I EAflHTWft Hickory Daily Record Published by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday TELEPHONE 167 S. II. FARABEE -r rSE j. c. millek -rT ix H. M. MILLER Adr. Mgr. Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will please. state in their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City bubscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 9 jk: 58 T IIU'llvllO r,.n:i' months O.ie month )e week 1.00 .40 .10 PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1102 ELEVENTII AVENUE v.nnwA aa second-class matter Sep tember 11. 1915, at the postofflce at Hickory, N. C, under the act of Mar:h 3, 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS HICKORY, N. C. MONDAY EVENING, November 1, 1915. MR. BRYAN'S POSITION The Record has just seen Mr. Bry- an's explanat UOn OI ni3 position -i against the administration's program ter jail, a municipal building, an au w;oi ,!ofn. nd for the he- ditormm and a fine library, they for national defense, and for the be nefit of those who care to read it, we are reproducing it here: To the Readers of the Commoner: Another fight is on between the peo lo nnH tho T.finl interests, and the Democratic party is the only .party in position to take the people s side. JS-"Br ?: ZZTtZ ter the present conflict and his chief adviser. Geo. W. .Perkins, is identined with the Steel Trust, which is ready to furnish the preparedness. Ex-Pres- luent iau. wnu lias me supuui t ui an the trust.' that are not suDDortimr Mr. Roosevelt, wants to increase the army and navy appropriations one hundred and fifty mion. , (ti .p?r cunt;, su wiai we suaii ue o-uie lu juiii plan of his "League to ENFORCE Gllson Gardner is Washington cor Peace." respondent of the Durham Sun. We Both Roosevelt and Tart are protec- have heard of Gilson before. In fact tionists they believe in taxing the rrnnrerlness o-ives an excuse for rais- inc the tariff. The Democratic Dartv took the side of the peopre against the tariff barons: it took the side of the people against the trust magnates, nmnlnof Wl oil o af frio Too 1 rnnOV r- Ko,.l- t Krtv tariff Kor-nna nrH trust magnates. Now, a new power has arisen in the land and demands control of the tax inir nower. it is the preparers of pre paredness the battleship builders and the manufacturers of munitions. They I1UVU ueeil inciitt.HK cnuxiuoua uiun ta tiiimnTinnf. 4 Vi n. it'll 1 1 rvATA. . ri Ann ll'l I" Vl fighting material, but the European war must end some time not as long as these human vultures can keep it going but SOME TIME; and what will these concerns do for watermelon-like dividends then? There is only one way to insure their continued prosperity thev must lash this coun try into a state of chronic fear, and then coin the fear into dollars. They already have their subsidized organs setting up a false standard of national honor the duelist's standard: they are glorifying brute force. They are f,.,n,ni,nt;nn. r. Amin tv, European tree of hatred which is bear- ,. "If some good man who really be ing its bloody fruit across the Atlan- ieves in, rotation should come m be t,;c tween Colonel Grimes, who has had " ;-fo time is to be lost; immediate his job 16 years, and Colonel Hart , : ..o.i is necessary. Congress will ness wh has had his job 20 years, . j ,i meet, and when it meets this is- we would be able to see whether the , i, will confront it. Write to your R?0!6. really favor the principle," as ;uiigressman write to both your the Hickory Record puts it. "We ob senators. Tell them that this nation serve already a certain alignment in docs not need burglars' tools unless it the ?ta,te wh" indicates that the intends to make burglary its business; ?ran oId machine which on occasion it should not be a pistol-toting nation 9as xbeen able to turn a few tricks, unless it is going to adopt pistol-to- ?s starting off and we shall watch ters' ideas. lts Progress with more or less inter- Don't let the iine-oes confuse the is- sue. It is not a question of defense Colonel Grimes or Colonel Hartness this country will defend itself if it is ?ets the Jb- Bth have been swing ever attacked and, if that time ever m on to pretty good things a long comes the common peopre will furnish the soldiers those who fieht when the country needs fighters, and work when the country needs workers the jingoes will be too husy making army contracts and necotiatinc usurious war loans to cro to the front. The preparedness now demanded will pro- purpose in this particular case; that voke war instead of preventing it. js all. Jim Hartness and we here Peace among nations, as among indi- by maintain that he is a most proper viduals, rests upon friendship and citizen thinks he can beat Colonel good will, not upon force or fear. Grimes, or that the chances are good. Try threats and ultimatums on your And so, notwithstanding his own long neighbors and see how they work, and term in office, he wishes this other of then you will understand the diplo- Pce and puts it on that ground. It macy that has reddened the pages of is not at all logical, but it is tactful history and delayed the coming of more or less; and is really nicer than universal brotherhood. Write and ne would say, "I know enough about write NOW. the boys and how things stand to The Record regrets that Mr. Bryan justify me in the attempt to prize must assign improper motives to per- polonel Grimes loose; and I am going , vj i v- . to try it." So far as we know, Mr. sons who differ from him on this Hartness will do iust. s well a 'wJ great question, but the very fact that he does impugn their motives is a good reason for not giving his posi- serves. JJoes Mr. uryan think that w .... Mr. Daniels or Mr. Wilson or any of the gentlemen with whom he has been associated are owr-ed by the trusts and money interests? Then, after all, is Mr. Bryan the only true prophet? LONG A GOOD TOWN Nothing has happened in recent years, observes the Winston-Salem Journal, to rivet attention on that . .. , v j;uuuv.awuii m nid t paper of ngures showing that the w Twin Git.v durinf?- the last, fisfnl venr was the second citv in the south in Uect himself a11 unprepared to a quiz, . . tne amount oi ireignt revenue contri- he Duted to the bouthern. That is some- the secretary of state? What are thing to be proud of, but hasn't that the necessary qualifications? What been the case for a number of years? rlthe-lmoiuments.? 0f. a .mbei of TTr 11 men without experience m this office. We seem to recall an umwunl scoop what tests should be maoe to deter in the Journal in the fall of 1908, mine which one would vome the near wasn't it, when Southern Railway of- est to returning value received to ficials were in Winston-Salem investi- i?606 fr his ?yJ , .. -i x , , , he office is one that ordinarily at gating a similar story except on that least neither attracts nor deserves occasion no men higher-up gave it public examination: it is an invisible out. Winston-Salem has been a erood office. It could be filled by intelligent town for many years, and what is selection by the governor or by any more it is destined to be still larger 5eon of ordinary intelligence whose more, it is destined to De still larger. duty lt might bQ to k investi. It is the gate through which the wealth of that who le section must flow in order to reach the outside world, and any city sitiauted as Winston Salem is must prosper. MARTIN LUTHER Protestants everywhere, irrespec tive of denomination, will take a keen interest in the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Reformation in 1917. Lutherans everywhere observe October 31 as Reformation Day, but two years from now all the churches should feel impelled to unite to do honor to Martin Luther. Any one who loves liberty and free dom of conscience must regard Mar tin Luther next in importance to the Christ. Without this brave monk, true Christianity might have been de layed several centuries, while the world was crushed by the cruellest of masters. Luther set the world free of Rome. We cannot overestimate the serv ices rendered to humanity by Martin Luther, who defied pope, kings and princes and paved the way for human freedom for if one is not permitted freedom of conscience, he is but a slave. A community can do what it wants to. Hickory merchants set out to or ganize a real merchants' association and they were awarded first honor by the state association. If Hickory ueuuie waiiLeu tucauci w a. btx , a v . . - could get them. The Shelby Star and the Shelby Highlander, we infer, are having quite a controversy. The Record feels that any good man could get along wei with Lee Weathers, editor of the Star who is one of the finest young fel- lows in the world We have seen the aeroplane. It certainly is here, and if the aviator , . , TT. 1 expects to get away with any Hick ory money, the people who come to the fair will have two chances each day to see him fly, he figured quite extensively in the K-itchin-bimmons campaign If a feeling of unrest is spreading in all parts of China, as reported from Toki it must be g0 Tokio knQWS There is no climate like this. The piedmont section of North Carolina has the world beaten The football fan is as fickle as the baseball fan, or as sport lovers in crenera I & All aboard for the fair for fair gnmm...iiiiiiiiiiiii...t.,m...munw PRESS COMMENT ffi..n;.ni..iiiiiiiiiiin....mmi:: A Case in Point. Greensboro News. e.sc- ine Kecord doesn't care whether ?ine' ana ,tms Paper sees no reason to take a hand. We shall allow the 2 J0 tsa ,? cal1 the signals: 16-20- 24, 20-24-28. ' There is nothing in the rotation ar- gument nothing for the people: less than nothing. It serves a convenient retary of the state" as Colonel Grimes does, or as anybody else could, . And there is as our Hickory con- tcmoi ouggcsis, tne primary, ine time. Or at anv rate thev niri f - ftvnicL Humiliate, tins they would; and if they do not it will berruthrir-1ow-TT fault" JS&Sft STHEVSfS this sort, and has many times said as much. We have insisted that the peo ple nau tne rignt to tne primary; not that they either could or would use it as it is theoreticallv intend eH tn he used. The trouble in such a case as that. and this we have also often pointed out7 ls e relation of the office to the Je??nw? he averre dtizen care a tinkers dam who is secretary of siate, or secretary of the state? ny should he 7 Suppose that Mr. Voter should sub now many questions like these could answer: What are the duties of and way ures i v, -p v mottoi" vf .toiiI not be intelligently filled by the mass of the voters, because there is no reason why they should bother about it, and there is no way to compel them to bother about it. These invisible offices each compar atively unimportant itswf, become of great importance in the aggregate. They furnish the sinews of war to those organizations called political machines. The value of the primary, in prac tical operation, under a system which fills so manv minor offices by popular election is problematical. Chivalry. Greensboro News. A number of folks including our selves have testified to the conviction that if "running water in the home" is not the foremost means of grace and the greatest forVard step in ethics, economics and esthetics, it is surely along in the first rank. Else where we quote a recent utterance of this conviction by Governor Craig. Of this the Hickory Record says: "All of us have talked about south ern chivalrv from time to time some of us auite heatedly but the best evidence of southern chivalry may be found in that rural home provided with running water." Yes, that is southern chivalry. It is chivalry in essence, chivalry in the refinement and perfection oi evolu tion. It is a development of chivalry worth all the nathos. all the sentimen tality which accompanied the birth ol the idea ot chivalry. WAR AND BIRTHS Archbishop of Rheims Gives Views on Subject. (By Associated Press.) Paris, Nov. 1. Cardinal Lucon, archbishop of Rheims, whose seventy two years do not prevent him from sticking to his shell-battered post, has found time to continue his cam paign against the depopulation of France, a subject upon which he is a recognized authority. He has writ ten for the Associated Press views on the effect of war upon the birth rate that are particularly interesting in view of the revival of religious inter est shown by increased attendance at all religious services through France "The origin of the question," he writes, "is obviously in childless mar riages. Find out why marriages are childless and we may find where the remedy lies. Economists have point ed out debauch, unhealthy literature, alcohol, selfishness and avarice as some of the causes; they have accord ingly proposed as remedies the sup pression of vice, censorship of litera ture, prohibition of alcohol, public aid to large families with relief from military duties, ensured employment, lighter taxes on fathers and heavier burdens on bachelors and childless married -men. "All these methods are good as far as they go; all should be tried since every man who loves his country can not be indifferent to the growth of a real vice, amounting to a social dis ease, which imperils not only the prosperity but the existence of a na tion. "The war will accentuate the cam paign against depopulatron by com pelling attention to the mowing down of so many men in the flower of their age, the suppression vt so many sources of life. It will no doubt has ten the adoption of some if not al the measures nroposed but economic methods do not take a man's soul into account; so long as the conscience is untouched so long will economic meas ures be fruitless. Keiigion reaches, governs, and modifies the intimate thoughts that govern man s actions inspires him to a duty that is imposed by the most indisputable authority that of his Creator. It also assures to duty done reward that infinitely surpasses in value and duration the fleeting trou bles and sacrifices imposed by duty. Under the influence of religion obedience to the laws of the married state' become spontaneous and gener ous through the most powerful per sonal interests that it encourages. To those that close the sources of life in order to escape fatigue and trouble or to avoid the division of inheritances and assure to their heirs lives of pleasure without work, religion re calls that the conjugal state was not instituted by the author of nature for the satisfaction of the senses, or for the personal enjoyment oi two per sons that man here below has other interests than that of personal sat isfaction; other riches than those of the earth. "To everyone religion shows the nobility of fatherhood which asso ciates them with the creative power of God; thereby they contribute to the giving of life to his children whose souls are immortal and whom God destines to eternal happiness. Let us then rehabilitate re-m-spire these religious beliefs, with them will be reborn Christian ways and with Christian ways will again come the observance, through convic tion and through love, of the holy laws of marriage and of the family, and, in a large proportion, the rebuilding: of the home "I do not pretend that religion may of itself, cure the evil. I merely point out that therein is found for Chris tians tne most powerful succour against the evil the most efficacious encouragement to the duty which we seek to stimulate. "We must not forget that the task of married people is grave and ardu ous; the duties of parents are heavy, above all among the classes that de pend on their daily wore for their daily bread. I have labored among such for twenty years and have of ten received the confidences of ' hon est fathers of families who. with only their modest daily earnings to live upon, asked themselves whether they should risk having more chil dren that they could not feed. Religious considerations were the only ones that could encourage and give support to such fathers' their reliance was con fidence in providence. "Providence makes use of second ary causes; it is the honor and duty of those who possess power and for tunes to become its instruments. To the moral force of religion material aid must be added Legislators, em ployers all those who are favored with wealth must anDlv their o-onrl will to lighten the burdens of fathers of large families, help them procure the needed resources to d protect the family and make the easy for the fidnpntirm r,f children. "I do not believe in radical meas that would tak-A Wealthy man without children his '''HUi ciuzensnip; that seems to be contrary to the liberty conscience and dignity of man." HICKORY DAILY REGORB iti!!iiiiiiiiiu'lli:!,Ii:M: n ii Business :;;;;;t::;::i:::i:::: Miss Nora Satterwhite Registered Nurse phone 221-L All calls promptly answered. mnmn.nmtm8tt HICKORY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Second Floor Elliott Building. MISS JESSIE JOY, Librarian. Reading Room Open Every Afternoon (except Sunday) 3 to 5. Tuesday and Saturday Evenings 7 to 9. Current magazines on the table. Everybody welcome. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piano and Pipe-Organ Tuner HICKORY, N. C. Formerly. Charlotte, N. C. DIETZ BARBER SHOP Hickory's most sanitary barber shop. Centrally located. All first class barbers. Your patronage soli cited. 1338 Union Square. "The home of good barbering." :tttiiimmiiiiiiuumtm T. S. Keever Gun and Locksmith. Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Lawn Mowers, Phonographs, Gasoline Irons and Stoves re paired. B&sement of Miss Mary Rotse brough'a. 8MiiH!iiiimiiiiigm CHINESE LAUNDRY HARRY JUNG, Proprietor. First-Class work guaranteed. Responsible for all goods. Above Post Office. 1234 Ninth Avenue. Dr. Alfred W. Dula Optometrist Eyesight Specialist The best equipped Optical Parlor in this section. Practice limited to fit ting glasses. Lenoir, N. C. Sixteen Years' Experience. Perfection Oil Heaters Take the chill from your git ting or bed room and thor oughly warm the bath room, for sale by SHUFORD'S FURNITURE STORE $3.50 to $5.00. LADIES AID TO SERVE LUNCHES AT FAIR The Ladiei' Aid Society tt f West Hickory Methodist church announce to the public that they will serve regular meals, and hot lunches on the Cataw ba Fair grounds, to all fair visitors Oysters, fish, chick en, ham, fruit, cakes and can dies, just like mother used to fix 'em, will be found here at reasonable prices. Our "Home-cooking" will un doubtedly attract large appe tites and be awarded "First Prize," by all fair visitors. Be sure to visit us, and make our tent your headquarters. mtmimmmitmnm mimimnimff For Rent or Sale Eight Room House on Twelfth ave nue. Modern conveniences. Armlv o. oxliliKvlLiij, Newton. N. C. NOTICE Now is the time to nlant. vrm-r -fall vniuiis, wny piant single onions? I have the imnrovpH ttoTit- ,,,i4-; ,. . x J " U1U1U pner onions for sale. N C. P.Pnwm?r CI. 1 JiJlV, ounnysiae Truck Farm. Hirl Route 5. 10-29-2t JOSEPH P. HAGUE. Organ Builder, Newark, N. J., April 27, 1908. IniS IS tO PPrtifv fkir TT7 -. .turkman, has executed fm- ; portant work in his line, and I can Leatixy to me lact that his work is fully equal to, and possibly superior to, similar work that I have had done during the past 8 years, through the leading builders in this country. I believe that he is especially compe tent m handling repairs, rebuilding, and general pipe organ work. JOSEPH P. HAGUE. Directory CHAS. L. HUNSUCKER, M. D. Office over Shuford's Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. Residence 825 15th Ave. Phone 92 Office 26 Hours 3:30-5 p. m., 7-8 p. m. Calls answered at All Hours DR. W. B. RAMSAY Dentist Office over Shuford's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS Office Phone 194, ResiicnM 318-L. Office in Masonic Buildiar. THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturers mt all kinds mt HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. D. F. CLINES' Palace Barber Shop Only first class wsrksea employ 4. Try us once and rmu will fee mm regular customer hereafter. Hot ami Cold Baths. 1342 Union Scaar. Opposite First National Bask. Clines' Barber Shop 1242 Ninth Avenue Opposite Postoffio Steam Heat, Hot ami Col Tub am Shower Baths, Ererythinf New, Sam itary and Lp-to-Date. For a good, smiooth shavo, meat hair-cut or any kind of tomserial work you will find omr service mmexeeUed. GIVE US A TRIAL M. E. CLINE W. J. Kennedy & Sons Are at your service at anytime you need any electrical wiring and supplies. We carry n hand a fall line of fixtures, als any size f Na tional Sterling Mazda Lamps, call at office next to Busy Bee or 'Phone 107. Whitener & Martin Sells it 'ii-- "S1I for Lea Proftt" See G. H. GATES or good Sanitary PImbinr. All kinds of repair work promptly attend ed to- No. 109-J Hickory, N. C. L. H. LESLIE emm tauoriac, eoaiuag, mrmmmmr and repairing. All work called for and delirorod. Phono Citr Pxooiis (Jlub 190. Located SOUTHWOKTH'S SHOI STORE THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Propriotor First-Clasg Work Uwaranteod Phono 1, Work DoUrorod, 10S2 14th itroet Hickory, N. C. Next to First Bmildiag Loa offleo. Hickory Tire & Vulcanizing Com'y. Better repair work oo amtomohilos and motorcycle tiros ac a lower eeoi. Ketreading a specialty. OYER SLEDGE'S STOSE "'"" Himntrfrm Safety First Have your Plunhing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work Prepared for Wiater fcy J. C. DeRLodes Co. Telephone SJ 1222 1Kb Are, Second Floor. B B B B B B B B B B B b m If In Need of an Accommodation a money accommodation, for a few days, a few weeks or a few months, come in and see us. We have funds on hands to loan on secured paper and will be very glad to accomodate you. If you are not a regular customer of ours come in and see if we cannot make arrangements for you to become ont. First National Bank HICKORY, N. C. Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Compounded Quarterly FRY'S COMBINATION PL0 Is the one to do your subsoiling and increases production and enables crops to better withstand drought. Here tofore two teams have been required to do subsoiling and only farmers thus equipped have done much of it but with Fry's 2-in-l plow subsoiling can be easily done 15 to 18 inches deep with 2 horses and 10 to 14 inches deep with one horse. Just think of what such plowing means for your land and crops. See Them at the Fair. Three Sizes Are Made and Sold by BRUCE FRY PLOW CO. HICKORY, N. C. HlHmMllllHlMIMMWWWti TRY A RECORD WANT Jkxmmmmmmmmmmzmxmmmtimi BQannnnanrinnnnnQnnnnnnannnnnnnnDnnnnnnRn BIG CANDY SALE Beginning today we will sell a special line or 15-cent can dies for 10 cents per pound. Peanut Brittle; Peanut Candy, Sliced Cocoanut Candy, Co coanut Caromel; Cream Candy, etc. ALL HOME MADE AND FRESH. Come and got a pound for your family. California Fruit Company JAMES LAZOS, Proprietor. tcncancnnnnnnnoonnnnnnnnnnnonnonnnnnnncB DDDnfinDEXSDDnnDDnnDDnDDDDannQnDnBQnBQBca 3 Is Your Income Growing? Are You Adding to It a m m m a a B B B B B B Rep wm mm mm Unloss you aro, you'ro not making the most of opportunities to increase your incomo. Steady Savings build the income and through a savings account in this institution builds it with tho earning power of four per cent quarterly interest. 1 icKory & Trust Co. "THE PEOPLE'S BANK." QuoanaQOQQooziaaQaaaQonnQaQQQanaQoaDanoQl ff"1 1 1 mnniiiiniiiiii inn Tniniimiiiiiiimiiimi See Us for Good Printing """ t r i r r i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 r t ii i ii QQUnnnDDDnQDDDDQDalQDQDDQDDOaaQQDSQQQQQQB AT Willis5 Oyaters are ow reaaV ie eerroanJ uTthin. , . . ",w " "T" 7 U ym will bo pleased. RIGHT AT DEPOT BOX LUNCHES SERTED AT TRAINS. HICEORY, .... . N0RXH CAROLINA deep plowing which prevents washing. law: oanKin; B B H B tnrimiiiiiiiiiPiHnummr: ?:;:?;:;;:;i;: B Cafe 1 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Q j jmti. wisn to j I A i m II IS m m n is D a m E3 a m u u B B B a B a m a u u u El u B B B B B B m a B B B """""r.mm.'ir i it r 1 nt