HICKORY DAlLil ftC'Oiti Hickory Daily Record Publithrd by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday. TELEPHONE 167 S. H. Farabee - Editor II. M. Miller Adv. Mgr. Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed, will please i state in their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com rlaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City suh bribers should call 1C7 regarding cor iplainta. SUBSCRIPTION RATES A. h;,- iitif..nl nartics snent MR. HRADSIIAAV lO I'KMtH .something over three million dollars, AT FIRST BAPTIST .CHURCH but that dosen't include a few mil-, Bradshaw will fill the lions spent n county and state con-j tests. S morrow at 11 o'clock in the absence i of the pastor, Rev. Harte, who is Who oiitiht to bo the two most! siwav attending the funeral ol Airs The Red Feather Photoplay in 5 acts "'The Way of the Wond" will be good. See it at the Pastime Thursday November 2nd. nervous men in the about "ji.'IU Tuesday afternoon? United States C..W. Ellington at Crewe, va. ineie will be no services at nigm. U ralernai iiireetoiy ,The Hickory climate is a joy U months in the year. for )wt year .Six months ' t V msi v, r n t Vl II IVW ' . n One month One week $4.00 2.00 1.00 10 PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE. Entered as second-class matter Sep tember 11, 1915, at the postoflice at Hickory, N. C, under the act of March J, 1879. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS The weather has the fall. run a fair race all FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNES 4 ""WiillilliiiiiC! Hickory Lodge, BAD COLDS FROM LITTLE SNEEZES GROW OVER FIVE THOUSAND FOR WE II It IS CLAIMED By Being Constantly Supplied Wilb Thedford' Black-Drangul. m Ro.2C6,L0,0.F.I.r Many colds that hang on ail win-fn-r ofnrt with a sneeze, a sn.ffle, a sore throat, a tight chest. You knowj the symptoms of colds, and you know prompt treatment will break them up. r Dr. King's New Discovery, with "its soothing antiseptic balsams, has been breaking up colds and heal ing coughs of young and old for 47 years. Dr. King's New Discovery loosens the phlegm, clears the head, soothes the irritated membrane and makes breathing eas:er. At your Shelby, Nov. 4. The Democratic organization of the ninth congress ional district has prepared for the Daily News a formal statement, or forecast, of the result of the ap ,roaching election. Congressman fhis pace "with sick headache, anc g Webb is confident of his rejection by, st0mach trouble. M a very large majority. Ihe state-j T ears a0 a frjenij ,0-j me to tr Brother Odd Fellows invited Meets every Tuesdsi 7:30 Degree work e W. W. WILLIAMS, Secretary. McDuff, Va. "I suffered for several i7arc" savs Mrs. 1. 13. Whi taKcr, o' SiBi'::!!:; SATURDAY, NOV. 4. PJ16 THE ISSUE TUESDAY iNext Tuesday is election day throughout the United States and the voters will be called on to express their choice for oflicers from justice of the peace to president of the United States. Manifestly there can not be any great issues in county and state governments unless unusu al conditions have arisen to make a change in parties desired, and the country at large will not share the interest that will center in every lo cal contest. President Wilson and Mr. Hughes are together on the principal 'ssue, 'Americanism." Mr. Wilson has in sisted on the right of Americans to travel on belligerent merchant ships, has opposed an embargo on muni tions, and those issues were downed when they came before him. lie handled them. In addition to the claim that the president's foreign policy has kept the country out of crats are able to boast the comple tion of a legislative program that will make the president and his par-, ty famous for all time. The federal reserve act and the federal farm loan act appeal to thinking men through-' out the land, and party leaders are confident these measures will gain many thousands of votes. Mr. Hughes has declared for the right of Americans to travel on bel-j ligerent merchant ships and has an nounced positively that he w'll no in-j terfere with the munitions traffic. No-1 body who votes for him may expect! a change in the American policy. j V.'e know what Mr. Wilson has1 done. Mr. Hughes criticises the pres ident of the United States for a for tip!, jolicy that he says has not main twined American rights. Mr. Hughes says he would not rattle the sabre,, but he would sternly insist on the respect due this country. Both parties being almost togeth er on all questions of domestic pol icy, though we know campaigners de clare the contrary, the question sim rly is whether the people of the Unit ed States favor a more vigorous for eign policy, even though that would mean war, or whether they are will ing to allow our foreign affairs to he conducted as Mr. Wilson has been conducting them. Since Mr. Hughes in the last few days has come out openly for Ameri can rights, that alone can be the is sue. In the result next Tuesday, the world must judge the course of the United States during the rest of the war. The American people will pass on the question with their eyca open. mcnt, analyzing the situation from ; Ti1Plu.-,;ds Black-Draught, which 1 did: the Democratic viewpoint follows: j and j found it to be the best family medi- ''We predict that Mr. Crone will , cjne for young and old. W. get the following majorities in the j fc Black-Draught on hand all Ihe rf following counties: Mitchell, fiOU time now and when my children ieel 2 m Avery. 450 r Madison, r00; we predict bad thev ask me for a dose, andi S imi( .u . weou nin jvi in.- ii'iiun iii j (joes mem moregoou man any ii.vuii.ins majorities in me lonowinji i-ounuu.-s. Yancev, "(); Burke. 200; Catawba, t.-); Lincoln. 200: Gaston. 800; Cle- eland, 1,200; Mecklenburg. ",000, which gives a total of majorities for Mr. Greene, l,r50; and a total of ma jorities for .Mr. Webb of 5.800. Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr, O. U.A.M. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 P. M.. All vis't'ng brothers cordially invited. J. W. IJALLEW, Councilor M. G. QROLCII, Rec Sec'y. i The Chamber of Com merce can Help You Get Employment. We lind that the people of this:,ip., in;rp:iinn. co'ic. wind. district have attended the speakings j headache, sick stomach, and in the largest numbers that we have evmt,ton7S thinking more of the: ,. i. they ever tried We never have a long spell ol sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught is purely vegetable, and has been tound to regu wpalr sininaeh. aid digestion, rc- IUIV j - . ' nausea, siniilat fi The Chamber of Commerce has i sorne inquiries for additional help at Iff; ourfactories. All persons desiring t j employment can call at Chamber of H ! Commerce, and we will put them in touch with the shops needing help. A. K. JOY, Secretary Good B aeking Service. First Class Flunking Service means more than the mere safeguarding of "your funds. A progressive Bank must not only furnish the most ample protection for money or valuables left in its custody, but must meet every commercial requirement of the community. S The First National Bank of Hickory, N. C, with its large Cap ital and Surplus is in first position to take care of every legi timate requirement of this community, and solicits the accounts of firms and individuals, with the assurance of careful attention to the needs of its patrons, and excellent service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $300,000.00. Vor.r Per Cent. Interest On Savings pounded Quarterly. Hickory, N. C. Accounts, Com- iSISWI'WS ever seen, are importance of keeping our country out f ii nas ueen in conMdiu u&c iui wn. h hpnpfiled more . ... j.i 1 mail iv ytuu, of war, and they are expressing their , a milion people, gratitude to Mr. Wilson for succeed-1 v wt sells ?.nd recommends thus far. Of course, we hnd, .;; T,, n,,nM Prir nniv ?'c. (let a n great majority of the people i L.",.-.,-M r 1M ISP everv Friday night at members reqac-st- Kickorv Meets 3:00. All M to nite Vit-uuig Soverigns Invited U. A. MILLER, Clerk ing Wl ll-UI., f UMU. ,t,-l.nrilluTl,t. that a great majority of the people i tr.f.v are nappy over me present prices oi everything they have to sell and the j ...... ,,MI, ,.MTrc rpnv i,vt7yviT f., v,,; ,...u ti f.,r 'ASKS IOH OTLS LP). KECOKU mers rural ate deeply credits bill i ,i i rriwt ni 1 in tViA and the business! FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT men are happy over the federal re-jTo the citizens of Catawba County: serve system. Our people don't j j am asfcinK for Vour vote on elec- waut war and, reeardless of partv.;. . , ' , f ,, ,ir, , . ,1 tion (.lav upon v record tor law en- praying that such may be averted, and are expressing thanksgiving that Mr. Wilson has kept us out of it." NEW MUMMERS' DAY Tomorrow is new member's day in the Methodist Philathe.i class. (Ionic, and find out how welcome you will be regardless of whether yo.i are i rt ft rvy a ty w nn 1 vi r ii war, the Demo-, ,,,. n v;t(,P forcement in the County court. I promise that if I am elected, the guilty shall be punished and the in nocent in this court shall be pro tected. Yours very respectfullv, C.' 11. ME BANE. i 11 u n n .9 Hickory Ledge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. R -gular fommunicatiop Mon day eve.iing, Oct. 30, at 8 p. m. Beth'-en cordially inviteJ to be present, .f. W. SI1UFORD, W. M. B. T. AFPLEGATE, Sec'y, Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up bysr The Old Standard general strenthef in" GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, dm .: r Malaria.enrichestUeblood.and builds up the tern. A true tonic. For adults nud children. 5uc l"1 rrm Cak e: W," have Raisins, Currents, Citron, Orange and Lemon Feel. Dales, Spices, Almonds, Walnuts. Make your cakes and Mince Meat now. We have fresh daily, oysters. Cranberries, Lettuce and Celery. Try Ferndale rolled white Oats. Larv? p.u-kagc, '1 for 25c. w nitener &l lviariio, "Sell For Less Profit." f 1 n 4-V y: if -1 R; i. n i II iA AN EVENT IN WEST HICKORY The formal opening of the assembly hall Friday night in West Hickory was an occasion worthy of note. The owners of the Ivey Cotton Mills had erected a meeting place for their em- p.oycs, equipped it with three shower baths and a small swimming pool and made it a center where young and old will like to congregate. Capt. II. W. Warner, superintendent of the mm, was given a full measure of praise by his overseers and others for his interest in the practical welfare of the village, and a note of civic pride was sounded throughout the evening. It was the pleasure of the Record man to be present. Captain Warner has been hcra not quite three years, but in that time he not only has won a warm place in the affections of the employes, but of the people gen erally. Some magnificent chrysan themums, grown by him where the old road used to run, were shown to demonstrate the practicability o. flow fcr culture in this country, and Captain Warner hopes to make West Hickory a model village in every particular. The Germans refuse to celebrato over the arrival of the Deutschland. They were handed a report that he Hremcn had reached the United States, celebrated the event lavishly and awoke to learn that they had been dreaming. Sh'ce the Republican campaign committee had other uses for it3 money, the results in North Caroli na may be said to be achieved by lo cul sinews. Only one more day before the elec tion not counting Sunday. OWING TO THE ENORMOUS INCREA SE in the prices on all ingredients, used in the Baking of Bread, Cakes and Pies, I will have to increase the price on bread to 6c per loaf, rools and cakes to 12c per dozen. Best grades of flour have advanced 75 per cent since July 1. Patronize hoiv.z industry and watch us grow when we get into the new building built especiaUy for my use on 9th Ave., with im proved oven and machinery and a perfect sanitary place. Effective November 1st 1916, CITY BAKERY9 Phone 235. Sold Tetter, fections only by THALd MARK ECZEMA REMEDY on u guarantee for Eczema. Salt Rheum, and similar af- 1 Professional 1 Cards Dr. W. B. Ramsay Dentist Office over Shuford's Drug Store. Hickory, N. C, Drs. Hicks & Hicks DENTISTS Omce Phune 194, Residence 318 OfSce in Masonic BcildLig. 61 m m m a a a m m SAVE AND LEARN. Young man, if you want to become a leader in the world's af fairs, save a part of the salary you now earn, keep your eyes on the future and study your business. Men who make good burn the mid-night oil--at home with their books and plans. PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN OUR CARE. so that you may have funds on hand to grasp business opportu nity when it comes your way. ay. Your big desire will be real zed sooner if yea start a Savings Account Here. ickorv Banking & Trust Co. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. ES 13 f! 61 II R SI Bt m u n a m iA Dr.Chas. L Hunsucker M D. Office over Shuford's Drag Start HICKORY. N. C. Residence 825 15th Ave. Phufce l2 Office 26 Kout3 3 :3G-E p. m.t 7-8 p. rn. Calls answered at All Hours THE HICKORY HARNESS CO. 5ianufaciurerr of all kinds of HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES AND STRAP WORK. Repairing a Specialty. Hickory, N. C Dr; ..Glenn G. Scott DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Ia Wood) OFFICE OVER BUSY BEE CAFE AND KENNEDY ELECTRIC CO of the skin and scalp, us, 50c and $1.00. HICKORY DRUG Hickory, N. C. CO. The 0.uini!?3 That I Because or its tonic tive bromo qui;; ri3 Kct ftffact Ths fteaci !k! lri3?.tive efftct, LAXA. iiK is better than ordinary catidu nervousness nor ringiug in head. Remember the lull name and look tor th2 sigratuts of E. W. GROVE. ! I .TOW" bervice. SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARKIEA OF THE SOUTH WEST HOUND EAST BH-v 21 11 13 I 85 I 86 I 12 ! IS , um pin am l am ' ' am pm pm di I j i ! 4:3o 11:08112:30, NEW YORK fi :00.l :4-14 :45l 6:r,2 1 :2n.S:30 W. PlllLADf.LFHfA. Pa. .3:40111 :l?.-2 :15 0:20 -3:li3L6:05 KAI.TI.MORK, Md. 1 :14! :05 12 :00l 10:46 4:b6jl0:05 WASHINGTON (ET) 11 :30 -7 :4ullO:4C! 2:80 9:10 6 :30 9 :30j SALISBURY 11:25 7:4!)!11:60 2 :1S 2:6G 9:35 6:65: 92 BAKHElt 11:00 7:iS;ll:20 1 :5 3:00 9:40 9:57 Clevolan.i 10:5i 7:10 1:40 3:10 9:50 10:07 Klinwood 7 :0 1:S0 8:25 10:05 7.24 10:26 STATES VILLI. 10:35 :4510-50! 1:16 8:3H:10:2O Eufola 6:25 1:00 8:48J10:31 ;i0:48 CRtawla 10:05 U?:60 3:68110:43 10:58 Claremont C 7 Vt :40 4:0811:00 8:05 11:10! NEWTON 9:46 5 :55 10 :04 12 :2S 4:12 11:03 8:08 11:13 Conov.r 5:52 9:59 12:25. 4:20 1 I Oyarna 12-iS 4:82!11:20 8:25 11:321 HICKORY 9:30 5:34 9:44il2r00 4:40111:28 8:31H1:39 Hildebran 5 -23 9:38 11:48 4:50 11:40 8 :45lll :50f Connelly SprinKfc 19:10 5:20 9:30 11 :40 4:69111:47 8:50ll:66 Vuldcse I 5:10 9:2c!ll:H0 5:06;ll:54 8:C712:00 Drexcl 8:57 5 :.5 9:15111:22 6:17 12:06 9:10jl2:10 Morsranton 8:47 4:55 9.16 11:1S 6:231 9:15 Calvin 8:F8!l :04 6:30ll2:16 9:2212:20 "Glen Alpine 8:36 4:45 8:55111:00 6:40112:25 9:35 12:30 Britl-iewater 4:85 8:45!10-60 6:6012:35 9:45 12:40; tieho 4:25 8:35110-40 5:58 12:41 9:50 C. C. ft O. Crossing 4:18 8:28I10 ?.5 :05 12:48 10:00 12:52 MARION 8:05 4:10 S:20ll0'30 6:11? 10:16 1:02 Grerlee 4:00 8:10 10:15 6:80 1:15 10:30 1:15 Old Fort 7:45 3:50 8:0010:06 8:50 10:48 Graphltovi'.Ie 7 :2S 3:27 7:38 9-47 7:05 1:50 11:07 1:50 Ridgecrest 7:15 3:15 7:25 9-35 7 :20 2:00 11:20 1:58 Black Mountain 1 7:10 3:05 7:20 9-30 7:30 2:10 11:50 2:08 SwBnnanoa 2:64 7:10 9-20 7:40 2:20 11:40 2:1? Azalea 6:48 2:45 7:00 9:10 7:50 2:30 11:50 2:80 BILTMORE 6:38 2:36 6:52 9-00 8:00 2:40 11:6W 2:40 ASHEVILLE (ET) 6:30 2:25 6-45 8:G0 I i I I HICKORY CONOVER AND NEW TO N Schedule Leave Hickory 8:20 a. m. I Leave Hickory 10:20 a. m. j Leave Hickory 2:30 p. m. 'Leave Hickory 4:30 p. m. 'Leave Hickory 8:30 p. m. , Leave Newton 7 :20 a. m. Leaye Newton 9:20 a. m. Leave Newton 1:30 p. m Leave Newton ." 3:30 r. m. Leave Newton 7:30 p. m Newton to Hickory 10c New'ton to Conover 10c Newion to Hickory 35c I Hickory to Conover 25i 'Hickory to Newton 35c 'Our Motto: Good Service. CAROLINA MOTOR CO. R. Lee Hewitt, Manager, Newton, N. C. J. Gaither Bonniwel ARCHITECT ELLIOTT BILDING HICKORY N. C. Marcus E, Hidl, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Pslroer School Graduate OFFICE HOURS 3:30 to 5:30 and 7 to 8 P. M. Consultation arid Analysis Free 1029 Thirteenth Street Subsc ;!- to Lie Hickory Daily Recrrd S' m T " 7 nassis Roadster Touring Car Effective Aug., 1, 1916. iicKory :lliott building F. O. B. Detroit arage Co. PRICES. $325 345 - 360 PHONE 225 Want Ads in the Record bring Results v. h I i 3 it mm Lruugu Tnke San-Tox R. W. Wolfe's VETERINARY HOSPITAL 915 Ninth Avenue. Laxative Cold Tablets, and Pine Balsam, Menthol and Eucalypvs. Guaranteed to -check your cold and cough. Get it at i PK one Juu S & MURPHY, Druggists "ON Opposite Post Office THE CORNER" r ( See Us for Good Printing j THE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor Fiist-Class York Guaranteed Phone 106, Work Delivered 1032 14th street Hickory, N. C. Next to Fir?t Buildin & Loan office. SHORT 5 j III , II w i QUICK SERVICE; NOTICE We can furnish FLORAL DESIGNS. Agents for Van Lindly Company. Cut Flow ers any tan. n ixiTNEtt & MARTIN Hickory Manufacturing Company, Hickory, North Carolina. ; Manufacturer of I SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER, ETC. I FINE HARDWOOD VORK A SPECIALTY H Send us your plans for estimates. Write for Catalogue and Prices HESTER S PILLS : ihiii mI Ask lour r. "THE SANITARY WAY" PHONE 190 Clothes Altered. Cleaned, Pressed, Dyed and Repaired CITY PRESSING CLUB li!-lnH-.-r'H Din in. in.i TtnA A I'llls in p! and ;.,It metallicW i""1". sealed v.ith Blue Ribbon. Inke no otntr. lSy nP your V KOjD l!UANi PILLS, oi 25 oars k.iown os !est, Safes,t. Alwavc K.i;,v. SOLD 8Y C.'&GGiSIS EVERYWHERF OR. MFRED VI DULA EVESi'IiCIALAST j&0fcJO SEE BETTER mmZ ccs nut a fess?' rears Exnericnce The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fined Exclusively &ARTISI OLDOK, LEKOiR, H. If y,u ttnt it fr,vn PUT. A. It's I' JUalit V XrCii I'Ai-KU i'!)R DAXiiS. I $4.00 a Year in Advance J. D. Elliott, President and Treasure J. Worth Elliott, V.-Pres. L. M. Elliott. Secretary Elliott Building Company Incorporated. For all classes of construction. Estimates furnished cheerfully. Fine or ganization ano best equipped contractors in the South. HICKORY, N. O