PAGE TKKB "P1F 7 CENTS A PIECE. 4 FOR 25 CENTS AT LUT "On the Corner" Phones 17 and irwriam-ekvis3 , , , "r,'"''l'''r r - ! fknr-nT-f o. j - - - ,. , . W WW,,-''-''a ,n V , .. , , ' - m. ww-wiMtimwE O AIL . TODAY NURICA CIGARS Z'S JOIUCs STORE El m 11 13 a p u a a a a a m a a a a m n m in a n P ia n n El n p a El 13 El a a m El a m n n El El El ta El E3 El El 13 El El El El El El P El El a n El 13 a El El 3 P P P g P U P n El El El 14 CI 11 n h u n El El a n El m Ej El E a ti ti ti PlUDQOOOOIlQIIQEIISQOQODQllQOlQOQQOOO&OQPQElQg n I Ifonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni WATCHES Every one needs a watch. If you haven't one you can rely on, see our large selection. We sell only the beat and save you money. Call at once and let us show you our large stock. E. BISANAR Jeweler and Registered Optometrist. cnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsssssnnnnnnosi White Frock White Buck Shoes White Sailor Hat U Fashion's Last Word I Let us supply you with your white hat. Newest Models. Note q our window display. jj n ONLY THE BEST IN MILLINERY g Miss Mary Rosebrough i E3 QQHSIEinrJOQSIlOSIlIIQQOOQOQOSDDSIlQOOOOQSQOISB i 1 - - . mniiimiiiiiiiiiiimiMmmi)inftsinii miiiiiiiiiiiiimm"i!mm:i oman i a ana o iiiiniiiiiii (BY MISS LOUISE JONES.) ociety DOUGHNUTS. The And But straw- is fruit cake is for winter, Derries lor the spring peach cream in the summer just about the thing; if you ask for something that's liked by one and all, Just try the good Dutch doughnut the doughnut in the fall. nQonnrjQDDnrjnrinncQrjnDDDDDODnnDQDDQQcnQooii OJfd. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The same strong, serviceable Ford car but at a lower price. Prices lower than ever. Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Town Car $640, f. o. b., Detroit. On sale at Hickory Garage Co. ELLIOTT BUILDING PHONE 228 Li E3 m m m n E3 m m p n EJ El EJ E3 El You who have indigestion, this rhyme is not for you, So do not stop to question some oth er food must do. But if rich food you care for, I'll tell you how to make The good old-fashioned doughnut, the finest sort of cake. You take a cup of sugar, three eggs, a little lard, A cup of milk and flour stir these together hard; Two teaspoons banking powder into the flour is mixed Enough for a soft, spongy dough you should have ready fixed. Roll out and cut with cutter and when the lard is hot, If they brown at once, it's ready; if they don t, why it is not. When I said "lard" I meant it from oils deliver me! If your dough and fire are right, bet ter cakes you will not see. If you have indigestion, my warning I repeat, This recipe is not for you, these cakes you should not eat. My sympathy is extended if these you must forego. There are some, perhaps, will tell you "Try nuts without the dough." Mrs. C. C. Bost in the Charlotte Observer. Miss Lelia Walters of Blanche, N. C, is the guest for several weeks of Miss Frances Lentz. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D'Anna motored to Blowing Rock, yesterday and spent the day. Mrs. Claude West of Durham arriv ed in the city Saturday to be the guest for several weeks of her moth er, Mrs. C. C. Bost. Miss Lora Boyd is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G.'Boyd, in Maiden. Mr. Frank Elliott of Catawba was a Hickory visitor yesterday. Mr. James Franklin Sroruill. a non- jular young lawyer of Lexington, vis- ,4-J -(?; J- ri:.i r i ueu xiieiiuB in memory ounaay. Mr. J. D. Elliott returned yester day morning from Philadelphia where he spent several days on business. Mmmmmmnimiiiinntmmm: Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hull of Winston Salem and Mrs. C. R. Boone of Ral eigh spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Worth Elliott. Mrs. W. P. Exum, Jr., who has been the charming guest of Mrs. A. A. Shuford, Jr., for the past two weeks, left this morning for her home in Goldsboro. During her stay in the city Mrs. Exum was the recipient of much social attention. ' Master Buster Cilley entertained a few of his little neighborhood friends in celebration of his eighth birthday with a Hallowe'en party Saturday night. The guests all came dressed as ghosts. After several games, the lights were turned off and the little folks sat around the open fire, eating apples and peanuts and telling ghost stories. See Us for Good Job Printing HAT STYLES are changing continually in the large cities. High Crowned Shapes and Peach color trimmings are the very latest things just now. MRS. W. R. BECKLEY has these shapes and various novelties in the beautiful peach colored trimmings. A NEW SHIPMENT of all the latest styles are received weekly. nncnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnQnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnii PHONE 30O If You Want Pure Drugs. We Deliver Them In a Jiffy. GRIMES & MURPHY Druggists "The Santox Store" Opposite Pot Office El ta ES p El a EJ P P P P n p p Hnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnssnnnnnnnnn El n SOUTHERN RAILWAY i FRKMIEK CAKKICK OF TMB IOUTK WEIT BOUNP 2i ii u as I 11. :S2 l:It : t:2t : lt:4S -4:1 Iff 1:1 l:lff :tff ff:IO 2:IS ff:t( :: : t:4 ff:S7 1:10 Iff:ff7 1:14 lff:& 7:24 lff:2t I II lff:lff I:4i:iff:tl lff:4t l:il'lff:45 lff:l 4:8 11 : t:S 11 :lff 4:12 11: t:ffl 11:13 4:2ff 4:12 ll:2ff :2S 11:12 4:4 11:21 1:11 11:11 4:jll:4 S:4(U:lff 4; 11:47 (:lffll: I:i!ll:t4 1:17 12 : t:1712:ffl :lffll:lff 1:21 :1 l:t 12:1 ff:22 12:2 S:412:2 :li 12:2 :ijll:S ff:4S12:4ff 12:41 : :i 12:41 lff:ffff 12:52 :1S lff:lS 1:2 :! l:Ulff:tff 1:15 :t lff:4t 7:t l:5ffU:7 1:80 7:2 2:1 11 :2ff 1:58 7:1 2:18 11 :M 2 :ffl 7:4 2:2ffll:4ff 2:11 7:51 2:2 11 :5ff 2:20 2:4ffll:5ff 2:40 AIT BOUN KIW Tour r. PWLAD1LPHIA, Til. BALTIMORB. Mi. WASHINGTON (K) SALISBURY BARB IK ClT.ld KlmwooJ STATES VILLM Kuf.l Claremant NKWTON Ctnrr Oji HICKOKT Hild.bran Cana.ll Sprinn. TiJ. Druil MarcanWa CalTia Gl.n Alpia. Bri.r.waWr Nca C. C. O. Craaain MARION Granlaa Ola Tart Graphit.Till. Ridgcaraat Black M.anUia Swannanoa. Azalaa BILTMOR1 ASHKVILLB (BT) Iff U Iff 22 l:4ff -4 :4r S:4ff 11:12 .2:15 1:14 : 12:ff ll.ffff 7 :45 lff:4ff 11:25 T:4ffll:lff 2 :1 ll:ffff 7:1511:2ff 1:45 lff:55 T:lff 1 :4ff 7:ffff lff:S5 :45 1ff:5ff 1:15 :25 l:ff lff-.ffff (:15 12:6ff :ff7 It :4ff t:4ff 5:55 lff:ff4 12 :2 5 :52 :M 12 : 12:15 t :lff 5 :4 t :44 12 : 6:2S : 11:41 ff:lff 6:2ff t:lffll:4ff 6:lff ff:2ffll:ff t:57 5:ff5 :15 11iJ :47 4:55 ff:15 11:12 I:5lll:ff4 :S5 4:45 :5ll:ffff 4:S5 t:45 1ff:ffff 4:S5 l:fflff:4ff 4:11 t:tlff:M B:ff6 4:lff S:tfflff:tff 4:ffff I:lfflff:l 7:45 S:5ff f:fffflff:ffff 7:2 :t7 7 :M t:47 7:15 S:1S 7:25 ff:5 7:lff : T:2ff f:tff 2:54 7:lff t:2ff :4 1:45 7 : ff:lff :It 2:5 :5S t : :Sff 2:25 :45 I:5ff FIRST LYCEUM COURSE COMES FRIDAY NIGHT The 'first entertainment of the Red path Lyceum in Hickory will be given at the Hub theatre next Friday night, and all persons who have not already secured a season ticket would do well to secure one at an early date. The first attraction will 'be the American Girls. Big and enthusias tic houses have greeted the American Girls on tour through practically ev ery state in the union. At Oklahoma City early in the year, the seating ca pacity of 1,800 was taxed to the lim it. The papers remarked that "every body was on the hurrah all evening." The Paola (Kansas) Republican of recent date told of the American Girls playing to a capacity house and add ed: "The Redpath Bureau has no more thoroughly enjoyable organiza tion than this and Paola will take pleasure in giving the American Girls a crowded house 'whenever they may favor us with an opportunity." The American Girls is one of the most charming companies of young women that ever appeared before the public, and the management feels cer tain that Hickory people will be very well pleased with this compuny, which combines a vocal and instrumental sextet. Miss Dorothy Lyncti, director of the company, is a skilled violiniste, reader and pianiste. During the course of the vening she will repre sent the Modern Day girl. Miss Ruby Norman plays second violin and will appear ma the D. A. R. girl. Miss Ruth Sheldon plays the cornet and piano, and is an accomplished singer. She takes the prt of the In dian maiden in a sketch presented by the company. Miss Grace Hyatt figures promi nently as a vocalist and with the clar inet and saxophone. Her sister, Miss Virgie Hyatt, plays th piano and sax ophone, and also snip's. In the sketch knowns as "The Periods of American Girlhood" these sisters appear as the Colonial Girl and the Puritan Maiden, respectively. The sixth member of the company is Miss Vera Miller who, in addition to her readings, is drummer and sax ophone player of the company. She will appear as the Grandmother of our Modern Day. A NEAR-ACCIDENT One of the pair of horses being driven by Mr. Fred Abernethy, who was out with his family yesterday afternoon, became entangled in the running gear of the carriage and fell sprawling in the street near the fair grounds. An axe had to be used to cut the shafts from the horse, but lit tle damage was done. It was fortu nate that the horse did not break a leg. BALLEW WINS WATCH Defeat Stewart Whitener in Close Contest. William Ballew won the gold watch awarded by th Record for doing the best work during the month of Oc tober. He made 4,198 points and led Stuart Whitener, another hustler, 128 points, Stewart making a otal of 4, 070 points. All of the carriers work ed hard, but these two re more successful in securing new subscrib ers and making collections. All the youngsters received ten per cent of what they collected, so all of them that worked were paid for their time and trouble. The watch has been on exhibition in the window of Mr. Geo. E. Bisanar. Y. M. C. A. MEN PAY HICKORY A VISIT Messrs. G. C. Huntington and E. G. Wilson of Charlotte, interstate secre taries for North and South Carolina of the Y. M. C. A., and Mr. W. V. Martin, general secretary of the Spartanburg association, who delh -ered addresses in Hickory churches and at the Hub theatre yesterday, continued their activities in this city today in behalf of the formation of a secondary association here. They vis ited the business men and got a line on the sentiment here for an asso ciation. It was not proposed to erecT a building for a while, but to have the work conducted in a rented build ing with a paid secretary, who would affiliate with the other civic and re ligious bodies of the community. A fairly large crowd, considering the fine afternoon, heard the visitors at the Hub theatre yesterday at 3:30. Pictures of Y. M. C. A. Buildings and work in North Carolina were shown and explained by the speakers, and those present enjoyed the lecture. Mr. Wilson spoke 1m me Presby terian church in the morning and in the Baptist church in the evening; Mr. Martin spoke in the Methodist church in the morning and he and Mr. Hunt ington spoke in the Presbyterian church at night. DISFIGURED SHOW WINDOW Some time last night somebody attempted to cut through the show window of J. O. Rhodes, jeweler, two squares being etched in the glass. It is supposed that the miscreant was frightened off before he finished the job. A number of pins and other ar ticles were in easy reach of the places disfigured, and although the glass was not penetrated the damage was con siderable, as plate windows are ex pensive. BEST IN HISTORY To the Editor of the Record: Thank you for the . Record's fine report of the proceedings of the South Fork Association. I could almost feel that I had attended. While the press has always been courteous, the Record has given the best in the his tory of the association. The growth of the association has been notable in 1878 seven churches and 700 members and in 1915 fifty new churches and over 8,000 mem bers. W. A. GRAHAM. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 30, 1915. HANDLE PLANT BURNS Wilmington, Nov. 1. The handle works of the Levering Manufactur ing Company just outside the city, was destroyed by fire Sunday morn ing, presumably caused by a spark from the boiler entailing a loss of about ?25,000, fully covered by in surance. Turkish officials report that they cannot find certain Armenians for whom offers of assistance were made through the good offices of Ambassa dor Morgenthau in Constantinople. Did the Turkish officials try digging for them? New York World. Theatre 1 'NEAL OF THE NAVY" 'THE CLAIRVOYANT SWINDLERS" In two parts. - Open From 2:30 to 10:30 tHinMiWMtimMniiiiiinttttt DRESS UP FOR Fair Week NbVfoce V A. lit', jSf SB nd a restful evening with a good book. So y we ali of us. Theatres and tango parti aren't m it if you're after solid anjoyment and omfort. If you want to be pieaanriy surprised, just get a complete list of Grostet r Dun3p' Popular Copyrighted Fie f.on, inciuding nearly al 1 the great novels of recent years, whieh we are telling at volum This list, free for the asking, will point (he way to much genuine pi 45- ure. Big Shipment Suits By To day's Express. i NEW SUITS. Mr. Hardin, the express man brought us today, forty two (42) brand new snappy Coat Suits, Fur Trirsmed Braid Trimmed and Plain Tailored Models. We have marked most of these suits $16.50. Values up to $22.50. Other suits $10.00 to $25.00 LADIES CREPE-DE-CHINE SHIRTWAISTS. New lot silk shirtwaists, beautifully made with th j new convertible collars, in white, black, pink and flesr. Prices $2.50 to 3 .9 New lot "K & S" Waists J1"V" $1. -0 "JACKMANS" FURS. Our line of Ladies, Misses and Children's muffs, neck pieces and sets were bought before the recent big rawe in price and we are giving our customers the advantage. Furs will be worn this winter perhaps more than ever before. Prices $2.00 to $30.00 New lot Sport Coats, $5.00 to 2 $12.50 New lot white and black kid gloves $1.00 New lot Ladies Silk Hosiery 25c to $1-00 New lot Children's Coats $1.50 to $6.00 New lot Ladies Neckwear 25c to $1.00 - ft Thompson-West "The Ladies' Store" Hicko ry, N. C. M 7 See Us For Good Job Prmtmg THE VAN DYKE SHOP yjppr we offer you in " Csymdiei There is always a doubt When a box of CcLTldy i opened NGLES rATEVTEO The Only Built-up Shingle Sparkproof. Weatherproof. Can't rust, rot, crack nor blow loose. Go on like wooden shin gle. Double width halves cost of laying. Gray in color may b painted red or green. It's as good as It's better than V Pi "I think" When is opened. Question. "Oh!" It's Substitutes cost as much, many cost more Why not buy the original Best known, fresh everywhere, always, Whitener & Martin "Sells for Lest Profit" Phone 39 1346 Union Square 04? Abernethy Hdw. Co. We carry a full line of if 1$ Neponset Building Product3 U. S. Ammunition Best On Earth For tale only by Shuford Hardware Co.

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