TUESDAY HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record Published by the Cly Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday. TELEPHONE 167 S. H. Farabee Editor J. C. Miller Manager H. M. Miller Adv. Jlfrr. Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will please state In their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com lainto ehMild b made to the Sub- jcription Department promptly. City ubscribers should can io reKuiuui complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year - Hjjj RW months uu Three months One month One week "10 PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE. Entered as second-class matter Sep tember 11. 1915. at the postoffice at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 8. 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS HICKORY, N. C. Tuesday Evening GOOD ROADS COMING There is no longer any doubt that a large number of the intelligent cit izens of Icard township, Burke coun ty are interested in securing a sand clay road through their section. They are now paying twenty cents road tax, have no roads in bad weather, and they feel that the money they are spending is being dropped into a hole. And it is. Icard township will not be experi menting in voting for roads. They will be following along a highway tried out by thousands of other com munities in the United States, and they will know that there is not a section which now has good roads that would be without them for twice their cost. Every community is too poor to afford the expense of bad roads. Business men of Hickory are doing all in their power to assist their neigh bors in obtaining adequate roads. We have never heard better arguments than those made by President Elliott, Attorney Self, Secretary Joy, Harvey Geitner and others, and we have nev er seen more good sense put into orgumonta than Messrs. Eckard, Beach and Avery Whitener displayed. Again, we haven't seen farmers more concerned. And this means, if we are able to judge human nature, that the people of Icard township are going to set the pace for that part of Burke coun ty that has lagged. And they may be sure that the other townships will fall in line. They will catch the en thusiasm. A. AND M. PRESIDENCY It is said that Dr. William Louis Poteat, president of Wake Forest Col lege, is under consideration for pres ident of A. and M. College, but whether the learned and able Baptist leader would care for the honor we are not in position to say. A few years ago Dr. Poteat was not in line with state aid to educational insti tutions, but being a wise man and knowing the need for all the educated men possible, this will not be raised as an objection against him. For Dr. Poteat the public generally has a fligh admiration, and as president ot the A. and M. College, he would con tinue to render magnifilent service. Other educators we have heard mentioned are Dr. Vrooman of the United States department of agri culture, who several days ago was naitl to have the lead; Prof. Marvin Hendrix Staly, dean of the Univer sity of North Carolina, who is a young man exceptionally bright and a de cided asset to the state, and Dr. Mor gan of Tennessee. From what we know of Dr. Poteat and Professor Stacy and what we have heardl of Drs. Vrooman and Mor gan, the trustees of A. and M. Col lege could not err in electing any one of the four. Undoubtedly the trustees are determined to choose the right man. We don't care how a man thinks or feels about politics, law, or war, but we do care when he twists the facts to suit the occasion. And we have noticed a tendency on the part of a few papers not printed in a for eign language to take sides against the United States regardless of the facts, history or anything else. Some times one may become so interest ed in a controversy that America last becomes his ideal. We observed the other day that the Winston-Salem Journal, which is sup porting J. A. Ilartness for secretary of state on the rotation platform Jim hasn't been holding office but twenty yeat, my countrymen we observed, as we started out to say that the Journal has learned the ini tials of its candidate. And yet it is not making any better plea for its man, since it learned his name. The United States has got ready to enter a vigorous protest against Great Britain for interference with neutral mails, and we hope it will result in good. THE NATIONAL GUARD It is e-enerallv known that the na tional guard as a part of the mili tary force of the United' btaies is on trial now. It was the original plan of many congressmen to cut the guard loose altogether, but high of ficers in the organization invaded Washington and used their inflfluence in having the continental army fea ture of the army eliminated and the national guard retained. Congress therefore has made more favorable conditions for enlisted men. After July 1 better pay and attention will be given the rank and file, and ambitions young men will be able to realize quite a snug sum by joining the guard. This is aside from any patriotism that might cause young men to join; we are sure the men in the guard now are there because of their desire to serve their state and country. Captain Lyerly is anxious to secure twenty-five or more young men to en large and strengthen his company, al ready declared to be one of the very best in the state. Young men be tween the ages of 18 and 35 might do well to talk the matter over with him. This dosen't apply to all the law yers of course, but we have known for many years that the legal pro fession did not like that simple char ter form which Bryan Grimes pre pared for the benefit of the man who didn't want to spend ten or twenty five dollars in having incorporation papers drawn up. If the British government felt com pelled to make examples out of any of the Irish rebels it should not be come soft-hearted before it puts the arch-traitor up in front of a firing squad. Sir Roger Casement un doubtedly was the worst in the bunch. His perfidy was double that of any other rebel. If Mr. C. W. Mitchell of Aulander will permit an interruption we will admit that his candidacy against Ma jority Leader Kitchin already has made for him a better Democrat, as Leader Kitchin used to say of his brother Bill's candidacy against Sen ator Simmons. Thomas A. Edison is not afraid ol his opinions. He believes that The odore Roosevelt is the only man fit to be president of the United States now. Edison has too much sense for us, but we will admit that Teddy is fit, all right. We ran across the Hon. Dave Boyd of Haywood county on the train the other day and the suspicion flittered through our innocent mind that per haps Tom Lee had hired our friend Dave to make the race for corpora tion commissioner. These fellows who know better and yet who make the United States out the villain in dealing with Germany happily the tribe is not large in North Carolina will get a good call down one of these days, even if that is not all they will get. None of the politicians have ever offered us a job, and we never expect 'em to, for that matter, but we'll have to admit that Governor Craig offered us a decoration provided we would pay for it, and by it, we mean uniform, of course. When one reads of that Waco, Tex as, mob burning a young negro in the public square at noon in the pres ence of 15,000 spectators, he is com pelled to think more kindly of Vil la and his bunch. We don't mind saying that Justice Hughes' whiskers don't appeal to us. Whether that is beqause we can't sprout a variety like his or other wise, we can't tell. The Confederate veterans are hav ing their reunion in Birmingham this week, and may it be the best they have ever known. Mrs. Clarence Pemberton of Black Mountain, formerly a resident of Hickory, will pass through the city this afternoon and be the guest of Mrs. A. A. Shuford, jr. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS 07 Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford's Black-Draught. McDuff, Va. "I suffered for seven years," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, ol this place, "with sick headache, and stomach trouble. Ten VParc nan 9 friand fiM ma -. Thedford's Black-Draught, which I did, and I found it to be the best family medi- vmic mi jruung ana oia. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the time now, and when my children feel a a l ' they ask me for a dose. and " mem more gooa man any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-nrantrM vegetable, and has been TniinH in ram. late weak stomachs, aid Hi lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similai symptoms. It has been in constant hc far mnr. than 70 years, and has benefited more man a muuon people. Your druggist sells and recommends Black-Draught. Price only 25c. Get a eackage to-tay. ti.cm Baseball Summary STANDING OF CLUBS. Carolina League. W. . L. P.C. 6 .647 6 .625 7 .588 7 .533 9 .438 14 .176 W. L. P.C. 6 .684 8 .600 11 .500 13 .500 13 .500 14 .481 16 .407 ; 13 .381 Charlotte H Raleigh 10 Asheville . lu Winston-Salem 8 Durham 7 Greensboro . 3 National. Brooklyn 13 Boston 12 Philadelphia H Chicago 13 St. Louis 13 Cincinnati 13 Pittsburgh 11 New York -- 8 American. W. L. P.C. Cleveland 19 9 .676 Washington 16 9 .640 New York 13 12 .520 Boston 13 13 .500 Detroit 13 14 .481 Chicago 12 16 .429 Philadelphia 10 15 .400 St. Louis 8 16 .33E Carolina. Greensboro 1; Raleigh 5. Durham-Winston-Salem rain. Charlotte 0; Asheville 3. National Chicago 2- New York 3. Pittsburgh 8; Boston 7. Cincinnati 9; Philadelphia 7. St. Louis 2; Brooklyn 4. American. Washington 6; Detroit 5. (11 nngs). New York 4; Cleveland 6. Phladelpha 5; St. Lous 4. Boston-Chcago, wet grounds. m- WEDDING IN BURKE. Married in Icard township, Burke county May 14, at the home of H. A. Adams, the offiiating justile of the peace, Mr. Charley Huffman and Miss Gertie Rogers, both of Icard township in the presence of a number of friends who came along to witness the cere mony. Born to Mr. and Mrs. ohn Tate of Marion, a boy. GOOD FOR COLDS Honey, Pine-Tar and Glycerine are recognized cold remedies. In Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honev these are combined with other cough medicine in a pleas ant syrup. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey quickly stops your cough, checks your cold, soothes irritation of the throat. Excellent for young, adult and aged. Its one of the best cough syrups made. Formula on every bottle. You know just what you are taking and your doctor knows its good for coughs and colds. Insist on Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Only 25c. at Druggists. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE UNDER MORTGAGE. By virtue of the powers contained in a deed of trust executed July 4, 1915, by Lula Archer and John Ar cher, here husband, to the Mutual Building and Loan Association of Hickory, to secure the payment of $000.00 and default having been made in the payment of same, the under signed will sell at public auction for cash in front of the Postoffice in the city of Hickory on Friday June 9, 1916, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following house and lot, to wit: Lying and situated in the southern part of the city of Hickory beginning at a stone on the north side of a road, the S. W. corner of Eli Shores lot and runs north with Eli Shores line or lot 200 feet more or less to a stake or stone in the Simeon aBrger line, the N. W. corner of Eli Shores lot; then westerly with the Simeon Barger line 100 feet more or less to the N. E. corner of School House lot; thence southerly with the line of the colored school house lot 200 feet more or less to a stake or stone, the S. E. corner the school house lot; thence easterly with the road 70 feet more or less to the beginning. This May 9, 1916. A. C. HENDERSON, Trustee. M. H. YOUNT, Atty. 5-9-4t SMOKE SEN-FAL-TO CIGARS For Sale at all Dealers Goes 50-50 With Your Nickel ANNITAT. TTU7"r?TTTTT7"T!TT rn . - CELEBRATION, CHARLOTTE, N. " 11 1 iu zu INCLUSIVE WGHAIEST CELEBRATION President WLJson will be there, also -""a anu iiicxi otcins irom several stnoa a 1 j soldiers m line of march, about 10 uinuamg iamous united States Marine band, the most spectacular parade ever seen in this section of the country. State and federal troops will participate in big sham battle, uazzling fire works and many shows, including Great MterolopOMayETAO including great Metropolitan Shows free attarctions. . Hig day, Saturday, May 20th, spec ial trains on this date from Morgan ton , Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Nor wood, Columbia, Spartanburg and other points. Greatly reduced fares from all points Round trip tickets on sale limTt MaI,19 2' final r6tUrn For full information see nearest ticket agent, or R. H. DeButts, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. fUtOLINA & NORTH- Time Card No. 32, Effective Wot. 2o INo. 10 tNo. i Northbound Dno ! Pass Pass Daily Ex Sun 7 43am12 95pm 8 29am 2 20pm 9 24am! 5 40pm 10 20am j 10 55am 11 40am 6 31pm 7 08pm 7 40pm 8 35aja 12 45pm 3 28pm 3 40pm No 9 Pass Daily No. 7 Southbound Pass Ex Sun 1 Edgemont Lvlll C5am Mortimer Lvlll 13am Lenoir Lv 140pm Hickory Lv 2.35p Newton Lv 3 08pm Lincolnton Lv 3 43pm 6 30am 7.2fam 7 55am 8 29am Gestonia Lv Gastonia Lv York Lv Chester - Ar 5.00pm 5 46pm 6 35pm 10.00am 12 00am 15am Palace Barber Shop 5 Chairs 5. No long waits. AH First Class Workmen D. F. CLINE, Proprietor. Fraternal Directory HnnnmumauwmMHMHHH t g I g Hickory Lodge, . 1 W No. 206, 1.0. O.F.I 1 Brpther Odd Fellows invited. j B Meets every Tuesday nigni, ai g H 7 :30 Degree work every meeting. j I W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary, g i:!iii!!!ii:!i;i:::;i.:;::;;suiuiiiii ::;;.;;:i,;ui!;i;:iiii Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A. M. Meets every Monday evening at 8:00 P. M. All visiting brothers cordially invited. G. L. HUFFMAN Councilor M. G. CROUCH, Rec. Sec'y. Hickory Camp No. 80 w. o. w. Meets every Friday night at 7:30. All members request ed to attend. Visiting Soverigns Invited. B. A. MILLER, Clerk Flagler's 9th Ave. Market FOR HOT WEATHER Cold boiled ham, Dried Beef sliced thin as paper. Val dese bread. Cold Meats. We have a full line of cer eals. Corn Flakes. Malts etc. Water ground, Virginia Corn meal 25c sack. Webers Pure Honey New Orleans Molasses White Satin Flour We try to keep a good as sortment of tomatoes, ab bage, strawberries, onions, salad, lettuce, and vegetables Call us for tender juicy cut of beef or select cut of steak spring chickens and country produce. Eggs and butter. Catch the flies, buy Tanglefoot, or get a swatter FREE. FLAGLER'S MARKET Phone 144 Pittsburgh Perfect Galvanized Field Garden Lawn Fence Car Load Just Arrived LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES. Abernethy Hdwe Co. THE ACHES OF HOUSE CLEANING The pain and soreness caused bv bruises, over-exertion and straining during house cleaning time are sooth- away oy Sloan's liniment. !No need to suffer th ia acrnnv .Tnef nnl.. oioans Liniment to the sore spots. Tub Onlv a lit.t.lo Tn a climt !w. pain leaves, you rest comfortably and yjvy reiresning sleep, une grate ful user writes: "Sloan's T.inimont is worth its weight in gold" Keep a "wlwc uu nana, use it against ; 11 ooreness. Neural cria nA rt Jvuls pain. 25c at yo-ir Druggist. Chester Lv York Lv Gastonia Lv Lincolnton Lv Newton Lv Hickory Lv Lenoir Lv Mortimer Lv Edgemont Ar mmmn Professional Cards Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuf ord's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS Office Phone 194, Residence 318-L. Office in Maaonic Building. Dr.Chas. L Hunsucher M. D. Office over Shuford's Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. Residence 825 15th Ave. Q9 Office 26 Hours 3:30-5 p. m., 7-8 p. m. Calls answered at All Hours THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturers of all kinds of HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. S. C. Cornwell CIVIL ENGINEER Surveys, Plans, Estimates Office over Lutz Drug Store. Jos. L Murphy, Jr. Attorney at Law OFFICE Chamber of Commerce Special Attention to Collec tion of Claims. L. H. LESLIE Tailor Cleaning pressing. All kinds of alterations and repair work. Located up stairs over W. T. Sledge's store. Phone 190 THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed " Phone 106, Work Delivered, 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to First Buildin & Loan office. Marcus E. Hull, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Palmer School Graduate ' OFFICE HOURS 3:30 to 5:30 and 7 to 8 P. M. Consultation and Analysis Free 1029 Thirteenth Street 8iiiiiiiiiHiirrmmrrmrrtmnt;tiiim tpmmamtiiimmmttTTmtnmmnnTT QUICK SERVICE; SHORT NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Company. Cut Flow ers any time. WH1TNER 4 MARTIN Dr. la Wood Dentist Office over Busy Bee Cafe ana Kenedy Electric Co. i Clines' Barber Shop AVenue Opposite Postoffice team Heat. -i , . or - 7 xud and Shower Baths, Everything New, San pw ltaI? ?nd P-tDate. - suu, smooth shave neat -rive f. T VSf .V"1"1"- M. E. CLINE OR. ALFRED W. DULA " EYE SPECIALIST TO SEE BETTER SEE DUU Tk Jr?? 17 Years ExPe"-ence 1 he Best Equipment Obtainable Glasses TT;wI 17 i. M4RTIH BLOCK, LENOIR N c if you got lt froTJ , iWfcW.w,Jf?i ' C. if f FIRST AID First aid is saving many a life that would frm,.riy been forfeited to ignorance. First Aid in money matters may save youj- financial !ffc mir business supplying help when iie.-d.-l. wait until you are in dire straits. Let us help you today or t , nop it. That is what we arc h,. t morrow or wnenevei to assist in any way we can First Mona Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Hickory, N. C Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings Accounts, Com pounded Quarterly. Business is it goes only where it is invited and stays only where It treated. Onthe above grounds we But don't get too enthusiastic like the fellow that v.a brought in court for not giving his wife money for support. Thr court asked him. why don't you support your wTife, he replied, it. this way judge, I've just started abank account and I don't !..;':. enough to keep that goinsr and support the old woman, to.. .j 1 had to let her go. We advise dividing the business and keep , going, try it and you will like it, Hickory Banking & Trust Co. THE PEOPLE'S BANK.' Subscribe Hickory Today's News Today $4.00 a year in advance THE UNIVERSAL CAR The same strong, serviceable Ford car but at a lower nArS8 0wer than ever ttnvihm,! ,;:; Touring Car $440; Town Car $640, 1. o. o., Detroit. On sale at Hickory Garage Co. ELLIOTT BUILDING PHONE 22b r See Us for HOT WEATHER Sg sol, ldS nd ICC Cream- The's nothing so ref r,--Fountain lSOda r a saucer of Ice Crcam 0ur Cream and ca f11 our Ice Cream is made from pure any tiiTff be beat we deliver cream in any quant. iy me- none us your order. pu GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists PWe 300 Opposite Post OfS "ON THE jo whenever you need us. iBank Sensitive invite you to do business with !" Yours to serve, to th Daily Record and get Jrord. Good Printing CORNER" 2 J