Hickory Daily ECORB VOL. II. NO. 26 HICKORY, N. C.TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER) 10, 1916 Price Two Cents TRANSATLANTIC SHIPPING SCARED OF SUBMARINE Disappearance of German Undersea Boat and Secrecy Attending Movements Do Not Allay Business Insurance Rates Advanced Sharply in New York. GERARD RETURNS PRESIDENT NOW DOLLAR DAY ISTO TO UNITED STUDYING ANNOUNCED STATES FACTS PROPERLY 1 (By AssociatedPress.) Long Branch, Oct. 10. Nearly 3,000 copies of the Hickory President Daily Record, containing nearly ten (By Associated Press.) Now York, Oct. 10 A day and v night without further news of the , U-": has not quieted anxiety in ship ping Circles caused by the raid of the (icrmnn submarine off Nantuck et, If anything the disapearance of tho submarine and the secrecy at tend ng her movements has tended to make shipping more uneasy. Exporters here say the submarine raid and the consequent advance of insurance rates on transatlantic , transporta-tlion amounting' in some cases to 500 per cent, will check ship ments from New York, to European ports. Word was received from New Orleans that insurance on vessels from that port had been suspended and dispatches from o'ther ports in, dicate that insurance rates had been rharply advanced. There was talk of an embargo on "foodstuffs. TWO U UN BY RUSSIAN VESSEL (By Associated Press.) New York, Oct. 10 James W. uerard, American ambassador to , pagesot nve aaverusing matter, were Germanv nnnn fcic QrT.;,TQ Wa t - "a .wxe w- distributed ia-oUghout jtfciis whole Lrermany, upon his arrival here to- day tQ considering facts gathered by section Monday afternoon by a corn day declined either to affirm or de- the nayy department of the opera- mittee of merchants, together with a ny published reports that he was re- Uons of German submarines off the arie( of .literature on the Catawba turnine- to the United Stat.ps minion of riia, fr hum rm.n American coast. ine present snut Dpliar Day will be celebrated here; miHon of rilaqe. for t)h3 German himself in his study. There is ev- Thursday, and thousands of men and enJPeror' ery indication that the presdent has 'women have scanned the Record's col- Mr. Gerard's attention was called received n0 information necessitating 1umns "d' h7.e, begun .making out to a story which appeared this morn- af,t5on hv the ATnerif.an ,nvftrnTnAnt f tiie 'articles they want to buy ing in the Wbrld that his errand Z ';am ua a. C, ' "-J LnaY.i ? I ine pitomcni uau kjii ins jjiugiam iu euect uiib.i a. in., ir.'us givjuj.; RESUME OPERATIONS SOUTH OF THE SOU ME British and French Prepare for Another Heavy Stroke Against GermansBig Battle Rages in East Serbians Successful in Greek Macedonia. was to Wfcrld inform the administration ton's v ponferenpps with SrrAtnrv people from a distance ample time to that a renewal of submarine opera- Lans:ng and the French ambassador j rech. tl?e1Pity . .. . t:ons was being considered in a mat- n t1A TTn, ?tntpC Mr- T ancina- , lt 1S behev;d that this Dollar Day, ... ... . -to the United estates. Mr. Lansing ,0 nnA Wj ; tv;o cpt;n f tv, any where in it. do vou?" I (By Associated Press.) Pi . f m i r I v iiuvctiuno uui iu tilt? tllli uaSoa viii lev uimt v& t a iiiviiuuj v v . 9. via London, Oct. 10 A Russian uor ov tne reporters who met him, torpedo boat yesterday sank two he replied: German submarines after the subma- "It is useless to question me boys, nnes had attacked a Russian wireless I cannot say a word ter that m:vht thwn h ... .6, secona neid in tnis section ot tne c u tt i 7 x I j . will not come to Long Branch un- state, will draw thousands of shop- of the United States. After reading tn late th-s afternoon pers to Hickory. Last fall many the article, Mr. Gerard said: j Tllp Vr(.noh amhassJ,r n r came- returns astisfied and for You don't see me quoted anv- i ii.- t. -j a t i weeks before the present event fwas MiiMi if- i.i.- i i i urn r rHKiimn i r-fii ni'uru i , announcea, scores oi persons wrote to Mr. Wilson on Polish rellf but merchants inquiring as to when the it was expected that the new Ge- next biS sale would be put on. man submarine activities would be - T weather promises to be good , for the event. If it is cool, so much discussed. :lhe bette, It was not believed that the AmerJ - UNITED STATES REJECTS NEW DICTUM (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 10 The United States has refused to accept the con tention of the entente allies urging that neutrals deny the use of tfieir harbors to ail submarines, whether ......U a 1 nr.. J mr -rv tit. ttt t 1 i. A nl -m ... a . . , icau guvciumciii wuuiu iaKe any un- ivir. ana mrs. n. w. Warner ana mercuant vessels waiuuipa, vuuu- station according to information re- 'The length of my stay here is med;ate action on the submarine ac- children, Ola and Robert have re-'clllor Polk of the state department ccMved here today from Petrograd. not determined; neither have I made hut cniKiHraf w,n v,0 turned from a few days visit to High, announced today. c i i.:nj l. il. , . . . i uv ues DUt consiaraton win oe giv- t i rr.i .-u m ji ri n n.,nnnt,. any pians. i expect to go to Wash ington but when I do not know " Bruner-Clark A wedding was solemnized Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of , Mr. Joe Cline In Highland, the couple ', being Mr. Monroe Brunei- and Miss Bertha Cline. Ksq. T. Percy Mous i't lurformed 'the ceremony. Only rel'ives (unl closc-i frienc"i of tjie couple were present. Trior to the ceremony a musical, program was rendered on Mr. Cline's phii ;)'.vranh. The popular young couple will make their home in Highland. Several persons were killed by gunfire from the submarine. the MUCHLY DECORATED (By Associated Press.) Berlin, Oct. 10. Carl Clewing of the Royal theatre, now at the front, has just received his fifteenth deco ration in the iron cross, and is In con sequence one of the most decorated aciors in Germany. Only two others, Ludwig Barnay and Slgmund Lauten- MISSIONARY SOCETY 10 MEET Tl OMORROW i Point. Thomnsvillp KfanriloTnan anfi Thp allied covernments in a en on the question of whether sub- Statesviile Miss Bessie Hicks of memorandum to neutrals, called at- marme warfare will be permitted off statesviile, accompanied them home, tentlon to the grave danger incurred the American coast. President Wilson planned to leave Shadow Lawn tomorrow for Indian apolis, where he will speak twice Thursday afternoon. It was said here today that he had given no in ( dication of changing his plans. WOMAN AUXILIARY MEETS AT SHOWS Delegates for the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the Potomac Syn- NK GERMANY burg, were said to have more than 0d of the Reformed church will begin fifteen onus. The majority are arnv.ng in Hickory ton ght for the ,f ,0oia w rotiAno fny opening session which will convene historic art. n Corinth Keiormedi church tomor row morning. Mrs. L. A. Peeler of 1 High Point will del.ver the opening .Sunday morning about 500 persons, address. On behalf of th church. ! mostly k.nstolk, gathered at tne old Mrs. J. Frank Allen will deliver the by neutral submarines in the war zone. Councillor Polk announced the de partment's position, but refused to discuss the reasons for it. The claims of the allies are that submarines are allies, as the note cabled last night- from London shows, brought up the question of whether the American government may be (By Associated Press.) I n n ua tt?;q k unon v, AtSA'l MS Ct" u Mre tiin raid on British and neutral com 400 delegates from all parts of the merce country registered today for the tri- The alUes th po8:tion enmal convention of the woman's ihat Newport was made the base for A?ifllay .t0 th! Srd f,- "l1SS1ns operations, which officials estimate of the Protestant Episcopal church. h oansZA tvft inse nf onn nnr to 0he Woman's Auxiliary meets in allied trade This government may ? St LU1S oneumnltly with the be subjected to action for damages City council at its session tonight meeting of the gtjnteral convention at thec lose of the war TO PASS FRANCHISE L FNA READ NG the the (By Associated Press.) Increased activity south of river Somme is reported by French war office. For some time the main efforts of the French and British have been made north of the river but last night the artillery was unu sually active on the south side. This may be , the prelude to an operation on a big scale south of the river. Although the great battle in Vol hynia and Galic'a is continuing, Pet rograd is silent on the operations. Berlin is equally uncommunicative and few details are permitted from the capitals of the central powers. The Bulgarian war office announce ment admits that Serbian troops have forced the passage of the Cerna river in Greek Macedonia. It says that Serbians were subjected to a counter attack and that the fighting continues. A report from Paris says the Bulgarian counter-attacks were repulsed. , Former Premier Venizelos of Greece and the other members of the provisional government set up in defiance to the king have gone to Saloniki where the Greek revolution began. Professor Lambros has formed a ministry which will be sworn in today, according to official advices from Athens. SOUTHERN LOST Noah Barringer homeplace to cele- address of welcome, the response for will pass on second and final readme- of tne church, whicn will assemble CHALLENGES U.S. I ,A T. VUu J tne "e.egaies Deng Dy ivirs. ornman the ordinance awarding the franchise in ita ocoslu" "iwy "'""'".TEXT OF SUBMARINE r"rM : XX-An -Vh .n-; 2 '-I?r I. W ".?. Hickory to the Southern A.MMa . TJr-1-.f t.of a vif MEMORANDUM VJ I 1 llj.:i t"!c"""" wiwmiuicM u wie ub.uw, Pubilc utilit es Company of Char- Jt:.. ' 7u "L " !i:i u r. Z-Z t a nf m 1 granucniiurwn aim grca. gianut.i'.i- miss Ann.e aiessing 01 neham, fa., OF ALLIES lott Thp hiH nf thrPP.fnnrths of Popai cnurcn is enuuea to nye A number of del- ' a aa v : delegates to the convention of the memorandum recently sent by the jlated by blood and marriage to hun- egates, some of them from distant mmi vntp nf mirw.;, ns4- myntlfVl woman'sanxiliary and more than 400 ententa allies to neutral governments .... ' wmon riiQVA cTtx afitTim rtr-M'tik, -. tonight's action -will be a matter of .V aa AarJT' respecting the admisison of Uelager. ilren, and the Barringer family is re- will bed elivered dreds of other people In the county, states, will be in ; attendance. so that there ;s a multitude 01 reia. (By Associated Tress.) tives, many of whom were present A large attendance at all of these form. meetings is expedJed etspecially on It is li kely that the contract "''or oumuiy. mere was u v.auwuo cuuu- w eonesoav niernt wnen Mrs. w. n.. ' ; v,a aa i, 1 u;ia y d.nner on a grand scale.. Rev Hoy of China will make the address. ing inthe southwestern part of the ent. wtv. aj. uwns fpunc uiv-oo...., .n are Kuwiuiiy hivilcu. nc pv- cjv will be awarded signified that they would be pres. Rev, C. I. Morgan made a brief ad- o-ram of the meeting follows: dress appropriate to the occasion. It Wednesday, 9:30 A M. I'.iiv-. Oct. 10 Under the headings; was a very enjoyable affail Newton Devotional service, Mrs. Lee A. In addition nearly 500 visitors have ent submar.nes mto neutral waters ja pui a, is luiiuvvs. 4In view of the development of a : j . -n suDmarine naviifauon anu dv reason JiLe-i,U.7,dS? be held this afternoon, and on Wed- f acts' which m the present circum- of "Blackmail ar.,1 Dofian-."," the mornirg papers print in prominent puxlt'ona every . scrap of news ob tainable on the German submarine raid and comment on it at length. The general sentiment of the pre Is that Germany is challenging the United States with a conviction that the challenge will not be taken up, and that neutrals must sec that they acted unwisely in not nipping the submarine warfare on commerce in the bud. Enterprise. DANISH SUBMA! E RAISED, FIVE SAVED DANISH SUBMARINE....- Devotional .Peeler: Hagh Point Greetings, Mrs. J. F. Allen, Hick ory. Response, Mrs. Ephraim Cornman, Washington, D. C. Roll call of officers. Roll call of delegates. Appointment of committees. Mission study period, Miss Gert rude Cogan, Philadelphia, Pa. Adjournment. 2 P. M ppropriation of $25,000, but with the "??yo theAuxUia riff Sn All Pected from enemy submarines, the .Igh price of materials, it has been . "i1 TjLS-n allied governments consider it neces- must be erected and equ'pped in the a h rather difficult to secure such a struc- :n " s it" arv not only to safeguard their ture as is desired. io attend sessions of the general belligerent rights and liberty of com- No other matters of importance are convention in the mornings S (merc al navigation buUto avoid risks expected to be passed on at tonights impojmt ions of ,of dlsP,ute; o urge neutral govern- sesslonj the women will tak" place on Thurs-1 ent to tekf effective measures, if .day. At 8 o'clock on the morning of,they have not already done so with DEPUTY CLERK HAS DYPTHERIA that day the united offering service a view of preventing belligerent sub- will take place at Christ church ca- f Clerk J. T. Setzer yesterday re- vhedral. This will be a community to whch ey are put, from making ceived a phone message from Maid- service, without a sermon, but the us of neutral waters, roadsteads and c,4-; Uof A,m4- n j- i-:4.: ;n ap. ports. cii otanut uiau iii ucuuiv tici rv, vr. Ui& tllictivc lcaiuic win uc nic unci- 1 $1,250,000 IN FLOOD (By Associated Press.) 'Richmond, va., Oct. 10 John Kerr Branch of Richmond, Adrian Islein, Jr., Charles Lanier and Edmund D. Randolph of New York were reelected Las directors of the Southern Railway Company for a term of three year? at the annual meeting of the stock' holders held here todays Special discuss on was given the matter of the payment of dividends on the preferred stock, at the close of which resolutions approving the policy of withholding dividends for the present were passed. In the annual report it was stated WORD RECEIVED F ROM BRITISH CREW (By Associated Press.) Newport, II. I. Oct', 10 The crew of the British ship Kingstonian, mining since Sunday when the members abandoned their ship off Nantucket lightship on the orders of the German submarine, had not been beard from today. MR. WEBB'S APPOINTMENTS Catawba county is to hi.e lour .speeches this week from Congress man K. Y. VWbb. On Wednesday he will speak at Monogram and Maiden and on Thursday at Clare, rnont and Brookford. Newton Enterprise. (By Associated Press.) Copenhagen, via London, Oct. 10. The Danish submarine Dykeren, 1 1 P A 11 wnic-h sanK yesieraay aner a conis- Rlessing Rellam on with a Norwegian steamer, has ;scuss;on of ueen orougni 10 tne sunace. r iv of the six members of the crew went down ith thv essel were rescued alive. . ' 1 setrvlce, Mrs. Conrad Otto Hartsoe had developed a case ng of the missionary collections of ft DHcation of &e principles of! the damage to the property of stown, Md. of dipthena while spending Sunday the women's auxiliaries from prac- K conations is effed by the company occasioned by the storms om delegates. with his parents and hence would be f.cally every parish m the Ep.scopal e w -M natic s e"ea of July was estimated at approxi- unable to report for duty. Mr. and church Clever, Hagerstown Greetings from delegat Prao'onf'c aroca VT ice! Aiinip AT x iv,ovv..,, c.uv.xv., ..i.o TLX 1 J- 11 !; mi 1 1 . tt0 nils, naitsue nave iwu smau cnii- , nese iunus nave ueen accumuiat- Arvma ill:oeiAn RnHr wiiu nave nun uau tne uiocasc, mK ajl uu cc ycais, iiac uccn uiavcu , . -i n n . . l A i.u s-r Ar. u.: 4-1.- i j 'n n.. ;i :4.; aim can wius escape an cuuwui aim cern aboUt !them. Newton Enter- in the hands of the dicesan of- observations; second, by the fact that of each diocese will place an envel et NARROW ESCAPE FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS (By Associated Press.) -.i! iir: r,. m Vlffnan hundred students many of whom had YZ Resumption of business. Mission study period, Miss Gert rude Cogan, Philadelphia, Pa. 7:30 P. M. Organ voluntary, Mrs. G. E. BIs anar. Anthem, choir. Invocation, Rev. J. L. Murphy, D. D., Hickory, N. C. Hymn. I Scripture. I Prayer. , Vocal solo, Mrs. J. H. Shuford. Offeriory, Mrs. G. E. B:sanar. prise. special and naval conditions, first, by I the fact that these vessels can navi gate and remain at sea submerged ! establish tbj jir national ftiaraciter, I . 1.-1.1 a i i. n : a .. . . r. ,i A-;r. ojl. :,.,;. tflpVi itfir i wnetner neutral or oeiiigerent, cum- At the end of the fifth inning the opel conto ning gie egtire batant or non-combatant and to re- score was, Brooklyn 2, Boston 0. for the d'ocese in ; the collection plate. r tne worK oi counting tne money win begin,, and the total will be announc ed at a mass meeting Thursday af- MARKETS move the capacity of harm inherent in the nature of such vessels. "It may further be said that any pjlacte vVhichi provides a suibmarinei warship far from its base with an opportunity for rest and replenish - mately $1,250,000,-without takng in to account the loss of tariff or the cost of detouring trains. SPEAKING DATES OF ternoon. The principal address at the ; PPouniiy ior rai anu repiemso nas mppfino- will ha dplivprpd hv,menl OI " uppueb, i,nereoy luriiian "-'w J William Yi Hoy, ! 1 - J J.'J.' A. J. . l 1 A IIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIimiMrmmam Bishop Brent of the Phillipines. The ttu rt"?; Z money will be devoted whohy to work "-f ....5.. narrow escapes, ned irom class rooms in the main hall of the University of Wisconsin today when fire of un known origin diefrjted the struc ture. ' Anthem, choir. Hymn,. . Benediction. Tostlude, Mrs. G. E. Bisanar. Thursday, 9:30 A. Mi Dovot'onal services, Mrs. W. CHICAGO WHEAT (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Oct. 10. Higher of women missionaries. 4 viTII ViW I1ITVT i.,1 r ' ' ' . " . , ' ' ?-tt - r... was located ine uoys engaeu in anumci '"Ihouge runt .vionnay nini, , which waa characterized as short a.nd sweet. Reynard did not ivo much (show in the moonl'ght and the pack of 20 doirs did not sing long before they had succeeded in cornering him. Be s'des the regular members of, the party, a number of other persons, in chuMng some ladies, witnessed the chase, which was run for the most part near the home of Mr. Dolph Aderholdt. Mr. Henry Brockus of Erwin, Tenn. Cansev. Mt. Crawford, Va. a first class motion picture operator Reports of departmental has accepted a position as operator rjes with the Hub and Pastime theatres. Discussion of foreign Mr. Brockus was formerly manager budget, of the Globe theatre here, which Rpnorts of committees. in the Thornton MJiss Recrimination New York Sun. i Nevvwed It is hard to bread and get a stone. Mrs. Newwed It is worse to ask opera Mission Siudv period. rude Cogan. I Adjournment, j . 2:00 P. M. f Devotional service, Miss Annie M ask for Blessing. Unfinished business Election of officers. Adoption of nvnutes. ihe advantage which it gives, a base of naval onerations. pable ' ''Tn view rf thp atntp nf aflfaiva dictations' and the cont'nuance of the MUNITION WORKERS WERE I thus exist;ng, the allied governments drought in Argentina had a tendency IVUT 1IN lKULUCii-u j&ikuck. are of the opinion thaf submarine ves to cause wheat prices to advance to- (By Associated Press.) sels Ishovjd be exclu H from the dc". Opening prlcss, which ranged London, Oct. 10. Several hundred benefit of the rules hitherto recog frcm 3-8 to 1 1-4 cents net h'gher munition workers in a London shop nized by the laws of nations regard H. w'th December at 1.54 and May aj; went on str ke recently because a in the admission of vessels or war, or 1.53 1-4, weref ollowed by further new toreman was not tormaiiy iniro- ( merchant vessels into neutral waters, secreta- upturns. duced to them. They were out for roadsteads or ports and their sojurn i f nearly two days , and twenty-five of jn them. Any belligerent subma- mlssion COTTON FUTURES them were summoned before the mil- rine entering a neutral port should ltary triuuiiai wr leaving wuir. (-oe oeta.neo tnere. T?v Associated Press) ! une 01 tne aeienuanis, a man, "ine alued governments take this WEBB AND OTHERS Gert- n.r J , rti ,n ny,' nAnn named Burgess, told the court that opportunity to point out to the neu- INew York Oct. 10.-The cotton Jn t g exper;ence he had g theP d an incur. mrket opened steady at ; an advance neyer heftrd Qf & foreman heing ap. re(J by neutral submarines in the nav- iaSifiwnrLS Pinted without his being introduced ig.ation of regions frequented by be- sm au Tv.- J. 'VaI w.th the remark: Mr uianx, tnis 1 gerent submarines." in a point ofthe recent high records. win be ur foreman 'in futUre." The market was barely active during T, manaeer of the works said it Representative E. Yates Webb will address the voters of this section at Brookford on Thursday night at Brookford, it was announced today. Other speakings . announced by the Democrats are: October 12, night, Mr. W. A. Self at West Hickory. October 13, N. W. Wilson of Char lotte, Democratic elector for this dis trict, at school district No. 13, Win dy City. October 13, Judge W. B. Council in the town hall at Highland. . jOctober 14, Mr. W. A. Self at Rhoney's school hourse. , . October 14, Judge W. B. Councill at Killian s school house. October 14, Mr. Mark Squires at Hickory. DEDICATION OF MILLER'S CHURCH LAST SUNDAY thp. early trad'ng. Them arket closed steady. Open Mr. Boston and Brooklyn to ' Play Third Game in Freezing Temperature for a stone and get paste. -I Mission study period, Miss Gert- . . .16.90 and Mrs. W. H. Barkley and lit- rude Cogan. f December - 17.15 January - -- 17.10 March - 17-25 May 17.37 July 17.45 tie daughter, Hazel' Nixon, are spend ing a few days in Lynchburg, Va. Consecration service. Adjournment. MORE HARD FIGHTING HICKORY MARKETS IBerl'n, Oct. 10. via London. No important changes on the Franco-Bel gian front are reported by the war Cotton -- - 17c office today. Heavy fighting con- wjheat $1.50 tinued on the Somme front, where the :. - battle is described as being of tre- mmimn"ttimnnmf'""" mendous vioence. , was impossible to introduce a new r- foreman to more than 4,000 men. I V-Tof Burgess said they did not expect zL'ik the manager to introduce the fore-' Ilia II VKJ CVCl VUUC 111, lll-- J-cv. uv. j wv especially not to the young ladies. : The court agreed that it would have been much better if the men had been , properly informed of the new .ap-j pointment, and, to the accomplish ment of loud cheers, dismissed the proceedings. TROPICA STORM 17.31 17'.42 17.55 17.61 L NEAR PORTO RICO (By Associated Press.) New York, Oct. 10. With the battle for the premier baseball hon ors of the year transferred from Bos ton to Brooklyn today, the baseball temperLure more suitable) for the gr'diron than the diamond.' Long before timfcf for the game stadium would be filled to the lim s'tadlum would bet filletd to thet lim- FIFTEEN NEW CASES THE WEATHER PARALYSIS Rff n ' For North Carolina: Partly cloudy T,Wit. and Wednesday. fooler to IrWU.f,"- - - - m WASHINGTON AFRAID . TO SEND ALIENS OFF r) ufjl.ts of Cyer New York it of its 26,000 capacity. The prob f locked to Ebbetts' field to view the ably batteries for today's game were world series from another angle. f0r Boston, Leonard and Carrigan; In contrast to the warm weather j Brooklyn, Coombs and Miller. (By Associated Press.) j TX7i sw-nri Ordl 1 0 iDenor'ta- night, probably frost in western ti(m of al--ens from any of the At-' portion and possioiy central pun.., -iant;c arMj Gulf em gration stations (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 10. The tropi cal disturbance apparently was cen tral this morning a short distance norCheast of Porto Rico, according to reports of the bureau. Officials thought it probably was recurving to the northward. T;he storm pass ed near or over the island of St. Thomas early yesterday evening with considerable violence. (Bv Associated Press.) New York, Oct. 10. Fifteen new cases of infantile paralysis with four, Oct. 9 deaths were reported by the health JViax.mum diminishing northeast winds. COMPARATIVE WEATHER GAINS ON THE SOMME London Oct. 10V British troops 1916 . 88 of the past few days, the weather. Batteries: Brooklyn, Coombs and department for the 24 hours end.ng Minimum . , deported aliens to sea broke cool and freezing, wion tnje miner; dosiuh, xuys mm Auumaa. at i . . wwJt . was suspended by Assistant secretary a , S6mme made pr0g. Post of the department 01 laoor oe- "Hn25n the nieht. says the Brit- cause of the submarine Jnger offidal statement issued today. 1915 wa e"'Ji T ZrSp and established posts to the east oi 58 tion autnorivis uiu Undine Le Sars and in the direction of uutie 0.3 the moral responsibility of senmng m,,ri01,M,irt J' . 1 1 A. de Warlencourt. The dedication of Miller's church, Df which Rev. J. E. Barb is pastor, occurred Sunday, a large congrega tion of members and friends being in attendance. TAie dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. L. M. Hunt of Baltimore and it was an able effort. In the afternoon Rev. Walter E. Schuette of Columbia, ed- tor of the Lutheran Survey, delivered "- . -. 1 1 1 tt. a sp.enaia aaaress,- ana preacneu ai night at St. Paul's church in Hickory. YOUNG MEN MEET AT Ji ON MISS n (By Associated Press.) Jackson, Miss., Oct. 10. Reading a message from President Wilson and welcoming addresses and re sponses were features of the opening program of the second annual con vention of Young Men's Business Clums of America, which began its session here today.

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