Hickory Daily BSl VVV J II 1 A II IJ II. NO. 14. COMBLES NOW BY FRANCO-RRITISH MEN Struggle for Bapauirad Peronne Made E by Capture of Y & Position Germans Caught in Narrow Pocket That is Swept by Fire Many Killed in Raid. (By Associated Tress.) j London, Sept. 26. The Br tish have' i ntered Combles on the Somme front,1 the war office announced today, and arc overcoming tne us ance ox .he Germans.. Combles, a town of some 2,000 in habitants, has been rendered of all strategic importance to the ailies on amount of being encircled by their lines for weeks. It has been of service to the Ger mans, however, because as long as they held on to it it has hampered the Franco-British advance towards Bap- .,,mi,v n-' u 1 v u j-.J " " v ,y n.-.u.n-a u.v UA o me 'vmmi ,,r ,m r ruuw.y navng surrour.Hn me piace auer a strug- .r i .' of many weeks' duration and now, arc engaged in occupying it. A'f.i.'k ng - ops hmo from the north British j forcd their way into ! pl:uv, Lordon announces. Oi the south the French rc'irhr'l the town's edge and have have! . .. j inru'tratt'tl die cemetery. In audi- on i ney naver urtner closed i hey the i -ivi'l'i pening left in the Combles p..'ket left by the village of Fergie- Tb.' Combles salient, doggery mn nt:;ned by the Germans, has long ! .) a serous hindrance to the ai rs hampering thrn in their offen- vc toward Dapaume and IVrnvio. !n ollm'nation seemed imminent yes- r iay after the advance of the Fran- ..mih forces carried them beyond roruli!y. Their artillery is now over h si s of it, leaving only a gap. matfered and they are l'kewise out- r"i n",? hn'f n w'dth swept by . -r rf th ir- ih . . , ,. . " , h h Germans must retreat. i K. riM .'r -nped in last night's Zep-j i!r' p'r ra' ' or. London carried out by .-o'lv In If !-ath of 20 a:-.:v!nei s. !o:ei craft iuieri th Pos? Peace i3 more dltncult. in'-y .to.tn cratt caused theJ1,e fif?hting in the hope that some- persons, London today! thing will happen some peace move- l ment in the United States, some groat battle on the trouble between the all es and neu .,f tf u rials, that will save them from those tn at its height, the minimum terms P gut attacked the t Mr VWlla thinWa the allies will in- I ren ; line at Verdun, driving in'be-lsist for Beltrum, restoration indemnity 'iv TlrTumont wood and Fleu-!nfI a rectified frontier for France, nf tu ren D:a - i Alsace-Lorraine and free navigation ran nf, the Meuse Paris an- of 1he Rh5re; for Russm, Constanti-r-.uiicci today that the French art:!-; norjie an, Armen'a. a dismemberment 'h'ckH tho attack. 3 A t.!g picn'c dinner and speaking ,11 feature Saturday at the three unty corners, and besides the edibles rl music by a brass band, there II lie addresses on the campaign v such notables as Representative . ' -lib. Mr. .1. I). Elliott and Mr. W. . Frmster. The speaking wiil be !. at U o'clock and the dinner will served at noon, "n Saturday night Mr. Feimster i ! spe-nk "ii thrJ issues of the cam- a t'i tJemocrats in Hickory. S ,? inlay week. Mr. O. Max Gard : ' She'by, I'emocratic candidate 'r I .'jU'-'inn' governor, will deiiver in fuMre-ss here. IN MEMOKIAM h aisisiing at the funeral of Mal '''im Gordon McKenzie, little son of Mr. and Mr, Malcolm McKenzie of West Hickory on Sept. 11, I perform 1 i no of the saddest duties that falls " a pastor. The child was bright, sweet, strong, full of promise, and n y three years old February 8, and t was he-ar-breaking to see the par ents lay down the earthly hope that i brought such love-fill'ng joy, and gn themselves and their remain- - child to tho loneliness brought 'ih.it smali grave. But amid the tu, ... .... I .1 - At.. . .I.... HAM llA wc. imuc wicm urtvv num n. xhauu ble fulness of God, whose 'on meet every human woe, r aring the g'rief and purifying heart and keeping each dayy our irt. in hi, lovn .1 G. GARTH, i I 01 AND SPEAKING COUNTY CORNERS Former Circuit Court Clerk Overton Arrested for Murder in Alabama (By Associated Press.) Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 26. Da i'l T. Overton, former e'reuit court ' ;' rk of Madison county, La., wanted 1 the murder of W T. Lawler of " intsvil e in Huntsville June 14, last, ' 1-y was arrested by detectives in i hville, Tenn., it was anounced ! n' Overton has been m'ssing f' h's home since June 17 when " body of Judge Lawler was found 'n tho Tennessee river. Within the same week when Judge OCCUPIED asier SPAIN PROTESTS . (By Associated Press.) Madrid, Spain, via Paris, Sept. 26 The Spanish government has sent a ntfte to Berl;n protesting against the torpedoing of Spanish steamers by rubmor"nes. . ENGLISH PROPHECY Nashville Tennessean. I It. G. Wells, the English wrlt-:r nnc pub icist, has been traveling ex tensmly n the allied and neutral countr'es. Of course, he has been taking notes. It is his expressed opinion that the Germans will make a public official bid for peace before the year is out probab'y in Novem ber and that the al.ies will get the peace they want by next June. The factors in h's calculations are 'nteresting, whether we agree with them or not. Ir substance he says the central powers are bung beaten 1 n,-r tho Eastern, Western, Ital'an nru Balkan fronts. On the Somme , the Germans are entirely beaten in I the air. Their officers, as well as the mon nfo HtQniriforl arm cnrrwiritir niunit;oned. The calculation of the of the war s really a calculation of how long it will requ:re before Germany will accept the mintmum terms the allies will concede; the calculation of when they will pro- I of Austria in the interests of Italy, Rouman;a, Poland and Jugoslava and the cession of Germany's lost colo nies. But even this will not be all the satisfaction insisted upon. There are collateral questions, such as the security of Britain at sea, and com pensation for sunken shipping and '.he I ke. Unt 1 certain military ends are achieved, Germany will cling to the hope of temporary success or some accident that will bring about normal intervention to save her from he full measure of the consequences he challenged in August, 1914. It is believed that the German de fenses on the great main fronts, east -"id west, are crumbl;ng and nearing the approach of rupture, which shouid not be later than November and that Germany will make the first of fer before the rupture, while she can till hope to hold Belgium and a part of industrial France. She will aiso hope to bring dissensions among the -Til--'. TJ- VW, crmTH-V"" think there may be a sort of Dutch auction of trie uerman proposals as 1917 opens. But I do not think that un til Sofia has been calied off, until the Russians are actually in Constanti nople, the French and English in Lor raine, the Italians over the Julian Alps and th Easlern allies near Vienna, Germany will come down to the hard rock of the terms we must have." We have become somewhat used to the war, and are not now so much exercised over its horrible details, but all are yet interested m its conclu s'on, and any sort of prophecy con cerning the end still appeals. It is hoped that peace can not be far off. We may add that the ma jority of the races of men will not ,.v. , , .v regret to see conuign (jumommiiv min.stered to tne VP decades lm&tlc&XJZllffnVn th s reign of terror, who went joyous- ly forth with burnished steel, army kitchens and ready made despots for Lawler met his death Huntsville was the scene of two suicides, said to have grown out of the murder. Shel- v ' . twsville attorney vine r.tasai., - killed himself by shooting, leaving , a note saying he had nothing to oo w th the murder. his aeatn w nilrtwed three daw later by the sui- ewifF Phillins of Madison! DJUC VI ,.. . - . ,.rVin Willed himself in the Madison iail. Pleasants is thought . . with the crime was not charged against either. TO GERMANY AGAIN HICKORY, N. C. T - ... i J- v. nun - , .Mr..,..iin i . iii ... gaw eaaa i i i CLASS Under the direction of Mr. L. L. Moss, contractor, about 20 memhers BUILDING ROOM AND LIBRARY of the Baraca class and their frienda ew3 are unjustified by the facts tine Moschopoulos, chief of staff of today began work on the two new:1.11 connect.on with the delay in open- resigned ac class rooms and library for the Ba- lnS Horseford bridge, three causes ine reeK army, has lesigned, ac- raca and Philaia classes of the over which Mr. G. li. Geitner has no cori ng to a Reuter dispatch from Methodist Sunday school. The na- contro1 contributing to the delay. Mr. Athens. He was generally reported ture of the work this morning was Geitner was called over the telephone to be fr endly to the cause of the al sueh. that the progress made did not coaay and toid of the reports the snovv mucn, DUt It was planned this afternoon to enclose the buildine nev. a. Li. Stanford, pastor, and Messrs. P. A. Setzer and A. M. West, teachers, aided in the construction. The day was featured at noon by a picnic d nner served in front of the church, the Phiialjheas contributing the food which in quantity and quality was all that could be desired. The Philatheas placed nearly every thing one could think of before the men, and ic seemed to the reporter, who was among those present, that the Philatheas did the best work of The spirit of the young men and the forenoon. women at work on their class rooms, as Mr. Stanford observed, was more important than aa the boards the men nailed. L IN AMERICAN LEAGUE (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Sept. 26. Boston's lead BOSTON NEARER OA in tie American Leaguef appeared took up the question of a ferry the drink of Mexico, is ordered by First a11 Rumanian attacks, but were with more secure today than at any time minute the weather cleared after the chief Carranza in a decree which drawr- according to army orders. during the season, as Chicago's clos- est rival. 2 1-2 same, away, haS oly - Shipment four more games to play. Detroit of material, the change in plans and has been virtually el'minated from the loss of stuff on the road have the championsh:p race. vexed him as much as anybody, but Boston has seven games yet to'!i10?euwho kn?w 1mucould n0t belieVC , .. , ' , that he would put the whole commu- play four with New York and three njtv to d'isadvantae-e to serve Wis with Philadelphia. The schedule be- tween the east and west has been played out and now games in each section win ciose up the season m their respective territory. No games A-ere to be played in the American League today. Brooklyn is being pushed .hard By Philadelphia for the leadership .n the National League, only one game separating them. AT LENOIR COLLEGE Football practice tat Ilenoir Col lege, the first in many years, drew about 50 men to the field yesterday afternoon, the young men being en thusiastic, buits will arrive next week and routine work will be done. FOOTBALL PRACTICE A game probably will be played . states of the uniori have special stat Ihis fall and it is expected to put out utes permitting troopB to vote when a team next year. SAYS VILLA WASN'T AT CHIHUHUA CITY (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 26 Confiden tial offic'al advices, it was anounced today at the state department, show that Villa was not present at Chihua hua City, that no arms or ammunition were captured by the bandits, and that there were no desertion from the Carranza garrison. IN JERSEY RRIMARY (By Associated Press.) T.rm Rranrh V C. $5ort. 9 ft President Wilson left here today for Princeton to vote in the Democratic primary. He was accompanied by Mrs. Wilson. The president expects to return this afternoon to keep an engagement with Samuel Seabury, Democrat c nominee for governor of New York. (By Associated Press.) i vr v o. net. c; me6!? ZL$ !teamver f"V7 511.rT- ti:'w"c".-: yesterday. It was learned when three vessel luuiiuci cu in uaac vn ml . j l,afJ -f W- Ma1,. 1 V i:urtt ed here m a lifeboat. The men said their ship encountered a violent storm and was overwhelmed by the violent seas. (By Associated Press.) Princeton, Sep(t. 26j President Wilson came to his old home here today to vote in the New Jersey primary. He motored over at . 11 J.clock remained long enough to, oast his ballot. The president ur understood to have favored Attorney General Westcott for senator over Senator Mart'ne, but he did not make public the way he voted. fallen nations, as for a holiday who AA All to willinsr to make pros- afA fuo "oiiflPM fll fllAV roil Id Ka" 4Viav HftAi thir faces out of I the dust. RESIDENT VOTING TUESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 26, 1916 DELAY IN BRIDGE FAULT E The complaints of aome Caldwell people as reported in the Lenoir r PPr saiu were oeiujf tucu- , lated .n caidweil county. . . l : 1 i J n j.o Lne peopie wno Know me, air, Geitner sa.d, "there is no need to make expanauon, but for the bene fit of tnose who do not know me, it should be expia.ned why the deiay in opening the bridge has occurred, '"l ne pians of Engineer Fall is were changred, a different kind rods be.ng spec. tied from the origin - al plans Th.8 took up a week. Then it required a lot 01 time to lind a concern that would make the rods and when a KnoxviUe factory took the contract, it failed to execute it in prompt time, another delay of two weexs occurring. The rods were shipped 11 days ago and have been on tne road ever since. ''Ordinar.ly a shipment from Knox ville arrives in H.ckory in four days, but. this carload has not shown up. The railroad has sent tracers from both sides and the rods are expect ed to turn up any day." Mr. Geitner sa.d the correspondence is all on file in his office and wiil speak for itself. Re would like to show it to anybody who iS interested. It will take about three days to com plete the br.dge after the steel ar rives, Mr. Geitner thinks. Mr. Geitner being best equipped, flood and it was through his energy .(! A " J i . 1. personal ends. The Lenoir News said it: did not believe th s either, but re ported rumora m aidweli- TAR HEEL TROOPS CAN'T VOTE ON BORDER Raleigh; Sept. 25. Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the supreme court, in a statement answered numerous inquiries, expressed the view that there is no law under which the North Carolina" guardsmen now being trans ported from this state to the Mexi can border can vote in the November election. A state statute under wh'ch the civil war North Carolina troops vot ed out of the state was limited as to being in force simply to the t"me peace was decided between the Con federacy and the United States. The chief just ce says numbers of other ever on duty, and some even allowing NO HER (raveliner men to vote by ma.l from!,,,, , t, ,r . , , other states. He adv.sed that the legislature should provide for future voting of North Carolina troops this winter, but this will not cure impend ng ds-, franchisement of about 3,200 guards- men now leaving the state for the Mexican border in the event they are not returned to the state before elec tion day MARKETS COTTON FUTURES (By the Associated Press) New York, Sept. . 26. The cotton market was comparatively quiet during today's early early trading. The gen eral list sold six to eight points net higher. The market closed steady. Open Close October 15.80 December 16.12 15.83 1612 ?ry 16.18 March 16.43 May 16.51 HICKORY MARKETS Wheat $1.40 Cotton 15 CHICAGO WHEAT Chicago Sept: 2lmeat prices developed fresh strength today after - , .L . -: i . Vn(i"r" "Vf. T'o wn cn rangeu irora 72 uwune tu 0-0 advance wiih December at 1.54 d-4 , , cc , 0 , . 1 KA , . Z:?0X:"? ZtSL,Z " miiMiinnniiminiimiK THE WEATHER ,.l,,i,(lllInmi''tMwtrt-t mmm i gmAUiauu;t;;tnrma...UUXU8im? For North Carolina : Fa.r tonight and Wednesday. Warmer in extreme west portion tonight, gentle variable winds. COMPARATIVE WEATHER Sept. 25 1916 1915 IWnvmnm 81 81 Minimum 46 47 Mean 68 64 B CHIEF DF STAFF ! GREEK ARMY RESIGNS (Bv AssoeiatpH Prfss.xi London, Sept. .26 Gen Constan- TOBACCO IN PHILIPPINES (By the Associated Press) Manila, P. I., Sept. 26 In line with the insular government's plan to stimulate the production of belter tobacco ir. the Phil opines, a tobacco of testing stat on is soon to be estab 1 lished in the Cagayan valley, 'thecen- Iter ot the tobacco growing industry of the island. This is only one of manv steps following the dispatch of A. B. Powell, chief clerk f the internal re ciiui. bureau, to the United States. to embark on an advertis'ng cam paign to boost the sales of Philippine cigars in the homeland. REGULATION SPIRITS ORDERED IN MEXICO (By Associated Press ) Mexico Citv. Sent. 26. St.rino-pnt. regulation of the manufacture and sale of pulque, the principal stron-' has just been promulgated The be- verage is made from the juice of the maguey cactus. The new reg ulations double the tax on the bring ing of pulque into towns, and requ res manufacturers of it to record with proper authorities and details concern ing their business. The decree provides that no fac tories may be established more than forty kilometers from the town in which the product is to be sold. This is to insure that the pulque arrives quickly and in good condition. Should the product spoil in process 01 lermenitrf on,,' he -mamf ad.l.irer must notify the authorities and estab lish that it has been thrown out or used to make alcohol. It is provided that the maguey lands also must be used to raise oth er agricultural products as well as maguey. Infractions of these regulat!ons w'll be punished bv a fine of ten times the amount of the taxes or the factory may be ciosed. IS WORKING ON PEOPLE (By Associated Press.) zo. rormer rremier venizeios, who is on his way to the Island of Crete, is expected to arrive at Suda Bay on the north coast of that island thi , . even jig or early tomorrow, proceed ng hence to Kamanea to address a proc- lamation to the people of Greece stat- ing his reasons for leaving Athens and summon'ng King Constantine to head a movement for putting Greece nto the war. It is thought this evening's cabinet will decide to drop two members of the present ministry. HUGHES IS GREETED BY (By the Associated Press) Toledo, Sept. 26. Chas. E. Hughes reached Toledo in a pouring rain to- VENIZELOS BUSY RAIN T 16.19 day. made short speeches at an au 1635 tomobile factory and in a Valentine 16 51 i-heatre, and lafc after a stay of three ana a nan nours nere. TO BEGIN The West Hickory graded school, o'iwith Mr. J. B. Prurtt as principal, t wi11 Pnnvp,1A Mondav i will convene Monday for the fall term and every pupil is urged to be present on the open ng day. Mr. Sherrlll was principal last year. Oth er teachers this year are Mr. Miller and Misses Flowers, Stevenson, John son and Hannah. OFF FOR EL PASO (By Associated Fress.i Morehead City, Sept. 26. The sec ond reg'ment North Carolina nation al guard, entrained today for border duty at El Paso, Texas. HiCKORY SCHOOL f ccnnKin DrniMCWT OLUUilU ULUilTILMI INTEREST IS INCREASING IN GOOD ROADS IN STATE Lovelady Township, Burke County, Soon to Get Out of Mud Other Localities to Follow Ex ample of Icard Iredell Roads Being Made Fine Popular for Tourists. RFD IM AflMITQ SUCCESSES . j OF ALLIES (By Associated IVe i.) Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, Sept. 26. Successes were achieved by the Anglo-French forces on the Somme front last night north of Fleurs, says the German official statement issued today. The conquest on the villages on the line of Guedecourt and Bouehaves nes, the statement adds, must be recognized. T? 11 TY1 O V " Q V stsM-t lnvn "ovc occu Pieo tne neights on both sides of Szerdulka and Vulcan passes in Tran- svlvania- German troops repulsed I Russ'an troops yesterday made sue- cess:ve attacks in strong force against Luc lusiiu-uerman positions in uaii cia, but the attacks failed under the heaviest losses for the Russians "U A .- . i . , B FINE PIECE OF LAND In adidtion to the purchase of the St. Paul's seminary bu Iding and a lot 200 x 200 feet, which -will be used for church purposes, Rev. J. E. Barb, pastor of the congregation, has negotiated a trade for the parsonage on the seminary grounds in exchange for his residence a block east and another JhouCe on Twenty-second street. Mr. Barb's lot in the seminary grounds will have a frontage of 303 feet and a depth of 328 feet, being one of the prettiest pieces of prop erty in the city. Mr. Barb purchas ed the realty from Messrs. Buchanan and Campbell. PRESIDENT HERTY TO BIG CHEMISTS (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept 26 The great mportance of chemistry in the util ization o-F mir national rMnnrces nraa ' BAR PURCHASES the theme of speakers today at the'forces' according to reports received onvention of the American Chemi-! today at field headquarters beFeved al boeiety and the National Asso- c ation of Chem sts Dr. Chas. H. Ilerty of the Univer s ty of North Carolina, president of he American Chemical Society, was among the speakers today. HOLD FIRST SESSION ATLANTIC CITY MONDAY (By Associated New London, Sept. f the Mexican-American joint com mission decided today to hold their last session here Thursday when they ill adjourn until Monday to hold their first conference in Atlantic City. Mr. Paul Deillnger of Detroit is in i the city. Whitman Will Calling Legislature to Handle New j York Strike (By Associated Press.) New York, trpt. 26. Governdr Whitman has promised to meet here th's afternoon a committee represent- ng state legislators to hear their request for a special session of the legislature to deal with the situa tion resulting from a threat of a strike Wednesday morning in sym pathy with the street car men. Chiefs and officers of the American j Federat on of Labor and one of the I directors of the strike movement, clamed today that assurances had been received by the labor leader that' Price Two Cents Hope that the Central highway will be a sand-clay road from the moun tains to the coat before another yen? has passed is justifd by the in terest taken in roads in this section durlrg the past few months. An iminer.je am our t of work is being dc :e, road Imr rc ement will start in Icard tc .--.-.ship, Burke county, and bonds will be viled on in Lovelady township Saturday. Greatest enthusiasm is reported in Lovelady township, where Saturday a largely attended meeting was held n the interest of a bond issue of $50,000 for good roads. Ieard town ship on the east already has taken the initiative and Silver Lake town ship, which adjoins McDowell coun ty, is getting active. These two townships are all that stand in the way of a good highway from the Catawba line west. In Catawba township. Catawba county, the roads are not improved, but progress'vec itizens there are in terested. The question will not be taken up until after the general elec tion in November, but with nolitics out of the way the advocates of roads will have the right of way. Iredell county is making the road from the river at Catawba sand-ay and in a few weeks this will be a good highway. Just now this b 't of -road "s pretty rough, but once all the grad ing is done and the top soil placed, a few rains occur and the road dragged once or twice, it will be as good as any in this section. When a few townships take favor able action, as they undoubtedly will in a few months, the whole of the Cen tral highway will be a fine p'ece of road. Eventually the road from Hickory Blowing Rock, Linville Falls and Black Mounta:n, thanks to the pro gressive citizens of Loveb.dy town ship, Caldwell county, will be an im portant link in thfc chain of good highways in this sect'on and with the 3'owing Rock turnpike kept in good repa'r, tourists will find that route a most interesting one. There is.t no doubt that this sec tion of North Carolina, owing to its splendid climate and colorful moun tains, will be a popular resort for tourists from all over the country. villaroute TO (By Associated Prest.) Field Headquarters, Mexico, by radio to Columbus, N. M Sept. ; 26. Villa and his band are moving to wards the American expedit;onary rel able. Villa is reported to have crossed the Northwestern Railroad, 25 miles southwest of Chihuahua City, after a skirmish between his men and Carranza troops. TREAT CIVILIAN CASES ; (By Associated Press.) j . Paris, Sept. 26. British surgeons j have treated 16,000 cases" and per- HEM FORCES j former 463 operations on civilian pa tients in the zones of their arm'es in Presi.) j France since the beginning of the 26. Members : war. They had not only to treat all the currert ills of the region but were reouire!- to combat the ep:demics that fellow war Al! the inhabitants of the British zone were vaccinated a ga'nst typhoid and special hospitals were created for children. A considerable number of civilians onnded by shell fire also required their attention. Consider 260,000 workers will quit work to morrow morning. A convention of the national and ''nternationa'l union, having repre setatives here, and representative's of local trade unions are to" meet to consider the situation. D'sorder broke out during the early hours today. According to the po 1'ce a southern elevated train was bombarded with sticks and thrown from roof tops by stones strikers fcnd sympathizers. Three glasses in a street car were broken out by missiles hurled by mobs.

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