X -. riOJiOKS PRESS: OCTOBEIl 11, 1900 - . . . ........ . r JUDQE BOVD CMARQES JURY I " " ' " . 7 f 10 lnd.tmrnt of Prr.o-i ComitM,z Offenses Axal.st the Fra.rhlse8rlb.ry Intimidation, Prud or. Oth-r Law lessnessThe Rlht to Vet Oaar. nteed to All Races Alike. Special to The Gazette. Greensboro, N. C., October X 1 . 2. Jrederal court opened to day. Jqdge Boyd's charge to th srrand jurywas able and learned. He went Into detail on the revenue laws; covering every phase. He said it was commonly gnp posed that the court bad no jarishic tlou over crimes other than the reve nue laws bat this was aT mistake. It had eight cases of offenseFagainst the postal laws, operation of the depart ment of justice for official miscondutt, counterfeiting cases and offenses against the elective franchise. The most interesting portion of the chartre regarding the frauchise elicited a great deal of comment and was the talk on the streets, in hotel lobbies andWslse where. The JuugeV words on thfs in teresting.su bject were as follows : The fourteenth-article of the consti tution otthe United States provides that "All persons born or naturalized in the Uuitedi States, and subjects to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens, of the United States and of tne State wherein they reside,'.' and the first sec tion of the fifteenth article of the constitution-is as follows: ;The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on ac couut of race, color or previous condi tion of servitude.' The right to vote isofce of the most sacred privileges ac corded to the American citizen, and the very character of 4ourrgovernment makes it of tha higneaOwportance that the citizei. should be protected in this right.. Under obr form of govern ' ment the people rule; they select their public servants and instruct them as to the policy to be pursued in admin istering our affairs. This is done through the ballot, and a majority at . the ballot box declares who are to be entrusted with the management of the government and what particular lines of action shall be taken. If, therefore. the source of power is corrupted, the Citizenjs unlawfully deprived of his right to vote, or of,? the result of his .vote; if elections are not free or are controlled by bribery, ' intimidation, fraud 'or other lawless methods, then the whole purpose of ' our free institu tions is th waited, the right guaran teed by the constitution are ignored, and the liberties which have come to us as our inheritance froln those who fought for, planned arid formed our government will be overwhelmed in anarchy and chaos. The freedom and parity ot the ballot is the foundation upon which the perpetuation of our ' republican form of government must rest; and the destruction and impair ment of this foundation will eventu ally result in the tuin of the structure. The constitution leave it to the sev eral States of the Union .each to pro vide qualifications for voters, the re striction being that the laws of suff rage of a State shall not deny or . abridge the right of a citizen to vote because of his race, color, or because he may have been a slave. The intent . and purpose of this constitutional provision is at once apparent. Iu a number of the. States of the Union an terior to 1865 the institution ot human Blavery existed, and persons of the African or" colored race were held as property. By the proclamation of the President and by virtue of the thir teenth amendment to the constitution, slavery, was abolished and the former u ' j ;i,An.Ki.. The purpose, therefore,' of the pro vision referred to was to place the f reedinan on the same plane with oth- ers in so far as his right and privileges of citizenshiD were concerned. But the laws of the United States are not confined to the protection of any one cl&aa in securing the free exercise of these rights. They are ample, when properly obeyed and enforced, to pro tect every citizen no matter of what race, in the fall enjoyment' of the rights, 5 privileges and immunities guaranteed by the provisions of our organic and statute law. As 1 stated before the State can prescribe qualifi cations for the voter which the citizen most possess before he is entitled to vote; bat when the State has pre scribed such qualifications then every person having them is edtitled to vote, and it It a violation of the criminal laws of the United States for any per son or persons to deprive such person of his legal right to vote at any gen- eral or special election held by Jaw at which qualified voters are entitled to vote There is an impression among . . TTnjtj tome that the laws of the United States apply only ta elections at wale r.rMiantiil Alsctors or candidates for trr nrft voted for. This U errone- mim msmmmsi at '' Maynard's old Standt Hickory N. C in now readj for work. Call nd b roBTtnod tbat yo esn at a PRETTY FICTUBfi whether yoo are rrettj or not. Work equal to tLat done in tb larger tittle, and will be . flntebtd vronptly. ' V We ean furnish yon any thing job want In oar line. Kej ectfally, N Operator CLAREMONT For-GIRLS and YOUNG WOMEN, HICKORY, N. C. . A noted health resort. Pure mountain air and water. Magnificent buildings ; pleasant home life.' Under Christian influences. Ten schools in one. Faculty of 14; University Men and Women. Best advantages in 'Music, Art and Elocution.. Rates most reasonable. Students from nearly every Southern State, also from Canada, Western and Northern States. Write for catalogue. W. U. HATTON. A. II., Lftt. M.. President. Special Low Prices HE TlSVl.ES ricmond, Ya. v Daily and Sunday 4 Maatai rhe Times, Subscriptions taken and privileges guaranteed to the citi zen whether such invasion effects his action in a State election or a federal election, the object being to bring to the aid of the citizen the power of the federal government to shield hiiu in the eujomeDt of the privileges which' the law has conferred, and to punish those who by force, fraud or other un lawful means interfere with the exer cise of such privileges. . "Having called your attention gen erally to the-provisions and purposes of the federal laws upon this subject, I will now cite certain statutes enacted for the punisnment of those who will- I '4 fully infringe the rights of the citizen, or unjustly deprive him of the oppor tunity to exercise such rights; Section 5507, Revised Statutes of the United States, reads as follows: "Every per son who prevents, hinders, controls or intimidates another from exercising or in exercising the rigts of suffrage, to whom the right is guaranteed by the fiffAPnth Amendment to the Constitu- tion of the United States, by means of bribery or threats of depriving such person of employment or occupation or of ejecting such person from a rented house, lands or other property, or by threats of refusing to renew leases or contracts for labor, or by threats of violeuce to himself or family, shall be punished as provided in the preceding section; that is by fine or imprison ment or both. In accordance - with what I have said before, you will see that the right to vote is guaranteed to all races and colors alike, and the States are forbidden to make any dis crimination what ever against any person on account of race or color. Under article VI, section 1. of the Constitution of North Carolina: 'Every male person bora in the United States and every male person who has been naturalized, is twenty one years old or upwards, who shall have re sided in the State twelve months next preceding the election, and ninety days In the county in which he offers to vot. shall he deemed an elector, The exception extends only to persons who have been convicted of f olony or other infamous crimes and have not hften restored to citizenship. The con- atitutlon of the State then makes it the dqty of the general assembly to 1h COLLEGE 01 aronia, -his office. rxi If you are young you nat urally appear so. If you are old, why ap pear so? ' Keep young inwardly; we will look after the out wardly. v, ' . You need not worry longer about those little streaks of, gray; advance agents of age. will sorely restore color' to gray hair: and it will also give your nair all the wealth and gloss of early life. Do not allow the falling of our hair to threaten you longer with baldnes.Do not be annoyed who dandruff. Ve will send vou our book on the Hair and Scalp, free4 upon request. mi flu ;o xpicJ Irtxn th nam ot R n wttk your mml rita vbica W1M.-W SllT mMTti LevU.UML 1 J Li G m. - Y Y . . v . . . . . $. 1 Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. S "Leader" and "REPfeATER" loaded with Smokeless 2 po vder and "New Rival" loaded with Black powder. Superior to all other brands for 2 UNIFOIWIITY, RELIABILITY AND STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES. Winchester Shells are for sa!e by all dealers. '"-Lt iincn hnving them wlien you buy an J you wil. get the I will play over your face if you get your Job Work done at our office. We haveT'determiried to be the leading: Job Printers of this and adjoining counties, and it's strange hoty much Work can be done when one sets out to do t. AllWeMiOBapi?i.:al Bring your last work up and compare it with our Samples, and if we can't beat it we will do it free. We mean to please you; and therefore we take pains with your work, for extra pains, means extra satisfaction. -Stationery neatly printed is the C come your of successful business, so up and let us start you in business letters. MI P HI COMPANY. -jG Pepsin ta TesSsIsss end Cssrsntdttd to Car OSs cc3 V 11 Li Jar thm Chill Tonic . SeU lb Sterne Xor Tee ZmHk. - . II r OOU Tmmle ch m chid et2TStl3 122 trs it ke 5n nUh thi invasion of . th righU (COSTISUKD OS PAOB SIX ) w awBMw