HEnnDnDODnnDnacnanannsscBaQanncnnnaaa " .,-r.f,r,-innnnnnnnnnRaaoo!ssaraHGaF3ssssi3S3SBnnnncnnanann5Dnsnni Q D Q B a a a a a e 9 be 8 cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnHHUUU"""M"M'"JM im .1 1 -A Fine Girt r or JBirmaay . II II II II u n II II II Watermans Ideal Fountain Pens Phone 48, We Deliver Our Big Line Van Dyke Shop , V: i. I Z nnnnnnnnnHnnniiDDHflBgniinDaaniHiDnEanannnnnEBaBBBSBnEaBBEBrBBEiaiEEEBBBtiBBaaBaiinnnnanannnnna gmmmmMiiiiiiiiiinttuttTMinM;nm 1 vnss n r KZLUKU WAN1S FOR SALE OVERLAND TOUR- in Car with electric lights and trtpr. In uood condition. Aber- nethy Hardware Company. tf FOR SALE NICE CHICKENS dressed or undressed. Orders filled at all tiems. Mrs. L. V. Poovey Phone 55-L 10-23-1 mo WANTED! WANTED! YOUR OLD Auto Casings. Will pay 4c per pound for them, cash. And all kinds of junk and rags. In the basement of Moretz-Whitener Clo thing Company on Trade avenue, Hickory, N. C. J. Henry Hill, Mgr., D. L. Martin, Sec.-Treas. 10-28 tf STRAYED YOUNG HEIFER CALF Owner may get same by paying for this ad and feed. Apply at Record office. 10 28 tf LOST ONE PACKAGE OF UN derwear, etc. Reward if returned to Setzer and Russell's. Albert Pruett. 10-30-tf WHEN THE WAR IS OVER Relations of I'.eUigerents as Finan cial London Foresees Them j London Corespondence in New York ! Evening Post. ( It is only natural that, at times , such as these, and amidst the heat of ! war, there should be much talk of: a fierce crusade, even when peace ar rives, aguinst all kinds of German in terests. I need scarcely say. how-; ever, that in common with the United States, the Iflitish are far too com-; mon sense and practicable a people to carry what might be termed person al animosity into business life. Whfu, however, is going to tell against Ger many in the future is not bitter hate on the part of her recent enemies, but something much more serious and! lasting. This is profound distrust, it is something which can only be dis-; polled by Germany herself. As sober and conservative people, see it, the question' at issue still is ; whether Germany will yet work out her own regeneration. That is for the German people to decide. For, many years the German people have; been the welcome guests of every civ -1 ilized part of the world, and not least ; of Great Dritain. What use was; made of that hospitality and of the trust which is. represented, the pres-; ent war goes to show. If Germany' desires to make her chief claim to power in the future her capacity for: cromoting the requirements of the, outside world, then it is up to Ger-' many to show that her power in that direction is sufficient even to quell : the powers of Prussia. irou neve: YOU JUST MARK MY WORD, THAT JIMMY MC01IIRE BOY IS GOING TO TURN OUT BAP, H'S niwAYS LEADING THAT GANG ON TO ALL KINDS P ON THUL. -marjE A., w . V ' r- ir-T ( i Guess t , A YOU'RE RI5HT J JmB f M TO J ( C J ' jL. FOR SALE five Pigs. ABOUT L. L. MOSS THIRTY- 01 31 tf WANTED FIFTY THOUSAND feet 4-4 and 5-4 knotty pine boards. Southern. Desk Co. 11-2-lwk WANTED 200 CORDS OF FOUR foot wood delivered to A. A. Shu ford Mill Company in Highland. $2.75 a cord. 11 6 tit LOST 12 DOLLARS IN GREEN- backs. One 10 and one 2 dollar bill on Main street. Finder re turn to Record office. Reward. ll-6-2t pd CON. DOUGHTON OF 8th DISTRICT RE-ELECTED INFANTILE I'RALYSIS "Is there anything that can be done for a child who has had infantile: paralysis and who has been left a cripple?" To this question asked of the state board cf health the follow ing reply is given: "Mnch can be done through per sistently massaging the affected A'UiscIes. A prominent physician of 1 1 his country says that bv manipula tion, if begun in time, shrinking of the limbs can often be prevented. The time to begin the manipulation of the affected limbs is as soon as the tern-, perature returns to normal. In mild cases it is possible lo begin massage; with'n two weeks of the onset of the: disease; in more severe cases it should; not be begun till after the tender str.ge is passed, but it should not be i darned latev than three months. few years au'o it was taujrli vrWWWWNy" M SWV. I m&r mm m f a a a as m I COPYRIGHT igib: NTION)L CARTOON SeRVCE CO3- V. r V-H' W) 1 J A RETURN SPECIAL jrmes mmt I ELECTcP GOVERNOR 5 000 miORWf STATC 7Uf?NS 07 iQyoir ) t-ui i COPYRIGHT igib. NATION fi 'I Cflf?TOOV SSRVCS COKP- M Y 130 YEARS AFTER iUJ "ft v j9 Q l-AROLINA & NORTH-W KSTERx itney 5crvicc. ; nme card n- i . i HICRORY sCONOVER AND NEW-1 'No. 10 N, t TO N Northbound ! Pa6s ' pBss Pailv i 'v u. Schedule i , 1 C " Leave Hickory 8:20 .a. m. ; Chester " "Mam .Leave Hickory 10:20 a. m. York lv 8 29aia 2 -.w Leave Hickory 2:30 p. m. Oastonia 1 vj J 24am' 5 4Vt m Leave Hickory 4:30 p. m. Lincolnton Lv.i 0 20am' ;l2itm Leave Hickory 8:30 p. m. Newton i-v!l0 55amj 7 08p- Leave Newton 7:20 a. m. ! Hickory Lvlll 40am' 7 yllti Leave Newton 9:20 a. m. i Lenoir J-v12 4'pmi 8 ;'.5: 3 Leave Newton 1:30 p. m Mortimer Lv!3 2pm Leave Newton :JU p. m. 1 n.oecr.nt v AiO-pnv Leave Newton 7:30 p. ni. Newton to Hickory lc.: No 9 v - New'ton to Conover 10c F:-i!thh..iinH Put. Newion to Hickory 35c !, Daily " Ex Sun Hickory to Conover 25i; ! ; H'ckory to Newton 35c pAtremor t Lvllrosn' Our Motto: Good Service. Mortimer Lvlll 13am CAROLINA MOTOR (fti&EEv fg Lincolnton Lvl 3 43f.rn" f 2t?nj - ww .. ft nppfnnis Lv. ' R. Lee Hewitt, Manager, r;a5t0nia Lv 5.oopm io.ooam Vork Lvl 46pm ?fiOaTT, IVev ton, IN, C raT Oiere is great satisfaction in knowirthat you have the best vhe cwmer of a HEAD-OFF THAT ALL-WINTER COUGH Chamber' im's Cough Remedy Effectual. Most Milleh's Antiseptic Oil known as MAKE OIL At the first sign of sore throat, tight chest or stuffed-up head take a dose of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. ti nt if the case had been neulc-ted : The heal:n P'me-tar, soothing honey every time it has Raleigh, Nov. 8. State Democratic f, v six months there was no hone of , ad glycer'ne quickly relieves the Chairman Thomas D.Warren, declar-i i,.-:,icvement. The teaching of the congestion, loosens the phlegm and ru a, iiiiuiugui, Hint vuiij;iessmaii p:'t ienc time t.ictt intelligent, per L. Doughton of the Eighth district1 sict'r.t, patient, passive motion, mnn is r-elected over his opponent, H. S ipulatlon, .r.&aKc and muscle train-Wil.-.nms, Republican by a majority jr w;n i.raativ improve some case; of about 1,500. tK;t have been n.'giected for yenrs. : T ice 16 no magic about the treat- TO LEAD PRAYER MEETING ' ment; only patient, persistent mani- jpulation of the affected muscles will Rev. J. G. Garth has been called by get results." wire to a meeting of the directors of Lecs-Macrae Institute, and Rev. C. breaks up youa- coldt Dn Bell's PineTar-Honey has ail the benefits of the healino; aroma from a pine for est, it is pleasant to. take and anti septic. The formula on the bottle tells why it relieves colds and coughs. At your Druggist, 25c. Tl r will limber you up; A new creation, "I liave taken a great many bottles! antiseptic and pain killer combined, of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and For ..tiff and swollen joints, aches cured me. I have ! ana Pa-ns, culs aim uuma. ouuuiu uc c 1 :t i yt 1 -ff " - v J - 7 couuh and for'colds. After taking it; a" cough always disappears," writes ' NOTICE J. R. Moore, Lost Valley, Ga. Ob tainable every where. Grand, iNveKTSD Grand or Placer Piano has this satisfaction. C. M. Hardin, Sole Agent. Hickory, North Carolina, 1348 Union Square .;50c at Hickory Drug Co M and W OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT ATTACHMENT To Cure a Cold In One Dav A. Munroe, v. u., win Jead the pray- Take laxativi-: bromo Quinine, it stois the cr meeting tonight. Mr. Garth will 0UKh. and eJache and works off the cow. rorum Thui-oflav nUrt Druggists refund money if it fails to cure return i nuraday night. g. w. grovk's signature ou each box. :5c t.id uuimns mat cues Not Attest ine naai Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA IIVK BROMOQUININKis betterthan ordinaiy Quinine and does not cause nervousness not linKir.K in head. Remember the full npme anc' took for the signature of K. W. GROVK. 2So North Carolina, Catawba County. In Catawba County Court J. B. Gibbs and J. W. Blackwelder, TT . , , c j j. ' partners trading as City Feed Co., Under and bv virtue of an order of r s J ' COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN SOUTHERN PORTION OF HICKORY. vs S, C. Cornwell The defendant above named will r Where the Southern's Money Goes JN the ten years ending June 1, 1916, the Southern Railway Company deposited in the banks in the South the sum of $809,653,804. In 1915 the entire deposits in all banks in the South amounted to $887,764,357. Thus the deposits of the Southern Railway in ten years approximately equal the entire deposits in all Southern banks in 1915. The money of the Southern Railway stays in the South, where it is used in the development of the territory served and in the upbuilding of the service rendered. The welfare of the South and of the Southern Railway are one. The Southern Serves the South" 1 the Superior Court of Catawba coun ty, made in the special proceeding entitled B. B. Blackwelder, adminis trator of Viney Cain vs. Wallace Cam take notice that a summons in the and others, heirs at law, the under- above entitled action was issued ! signed commissioner will, on Saturday against said defendant on the 2nd day ! the 25th day of November, 1916, at 0f October, 1916, by J. T. Setzer, Gerk j twelve o'clock, noon, in front of the 0f the Catawba County Court, for I First National Bank in Hickory, North the sum of $222.63, jdue said plain Carolina, offer for sale to the high- tiffs by account of goods sold and est bidder for casn, that certain lot delivered and by contract and agree and dwelling situate in the southern ment, which summons is returnable to part of the city of Hickory, adjoin- said Catawba County Court on the mg the lands of Hattie Mutz, James 8th day of November, 1916, at New Adams, deceased, and Jas. Hender- 'ton, N. C. son, and more particularly described The "defendant will also take notice as follows: that a warrant of attachment was is- FUginnmg at Evahne King's cor- sued by the clerk of said court on ner (now James Adams' corner), and the said 2nd day of Ocotber 1916, r.ms West 5 poles to a stake; thence agains; the property of the said def en South 7 poles to a rock; thence East dant, which warrant is returnable be o poles to a rock on Hattie Shuford's fore the said court, at the time and (flattie Mutz') line; thence 7 poles to place above named for the return of the begmnmg. Being and lying in the summons, when and where the de tne southern part of the city of.fendant is required to appear and Hickory, and known as the Viney Cain answer or demur to the comp'-aint, o house and lot t the relief demanded will be granted This the 24th day of October, 1916. This the 6th day of October, 1916 ' RICHARD II. SHUFORD, I T T RTCtVft? ' Commissioner clerk County Court, Catawba County ! 7 J' fi z 1 5ss I 10-25-lt Wed H A m if i to P X' 1 eL THK REJffiDY WITHOUT A RE GRET. FOR RHEUMATISM AND BLOOD DISORDERS There is an L-Rheumo dealer in your town he will g-lve your money back If you are not benefited. Look for the Big N. B. We would prefer that you buy L-Rhumo from our regular Dealers, but if for any reason, you would rather purchase by mail, we will send L-Rheumo to you Parcels Post Prepaid, on receipt of $1.00 per bottle. MONEY.BACX GUARANTEE enclosed in each Carton. CHAPMAN-ALEXANDER LABORATORIES, Inc. 805 Commercial Bank Building. CHARLOTTE, S. C. mm iP VS-S ?f"- L-Rheumo is now on sale under an absolute Money back Guarantee Satisfaction, by our Distributor for Hickory, LUTZ DRUG STORE - wsltl MW1 Call for it by name: L-Rheumo. $1.00 per bottle, no more, no less. Ta.;e no substitute. L-Rheumo Kit is oifered for any other price, it I i r--':- i .. . i i .- . : i ' ' ' i . : ; h '! , ,., i i j i f - 3 - ,. i ' "a i i. " . - ' 1 ,)c -..;;! i;T,.i.-' ' - : -, Ghero-Coia I ;" a universal favorite iksd cause it is I Sold only in labeled bottles 'i IYou will enjov its unifoirm flavor, j and trie certainty of its cleanliness. i !z rot T.-R'- "O.

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