, i ... -r' 1 f C i You Have Advertise it. ; i Vol. 1. 1 "" 191(5. f 57 IP " " . . -- --- mnntff HICKORY, N. C MONDAY EVENING MARCH 6 NEWTON D. BAKER CHOSEN FOR SECRETARY OF Mayor of Cleveland Selected Today by President ' Wilson to Succeed Lindley M. Garrison Has Been Offered Cabinet Place Twice Good Lawyer. ASSAULTED PAIR BRITISH 010 NOT STREET WAR! WITH RIFLE WARN THEIR Wft 1st Mini it ouniroTO Tim n s a mum iii n rii u lu ur III IIIVIMI ww --- w - - j CARS SHINGTON D Was . Iiiil. ;v A -'iriatl Press.) Iiine.nn, March . Newton f, former mavnr of Clcc- land, lias I'f selected by Presi dent Wi'Min lor secretary of war. Mr. LaKcr has accepted the po sition affair to as .ii a im ( When up his ' 1 place. i Daker t ' or of ('! reason. The i. . been do i have coin Baker is close sym and is sai of some " the post The tl. ! Hugh's. S. retary id March II. nomanati i; before th i . years old lAirg, V. was apt '. Postma.-; : dent Cl ticed lav. ing to CK cuting ii : elected ma At the vention V mentioned nominati -of Mr. V, Mr. Bak in Ohio ident as Mr. Wii---a lawyer I arising Mr. led state 1' and ' i; "mittee. ing be. without now arranuinn his c land preparatory hi-, diii it s here. nt V I.-. i: vv;is making ,n i '.!:'. II" offered the y nC mteri.'f In Ml', r. linker then was inay i ;i: , lv-t lira -d for that GETTING READY FOR RELIEF WORK Peeordor P. F. Cmapbcll today en deavored to impress on Henry Peter son's mind two facts that nobody is allowed to get on the warpath in il'ckory and that intoxicating liquors arc barred." Henry, who is a militant 'ol.n'ed citizen, was accused of mak ing an assault with a rifle Saturday night on Tate Hooper and his wife in south Hickory, and Henry was giv en six months on the roads. He gave Hit ice of appeal. Chief Lent- and officer Peterson Saturdav niirht intercepted Lude oung, John iree negroes ihe citv .g t o a -id Walker and Bud 1 1 ill. as they were proceeding with a bugtrv contain- Washington, March 6. That the British government never issued in ductions to its citizens that they .vould sail on belligerent vessels at ther peril was stated by Senator Lodge, Republican, in the senate Sat urday afternoon. Senator Lodge said he had initi ated the al'eged notice s.erv- d on British sub-c 3 by the British jfisul at Shaiv:-hai.L.'( that the ocig; css- ional Ubar;?itej .'vildn ot jirm .t. lie also i iiOfW'-'tri 'the British embassy, hich lent I 1 noli M n i ; i is i r - cllli' t I lilt have Mr. in i I I i i 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 y . Irs I're.i.U to l' , i ; !i 'hi' president , ,ae iuni tile .-Upport ci-'iinet lor ; of ti .lilt e. t 'I'M lil e ,iy l.tilil which Cell. , as. -;:- ign.itfd as sec :t i interim . ill expire i- l.i'licvcd Mr. Baker's ; he sent to the senate Mr. llaker is 10 i- burn in Parkers- I at tics age of " risate sot. retary to in rai W ilsoii in i'resi i's cabinet. He prae '.ii'Lci bui v, later rnov 1,1. u here he Wils pfose- y . In i : 1 he was re- , ir a t wo- yea r term. he l.aitiniure con- I' pour Hickory pastors yesterday named members of a committee which will canvass the town Friday, March 17. in aid of the Belgians, and the other churches, H is thought, will take act:en in a few days. iiev. ,b.s. L. Murphy, uastor ef tlv1 Kcforni,'.! rhurcli, t.rirm-d -Mrs. C. M. Shuford i'.nd Mr. W. .1. Shnford; R.?v. J C Carth. paster of the Presby terian church appointed Mr. J lard: II.'V J. 1 llarte. ii;e-'tor tl,,. I'.aitit church. Mr. J. II rick and Lev. A. L. Stanford, pastor of the Methodist church, Mr. J. V. Shuford. It is planned, to make the canvass Friday. March 17. The committee will work only .... that one day, but is hoped by teem that In results The Corman has given its conscii arlv .".,0011,(1(10 i;Hu Wib of Pat- ne: lat be of . by the war, administered an American ant uii' I commis it wi!l g ! . emment for aiding the ins made deso- ihe rt r the lief will auspices loll. o! 1 1 a is legal1 law t-c anted ii a il-i I'mi rat i '...r wa-, proininei'tly i '.,c v;ce-presileiitial , of Ids ad , .racy or president. . be, n leader for years hy uie pres high ability. d ! be place filled by of the U gal quest ions ,ar department, tnem'n, v of the Ohio cxeciit ive committee i f rss uiity imiii- ' I record of ha v- ! I e -nsecut ive yt ars M'en defeated. NAME CANDiDATbS COUNTY CONVE u I of th. countv op !'ir county , 'b; boil GERMAN RAIDER RETURNS TO PORT o a (via London. - .nitnefee raider Moewe derma n port. Willi ,1.(10,110(1 nia.rks In a; lo an ..H'ii'ial an- , lav i.v t be n.a a g( n - lot Berlin, The Germ has rete 199 pris i gold bar . nounceni i ".lay l-nl BtjllT. 'I'be .-tllte'llel "The ' v d r. .,! sti'ff slates that T. M. S. M-'owe, eomtnander ("apt. Burgnne ''..net Min I ioha-Sidioldien, after i. - o . -.-I'u ! ruise lasting sev eral ne e'e , arrived today at some home '..i ' !'h lour Brit;sh oflicers. 29 Brit i -h marine , and sailors, I IK", men d' --v. of enemy steamers, among them I ' '' uidians. as prisoners and 1,000, oio marks in gold bars. "The es el ca pt urei enemy ' which v, which w ports: 'The 3,687 ton 3,608 tor: monby, 146 toi.; Westb . tons; I Princt 'The burgh, roni, "Tie 4,322 "A' the .V which. King Newton. March ''..--The IVm.ocrati. countv comni'ttee met here Saturday afternoon in answer to Uie call oi I'loii-mnn d M. M c( orkle. ami ile- eided to call a mass meeting Hemocrats of the entire Ap.ril S, when nominees olliees a rd a ca nd ' e i . .iil be mimed. I 1... ( win n ' f I ai' oo : t i S .'ten an. I lie plan of .rgani:.i:t:.ui v hs !i pr vioes that the chairman, may give .lavs' notice, and each precinct shali 'nave its separate 'sav-so. ;t tuong what is known a- the "i'lird m. inod, v hich ailows Hi-.' w. mv.--" "f can cl;dates n c :e. t t . , v oiioot. a ir. nee.-v This is : departure I rem . or .,-,,.,' met la-its. laii is extdaiiu d by the fact that the last n-tre--tibU: d on: 'ii'.aw ba ext rente. I t ni - court from the effect of i ia. st..te pt-mary and n.ther than tv.. aarnaraa. th" committee deeab'.i "Ii the con vention p:an, v.hich is ''I eo.-iiaia e with the 1 'emoaratic authorities. The committeemen nlio met here today are hopeful that Catawba will no Democratic this fail. It is .ot. un . lei stood that there will be anyui-w in the nature of a wdkover, but all are confident. CIllNFSi: COVFKNMFVr ion. icve one-ha'f gallons of corn manufactured contrary to the and statutes of the state and na They had been, the officers be to the South mountain section Burke county, and the stun: must rie pi'en mean. Recorder Campbell squared himself or another session oi court this aiter- lllllll. IILSON VICTORY ASSURED 111 HOUSE for 4 hours debate resolution warning (By the Associated Press) Wash Inai on. March (. The house ales eonimiltee today agreed upon in.! will brnig into the house tumor ovs a special rule ni tlu' Mcl.emore merieans otf armed ships of the Eu o' can belligerents. This action puts be rcMaiitliii into a parliamentary r.siiioa v, h-. re ;idm i n is I ration leader: ;tv comidetit they can kill it. T.he action today of the rules com vas a preliminary vicioiy joi c administration. n 1 1 1 1 ! KKLINti AND RACE RIOTS ARE FEARED IN ROBESON lira! :vAt ?ord from tr y London foreignTifStrtliat Biithh subjectt vere notJVVarned darnig the Kusso- ipanese war. - The statement, according to Sen- i t 1 J l. T, itoi' lodge, nrst appeareu in cue unv i"ork Sun. under the signature of C. L. widens, was later reproduced by the and . j 1 TS 1 .. .1 jalic American, ine raineiianu .ther jiro-Cerman publications. The information is particularly in teresting at this time because of idelv-published statements that Great Britain warned her subjects that f thev took assage on belligerent eesseis during tne nusso-.)ap;tnes dBy the Associateu Press) Washington, March 6. The capital of the United States realized firmly 'hat a strike was on hand today. When the company began running cars this morning the few men who stuck to their posts and the recruit crews ot macnmists and otner em ployes managed to run 25 per cent of the cars. The result was chat between 8 and 9 o'clock 100,000 per sons moved to their offices crowded n cars. So far the strike has proceeded without violence. The strike leaders have urged the men to be peaceable. he men demand a minimum wage ot 30 cents an hour and ten hours work. One company now pays 22 1-2 cents. an hour and the other pays 25. The men contend that some of them are as the result of interrupted runs so irranged to meet the rush hours of traffic obliged to be on duty from 16 to 18 hours. tht would do so at their own ar risk, senator ijouge Drougni out uie facts, which cannot be disputed, he told the senate. FRENCH OULNION h. V ('.. March 6. Feelii.g n n os at St. Paul, in Robe on countv. is running high, accord a"' to a telegram to the Newpi-and bs..'i-Ker last night irom LumDawn, ova fear is expressed that race riots ill result frem trouble, which began Ivn Office : fownsend of St. Paul -as over-powered ami beaten by sev ral negroes, when ne went to the Greatly Pleased at " llson Victory Over German-Americans." Paris, March 6. Great pleasure at what is generally called '"a Wilson victory over the German-Americans , -,i ii. is unanimously exnressea oy uie French press, regarding the subma rme-Armed sh'ns controversy m America. The senate's action, ac cord in to the Journal, shows that the American people are behind their president. According to the Petit Parisien the vote will make a profound impression an the European neutrals "as it is the greatest neutral which has spoken. President Wilson, according to the Figaro, now is armed by the senate and is certain to act. The opinion is expressed by Gau lois that after this President Wilson s hardly likely to settle differences vith Germany diplomatically "as it is clear that American opinion will not stand for American citizens be ing sent tv .the bottom of the sea vhether l'e vessels they sail en are armed or not." GERMANS B EGIN ATMS '- tii NKS OF FORISESS French Centre Apparently Is HoldinjFirm Against Desperate Assaults Artillery -Action Intene in Woevre Section Big Cavalry Movement on Foot. YOUTH SEVERELY JURED BY MAM IT STAT! COU ES CAN TAX PONS BY DEALERS (By Associated Tress.) Washington, March 6. The power of states to impose taxes on coupons redeemable in premiums was upheld today by the supreme court. The ef fect is to declare the legality of pre miums given by merchants, amounting to $125,000,000 annually. These can be taxed by the states. WHAT ENGLAND WOULD DO .in. ol otic tt3''e!ei' 'X ."- ivO"''!? ," It n three ni 1 in tie n'tche i By A oej-i Mar h ted i ei; : n ( "naiige ( '!ieng-h am ha ed by the Chinese procce-d to Hongkong -eft the following the e renter part ot and a -mall part of a- prizes to neutral a a t nun'-ocr Is i'i; designal -overnment to and Singaitore for the purpose of cnlightt ning the prominent Chinese in those daces coti i arcing the present crisis, and to dis count any assistance they might be prompted to eive to the Yunnan rev olutionists. The go-.-eram-at chaia'e-; that rebel agent-; ;rc (fi'-rif"; mvnrm'r-t Chine.-.' in Singaiw i'(. an'1 Hongkong all sorts of coiici'ssions in rctvo-.e ft r inaiiciai assistant and are repreetit ing the success of the revolitt on as assured if sufficient fund can be realized. to make an arrest, and leight Sunday afternoon roes, wnii were engag- pest 1 rouble, -vere shot m t ' ie 1 etwe(m a posse of itaiea .-' and M-i negroes. .! at lo o'eaK k Sunday morning i'e visit ' :icd '! i w. a:-,other member of tin- St. l'aui force, went to the home of one of the negroes to quell a. disturbance reported by neighbors. Townsend entered the home to make arrests and was intercepted by sev eral negroes, who overpowered him, took his gun and beat him viciously about the face and head. While that was going on, other negroes covered O'iiecj' Tew with pistols and prevent- ering assistance. i-arming the officers the ne tped. but were scon pursued irai nondre.1 cuizens. l ney NEW ( xi ORK STOCKS Associated Press.! New York March 6. The week on the stock exchange opened witn connuencti. tirs being n-td by the generally higher ievt!t- of prices. Material changes wertV:gain confined to spe cialties, however, such as Mexican Petroleum, Butte and Superior Ana-, c.anda Conner. Crucible SteeL Pressed Steel Cars. Baldwin Locomotive feL Westinghouse. Prices a--erteaidferA Dealings are considerabH, mdetl,, If This Were English Baby Saving Week What Europe Would Dd "If England and all otBer-'Uuro- nean countries had the opportunity that is this week before the United States," says a bulletin Q-m.te "tate board of health," nearly every mother of . Europe would be told how to feed and care for her baby that she might raise it to manhood, and neither time nor jntiney would be spared in a baby-saving campaign to save all nossible Of the country's. xU ture citizens. England isyalrea'd keeping count of every babybdrn.--ftd is providing as best she'aayVf orbits best health and growth.' - .Utner junro- pean countries , thW fcWf hfl weighted down with -war an J 1 .. .. U--j4 rf-'i'Sv;" fVZr &ccn.iofivl Procs ) With the French center m the 4 4-f " 1 4 V Master Long Hefner, the 12-year- old son of Mr. John Hefner, was se riously injured about 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon by the explosion of dynamite cap. The lad with other boys was in the southern part of the city, and had thrown the cap against a rock. The ends of his thumb and forefinger on the left hand were blown off, the palm severe- lacerated, the right hand injured by parts of the cap or gravci, his ace and forehead skingd-Uid his hest injured. This va.hev:second iccident of the kind in, twOiOiPgeks here. It was considered' lucky-Sthat his . : ... - "! :' i j- a eyes were not put cqwwrTjPui iortu nately none of the : pieces- from the cap or rock hit inhis4-vyes. He is getting along all right-jfcoday. Drs. II. C. Menz&3 Ad F. S. Steele dressed the injur aumont sector apparently still hoia ing firmlv against the desperate as-V,- . : . . j a...... sault of the crown prince s armies, me Germans are again making attacks on the flanks of the big fortress. Intense artiLery action in the Woe vre region was reported in the Paris bulletin last night, the fire centering in the region of Hauoiuomont ami Fresnes, about ten miles southeast of Verdun. The testing of the French strength by furious assaults on the main de- ; a'r! Si 1 . 4- J ,1 'ir SET COOD FASHION ' i' ' I 1 t " -X' '- ' I V By, Assoliated' Pres.) 1 'Pont-tAIouBfcr France," March'S. The cle&n-shavl 'n American motor ambulance -driw;3 stly Harvard menr who have.i iin the opera tions around XBv jpis le Petre for nearly : year, hf "st a fashion in Pont-a-;Jotlsson.y rhft "Mussipon tais "a-s. th? Xy X&ns of this old Irfci&kovV -called, have pur chased xi IfjCff evn the soldiers turns in tne ss in honor restia nj i two ts horrors are also nations . W-et--f4 most lMM-W woTalGrirr 'r iEipH'al in, with sentiment nervous ternational situation. re .are overta.ken at Lumber Bridg&re ffelTfe ibove bfttl -,-aeral nries away, fired upon tng figt: ts '. Wf! L ...sse, ail of their shots going wild. eOlitth-c-. au j; COTTON FUTURES' v person and an 'er thifiia-ed it was. A vfspr- me owner looKen tne 2r trisoiantiy up and down, Related entered an inn with a Irishman asked what mtm its fenses is continuing. Illustrativ.e of this was yesterday's attack on the left of the Douaumont sector, near the Cote Du Poivre. There the French lines held firm, according to Paris, while in the immediate front of Dou aumont the German assault was tem porarily suspended, the French artil lery continuing its answer to the fain of giant shells, which the Teutons guns are pouring on thep lace. Correspondents quote French mili tary men as declaring that the Ger man achievement in the Verdun bat tle merely as restoring the military lines they occupied in 1915 before the French in a series of local attacks began extending their lines. erdun itself is not damaged. Indications that the uermans may be plannng another offensive on the western front are contained in reports from Dutch sources that important troop movements are going on behind the front in Belgium. Forty thott and German cavalrymen be on their way to the near Ypres, in which sector the -far mous German attempt to break through and reach Calais occurred nix , A'il 1915. C - .- From the French front to Asia Mj-v-? hor there have been r.o development ..' of a military way so far as th re-1 ports show. In Armenia the Rus sians report continued pursuit jof de feated Turks who are being, driven southward towards the Tigris andtar- j off Bagdad. 4fl lV,i The German commerc .raider Moewe, the exploits of "which' have been sensational, has ;iruii ; the ; en tente allies' blockadolaindf enteredfa tion of the i German port, unofficially declared- to Crating here i be VVnhelmshaven.Aboarcf.s, the, raid wren oc-! tr w ere n prisoners rvu yssey ti she had sunk, ana l.ouu.'W tnar Uri orly thMB:.vy'i are to .t' y,o,'- ,1 battle Jiter-, I 1.. iTst.! : u 1 t:im,itZ'V. iJUTJUmi 1 LTp5d.SU1 g,,Jo uais. 4.auuiwu u..c.uin.ii. . m, 1 V vc I . r 1 - 1 1. . )uturing nearty fBor:oi it is made -with a syrup rep$rluit;hjMoew .wnesi me ofrwhiy questioner and "'then and ' tiByrAss5ciated Fress.) ' Ne'ifd,rk;-'lliarch 6 -Th" afterpeWhg-a an al' o itrep.l'id, with a drawl; h is a cross between an ape an irishman. :"'7aith, thin, we're both related to the beast," was the ready retort. Women's National Weekly. Hiiti-h steamer Corbritlge., ; A '.i'h r, '.. l'.M" tons; Trader, : ' Ariadne, .".,' :'..") tons; Pro ;; r, 'V tons; Farringfortl. ; rian MacTavish, ."X1; tonsj :!,:;,ni tons; Horace, ).''' ' .ja-'iM.. 1. '''-" tons; Saxon ! 17 1 tons. l:,oi:-b sal inf vesse 1 . 1 .... -. teamer .ia- ihter -U ! he narsuers returned the tire two of the fugitives fell, the othetf running away. A little further another skirmish resulted in wounding and capturing of a th aegis . fourth was captured with on, ! a ...l-he.l and the quartet is now :.,.o,.,.a ;,, ?.,n, No oae ef the wounded negroes cits th red to be in danger from , mm, Is. 'tl fflii .-1 e PTiter JiJPV,n,? WlV 'their alAW'.nwaaie og . s close fcrfcs-t. - fly lirdkt mwwr mrc 1 i ,rrl5'.ct -1X" ranks Good Guesser "My wife's been nursing a:i week. "Been laid up have you?"-Vranscript. a grouch Boston is his Bi'.rnsii d Kd'm- oa ; lb Ionian reticl .learner Luxembourg, a oral po ", e also 1 1 ' a a 1 '.. 1 .'. a r i nts on t'titmy coast laid out mines to others, the battleship VI 1 fell victim." DF.A I'll OF A CHILI) Kli.ahct.h, the year-oi(d Lw.1t: o ( apta.m and .drs .1. it. .lewell, who resides n Fight h street, died yester day at noon l'.:l.tving an atta.-l; of bronchia ..neunionia . The parents Have the sympathy of many friends, ( aplain .Jewell being a pooa'ar con ductor on l he Carolina tV- Nor'.hwes- ; tern Kailri.ad and one of the 1 beat, known men in this section. Tile funeral services will be held ; Tuesday at " p. m. frem th.e First Baptist church. Th.e father and moth-, er are comforted in their great loss; by the tender smmpathy of a very large circle of friends and good neighbors. SCHOOLS HURT AS RESULT OF WAR ' lU- il. la in Sand nve t he ' C'l r ; the Brd i name oi Gaul rev 1 c. iciier terview. "I'.'uctitioii is it s so easy to ha Associated Press) March '5. It is absurd to capturing German trade ..- foreign competition after ,au much harm is done to elementary schools in the iil! ie economy, declared T. s-. ocetary of the London .-sociation in a recent in- pre Whfesp, rim those v ion foi em pi re, tional e ed'ieat i' f.a-.ai-, bu 1 being raided because do it," he said, "but ho are doing it have no vis- the fntnre welfare of the which must rest first on na liciencv. A sound elementary a is the base on which all ,f hi. .'net- edncation must be acc-'aTly those of a more prac Twelve Persons Killed v in Zeppelin Raid Over London; 33 are Injured til ed ' Tht Loud, ttie e savin: ciiaracter than are now suppli war savings committee of the n County Council has instructed ucation committee ' of M-.Jl -S ..' ' i these i ; ..er th; id Miss .mem, feA'? - Lo- wen nigl '. lins info a; , A: . Lorid'.i !. Zeppelin.- Associated Press) ,-,., ('..--Twelve persons n, ;;: injured in last ;1 raid. Three Zeipe- . ri'l. : . the attack. mis ,,,:is ,.;iVen out today. e,l statement issued from i -1 ,,1.,'ht said two hostile it mat pp art m dvanced over the north coast of Hug movements had not I bombs were droppei statement said. The number of c :s much smaller tha Zeppelin rai'L when se.e a.i and 117 wire in din on .January :'. was over coast of England. I, me ther n defined. Some do the sea, the to effect a :?,000,000 in the coming hs- d year beginning April 1. ihis al ) means the stoppage of all building jeci.s, which in normal times -aunts to at least $'J,5U0,UUU. The may would thus save $4,500,000, t: ediicaiion the next school year. Mr. Cautrey says it is not shown bo v Mis saving would aid the war, ind implies that it only eases the burd.n of the taxpayers. music 3tT,. "vva een ur,. ami the up to the c college is - ng the ser ctors, who . . in these - , oci-ntion is heh (3 for to sV e l,e putting n ., motif-romfortable, n Dr. Bell's i 'ins pnieii. me lliilf Wlue.' tre.at ' .'f i avoid -1. Don t . tzi yot For If oftir CatMday. Ii- tonight auL.Tues,1: arore y. rain, wamr c-1 toni southeast Vpda. conu4 maM?'-1' " to 1 and tl For Quality Guaranteed 5000 MILES in writing THIS is a tire one can rec ommend to one's friends. We do. It is the best tire in the world and its service is guaranteed. Abernathy Hdw. Co for bottling, f or your own pr otection, wKeo rg ;g in bottles guard agai ist misleading &ft&tutes Only the Genuine htited Coca- Cola has the name blcvn tn the bottle, as well as imprinted on both the label and the crown top. Look for the name in all three places. Demand the genuin, by full name nicknumes encouras- substitution. .17 ej? he Coca-Cola Bottling Company mm TRY A RECORD WANT twwmiiiiimnmmmai Ii SI II l.-'.lt i( s that ol . a-.-.-.l . I rep. ' tile '. ere The the rted last east A congressional committee express ed surprise at the hazy ideas of one or two New York grand jurors upon legal points. But none of them thought, like a congressman of re. tent, fame, that torpedo-boat de stroyers are built to catch torpedoes. New York World. March' f?3 MaximunJ .r --- id you I should my 'wif ; a thing. WAR UPON PAIN Mean --g,1J- t&U' Rainfall-r-rt-f- gree: : a.i SSL Pain is a visitor to every home and usually it comes quite unexpected. But you are prepared for every e-n-ergency if you keep a small bottle of Sloan's Lniment handy. It is the greatest pain killer ever discov ered. Simply laid on the skin no rubbing required it drives the pain away. It is really wonderful. Mervii H. Soister, Berkley, Cai., 13 m m 72 m ESI il Pay you to buy f a. 1 H implements How will it pay you? They are built strong and will last a long time. They run easy and do more and better work with less labor. They do not get out of order. You get larger and better crops because your ground is better prepared. They have the latest labor saving attachments, iney are an investment that brings big returns. ardware Company Shuford H m Q tl m m m m m m m m m a m m m . 1 d"aii, ' Eat! writes: "Last summer after tramn- ( yi'i1 bJissov- ing a? ru nd the Panama Exposition Green sboiE foren ing w hand The wc M minutes. ? i.e-.r'" Tar i' with. - at feet, I came home with my couldn t turn. I freely and surprise, next almost nis- 1 mbrane. i appeared, four hours after the sec- "ct tnd a I b ad application I was as good as in oJ 'r-.J v .'ves. neck.-a stitt that 1 roo." di' flO Jf-J- li&nd I aPP"e loans Liniment as slu r &rWJ5teu Vrik& i-ne l K - r) Da- 10 my v. ' o 'K 1 '" nrama- .Jticming tne stitrness haa Km Hi Ei m 3 E3 over 454 March, 1915. At all Druggists 25c. E The Hickory Daily Record I 4.00 a Year in Advance E3 H ti n 1 1 1 I 1 HI "I ' -siaction. ! n w. stBsaaBssEBSBEanBaaaaaasBBBaaBBansaBasaao