flUU Urtf PIIOTECTION I INDUSTRY I ENTERPRISE t PROSPERITY! m, 30. HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, iSq8. PRESIDENT MtKlNLEVS TRIUMPHANT r 'TGUK'OPTUE SOUTH. SVA'SHINUTOA LETI EU. its officials, by saying: "Nations as well, as individuals most pass through the period of minority. It was so with this nation. See how closely our fore fathers guar4e 1 the right of franchise, constitutional lawyers agree that the franchise is Hot a natural right, But a legal gift. The natural rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, jit. 1 . Washington, Dec, 19th. Senator aMu lcaDn i-eneve mai it is an evil Piatt, of Conn., never speaks1 unless M"1 lttrs ttUU bir,I,es LU utr Coizrfff. Will Adjaurn lor th Customary Christmai Htflijlay. he has soihething to say. Consequent ly, he always, gets the attention of his colleagues when he. speaks, although he is not an orator, in the general ac ceptanc of ' the term. His strong p'lint is facts, and he brought' Out an unusual lot of them when he proceed ed to demolish the things set up by Senaior Vest in the name of an argu ment in favor of his resolution', deelar .irjg that this government had no con htitutional right to acquire territory exc-pt with the attention 'of admitting it to tin Union as a state. lVIr. Piatt ,i:.:t ' it as plain as A, 15, C, that thi government had a clear riirht to ac ; qui re territory to be disposed of inany . manner it might see fit, and clinched .it by showing that it had almost from , the beginning of the government ex eroised this right without question. Republicans in Congress are de lighted with President McKinley'H triumphant tour of, the. South, and .enthusiastically, endorse everything .he -;iid about "expansion and the gov ; eminent caring for the Confederate dead. The enthusiasm with which 'the President's straight-from the, shoulder expansion talk ' was received in the South was a pointer for some of v the democratic anti expansionists that , is being' carefully studied. Mr. Hryan was not altogether satis - hed with the results of his trip to Washington. He did not find the democratic response to his anti expan- ; sion key note all that he expected it would be, Onfthe contrary, he was plainly.told by. a number of democrat ic Senators aud Representatives that they could not endorse h'13 position, and that their constituents would not. If he had it to do over again, there is I very little doubt that, Mr. Bryan would be less emphatic in expressing his op : positron to expansion, but as he has fully committed himself, there is noth ing left for him to do but to stand by what lie said, and take the consequen ces. ''.: Strange as it may seem, there are Senators and Representatives none of them republicans, who oppose the bill to increase the regular army to ! 100,0' 0 men, and to otherwise put it , lip. im a modern basis. Some of 'these men were very loud in their, com plaints, because the'" organization" of th aimy at the beginning of, the war with Spain, was so inadequate to the oeeaion that there was unavoidable . delay' in getting the-army into light ing condition. 'owr they want to perpt tuate'the old and inadequate or ganization, forgetting' the advice of Washington "In time o.t Peace, pre pare for war." Fortunately for the eoiv.it ry, these obstructionists ere in th 1 M'nority; their opposition may de lay the increase, of .the army, but it : cannot present it. Congress .will this we -k adjourn for the i !,-tomarv. Christmas' . recess two weeks.. No time will really be h -t ' y tlie recess, as all of the impor tant vommittees will work right T thr ugh it. The Anglo-American (Commission has taken a .recess until any people, and it is therefore our du ty to extend the blessings of our civi lization to all men capable of receiv ing them." The Sejnpte Committee on Foreign Relations, -and the House Committee on Territories are both at work upon bills providing a government for Ha waii, and present expectation is that the bills will be reported early in Jan uary, .. " . . . . Judge T. (i, Beaseley, of Fayette ville, Ga , is a representative intelli gent Southerner. lie is now visiting Washington, and among other inter esting things, said: 'President Mc Kin.ley has made himself so solid in the South, especially in Georgia and Alabama, 'that in the event of his re nomination in 1900, he will get thous ands of democratic Votes in those stat es. His broad-gaged sentiments and generosity hae captured our people.11 MCKINLEY LEADS IN SONGj vo"" 1 .la selfish truce.cf arm, but; your fellow citiei.. Cant, UonelL one whose conditions pressagegood to J aui another distinguished Georgian, humanity. 1 PERSONALLY ATLANTA IN The South Enthusiastically Deraonstratiye t The President CTry Appcanmc. r T'oso Who Endure- The pains of rheumatism should be reminded that a cure for this disease may be found in Hood's Sarsaparilla. The experience of thbse who have ta ken Hood's Sarsaparilla for rneuma tism, and have been completely and permanently cured, prove the power of this medicine to rout and ;conquer this disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla " the One True Blood Purifier and it neutralizes the acid which causes, the aches and pains of rheumatism. This is why it absolutely cures when lini ments and other outward applications fail to give permanent relief. Be sure to get Hood's. - The domains secured an- the brilliant Gratiy, ince called from L:D 8,oo PEOPLE IN 1 der the treatv vet to be acted unon ' th- fil.l f i., fiwirx- trl,. Uu..t 5INGIN0 AHERICA." bv the Senate came to us not the ! th'hifrht f M .ifnl n n .it w'mn result of a crusade of conquest, bat j the whoie natiou could ill p re l.iia as the reward of temperate, fearless t and sorrowed at his untimely death. and faithful response to the call of j Then we were engaged la an econtmio conscience, which could not-be disre- I discussion In which honest differences Atlanta, Ga., Dec, 15. President j carded by a liberty loving and "hrls-M of opinion pre railed and heatrd dis- McKinley received an ovation again I tian people. AVe htve so borne our-1 cushion ruled the hour, I do not for- this afternoon when be stepped upon selves, in the conflict and In our inter- 1 eet that then, although advoc&tinir cbure with the powers of the world a theory of taxation seemingly op- as to escape complaint or complication posed the majority etihueut of. and to give universal confidence of our your State and city, you accorded mo high purpose, and unselfish sacrifices an Impartial hearing. Strjiiiwr as I for a strngling people. was to all of you, yoa m.vle me feel Kt " 4tThe task is no: fulfilled. Indeeil, home, and from that hour Atlanta it is only jufet begun. The most ri- won my heart. ous work is still before i us. The glo 'The nation has been at war. It ries of war cannot be dimmed, bui the was short but decisive! It has brought result will be incomplete and unwor- new problems to the republic who thy of us unless supplemented by vie- solution will tax the genius of our tories, harder, possibly, to , win,' in p-?opie. United we will meet anil their way no less indispenstble. solve them with honor to ourselves American capacity has triumphed and to the lasting benefit of all xm- oyerall the 4p-stJ Apparent dangers cerned. The war brought us together have been averted or avoided, aud our audits settlement will keep us to- own historv shows that Drocress has I gether. Reunited! Glorious rea lira- come so naturally and steadily on the heels of new and grave responsibili ties that as we- look back upon the acquisition of territory by our fathers we are filled with wonder that auy doubt could have existed or any ap- first bars of the song were played he I prehension could have been felt for j tions and of all lovers of the republic. led the singing in person and such a I the wisdom of their action or thei ca I 'Ueunited! One country again aud hearty chorus as followed had proha-1 pacity to grapple with the then uu I one country forever! Proclaim It lrom the platform in the auditorium in Pieduiont Park. Nearly 8,000 persons must have been packed in the ouild ing, which fairly shook under the mitrhtv shout that went up in the greeting to the President," his .cabinet and the country's famons fighting men.' Through the scene that fol lowed the President wore a pleased smile, and with reason, for the demon stration cave ample evidence that he he had "caught' ou" with the South and that the South was glad to see hinA The exercise was opened with prayer, but from the" close of ti e prayer on there wa nothing but the noisiest kind of enthusiasm whenever opportunity offered. Secretary Alger smarted the ball to rolling' by stepping to the f rout of the platform and asking the band to play "America" and the audience to sing it. Then, the Presi dtnt took charge of affairs and as the tion! It expresses the thought of my mind and the long deferred cocuui mation of my heart's desire as I tand in this presence. It Interprets th hearty demonstration here witnel and is the patriotic refrain of all ec- "The republic is today larger, stron ger and better prepared than ever be fore for wise and profitable develop ment in new directions and along new lines, and if the minds of our own peo pie are etiil disturbed by the perplex ed and anxious doubts in which all of Murphy Bulletin: Two gentlemen have just arrived in our midst who will most probably introduce a naw industry which will likely result ex ceedingly profitable to our. 1 people. They are Itfessr?. Boixo and Quilichinr , of Marseilles, France. Th,ey want to bly never been heard in Atlauta be- I tried and mighty problems. fore. When trie President sat down the audience yelled madly, and from that time on the temperature of feel ing in the great gathering rendered useless the number of stoves which were trying to keep the auditorium warm. i Col. Hemphill, Chairman ef the Ju bilee Committee, addressed a general welcome and congratulation, and in troduced Gov. Candler, who recount ed with great earnestness the reasons which the United States have today for confidence in the future. Col. Hemphill introduced the President amid a storm of cheers. The Presi dent said: ' "I cannot withhold from this peo pie my piofpund thanks for their the press and "pulpit, teach it In the schools, write It across the skies. The world sees anti feels It; It cheers every heart in North and South and bright ens the life of every American home. Let nothing ever strain it again. 'At peace' with all the world and with each other, what can stand In the us have shared, and still share, the I pathway of our progress and prosper genius of American civilization, will, 1 ity?n . I believe, be found both original and creative, and capable of subserving all tha great interests which shall be con fided to our keppiug. Forever In the right, following the best impulses and clinging to high purposes, using Clarke Howell read a; set of resolu tions which were pa ed unanimously by the Legislature this afternoon, which brought the diners to their feet cheering. It was some minutes after the reading of these resolutions before properly and within right limits our the tumult subsided enough to allow power and opportunities, honorable a speaker to be heard, reward must inevitably follow. The Savannah, Ga., Dec. 15. Prepara- outcome cannot be in doubt. We tions are perfect for a royal .welcome hearty reception and the good will I could have avoided all the difficulties I to President McKinley. Thousands which they have shown me every where I that lie across the pathway of the na- I of visitors are arriving here, having purchase ivy and ivy roots" in lare aud in every v&y since I have been I tion if a few months ago we had cold- become interested in the utterances of quantities and ship to France for man ufacturiDg purposes. They will have several points of operation in western North Carolina. their guest. ,1 thank them for the op portunity which this occasion gives me of meeting and greeting them, and for the pleasure it affords me to par ticipate with them in honoring the The work of the. Comuii:ou How To Find Out Fill a bottle or common glass wiih your . water and let it stand twenty four hours: a sediment or settling in dicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too fre quent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. - What to Do. ' There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr.- Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, the great kidney reme dy fulfills every wish in curing rheu matism, pain in the back, kidneys, V liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. 1 1 corrects inability 1 I to llfllil XV:ltfr nrnt cnnlrlinn nuin in passing it, or bad effects followinc use of lki.tior, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to xo often during the day, and to get. up many times during the niglw. i he mud and the extraordi- army and the navy to whose achieve ments we are indebted for one of the most brilliant chapters of American history. Parts of the countrv have ly ignored the piteous appeals of the I the President at Atlanta regarding; starving and oppresred inhabitants of I the South. Cuba, If we had blinded ourselves to the conditions so near our shores and turned a deaf ear to our suffering neighbors, the issue of territorial ex pansion in the Antilles and the East Indies would not have been raised. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restor ing the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Hitters. This Hut could we have justified such a I medicine is purely vegetable, nets by had their public thanksgivings and I course? Is there any one who would I giving tone to the nerve centres in tho jubilees in honor of the historic events of the past year, but nowhere has there been greater rejoicing than among people here, the representatives of the South'. - I congratulate them upon their accurate observations of events, which enabled them to fix a date which insured them the privilege of being the first5 to celebrate the signing of the treaty of peace by the American and Spanish Commissioners. 'Under hostile fire on a foreign soil. fighting in a common cause, the rurm- t orv of old disagreements has faded I has Mot been progressing-very rapidly, t !: te, and it i, uow practically cer Uiivthat If -there, is a treaty at all, it v i ' of include . commercial recipro- I i Y h . 1 ) avid J. II ill, Assistant Secre tar uf tate, delivered an interesting nddr. narv civiliia- vw the "expansion of .it a banquet.' Ileferring to the effect of Swamp-Root is soon reaiizevl. It stauds the highest for its wonderful en pes of the most distress ing case. it; yoit. a medicine you should have Ilia bW. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. Yoia may liave a simple bottle and a book that U , more about it, both i-eut uosoiuieiy iree oy man. n you send yoar ad !res-s to Dr. Kilmer t Co.. Binghamton, .N. Y. When writ ing bo sure fi.d mention that you read this generous ofi?r in the Hicsohy Prks. . bout Catarrh. tion ti.;?ition in seme quarters to harp on the word "iiiipWiaUsm." Mr. Hill Kiih "A maliiiKnt lisjositioh could not have selected a worse word than imperialism. A Wtter word, which express s the true condition, is expan hion. It is not a new oneaud the idea is not- novel. It has existed since the iiici ptlon of nalionHl growth. Civili rutiori mutt gx n until there is not oie province, one isianil, one indivi ual upon which its benign Ught does not fad." lltt answt revl those who ar gue that it would bmvioiatiou of the S.ir Hjsttution for us to set up a form of : rich government over any people, without j the tissues and 'relieves all th. ii!lovri:ig them to choose its form as 1 agreeable sensation. now declare another to have been the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver better course? With less humanity and Kidneys, and aids the organs In and less courage on our part, the throwing off impurities in the b!ocxl. Spanish Hag instead of the Stars and Electric Hitters improves the apatite, Strii es would still be floating at Ca- aids digebtiou, aud U prbnounced by vite, at Ponce and at Santiago and those who have tried ..it as the very a cli3iice in the race of life would he bet b!col purifier and nerve tonic, wanting to millions of humau beings Try it. Sold for -VK"or 1.C0 ier bot- who today call this nation noble, .i.d tie at Shwford Drug CV Drag Store. who I trust will live to call it blessed "Thus far we nave done our su preme duty. Shall we now, when the victory won in war is written in jbe treaty of .'peace and the civilized world I applauds and waits in expectation. i ... T:mbr into history. From camp and cam paigu there comes the magic healing turn timidly away from the duties im- which haa closed ancient wounds and j po.sed uion the country by its own .laced their scars. For the result ev- j great deeth? And when the mists try American patriot will forever re- j joice. It is no small indemnity for ; the cost of the war. This government has proved itself invincible in the Extl.AEsrRlasixctln? Merv Klrby and Ueid, of Marion, have obtained a franchise and are pre paring to put in uii independent tele phone exchange iu Morguntou. Their contract vrlth the towu provide for It is caused by ix cold .or succession or colds, co:ati:ie l with impure blood.' Ijts symptoms are paixi in the head, discharge from the nose, rii glag uiois es iu the ears, is cu'reil b II-ooTjs" S.irsapardia which purifies and on es the blood. scothe'and rebuild recent war, and out of it has come a nation which will remain iediviible fcreverSiiore, "So worthier' contribu tions have been made in patriotism and in men than by the people of these Southern States. When at hit the opportunity came they were eager to meet it, and with promptness rt.--Kinded to the call of country.. Under the able : leadership of men dear to them, who had marched with their fathers under another flag, how fight' iug undr thejoM flag again, they have gloriously helped to defend its spotless 'fold. and added new lustre to its shi ning stars. That fiag has been plant ed hi two htmisphefes, and therejit rtmains the symbol of liberty and law, 4 tfTl f-l ui :eace - ana progre. n no . win withdraw from the people over whom it floats its protecticg folds. Who will haul It down. "The v.'ctorv we celebrate is not that all ii'ght tervice and for rnr'nly ron fadeaway end we se- with clearer nectiou with Marlon, Li't.oir and Hick- viioi may we not go forth n-Joicing ory. iu .-trexigth which h.s ben et!i Capitalists from Virginia and IHnnc- Iloyed solely for humanity and ulway gota have been here this ek IntintV been tempered with justice ana- mer- us the timber bind in tho South cy, condent oi our acimv ,io meei i mountams bcinngiug to ilers. Atyer- nethv aud MeuzicA. of Hick cry, anil Harnhardt. of Ienoir.- The tract em braces a great deal of fine timber. It was at one time owned by en Ur.glish cororatlon, which issued ileLcuture bonds upon it to the amouut of. i'iV), O.iO, it is iL Itfl present oMftters do not value it that high, however. Morgantcn Corre;cndence of Char lotte OLfcerver- exigeucies vhich await u-,' becaute confident that our courto is. one of duty and our cause that of right?' The enthusiasm of the openng of tlje meeting was renewed when the President finished speaking and it was coutinucue thereafter until h- and his party arose to leave. After the sjeecimu;ing . was over the guests die- f a ruler, a President or a Ccn-n sa. 1 m .-f th ixn! Th rva. r.-e hriv ' f rt v!H w.Us and the audience went In a uiaM to the public reception at the Executive Mansion. 1 tie reception was a gena- Skw stra ialm. ine crush. GastoiiU Gazette. lanquct trdertd the PrcId.nt at J . , m ' night. In re-i.vng to the toa,r, j tar b ft tat-- It i CKt-l that "Our Country' be" mule one of the there wa once a fallow tJo nost stirring peech-. thcugti a j 1 jwtil tLt if he owned . Loth Texas short one, of the trip. He said: j au,j a ct rtafn other locality which we I am no: a stranger to your trpi- j d not axre to nme, Le ould live la tality. Vcu Lave always given me a j the other pbrc and rent cut T.x. court eon- am: cordial recepttou. iiy wonjer ;i lie won t panluh a revhed but c-i.the ieonle. under the auvIres of tdilija at hi! c-vx-ucmic opinion! i 1 i I i t I I