' ' ' ft.n n,..,, u vcning ; ; HICKORY DAILY RECORD Page Three EBBBBBBBBBBBEBI2SBBBlg j BDHOIlIinOI3nflOprJEllf!glllglOBBrifIllBf!BllHOOPIlg!lSna i Society I FM I ' jj j t222222tlH!l!!liMM;i;Mtiiii1M,i.t,t.1,.11 g g 5 1 U1' . i r D . ! Special r rices; umguiK; flat. trimmings. ribbons, novelties, etc., will be sold at great from ,l0v until January, 1916. , fall si" . ... .... knanriir-a nnvv wViilo these nriees tire- ,iav to uuy yuu. - r tl Ct U3 ni you ill uaia. ONLY THE BEST IN MILLINERY jyjiss Mary Rosebrough . mmmm HI Ml M WHW H WW 1111111 ff"f WfUVS ff Fta a P D a a a a a a a a a a a Mr. Howard Councill who is in school at Annapolis, accompanied tr Mr. Earle Herbert of Kansas, spent Christmas day with his parents, Judge and Mrs. W. B. Councill. o Mr." Donald Boy den of Konxville Tenn., spent Christmas in the city. AtMf im Keever of Charlotte spent the holidays here. p B B a a A Happy New Year U p P a Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holland and small son of Gastonia spent Satur day and Sunday in the city. ... 0 : Mr. Weston Taylor of Statesville j, t-irtoil off most propetiously in new clothes, the sign 0f pro-pol ity and general well-being why not put away jmuary in a brand new out fit. We'll show you some l. ...Ml mnlm vnii -C aa rrl o rrvil 9W allVP Jind able here in;'. i in j w" " Rmnrt fashionable and to mi' tiuu,-i ciit "i-'H tn-. - well-ent- pence! ii!!ing suns anu uveicuaw i , . inrv vnnr bpst. the cost is very little. CALL jj IlKlKv .wii vv,. , ANn SEE US. i i i i i 1 8 I f 1 1 I i i i B3 n D P D D a B p p p p R P K3 p p p p B P Tod Ck Co. er-Clark "The Men's Store" 'maagaggnaEnannnnnnnnannnnDDnnnnnnnnan i . - lassEaoanssnBannnnnnnnnnnnninnnnnnnnnnnji M . SPED vnriSUna Witll Ilia uiuuiei, iixia. 0 Mr. Moss Salley of Statesville spent Christmas in the-city, the. guest of his sister, Mrs. T. H. Adden. o Miss Lily Jones of Patterson will arrive in the city today to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Hall xor a week. o Miss Mary Roseborough had a most unfortunate accident Friday night. She slipped in front of. Set- zer's store and fell, spraining her hip very badly. The attending phy sician thinks no bones were broken. o The Record is glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carpenter of Norfolk, Va., to this city. They are board ing at Mr. A. L. Whitener's. Mr. Carpenter 13 a traveling man. o Mr. -and Mrs. W. S. Martin of Canton arrived in the city Saturday nieht and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wootten. Mr. Martin win re turn home this afternoon but Mrs. Martin will remain over for the Dom ino Dance given by the youn ladies an Friday night. Miss Adelaide Johnston left yes terday morning for Ashland, Va., to attend the wedding Wednesday even ing of Miss Virginia Fotts to Mr. Herman Droste. Before returning home Miss Johnston will visit Miss Oird Webb in South Boston. Va. o Mrs. S. C. Cornwell and children will return tomorrow from JJaiias, Mr. Walter Martin of Maiden is in the city for a few days. Mr. Weston Taylor of Statesville spent Christmas in Hickory. Mr. J. E. Wilforer SDent last mVht with Mr. S. L. Whitener. Mr. Jacob Rinehardt of WinstnTi- Salem spent Christmas here. Mr. Jacob E. Peterson of Winstrm- Salem was a Christmas visitor here. Mr. E. N. Carr returned last mVht from Charlotte, where he visited rela tives. Dr. Councill Boyden of China Grove spent Christmas here with relatives and friends. Mr. Joe Aiken of Gastonia is snend. ing a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aiken. Mr. Hugh Williams spent Christ mas with relatives at Ninety-six, South Carolina. P P P P P P P P a a p a p p Q P P a a p p p p p SI We p p P El go P El D E3 Da -.bank Y (0)11 Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 50c Bottle 1. Ujrrpm "On the Corner 'Phones 17 and 317. p p p m a a o p p p D ca R P P P P P Mr. Gary Kirkpatrick has return ed from Asheville, where he spent six weeks in a sanatorium. Mr. George Kirkpatrick, manager of the Murphy branch of the Coca Cola Company, spent the holidays here. Mr. Jacob Doll who is traveling out of Atlanta is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Doll. Rev. John Hoyle of Lenoir passed through Hickory today en route to the eastern part of the state on business. ibnnncnnnnnnnnnannno CAROLINA & NORTH-WESTERN Time Card No. Northbound 32. Effective Nov. 2o, 1D15. No. 10 INo. 8 Pass I Pass Daily I Ex Sun Chester Tv York Lv Gastonia Lv Lincolnton Lv Newton Lv Hickory Lv Lenoir Lv Mortimer Lv 7 43am! 8 29am! 9 24am 10 20am 10 55am 11 40am 12 15pm 3 28pm 12 05pm 2 20pm 5 40pm 6 31pm 7 08pm 7 40pm 8 35aja Edgemont Ar 3 40pm Rev. W. N. Cook, accompanied by Mr. John and Miss Mar" Cook, left today for Mortimer, where he will I spend a week hunting. Mr. John Mitchell, formerly city manager of Hickory, has been elect- vvhere the- are spending the holidays ed secretary of the chamber of com ,ith relatives. merce of ixamlet, where he is prac ticing law. EJ P Mr. nnd Mrs. S. L. Whitener and family spent Saturday at the Rock House, being among tne sitting i at the Christmas dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilfong. BAKER MOUNTAIN NOW Every Month in the Year SODA WATER. We are able at all times to serve you the nv..i-.t delicious sodas. Drink at our fountain. ;HTVC R D D R R R R R R Mi nn A Mrs. Craiff Shuford are guests of their daughter, Mrs. C. E. Mcintosh m ttaie-gn. j"uiu .vill return home tomorrow. o Mr. Charles Cline and sister, Miss Lula Cline. were in Uastonia ana Jharlotte yesterday. -o- CONVENTION SCHOOL No 9 No. 7 Southbound Pass Pass Daily Ex Sun Edgemont Lv Mortimer Lv Lenoir Lv 1 0pm Hickory Lv 2.35p P P P P P a a a p p p p a a d 11 a m m p p p El ad m R P P R a R p m R a a a a a a a a a a a a a a We wish to thank you, our hun dreds of good friends, who have made 1915 for us our best year in business. We wish to thank you for the beau tiful Holiday business making this Christmas a most "Merry Christmas" for us. We wish to especially hank you for the patience, the consideration and kindness shown our sales force, when they were worn out with the long hours and the season's rush. We heartily wish you and yours a NEW YEAR full of happiness and prosperity. Newton Lv Lincolnton Lv Gestonia Lv Gastonia Lv 5.00pm York Lv 5 46pm Chester Ar 6 35pm 11 f 5am 11 13aml M 6 30am 7.25am 7 55am 8 29am 3 08pm 3 43pm BQDuDQQyQnQDDyyDQyyuOBuauyyuyyuyuuuuuuuu Thompson-West Co, "The Ladies' Store" Hickory, N. C. a R P a p B P P P P B P P P P P a id a a p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p B P P P P P pi B a 10.00am 12 00am I 15am Auction Sale BnDQQEinnnnniDBnQBlBQOBQOBBnQQQQHQBBBBBBB i SOUTHERN RAILWAY S PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH P P P P a p WENT BOUND 21 GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists U Phone 300 opposite rosi wuicc I' 'laagqanaaaagaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBB a p a Mr. and Mrs. J. Otis Hull returned to Winston-Salem yesteraay anei spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Worth Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. J.Worth Elliott will go to Winston-Salem this afternoon Lin m spend a lew aaya. Miss Beatrice Cobb, of the Morgan. ton Herald, spent Sunday in the city. .iBBEnEDBnDBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniw nMMWAggw, tkade Flagler's 9th Ave. Market meat after order is received I 1 I I I I fl I R R R C. L. Chandler, South American a- What promises to be a very inter Dstine: rural school convention began Friday night at the Baker Mountain school. There are a number of these schools in North Carolina and adjoin ing states which will send delegates to this convention. There will also be delegates from a distance. The convention was opened with an address of welcome by Mr. M. K. Johnston, founder of the Baker Moun- school. The response was given by Professor L.eo JLhiei ot Atianxa, ra. The opening sermon was deliv ered by Elder J. B. Locken of Greens boro, president of the North Carolina conference of Seventh-day Adventist. He earnestly encouraged the delegates present to more diligence in educat ing the youth for worK in the Master's vinevard. He saia: "it is eviaem, All nork sausage made of best pig by clean, competent white help. Special orders solicited, in link or bulk. Made FLAGLER'S R P R R R P P P 12 flHaannnnaaaaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB gent of the Southern Railwav. is trv- from the conditions in both the poll ing to collect data relative to the num- tical and religious world that Jesus ber of students in the scnoois anu yue olleges of the state now swujuig Spanish. . "I understand, ne sa,ya w to the North Carolina Commissioner of Labor and Printing," that Greens boro and Winston-Salem have both re- ently put it into the puonc ..t.MRnnnnnnnnR E3EEEiiE!HEEaEBEHHfflnnEHBHF'UUUUuuMMM"-- p p p p L. L. MOSS, the Contractor and Builder If vou have a house to build let the right man figure on it. I car; liuild a house for you on a short notice at any t;mf al" L. L. MOSS UBiaaaaaaHHHBflaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBfa p p p p p HlEEElBHEEBBBBBBBBBBBBflSBBEBBflBBflBEBBBB B B Last Chance It seems to me that this is one of the is soon coming tor tnese are signs of His return therefore what we do must he done auickly." These neonle observe the Seventh Dav Sabbath (Saturday). In har mony with their belief special services lor the upbuilding of the Christian jharacter were held. .Froiessor w . r. lowell of Washington, U. L., spoKe Of valuable residence in front of First National Bank, Monday, January 3, 1916, 2:30 p. m. One 6-room house with elec tric lights and city water. Size of lot 87 x 412V9 feet. Located at No. 1015 Seventh avenue, and known as the Lafayette Shell property. TERMS Cash, with the priv ilege of transferring 11 shares of B. & L. stock in series "A" with $1100 borrowed from First Building & Loan Association. C. E. KALE, Catawba, N. C. 11 pm .4 :35 16 I U t M am I am 11 :08 12:80, .6:62-1 :20.:30 :20:.S:Z3i- :OB 10:46 -4 :36l 10:06 2:30 0:10 -a was given a pressing "'"w""" lu be present at the meeting of the Na tional Foreign Trade Council in New Orleans. OLD FRENCH MILL WORKS FOR ENEMIES p p p p B to pay City Taxes BEFORE THE PENALTY IS ADDED December is the last month to pay your taxes be fore the PENALTY is added. Please call and get your B P P P P P P P P P P P P most important ways in which South at the eleven o'clock hour. His ser- American trade mayoe penuauciiwj mon was greauj ai)iucu y retained by the south,, in order to arge audience present. All were m- iciamvu j . i ,rr,,irio. i j. rmol in tVip Master's have a reservoir 01 pireu to sicdici " neonle to draw from." vineyard. Mr Shinman, as the first state ol- Tnus far the following delegates icial 'in the south to take up the idea have arrived, others will come later: .;Jj. nvfn:;nn with South Amen- Riders J. B. Locken, Greensboro; J. jonnston, snuxuia Jlen Alpine: W. L. Adkins, Wilming ton : Professors W. E. Howell. Wash ngton, D. C- E. C. Waller, Candler; Leo Thiel, Atlanta, Ga.; John Browns. Derger, Naples; James Lewis, Naples; Dr. O. M. Hay ward, Reeves, Ga.; Mrs. J. O. Johnston, Eufola; Mrs. D. T. Shireman, Glen Alpine; ivirs. a. w . Spaulding, Hendersonville ; Mrs. Clara Belle Wade. Glen Alpine; Miss Ber tha Mann, Naples; Mr. W. H. Stem man, Candler; Mr. Charles Maples, Glen Alpine: and Mr. W. P. Dough erty, New Bern. The delegates are being entertained by the Baker Mountain church. All seem to be happy and are anticipating a very interesting and profitable meet- Mi J-' ..4Vi1 Tma?o ng which win continue uum iumu evening. ... . Mr. Otis Sanborn is doing most ex celnt service in transfering pas sengers frcm the station to the Ch(Th"ere was no service Saturday nie-ht. The business session of the beean Sunday. By spc FOR SALE! Cheaper than cotton seed hulls. 400 bales of corn fodder or stoves 40 cents per bale. 600 bushels of good ground white corn, apply at HICKORY TANNERY. Delusive "Death Rates" Raleigh Times. The preliminary report of the Bu reau of the census giving the death rate of the country based on the reg istration area shows a deatn rate me lowest on record, 13.6 per thousand, North Carolina, with a registration area covering '472.295 of population being given a rate of 19 "larger than that of 1913 or 1912, the increase, no doubt, being due to more thorough gathering of statistics." In his re f.nmmissioner Rogers says: P a a p p p p p p 3 p a 3 a 1 a IB P P R P 6:301 8:80 6:66: :6: I :67 10:07 7:24jl0:26 2:55 :35 3:00, :40 3:10 t:60 3:25,10:06 3:38 10:20 3:4810:31 3:68 10:45 4:08111 :00 4:12 11:03) 4:20, 4:32)11:201 8:26111:32 110 :4 10:68 8:06ill :10 8:08,11:131 4:40: 11 :28 4:60111:40 4.6 11 .47 6:06 11 :64 6:17112:06 6:23L 6:30 12:16 6:40 6:60 6:68 12 :26 12 :S! 12:41 6:05,12:48 :16 6:30 6:60 7:06 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 1:16 8:31!11:3 8:45:11 :60 8:60; 11 :56 8:6712:00 8:10,12:10 9:16 :22 8:35 8:46 :50 10:00 10:16 10:30 10:48 1 :60ill :07 2:00,11:20 2:10ill :30 2:20! 11 :40 2:30,11 :60j 2:40, 11:69 12 :20 12:30 12 :40 1 :02 1:16 1:60) 1:58 2:08 2:18 2:80 2:40) i NEW YORK W. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. BALTlMOkE. Md. WASHINGTON (ET) SALISBURY BARBER Clrvelsnd ElmwtKMl STAT ESV ILLS. Eufola Catawua Clarvmont NEWTON Conor r Oyauia HICKORY Hitoebraa Connelly Stringfe ValdeM Drexi Morirantoa Calvin Glen Alpine Bridtrewaur Nebo C. C. A O. Cramintt MARION Crenlee OW Fort Graibit-vill Kidjfrt Black Mountain Swannanoa EAST BOUND 22 1 "I pm pn i C :00 .1:40 .4 :46 .3:40,11:121-2:15 l:14i.a:06,iz:o .7:45 10:4(W 11:80 11:25 11 :00 10:66 10:3b 10:06 8:44 :OI iliol '"67 8:47 8:36 pm 7:40111:601 7:15ll:20j 1:101 Aialea BILTMO.IE ASHEVILLE (ET) 1 :WH .45 :26 e-.lb :07 6:66 6:62 6:34 10-60 2:16 1:45 1:44 1:30 1:16 1:00 H:6 111 10:04,12:2k 8:69 12:21 12:1 8:44.12:00 6:28 8:38 11:48 A:30 :. u :w 6:10, 8:20 11:30 (:06 8:16111 :2X 4 K&I 4 II :11 :68!ll:04 4:46) 8 66 11:00 8:06 i 7:28 7:16 7:1W V:4 6:38 C:3M 4:36 4:26 4:18 4:10j 4:00 8:601 3:27 8:15 8:06 2:64 2:46 2:36 8:46110:60 8:35 10:40 8:28,10-36 8:20, 10:30 8-.1010:16 8:00,10:04 7:381 7:26 7 :20 T:l f:00 4:62 XOK, 4:46 9:47 9:36 9:30 9:20 9:10 9:00 8:60 I P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P B P P t?nonannngnnnsinnnnnnDannnnnnnncgnnnnnanDg aQnncnnnnnnoconnnnnnntinnnnnannnnnnnnnnnn i Buick Garage p If you don't get your tires and supplies and have your repairing done at Buick Garage we both lose money. Phone 2 1 0 We Specialize Texaco Products gnnnnnonnBDnnnnnnanngnaflnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn p R a p a p p p B B B P (By Associated Press.) In the Argonnes, France, Dec. 27. Several miles behind the front, yet . ;a Tvmrl lints near enou-n to it so wi- can be transported to the trencnes ith little difficulty, lies the so-caueu Hindenburg Mill-a one time rencn sawmill that for years had lain in active, and which has been utilized by the Germans for fittin- up tneir v tions. . ., . -i ,ct th Harvest Ingathering Every bit of machinery in tne mm yram was rendered again Sunday , .1. -p 4 rAnmsitioned Vir ' is r reiitii mu. i aiteniuuii. r o-tv,;!!.!. pstabl.shments m i Din aiuiM - - - . . . the Areonnes forest. The MISS D'ANNA IMPROVlMLr UUA Germans estimate that they have The condition of little Helen D'Anna and ivirs receipt before the first of the year. S S3 snent not more than 2,00U marKs m , f Mr and Mrs. Hugh S. n MH RRMnfinnnnnM LaKilitatincr the institution which to. U,,. ws mucn im--oved today, if!niffwwnfinrinrjnnnnDnnOHnHauUMUMi--- rr," m 17.000 to rTC, i; no longer any serious . - I 4.1, -furniture a I v,v -rpmverv. v or days 1 ..P.nnnnnnBI marKS WUi" urd between life ESffSPHEnflBnEnaannnnnnnHHHyUllUM"--- month. wa1 nurelv a I Ambers of the f am S Uaw mill but departments have been n and f riends were uneasy. Nev s B 1 n . l! P TiSoV, atoves are being made f the bedside has been better S SPP Q tnV LlOOQ r rinUng g trench "shelters at the front and"better. and all Hickory feels re n a-fwwww- STandin which many meiai -neved, M .u-j mnnltom neeua vl States, since not all communities have adequate death-registration systems. Those states and cmes in wm m registration of deaths is approximate- lv complete constitute wiwi ,""'" as the registration area. This area comprises twenty-five states (in one of which, North Carolina, registra tion is restricted to mumupan which had 1,000 population or over ionn t.h District of Columbia, 111 AWVf --" . . 4. and thirty-two cities non-registr... states, and contains two-thirds (66. per cent) of the total est.mated popu- iation 01 tne umwsu auiwa This represents a very gratifying in crease as comparea witu the registration area contame d only about two-fifths (40.5 per cent) of the total population of the entire country. Until there is more j)tw6i in regisiranuii w. of the systems in one-half of the states, and in many oi musts a limited portion of the Population a with us. It would seem that there Should be less stress laid on ; "death rates." Such figures prove littie, if it..i. wof. thpv are undoubtedly o'n Holiness, as showing rZ-j;;- f ,.nmmnnities tending to v ,,.1. thpv mav deDend on neaim,vv many other causes, r ur w awuvw, ...w m.,ny: newlv settled country - hna1KH ltR DUUUiauUll anu a Subscribe to The Hickory Duly Record a a a a a a a a a a a an d get Todays News Today a p p p p p p p p p p p p tx p p p p p a El UBBB P P P P $4. Per Year in Advance BBBaaaBBQBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOaaBBBO ASHEVILLE TRUSTIES Raise Rough House Twenty Seven Behave. A0v,0vilV Dec. 27. L. P. Matton and Fred Fowler, two pf the negro Two e i I 11TQ -T I nWTTATML' I' f 'U I I I IK V ' fT I 1 1C UUUU". 1 ,,. 1 J - fl 1 . riT" I iXS tm mm w mm wm wm wm w m m w m w ft m n a s m mm mtm ui mm i . f l . j.. m ti a t - i i i i t-r avTW i nm j i m-m i x-i a..-. uw jvu v. i i fnnriAO" vu i i i in liiv v m ,,v ,,n, mRS l-BueS, "that a minister v, pves his Exercises b, the children of the -,r SrS . w .rT?a rVirtla attpntion lO me nawuu o (I!y Associated Press.) .LMi'l'.n, Dec. 27. After the cabinet t'-rs m;ide an earnest appeal to the trade union congress to defer de "rtiiiido for increased wages until after lle war on the ground of national '''H'.rny, the suggestion came from the unions that the ministers them Be'v" m ght sot an example in eco r.orny ,y jr.viiw u- part of their sal &r'''', v. hich in some offices are prin J;1!'. K was indicated in parliament that :uh a movement was coniem p.ati. ,y lno m;nistGrs. But now a ' -' ; ic liberal nnncr makes an in- KtiiiouLj dei'ense of the old scale of sal ponce ueiKuw"""! j ii charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and Fowler being charged ciwujeu tvu l9V(, tre. with an over-inuuiKiv.c -"--;- aced tnemsAvestrn, and those enanan tT.lk cheer." To, ; ej j , , k. marlfM iur 1 evmcut o r -. . . f t" .chairs: bookcases, desks, Zsfriiht, the church countries were uuw ------ . thins for the ----v-t . manv extra seats by death rates, uuuj,---- !iDe.' where T the German soldier, - - chren tate wlth a large P - .i uienrs anftnds his time. I,Qrl thpmsel ailc"u,v' r f r,rpsent were LIKES HICKORY AND CATAWBA taTSe praise, of the little ones today. of Harris- YTHW'V - has little time for his own, and in tne case of some cabinet ministers a sua den drop of a third to a half of their incomes would create private nnanciai problems, and therefore some disirac. tion of mind. Ministers are supposed to be of importance to the nation s business, and distraction of mind is therefore a thing to be v0lde?: " is not at all unlikely this considera tion may prevail." Both wwern Carolina Democrat. TXf Ai-mnriPstfiT Mr. ix. .!."'- . . . bare Pa-, who is the guest oi n daughter, Mrs. RoyAbernethy, is much impressed with Hickory and Ca Sfa ity and marvels over the menuuua uw' , Uq -Fnr it. would necessarily be marked for healthful conditions. vneri W3 have had some little experi ence in death rates in Raleigh, and we can understand better than the peojue of most communities how the system operates and what . can ale.ely be j u-.t it Rp.firistration m tne proveu uj . rae. know- giving as well as OVER $100 FOR ORPHANS. c?t Paul's Lutheran congregation S- AtU .Ltrihuted S53.25 for the ITf I V vvi w-. TT: 11 7 rr-cf- v,Q nmhanatre and nmer a OQ ;a nf course. 5 to all sections. Mr. ADernemy ue t"ibuted $50 for the same comp-e . - fr intelligent his carried him over pans ux members of both congre- m t Vpttered conditions; but it their pastor, ed much pleasure today with a pistol, and wnne m his temporarv vacation undertook to become boss of the local negw quar ter. He is charged with drawing his weapon on several c. threatening to shoot. He will be sent back to camp today, after a hear ine in police court. Members of the Buncombe county board of commissioners at first re fused to heed the mandate of Gover nor Craig and had about decided to let the convicts, "trusties" and all remain on the roads over Christmas only giving them the usual holiday. Later the commissioners held a meet ing and decided that the best thing to do was to give the "trusties" their holiday and trust to luck. Twenty nine were released on their own re cognizance, and each promised to re frain from any unbecoming conduct during his stay with his people. None has raised any disturbance so far as nan he learned, save the two who were arrested. Matton was also charged with having too much liquor on board. FOR SALE! New dresser, wasnstana, cnairs, wardrobe, tables, stoves and other household goods. As party is leaving the city will sell at a sacrifice, call at 613 Chestnut Ave., between 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Tuesday Dec. 28. making there is a great aries, "It is an old saying," the paper ory nas ways. country.