-" .- -r" : r ... vvTw k v i el ,-wi7"7 -j - iiit.vi-; -i .f-ff1 F -if; OfM REPORTER.- Si y f . .. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, T. 8EFUL INTORMATI03P AXD TO DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN NEWS. -V. D THE pEPOIffEB r-- IS 1830 KD' WEKKtT BT VEdittrf ft Ptbprietar,' - " r k na .0 atriathr la ad rase, v Taaelt srfwrtlsetaeerts Insert i 91.00 per M.- . II. aa far tha Srst lsjertiest. ad tw.aij-ovs eentr for sash oeatjanaaaa. r . ' -- ' ti, Biri.tr-1 '"f U&ata teMrWd eishw yar far MA ; .(Haw awrtiMnant aa fellow . ' 1 VBA.R. 6 BtOWTBM CoUsIn, -, fW.OO 18.00, 12,00 I mmn. fse,eo , IS.eo 8.00 rTlt tnW..! ..jMrthMmsBts the ah la ad vine will be repaired, e mpo payiet aae faa tad au.r-W. U MrBiS It i,ad Job work trvm a iaM, ""-Wua r thoblaeMf ' r.I i IV 4VS tSriT? ir" ' V H. wW back. m( portn wm, -1)X - I VXVJt. Iraad Uud tkt .rriv.i of moo p- K JlOLOCUKl WltB u..- . I aod on aoderata Mrau. . s . . jiisa rwii JACOB T. BROWN, 4TTO0ET IT liW, j; " HIGH POINT, K. C. rtit .ikeak tha Oanru of Guilford, and the ni- ''joining oootie. and panctoally attend to the col lection of "11 llnid eutrust-d to his care. - a High Point. Jan. 12th. I860. 1 tf . PORTER & GORRELL. East and'Wnt Mark! S. , GJfEEtfSBORO, ff. C. Is. Wholesalfl and wtail dialers in DTUgs, Medicines. .Chemicals, Perfumery, , , FINE TOILET SOAPS, -sFiae 0ir and Tootb Brhe Surgioal apd D.-nUl . tutriuuflt, truwes, Supporters ad ',.h ' -SHOULDEIt. BRACES. , WinMuid Liauor Ar meilical nes, Olats. Putty, Paints, .Oils, VBihs, Dje Stufli, Oraes " and Garden Seed, manufacl urei i; sud Cimrs, Feb. 10th. 1860. ' i , HIGH POINT, N". O., THTJBDV Y XOVKMBKR 1, 18((. No. 42. L. M GLLLAAI & BROTHER, O EN AL SHJRCII AND1SE, FANCY aadSUple Drj QeoeVOroaeriea, Bait. Fish, CMdBgs, IjMu.ad UMharand wUi buy for tuii.nliMt, tsra. Floor. Dried Frait, Beawai HtJN,F'5v'H0TEL,"' ;t; ' l' 5ATHA-f SntNTi Jri, Proprtetuy, rpHI9 New and atiawfieatl arranged Eawa ia i. now roea for the soemneiiioa ul tx tnrai ling publie, aiul the ptvpriete. hupea, bj -eioa at tention' to tha antf it UMsa whs mat call o bkw, tha atteaiisnoe of tnwtf . serf isU, a tabla well anoied, tidy reams, aaa Watt tttmtohad stables la ansaasfc at the rail iseneer trila 11e Kesulsr mail etase b' tueen iliih oint and 8alem, -tart from this House, an I the Trinity Hacs reguliirly r&Hs also for uny passengers gumg out to Wie College. .:yin. l.'tb. IfJO. 1 lj POETICAL.. THI"WAraGr. "a. a. 1." or arrcvm, ui. 12,-1 MO, - ni 14 tf f ' Ualeas jou ra bnrne a (ais like nuna. Haw deep ft earaa. . wild a waa, ..' 1 arklogia t&Kt tii$j wina. Look oa'ary chaek, tie aitbered now, U one was roapd pod smooth as tbiae ; tte a wiy JeepW fursow'd brow, , " Tit aU tha work of ucmobafoau wlaeJ! " I bal two aoni, two prTnoeljrboysV . vr inp si una a or gsra j Ha 'I tuitiiii fnf f 1 r J. T. ELLIOTT, TAILOR, Shop nearly opposite Sheek & Bowman's Store In ready at "11 limni t put op work in hie line in a iienf nnd duralde niuimer. Coats, Punte and Vests cut on moieriite Terms. Hiub Point. Jan 12ili. I860. 1 ly Tobacco Snuff 6-ly J. D.THYERS, COMMISSION MEJICHANT AMIOLESALE GROCER, f (HqUORS I1C1.UDFD ;) " AaentforJ.M.SingertCo. Wilcox Oibbs and Jesi O- Cotinw's Sewin Mbines) keej con- tantly onhand'nopply,rf Red Coa, for CPrntos. a Salidtoconsignwantennd ardors and will promptly A .11 hiKinnas antra8te4 to him. Office on f .Old Cwnnty Whart , ' ' Newbern, jan. zotnriow. , " ' "BY INDUSTRY WE TURIVE." J. J. TUKNKlt, Tailor, Wouhl sny to tlie citise; s ofTi iiiity CuMei, that he has located litre for the j urpi)8e of cunyi' g on the TAILORING nUSlVES". I(y strU-t ntti-ntion to tiusincB. he expects to mer it and receive a liberal patronnjre Thos wiBliina w- rk in the latest ana neatest style Till plea, e lavr him n iih a nil. Trinity foil. go, N C.July 10th I860 27 To fill a Common drunkard's grave ! I bad a daughter, young and fair, As pure as ever woman bore ; Where is nhe ? did you aik me where Scud low, I 11 tell the tulo once mors. I saw that fairy child of mine. Link'd to a kingly hridfgrnom's side, Her heart was pay and free as thine, Oh ! would to Gd ilie then had died : Not many moons had 6!!"d tlipir horn, While hhe upon bin boa 31 nK'pt ; Twas on a darkly dismal morn, She o'er her muruei'd huxbsnd wept! Iltr drunken father dtull the bli xc .' Her bruin grew wild her heart grew weak Was tver tale ot deeir woe. A mother's lips had lived to speak 1 She dwell in yonder darksome walls ; No ray of reason e'er doth chine; She on her murder'd husband cnlN, '7tra.. done tnj vine, by anted w;ne ! J. C. HEDGCOCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEXINGTON N. C. . Will practice in the (loiirts of 1 'aviden, Ran dolph, Ouilfoid, Forsyth and Kowan, and will give Btrict attention to all business ontruBted to bis bands. August, 1860. 1-8S ly fc-tf 1 W4 W. PEIRCE) -:v;'-' " OENSBAXt, C0MMlS8I0N.MERjaja)aNT U , Wimingtonlili" O. T"Rofetli tb T).'.-a tTioMrrflrr f oint; teb, 17th, 1880. ' " -! r? . Hi .c- 1 A. 8. NEWL'IN, . " WformrhntYnroi- in '' . TIN AM SlfEE IRO&f -f - AKD DBALKB IK ' ' CQCKINU STOVES, , ... High Point, N. 0 Feb 10, 1860. T O & B O. WORTH COMMISSION & FORWARDING ' MERCHANTS. Wilmington, N. C. Personal attention given to tbe sale of produce, and prompt returns maue. May 10th, 1860. 18 ly f B. B. BULLA, , attomrti at la, Asheboro', N. C. Will practice in tha County and Superior Courts ox naoLoipn anu aujomiug cuuoiws. July 5th, I860. 26 4m 6 tf O. K, STOBDAaD. STODDARD 4 CLARK, COMMISSION MEIAgHANTS, 150 Front Street, ' 1 - 1 ' KBW-YORK. January S7tb, M60. v si ly . ,. N. M. MARTIN, BRO, A ;-' -r m. M J i' M ' u nub mpi Co., X COMMISSION MERCHAT3. PiTaasctrao, Va. N. M. MARTIN, SON &Ch u COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .J-Oi. -s ' RICHMOND, VA.', U t, March 2Sd, 186i, Si SHELLY, v WAMnACT0E1t OP ' JtADiiy FINE; SHOES, - 't'j, 1 iBOOT8' AN& GAITBBS, e t,Tf bioh bo aalla'at Vnofowl anj Retail. -.V" . , . i,,o..ai., rvidson County, M C "Orders for 8oe by the tuantl. aroaaptly at March 2a-wmrA- 1. .... T - . n w a. , n n Ttr u I t 1 j it v;4 -vUi, BCALtaa ID 7TT U. Orooeries, OilaPalnM, fi.t,i l'nr'A.attnf! i Iron, Leather &e.j and will W Wheat, Corn u... Rannn"" t.ard 'Dried Fruit Beeswax ' '' , Feftthe, Furs, &0. " - ' ' , -" X ,.HigbJPoint.Jau,12th,180 3f ! vl(V70RTH &DAriEi, 1 ' r Wilmington. H. 0 I . O i ' rs" In ' R kindl of Grooanes Iroa-eona " '-Frait. itqnors, Wiaos, fj gaso antt Tobaeoo. ' " ; ' ai..t nnnsimnaentl ol Flonr. Dried Fruit. Feath : era, Beat Wax, Tobaoeoj and Country frodqojaa. l i i al . AgenW rrirTW'Wp",: ; , Sir A tM psM T yoWwIlli T ... of A .hehoro ' N. a T.C.4B, O. Worth. 1 1 1 1 r . W. k A. A. WELCH. . '' - 'T' f' V' DEALERS - 5 iSt.apl an4'F&acy " K Harawaro, CutKiry VaplWlOboj)t V ojnoensware, Orooenos, kc. - ' 5 IiJ(pfcurred and ended all itlun um even rngStwen seven and nine o clxk. Hat I Will begin back a few hours and tell tolL, up . , , ! an. ( inarn tu' rttUe d- jiiuttier was a great hunter, and Jiad ,;nrf irW i( together? ipossi wimnu-n put ou vonr duds and go riht UtiBCiLmrTLvcas or Hot Bwsiat). TVs ftrmht iiO!ne and briagfc'k The old man SetoMisVr A mericaa aays tbl Dr. i.O. B tjby and woman, and your granrlfuther, who ie has put.ii.bed Kiowisrt iatarwlsBf aa4saav j n i tr li in to a liatidred; brin 'em all here, ! ful facts in relation touts direttiasj of losWJsi d cabfodU of, on espetinlly for slay'mg wild tur- Tbe difficulty was finally adjutod by the tall lemale tukinjj a room alODO. Wellsville is enjoying itself Ter the sen sation. CLtveUuU PUundeaUr. He would ramble the piney w oods tkrojgh rain and snow ; lie for hours in a " wind ' waiting for them to come to bia baS; nd would sit up all night, w hen he ha4ierched" a Kanir, for fear of Leihir toq Ian for them next morning. He had tlPf "bs.ita" at which tnrkgvi tiul m.Ho nanarea ana no matter what, lle told me J have been looking, or ftason , orer I must go with him and watch one of his that heanliAil portion of the suar region baits. Well, I had to gu, and so I went . I f Louisiana, known abroad generally as hut all the time I was thinking, a little tl,e " Grasse Tete' takin(f its name from , 1 , ... ,, , 1 a stream connecting the MiasiMnipni river nart v that I Irniuv wonlrl hn or, WuntnA l. . . M. .. Acadiaks in LouiaiAKA. No one who ha read lxingtellows's beautiful poem, "Evangeline," will fail to he interested in the following brief ieoriptionj of the d- scendantaof tn ancient Aeaduiu8,.8 now kia O, M-&G. LINES, MANUFACTORRRS AND DEALERS IN ' HEAVY B0TJBLE-S0IED BR0GAN3, 8INGLE-80I.1SD BROQAN8, GENTSr KIP Brogans AND OXFORD TIES, At Wholesale and ttetail, . --1 Thomasyillo, N. a ' Particular attention paid to I)ouble-Soled Bm gana, for negro wear, which are warranted to do good service at a . Low Price. Tha natronaze of tbe Southern peoole is re speotfully solicited 10 this Hocie Estabiiebraent. with the assurance that every article sola Dy na, shall be of a good quality, Ana at a moderate rnee. Moreh 2d, 1860 8-4y... W. I. VESTAL, - General Sent for the Collection of Xotc, Jlc- 1 ecamtt and thr iettlenunt af Claimt. : NEWBKBN, N. C ' . Rninir now ancnired in eanrassint! Craven and tbe adjoining counties, a win waaertaae ine cohbo. tion of account,, for pure! asers ot newspapers, merchants, factor and others-for the usual com mhtsiona. ' . - t-' -All business entrusted tome by parties at a distaoca willtM faithfully Sod promptly attended to. - f ' Iresjer these to whom lam not known to the edltdrot the Daily trogress and tha business wi of Wewbernjieaeiauy, a Aaaress .. ;! rr.i, hmiu;'j; i .Progress Office, ISewJierti, i. 0.' Jan. i860,' ... - 3 tf GUI AND fkVU usiieinu uiiuuuswiii Auatsusuiuii , . . ... r . DSALEIUI UTAH .:, -i FtSH,PK0Vt31O'S FljOUR, BCTTER. , .- Xheese. Oils, Dried Pruits, - rjrsln" geed. Beans, Fan, ft hnkey .Wool.Country Produce, and Merchandise generally.!;.-'; l f .-i . - -r - . Jfo.54Nortli Wlarves, IMf Coasiirnments of lroy!sion. Plour and C6in try Ptotius, solicited: A leturn promptly made Uash ndmvneea wna oasirM. n i . Orders for all kinds of Fnh.'Pravldons, Floni1 dreld Froits. S.0 , pMiti ;at the loyest UaA r rules Way d,J860 Hit , T- V. '"" Jphn. M: Clark,' . , COMMISSION MERCHANT, . ed MLM1NQTQN, N M : Will giva prompt utrsonal attanttoa to th salt orahipojeat of ftuvval Storea, CotMrti, and all other kinds, of Country Fieduoe Regular (kaler Lime, l'lalster, te meant stsd Halt Can Supply, partios, in want of those artioles -on better serins than antJtbeE boas in North Car olina, ' Orders promptly attended to.- Agent for Steamer KATK McLAUllIN, - y ' tr. i' t ' ajjd t '' f. 1 ' ' . 4 Jul 25th, 186a ... 27 ijr Slj Early Coarting ScrApes. BY BILLY o'BCCK6Kl!t. 1 The reader left me sitting on the horse block at the Meeting House, with my Sun day clothes on, bout on an extra display of gallantry toward the fair sex. In those days buggies had not como into fashion. Those who traveled on wheels ed the old-fashioned "Jersey -wagon," and '-stand- ups," (Stanhopes) or as they were more frequently called '-stick gigs." Thero was occasionally seen a-family carriage of the highland terrapin pattern, but those were rare and were used only by the wealthiest citizons. OC coarse a large majority of men and women who didn't walk, went to Chtrrch oh'horaeTiaok. Thuatit Itlt De seen that I. had a fino opportunity of car rying my plan into execution. Several had rode up, some of whom I had helped from their horses and walked with to the church door ; at length a beau tiful littlenymph, with the rosiest of cheeks the brightest of eyes, and rubiest of lips, rode up on one of her father's plow horses. It was the first time she had rode on horse back by herself, and prowl enough she was of the feat. Her father and mother were with her, the old lady requiring all the care and attention of the old man, which left me an open field with the young one. led her horse to the block, liberated her pretty little foot from the stirrup, and as sisted h0r to aligh$ in gallant style, bar ring the. little accident of her missing the lower block by wh&h she came near fall ing broadside on the ground: I may men tion that both of as were too bashful to say anything, both were blushing deeply, and no doubt both felt excoeding some how ih; those who hare been in such predic aments can understand something about it, but I cannot explain: it. Sally was pretty girl, and no mistake. I immediate ly fell in love with her, and , I think if an opportunity had then and, there presented itself, X should have asked the old-folks for her on the spot, for I had a sort of in tuitive assurance that it would be alljight so- far as she was concerned. ; .Now all this way appear staff to old fogies generally, and I am sometimes disposed to ibink that a Utile oil of hickorywould have; been ta excellent medicine for my eoraplaint about that timet oat lei every reauer uwb, oac and see if he cannot call up some episode, of this sort in his early . history, in which there wasto- him, vast deal, of -earnest reality at the time, - " ' K . " I &6 toot how remember hoWi long this little divinity held my heart enchained, but I remember tbe affair came to very romantic termination. It rrasin this wise; I determined to write her a Jove letter, which I did: but unfortunately my fcroth- er caught me at It and told mother, and I, to avoid iurther., detection, dropped it throagh a broken placa in the ceiling of the room, whene it silently reposes to this dnv" unless the r&ts save made a test of if My tooisVet 4RdecI ' aigh of the miasive,-! equivocated, nd.the opnsequen was, I fell heir to a Lrrapingr which untoward cti;cumstane;' taken in the1 ag gregate, lal the tendency .61 drying- up the flowing jaffiona' that Vers running toward my pretty little, t'wrntorafst. ' 3iy next crap nm short tut serious. gether at a certain place in the neighbor hood that evening, which 1 had net my heart on being one. We snt and wtited and waited he in one "blind," and I in the other but the turkeys seemed dilatory, and I wanted to leave. After a longtime av ay V ward noon, an old gobbler made his appearance, about two hundred yards off; then another came, and another, un til there were a dozen in sight. There they tramped around nnd picked and stretched themselves, but wouldn't come to the bait. At lenglith I could stand it no longer, and determined to bring mat ters to a crisis ; so bringing the old fuseo to my shoulder! took aim at the gang in- u.senminately and let ny. Uverl went one way, and away went tho turkeys the oth- My father came running upas soon he heard the gun fire, and asked if I had killed the turkey. I told him I had not killed it, exactly, but had made the foathors fly. All of which was a fact but unfortunately the feathers earned off the meat with them. I had shot at rhem over distauce of nearly two hundred yards. This brought the day's sport to a lose nod lelt me free to go the party spoken of above, here I found several of the young people of e neighborhood assembled ; nd where my next serious entanglement of heart befell me, hicb I will tell in my next. Ifote byibe -Witpc, la sur first nbar.of the "Early Courting Scranes," we inadvertently mitted tlicSnom de plume of the author. ' "This omission we remedy this week. The writer has promised us a "genuine cour ting scene," and a "sample love-letter,'' before the "serapes" are concluded, neither of which shall be a fancy sketch, but a transcript of the reality. f with the Gulf, and which Mr. Longfellow lias immortalized in his beautiful poom of Evangeline, under the name of Plaque mine. I have a friend who possesses a sugar estate on its now classic banks ; and it is snch a beautiful and attractive region that I have resolved to spend a portion of the summer with him, amid its genial in fluences. Ilere you meet daily the iden tical colony of Acadians which the poet represents as emigrating from Canada, tho human stomach, dedeead (rotii mnts wub Ht. Uaitia. Ui man laged bullet bole U iis side, tliroshrb orbit ; ' caw be sees all the irifsiiw of sjssslm. l peaking of tbe autriuMS props saf "tiajjl coons td, sad the fropss-atat ia whist it 4s), most easily djgealed. lie gives tbe Misrwbaf' r excellent alvico: c "Hot bread never digasU. Bmt ihlsia mSsmI 4 tender, if you aro aeuatosoed to aat Mm Kgbt r,.. . and tempting Meruit at tea,' o (lie Warm lo4t'v' tliatlooba so arelUDg wpotl tbstantat "iT;v5S 1h2j AIWt5htusns.W-UmJtii' TH' wkinglihio'j tW aLwsA it'iQMlt sgtav-eav'-'-feriuenf, atjfl Vttl evootaalty b- pasassl awtlcaf tlx tlonacb as an nnweloosn teataal tssaf delicate organ, but sever diists sjsisi bav comes assimilated to, or absorbed DJ,JM er gaa, that nppropriaU notntioB to Abe bodjt. It is a BrsUrato avsoeosie wrodoaar. TWl b ie is truth, as it baa best) rsmtatodlT wovasJ fr uo actual oberratioo throuch the fra aids) af Alexis St. Marti 0. -W the of 1 gleaming Southern Buns. These people speak tbe trench language still : live . . .1 , , , , . 1 u uiemseives, ana nave tune intercourse , 0Aor0..: M. ofdi,, 0- .th tho world, contenting themselves Well.acatter A little irypsumowerit, and itbbe 1111 i lit- Huusiacuoii 01 a lew biuiuib v. uijib; i, 1:-,- v..l,i n S. .L. nllinlm. il.oi ,r, l,..rwlt, V,oi . 3 . . ' . . "f ' ot jour notice as studeaU of ebamistry. A,o occas ona iy manmaciuring a lew oarrets Dirt mAet C(ro make, brMd mi)s , ti nogsneaos lor ine weauny pianiere. ,., thsl raakel , . M hey are a strango, clannish peoplo, re-1 r .. a i- :-,," o .. l.u u ;j-i.u . w ."s the race of Gipsies. Bough Beginning of the Honeymoon. On last Friday mornins an athletic young farmer, in the town of Waynesburg took a lair girl, " all batbea in blushes, from her parents, and started for the first town, across the Pennsylvania line, to be married, where the ceremony could be performed without a license. The happy pair were accompanied by a sister of the girl, a talL, gaunt, sharp-featured female of some . thirty-soven su turners. The pair crossed the line, were married, and return ed to JTellBville, to pass the night. Peo ple at,tne notei wnere .we- weaaing party stopped, observed that tboy conducted themselves in a rather singular manner. The husband would take his sister-in-law the tall female aforesaid, into one corner of the parlor and talked errnestly to her, gesticulating wildly the while. Then the tall lemale would "pat ner loot down and talk to him in an angry and excited manner. Then the husband would take bis fair young bride into a corner, put n. could no sooner commence talking to ner than tho gaunt sister would rush in be tween' them and angrily join in the conver sation. The-people at tbe hotel ascertain ed what this meant , about 9 o'clock that evening. There was an nproag in tbe room wniun naa been assigned to tne new. lv' married Connie. - Female shrieks and masculine "swears" startled tbe peoplo Itt'i the hotel, no they rusned. to the spot The gaunt Ipmale was pressing nnd kick ing against the door of the room, and the newlv '-married man. mostly undressed. was "barring her out with all his might. uocasionauy sue womu hds toe uoor iar enough open to disclose the rtalwart hus burd in his gentleman Greek Slave ap parel.- , It appeared that the tall female insist- de -upon occupying - tne same room witn the newly-wedded pair; that her sister was lavorably disposed to tbe .arrange meat, and that the nusband had agreed to it before the wedding took place, and was now indignantly repudiating the contract. " Won't you fro away now. Susan. Beace- fnir'aaid he newly narried, man, aoften- ing fits, voice. t.; - "" ,' u No." Said she. t won so there.', Dpnt yoa budge an inch," eried the marneu Bister wniun us room. . : 14jSow nowi jlane," -said tbe yonng man to his wife, in a piteous tone, "dont go to euttirC up ip, this way j now don't.'f . f I'll cut np a much, aB I wsater I" she sharply replieiL" ? - J? " 'tWel,''', Jtoarei"th dibsperate man, throwing the- door wide open and stalking out among the -crowd, well, jest ytu twe ntl taking up their abode under our Dirt Old Dr. Cooper, of South Carol'm, used to say to his students: "Don't be afraid. of little dirt, young genllemea. What ts dirtl Why, nothing at all offensive when ebemicathr viewed. Rob a little alkali opoa that d'rrtjr grease spot, on your oat, and It ajadargoes) a chemical change aad becomes soap. Mow rob tt witii a little water and it diMOMavrc Has neither grease, soap, water, nor dirt. " That is 'bi tens her face with chalk or fullers sttrtb. There is no telling, young gentlemen, what is 1irt.' Obey Tour Wife, Three jovial fellows Tom Watson, Joe Brown aad Bill Walker satiate at the village! American FaoGaKaa- In 1820 there tavern, and in the merriment of their hearts 1 twentr-lbres Slates m the Union: Mw'thera ade en arrangement that tbe' shot" should be are thirtv-tliree. Then its arm Was I.tt7.t5t aid hy him who omitted to do the Bret thing I -qua re miles; now it ia i,9a6,16A Oor paps. is wile ioki iiiio oa returmsg Dome. Aney 1 Isunn Uieu waa V. 833.181: now ILOXHMXML then separated for the night engaging to meet Our sbipninir tbea was 1.280.165 toncnow it is ext morning and, make mi honest report. 6.145.187. Our annuali rooorts then sunoon ted Next morning Walker snd Drown were early J to $74,450000; now' t&cy anwoetaY to ftSS5r at their posts, but it waa sometime before Wat-1 788,190. Our exports then were- sSB,98l son made his appearance. Walker began urst 1 766; now they are K366.89,40t.' JM "You tee. when I entered mv hoasetbeear-l one tbf was tl.770.8Il: Boar k ia tSQ.QOO die was out, and as tbeB'e gave bat a glimroer- lQ00 .TITeal anLperaoMtaitt of oar-mti- :. T:t.. . ik: . ri u.,a..i .1 . s,. inn aa irr . . , - r -h wn "(."'i uvu n111 'jr wi uwi aens men was uuiotsm- vivUfVUVUvpow As Jw hat hn firiimnAii mmra in nn muis m inn u. tm.iaii -i siiuiuinin nun . . morning. My wite, dreadfully 001 ot humor ol eittintv tin a.-t Innfff anit in mA satv.al,iillv Do put your foot in tbe batter! 'Just as yoa say. uetllflg III ifaraim n sMWIUin. bed." Next, Joe Bion told his storyr-My ago, went out into Walworth coorttyale) wife had already retired to rest in oar sleeping do some business!. At that ttm th nom, which adjoins the kitchen, and tbe dooi country wa8 absorbed entirely in' h wb nr. iitucilia slum iv uni iicaro i kaisAwwAa aitri mm In . . . . . . I BCCUIilte SJk bUQ UMtWH sHIU UK) KTHJlssrlV t S ... .a. a , ell, t made a dreadlul clattering . . ft. vi iwa mono- the hnnjtfthohl fnrnitnre. nnd in no verv I . .0 . . " .... . We wiU iet of which perfectly among inn uuuihsii'MU iurui,urv,nnutii iiv tdm i. , .v , . 8. ... . .... .vx. t i-.i 1 nc-anybody 'to home. pleasant tone sne imwieu out, uo urecs. sira-i .0 - norndire not. joer XNo sooner said tnan aane. 1 vv'" - 1 ' -s I seized hold of the pot, and, striking it against "I stopped &t the house of .my iVient the chimney jamb, broke it in a hundred pieces. I B, and knocked all tbe skinoffjmy After tins exploit i retired to reffl, ana gm "j knuckles at nis tront aooE, nt ceroid enrtain lecture for my pains." It -was not start anybody, and justalf Iwasf Tom Watson's 'turn togive an accinot of Wm-l,,,, awJ(y. a TO8eNbr. mtftsW COT .AIsT uLi.h 1, a At A at'ttH wmW IrinsW ttkaWA M I . . m . . . a r , . - v1 . inonim. said that Wasirettirie'iAi 7i :VZZSl?2? r rnlV his wheat' Ithenwent overinto an- iIIU II IHC OT WI III. t'n i. wsm IU"U' - follow ing tip stair, in the dark, she eried out, 'Do part of the town, tfl wher r . B . ' . . rr, .,, . . , u UM fiuhnnImBJA Sanira KL Mdsn : breaK vonr neck: ao lomy Til 00 carsea h 7 . ' --. -. r- I do, Rat; said I, as I gathered myself upll I walked in at an open door, at down Koonernav the hill.' so. landlord, here's tbe in the parlor a few minutesf M& 111 csh for yoo. This is the last time that ever one appearing, I walked up stain And I'll risk a sovereign on the command 01 my wne. 1 down stairs, DOS eouidn t Una a BOU1- " When 1 got around to the -porch. A Rhode Mander. traveling out W est, fterf again, the same leUQW came alonjrwhev tskiniT several dmiks, went on nova tne steam-1 had answered mT Question Denr.Ba)a . . . .. . ......... 1 ....... . .. . . bosttorCinoioaati.anawasasloniAneainaiineii, bailed Dim: ' ' t si'T clerk only took five cents for his fare. Boon I9 the Squire in town?" after another five eents was silled forand the Gettintr Wldn wheat I reefcott.1 ' same .thing repeated several t.nas.A At ltthe M iBhisladyr : . ' - aked . .. . . .., .-'., I 1 n ; aj-i. st.-e.ki1, A "Is (hie) lhfsad.nger AM., boatr J TZ'SIa - "Tbenfliiel why do, (hicVdpn'i yon coliect " Getting m the yheaL e-. . all the fa (h tc) hair at once-r-not bo'her a fel Ton U tad em WI sOWn a HJne field i.- ; ' Ww teller for it every mile s it comes doer I about S mile from here. AtJu.-'l ..'-' . . . '. 'r. . Aaa 1 .. .1 r . A- Li. -""S . "Keaiiyv where do yoo tumic job are goingr 1 ' 1 men oonciuaoa A wonta xry tne "Cincjn (IhV) hlnnatL" , 1 hotel, and mfyl toy owpet bag to the -Cincinnati,- saw we pome conanetor; - tins 1 public COOSe. Inere , Was ft notice OB is flteferrf-boat, and aH this aRernoon yoo bare the door, eayinr that the-house waa been hd.ng u and fro between e Albany closed for week s the proprietor vm lhTFORTAKCI Or chants Magazine for Jane, oneuflhe bst nura bent of tliat exceileut work ever issued, says: "Notoriety or poblicUy is aa indispensable -emect rueesa to the merchant, tbe mans. i fa.-turer, or the meibanle, who, would give Wide nnd speedy Crronlaiion tp the commodir' ties and prodncuons which beseeks to exchange, for Boney.'- He may have capital, aktrh, eon- vement position, pnnetnality, industry ana DOu esty every poasible fitness for V bnsiness-k-and all is nothing if be has hot aufScient noto riety. This notoriety, let H Coat more or lest, he most pnrcbaae or provide for as be parehaae his stock of gooda And it tnost, in extent. Iieartieertaia relation' ttr the business he would do: ft must be both positive - and' eomparitivei People wait not only knew him and bis busi neeA, beeaaaef otherwise they will not Bad him; bat they must know him, beeaoa ether! they will Bod and trade with f lbcae bo are better known. To de a AuCoeasfui and proflw able busiaesa, merchanf sasst admuse-ae alter what keselU.'' " ' (, -,,5 t ,", ' -rmr r i ft'-- fe"X f ;v AValte friend and shadow. Ml ftenjatain Franklin, attend only wbiUi the sua ehuiea. ' . Nei t 'rt"vtt . - 11.. J'etlin in his wheat . .Things 'be-Jara y tolool desperate now.' I hal earned ' alllllSM. tlllH LSI IllsS lfa, 1SUSU , L , - w . ' . my .carpet-bag ftbout hve miles vureaqy - in the hot sun, and it was growing tno-. mentarily heavies. r'y'i v"-l , ' " So when I saw a bOy. coming to ; ward the house, I made op any mind to - giye nun aoiur to cftrry it, tor Tne; , guessed rd have to wait till dad rot Lis ' nrriaat in ' - " 1 - ' i "At this staze of proceedirri I re- , solved to walk to the first house I f rvr s and demand, in the name of civi the hospitality dutf to" traveller.' -Ai the housff hapTjened to-be a boarc" school for "young, ladies, I rr i.r- ' tunato enough to secure a ni -v f 3, 1 .tyre- -4- and the next day, as everybo ting in his, wheat, I left for solved never w return tr' 5 plewere Iwvesljng."--. f " wv', 'nisisjaa et , ,i . ( ' Crea. - Cass was 7 years xif r j ca T -. day of last week, r.v.. Bigb Point, Hi q, Wan th, JBtw. - . etw? . r5 - ; . ( 7t5 ' 4W " 1 4 4 -ft 4J 4 "tf - (' r?

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