. tnose wuo nave int-a it as- the very betblcKKi purifier -.'and nerve tonic. Try It. Sold for.iVor f 1.0) er bottle at Shuford DrugCo. s Druir Store. ! of voice and manner, and called I V. Richards, years ago connected with out 4 'And what did Paul say?" the land department of the Northern r. .i . jaj ur,v. v. Pacific It works with the local peo- Distinctly sounded trough the ple'alonff the aod ha8 church old Joe s reply, He say, instrament of a marked growth in marster, he ain't going to let you Rrnf hrn i nrl n t ritw TjirI vmt t hurt aids digestion, and is pronounced by have no more butter till ;you pay Were established along the line of the for dat last you got onori Oto- SoulherD iilway, and in many cases ner. I'ltirertlv throa?h the indastriali de partment of the road 250 new mann- The recent ruling in Washing- I facturiug plants cotton tuill, furni- t )n. refusing the Porto Rico local ture factories, tanneries, iron mills. niw inilis, canning escaoiiMimeuis. etc. The result of work of this kind ii showing in the increased prosjrity of the Sauthem StAtcs and it the growtli of the business of the railway. It uiigh be added that the people frciu the North who are- fettling in t Snth ate generally iiitiiled with their cliange. For the past tea years the VT est era Vf Bt Intr rets. I . ? ' V A "i ' " It Will be semnl by making sure of newspapers iue rigut 10 p.m. iue health. It will Ih a los of time" and m iils ag second class matter ren- m'6iicr te.tIn withierloo. ill- ders the tnrifl on the delivery of ne. Take Hood s Narsaparilla and V purify your, blood. In this way all papres in the island so heavy that j;erm? of disease will lleVspelled.ick- tie gabscriptiori lits have b?en pracucaii suspenuea. Aiiere are your 1ilv.!:1j Jrill be preserved, this a. wi.' course. Isnt loud couiplaints. Hard on the Reporters. - "I had a strange dream the other night," said the major. "What was it?" asked the young thing. "I went to heaven, and as an old newppaper man was interested in their journal up there. It was a Referring to this matter the miserable thing; not a well written story in it, and I told St. Peter so.' "What did he say?" "He said: 'It's not our fault. We never get any good reporters up here.' "Philadelphia Press. gia. II the question is reopened ana that boundry is established, Chatta nooga will, of course, be in this State." How much business can a man do whose system is inja state of disorder? Headache is only a symptom. It is not a disease. The pain in the head is the sign of rebellion. There have been mistakes in diet and other abuses. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets area gentle, effective renovator and invig- OA2XPAION CARTOONS- We will see no more cartoons now till next campaign. The nig ger will now get a rest. For months, ' the Democratic papers have been full of them. Even the orator of stomach, liver and bowels. Sundav issues were full of them. They assist nature without threaten- t 4t 1t . , . . ing to tear the body piece-meaL There and bo Ple Woul( tak,e are no griping pains, no nausea. One oat show lhem around and rejoice is a laxative. over them as great truths. We A book of 1003 profusely illustrated, decided they liked such stuff, itten by Dr. R. V. Pierce - called So W0 sent out a few one week. 'The Peoples Common Sense Medical . . . .. Adviser," will be sent free for 21 one- This stirTed their righteous indig. cent stamps to cover cost of mailing nation. It was jest awful! It. only. World's Dispensary Medical As- was the great sin against the Holy, sociation, No. Ctt Main Street, Buffalo, Ghost After a while all the pic- N. I . I . it i if i i r . if. xures wm oe uiKrarueti irora day School quarterlies. Bibles and religious books, iinlefs they have the divine hand of wmt pnrty or The report3 for the year Jufct closing made to State Factory In spector O'Leary by liis deputi s tbrorizhoat New York state show 1 sect laid on tbem for purtfeatice, h T) mar anle were em. I Joe Daniels for instance. ..--' -