HICKORY DAILY REGOUD III .tTltll..l ..T I 'tt with ca ia riff Look in Your Mirror after we have fitted you with glasses ami you will be pleas- Lhe nttrctive ap The reason is ih-.it in fitting glasses I not only supply riyht glasses tQ cor left the optical defects, but also to suit the features. Patrons are coming a long ways, even from other states, to ge the benefits of this splendid optical service. Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Registered Optometrist. Watch Inspector for Southern and C. nd N. W. Railway. i' J W .?N f) ; itjY':' ( h;iml)t'i Iain's Cough Itemedy KflYMual. Moist; is .Mr "I tnki'ii a j;tv;it many buttles ('lianiU-rluirfrt (.'ou.'.rli Remody ;uirt : tinu' it lui cured me. I havt : .1 if must effectual for a backing i.h ami for folds. After taking It ; i.i-uh always disappears," writes l; Moore, Lost Valley, (Ja. Ob i t l y win re. Kev. Jhon A. Koon. of Rockwell in the city todav the P-nosta f and Mrs. M. J. Abernethy. . Mr. .1. (. T.erkley, editor of the Times Mercury, has returned from Waterloo, Iowa, where h has been on business for several days. In his absence Mr. J. F. Click, an old hand at the game, wielded the pencil and use. I the paste pot and scissors. -Cohere is g'reat satisfaction in knowii W that you have the best, che cner of a ItleMin &f&m Pastime Universal Pictures Today YOU WANT SOMETHING A remarkable comedy in two acts. Awarded first prize by the Associated advertis ing Clubs. Played by Gale Henry and Wm, Franey. "THE PANEL GAME" A two act drama. A luring incident of Beach life with a moral, played by G. Raymond Nye, Robert Wilson, Wlilter Belascot and Peggy Condray. Watch for THE SHIELDING SHADOW i athe's wonderful serial. Pro duced by Astra. Featuring Grace Darmond, Leon Bary and Ralph Kellard. Bigger and better than "The Iron Claw." First episode will be shown "FREE" to everybody at the Pastime November 20, 191G. oocie ty Mrs. Serrill Douglas who has been! visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Men-' zies returned to her home in Bristol, Pa. yesterday afternoon. ! Diamond And Putman Dyes. We Have a Full Line. :avy, Grand. iNverareD Grand or PlM'Gr Piano has! this satisfaction. Hardin, Sole Agent. North Carolina, 1348 Un'on Square Subscribe for the Hickory Daily Record e a! During This Week. c.' 'j,lvia,'i' rcuiceu prices on all hats and trimmings. Come g inspect our beautiful line of shapes just received. g Mrs. W. R. Beckley, "Milliner of Style." j Entertains Varsity Team Residents in the neighborhood of the Presbyterian parsonage last night were startled by the appearance in their midst of a crowd of husky youngmen who surrounded and took possession of the parsonage. How ever, their fears were quelled some what by noting the presence of Pro fessors Coble and Morgan, who seem ed to be the ringleaders in the move ment. Inquiry developed the fact that it was the victorious football team that had contended for honors at the fair, who were being enter tained by the captain of the pluckey team, Mr. Voorhees Garth. They had a good time, of course. Everybody does when he goes to the Presbyterian parsonage, and par ticularly a bunch like these live wire football players. Wilted collars and disheveled hair was the result of the submarine ef forts of the boys to bite into apples; submerged in a tub of water, while the frantic efforts of grasp apples in their swaying in the air were excruciating- j ly funny. During the festivities a couple of shrouded figures entered silently, moved through the crowd and disappeared. It was a visit ing delegation from a young ladies valentine party in the adjoining house. Miss Bost Hostess The Entre Nous Club was delight-' fully entertained yesterday afternoon by Miss Constance Bost. After an ! hour spent pleasantly in sewing the guests were invited into the dining room and served a delicious lunch. The ! table decorations and souvenirs were! suggestive of Halloween. Mrs. Ron-' .1 T 1 "11 T ,t ua cucnanan win nave me next meeting. U-53 VISIT A PRECEDENT Army and Navy Journals Thinks That Was the Purpose of It That Germany proposes to test to the limit the forebearance of the United States, as regards submarine warfare, is the opinion of Colonel Wil liam C. Church, editor of the Army and Navy Journal. In the current issue of that paper, he cites the re cent activities of the U-53 and de scribes the activities of American de stroyers on that occasion as one that "must grate on the sensibilities of the officers of our navy," and sug gests that the visit of the U-53 was intended to establish a precedent, which would take the place of the precedent created by President Grant j in 1870, when he announcer! thai American waters must not for belligerent purposes Putmans Black Brown Navy Blue Dark Iue Olive Green. Green Diamond. All colors LI F E in clothes for men and young men Lutz Drug Store "On the Corner" Phones 17 and 317 VOTE HUGE CREDIT De- Deputies Grant von Roedern's mand for $2,856,000,000 iEbrlin, Ctet. 30. The Reichstag af ter a short discussion, passed the bill be used for a new war credit of 12;000,000,000 i marks, ($2,855,000,000) asked tor yes- The action of the German snbnia-' tsrdav by Count von Roedern, the Im- rine U-53 off our coast on Oct. 8," says perial treas n-er. The only votes in the Army and Navy Journal, "when ; opposition were those of the Radical she sank five passenger and merchant wing of the Socialist party, ships, leaving their passengers and The members cheered enthusiasm- crews to be picked up by the boats of ; eally when the vote was announced, the destroyer force of the navy, is a I Count von Roedern in yesterday's matter that will not down. From the j speech said it was evident, up to the very beginning of the operations of j present, that Germany's financial bur this new type of warship it was e'ear- ! dens, compared with her efforts and ly apparent that the old practice of results, were lighter than were those a neutral ship at sea. takine- off Vipv i ot her adversaries. passengers and crew, and then sink ing the vessel is sufficient justifica tion was found for the act, could not work with the submarine. It was realized that it was physically im possible for a submarine raider to ac commodate any considerable num ber of passengers; and it was also made plain by the commanders of these German submersible raiders in the waters around the British Isles that they rlid not wish to take passen gers aboard except in the case of a small number of prisoners. If we had any doubts as to the German idea as to how this submarine warfare should be conducted the case of the Part of the money invested in in dustries making war material, the secretary said, will either be repaid or employed usefully in time of peace. He added: "I refer to the nitrogen establish ment from which we hope to put at the disposal of agriculturists more ni trogen at lower prices than they ev er had before the war. Further to be considered in this direction is the replacing of part of our copper by aluminium, and also the establish ment of an industry for producing fodder." 'He said that the largest part of There is that about "High Art Clothes" which takes them out of the dull mono tony of the "just clothes' 1 class and gives them a personality of their own. Their designer follows no precedents other than good taste and the "High Art" models for Fall and Winter testify to his ability to put life into his designs. These clothes will majce you a'better dressed man and at their price they challenge the field. See them feel the comfort of them and you will wear u Jn.iJE EY STROUSE &. BROTHERS, BALTIMORE, MD. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Company ' "The Quality Sh.p, wjtrjKa Dobrudja with necessary ammunition and winter clothing, therefore the federal government hopes that you will unanimously consent to the new credit of 12,000,000,000 marks asked for in the supplementary budget." ARMENIAN-SYRIAN FUND The funds collected for the Arme nians and Syrians closed vesterdav the war expenditure, however, was Lusitania settled that for all time, or : used directly for the army, and con at least until she should be compelled eluded as follows: to bow to the force of public opinion "Because we must provide from: and a check for the amount. S14.CG. the boys to j and follow the ordinary dictates of this new credit our soldiers fighting j has been sent to Charles R. Crane, teeth while! the riehts of neutrals and non-bel-! on the Somme, in Courland, Poland , treasurer of the American Committee ligerents at sea." ! and Galicia, and in Transylvania and ' for Armenians and Syrian Relief, Now York. The local treasurer submits the. following reportj showing amount. received at the different stations: Offering at First Presbyterian Church . $5.co Lutz Drug Co., box :ir. First National Bank .. 2.55 Hickory Drug Co ,y; Hickory Bank and Trust Co 4S Hotel Huffry 93 Cash i'yo Total $14.GG QflDODDDDDDaODODQDDDDaDQDDDDDDaDaDDDDaaDD-IilDaaDDDDDDDODODaDDDDDDDDDIlQODODDDOOaDaaE m - r SELF FILLING PEN THE PEN THAT MAKES WRITING A PLEASURE W.afau.. C-W.V The STUDENTS PERFORMS BUSINESS HAN , PEN Hickory Drug Company, 2Kffl2T? The Rexal! Store, Phone 46. g Ou The boysok this as an invitation, g and inaugurated a raid on the rival party, with draped forces, the boys g marched over to the house, and like 2 the Ku Kluxes of old silently travers- S ed the rooms, leaving the ladies trans- 5 lixed with surprise. But the end q was not yet. The boys had scarce- g ly returned before a similar raid was g i.iade on them by the girls. It was gj an hilariously happy party and the gj boys departed with happy felicita- jig tions of the event. Q The S outh Bend Malleable Rartcre 6 Mr. Fred H. May of Leneir, edi tor of the News, was a business vis itor to Hickory today, and incidental ly received the thanks of many Hick ory citizens for the mani.-ei' in which ihis paper helped the fair. A White Lie Boston Transcript. Caller Is Mrs. Blank in? New Irish Maid No, ma'am, she's not at home, and may God forgive the awful lie I'm tellin' ye. (Slams the door). ow Abut Those Pictures I hat you have been laying away to be framed for Xmas. We have a big stock of molding and would be pleased to quote you prices. Bring Them in Early. THE VAN DYKE SHOP Meet me at the Book Store. notice the Public! Beginning Monday, October 2nd, the Catawba Co-operative Creamery will sell to its patrons in Hickory but ter and eggs at cost price. The sales will be between the hours of 1 and 3 p. m., and the terms will be strict ly cash. Remember the Time, Place and Terms CATAWBA CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY A. O. Mitchell, Mgr. John W. Robinson, Pres. CONFER WITH GREEK KING .Aens, Oct. 31. King Constan tine had a lengthy audience with the Russian and British ministers. An entente diplomat informs the Associated Press that a complete un derstanding, which "should arrange things much more satisfactorily for the king, Venizelos and ourselves" has heen reached with the Greek sov ereign. It is understood that as the Greek government continues to demon strate its willingness and ability to maintain order in Athens the French landing force will be withdrawn grad ually and the French control of the police, telephones and telegraphs and the railways also will be loosened. The strike on the Iarissa railway has been ended and the withdrawal of the Greek troops from Thessaly will begin promptly. SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs. Cbappell, of Five Years' Standing, Relieved by CarduL oet o r i jTnd fAs ooRind Ware ure Aluminum K f? K v & t.. r r . . r K Pi I C EL m m B B P P r. m t E i E-r t Bi m Bi I' I c B i; E f : t m i mi li It li K fc E. Mt. Airy, N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Chap- (ell of this town, says: "I suffered for ive years with womanly troubles, also stomach troubles, and my punishment was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about Cardui, the wo man's tonic, and I decided to try it. I had not taken but about six bottles until 1 was almost cured. It did me more D B Bt ood than all the other medicines I had me why I tried, put together, Mv friends beean asking looked so well, and I told them about i 1 . -1 f 1 . a.. . il.i-rr ,f " C-.IU Ul. OCVCIdl die liuvv ian.mg n. Do you, lady reader, suffer from any of Ihe ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backache, sideache, sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired feeling? If so. let us urge you to give Cardui a trial. We feel confident it will help you, fust as it has a million other women in the past half century. Begin taking Cardui to-day. Yo, won't regret it AU druggists. WrittUt. Chattanooe Medicine Co., turtles' Advisory Dept., Chattaiiooea. Tenn., for Sttcta. Instruction, on your cm and 64-pa.e book Home TrMUnu lor Worn-" ta plain wrapper. N.C. IS At the Price of the T?an0e aone - the ware is Jree Beginning Nov. 8, Ending Nov. 14, We Will Demonstrate 3 This offer is good during our Big Exhibit of The South Bend Malleable Range for one 3 week only. During that time an expert from the factory will be with us to demonstrate and 3 point out exclusive features and points of advantage The South Bend Malleable Range has 3 over any other range made. We know that you can be convinced The South Bend Mai- 0 3 Feable is tjie best range in the world. It is the only range with the Patented Keystone Cop- 3 per-Beanng Aluminum-Fused Rust-Resisting Flues throughout. It Looks Best, is Built Strong- I est, Bakes Best and Lasts Longest. Be sure to come and bring all your friends. Useful g 3 souvenirs will be given free. g Remember the date, Beginning Nov. 8, Ending Nov. 14 3 B Abemetlliy Hardware Co. j B onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnntt