Page Three if You Have Anything to Sell, Advertise it. M M W I y U il :i hickorO. cSatU014 Evening, march 4, i9ie VOL. 1 NO. l.VJ Price Two Cents IT TT VLJA I a 1 f IMF T b j v s ! fc-j am tail im IF1 m f ES ITS si '- I HOUSE TO VOTE TUESDAY ON WARNING QUESTION SCHOOLS LAST Aclminstration Leaders Confident They Have the Votes to Make Victory Complete and Undisputed Come Up as First Business of Day. (By the A-ui'iatt'i Washington, March I Press ) . ''hi' ju-xt ii's tight to hip limitation stpoiied until MONTH GOOD RECORD IN WILSON SCORES PUBLISHED CANARD step in President U ils. dispose of the ; t rrio.l in congress ha- icen p Tuesday. At an early conference alminis . tratjon lea.h rs in the house decided not to insi-t a vi.'.c today. This afternoon tho rules lommittee will meet to Conside'- a rule t" taOh. the MeLemore i c.olut ion to warn Amer icans OfT armed belligerent ships. The rule will ho In-otight in wih the first business Tuesday, uhen the ..administration forces plan to di.p''.-.-of it by a ultant ial majority. The foreign affairs committee already has agreed on 'he resolution. Administra 'on forces plan that the action in the house shall leave tie doubt of th" decisive sentiment in congress. They plan that the ae. tion to table the MeLemore resolu tion, which v. ; that the pre plomatic affair al interference cannot be cal'.i The leader have the v u complete and Leaders ep ponement was GOOD WEATHER rnn niuirm PROMISED Thf. -irv ,r,-:,de,l srVinnl m.ide an I (Cy ASrOtmeu nt.p unusually' fine record in attendance! Washington, March 4.-,Aroused by for them onth of February. The ' the publication of reports yesterday average daily attendance for the 1 that presideit Wilson because of month was 1)5 per cent of the enroll- ! t. ' . . ,eio.T, e:t.,,nrinn wa considering resigning from office, the white house authorized the following ment. Fourteen of the twenty teach ers reported a daily attendncae of i more than 95 per cent, and the chil dren in these rooms were given a half holiday. The eleventh grade had per for the whole ' month The eighth tion was called to story appearing m grade had for two weeks not a sin certain papers that the president nau gle absence by the 48 pupils of that resigned or was considering resign.. : in ane a line recoru oi aitenuance, i - v :j. ! considering the variety of weather I , . :,!,,.: tv,,; ,,.,,, '"An American newspaper At the North school four grades j would publish a story of that kind had an average daily attendance jn a situation like this dishonors it 'ot 1X1 nnhlk nr .... of 45 pupils to the statement: "'When Secretary Tumulty's atten that an average teacner. ine ivprnirf" nt. cniltinr'P ner teacher in the fills. These four teachers had a daily attendance of 10 pupils each more than the average in the cityitJ schools. The fourth grade had 50 H pupils in daily attendance; the fifth (T.y the Associated Tress) Washington, March 4. Freezing .tnperature prevailed along tne ai i 4(; lhe sixth rafje 41; and a.uic coast as far south as northern the seventh grade, 44. Every child 'lorida today. The weather bureau in these grades is a resident of ever, that the weather Hickory; no oiitsiue pupns m mese howi M ARKETS NEW YORK STOCKS ( By Associated PressA New York, March 3. Although gains were in excess of losses at the ..,i. i outset, of todav's trading, the mark- Hrcft - " i ' 11 a eclaratlon ideiit haU handle di . s without cotmressioti . will he such that it d a m.xed ic'.ory. s are confident they s ! i make the v;'.'t".v undisputed. lamed t'nat the post, agreed upon by the absence of . many members on week end V(fj-. Many left yesterday un der the impress ..n it was .-aid, that the house ,se.-si..n today which began at 10 o'clock was to end at noon, and was to consider only elainis bills. Majority Leader Kitchin soon afternoon beiran notifying menilers that they would not t. needed to vote until next T.iesday at the ea.diest. The confi ren. e t-djoiinied with no formal action except a deci-nm to hold a rule.- comrnitti-e meet imr at -o'clock today. The s.. called gen tleman's a'.: reetlietit was made to have ji"Vo;e not until Tuesday. rosTroNKD r.NTiL Monday (By the Associated I'ross) . ' WashitH'ton. March :!. The hi use leaders early to lay decided not to bring the armed ship question up for a vote until Momlay, prom,eu, ., ,,-rades at all would moderate by tonight. This regularity of attendance is The storm which was central yes he'jiing to secure thorough work in l V,...tU l '.i in-i IiIpw t.ll( rralps (Inp ( mv Oils northeastward with increasing in. spelling test was given the sixth and et failed to manifest any fairly del tensity Its center todav was off the seventh grades. 1 rom the list of ew "llie'land coast. The gale last words given it will be seen that it tiie-lit was alone' the whole Atlantic coast and the veloc.ty was y iimeo :mi hour otV llatteras. WINSTON HKillS NOW Til F, WF.STFIIN ill AMI'S Winston . Salem nun' ia.-,t night March 4. Ity win battle from Ashe. villi high school by a score ot i- to 1 1, the Winston.Salem high school ba.-ketball iuiut is now the undisput el (diampions of western North Caro lina and will meet the representa tives from the Fastern half, for the state championship at Chapel Hill later in the month. After the second half there was nothiiur to the game but Winston Salem. Fntil this point is was an evenly matched battle, both teams displaying unusual skill in passing the ball. At the end of the half, the score stood 14 to 10 for the home boys. f , i was no easy test lor pupns iweive or thirteen years old. These are the words: ornrmai, anection, syste matic, imaginary. vacancy, competition, occasionally, annually doubtful, temporary, fran chise, grievance, identical, fugitive, melody, capacity, competent, mechan ics, alternative, epistle, illiterate, commodious, fertilizer, contagion, utensil, revenue, excu&tt-ale. species. inite trend. Gains were light and changes either way were mostly fractional. Specialties, including munitions and motors, were under novelty, gradual, pressure. United States Steel, which BELGIAN RELIEF E DAY HER :GERfeAM DRI 54 JS- a s: Willi VE AGAIN X CON SWA fin 10 bt ft fr'HT 0 N Hickory churches tomorrow will name committees to canvass the city Friday, March 17, for funds to aid the nearly 3,000,000 hungry and shiv ering Relgians. Already there is much interest in the campaign here, and the pastors are confident Hickory people will donate freely to the wor thy cause. President Wilson and Governor Craig have urged the people to con tribute and the German government has given permission to relieve the buffering in cjonquered fierritory1. Helping the Belgians is a neutral and humane act. It is planned to make only one day of the campaign, and it is urged that every citizen of Hickory bear this in mind. ! Crown Prince's Armies are Mraking Time JVVhile Heavy Artillery Continues Active Russian K successes Against lurks Continue JOHN SHARP WILLIAMS da i ry , extravagant! htyna1vsm, conceited, deli berate 'On? 'i'efi -cient, catastrophe, rc ?tsslia IpH vesterdav's late rally, eased off after raaking slight advances. COTTON FUTURES (By the Associated Press) New York, March 4. The cotton market opened at unchanged prices to a decline of five points today, with rdrl nrnn months relatively easv turity, emergency, yegeK , f rjpm- j There was n important demand ery, sejiaraior, viuuit..ri.wwJRUvT- bniiuent, geranium,' empi'Sf On this test the average tt.tipw , pils in the sixth jgrade ;n..boi',buUi dings was 86.3 perce;niu:Thje'aver: Remarks of Brillinat Mississippi Sen) ator on Gore Resolution. The Record yesterday gave Repre senative E. Yates Webb's reasons for opposing the president, and today it is presenting the speech delivered Thursday by Senator John Sharp Williams of Mississippi, who left a sick bed to address the senate: "Mr. President, I was never less disposed to make a speech and very seldom less able to make one phy sically, than I am today. But there are times in the history of all peo ple of all administrations, and all parties, when men come to the part ing of the ways; wdien there is an un avoidable conflict, and when each man must stand, as best he may, for that which he thinks to be true and right and just and brave and patriotic. "In my opinion that time has come for vou and me concerninc the pro position which now faces us, and to piov which has not faced us because of any to the action of the president of the United (jer sv States, but which he has been com - i pelled to confront by constant ex ! a e pression of opinion in favor of the ne methur D u hnifh PREEN i tO 0L.1 if I & (Bv Associ c hi armv bul was mi rod Chairman i .ai tarv commrji most thoroug pi c, 1 gif n i of the natioi by pleted ann n The me t' e it armv to i feuerauzu V "try in Macedonia. m i ! OiLL id .Press.) i 4.-The : u-M to j parabi It bT&tb v'yi oft n inYjiied t i ijj la t1 h' M ldn Wr be i c pt aposela do un. fth' ofl tl iwi) top.n .of. al ' ''.-, i-T t niv ' the gth M'i ( t vofttntcer t i eof4Art i1 lars jijd in, age tor tne s events :raae - m Doxn buildings was 93.4 'er' -Cent. In the seventh grade o3$'ioner pupil made below 75 on thg test.1 The following-; children0 made 100 per cent each, npir missing a single one of the fifty ..words: Samuel Bost, TFN I'RFKiHT CARS PILED ACROSS TRACK AT FLMWOOT) Lillian ReitzelBHbie" Foster, Peter Abernethy, Irahke.Burns, Adrian Statesville, March 4. About 7 Hvder, Myrtle-Wjlf' :a?JJra Aber. o'clock last night freight train No. nethy. Villiam J$k 'k;'T.G$enn Russ. 7 1 was wrecked a few yards east of eil, Clare-ice Seag, ftH&gXt Thomp the depot at Flmwood. The cars Son, Ha;.el Crouch JDorothy Ivey, were piled across two sidings and Mary Blount MariiV'Janie Menzies. the mam line, blocking traffic for Hilda Whitener?-" ;r'''v hours. No one was in.iuk'edi. Pas- .:i trains Nos. 12 and 35 were CANNOT CONFISCATE I MORTGAGED VEHICLES nger devoured via Mooresville. Two French Auxiliary Cruisers and British Patrol Boat Are Sunk March itlii,'., - ;.Jl C3 May" i 3 153 July --11.71 October 11.89 December 12.06 HICKORY MARKETS Cotton A 1 , Wheat V '- rve Oi- fe ? etcak1 & 1 gotiators of a foreign power ;as, ficrs' re ctvecotr agai1ii't ,ur own- The time has .come ( -,yedera , ltuJ .e under a n atho?iy erAtab ;by th8jt international situaMon Utkh h?L I 11 'contraetea.edff 11 July to texclalm.MeWi'i 1 1 1 ; Mta ana, wtj j -sr'i cn' li . . - ) .r mi 'Contir.ued F'rom Page One.) After the desperate fighting on he Douaumont plateau in the re i rewal of the German drive for Ver dun there has come a second halt in tho inten e struggle. Paris today announces that there has been a ces sation of infantry attacks by the crown prince-'.-, troops, although his ar tillery is still keeping up a heavy bombardment. The continued activity of heavy ar tillery may indicate a speedy re newal of the action on the important front northeast of the fortress, where the French lines form a sali i;t. The Duouamont sector is point, ? I out by French military critics s a key position essential to the Germans' purpose of taking the fort t..ry n.'Fs, hence the desp-rate nature co i the struggle that has been going on ;ir..t f;.-r ist possession. r i: The importance of German adiv . in... ities on other fronts has not been overlooked, however. There have been advances on both the French fronts, aiid evidences of contemplated thrusts . o ; at vital points in the lines about the y. uh curving front are indicated, ere Confidence in the outcome of the coin - ' Verdun struggle has been expressed phtis, ' by the French minister of war, ac :em.5 cording to a Paris dispatch. The tiii. 2 reneh are declared in these advices ere. t retain the advantage in the Dou tors, aumont sector, despite the fact that i o .. they were driven out of the village. Tho. German positions in the town are aar I dominated by the French artillery. m?zr ' , 0 r - : . r, zTyrs m' euestion. r 11 .82 Mr. President. I haVAfVP ..highest lI.Jsx contempt. The man wliiv' fe---, traimn $1.10 CHICAGO WHEAT 13''. (By 'he Associated Press) Berlin, March 1. The sinking of two French auxiliary em-crs :i"d oiie British patrol boat by German ub marines is announced by the (human admiralty The 1 arm-uneorn"nl also .-ays that from Pans al.-o conu-N the sinking of the tran. port La Provence, 'which carried 1H men, of whom only f9fi were rescued." La Provence was listed as an aux iliary cruiser, but the wording of the P..'t-1;!) dispatch doe-., not make it ap pear whether she was one of the two said to be destroyed. Official re- There is a ray -'of hope for the "blind tigers," says Raleigh cor respondent. The "legislature of 1915 passed a law of cQnfi9c,aJ,uigvery au tomobile or othr'l,Kitt)icl4 caught carrying whiskeffcj-'' -blind ti gers of the stateim&thefTtJgers" got around this by mijftgjagibtheir au tomobiles and confiriuiiv' Inebusiness. If they were caajlfi ihir 'machines were claimed by "the nDrtgagees and they were out nothing The mat ter came up to the supreme court recently on appeal fron Pasquotank, Skinner vs Thomas. Th' lower court held that the rights cf the holder of the mortgage could mt be defeat ed by the seizure of the auto by.:ofM ficers ot the law and vie case was brought up to the higbr court-". lhe court, Justice Alen wntunr (By.Associatcd Press.) Chicagd,! ' March 4. Predictions that the"J t forthcoming government crop report would , , show large re serve of wheat to bei still in the hands of producers tended today to weaken the market for thr cereal. After opening with May 1J.3 3-4 and July at 1.11 14, the market here underwent a matenal.-.ftag ajl around. THE WEATHER - 12.14 sentative at the other wing' 12.21 canital or who is a RpnatnarT . is looking behind him somewhe 'ot some racial vote of some orVAz a patriotic American, but he is m 1 1 M'- I hid P-e nf Vllimnn natnro f t-ii a puor politician, v , "The moment that any political ele i ment or any factional element oi anv i i i . t uunei eieiiifut, participating in ov ' ernment in the United States as'voL" ters or oifficiials shall plant them selves upon an ideal of pleasing a pai.. ticular racial element in the Un States that moment they m?'- g : ish politicians of themselvp- t?ii9 ing else; because that -consoldate every othe; 1 1 verse and different Eg in the United, jg is spending the O and agairisj city. SI lo ao, an 1 c,T'1?c L i T buuu ma I'-'-y or.i 1 -1 be uate fill LLP tro?( & Tlie idea is put forth that the village iil frequently change hands, as the iwo forces are equally amtched. The Russian occupation of Bitlis in Turkish Armenia is declared by i 'L'trogra.d correspondents to give the Russians command of all the Lake reg on and to have served to sep arate the Turkish forces operating in the vicinity of Mush in the west from that of the Lake Urumiah dis trict of Persia eastward from Bitlis. DENIES GERMAN CLAIM themseh-blowers left last even. c;tizei business trip north, cient S3 m It is unofficially declared in Paris Perhui-s vou or ' hat the German claim to the sink- Have you c t-r that'. ght of the '"S of two auxiliary cruisers in un bone," bears to the above and many et. landed. The German statement The human brair, is like a dynamo, thrived by wireless did not spec, vous system like the cable and wires, the ston A where the cruisers were gans like the iriotors. If your wires get crossed, orve been sunk. Although struclion a.loug the line your motor won't run. Taia! was issued under trouble corrected, you don't treat your motor "th ii "V.-wably refe- r (iynamo, the cause. -TYian not treat eitects he ad as tne cause, nd removes the pressure f' '.n the nerves, aujusi, your wires A Chiropractor does lie goes to the spina s . Fair t E. B. Cline will arrive in 'city today to spend the week- For North Carolina: night and Sunday. Warmer Sund Yount of Statesville and in extreme western portions ,s spendng the week-end in the ports from Paris indicated that about the opinion, affirms the decision' 2JJ :i,i::n men went down with her. lhe French admiralty said no sign of a submarine was observed before or after the sinking of the vessel. Hickory Is Interested in Contest in Congress Over Supporting Wilson people were ansorheu to. or before in the question President Wilson to coik. got into with forci'-' ii pow.. ,1 i Hickory day as no, of alfowitie. tinue to nc era, and they read with eagerness ex. pression1- I rom various towns in North Carolina urging representatives to stand by him and vote against him. ..Sb'-'by, Representative Webb's hometown, want the president sus.. vtained, ac.-.uding to J. T. Gardner, chairman of the Cleveland Demo cratic eeeuti e committee, who said he had canvassed the town. ', iRepp-. en'atives Page and Small re Reived leh -L-rams asking them to 'suppoi't Mr. Wilson, and Person coun ty, aceoniue to I). Roxboro. , . t hree ..fourths W president. Senator Simmons, who is a; shone supporter of the presi dent leceived this message. Person is in ' i preset r i Pol lowing the telegram sent out from Hickory yesterday urging Mr. ' Webb to land by the president, a movement, v.-a.s inaugurated last night against it. and today this telegram. . . said to eoi.'ain J00 names, was sent to Mi'. W ( bb It. will be found would be done at this time. The fact that Representative Webb's position is not sustained in his own county will count mrich with him, local peopie said, am to a telegram in the Charlotte Ob server in which he gave his views. 'This telegram follows: "I would be one of the last men !n congress to do anything to embarrass the president. I have stood with him in his every fight in congress, and, at least on one occasion, led his fight on the floor of the caucus, and in the house. I have always thought, and still believe, that Americans should the lower court. It uphlds the va 1 dity of the law as again, t the owner himself but holds that p rsons hold,, ing a mortgage on the sdzed vehicHf may recover the amoun1 of 'their mortgage, as none of thei- rights.unL der the mortgage is fo feited Chief Justice Clark dis;ents,'stiitjt ing that when statutes p ovide. for the confiscation of property befjjg used dlegally, it makes m difference whether the man violatir.-: the Ja4v rents the property or owns it ancTnas given a mortgage on it. rhe,actiCte is against the thing itself and the redress of owner or mo-tgageiT is against the wrong-doer. WONDERFUL RECORD FOR THIS BIG SP1.CTACLE night; strong westerly minishing winds WASHINGTON refrain from riding on armed bellig- Those who failed to see "The Birth of a Nation" when it playel its ie I'Ml'ii riirw in flio rvin(uvn 1 rtirloc tr they turned enil tt;w..i q., ;n u. ' -v t v " ....-v juivvci Will ilCl V , Uil Vt'Ul - tunity to see it at the Academy of Music in Charlotte, when this re markable attraction will be presen ted for one entire week beginning Monday, March (ith, with matinees each afternoon. "The Birth of a Yation," established records every where it has been shown and when it closed at the Liberty theatre, New York cit, it made a record that is one whici will stand in the annals of the theatrical world for many COMPARATIVE WEAT-nion man March 3. ; IRt the Maximum - Minimum -.ed the Mean - - -- - 3 locks - -g from . pa sed BRYAN AKKIVtu of the painted of the f house ng the ; name (By the Associated usually Washington, March . an T . .ungton Jennings Bryan came to pregen to fulfill a lecture engaf jn the tonight. Administratick Sun. speculated widely whethehe rep ii j.!.- he tol an s coming had anything the voting on the armecedly in the house and the decao bad. leaders there to postpone? sick." til Tuesday. city. "Black Sheep' 1:1 m m E3 From their folded mates they wander : 13 far, i Their ways seem harsh and wild; ! 53 They follow the beck of a baleful star Wi Their paths are dream -beguuded. allowing the current from the brain full sway ar t thereby allows Nature to do her work. If you are a physical sufferer come up and us get acquaint ed, talk your case over and see what Chirorr;- tis can do for you.' "There is a principal which is a bar ast all information, which is proof against all arguments, an-i - hidh cannot fail to ai a a keep a man m evenasting lgnoranr-.j! 1 h .t principal is condem. nation before inv Uon. -Seercer. E - CLYDE LINE APP, REPORTED IN -41- us. erent ships; and think that they should be warned to stay ofF, if such warn. inji' will tend to keep us out of war just as we warned Americans not W Bradsher of only not to go into Mexico, hut ith the warned tnose aireauy mere to come out. "I am perfectly willing to leave all ach, w hldf T part of "the metro .. red, as report, rece ?rya diplomatic negotiations in the hands r,,.i;f!, jjofs-.. . 5. ..n,4 cbtnmt day indicate that seve;Vineston of the president, for I have faith in him that he will continue to keep us out of this awful war. I shall do In 4": jmji says .int. f.Hh district former'.v re ! by Gov W. W. Kitchin. nothing' to hamper him. and would only vote' a warning resolution when a am positively convinced that such a course is demanded in the inter ests of the peace, safety, a."d hon or of my country." many years. The run at the Liberty j (By the Associate - tneatre, iew YorK crty, continued j Norf0k March The total number of consecutive per. mUes &ale 0lT tne caPe', m 1. formances was G20. During the by a driving snowstormment. summer months there was a suppia siderable damage to s mentary engagement at lrighton politan district. This emftgtment aaV maicaie tnai seve.Vingston was for fourteen weeks with 18Z ,p,er- m distress. formances, making; a :total ofj-820 "n- Tl Clyde line stear? secutive performahces "-Oiy-k. Tres mable from Jacl,s In addition to this there bave' -eight 'i v , , nc.h f tour nerformancesof -l(WlScle New York' has askel fft. Eat Yet haply they sought' but a wider range, And little recked of the country j strange Beyond the gates of hope. And haply a bell with a luring call j Summoned their feet to tread jj Midst the cruel rocks, where the deep i : pitfall j And the lurking snares are spread. m m m S3 if I" opractor CAROLINA 1029 Thirteenth nd 7:00 to 8:00 tre. 275 L. Office hours 3:30 to 5:30 aG f;fi .RS AT LENOIR (Cons -itat'or and Spinal analysis free.) Maybe, in spite of their tameless days Of outcast liberty. They're sick at heart for the homely ways Where their gathered brothers be. And oft at night, when the plains fall dark And the hills loom large and dim, For the shepherd's voice they mutely hark, And their hearts go out to him. Meanwhile. "Black sheen! Black sheep!" we cry, El Safe in the inner fold; E3 And maybe they hear, and wonder J why. And marvel out in the cold. J ti Richard Burton, in Minneapolis. Journal. i 3 m a a m a a B a u a a a m a u m El a m ES ES a a m a m m it Hi - Smi 'A IL'm tdiM JukA dm MA hrM am JSi ma mm snO SB AmI mm If IdiBKIililf o Hit mm m 1 - n 0 n p .3.1 npiements : ; '.- Thev They 'i'hev will t pay you? sir a built stiong and will last a long time. run ea y and do more and better work with less WAR UPON PAIN 13 Pain is n visirvr to pverv home and usually it comes quite unexpected, j E3 But you are prepared for every e-, S3 .n-mmnir if rnn Iroon a email bottle ' '- of Sloan's Lniment handy. It is; C CU. kjllllf 'i J ii rubbing required it drives the pain away. It is really wonderful. Mervin H. Soister, Berkley, Can, writes: "Last summer alter tramp oo not get out of order. You get larger and better crops because your ground is better prepared. 'j hey have the latest labor saving attachments. They are an investment that brings big returns. a m ti u m H m a a a a a i mum mmmi i are Company This telegram did not it win uo iouiiii m tnose wtio wireil :lr. Wehh vestpn nv i .-... huuwk i ci.nm.ii. rinu- oi uie v. i - it is appareiu mat ;ortn Carolinians f,.. , : i -v f .. . , , . . . : 1 i ' first, telegram said Mr. are thoroughly know from that how tne they and there was ers.'ol tin Webb won 'people up here felt. - JlO .indication that anything further , not any indication of bitterness t cs ui vuv, opcuauc - . - . , t-, :t.: in theatres in Brooklyn 'vaaai th wnne lying aoouu imyiscov-1 mg arounu m Bronx. These, however. not Henry Nothing furthae Ta! with wet feet, I came home with my counted in the consecutive,, f ther troubles but tfctives. ! neck so stiff that I couldn t turn I Th :iv,n,.0 ni nf seatall hP !as to her ouoies, out v applied Sloan's Liniment freely ana .lisplease Kin Friday morning at thetheatra steamer Rescue has been ta . 4 fyent . to bed. To my surprise next ' lam a-i i or n 1 n sr tne sunness nau annuo u ma- m out of town natrons wf btf oc U V TU SAiiaurane. appeareu, lour nours aiwr aroused and that cepted now when accompaiied by they are giving their views without money orders navable to? John fear or favor. In Hickory there is Crovo, manager Academy of 'Music', i went to Salisbury today to ttion. j new, . ,r, Salisbury highs there tomg nd a j ond application I was as good as a m m w m m m m n m u The ISSBEISiEgBBBB&BBBBEBBfflBB&BBBEB!! mm n ii) L. The high school baskets 40 j marcn, 10. Al an uSSx,.o . , 1 SWAa4Uyi-illi.kk cory Daily Record Year in Advance 1 m M w ra m RC m m m m pi si ff m f? k m m n m vt m m m Zi Charlotte, N. C, 'j 1 T7