nil DAY EVENING HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE THREE i v II L u luiv ar t'v Look in Your Mirror after we have fitted you with passes and you will be pfeas ih! with the uttretive ap pearance. The reason is that in fitting-Masses I not only supply right glasses to cor rect the optical defects, but a. so to suit the features. Patrons are coming a long ways, even from other states to ge the benefits of this splendid optical service. 'i( J.., L"7ws W a! Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Registered OotometriRt. h Inspector for Southern and C. und N. W. Railway. ::::::: :;w:?,.naaatttrttttHillIMM,IM,111UiiU jj ANNOUNCEMENT -Fall Millinery Opening j Advance Designs; Exclusive Models; jj The Season's Best Products. SEPTEMBER 20TH AND 21ST. Miss Mary Rosebrough. V;:::::::::;;;::::::::::::m::mmn8 Fall Millinery Opening, Wednesday and Thursday, September 20th and 21st V. Mrs. W. R. Beckley, "Milliner of Style."-. CHAS. M. STIEFF. Waroroons for the Popular Stieff Pianos, are located at 219 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. V.- carry in stock Pianos of different makes at most a v j.iicf. Makes no difference where you live we y u a piano. V. for Catalogue and prices. r. a; iwiJ As Busy As A Bee! . .' !!'. I!RY Ice, of course. Why? Because it works 1 j)ull!n. constantly for your comfort, health and .:v'.y, it is the one mainstay you have in practicing economy .. . ir household tf:enses, for, it enables you to buy in lare , " titii-.s at a less cost. i v.c not entirely correct? Hickory Ice & Coal Co. Phone No. 261 luafta Fireless Cookers Why not make the work of the home lighter by providing an i.jy way of preparing a meal? An.l "Meal Fireless Cooker" will accomplish this. Come in and t in show you. You look at them before you buy and back of them is our laianty of Quality. J. W. Shuford r::;:;:iti vnttMitttttttmtmtmmttimmtmffltmmmiltttttl n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 HMt School Books and Supplies. All School Books will be Cash to Everybody this Year. We carry a full line of pencils, tablets, book bags, rulers, inks and all supplies for the school. Come in and look them over. THE VAN DYKE SHOP wdelVr. Meet me!at the Book Store. Pasti ime Universal Pictures Today The Youth of Fortune A Red Feather Feature with Carte De Haven and All Star Casts. This is a Red Feature in 5 parts. White Pine Cough Syrup With Tar. Excellent for Coughs, Colds and Grippe. Price - - - 25c Cold Tablets Guaranteed. 25c a Box. Lutz's Drug Store, 'Phones 17 and 317 On the Corner. S tn;nu:;tin?mi:iiiiiimmminmuiiiumt ! V: Baseball ;miiiiiiii:iiiiiiiimiiii:iin: STANDING OF CLUBS National Won. Brooklyn 79 Philadelphia 77 Boston 75 Jew York 68 'ittsburg 63 Chicago 62 it, Louis 60 Cincinnati 53 American Lost. Pet. 54 .593 54 55 62 72 76 78 86 .583 .576 .523 .467 .449 .430 .381 Won. Lost. Pet. Boston 78 Detroit 80 Chicago 79 New York 72 3t. Louis . 73 Cleveland 68 Washington 68 .'hiladelphia 30 58 60 60 60 67 67 67 .573 .571 -g68 .545 .521 507 504 105 225 RESULTS YESTERDAY American At Detroit 2; New York, 4. At Cleveland 9; Philadelphia At St. Louis 6; Boston 1. At Chicago 6; Washington 5. National At Philadelphia 3; St. Louis 5. At New York 3; Cincinnati 1. At Boston 0; Chicago 2 (llinnings), At Brooklyn 3; Pittsburg 2. Jesse Pemeroy, the famous "lifer" vho has spent forty years in solitary confinement in the Massachusetts ;tate prison, has never talked through telephone, heard a phonograph, or seen an electric car or automobile. Society Mrs. C. L. Mosteller and two chil dren are spending the week-end at Baker's mountain. Mr. E. L. Shuford, Jr., left yes terday afternoon for Kansas C!ty, Mo., to enter school. Subscribe to the Record. Faculty Recital The faculty of Lenoir College will give a recital Monday night at S o'clock, to which the public is cor dially invited. o Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kege and child of Lexington, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Watson, left today for home. Mr. Hege is a manufacturer of upholstery. o Miss Allen Entertains Miss Mary Allen was hostess to the Do-As-You-Please club yester day afternoon. Eight members were present iand Misses Adejaiwe Johnston, Virginia Allen, Grace Pat rick and guest, Mae Lunden of Charleston, S. C, were charming guests. After a pleasant hour the hostess served refreshments. Miss Emma Bonner will have the next meeting , of the club. o Embroidery Club Yesterday afternoon the initial meeting of the Embroidery club was held with Mrs. T. L. Stevenson. Mesdames G. W. Hall, T. R. Walsh, T. H. Setzer, Miss Mabel Little, Mar garet McComb and guest , Mildred MeCubbins of Salisbury as guests added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. During the work hour Miss Mc Cuilins delighted with several piano selections. Delicious two course re freshments were served before ad journmefcit. i o Mrs. Grimes Hostess Yesterday afternoon Mrs. R. A. Grimes delightfully entertained six tables of auction. Mrs. C. M. Sher rill was awarded the prize for tne highest score and Mrs. M. H. Yount received the second prize for the next highest score. Refreshments m two courses were served after the (game. Mrs. Grimes' guests were Mesdames W. A. Hall, W. N. Martin, J. H. P. Cilley, Rov.ell Holt, J. L. Riddle, F. A. Abernethy, E. Bryan Jones, C; M. Sherrili, F. A. Henderson, Horace Lutz, F. P. Abernethy, Whitfield, James C. Shuford, V. X. Reid, E. Chadwick, J. H. Hatcher, M. H. Yount, George Yoder, Walker Lyerly, G. N. Hutton, E. L. Shuford, Bascom Bl'acjkwciWler ancj Bliss i; Amy and Julia Whc:?e? and Miss Luney of Savannah. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AGENCIES. We do not claim to carry everything, but what we do carry is of the best. Look over the following alphabetical list of agencies and you will see that we sell the well-known, Na tional advertised, guaranteed lines. It pays to buy goods with the manufacturers name and reputation stamped on them. 'Arrowhead" Hosiery "Bradley's" Sweaters "Centemeri" Kid Gloves "De-Bevoise" Brassieres "Enterprise" School Dress "Frolaset" Corsets "Gordon's" Silk Hosiery "Munsing's" Underwear "Novelty" Handkerchiefs "Omo" Dress Shields "Pine Tree" Silks "Quiterite" Coat Suits "Royal Worcester" Corsets "Star" Middy Suits 'Hur stleigh" Knit Goods "Toikle-de-Nord"Gingham "Ides" Sport Blouses "Jamestown" Woolens "Kitzenge s" Coat Suits "La-Porte" Woolens ' "Utz & Dunn" Shoes "Wilsons"Hose Supporters "Xtra" Size Coat Suits Yarns "FleishlerV Moonf.ight Picnic Thursday evening from 5 until 10 o'clock Messrs Donald and Sterling Menzies most delightfully entertained ten couples of Hickory's younger so cial set on a moonlight picnic and party. The young people went out to Catawba Springs where a boun teous supper was served. After spending two hours at the springs most enjoyable, Mrs. K. C. and Mrs. H. C. Menzies invited the couples to Mrs. K. C. Menzies home to a party where many enjoyable games were played, after which marshmal lows toasted and ghost stories wera told. (Boxes of candy and gum were passed to the guests. To complete the joy of the cccas ion, automobile rides were taken. Those enjoying Messrs Menzies hospitality were: Misses Annie Kil lian, Ailene Aiken, Vera Gibbs, Jessie Patrick, Katherine Allen, Rachel Pugh, Isabelle Morton, Doris Hutton, Frances Geitner, Helen Springs and Messrs. Clem and Jacob Geitner, Pat Wootten, Charles and Alex Menzies, Richard Boyd, Voorheis and Robert Garth. Mesdames K. C. and H. C. Menzies, made most excellent chaperones for the young people. The 5 and 10 Cent Store Is a good place to buy 5, 10 ana 25 cents Merchandise We specialize in these lines. Everything in 5, 10 aud 25c Goods W. L. & T. W. Boatright The 5 and 10c Store YOUNG RALEIGH BOYS CHARGED WITH HAZING Raleigh, Sept, 15t Warrents have been issued against five young men of Raleigh charged with the haz ing Sunday night of G. V. Tiencken of Wilmington, a freshman at the A. and M. College. The offense alleged against them is that mey put Fresh man Tiencken on the floor and beat Jhim w'ith dippers. This occurred in a college dormitory Sunday night. The warrants against the five men, Joe Chamberlain, Drewy Sale, Maury Parker, Geo. Monk and Kenneth Smith have not all been served, but the charge is simple assault. The lhese boys, some of them, from the most prominent people here, are not students but fellows too young to enter school. The defendants, Monk and Sale were allowed to go on ttiew own recognizance. SAYS SOLDIERS EXPECT TO GET ORDERS SOON Mr. Donald Shuford, a member of Company A, has arrived in the city from Camp Glenn to spend five days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shuford. He said the men were expecting to receive orders at any time ca.ling them to border service and he was given a furlough w'th the understanding that he would re turn on the first train after receiving a wire announcing the date of en training-. Everybody was renoiaec well at camp. 1 11111111711 i a TRY A RECORD WANT Music's Recreation Edison's New Diamond Disc Phonograph. This machine recreates the most perfect human voice or replays any instrument with master hand and fills the humblest home with the finest melody that genius can provide.' Let Us Place One in Your Home." Satisfaction Guaranteed. Hickory Drug Co. Agents The REXALL Store Telephone 46. Just a Woman New York Evening World. Jeff Nutt, the comedian, went home at 10 o'clock last night and his w fe became ill. Refusing to believe it was his early appearance that caus ed the trouble, Jeff asked her what was wrong1. ''I guess it's something I ate," re plied Mrs. Nutt. "What did you eat?" "Some pickles and ice cream and then I drank some beer." Jeff called a doctor and soon after he arrived, Mrs. Nutt became uncon sc'ous. She remained in that condi tion several hoursJ but finally re sponded to treatment and opened her eyes. As soon as she was able to talk she summoned Jeff to her be side. "Jeff, she said, "I know what made me "What was it," he asked? ''It was that carb salad I ate," re plied Mrs. Nutt. ''Pictorial Review" patterns, "Sichers" Muslin Underwear, This is only a parti al list of advertised line that we carry. Let Us Show You. THOMPSON-WEST COMT. "The Ladies Store" RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT It is with deep sorrow, that we, the members of Piedmont Council, No. 43 Junior Order United American- Mechanics, record the passing away, on August 23rd, of Mrs. Viola Lentz, the wife of one of our most esteemed brothers. Ror many months she was a pa tient sufferer, but her sweet spirit, her befciut.ful christian cmaracftter and her resignation to the will of God were an inspiration to all who visited her. Therefore, be it Re solved : First, that while we feel our broth er's great loss, we bow in humble submission to the will of an all-w;se Father. Second, that we desire to extend our heartfelt sympathy to our broth er, the parents of the deceased, and all those near and dear to her. Thii'd. That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our, coun cil, a copy sent to the bereaved fam ily, and one, each, to our city papers. S gned: A RUDASILL, A. THOMASON, I. CALDWELL, i Committee. w G.' W. WILLIAM PATRICK WOOTTEN Whereas it has pelased the Al mighty to take away the father of our beloved brother, Geo. R. Wootten, Therefore be it resolved by Hick ory Lodge No. 206, I. O. O. F-, That in the death of Mr. William Patrick Wootten our brother has lost a rela tive, the place of which cannot be filled; Resolved, further, that we offer to the bereaved son and our brother, over whom sorrow has hung her sabie mantle, our heartfelt condol ence and pray 'that infinite goodness may bring speedy relief to his bur dened heart and inspirt in him the consolat'on that hope in futurity and faith in God given in the shadow of the tomb; Resolved, further, that a copy of these resolutions be presented to our brother and that they be presented to the Hickory Daily Record for pub lication. J. O. RHODES, T. E. ODUM, W. I. CALDWELL, Committer Hickory Manufacturing Company, Hickory, North Carolina. Manufacturer of SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY Send us your plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Prices ttmttffintttnnt "THE SANITARY WAY" PHONE 190 Clothes Altered. Cleaned, Pressed, Dyed and Repaired CITY PRESSING CLUB No More Doctor Bills when you replace the old stove with Cole's Original Hot Blast Because It Gives Even, steady heat day and night with little attention, instead of the hot and cold changeable results of the old stove. The sizzling base heat makes floors warm and comfortable for the baby. A warm breakfast room and early mornh.g comfort by simply opening the hot blast fuel-saving draft on the coal put in stove the night before. Cleanliness and fire-holding re sults not excelled by any base burner selling at twice its price. These results give healthy, rosy cheeks to the children and happy hearts to the parents. Besides all this, the guaranteed fuel saving soon pays for the stove. Burns any fuel hard coal, soft coal or wood. If you have an eye for comfort and economy you will come in today. "Cole's Hot Blast Makes Your Coal Pile Last' Avoid Imitations Look for Cola' on Feed Door Shuford Hardware Company U5F SmmmHmmimmumiHn nuvnmmmttmmtmmtxmnmmmmmmtm