THURSDAY EV TV HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record Published by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday. men TELEPHONE 167 EditoT S. H. Farabee Manager j. C. Miller . ,-,.r. out U. in. Uii if . m n i diiii -Subscribers desiring the address Subscr 3 " . M atflte nlained' bv the writer, is uue - - to .heir paper uQntrPd. win P'ca" . r ' . .. m t anA manner i nv.i.j, - - T in their commun ication bo,n " , MEW addresses. t injure efficient dcMvery, com lr , , ... u,-.n1,1 be maoe i to tne ou iaL aim o"" Department promptly. .cription uepartu.-.. - dinp subscribers shouiu complaints. Lai' - - - Jucriptkn KATES ... $t oo 2.00 One year Six months - Three months -Ine month 6"ne Neek " 1 .40 .10 ...ri ir ATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE. nd-class matter Sep- Entered as --.. &t tember 11. fl T nf March . m n nd0r the act OI martii Hickory, 3. 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTb HICKORY, N. C. Thursday Evening THE WRONG WAY. TVw. citv of Shelby sold $40,000 wnrth of bonds secretly a month ago iwcordimr to the Sta thev 1 .,.m n nremium of $1-5 ant: m- date of payment of $233.33 That might have been all the Shel- 1 ... 1 i ,..Ur worth, but many bnei oy oiimuo vv. . . by neopie wuum" 1 i i. 1 , . i r m muoii mm $3r,,000 Hickory bonds brought a pie- mhim of 81.321 at a public baie, ii lonct tpn Hidtlrs. I M t ill wric 1" rru.... ;Q n wnv ti conduct public V""" ' . ." " business, and that is in wie Without being familiar with the char- x ... -c cv..,n,.. ,... ,.-ull sav that the ier 01 out-iuji. v !.!,, ,,f that town have a pretty : if tbP n,.Pstion iair case iur " - -i- should be pressed to say the least 1 .. it Thev can sneak of the corporation- spapers s hnt ,ntiniiii(i Mew York new i u,,t- if they care to, to . uulL the metropolitan press is the best irantee of honesty in public oftice guai ... ,i . x i. 1 r,.or the citizens oi mat town nave. uvt. tni ciii.nis oi . , .. . tU lirwauauii tior,rwa tn lie Tlfnt ntr Lllf L'rafters. and every paper is kept fair- lv busy. c snu to have SDOKen ' I to about 90 or 100 Republicans here in the interest of his candidacy. He has been running so long that he feels he will be elected some time by wear ing down the majority of his op 4. 0,Ut lit-Q aindrnns wear oncni,, aw...ty..k -. away the stoutest rocks. The Asheville Citizen observes that a few oeonle in Asheville actually ut i compiameu oecause ram xuo..ay au Tuesday helped the crops in Lun- combe county something like a mil- lion dollars. And Asheville, like ... , , . m u.cKory, naunt na(l a goou i. ... - 'ays- Mr. F. A. Linney of Boone probably feels better over the comments of the i i. u- .u i ,.D at, newspapers about him than does Mr. Marion Butler because tne latter nwht eniov reading them. Hickory will give Colonel Varner and his guests a warm welcome when they arrive tomorrow afternoon, anu we know that the gates will be thrown mien in the countv to the visitors. We haven't heard whether Dr. Geo. J. Ramsey, the retiring president of 1,,s"luie' 13 l" ,cavc t,,c ""M but he is too good a scout to part with. Senator Kern is as prompt as any statesman of his type to insist on in quiries as to the fate of Americans when he can't possibly lose any votes We feel reasonably sure that some Mecklenburgers proclaimed some re solves, but whether it was May 20 or May 21, we don't care. We have our choice for the various state offices but it won't help our friends. One who hasn't registered cannot vote. MITCHELL IS STILL AFTER CATHOLICS IN NEW YORK New York, May 25. Mayor Mitch el read into the record before the Thompson legislative committee con versations he alleged the police heard over telephone wires which they "tap ped" by his orders and which he claimed showed there was a conspir acy to discredit the city administra tion and more particularly the de partment of charities, headed by John A. Kinsburg, who was indicted for his part in the wire tapping activi ties. The substance of the conversations as revealed by the mayor related to ways and means for keeping witness es and evidence away from the com mittee appointed by Governor Whit man to investigate Roman Catholic charitable institutions in this city. They told of efforts to dodge process servers and in two or three instances appeared to refer to the supplying of funds which would enable certain persons to take trips to Atlantic City. The names most frequently mention ed by Mayor Mitchell were those of Monsignor J. J. Dunn, chancellor of the arch-diocese of New York; the Rev. William B. Farrell; Robert W. Hebbard, former secretary of the state board of charities; and Daniel C. Pot ter, a former employe of the city. Father Farrell announced that he intended to institute a civil action against the mayor charging defama tion of character. TO CONSERVE LIVES. ' To conserve the health of business 10 . interesting: was tne nnner read by ut. n. v. Fnghouse? of Greenville, at the recent meeUno- of the State Medical society 5 Durham. The prevention of ar-terio-scherois or hardeninB of the will bv Doctor Laughinghouse for tv,o hnsiness man's health COniKIVlUK. " onserving ;r . ut v qW V others should be most nw.-, tare j - 1 . . j i , . nrone to acquire tms u.. - v . ,i as px- i r . . " viner too rF' can 1 Y CI T 1 I 1 I I n manner oi uyiB- , th emis. : vmrninp- the candle, at growing OU prem-.u. toQ IIe says "ine buiU- - - i , - - r. n up i j i v - t t i ,rcn 00 m"Lj;- ViMthnnt know- r . 11 . 4-nv-nnT 1IILWITT . . nive food and fluids, p nig iL, . OV1P Tiro- nr fr' X l l .TOl V.- ' f.nmli neil treQi:eni.i . dSs which cause too early a condi- ion of high arterial tension He neg- lects his Doei j a ' absorption of poiponou . .i"""" from tne i uu,, ------ a rise in uhrhi ..ui.. i, .-.! vnL'i'iii'M nr itM t L' dlo i 00 till feature to the art of living long.' jn0 q. Deal, 1 home -An ' Dr. Laughinghouse advocates two 01iver C. Deitz, 1 home bal-- mild exercise wrucu la." wavs for preventing wnat is CUU1" .5,i i,,iQr,,-,1. of the art- T eries: first, a rational plan of daily living and asecond a physical examm- ation twice a year. He says men must oe laugnt ui. 'yj - - - ,ipnpndent unon their circulatorv sys- tern., that they are as old as their tcm ? tnat they that moderation in all things must be the rule. Besides " , , ,,. orio nroDer in all fcoWVnnl nprsonal hygiene, proper dipt exercise and sufficient sleep and t tnp writer makes a plea tor ire- ent mental changes Hp further advises every business man . 1 -1 nrt - Vnmi whether this and other diseases have tv,at hp mnv check them in tneir curable stage and prolong uie mu 1"""- . - , .t, useful period of his nie. KI.IKS AND SICK P.AIHLS Only Artificial Feeding l auses as Manv Sick uaoies as r m- niu Filth "The relation of flies and filth to sick babies has been proven to be ai- most that of cause and effect," says a riwuir 11 inrLiii of the State lioara 01 r,ni ortifipinl fppi no1 te sa . of baby sickness as fl. , fihh . As author;iy ior IfVtic oi.rnifipnnt. statement concei us tiiu Mit,"""-""- j,i.t-. ' the baby's neaun anu v, - flip and filth in the home, the uoaru . n,.f.nnnt nf a recent in- .ation conducted by the health de- f,f vw York Citv for the iiiicui, . purpose of determining just me- - Nations. . ., ilT. .n ,ioc;r,i tn determine wheth- house fly is the chief carrier of Minrrhoo nv whether dirt in tne nome t.n.i ni-tific a feedinsr are more cieau- hv factors in this serious condition. The cases investigated were divided carefully into a fly-protected group, faretu v fl ' swi ,M.0UD. These groups maHp as similar as it was pos- sible to make them. The intants ..nn ,.ioitel nvprv five f SVS bV llUl'S- .oltv.. .-.j .. - . e The flv-exDOsed cases received -- ' . . , .1 , .,11 tho motviiftinn i'iven in cnild nv- . .... 'i. hut n0 snecial emphasis was laid on elimenating the house lly. I in t v-i n nrorof'TM rrrn n i.rin ictiLcai. in mv r - w. t. pmDnasis was una vn tne auaum . . protection of the baby as far as pos- sible from contact with flies For the infant in the cradle, in the go-cart, on the bed and even in the arms the constant use of netting was insist ed on. Over a thousand yards of net- tViA nrn- L1I'K wclc 3U,UUIIU "".v,..B ... tected families. as a reSult if was found that ai most twice (1.9( as many inlants Were attacked by diarrhea among fly- exposed as among the ny-piotecteu in fants. i .fc w found that almost twice ag many infants were attacked by diarrhea in dirty homes as in clean homes. Ihe most important tactoi for child mortality. however, was artificial feeding. Nearlv two and a half (2.4) times as many infants were attacked by diarrhea among the artificially fed as among the breast-fed infants. lhe mtlu- ence oi nies anu tint lumum wa found to be almost exactly equal to that nf artificial feedine:. even in reasonably good surroundings. AI most two and a halt times as many fly-exposed intants in uirty n n The combination of dirt and artificial feeding made life extremely. difficult for the infant. NOW SAY "I'M SORRY Harvard Students Set Style for New Form of AnoWv Cambrid ire (Mass) Dispatch to New York Herald. The Harvard students living along the Gold coast, who have at least a Docketful of nickles and the best manners available, are no longer usjng that hackneyed phrase, "I beg your pardon." It simply isn t done. All begging has stopped lor aye ana the new idea is "I'm sorry." If the reader is still interested in manners, Harvard men or sorrow it will be clear that this type of apology requires no answer. Harvard men dread being answered, preferring, as does the university's most famous alumnus, to do all the talking them selves. For that reason nowadays when they step on the hat or westkit of an untutored Bostonese in the course of their more stimulated gam bols they invariably admit that they are sorry and let it drop right there. "I'm sorry" comes from England, which country got it from France, which brilliant nation got it from Chicago, which windy municipality learned it from New York. There is no extant proof that New York did not get it from New Haven. Too Much. "Excavation work here's getting along very slowly," grumbled the foreman to Larry, as he stood on the edge of the foundation and looked down into the pit. 'I'll have to send another man along to lend you a hand." Left to himself, Larry speculated upon what sort of a chap would oe sent to assist him, and devoutly hop ed he would not be one of those fel lows who always wanted to get a job done. Suddenly he glanced up and met the pugnacious stixre of the fore man's bull dog looking over the edge of the pit. "Begorra" he roared, as his pipe fell. "Oi've worked wid Oitalianls, Geromans and niggars, but if a man wid a face like thot comes to work down here beside me Oi gets up!" London Tit-Bits. Bryan says the parade will not change sentiment. Three lickings failed to teach him anything. Wall Street Journal. NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY PROP ERTY FOR CITY TAXES. I, John W. Ballew, City manager f .or the' city of Hickory, under and by v,r Proved sfute and the cHy charter also by order of City Counc 1 I . i. L. ni H I III I11C - T - - - - on Saturday, j u..C-w. front of Citv Hall in city oi n tof C tv Hall in city of Hfckoiv at 19-00 noon, sen w ."'S'"-". - -rr r-ih the following reai es- ioi PorQnTls, desirine tho vPir UJ-t. ' - :iT : f5)VPS wore day of sale pay ff. . , amount due and 20 cents tor can at '-.r . " . advertising can procure tneir receipt. White. . , -i jo lo IK Vll II r vre r mio n nil f. (ILS IV.r. ' ri rti re. A iiuuoi, - t T?rt1;A.. i fcome 10.15 m. Brittain, 1 house and lot 5.43 TTor,t 1 lot v . d JJlV'"' i o nn John p BurnSi i lot 2 acres.-- 13.00 Q p Carnpbell, 1 stable, bal. 11.45 i -u Inf. 10.S7 Kev. 'rX Toi 7 19. uun . - , , . o r)2 .n. u. - 0 iaori i i i.iiiit-ii. l 7 - .Mrs. k. r. ua", 1.70 5.80 H. E. Duncan. vavankiuw tt crir. 1 home 17th St. 17.1 j. K. Fisher, 1 home 10.68 j R Gantt, 1 house T s Green, 1 lot J-35 12.63 ncu 070 jj R. Hawn, 1 home.-- ---- 8.79 tj. m H awn. nouse a ui, uai u.u-j t . Hill. 1 home 1044 Jno. G. Ingram, 4 acres.- - 9.30 R w Johnson estate, 1 home 10th avenue 15.60 Mrs. v 1 house, lot 21.75 V.u" t?' w 1 home 8th St. bal 19.73 iOVULi x . . , 0 , oc John M. ftiurpny, 1 T T Tl 1 1f id Ql'P 10.7 R L. prevost, 1 house and 5 va- ant i0ts- 15.48 5.70 26.50 menry 1. Keinnarui, x m"- , , U 1 Kobt. tt. anen, aa 12th nnme ftneiini, x avenue . 16.22 8.35 t VV Rmith. 1 home Fred M Warlick, 1 home 10. u k vveDD, 1 nome t-r" Mrs. Laura White, 1 home 17.00 9.86 25.62 Aiban L. Whitener, 1 home c L. W7hitener, 1 home c; c; Yount, 1 vancant lot 15th street . 8.89 5.42 n t v. 1 lot T; D.' Payne, 2 houses 9th and inth avenues 28.97 nnvi d Yount. 1 lot -83 27.18 john 1, Colored Osborne Abernethy, 2 homes 6.08 1.72 imOB Aluvnpt.hv. 1 home bal - ioh-' - r 1 i lf o m Jonn Aiexanaer, 1 ouw.B .u iv James Adams, 1 home ana va Qt int. 15.21 5.77 1 Luia Archer, 1 home w p.e . 1 home 9.G4 2.87 a,i0 nhus Host. 1 nome urn ou Charlie Bost, 1 house, ytn ave 3.78 10.05 Dolph Burton, 1 home, 3rd ave. will Carlton, 1 home, bal. 5.43 4.95 6.18 8.95 8.35 r,eo. W. Clark, 1 home iiali Chambers. 1 home Robert Connor, 1 home- Vril Kflir 1 home. , - - . , v n F nsrer, 1 house and lot bth .' , 6.35 5.43 5.17 5.43 aiciiiip. tin. wili;am Forney. 3 houses Thos. Gaston, 1 vacant lot --- I. ass v. l numc. uai i j 1 - ' j mossie r. uuuuaun, x nVwv lot ... i"nn cam Goodson, 1 home 6.09 Monroe Harris, 1 house 2.69 Milas W. Holland, 1 home 8.35 John Hooper, 2 houses . ... Minnie Hull, 1 lot 12th St Emaline Hull, 1 home 6th ave Jim Jones, 1 home Viney Kain, 1 home .-- Pink Killian, 1 home Victor Knox, 1 home Calvin Leach, 1 home ... Rittie Morrison, 1 home J. H. McCleave, 1 home 12th St. balance Henry Peterson, 1 house and lot" Daisy Reinhardt, 1 house Ivey Scott, 1 home Augustus Y. Shufcrd, 1 home balance Lizzie Shuford, 1 home bal Lucy Smith, 1 house Ila Smith, 1 vancant lot Frank Smith, 1 home Robert Smith, 3 houses 9.05 4.52 2.70 2.70 2.70 6.28 8.35 8.35 3.69 4.39 8-74 3.02 6.72 3.75 1.60 7.25 .90 2.70 20.83 Rev. R. L. Tillery.-l home 5th avenue . 8.48 Annie Wallace, 1 home 2.70 Tom Williams, 1 home . 1.80 Willie Wilson, 1 home . ... 7.43 Willie Wilson, 1 home 13th St.. 4.50 Arthur Willis, 1 home, bal 1.74 Rachael Winkler, 1 house 2.70 William Barber, 1 home, bal 5.25 Caroline Bennett, 1 house 5.31 R. L. Brown, 1 vacant lot 1.77 Omer Morrison, 1 home 15.83 Pink Morrison, 1 lot 4.50 Ed. Reinhardt, Coot Goodson Agt., 1 house 4.56 Jas. Shuford, 1 vacant lot 11.78 Fannie Ward, 1 house ... 1.79 P. R. D. Gore, 1 house and 3 lots . . 7.81 John Smyre, 1 lot 13th St 9.82 Sid Morrison estate, P. M. Agt., 1 house, 9th ave. 1.82 JOHN WT. BALLEW, May 24, '16 City Mgr. A recent patented fly trap is made of paer and cotton and is intended to be burned when filled with insects. The Futility of Knowledge "You can't make me believe a col lege education gits you anything." . said the young man who had won two medals for fox trotting. , "Still I always thought college fel- ; lews was awful swell," replied tbe girl. "Nothin' doin'! We got one of tnem in our office that always says 'whom' and notwithstanding,' and say, I heard the boss callin' him down to- ; day the worst I ever seen. What's the use knowin' them kind of words ( if you can't talk back?" Judge , Interest in military matters gives the phrase "teaching the young idea ! how to shoot" something more than poetical significance. Washington Stai SMOKE SEN-FAL-TO CIGARS For Sale at all Dealers Goes SO-50 With Your Nickel Dr. E. L Shuford, Jr. VETERINARIAN. Headquarters A. S- Aber neth and Sons Stable. Office phone No. 250. dence phone 51. R. W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. Palace Barber Shop 5 Chairs-5. No long waits All Tirst Class Workmen D. F. CLINE, Proprietor. riJiitltJJJi. mnttummrrtmfflUmiUS Fraternal Directory Hickory Lodge, No. 206, L 0. 0. F. ilk Brother Odd Fellows B Meets every Tuesday night, at 7 :30 Degree work every meeting. W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary, g Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, o. u.a, m. Meets every Monday evening at 8:00 P. M. All visiting brothers cordially invited. G. L. HUFFMAN Councilor M. G. CROUCH, Rec. Secy. j 1 IllillillllllillU i.niimii Hickory Camp No. 80 w. o. w. Meets every Friday night at 8:00. All members request ed to attend- T .A , Visiting Soverigns Invited. B. A. MILLER, Clerk !; r:;;.ii!::r;:i,i::i,i;.. ii;;!::;.!,;: ', Flagler s 9th Ave. Market This wek we have on sale a big lot of New York state apples we bought them right from the farmer in upper New York, bought right, and will sell right. 40 cents a peck. Country Hams, per lb 20c Compound Lard per lb14c Sliced Bacon per lb 30c Snowdrift per pail 70c We offer the best meats in town, we select the best cattle in the market and when you buy beef from us you can rest assured you are getting the best that comes to Hick ory. We turn many poor cattle down and pay higher prices for better stock, we are determined to give our customers only the best. FLAGLER'S MARKET 'WE ARE ON THE JOB" Phone 144 g 1 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N. C. MAXIMUM SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE The Summer School For Teachers-June 1 3 -July 28. (Write for complete announce ment.) ABLE FACULTY COMPLETE CURRICULUM MODERATE RATES CREDIT COURSES DELIGHTFUL ENVIRON MENT EXCURSION RATE TICKETS The Su.amer Law School June 15-August 25. Regular session Opens Sep tember 14. Students who expect to enter for the first time should com plete their arrangement as early as possible. Are Ygo a Woman ? The Woman's Tonic FOB SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS P4 3 T!miti;iiittiuimmmummimiuiUKJ zz . Professional Cards 1! Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuford's Drug Store, Hickory, N. C. Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS Office Phone 194, Residence 318-L. Office in Maaonic Building. Dr.Chas. L Hunsucker M D. Oif.ce over Shuford's Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. Residence 825 15th Ave. Q9 Office 26 Phone 92 Hours 3:30-5 p. m., 7-8 p. m. Calls answered at All Hours thIIckory harness CO. 11 1 1- p Manufacturers ot an Kinus HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. S. C. Cornwell CIVIL ENGINEER Surveys, Plans, Estimates Office over Lutz Drug Store. Jos. L Murphy, Jr. Attorney at Law OFFICE Chamber of Commerce Special Attention to Collec tion of Claims. L,. U. LESLIE Tailor Cleaning pressing. All kinds of alterations and repair work. Located up stairs over W. T. Sledge's store. Phone 190 W0' THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered, 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to First Buildin & Loan office. Marcus E. Hull, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Palmer School Graduate OFFICE HOURS 3 :30 to 5 :30 and 7 to 8 P. M. Consultation and Analysis Free 1029 Thirteenth Street tmauummttnttttmtmtrmm n : : 1 1 1 QUICK SERVICE: SHORT NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Company. Cut Flow ers any time WHIT EH MARTIN ISSttXttil Dr. ia Wood Dentist Oftice over Busy Beer Cafe and Ken-dy Electric Co. Clines' Barber Shop 1242 Ninth Avenu Opposite Postoffice Steam Heat. d Cold Tub and Shower Bths, Everything New, San itary and Bjp-ti-Date. tor a good, smooth shave, neat Son'l" ,r a,ny Wn4 of oi.rial work you wii! ,nd out- iwrvire unexcelled -GIVE US A TRIAL M. E. CLINE DR. ALFRED W. 00U TO SEE BETTER s B" mm ft Tl, V'" Year's Experience 1 he bes: equipment Obtainable. Mi&??"-Cs.itled Exclusively MARTI ii 6L9GK. LEK'i' M p r FIRST AID First aid is saving many been forfeited to ignorance. First Aid in money matters may save ., -x K,iiness supplying help And mat i wait until you are in dire straits. Let us help you to morrow or whenever you need it. That is what we are to assist in any way we can whenever you need us. - TXT rirsi Muona Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Business is it goes only where it is invited and stays only where t :?. v,:; treated. Onthe above grounds we invite you to do th US. But don't get too enthusiastic like the fellow '.hat was Wmo-ht. in court for not ffivine his wife money for support. The court asked him- why don't you support your wife, he this way judge, I've just started abank account and I enough to keep that goinq: and support the old womar had to let her go. We advise dividing the business an. going, try it and you will like it, Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Subscribe Hickory an Today's News Today $4.00 a year in advance im THE UNIVERSAL CAR The same strong, serviceable Ford car but at a l'er price. Prices lnwr th;n evir f :-,::-. :; .. 'i'ourin? Car $440; Town tar $(UU, I. u. o., Detroit. ()n sale at Hickory ELLIOTT BUILDING r See Us for HOT WEATHER Calls for cold Sodas and Ice Cream. There's nothing Tt "ig as a good cold soda or a saucer of Ice Cream. Our -fountain is strictly sanitary, our Ice Cream is made fnni a, ream and cannot be beat, we deliver cream in any 'lli;"u' -any time. Phone us your order. GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Pb 1(V Prist 0ce "ON y h ymu- 1!.h; when i''n.' (Jf t. r- for- Hickory, (' Accounts. 0 -orr,. Sensitive oii't make 1,,-v a life that would ;, IBank Yours to serve, THE PEOPLE'S ISANK.' 1 to th Daily Record d get Garage Co. Good Printing THE CORNER" Ford t