i imoun i r, hMXfj HICIvOKY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record ! Publudifd by the Clay Printing Co. tStry livening Except Sunday. IELEPHONE 167 S. U. Karabee - Editor J. C. Miller . Manager H. M. Miller Adv. .:. Subscribers desiring the address of .heir r ' hanged, will please stat. in their n.nmiunication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com jlaintg thoul' be made to the Sub scription DeparLment promptly. Cih iubscribers should call 167 regard i r complaints. SUBSCRIPTION KATES One yeur -- $-i.Uu Six months - Three .ton lb : ' ;l Jiie month 4l One -k - 1!: PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH VENUE. Entered as second-class matter Sep tember 11. 11H5. at the postoflice at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 8. 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS ''1uckory7'.T Tuesday Evening PKOCKESS OF THE WAR. Military exports estimate that the Austrians must have lost at least :br)0,000 man as a result of the present Russian offensive in Galicia and Vol liynia and according to review who have followed closely the incidents and events of the war, it is probably that Australia will be demoralized by this mammoth campaign. Fear that the Russians will run into a trap as they did early in the war when they press ed the Austrians and Germans back is discounted by military writers be cause the Russian leaders have a sufficient supply of shell and men to carry on the offensive over a great area. Germany will be kept busy on other lines. The military expert of the New York Times sees no prospect of a British offensive soon. In the first place, the German offensive at Verdun has about exhausted the supply of ammunition accumulated for the spring drive, and in the second place commanders of armies are not in the habit of advertising when they will strike next, las busy newspaper writers have done for the French and British. In case the French should decide to hold Verdun at any cost, the British may strike in the Ypres sector, but only in that event. The strategy of the allies evidently is to let the Germans hammer away on the western front, where very little can be gained and to inflict the maximum punishment on them with the minimum of losses for themselves, meanwhile handing over to Russia the task of smothering the Austrians in a field where entrenched lines are almost impossible. The chances for operations in the field in Galicia and Volhynia are unlimited. Newspaper readers cannot help from following the sensational camp aign of the Russians in the east, and it is here the greatest results, at least for the present, are to be expected. with the capture of Czernowitz and the lengthening of the line, the chances for a general retirement of the Ger mans and Austrians increase. On this front it is possible that the Russians may destroy the Austrian military power. PRESS COMMENT The Ex-doctor and the Ex-judge Greensboro News. Judge Clino did a graceful thing yesterday in taking occasion during his charge to the grand jury to pay a tribute to S. Glenn Brown, up to yesterday judge of the municipal court of 'Greensboro, but today under orders to exchange ermine for khaki. Greensboro suffers the loss of but two men by reason of the mobiliza tion of the national guard, but they are two that she can ill afl'ovd to spare Judge Brown and Dr. Tankersley beg pardon. Major Brown and Captain i ankc rs'ey :re both men who have made too'lr citizenship count. The hidge. I.-,' reason of his position, has necessarily been more within the vis ion of the nublic at large: Judge Cline condoles the city on the loss of a judge who knows the law and will enforce it; and it is a serious loss, although not irreparable. Our chief regret at seeing the judge tarn soldier is the fact that he had been making his court, so far as he was able, less an instrument of ven geance than a corrective influence in the community. We are not ofFering him the palpably ins'neere praise of alleging that he made no mistakes; but we do assert with pride that he labored earnestly to save what rem nants of manhood could be salvaged from every rni'.iefac-or brought before him. That type of judge is nor to be found in every aw office and that is why we consider the lossof Brown a heavy one. Needless to say, both he and his comrade in arms will render the state and the nation good service; and if we regret partir with the men, Greens boro is corresponding v proud of fur nishing such soldiers. Baseball Summary Carolina. Charlotte 7; Greensboro 3. Asheville 7; Durham 6. Winston-Salem 10; Raleigh American. Brooklyn 2; Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati 1; St. Louis 3. New York-Boston, wet grounds. National. Cleveland G; New York 7. STANDING OF CLUBS. Carolina League. LIFE AND WAR New York Times. At the end of two years the Euro pean war will have cost between 3, oOO.OOO and 4.000,(i()0 lives, as nearly as one can estimate the toll, not counting the hopelessly disabled, which would add perhaps 40 per cent more. The maimed who will still be able to pro duce their own sustenance are a sepa rate number. Never before has human material been used up at such a rate as this. During the whole nineteenth century the cost of the'world's wars in male life probably did not exceed o.OOO.OOO men. That includes the ten Napoleonic years, in which the total loss of life must have I W. L. P.C. Asheville 29 16 .G44 Charlotte 2G 19 .578 Wlinston-Salem 23 20 .535 Durham .. 23 23 .500 i Raleigh .- 20 23 ,4G5 i Greensboro .. 12 32 .273 National. W. L. P.C. Brooklyn 29 17 .630 Philadelphia 28 20 .'83 New York . 24 21 .'533 Chciago . 25 27 .481 Boston 22 24 .478 Cincinnati 24 28 .4G2 Pittsburgh . 21 27 .438 St. Louis . .22 32 .407 American. W. L. P.C. Cleveland 32 22 .593 Washington . 29 23 .558 Detroit 30 24 .556 New York . 28 23 .549 Boston . 27 2G .509 Chicago .- 25 26 .490 St. Louis 22 30 .423 Philadelphia 15 34 .306 NEWTON NOTES. W. C. Feimster appeared in Morgan ton court in behalf of Dolph Scronce, a farmer in Jacobs Fork township, whose team had been seized by Burke been between county officers who found in the wagon .',000,000 and 2.500.000 or from 1 to driven by Van and Alonzo Scronce, 1U ner cent, of the population of Eu- over six e-allons of Burke countv whis- JOIN THE GUARD Indications point to the speedy re cruiting of the local military company ro 14 men, minimum war strength and it is to be hoped that Captain Eyerly will not be long in signing up enough volunteers to enable him to report his readiness to move on Camp Glenn. We cannot promise of course that men who join the company at this time will not be in danger on the bord er, in case they are sent there for patrol duty, but it will be a valuable experience for young men, and most of the fighting, if any is to be done, and the chances are that they will not run many risks. The regulars will do most the militia of New York, Penn- syalvania and Illinois, it is declared, will be ordered on border duty first. Even if the company is not callea on for duty, the members will have valuable training at Camp Glenn dur ing the hot months; and if they are called on for service, they will be able to render it. Furthermore, they will have gained experience that they will value the rest of their lives. Laying aside all patriotism, there ought to be sufficient inducement to cause young men in this section to swell the roster of the local to its limit. company It is to be hoped that the next general assembly, when it tackles the question of fixing license taxes, will make it possible for a town that does not want a carnival to keep it out. In the revenue and machinery act the general assembly specifies what taxes shall be collected by the counties and municipalities for carnivals and other shows, and not a cent more can be assessed. The municipalities are help less, if we are informed correctly. a worse Handicap Harry I bet L can make face than you can. Dorothy You ought to be able to. Eook at the face you've got to start with." Judge. rope at that time. When you think of it in percentages jt is not so terrible, at least not at first. Thus, a toll of 1 per cent of Europe's population for tne .apoleonic wars is a reckoning which in its statistical interest seems almost unimportant. And, likewise, the population of Europe having much more than doubled in the meantime, it is surprising to find that the toil of be tween 3,500,000 anil 4,000,000 lives chargeable to the present war at the end of its second year will be less than 1 per cent of the eopIe inhabiting Europe. It is even comforting, and one will prefe to think of it statisti cally, saying that though actually the wastage of life is staggering relatively it is not so. But to destry out of a whole popu lation 1 per cent of the strongest man hood may have, is almost bound to have, consequences which cannot be expressed statistically at all. The people now surviving in the world are the progeny of but an extremely small fraction of the number living a few generations ago. There is a constant elimination of the less adaptive or a running out of the unchosen lines which have not the qualities naturally preferred for perpetutation. This process has been thought to account for perhaps 5 per cent of each gener ation. Thus, one does not have to go back many generations to find the apex of the existing racial structure. Consider, therefore, the consequences to the future of marking at any time! even 1 per cent of the population for oremature destruction and of selecting ior mis tare, as war does, the most virile part of that population. When you think of it in that way, the per centage which in the present seems so small multiplies itself rapidly into the iuture ot the race, and causes one to wonder whether the price the living generation will have to pay for this war is remotely comparable to the price posterity will pay. War makes a remorseless selection oi human material for its own pur pose and destroys it without taking ine irouoie even to count it, carefully. If the loss in this war is ever accurate ly determined, ;t will be the first ti me that has been done in the bistorv of warfare. Apparently human life, the essential kv. The boys had hired th team and Mr. Scronce was able to show he was an innocent party, so his ceam was released. The boys gave bond to ap pear at superior court on charge of transporting whisky John J. Ratchford, county merchant in Mountain Creek township, stated that no clew had been discovered that indicated the identity of the parties who robbed his store several night ago of more than $100 worth of merchan dise. Mrs. Jane Reinhardt "widow of Dan iel Reinhardt, was buried at St. Johns church in the country, Rev. Park er Holmes conducting the services She was 70 years of age and leaves several sons and daughters. Death oc current baturuav aiternoon. MASONIC NOTICE. Special communication of Hickory lodge No. 343 A. F. and A. M., Tues day June 20., 8 p. m. Two candidates Master Mason degree. Refreshments. Full attendance requested. L. C. FURMAN, Master. E. N. CARR, Secretary. 17-3t NOTICE OF DEPOSITION North Carolina, Catawba County, In the Superior Court, July term 191G. Sallie Haas vs. Wyatt Haas Notice Wyatt Haas, the defendant in the ibove entitled cause and who is a I non-resident of the State of North Carolina and has no attorney of rec ord, is hereby notified that, on the 30th day of June 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m., and thereafter, in the office of sa;d Chapman eBlew, a notary public in the Virginia Court House, in the City of Bristol, county of Washington Stae of Virginia, before the said Chapman Belew, a notary public the undersigned will take depositions of Geo. M. Warren, II. L. Baker, I. E. Stoffel, and others, to be read as evi dence for the plaintiff in the above en titled action, which is now pending in the Superior Court of Catawba County, State of North Carolina; and the said Wyatt Haas will further take notice, that if the taking of said depo- ltions is not begun and completed on the said day the same will be con tinued from day to day until complete. Ihe said Wyatt Haas is also here of the Superior Court of Catawba County, on the 10th day of July, 1916, in nis orrice in the court House, in material consumed in war. is the material it cares least about, by notified that the depositions to be it is impossible for instance, to know f.'.i.- t.acii.v wruu loss was in our own war will ht ononpd hw J T Sotr nWV "to-u m siciies. m ine uooks oi military history the knowledge re quires tor tacticians ics exact, as for example the strength of the opposing Newton, Catawba County, North Car forces in all the great battles, the ratio i; . ' " I11MU. ot mounted to foot forces the number of guns, and the proportion of officers killed but the actual cost in human life is left to be very roughly esti mated. It has been so down even to modern times, and will nrobablv be true of the present war. It is nart.lv for military reasons, of course that the belligerents report their casualties so impertectly. The German list is per haps the best, but has to be taken with By Self Plaintiff. and SALLIE HAAS Bagby, Attorneys for 4t-t. MIDDLE WEST SPRING OUTING. Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South. Will sell round trin tickets to Cin- reservations. France publishes no list ! cinnatl and Louisville tickets going at all .The Russian lists are incom- and returning on ree-ular trains WEDNESDAY", JUNE 21 1916 plete. Ihe Lnghsh report accurately the casualties among officers, but the agregate losses of al ranks are only oughly stated from time to time. The atest British statement shows a total Round trip fare from Hickory, N. C, to Cincinnati Ohio. $10-50 T.mii. i ville, $10.50. Limit to reach orie-inal of 26,304 officers lost since the hin-v ,3 polIU Deiore mmnight of July 1916. Tickets good in sleeping cars. Make your Pullman arrangements now and get space desired. ning ot the war. In the ten mare of Napoleonic wars the French lost 50,000 officers. Therefore in nineteen rnnntViu TTiki-1 rwl nl,. i... 1.. .t .- w.o "h.nv4 lumiu Has iosi more ok, j , than h f mn -,rt-;,...o .... . schedule. in ;;,:r; "r 'ir'1 Hickory 11:20 inai is a lerrme comparison From 1618 to 1905. eeov,lirwr Gaston Bodart's "Militar-historische Kriegs-Lexikon," the number of land battels in each of which mnv the ,000 men were engaged was 1.014 nn,i the number of sea battles 122; besides there were 490 seiges and 44 capitula tions. In these three centuries, there fore, there has been in man's adjust ments with his military event jn each sixty days. That seems almost to say that war is man's favorite occupation: at least that other kind of emotional enterprise has ciiageu mm course L. H. LESLIE Tailor Cleaning pressing. All kinds of alterations and repair work. Located up stairs over W. T. Sledge's store. Phone 190 Palace Barber Shop 5 Chairs 5. No long waits. All Iirst Class Workmen D. P. CLINE, Proprietor. Professional Cards &mtmmwiiiiiiiiimuwi'"""m Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuford's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS Office PhoHe 194, Residence 318-L. Office in Masonic Building. WHICH CLASS ARE 11 ihJi n i Fraternal Directory tittiwmmirmmrmr Hickorv Lodge, I No. 206, L 0. 0. F. I g Brother Odd Fellows invited. jj H Meets every Tuesday night, at jj H 7 :30 Degree work every meeting, m W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. i liiiin i Dr.Chas. L Hunsucker M D. Office over Shuford's Drug Store ! HICKORY, N. C. I Residence 825 lGtb Ave. Phone 92 Office 26 Hours 3 :30-5 p. m., 7-8 p. m. ! Calls answered at All Hours i THEHICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturers of all kinds of HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C. Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, o. U.A. M. Meets every Monday evening at 8:00 P. M. All visiting brothers cordially invited, (i. L. HUFFMAN Councilor M. G. CROUCH, Rec. Sec'y. S. C. Cornwell CIVIL ENGINEER Surveys, Plans, Estimates Office over Lutz Drug Store. A bank account lifts you out of the ordinary class, ai.-i you in the class with people who DO things people wh.. u. ting ahead in the world. Your bank account links you with Opportunity dess whom you will do well to keep in with. $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT. irst Nati Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. onal Bank Hickory, .. Four Per Cent. Interest On .Saving Amount.;, r,.; pounded Quarterly. I J' Hickory Camp No. 80 w. o. w. Meets every Friday night at 8:00. All members request ed to attend. Visiting Soverigns Invited. B. A. MILLER, Clerk Jos. L Murphy, Jr. Attorney at Law Over Moretz-Whitener Cloth ing Company. Special Attention to Collec tion of Claims. Dr. Ia Wood DENTIST OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO Flagler's 9th Ave. Market If it's a nice tender roast a select cut of steak some thing in meat that you know will be good call Flagler's. You will find we have fruits, vegetables, eggs, but ter and chickens full line of hot weather foods. Fleischmann's Yeast. Fresh all the time. Try Valdese Bread if you don't want, to bake these warm days. FLAGLER'S MARKET 'WE ARE ON THE JOB' Phone 144 :!!!!IIIUII!!IIIIUII!!II!!I! J. Gaither Bonniwell ARCHITECT ELLIOTT BILDING HICKORY N. C. g mmttmmnrmmm Marcus E. Hull, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Palmer School Graduate OFFICE HOURS 3:.J0 to 5:30 and 7 to 8 P. AL Consultation and Analysis Free Thirteenth Street A Jo .-. b !,' is a thin thing for a man to have between him and he The merchant advertises to jst. people to spend monf-y is different, he advertises to get people to save mm y them for doing it. Spending is a habit. So is saving. The first is easily acquired, while the second is r.. We invite you to try the second, and deposit a : ni: in our Savings Department every week where it will . pounded interest if left three months or longer, ami , your call at all times. Yours to serve, Hickory Banking & Trust Co. "THE PEOPLE'S BANK." 17 Oh II THE UNIVERSAL CAR The same strong, serviceable Ford tar hut at n lower price. Prices lower than ever Hutv,tnwA ;.;::su; louring Car $440; Town ( ar $040, f. o. b., Detroit. i)n s;iie at Hickory Garage Co, ELLIOTT BUILDING i ' ( N K wttmtwnamm:mmtttmt:M: m; ' Dr. E. L. Shuford, Jr. VETERINARIAN. Headquarters A. S. Aber nethv and Sons Stable. Office phone No. 256. i. -.-silence phone 51. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N. C. MAXIMUM SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE The Summer School For Teachers-June 1 3 -July 28. (Write for complete announce ment.) ABLE FACULTY COMPLETE CURRICULUM MODERATE RATES CREDIT COURSES DELIGHTFUL ENVIRON MENT EXCURSION RATE TICKETS The Su.amer Law School June 15-August 25. Regular session Opens Sep tember 14. Students who expect to enter for the first time should com pete their arrangement as early as possible. r See Us for Good Printing R. W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. a A A 1 .-i . Lv Asheville 2:55 p. Ar Cincinnati 8:10 a Lv Hickory 11:20 a. Ar Asheville 2:40 p, Lv Asheville 2:55 p, Ar Louisville 8:40 a. For further information, wreti.3p roi iurcner information, write or call on undersigned, W. B. Souther land agent, Hickory, J. H. Wood, D. P. A., Asheville. m. 4:32 p. m. m. 8:00 p. m. m. 8:30 p. m. m. 10:35 a. m. m. 4:32 p. m. m. 8:00 p. m. m. 8:30 p. m. m. a. m. PILLS BEST FOR LIVE Because they contain the ! liver medicines, no matter how bitter or more where its toll sequences . the further - " ul i'"?nfir ior tne sweet suijar coat constant tht Zwir . .. l?s the taste. Dr KinVs fore, there ,sbnn : fn U:;r L' ? ft.odienta i ' ' I vj. ii JL I M - UPr lirAVbni New that move thtf nc nausea. n. u I : , upon human ilfe and the coZ Cf" " 1' es enta ed tW,.!,,, ' T, V. "r- BPe. nc 1 terity, the human affair has been tend! ' K wTm? 0"i & 5"? 0f.Dr n.r t ;, ...., 4u . n urul- K.ngs New Life Pills and notiee hnvo ,a sl0Wiy. much better you feel 25c at 1 r i J Are a Woman? J k ire . r s Be Woman's 1m I I FOB SALE AT ALL DBUGSfSTS I DR. aLFBH W. OSJLA h. t SftCIALIST 0Mbhl'O SEE BETTER igfip . SEE BOlfi fao&' 17 Year's Experience Olasses Pitied Exclusively MARTIH BLOCK, LENQSB, SC if you K..t it fro,,, i!nu it's AuSr W.V'-CIl I'Al'KU FOR DATK8. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP r. jvi. luuMfSUN, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered, 1032 14th street Hilra tm ' n Next to First Buildin & Loan office. itrtnfii XI tf- v-r - tt uictv SERVICE; SHORT niS2 fUArnisl FLRAL RESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Company. Cut Flow er3 any time. "j VMTNEU Sk MARTIN FRESH BY EXPRESS We have just received fresh by express, a lot of Jacob's and RusselPs Candies. DON'T FORGET THAT BOX TONIGHT GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists X. X I II II 1. r 1 I I.M V 'UH ' I 1 I ON 7T1E CORNER' J. R Elliott. President and Treasure J. Worth Elliott. V. IT ""'i'i-i, oecretary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. Pne oranSionTT11- Eates furnished h,erf:: or gamzation anc best equipped contractors in the South. HJCKORY.N.C Clines' Barber Shop venu opposite Postoffice Steam Heat. Una. ami ru . . ' x uu ana Shower Baths, Erery thing New. San itary and Up-to-Date. , : - iwiin snare, neat hair-cut or any kind of Censorial work vnu will tiMil .. . t . Atot frc.e. ""excelled. ' i t UiJ A IKIAli M. E. CLINE r-- I- , : DO YOU NEED quet sets, etc Eock,M' fttee, cots, matresses .r- Shuford's Furniture Store Want Ads in the Record bring Results