1 Daily CKORY I Vei l. No. 4. HICKORY, N. C. WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1915. Price Two Cents HM ' : ;.: ,- SOME COMING DAY IS PLANNED FAIR WEEK i - . 4 First Day of Big Event to be Given Over to Ca J tawba People Returning for a Visit Education and Livestock to : be Featured. A Home-Coming for the first day of the Catawba County Fair, to behcjkl here November 3, 4 and 5 was decided on at a meeting of directors andbus iru?3S men in the rooms of the ChambeY of Commerce last night. t This. ex pected to bring Catawba'cvkinfcy. peo ple, who have strayed from .the fold, an opportunity to retutn .to see what, those who were left behind. have been doing for . themselves. President Robinson was In" the' chair and Secre tary Hendeseaiv-wa at his place. I In addition to a Home-Coming day, v ch iJl.be,'f matured by a general adeiTwhich the fire company will ticipate, thj meeting planned for Educational Day and a Live Stock f ori succeeding days. Committees t will hustle have been named for h of the three days, .he committee on Home-Coming is "(posed of Messrs. A. M. West, J. Stone and H. E. Whitener; on Ed tional Day, Prof. C. M. Staley, , Geo. Long and Prof. A. S. Bai 1, and on Livestock Day Messrs. HB. Mask, L. M. Bollinger aim li ,W. Mauser. n Home-Coming Day there will be, wa.3... stated, a general parade, in lich everybody will participate es T;ally those Catawba folks who ve jcome back for a visit. On the "oiva or Educational Day the school Udreh will have a parade and Ca vb.vs , greatest asset shown. The rd day will see an exhibition of the t livestock of the county. Since some mighty attractive pre ums have been offered, there is tie doubt that interest will be acute i the exhibits. There ought to be ore, people here than ever before, .n aeroplane will make two flights dayduring fair week, and there ill be Other wholesome amusements. AT THE MEDICAL MEET (By Ceoi" w F Coehraiie) ; Newton, Sept. 15. In the monthly meeting of the Catawba Medical So ciety yesterday afternoon, when 14 of the 20 members were present, Dr. T. C. Blackburn and Dr. C. G. Ilun sucker of Hickory read interesting - papers; Dr. II. E. Rowe of Newton was elected a member of the society, end the next meeting was fixed for the first Monday in next month at . Maiden, when a joint session will be .held with the Lincoln society. Drs. Sloan, Crowell and Thompson of Lin colnton were visitors. Dr. Blackburn discussed that mys tery of the mountains, "Milk Sick ness," a deathly malady originating jn drinking the milk of cows which have eaten ptomaines while graz f ing on rank, decayed vegetation in . dark, dank place3 in ravines where the sun never shines. Whole settlements in the mountains are sometimes stricken with the sickness and it is very often fatal. Dr. Blackburn's ' theory was that free purgation and ' stimulation were the only helps in .such cases. The poison is so virile ' that often a patient can absorb large quantities of spirits without intoxi cation or other apparent effect no much, in fact, that the morally stunt ed in these days would be inclined to risk milk sickness in order to get out fide a .keg of brandy. Of course the - doctor didn't mention all these ideas , inh is learned discussion. " i Dr. Hunsucker talked about infec tion and the relation of organism to disease. He traced the idea of ill r ess from the pagan conception that it was as ign of disfavor with the gods down to the presentation of the , ;germ theory by Pasteur. In County Court. In 4rm nnn n ti rrnf lTocfapnav T V i , ujv, vwvii.jr " CKORY DOCTORS rcuiy iiuu ueiu ui jutiwiy uiiii , i, prooaDie mat ne win sever nis con- John Wilson and Make Houk of New-; nection here at this time. Since com ton were tried for an affray one night j he demolished a small, antiquatea last week when Wilson was cut in the 1 ediface and replaced it with one of back. Judgment was suspended in the handsomest church buildings in the case of Wilson and Deitz while I Western North Carolina and has Early paid $10 and costs of $8.50, ! Rreatly enhanced his already wetl and $10 medical fee for Wilson, and , known reputation as a builder of Jlouk paid $5 fine and costs. j churches. f Another case of interest was that Elopment Frustrated, of the Maiden Bank against Theodore j Newg of a frustrated elopment has Hewitt and A. W. Setzer for payment ; reached town from the country m of a $125 note. Then ote was en-, which a couple of young iOVers haa dorsed by the defendants two years ; J)lanned to motor to South Carolina ago, for Walter Rhyne, a ministerial aml marryt Amzie Hudson had se Btudent, and was made payable to ; curei, the services of a Ford and was the Bank of Lynchburg, S. C. The ; waitinf? at the place app0inted for a Maiden Bank presented it for collec-i , r dauffhter of Robert Bost, a lion, anu me iiaim; ui liic oului kjui olina bank had been erased and that of the Maiden bank substituted. The defense resisted payment on the ground that the alteration made tne note void. The court so held and the defense won the decision. Too Much Praise. ; A colored servant had been dis- charged by her mistress because of various failings, and a few days after ward called with a request for a j recommendation, says Housekeeper. II or future employer, with the best I hen rt in the world desired to assist her in obtaining a new situation and wrote a letter which dilated upon all the colored girl's good qualities and made no mention of her shortcomings. Dinah read the letter and thought with glowing eyes, her black face shining more with every word. When fche had finished, she turned to the lady and said: "Laws, missus, but yo' cert'ly did say dat nice. Now, missus, with et strong recommend like dat ter back me, don't yo' think yo' could hire me fo' dat job again?" DIRECTORS TO MEET rary association will meet in theUib- make -the "best 'estimate of the good rary Thursday afternoon at 4 &.tiw&pviV. v. Ciiry cattle. mm (By the Associated Press) London, Sept. 15. Although Field Marshal von Hindenberg's cavalry is astride the Petrograd railroad and the Germans have made a large cap ture of prisoners in Courland, the Russians are not only again checking the attempts of the Austrians to re sume the offensive in Galicia, but are assuming the offensive. The point where the German cavalry cut the lailroad between Vilna and Vernsk is about 400 miles from Petrograd. The Russians assert that they have formed a dangerous salient in the line on which the Germans must advance. j Signs that great events will take place in the vicinity of Vilna, as predicted a fortnight ago, seem to be in evi dence. Farther along the line the German armies are on both sides of the Nie men, but have not yet formed a junc tion and the Russians still are with drawing and fighting stubborn rear guard actions. The Russians are continuing to hold their own in Galicia. SOME NEWTON NEWS, OF GEM.- WIST (By Geo. F. Cochrane.) Newton, September 15. Catawba's protest to the state tax commission has gone forward, but there is little hope entertained here that the 15 per cent increase will be reduced. Re publicans are expected to make much capital of it in this county, while oo jection to it is not confined to party lines. At the same time there are those who see in the increase a chance to wipe the opprobrium of "pauper" from the Catawba escutcheon, Cataw being one of the dependent or "pau per' counties fine as it is. The death in Charlotte Monday of the popular Frank Cooper gave many people a pang of regret in this town, where he is well known. Mrs. Coop er is a niece of Mrs. P. C. Hall ana Andrew M. Wilson of this place. Pastor May Change. Rev. M. A. Adams, pastor of the local Baptist church, is contemplating a change that may lead him to the South Fork Institute at Maiden, or into the evangelistic field, or perhaps into a pastorate elsewhere. He has given his people notice that he could not remain here longer than Tune and that in the meantime he had several calls he would consider, and should they feel inclined, they might re lease him at the end of the pastorial -... . . .1. ; ..L. I XT . . 1 1 T4- year, which la iuvemuci j., iic-vu. n farmer, and she was warily making her way to the machine and got within heartening distance of it when her- father appeared as if from the ground and Cupid's plans went to smash. The groom to be was a helpless, wrathful witness of the whole scene. Negro Campmeeting Ends Sunday. The big negro campmeeting at Mackenzie's campground closed with no killed or wounded. One Lincoln county negro was arrested for drunk eness, while a white man from the Catawba section, finding the crowd in his path, pulled a gun and waving it as Moses might have waved his I rod at the Red sea. parted the thous I ands as the waters rolled away then, and one man whose auto stood in the road, hurriedly cranked it and got away from there. The officers today are looking fcjr the self -appointed traffic cop. To Prepare for Contest. Catawba county farmer boys and girls too are invited to meet at the Dutch .Dairy. Farms October 1 with County Agent Mask and Agent Reed of West Raleigh, and take a primary course in judging dairy cattle, as they may be qualified to enter the con test at Hickory during the fair Nov. 4 when three prizes of $20. $12 and $8 will be awarded to those who mm GERMANS IN CHECK? ANOTHER GREATSAYS GERMANS 1 LOAN ASKED 2 (By th Associated Tnanl t 9 iT toutwementwaa made today-thatPre- Wis Asqujth wul! ask the house of commons -- this afternoon to vote a Credit of $1,250,000,000, not only for the support of the army and navy, but to take care of the growing civil list. T Mr. C. W. Bagby was fined $1 and costs in recorder's court yesterday af ternoon for his part in an affray with Mr. R. O. Abernethy, against whom there was no case. Mr. Abernethy was represented by Mr. C. L. Whit ener. Mr. R. D. Donivant was bound over to court on the charge of false pre tense. Mr. J. F. Punch was the pro secutor. The case was the result of a mule trade, in which Mr. Punch alleged that the animal was misrep resented. Mr. Donivant's bond was placed at $200 and was furnished by Mr. T. L. Hinkle. A white man named Brown was fined $10 and costs for being drunk and disorderly. He resisted arrest and when placed in a cell proceeded to show that he was a strong man by handling the furnishings rouehly. AN EFFORT TO REHEAR (Special to the Record) . Raleigh, Sept. 15. The supreme tourt has before it the question of re-opening the famous notary public case, in which it was held by a vote of three to two that women are not eligible to serve as notaries. J udge Hoke is considering the question. "After .passing on the petition he may $r may $6t direct the clerk of the supreme court 46 reinstate-casSc 0n ihe docketfoirtrehisarln-a'Tfeen the court will decide if 'a. rehearing is allowed, whether ' tRreshairrbe sny oral argument. The rule is that within 10 days after a case is ordered reheard there shall be filed the brief for the petitioners and then 10 days thereafter there shall be the brief for the other side. Then if there be oral argument allowed a time for this would be fixed. Members of the court say that while there are frequent petitions for re hearing are filed with one and an other of the members of the cou? t hy the losing sides in litigations, a very small per cent of them are ever al lowed. However, there is noL .ho slightest indication as to the probable result of the pending effort. The petition to rehear was filed by the law firm of Martin, Rollins and Wright of Asheville and John A. McRea of Charlotte. The petition is accompanied by a lengthy appeal in which it is p'cadod that there are no authorities to justify the ruling that women are not eligible to notarial appointments, but that there are a great weight of authori ties sustaining their right. It is in sisted that the supreme court erred in holding that a notary public is a public office, but merely a place of trust and profit and public employ ment. The endorsers of the petition to rehear are: R. R. Williams J. J. Britt and Gallatin Roberts of Ashe ville and Walter E. Moore of Webster. HICKORY BOY SCOUTS The Boy Scouts took possession of their new headquarters yesterday af ternoon. The scouts in a few hours made a wonderful change in the ap pearance of the room, which was swept, and all the windows washed. A pile of old lumber and trash was also moved. The room is located over the Hick ory Banking and Trust Company. It is equipped with half a hundred lock ers for the boys' use and was for merly used as an armory by the local military company. The public is invited to come up and inspect the new scout headquar ters. The scouts are now planning a money campaign as several hundred dollars is needed to equip the room with the necessary apparatus. The date selected fort his campaign and full particulars will follows soon. The scouts are very much interested in the Record, as all are out to help the town in every way possible, and be lieve that the daily is one of the best things Hickory has. HARRISON DEFEATS BLAIR IN NOMINATION (Special to the Record) Baltimore, Sept. 15. Emerson C. Harrison, state comptroller, yester day decisively defeated United States Senator Lee Blair at the Democratic primary for governor. Harrison car ried 16 of the 23 counties and two of the four districts in Baltimore, giv ing him a majority of at least 15 votes in the state convention. Over ton Weathers was the Republican choice for governor. FINED DOLUR FOR ENGAGING FiGH NOTARY PUBLIC CASE HER NEW HOME SHOT THEIR I ACT ROLL, IM j.-iSJf WCR3 '-U7 ;o?;&wv, Sept. .15. -"The Germans appear almost to nave snot tjieir bolt," said Earl Kitchener, British secretary for war, today. "The ad vance in Russia which at one time averaged five miles a day now has diminished to less than one mile per day." OFFICERS ON ID FOR FOREST CITY IN Hickory police officers last night received a telegram from Forest City requesting them to be on the lookout for a man named Brown, said to be the brother of a person by that name held here, who is wanted in Forest City in connection with a murder. The following Forest City special 1.1 to day's Charlotte Observer explairs the affair: "A Mrs. Hensley, who lives two miles south of town, was today com mitted to jail and denied bond in con nection with the death of Dave Wil son, who was shot and killed at her home yesterday afternoon late, and a man named Gfaffy was held under $500 bond by! the coroner's jury which investigated the homicide. "Wilson and Guffy about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon were seen to drive from Forest City out toward the Hensley place. This morning it became known that Wilson was dead and Coroner Butler had an autcpsy performed by Dr. C. H. Hemphill, who found that a bullet had struck Wilson in the back of the head and ranged down the spinal column, wisile another had entered his right sido and was found in the liver. Either shot, it was said, would have proved fatal. "(Juffy, placed on the stand, was rather confused , and little could be gained from his testimony. How ever, the evidence given by a young girl who Avas in the house at the time of the shooting indicated that the shots were fired by Ralph Brown, a son-in-law of Mrs. Hensley. Mrs. Hensley refused to talk. Brown.with his.wife and a son of Mrs. Hensley left th scene Jt rlit and have THt"been r sit sh-. . '.as jur. decided-thatf Vv ioort'C1.: it J , Is deal at the hattda-t;; eUherj.TLeiisley , yiH crown. , "Wilson was a prominent farmer of the county and was a small merchant, also. He had once been tried with Mrs. Hensley for a statutory offense." By the Associated Press) Concord, Sept. 15. The American Aluminum Company of Pittsburgh, it was learned today, has taken over the Southern Aluminum Company, which has been endeavoring to develop the great water power at Whitney. The transaction involves $6,000,000, and work is expected to be resumed shortly. TELLS PRESIDENT WAR WILL NOT END SOON (By the Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 11. President Wilson today was told by Dr. Aletta H. Jacobs of Amsterdam, Holland, that there is little prospects of an early European peace. Dr. Jacobs was a delegate to the woman's peac conference at The Hague, and she talked about the plans of the women for action by the United States and other neutrals to bring the war to an end. She said she did not expect the United States to take action soon. COTTON FUTURESV fefti (By the Associated Press) . "t "'J New York, Sept. 15. Cotton tures opened steady. October, 10.62; December, 10.96; January, 11.09; March, 11.41; May 11.72. Cotton closed steady. October, 10.88; December, 11.20; January, 11.39; March, 11.66; May, 11.93. NEW YORK COTTON (By the Associated Press) New York, Sept. 15. The cotton market showed continued activity and strength at the opening today on re ports that the boll weevil had invaded 21 counties in Georgia, on Liverpool cables and an advance in the southern spot markets. The marcet opened 3 points above last night's close and soon sold 10 to 11 points above. NEW YORK STOCKS (By the Associated Press) New York, Sept. 15. Trading in thes treet today really was a repeti tion of the last few days, war shares being the only features of interest. Bethlehem Steel continued making a new high record and Crucible Steel advanced to 96, an overnight gain of 1. United States Steel again evinced uncertain tendencies, opening at a decline, but recovering and then reacting. OUT 10 RESUME WORK AT lITNEY'PLiT rMARKETsH g AG ON ATIAM W 'T EXPECT Hickory city officials share the op inion of the county board of commis sioners that the state tax commission will not reduce the increased assess ment of 15 per cent on real estate, although they are awaiting with some interest announcement of how the protest was received in Raleigh. A number of other counties have entered protests, among the number being Gaston, Forsyth and others. The commission, it has been stated in Raleigh, went into the question pretty thoroughly, and nearly everybody feels that there will be nothing doing. VILLA STILL THINKS HE'S SOME FIGHTER (By the Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 11. General Villa telegraphed his representatives today from Torreon that his forces still held Torreon and that the mo rale of his men were good. He de nied that' they were panic-stricken, and said they would always perform their duty. He was confident of re gaining lost ground. AMERICAN TROOPER HANGED j. ' ' (By the Associated Press) r r' ' . 'Monterey, Cal., Sept. "IS. the loUy of John W. Williame; Ur-liei States cavalry,, was. found hangirid his room here today. Sdme CillceiS said he was murdered. ' '"A , TO PROROGUE DUMA (By the Associated Press) Petrograd, via London, Sept. 15. A member of the duma said the ses sion of the duma would be prorogued not later than September 18. MR. WEBB'S SPEECH Some talk Left in the Wake of His Y. M. C. A. Address Spartanburg Herald. Hon. E. Y. Webb, member of con gress representing the ninth Norm Carolina district and chairman of the judiciary committee of the house of representatives, who spoke here Sun day afternoon before the men's meet ing of the Y. M. C. A., has left in his wake a current of argument that would at least make it interesting for the distinguished North Carolinian had he remained to hear all those who would reply to his views upon the diplomatic relations between this country and the countries of Europe that are now at war among them selves and at argument with us. Mr. Webb repeatedly reminded the audience that the views he expressed were his own, and except wherih they infringed upon Mr. Bjryari's rights rather closely and then again touched upon Doctor Dernburg's, they were wholesome and orthodox. Mr. Webb laid stress frequently upen his neutrality, but when he had finished there were few of his audience who did not entertain a suspicion that Mr. Webb was exceedingly pro-German in his ideas and feelings. The Herald has never claimed im maculate neutrality since this Euro pean war began, because from the be ginning we have felt that a victory for the allies is the best assurance of peace in Europe for the United Spates. With all due respect for the views nf the brilliant and able congressman from just over the, border. jthe.jnore we read and h.r.mrS'Te: h?T .P ideas and opinjpnfltHrl i-; men in public lifeJa .this, country just now, from Colonel Roosevelt, who wants, war -at syf friceIr. Bryan, "who wants' pes- - o:? alix,b the same terms along down" the" Iftfe, he more thankful we feel for Woodrow Wil son and his long range vision in this crisis. The south is suffering an! will con tinue to suffer on account of Eng land's course in placing cotton on the contraband list, but nine-cent cotton is well enough, and should be let i.lone, when it is realized that U fol low Mr. Webb's suggestion, that we t,top the shipment of munition? of w by way of retaliation, would leave England with the next "say." Mr. Webb said an old farmer re cently said to him that he could have ;:11 his Cotton if he would just vote in congress to keep his boys out of var. This country, the south, feels t.bout that way. She wiil stand a reasonable price for cotton rather than go to war for higher pr'ces. We re also willing for England and Ger many to have our cotton, kt we are lot willing for Germany to slaughter ur women and children. It's all as clear as mud. England's pound is off in value over here because she owes so much money; so, to square things, she sends her bankers ever to borrow a half billion more. Chicago Evening Post. Senator Sherman may look morr. like Lincoln, but President Wilson talks and aets the part ; ibetter. Chicago News. ' ' DON ANY RELIEF IN TAXES LOAM HOW ASS BE PROPORT Seems to Have Become Nation-wide Plot, With Threats of Bank Runs, Panics and Homicide if Loan is Suc cessfulWashington Stands Pat. HOPE GERMANY WILL MODIFY HER VIEWS (By the Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 15. State de partment officials, commenting on the disclaimer of the German government as to the torpedoing of the Hesperian, said insufficient evidence had been re ceived on which to base representa tions to Germany at this time. From the facts "at hand they could not say whether the ship struck a mine or was torpedoed. It is stated that large parts of metal found on deck may determine whether the ship was a victim of a mine or torpedo. If it is determined that the Hesperian struck a mine, there will be no means of fixing the responsibility. Diplomatic relations in the Arabic case were at an apparent standstill today, Count Bernstorff has gone to Cedarhurst, L. I., to await word from his government regarding the sink ing of the vessel. Some officials be lieve an examination of the evidence will cause the German government to modify its views. No word has been received from Ambassador Penfield in Vienna re garding the recall of Ambassador Duxnba. 'Vi 1- em met FOR ROUTINE WORK City Council at its regular meet ing last night deferred until tomorrow night the question of taking up the revised ordinances and the ordinan ces for a more stringent observance of Sunday. Several nice points came up for settlement in taxation and school matters, and council passed on second reading the ordinance reduc ing the tax rate. All members were present. City Council passed a second and final reading the resolution reducing the tax rate from $1.60 to $1.50 on $100 in the city of Hickory. The poll tax is reduced from $4.80 to $4.50. This action was taken on the assump tion that the state tax commission will stand pat on its 15 per cent in crease in real estate. Prof. C. M. Staley brought up the question of school attendance of per sons living outside the city limits with out the necessity of paying tuit;'m. It no jurisdiction in the matter. Who.-i a man lives outside, he must pay tuition. The Hickory Library Association having appointed three directors of the association, council named two members, Mrs. Worth Elliott and Dr. W. H. Nicholson. Those named by the association are Mrs. Geo. F. Ivey, Mrs. Ed Yoder and Prof. Staley. City Manager Cornwell reported that so far only one person had indi cated an intention of taking advanta ge of the ten-year Twelfth street im provement bonds. The great major ity of the tax-payers say they will pay for the improvements without the formality of bonds Airnir-.. Oiiifni-il erirraatAf1rI;.t:ttB4r-'4w special meeting or two mighk;Wl4 dinances.i: GasBfcal lka4JoJnejeMtkP??tWrtjon that the French re- drttMUH4rtit0taMl tber jobrpupljc; through its omciais, is Daaiy trJiwRtrfUx ka i0rrmf:-.flmIl 'jiR.Itaii2,Ted in "red tape. This is the Cdftacfft mu meet . Xhiirsctay. mgnt at ?:8&?dJS'SuniyI night-closing or dirances;ieounrfl had 144 separate iaK'pieetingrS HEAVY FIGHTING IN (By the Associated Press) Basel, Switzerland, via Paris, Sept. 15. French and German armies near the Swiss border are unusually ac tive and additional divisions 01 in fantry appear to have arrived lent actions are in progress. Vio- A New Complaint. A German whose wife was ill at the Semey Hospital, Brooklyn, called the first evening she was there and in quired how she was getting along. He was told that she was improving, re lates the Medical Pickwick. Next day he called again, and wa? t-A cV,a was ctill imnrovinp1. Thi bum .iJiv-. J f - - o- went on for some time, each day the report being that his wife was im- proving. Finally one night when he called he was told that his wife was dead. Seeing the doctor, he went up to him and said, wiyi a word 01 sarcasm m his voice. Vell, doctor, vat did she die of improvements?" PROGRESS FRANCE UMES ONS New York, Sept. 15. The pro German campaign against the flota tion of the billion dollar credit loan in the United States to Great Britain and Frrnce seems to have assumed the proportions of a c)ountry-wide plot, threatening not only to boycott banks, cause a run on banks, preci pitate strikes, but actually threaten ing death to members of the commis sion. The guards have been redoubled around the foreign financiers, and they will not appear on the streets with out strong guards. More than 50 threatening letters have been received by the commission, the contents running from abuse to threats against their lives. Some of the letters were turned over to the police, who are seeking to find their authors. The members of the commission do not appear together on the streets, and when a member goes anywhere there is at least one detective at his heels. New York, Sept. 15. The Anglo French financial commission heard to day that German agents, alarmed at ihe momentum gained in the last few days tol end Great Britain and France $1,000,000,000 with which to buy war supplies in this country, have insti tuted a nation-wide agitation against the loan. Some of the Germans in the ( country, have. aUadyrtak; )Sr i'4' According.? tv r-f?TmAtjmcr.i,T)g fAmerican citizens of German nativity or German origin have set in moiion a plan which includes not only a neg ative stand in refusing to participate, but embraces extreme measures s gainst German-American bank3 for participating. Heavy withdrawals of deposits are threatened if the banks participate in the loan. RECEIVED IN WASHINGTON (By the Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 15. Protests against the Anglo-French credit loan were received today from various parts of the union. One man in Mich igan wired that if the loan is floated runs will be made on banks and pan ics precipitated. No organized ef forts have been made here against it. No protest has been received from the German government and the American government is said to have no intention of interfering with the efforts of the commission. Officials in close touch said the question had not been formally considered by President Wilson or Secretary Lan sing. They hold the view, it is said, that inasmuch as the money to be raised is to be apnlied to buying goods in this country, there is no reason toi nterfere. One communication characterized the plans for the loan as unneutral. It is authoritatively stated that the department has no objection to "the ' credit loans as contempiateat'-- Fr&c!r7Rd Tape 'A( little story that-comes ft mparts storv: Comfortably seated in a railroad coach of the third class, a functionary of a perfecture was studying a re port. He was furnished with a led pencil and was making notes. Sud denly he was addressed by a traveler. "Monsieur, I am traveling inspector of police. Will you permit me to look at the pencil?" The inspector examined the pencil and put it in his pocket. "I shall seize it," he said. "It comes from the house of Hardtmuth, a German house." The traveler protested and stated his occupation. "I regret this," said the inspector. "Give me your name; your address, ar d I shall have you reimbursed the value of your pencil by eight days by the general treasury of your de partment." Commenting on this, Le Cre de Paris says that the esteemed em ployes of the departmental treasury will not fail to send in a few month 5 centimes (about 1 cent!) to '.he owner of the pencil and how much paper was wasted to effect this re imbursement! - Mr. W. L. Henderson, formerly city j editor of the New Bern Sun, passed I through the city today en route to , Dillsboro to spend his vacation. Mr. F. W. Amos of Newton was in the city today. Miss Eva Penney returned today from a short visit to Asheville. - X. 7, ' 3 , - i " ' " " " "