111011,014 JALL.l itJOtfi Hickory Daily Record Published by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday. TELEPHONE 167 S. H. Farabee J. C. Miller .. H. M. Miller . Editor ' Manager Adv. Mgr. o. Toairinc the address of their paper changed, will Vst&U In their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sut icription Department promptly, taty Subscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year $o'oO Six months Three months &n One month One week 1 PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE. Entered as second-class matter Sep tember 11. 1915, at the portofflce at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March 3, 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS TUESDAY. OCrOHEK 31. ABOUT THE SAME The New York Herald's poll indi cates that President Wilson is con tinuing to make grounds in all parts of the country and that the race be tween Mr. Wilson and Mr. Hughes is a close one. We have never been optimistic about the result of poliM cal battles and would not undertake to make a guess on the result. All the odds should favor Mr. Hughe by .... a.,n of the fact that be is the can- V N ' I ' ' - - ----- didate of both the Republican Pviuirossive tmrties and thty and have - - most votes. We have noted that Mr. Hughes declared that he will be an American president and he promises safety to Americans on land and sea. That means of course that if necessary he will employ the resources of the Unit ed States to protect Americans. That is good doctrine, and we hope tl e time will never come when any othc kind can be preached in the United States. Mr. Wilson has said that be had written his last note, and we i:niy in fer that he means it. Wilson and Hughes ought to stand together on the proposition to pro tect Americans and American rights' everywhere. Their promises ire about the same, as we interpret them. The Spanish governmene protest ed against the exportation of some 20,1)00 young girls and boys from nor thern France and the German govern ment has promised to restore thnso children to their homes. Spain kept nt the business, however, according to a writer in the New York Times, and French papers are expressing their gratitude. As a military factor Rumania h'.s been put out of the way. There is little doubt of that. The chance of aiding the allies in the Balkans has disappeared with the destruction of the Cnernavoila bridge and the for ward march of the Germans, Pul garians and Austrians through the Debrudjian province. The Rocky Mount Telegram com ments on some advertising (bne by a church in the eastern part of the state, but advertising no longer is novel for churches. The Record has earned a number of advertisement) for institutions of this kind, and ex pects to sell more space in future. Great Uritain should be called to taw for interfering with American mails, but is rifling the mails as bad as .sending all the letters and every, thing else to the bottom of the r;ea? That's a point that a lot of us over look. dJoth the big campaign committees tt'portcd more than a million dollars, but in this is not included all the free work done by various men where. everv- One week from today at it, we voters. we will bo Next Tuesday night we shall hoar all about it. WEST HICKORY ITEMS YVJest Hickory, Oct. 31. The Ivey Mill Company sure did some shipping d-uing the past week. They shipped 0r, bales averaging 1750 yards to the hale. Mr. Charlie Jones who had been sec ond hand in the spinning room sev eral years resigned his wnrb o.i moven n AltaVista. Va overseer's job there. "i i ... ' to take an AIiss Cuptola Beck, who is taking a course at Kings Business College in Charlotte is spending a few days jure with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Deck. M iss Minnie Abt snant pvom! uavs at Drexel last week relatives and friends. visiting Mr. Mart Abee of Altavista, Va , is here at present visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Abe.?. Mr. G. T. Barger is attending fed eral court at Salisbury this week as v juror. Mr. Will Lackey who h-n been hre several w.'eks visiting hia mother, Mrs. J. Lackey, left for his home in Michigan Friday. Mrs. Moore of Henrietta is spend- ing several days with Hicks. Mr. R. F. Miss Virginia Hicks hpent Satur day and Sunday with friendi at Ru therford College. Miss Jimmie Abernethy went to ( Jiesterlee, S. C. one dav last week ... . a '""'.J. . Voting on the ISonler Nashville Banner. In a few of the states the law pro viilfx that the state militia now on the lM.i-.lor can vote, ;n a lew there U some rlouht about the matter, bu in the majority of -uses rr.-re it no such provision in the state constitu tion Tennessee has im such privis ien and consequently the i.iihlia for this state now on the border will not he troubled about the ballot. There . this more than -:.()! s .hiiers a state alonir the bound ry and probably half of them ar.' oi.i -.-oun t. vntn. were they at home. New York is one :t the siaie.-. where ..- to the riirht of the guardsmen from; governments tor VJU and vji sine ?. iatc "to vote- in u!e coming elec 'exhibits the per capita cost of state . ' tu.. iw,..,l i,f the bv sue. (lllierence 01 wiiwmi i ......... turn este, v election uureau oi 1 " . i state's office left for McAllen, Texas carrying ballots for about iu.uuu, guardsmen The ballots are for na- tional, state, county and local en ices. Oil'.' legal writer takes the position that the constitution of New York provides for such voting only in time of war. International law, lu says, recognizes a state of war only after a formal declaration or rfter hostil ities have begun. In the case of the Spanish-American w.ir a formal de claration had been issued when tin soldiers voted away from home. The question is complicated this time by the holding (' the jud;,'e ad t iatv ' general of tlv nrmy that a ii-.t.. of win exists between Mexico ar.d the United Stall rhsit holding was rendered nco-isar t'i status of the expeditionary define the force with Cum Pei'shimr ill M'.'V.vi If the i soldiers now on Me.;can soil are! there merely as visitors, ihey v i ould be amenable to the .Mexican law. and might be arrested and tried by local courts. On the other hand, if they are there as an army of invasion the soldiers are governed by Uu? militaiy law of this country and are to bo tried by army court martial only. Should the vote of the New York i t .. i. ., i. (MM Til 4HI1FI H .1 tv I lllllll . , factor in a race in Li.it state it is, nredicted that contests would result. 1 Should the vole of the g.iardsmen le cide between tn republicans and Democratic electors, ro: in addition should thj York decide the presid it is easy to see what would rcsalt. Kvery instance, and vote of New I'tial election, a disturbance state in the union would become intensely inter ested in tiie decision of the status of the New York guardsmen on the border, so far as voting is concerned. The line thing, on a smaller scale, might arise in state ard county ek-c- tions. If the bord.".- vot. decide any election, notbiny lv be said about it, inlers does not will bke- mo on". for the sake of a prece attack tiie right of 'tin eiii, should iruavdsmen to cast their ballots away home under circumstances li present. from ; the1 DENTISTS TO MEET (By Associated Press.) Durham. N. C, Oct. The exe cutive committee of the North Caro-'r . T' j a lina Dental Society has selected j uts Vigor and Ambition in June 2ti-2S as the dates for the an-j . n r T" j naal meeting in 1117. The session to Kun-lJOWn, I ired will be held in Durham. Out People. The Club Talk Judge. Jinks this What is the 1: c:uo' HI inks The food. HEAD-OFF TirAT (OUfiH ALL-WINTER If you drink too much, smoke too si"'n of sore thro'tt niuch, or are nervous because of over-stulfed-up head take ' iYorkn" any..kind Wendell's Ambi- At the first tight chest or a do-e of Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-IIoney. j soothing honey , . . The heal'ng pine-tar, and glycer ne quickly relieves the j congestion, loosens the btea&s up yoiw coldj 1,1, anA ti r, ii' Pii.cTar-Honey has all the benefits of the healing aroma from a pine for est, it is pleasant to take and anti septic. The formula on the bottle tells why it relieves colds and coughs. At your lmiggist, lifce. 1. We guarantee a saving of one-third in fuel over any lower draft stove of the same size, with soft coal, lignite or slack. 2. We guarantee Cole's Hot Blast to use less hard coal for heating a given space than any base burner made with same size firepot. 3. We guarantee that the rooms can be heated nm one to two hours each morning with the fuel put in the stove the evening 1 before. ( fWi&Wl I tsv rime (& All we ask is that the stove be operated according to directions and connected with a good flue. (.Signed) COLE MANUFACTURING CO. (Not Inc.) (Makers of the Original Patented Hot Blast Stove) This guarantee cannot be made on any other heating stove If you want comfort and economy put one of these heaters in your home. "Cole's Hot Blast Makes Your Coal Pile Last" Look for thmnam, CoU'ton fetdJoor to avoid imitations Shufcrd Hardw Comoanv. Where the .Money (oes University News Lettei. The burden for taxation for support in North Carolina in 1 U' 1 rif w... i h.. ' 11 ri state ; 1915' llvscu r.F : : 0 ; average was less in umj one trreVter in fortv-siv. I " The figures range from $1.G4 in' South Carolina to $10.80 in Nevada, j the average for the conntry-at-large being $3.85. ! So reads census bureau Bulletin,, the financial statistics of states, giv en to the public two weeks or so ago. It is a mine of information about the finances of North Carolina r.nd every other state in the union. Ihe first table presented elsewhere g what is covered by this $1.76 and I , i - what went with it in detail was as iu. u. 1. Ilignways ami r uunv Reerei- tions, less than 1 cent. 2. Public health and sanitation, ( cuts. I ?. Protection of person and prop-i erty, 10 cents. J 4. Conservation and development of resources, 11 cents. i f. General government-- legisla tive, executive, judicial, 14 cents. j (. General expensesinterest, out lays, etc, 25 cents. 7. Charities, Hospitals and correc tions, ,?y cents. I 5. Public education and libraries, 71 cents. The figures are illuminating. The common notion is that tax money goes mainly to support office ladders and their families, to keep todoei'' in the rack of the ringster; It is an! incurable inveterate, ami in place notion or apparently -so. As a matter of fact for every dol-' lar or state revenue that goes to oiT the machinery of state government i:i North Carolina nine dollars come! straight back to the taxpayers for the! education of our soldiers, our blind' and deaf, the victims of tuberculosis,; the insane and feeble minded, for the protection of our properties from file, our persons from disease, and lour farmers from lrauu; ioc :ne reg ; ulation of financial institutions and I other corporations in the interest of 1 ublic security; for the development and conservation of oar natural -re-; sources, the protection and develop-' ment of agriculture and the general public welfare. For all these purposes of slate the tax burden in North Carolina per inhabitant the price, say. or three circus tickets. 1.37 , f two .Make It Dangerous Life. "It is unnecessary to go that ground. The principle i over s a s been all old ae- i as the hills and has always i cepted by everybody." "Exactly. And that is ju makes me suspicious of it." what Banishes Nervousness , If you feel tired out out of sorts, j despondent, mentally or physically depressed and lack the desire to ac complish things, get a 50c box of Wendell's Ambition Pills at Hickory Drug Co today and your .troubles will be over. in three (iays or money . back from Hickory Drug Co., on the first box i l purcnaseu. 1 OF UIl T ' 1 1 affections of the nervous system, constipat on, loss of appetite, or liver complaints, sleeplessness, ex hausted vitality orw eakress of any kind get a box of Wendell's Ambi tion Pills today on the money back plan. Mail orders filled, charges prepaid, by the Wendell Pharmical Company, Inc., Syracuse, N. Y. On Each Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater Your Money Back! You get back the original cost of your stove in the fuel money saved each winter. Could you ask for more? 4. We guarantee that the stove will hold fire with soft coal or hard coal from Saturday eve ning to Monday morning. 5. We guarantee a uniform heat day and night with soft coal, hard coal or lignite. 6. We guarantee every stove to remain absolutely air-tight as long as used. 7. We guarantee the feed door to be smoke and dust proof. 8. We guarantee the anti puffing draft to prevent puffing. are Sometime Washington Star. 'I am in favor of peace at any fhe'PiK't'- and! "Yes," replied the pessimist; "Yes." replied the pessimist: "but . - - suppose you wake up some morning and find you haven't goc the price? ' Fraternal Directory ;:in;:i:::i:;;u:::::n:r Hickory Lodge, No. 206, 1. 0. 0. F. Brother Odd Fellows invited. Meets every Tuesday night, at 7 :30 Degree work every meeting. W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. !S;!:ii!;iii:!;!ii!;illl!!ili!:!ll!E a m Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A.M. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 P. M., All visiting brothers cordially invited. J. W. IJALLEW, Councilor M. G. CROUCH, Rec. Sec'y. immmammmmshmm I Hickory Camp No. 80 vv. o. w. If Meets every Friday night at j 3:00. All members request- ff ed to aitend. S Visiting Soverigns Invited. B. A. MILLER. Clerk Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. I & A- M. Regular communication Mon day evening, Oct. SO, at 8 p. m. Brethren cordially invited to be present. J. W. SHUFORD, W. M. D. T. APPLEGATE, Sec'y. 8 Has ilB tl 11 ij VI M ?! V. ' ri M fi ri is W4 Tiie mi m sale at at mmm TRADE. MARK ECZEMA REMEDY Sold on guarantee for Eczema. Tetter, Salt Rheum, and similar af fections of the skin and scalp. SoM only by us, 50c and $1.00. HICKORY DRUG CO. Hickory, N. C. Tha Quinine That Docs Not Affect The Head Because oi its tonic and laxative efftct, LAXA TIVK EROJIO QUINIXK is better than ordinary juimne ana aoes not cause nervousness nor ringing :n head. Rememter the lull name and look for the snjrature of E. W. GROVE. 25c service. HICKORY CONOVER TO N Schedule AND NEW- Leave Hickory 8:20 Leave Hickory 10:20 Leave Hickory 2:30 Leave Hickory 4:30 Leave Hickory 8:30 Leave Newton 7:20 Leave Newton i 9:20 .a. a. P a. a. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m m. Leave Newton ..1:30 p. Leave Newton 3:30 p" Leave Newton 7:30 p, m Newton to Hickory 10c New 'ton to Conover 10c Newion to Hickory 35c Hickory to Conover 25i Hickory to Newton 35c Our Motto: Good Service CAROLINA MOTOR CO. R. Lee Hewitt, Manager, Newton, N. C. fill Iliillilllllll ! i Ml 1 "THE SANITARY WAY" t PHONE 19U ! Clothes Altered. Cleaned. Pressed, Dyed and Repaired f lTV PRFWNf, ("J.UB HAD COLDS FROM LITTLE SNEEZES GROW j Many colds that hang on all win-j ter start with a sneeze, a sniffle, a! sore throat, a tight chest. You know, the symptoms of colds, and you know, prompt treatment will break them up. Dr. King's New Discovery,' with its soothing antiseptic balsams has been breaking up colds and heal-, ing coughs of young and old for 47 , years. Dr. King's New Discovery . loosens the phlegm, clears the head,: soothes the irritated membrane and makes breathing easier. -At your druggist, 50c. ! The Chamber of Com-j merce can Help You Get Employment i The Chamber of Commerce has i some inquiries for additional help at our factories. All persons desiring employment can call at Chamber of Commerce, and we will put them in touch with the shops needing help. A. K. JOY, Secretary Professional Cnrtlz Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuford's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C. Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS Office Phone 194. Residence 818-L. Office in Masonic Building, Dr.Chas. L Hansucker M D. Office over Shuford's Drug Store HICKORY, N. C. Residence 825 loth Ave. Phone 92 Office 26 Hours 3:30-5 p. m., 7-8 p. m. Calls answered at All Ho&ra THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. Manufacturers of all kinIs cf HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory. N. C. Dr. Glenn G. Scolt DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO J. Gaither Bonniwell ARCHITECT ELLIOTT BILDING HICKORY N. C mm 4 8 Marcus E. Hull, D. C. 1 CHIROPRACTOR Palmer School Graduate OFFICE HOURS 3 :30 to 5 :30 and 7 to 8 P. M. Consultation and Analysis Free 1029 Thirteenth Street tmMimuumiiniiim R. W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor First-Class Work Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to First Buildin & Loan office. :::: QUICK SERVICE; SHORT NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Coaipanv. Cut Flow ers any timfts H'lilTNEtt & f ARTIN "XXtHtS niiiiini!iamt RHICHESTER. S PILLS lii!". !!UllbMI ItnAvi. I.nlleN! Ask your Irucel.st for , 5 ,,,.",'l,,'s:u'p.8 ''aniond Ttrand . m stcu ana Uold nietallicN "!es. s-alcl with nine Ril.bon. lake nn e.ih.. .ears fc a.-i.as Best, Safest. At V.i;,t SOLD BV D'itiQQiSTS EVERYWHERF OR. ALFRED 0ULA EYE SPIiCIALXST TO SEE BETTER SEE OULA 17 Year's The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fitted Exclusively MARTIN BLOCK, LENOIR, N. V. If you pot It from DTXA. It's & Rigbt V .nrn P.APKK FOR IlTKS ' Good Banking S First Class Efenking Service means more than the n u safeguarding of your funclc. A progressive Bank must not . furnish the most ample protection for money or valuables ! in its custody, but must meet every commercial requirement the community. The First National Bank of Hickory, N. C, with its large (a ital and Surplus is in first position to take care of every 1,.., timate requirement of this community, and solicits the accou: of firms and individuals, with the assurance of careful attenti to the needs of its patrons, and excellent service. FIRST NATIONAL Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Four Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. I SAVE AND LE4RM Young man, if you want to become a leader in the world's fairs, save a part of the salary you now earn, keep your eye the future and study your business. Men who make good bv. the mid-night oil- -at home with their books and plans. PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN OUR CARE. so that vou may have funds a a a nity when it comes your way. Your big desire will be real Account Here. ckory uanifing a i n 1 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. HDDDQDBQa9IIQBil&S2BDEDail)IBHBB30nBE2S!S Subsc ib - to Lie NEW Effective vnassis Roadster Touring Car F. O. :ory ELLIOTT BUILDING Want Ads in the Take San-Tox with Menthol Guarcnteed to For i hat toid and l&mM GRIMES & MURPHY, Druggists Phone 300 'ON See Us for Hickory Manufacturing Company. Hickory, North Carolina. Manufacturer of SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. FINE HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY Sen. ;;s your plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Prk"'-' ickory 4.00 a Year in Advance ::i::t::nj:n:.n::;::::n:atu:::n::::st::n::: S' J. D. liliott. President and Treasurei J. Worth Elliott. V.-Pres. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnished cheerfully. Fine or ganization and best equipped contractors in the South. HICKORY, N. C ervice. Hickory, N. 0. Accounts, Com- on hand to grasp business op;;-;: ay. 'zed sooner if voa start a S:; 3 Hickory Dail Rec 'ORD! Aug., 1, 1916. cj tjt J n I" o f r B. Detroit Co. PHONE larasre Record bring Results Laxative Cold Tablets, and Pine BitKnr:. and Eucahpus. check your cold and cough. (Jet it at Opposite Post Off. THE CORNER" Good Printing Record 3 u H Li r,i hi - B u. 3 E3 i s I 5 i J V r

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